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2020年7月15日 安保局経済班の拡充,中国の一帯一路が進める軍事経済文化









◆200715 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/32i85If
新型コロナウイルスのパンデミック(世界的大流行)や新彊ウイグル自治区のウイグル人の収容問題、今もくすぶり続けている貿易摩擦や関税の問題もあり、米中関係は既に緊張状態にあった。 さらにマイク・ポンペオ国務長官は7月13日、中国が南シナ海で主張 ...

◆200715 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2CFatxG
米、ドルで中国締め上げ 香港巡り8つの金融制裁検討
中国企業の貿易決済を担うだけでなく、新興・途上国でのインフラ投資など「一帯一路」事業の資金の出し手だからだ。 ... 米当局は対北 ...

◆200715 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZrxVHP
新型コロナウイルス感染症(新型肺炎)、新疆ウイグル人権問題に続き、南シナ海領有権紛争が米中葛藤の争点に浮上した。 マイク・ポンペオ米国務長官は13日(現地時間)、「中国の南シナ海海洋資源開発は完全に不法」という立場を明らかにした。米戦略 ...

◆200715 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3j4zaV9
あと2週間ほどで今年の中国政局のクライマックスになる「北戴河会議」の季節がやってくる。 一般的に「会議」と呼ばれるが、それはあくまで非公式な意見交換の場でしかない。国家主席、習近平(シー・ジンピン、 ...

◆200715 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/2Candws
米中貿易協議における「第1段階の合意」が結ばれてから、7月15日でちょうど半年になる。 ところが、6月末に中国政府が「香港国家安全維持法」を成立・施行させ、香港から「高度な自治」「一国二制度」を事実上、剥奪したことにアメリカが反発。対中圧力を ...

◆200715 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2OnuHin
防衛白書に中国反発「でっちあげ」 “歴史カード”も持ち出す(産経 ...
また趙氏は、中国による南シナ海における海洋資源権益の主張が完全に違法だとしたポンペオ米国務長官の声明に対して「南シナ海の主権問題について立場をとらないとする米政府の公約に違反する」と批判。 米政府が台湾に地対空誘導弾パトリオット(PAC3)を ...

◆200715 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2OrA6oI
これまで中国の一帯一路のサイバー空間、教育について見てきた。今回は民間企業、社会信用システム、軍事についてご紹介したい。 中国政府と民間企業との連携は密接. 中国において ...



◆200715 ITmedia https://bit.ly/30aeGlp
非効率な石炭火力を廃止し再エネ導入を拡大――経産省が新たな ...
温暖化対策の観点から、国際的に逆風を受ける石炭火力発電。日本でも非効率な石炭火力の廃止を促し、再生可能エネルギーの導入拡大を促す新たな制度設計の議論がスタートした。 経済産業省は2020年7月13日、梶山弘志経済産業大臣が打ち出した石炭 ...

◆200715 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2CzZ4iY
脱石炭戦略 縦割りの弊害
世界の脱石炭の潮流が日本も巻き込み始めた。政府は9日、石炭火力発電所の輸出支援条件を厳格化する方針を打ち出した。小泉進次郎環境相が満を持して打ち出した政策だ。それでも評価と戸惑いの声が交錯する。支援条件を巡って経済産業省との見解の ...

◆200715 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3j3sxm3
バングラLNG火力に690億円融資 3メガバンクなど
政府はバングラデシュで液化天然ガス(LNG)火力発電を支援する。国際協力銀行(JBIC)や3メガバンクなどが690億円を協調融資する。政府系の日本貿易保険(NEXI)が貸し倒れリスクをカバーする。経 ...

◆200715 ロイター https://bit.ly/3fwkCvc
[上海 14日 ロイター] - 中国で記録的な大雨による洪水や土砂災害の被害が広がるなか、長江にある巨大な三峡ダムの治水効果に改めて懐疑的な目が向けられている。



◆200715 ロイター https://bit.ly/3fw8udU
[上海 14日 ロイター] - 中国で記録的な大雨による洪水や土砂災害の被害が広がるなか、長江にある巨大な三峡ダムの治水効果に改めて懐疑的な目が向けられている。

◆200715 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/30cJ2Uk
中国最大の湖も三峡ダムも武漢も…水位上昇止まらず 中国で大洪水は起きるのか?(FNNプライムオンライン)
省内では堤防が決壊し、周辺が冠水する被害も出ている。当局は全省で戦時状態に入ったと警戒を強める。 南部の湖南省でも中国第2の淡水湖・洞庭湖が警戒 ...

◆200715 livedoor https://bit.ly/38Y2GaH
中国で洪水の恐れ強まる ネットには三峡ダムに関して不安を煽る情報も
特に関心が向けられるのは、長江中流域・湖北省宜昌市にある世界最大級の三峡ダムだ。 中国メディアによると、12日現在で洪水の警戒水位を6.48m超えている。6月末から放水を始めているが ...

◆200715 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3j0R6A2
中国原油輸入、6月は過去最高 価格急落時の購入分が影響 ...
1─6月の輸入量は2億6875万トン。日量換算では前年同期比9.9%増の1078万バレルとなった。 中国の製油所は4月の原油価格 ...

◆200715 亜州ビジネス中国 https://bit.ly/2WkI33n
中国:6月電力消費は6.1%増、第3次産業7%増など 会員限定. 経済・統計. 全国の電力消費が前年同期比で1ケタ台のプラス成長で推移している。今年6月の電力消費は、前年同期比6.1%増の6350億キロワット時(kWh)に伸びた。プラス成長は3カ月連続と ...

◆200715 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3fy8gCQ
中国・長江周辺で「観測史上類を見ない」大豪雨(森さやか ...
これはこのダムの61年の歴史の中で、初めてのことです(※)。 さらに江西省にある中国最大の淡水湖・ポヤン湖の水位が13日、観測史上最高となる22.6メートルに達しま ...


◆200715 Argus Media https://bit.ly/3eCgglj
China’s power consumption increases in June
China's power consumption increased in June, supported by rising electricity consumption in the industrial and service sectors. But higher hydropower output may have curbed the increase in coal-fired generation. China's total power consumption rose by 6.1pc from a year earlier to 635TWh in June, the national energy administration (NEA) said. ... But some hydropower units at the Three Gorges dam have been temporarily closed in order to minimise any discharge of water that could ...

◆200715 The Australian Financial Review https://bit.ly/38Xodjv
Pain for coal miners as China buys local
Chinese power generators are paying 60 per cent more to buy coal from Chinese mines rather than from exporters such as Australia, ... Thermal coal prices have more than halved over the past two years and Whitehaven Coal said on Tuesday that the murky outlook ... those producing the type of coal Australia has traditionally sold to China, coal with energy content of 5500 kilocalories per kilogram.

◆200715 Reuters https://reut.rs/2ZrKP8Q
Record floods raise questions about China's Three Gorges Dam
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - As China counts the costs of its most punishing flood season in more than three decades, the role played by the massive and controversial Three Gorges Dam - designed to help tame the Yangtze river - has come under fresh scrutiny. Amid some of the heaviest ... The project's need to generate electricity has also undermined flood control, he said. “When people only consider ...

◆200715 Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide https://bit.ly/2ZuFca0
China’s oil demand gradually recovers amidst deteriorating geopolitics
After a 6.8 percent GDP decline in the first quarter, industrial output and power generation have grown year-on-year since ... ESAI Energy warns that this latter set of indicators are evidence that oil demand is much weaker than implied demand for May suggest. Meanwhile, China's deteriorating geopolitics raises the prospect of disruptions to trade. ... Here are 4 Signs the World is Embracing Natural Gas.

◆200715 Middle East Eye https://bit.ly/2Cc60D0
How Iran-China deal could alter the Middle East's balance of ...
By giving China a permanent foothold in Iran, the agreement would enhance Beijing's regional position and ... Economist suggests that Iran is set to grant huge concessions to China, including significant discounts on oil and gas, and the ability ... make Iran highly dependent on China economically, while Beijing would acquire a large and secure source of energy, ... Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal and imposed new and crushing sanctions on Iran, including on the sale of its oil.



◆200712 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/327LVZ9
政府が石炭火力発電所の輸出支援の条件を厳格化する。政府系金融機関を通じた融資などの公的支援は、相手国の脱炭素化に向けた政策転換への関与を条件に、高効率設備の輸出に限って実施する。環境対策の方針が確認 ...


◆200712 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3fqiJAk
Indonesia and Philippines are smart to make nuclear power ...
Current plans, based on fossil fuels, will inevitably increase ASEAN's dependence on imported coal, oil and gas, which ... it more competitive with conventional power sources, and almost all ASEAN countries are promoting renewable energy.

◆200712 Casper Star-Tribune Online https://bit.ly/3fmKQAe
Could Japan's plan to retire 100 coal units hurt the Powder River Basin?
Nonetheless, energy operators mining in Wyoming's Powder River Basin have hoped to export coal to countries across ... Hiroshi Kajiyama, said the country would consider phasing out 100 of its older coal-fired power plant units by 2030. ... In recent years, Japan's shortage of domestic energy resources has led the country to increase its reliance on coal and natural gas coming from abroad. ... As it stands, Japan imports an overwhelming majority of it coal from Australia and Indonesia.

◆200712 Macau Business https://bit.ly/3j11lEH
Japan to limit financing of overseas coal power plants
Japan said it would tighten rules for investment in foreign coal-fired power stations on environmental grounds, but stopped ... “There are developing nations in the world that can only choose coal as an energy source,” he said. ... for over US$4.8 billion in financing for coal power plants abroad — particularly in Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. ... The appetite for coal-fired plants increased significantly after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident following the 2011 tsunami.

◆200712 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3emrhXI
40 Ministers from around the world gather to address the ...
Ministers participating in the Summit included those from the world's largest energy consumers: Minister Zhang Jinhua of ... Africa, Secretary Rocío Nahle of Mexico, Minister Arifin Tasrif of Indonesia, and Deputy Prime Minister Ribera of Spain. ... Electrification wherever possible, to replace the uses of gas, coal and oil by the direct use of electricity produced from ... by 2050, Europe needs to transform its energy system, which accounts for 75% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions.

◆200712 Market Research Publicist https://bit.ly/3eousOq
Global Philippines Solar Pv Power Market Analysis and ...
The research report provides a comprehensive breakdown of all the major factors impacting the market on a global and regional scale, including drivers, constraints, intimidation, challenges, opportunities, and industry-specific trends. Further, the ...



◆200714 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3gZ4pPs
ホーチミン市の交通インフラ、実行率は16% ベトナム・運輸
ベトナム・ホーチミン市は、2018~20年に交通インフラ案件85件の実施を計画していたが、これまでに完成したのは14件で、実行率は16%にとどまった。11日付ダウトゥ電子版が報じた。 市人民評議会の会議で、レ・ミン・ドゥク議員は遅れの原因について、資金 ...

◆200714 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3fqUK4b
ニントゥアン省:ニョンハイ太陽光発電所が竣工. 2020/07/13 14:54 JST配信. PR. 【ドメイン・メール・ウェブ・サーバー・クラウド】なら日系のチロロネットベトナムへ. 南中部沿岸地方ニントゥアン省ニンハイ郡ニョンハイ村(xa Nhon Hai, huyen Ninh Hai)で9日、 ...

◆200714 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2OlDykx
BOT火力発電事業、工事進むが問題も ベトナム・電力・ガス・水道
ベトナムで、外国企業が事業主となって建設しているBOT(建設、運営、譲渡)方式の火力発電所案件4件は、稼働開始時期が近付きつつあるものの、それぞれ問題を抱えている。12日付ダウトゥ電子版が報じた。 ハイズオン火発(北部ハイズオン省)は、1号機 ...

◆200714 カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ https://bit.ly/3gVJKMf
今後の経済成長を後押しするため対外債務の多様化が課題 ...
カンボジア王立アカデミーのエコノミスト、ホン・ヴァナック氏は、「スリランカとラオスは、対外債務がGDPの40%以上に急増し、危機に瀕しているが、国の経済発展を確保するための融資は政府の義務だ」と延べる一方、単一の融資先からの借金増加について警鐘 ...

◆200714 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/3gUrYJq
ミャンマー西部の油田にインド政府が1億2千万米ドルを追加投資 – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
インド政府は、ミャンマー西部のラカイン州沖に位置するシュエ石油天然ガス油田に対し、1億2千万米ドルを追加投資すると発表した。7Day Dailyが伝えた。 発表によると、インド政府は国営のONGC Videsh(OVL)を通して追加投資を行うもので、同企業 ...

◆200714 エキサイトニュース http://exci.to/38StVTS
[注目トピックス 経済総合]コロナ下でも堅調に推移する中国の一帯一路投資【フィスコ世界経済・金融シナリオ分析会議】 (2020年7月13日) - エキサイトニュース
一帯一路投資は2013~2015年に拡大した後、多少の変動はあるものの、基本的に横ばい圏で推移している。2020年1~5月の一帯一路への非金融直接投資は6.53億ドルであった(前年比16%増)。投資先は、シンガポール、インドネシア、ラオス、ベトナム、 ...


◆200714 Mizzima News
Thailand strengthens security along Myanmar border
Thai army troops, police and administrative officers of the border town of Mae Sot, in the northern province of Tak, were conducting inspections along jungles and the Mekong River, the two main areas dividing Thailand and Myanmar.

◆200714 Bangkok Post
Thai-US alliance comes with new twists
Essentially, the Pentagon is eager to reaffirm and reinforce the US's security role in the region for fear that its power and influence are ... The US is revitalising its engagement with the Mekong riparian countries by persuading traditional friends to take part in various existing schemes. ... be politicised to the utmost, especially those pertaining to water management, dam building and environmental impacts.

◆200714 Vietnamnet.vn
HCMC launches river tours
Many high-speed routes have been put into operation, including the river bus No.1 (Bach Dang – Linh Dong) for travel ... been dismantled, the freight routes from HCMC to Southeast provinces, from the Mekong Delta to HCMC and on to the ...

◆200714 eNewsroom https://bit.ly/3iW02qx
India-China conflict: A Renegade’s Reading
It not only triggered full-fledged Sino-Soviet border clashes but also risked mutual nuclear annihilation in 1969-70. ... soft and hard power on the old 'tributary and dependent states' in trans-border Red River and Mekong, Irrawaddy and Salween basins in south-east Asia. ... Philippine around South China Sea today, both for onshore and offshore oil and gas exploitation and strategic sea-lane defenses, ...

◆200714 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2Oj7bmu
US turns focus to South China Sea
Last week, US army chief of staff Gen James McConville visited Thailand to strengthen the 65-year-old military ... "That is an important area for Thailand because Thailand, although not a claimant in the South China Sea, depends ... It is a good example of the transition of power, not just from one president to the next, but even from one military to civilian," he said. ... US president is the oil canvas of Commodore Stephen Decatur, the first post-revolutionary war hero in the early 1800s.

◆200714 Reuters https://reut.rs/2WiCpi1
Vietnam first-half coal imports surge to record high as power demand grows
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam's coal imports in the first half of this year surged by more than 50% to a record high, ... Electricity consumption is expected to exceed supply by 6.6 billion kWh in 2021, and 15 billion kWh in 2023. Last week, Vietnam's state oil firm PetroVietnam said it will stop developing new coal fired power plants and wants to venture into renewable energy sources, as domestic crude oil ...

◆200714 benarnews https://bit.ly/2DyOglu
Oil Firm Withdraws from Vietnamese Field, as Beijing Puts ...
Vietnam has cancelled its contract with an oil rig originally meant to begin exploring at an oil field near Vanguard Bank, off Vietnam's southeastern coast, the ... In the latest exhibition of that pressure, a China Coast Guard vessel is patrolling near another Vietnamese oil rig already in the area. ... The 5402 appears to be making passes by an oil rig currently operated by Russian energy company Rosneft.

◆200714 Nikkei Asian Review https://bit.ly/2Wh61w8
Asia should prepare for the next energy crisis
Indonesia and Philippines are smart to make nuclear power plans ... Nick Butler is a visiting professor at King's College London and a former senior executive at energy company BP. The time has come for the nations of Asia dependent on oil imports to establish for themselves a degree of protection and stability in a volatile market. ... In the last decade, oil demand across the region has risen by almost 40% with imports rising by over 60% in economies as diverse as India and Vietnam.

◆200714 Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide https://bit.ly/2AWLbuB
LNG power generation: A positive in current LNG market
The fall in global energy commodity prices has increased the incentive to burn LNG for power generation, but ... The comparative power generation cost between gas and coal has been narrowing since 4Q19, with the expected slide in oil-linked ... invest in LNG-to-power projects to meet the sudden surge in power demand and to provide electricity to remote areas. ... such as ExxonMobil and Total are also looking to invest in this sector, with proposed projects in Vietnam and Myanmar ...

◆200714 VOA Khmer https://bit.ly/2OlHm5j
China Rejects US Nuclear Talks Invitation as Beijing Adds to Its Arsenal
To try to reduce the odds of nuclear annihilation, Washington and Moscow reached a reduction treaty in 2010 that limits the number of deployed nuclear warheads each can possess. As Beijing's military has steadily grown as a global power, ...

◆200714 The Phnom Penh Post https://bit.ly/307dVt5
Kingdom, VN vow $7B in tradePhnom Penh Post
Cambodia and Vietnam have pledged to lift up bilateral trade to $7 billion this year by facilitating cross-border shipments ... nuts, natural rubber, tobacco leaves and bananas and imported steel, oil, vegetables, fruits and agricultural fertilisers.

◆200714 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/2OoNWbm
New project aims to power up 450000 homes in rural Myanmar
A new grant agreement has been signed with the aim of bringing clean energy to more than 450,000 people in rural ... Around half the population of Myanmar currently lack access to grid electricity and more than two-thirds of households in ...

◆200714 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3fsyAhU
Laos' Xaysomboun province launches feasibility study for ...
The region's popular tourist sites include Phou Mok, Phou Bia Mountain and Nam Ngum Dam II. There are many annual festivals in the province, including the Khmu ethnic group festival in January at Nahong village of Thathom district, Tai ...



◆200715 ITmedia https://bit.ly/30b91eL
インドのTikTok禁止と表現の自由 (1/4)
インド政府の中国アプリ排除の背景には、両国の関係悪化がある。2020年6月16日、ヒマラヤ山脈に近い国境地帯でインドと中国の両軍が領有権をめぐり衝突、インド側に20名の死者が出た(BBCの記事)。国境をめぐり両国は何十年もにらみ合いを続けていた ...

◆200715 MSN エンターテイメント https://bit.ly/38UENkc
大雨によりインドとバングラデシュを流れるヒマラヤ水系の主要河川の二つ、ブラフマプトラ(Brahmaputra)川とガンジス川(Ganges)が増水した。 バングラデシュの洪水で浸水した場所をを歩く男性(2020年7月 © Munir Uz zaman / AFP バングラデシュの洪水 ...

◆200715 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3j1GrFb
インド出身のスンダー・ピチャイ最高経営責任者(CEO)がテレビ会議形式で13日開催したインド向けの年次イベントで発表した。 ピチャイCEOはビジネスや友人・家族とのつながりにおけるテクノロジーの重要性が ...

◆200715 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2OoblJJ
「緊張はいずれ緩和されるが民衆の怒りは収まらない」 中印国境問題で駐日インド大使(毎日新聞)
インドのサンジェイ・クマール・バルマ駐日大使が13日、毎日新聞の取材に応じた。中印国境地帯における両軍の衝突について「軍事や外交関係の緊張はいずれ緩和されるが、インドの民衆の怒りがいつ収まるのか見通すのは難しい」と述べ、市民の反中感情が ...


◆200710 The Evening Sun https://bit.ly/3ftbYhn
Focus Your Attention To The East
Both of which are members of the nuclear weapons club. Few people are aware there is an ongoing border dispute happening high in the Himalaya Mountains between China and India. ... internal social issues only helps conceal that China is setting itself up to be the dominant world power, both economically and militarily.

◆200710 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/38FTOGs
Indus River System Authority releases 302,600 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1461.60 feet, which was 75.60 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 151,800 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200710 Deccan Herald https://bit.ly/329Kyca
China speeds up spreading tentacles in India's territory occupied by Pakistan
The Azad Pattan hydropower plant is proposed to be built on Jhelum River near Sudhanoti in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). ... on May 13 a $ 2.75 billion contract to build the controversial Diamer Bhasha dam on Indus River in Gilgit-Baltistan. ... The contract awarded to the consortium of the Power China and the FWO also covers construction of the 21 MW Tangir Hydro-Electric plant, which was ...

◆200710 Armenian Reporter https://bit.ly/2Zg35Sq
The Nile water dispute is not a zero-sum game – Middle East ...
Negotiations over Ethiopia's $5 billion Grand Renaissance Dam on the River Nile have reached a essential stage. ... 85 per cent of the Nile's water; it is anticipated to offer much-needed electrical energy for Ethiopia's 100 million-plus folks.

◆200710 Livemint https://bit.ly/2ZXlfYe
How Rewa solar park helped India’s green economy turn a corner
By breaking the electricity grid parity barrier in February 2017, the project brought home the point that solar energy is no longer a ... that power from sun is a competitive energy source vis-а-vis the coal-fuelled conventional source of electricity. ... “This project adds momentum to our commitment of increasing renewable energy capacities by 2022," PM Modi said in a ... telecommunications, pooling station, and transmission links; wherein the financing was provided by the World Bank.

◆200710 Times of India https://bit.ly/3iNhOfs
PM Modi inaugurates 750 MW Rewa solar project: Key points
With this solar plant at Rewa, the industries here will not only get electricity, but even Delhi Metro will get its benefits. Apart from Rewa, work is underway on solar power plants in Shajapur, Neemuch and Chhatarpur: PM Modi ... It also exemplifies India's commitment to attaining the target of gigawatt (GW) of installed renewable energy capacity by the year ... Aadhaar LPG Gas Link · Aadhaar Voter Card link · Duplicate Aadhaar Card · Aadhaar UAN Linking · Aadhaar Property Linking ...

◆200710 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/3iLiG45
PM Modi to inaugurate Asia’s largest solar power plant in MP today
It will get 24% of energy from the project with the remaining 76% being supplied to the state discoms of Madhya Pradesh. * It also exemplifies India's commitment to attaining the target of 175GW of installed renewable energy capacity by the year ...

◆200710 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/2Dno8tH
Can India Really Shut Down Oil Supply To China
The relationship between India and China has always been shaky, but a recent flare-up of tensions on the border between ... Both countries are nuclear powers, which has worried the UN, who has called on Beijing and New Delhi to "exercise ...

◆200710 The Nation https://bit.ly/3ejRi9Y
Launching much-needed power projects
On July 5, Pakistan and China signed the accord for construction of 700 MW Azad Pattan Hydro Project at a cost of $1.5 billion ... China Three Gorges Corporation (CTGC), the state-owned power developer, had won the right to develop the dam on ... Located in the north-eastern region of Pakistan in Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) on Jhelum River, the project has ... the import of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas required for production of electricity, the significance of changing the energy ...

◆200710 Associated Press of Pakistan https://bit.ly/2W0xhyU
Pakistan, China cooperation in hydropower deepens under CPEC framework: Chinese scholar
BEIJING, Jul 9 (APP):The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) continues to make strides under the framework of Belt and Road ... Azad Patan Hydropower Station is located on the Jhelum River, Azad Kashmir region, with a total installed capacity of 700 MW. ... Currently Pakistan is moving forward to produce clean and cheaper electricity instead of utilizing the expensive imported fuel. ... Hydro power generation has always been considered as a big source of clean energy.

◆200710 Dunya News https://bit.ly/2W5lXS3
Punjab CM approves Ravi River Front Urban Development project
LAHORE (Dunya News) – Chief Minister of Punjab (CM) Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday has given green signal for the execution of River Front Urban Development (RRFUD) project to beautify the area. According to details, Punjab ...

◆200710 The Express Tribune https://bit.ly/3gDS0Aq
Pakistan's productivity lower than Bangladesh
“The four main costs which are considerably high in Pakistan are electricity tariffs, gas charges, wages and general sales tax and they should be reduced.” Ayesha Spinning Mills CEO Rahim Nasir said Covid-19 had led to at least 30% ...

◆200710 Online Khabar (English) https://bit.ly/2CiO09Q
Floods shut several hydropower projects in Nepal ...
Nepal Electricity Authority says floods and landslides across the country have shut several hydropower projects in the past few days. The authority's ... “The power supply has fluctuated as the production, transmission and distribution systems have been affected. However ... Nepal's biggest hydropower project, Kaligandaki A, is also shut from 8 am today as the water level in the river increased. The project ...

◆200710 The Indian Express https://bit.ly/2W4Jwuo
Nepal stops transmission of India’s news channels; Doordarshan remains on air
There was no immediate reaction from India on the issue. People familiar with the development said the Nepalese embassy in New Delhi apprised its views to the Indian government over coverage of Nepal's political developments by the ...

◆200710 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/322bdI1
Flood damages Middle Bhotekoshi Hydroelectric Project, production date likely to be deferred further
The flood in the Bhotekoshi River in Sindhupalchowk district inundated the powerhouse of the 102 megawatt hydropower ... The project's chief Sunil Kumar Lama said the flood swept away mainly the electromechanical equipment of the hydro project and the ... According to him, the dam is severely damaged and the warehouse is covered under landslide debris. ... Meanwhile, Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) that is reeling under heavy financial losses with a fall in electricity demand ...

◆200710 New Straits Times Online https://bit.ly/2ZXp8fM
South Asian nations caught in China-India crossfire
... and India has put their neighbours in South Asia in a spot as they are caught in a crossfire between the nuclear-armed powers. ... In Bhutan, a nation landlocked by China in the north and India in the south, there have also been tensions over Beijing's ... "As long as there is this balance of power between China and India, there will be space for these South Asian ... for strategic influence in the Indian Ocean, which is home to key trade waterways, particularly for the world's oil trade.

◆200710 TTG Asia https://bit.ly/2ZTEHFn
Nepal and Bhutan next for Wyndham's portfolio expansion
Ramada by Wyndham Valley Thimpu, Bhutan, will offer 41 spacious rooms, including many with panoramic views of the magnificent Himalayas. Tucked in the Thimpu valley by the free-flowing Raidāk River, its location will provide easy access to ...

◆200710 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/2ZWb8Tr
Sri Lanka- Government decides to grant concessions to ...
(MENAFN - Colombo Gazette) The Government has decided to grant concessions to electricity consumers, Cabinet co-spokesman Bandula Gunawardena said. He said that the matter was discussed by the Cabinet with subject Minister ...

◆200710 Colombo Page https://bit.ly/3iNmgea
Sri Lanka : CEB extends agreements of 15 stalled hydropower ...
Thu, Jul 9, 2020, 08:50 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. July 09, Colombo: The Minister of Power and Energy, Mahinda Amaraweera has instructed the Ceylon Electricity Board to extend the agreements of ...

◆200710 ThePrint https://bit.ly/3gN4ztw
Sri Lanka ‘assures’ India on Colombo Port project despite opposition pressure ahead of polls
Sri Lanka 'assures' India on Colombo Port project despite opposition pressure ahead of polls ... New Delhi: Sri Lanka has “assured” India that the high-profile Colombo Port project will remain with New Delhi despite opposition ... Some of the key projects pending for years are the Trinco Oil Farm projects, modernisation of an airport in Sri Lanka and development of an LNG terminal in Colombo, among others. ... Power pioneer invents new battery that's 90% cheaper than lithium-ion.




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Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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