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2020年7月18日 米国の中国IT企業攻撃,中国は半導体内製化を強化,サムスンは








米、中国5社の取引先を排除 「内製化」加速する中国





◆200718 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3jf0rV4
特に7月に入ってから、米政府は南シナ海に対する中国の領有権主張と軍事的拡張を「違法行為」だと断罪し、「ウイグル人権法案」を根拠に陳全国・共産党政治局員ら高官に対する制裁を発動し、国家安全維持法が施行された香港への優遇措置を廃止し、台湾へ ...

◆200718 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/39bWprN
なぜ中国は国際社会と激しく衝突し始めたのか(JBpress) - Yahoo ...
南シナ海では空母を含む艦隊に演習を行わせて、ベトナムなど周辺諸国の神経を逆撫でしている。 米国と日本を同時に ... 中国は少し前まで一帯一路構想やAIIBなどといった経済的な手法によって国際社会への影響力を強めようとしていた。しかし、ここに来て ...

◆200718 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3jfBgBL
「打倒韓国」叫ぶ中国半導体企業…本当にサムスンに勝てるのか ...
業界は紫光集団を中国政府傘下の公企業とみる。YMTCへ向かう紫光集団の支援は事実上、中国政府がするということだ。 「事実上、YMTCはメモリー半導体1位の韓国、いや『打倒サムスン電子』『打倒SKハイニックス』の先鋒だ」。 2018年に中国の習近平 ...

◆200718 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2OBLAG0
米でTikTok制裁論 対中国、情報流出を警戒
米トランプ政権内で中国の北京字節跳動科技(バイトダンス)が運営する動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」の制裁論が浮上している。中国政府に利用者情報が流出するのを警戒するからだ。ティックト ...

◆200718 TBS News https://bit.ly/3jhfpd2
中国5社の製品使用の企業 来月13日から米政府と取引不可に
トランプ政権は5社の製品がアメリカの安全保障上の脅威になるとして、去年8月に政府が5社の製品を調達することを禁止していて、中国のハイテク企業の排除をさらに強めることになります。 「我々はアメリカが国家安全の概念を広げ、中国を中傷することと、特定 ...



◆200718 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2DXzVzv
アングル:既定路線の「脱石炭火力」、温暖化対応へ さらなる切り込み必要(ロイター)
清水律子[東京 17日 ロイター] - 政府が国内外で石炭火力発電を縮小する方針を打ち出した。二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量の ... 地球温暖化の防止に向け、日本のエネルギー政策を見直すには、さらなる切り込みが求められている。 <輸出支援、「しない」のか「 ...

◆200718 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2BelFBk
経済産業省が示した2030年度までに低効率の石炭火力発電所の9割を休廃止する方針が、三菱重工業など重工大手のリスク要因になりつつある。休廃止候補となる設備の多くを供給してきたからだ。火力発電設備の新 ...
ブログ · 15時間前

◆200718 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3hdcsZm
電事連・池辺会長定例会見 石炭火力の肩代わりは? 10年内休廃止「原子力も議論俎上に」
政府が表明した非効率な石炭火力発電所を2030(令和12)年度までに原則休廃止する方針は、電力各社にとって難題だ。脱落が見込まれる石炭火力を代替する電源について、10年以内にめどをつける必要に迫られるからだ。原子力発電所の再稼働審査の ...

◆200718 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3h9edqm
[ロンドン 16日 ロイター] - 世界の石油・ガス大手12社が設立した温暖化対策に取り組む国際組織「石油・ガス気候イニシアチブ(OGCI)」は、業界による気候変動の取り組み姿勢に対する圧力が高まる中、温室効果ガスの削減目標を初めて設定した。 OGCIは ...



◆200718 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2Wz4Mc1
「三峡ダムは長江における鉄鋼の万里の長城。何千年も崩壊しない ...
中国では長江流域など広い範囲で大雨が続き、江西省や湖北省などの各地で川の氾濫や土砂崩れなどの深刻な被害が相次いでいる。 三峡ダムの流入量も急増し、6月29日の段階で洪水警戒水位(147メートル)を超えたため、放水が ...

◆200718 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/32ug3hr
「打倒韓国」叫ぶ中国半導体企業…本当にサムスンに勝てるのか ...
縮地法なのか」。「地をたたんで同じ距離を短い時間で移動する道術」のように、中国の半導体技術が世界レベルにもう追いついたという声が出ている。もちろん中国が明らかにしたことだ。 データ保存の用途で使用される積層NAND型フラッシュメモリー分野が ...

◆200718 people.com.cn https://bit.ly/3jj39bZ
長江中流・下流エリアの水害リスクを低減するため、三峡ダムでは今月6日から5回にわたり放流量の低減が実施された。ダム放流量は毎秒3万5千立方メートルから1万9千立方メートルにまで引き下げられ、長江主流にある4ヶ所のカスケード式発電所は出力 ...

◆200718 NET-IB NEWS https://bit.ly/3jhlgiI
ストラテジーブレティン(256号)~日本を蘇生に導くハイテク大 ...
ストラテジーブレティン(256号)~日本を蘇生に導くハイテク大ブーム~米中対決のカギを握る半導体、言わば現代の石油(5) ... ファーウェイに対する供給禁止だけでなく、中国半導体投資に対する機器供給禁止(2018年中国DRAMメーカーJHICC福建省晋華 ...

◆200718 ロイター https://bit.ly/3fGAonp
中国の武漢市と3省、大雨で赤色警報発出 サプライチェーンに懸念
長江にある巨大な三峡ダムは下流の洪水リスクを和らげるため放水を抑えており、水位は警戒水準を10メートル以上上回っている。 江西省にある長江の水流調節の機能を担っているハ陽湖では、警戒水位を2.5メートル超えている ...

◆200718 朝日新聞デジタル版 https://bit.ly/30qQVFT
米、中国5社の取引先を排除 「内製化」加速する中国


◆200718 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2ZFBhHk
China warns of 'stronger flood' as Three Gorges Dam faces swell
Cities in the country's central region along the Yangtze River -- China's longest river -- have been inundated in the past week amid the annual monsoon season, with the worst flooding since 1998. Across the country, 433 rivers have flooded, and ...

◆200718 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/399w7qe
New floods feared as China's mighty Yangtze nears crest again
New floods feared as China's mighty Yangtze nears crest again ... The rains are putting renewed pressure on the massive Three Gorges Dam that straddles the river upstream of the city of Wuhan ... province, 45-year-old Xu Yongxiang said his village of Liufang had been without running water or electricity for almost a week.

◆200718 Voice of America https://bit.ly/2ZCqiOR
China Continues to Battle Its Worst Flooding in Decades
An aerial view shows the swollen Yangtze River in Jiujiang, in China's central Jiangxi province, on July 17, 2020. ... He added that there's no electricity in his whole building, and the local government is warning residents to take precautions as water levels fast approach the ... Supporters of the project argue that by providing flood storage space, the dam reduces the potential for floods downstream.
詳細 · 3時間前

◆200718 Barron's https://bit.ly/2WxNonY
China’s Oil Futures Attract More Global Investors. They Don’t Pose a Threat to Big Benchmarks—Yet.
That should allow the market to “keep some liquidity, but there will have to be a big change in the regulatory structure in China to keep the contract viable.” Oil futures contracts on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange, or INE, have seen ...

◆200718 NHK WORLD https://bit.ly/32xWDbs
Trump marks 75 years since 1st nuclear test
US President Donald Trump has issued a statement to mark the 75th anniversary of the world's first nuclear weapon test. He said his country will enhance deterrence by strengthening its nuclear capabilities, and called on Russia and China to ...

◆200718 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3fIQzAH
Emergency response upgraded over China's Huaihe River floods - Xinhua | English.news.cn
The water level at the Wangjiaba hydrological station on the main course of the Huaihe River rose to 27.74 meters as of 6 a.m. Saturday, which exceeds the alert level of 27.5 meters and keeps rising for the moment, according to the commission ...



◆200716 現代ビジネス https://bit.ly/2CfqRW1
感染は今なお拡大一途. 東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)の大国インドネシアが新型コロナウイルス対策で混迷の度をさらに深め、政府は国民からの信頼 ...

◆200716 The HEADLINE https://bit.ly/2ZwXyXJ
こうした傾向には地球温暖化による気候変動の影響があることが指摘されており、日本に限らず世界的に影響を被っている可能性が考えられる。 では、世界 ... また、インドネシアも同年1月にジャカルタを中心に洪水が起き、各地で地滑りと鉄砲水の被害が出た。

◆200716 ロイター https://bit.ly/30dOwhF
マニラ 14日 ロイター] - フィリピンのアニョ内務・自治相は14日、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大抑制のため、当局と警察が各戸を訪問して感染者を探すと発表した。同国では感染者と死者数が増加しており、一部地域はより厳しいロックダウン(都市封鎖)を再開し ...

◆200716 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2B8eCKs
【南シナ海】ポンペオの中国領 有権「違法」発言は米中衝突の狼煙か
その場合、フィリピンのスカボロー礁が火種になる可能性が高い>. マイク・ポンペオ ... 中国は南シナ海で海面上に露出する唯一の岩礁スカボローを領土と領海の起点とし、中国は周辺の石油、ガス、漁業資源にする権利を有すると主張してきた。岩礁の周囲には ...

◆200716 大紀元 https://bit.ly/2OGMXn7
自己主張を強める中国は、他の主張国が石油探査を希望する海域に調査船を派遣し、沿岸警備隊や準軍事漁船を繰り返し配備してきた。その上、7月初旬にはパラセル諸島の近くで海軍演習を行い、ベトナムとフィリピンから抗議を受けた。 中国の南シナ海での ...


◆200716 Power Engineering Magazine https://bit.ly/3jaXu7N
South Korea's KEPCO backs Indonesian coal project
South Korea's state-owned utility Korea Electric Power (Kepco) has announced that will move ahead with investments in the ... According to IEA Clean Coal Center, the expansion is being undertaken by PT Indo Raya Tenega, a joint venture of Barito ... Indonesia, on the other hand, has recently partnered with with International Energy Agency to expedite its energy ... Power Engineering International · POWERGRID International · Renewable Energy World · Smart Energy International.

◆200716 Eco-Business https://bit.ly/2OvjmwI
Indonesia approves coal road project through highly ...
People: Movers and shakers in sustainability · Southeast Asia's Clean Energy Transition · Changing Course 2019 · EB Impact ... The ministry signed off on the project, proposed by coal miner PT Marga Bara Jaya (MBJ), in October last year, but it wasn't ... a third of it through the forest, to truck coal from its mine in Musi Rawas district to power plants in Musi Banyuasin district, both ... For decades, the expansion of oil palm plantations and incursion of illegal loggers ate away at the forest.

◆200716 Mongabay.com https://bit.ly/3fySVCd
Dam that threatens orangutan habitat faces three-year delay
NSHE has submitted a request to PLN, as the buyer of the plant's power, to push the start of the dam's operation to 2025. ... A decline in electricity consumption as a result of suspended economic activity during the pandemic is another factor that ... Dana Tarigan, the head of the North Sumatra chapter of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), said he ... the Tapanuli orangutan and the ecology of the Batang Toru river, the demand for the power that the plant would produce, ...

◆200716 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/3h4HEK2
Indonesia seeks to conclude trade negotiation with EU next ...
Indonesia hopes to conclude negotiations for a trade agreement with the European Union next year to bolster the ... and bioliquid made of palm oil, but not of other vegetable oils, from the scope of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II).

◆200716 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/2WqJuwW
PGN to develop three domestic LNG hubs for power plant gasification plan - The Jakarta Post
State-owned gas firm PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) plans to convert three liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals into regional gas distribution hubs as part of a government program to cut oil imports. ... The power plants, owned by state-owned electricity giant PLN, can run on both gas and diesel fuel but have been using more of the latter for logistical convenience. ... are still a far cry from plants harnessing wind, solar or geothermal power or another source of renewable energy.

◆200716 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/32oxboW
Opportunity to transform PH energy mix cited
Don Paulino, founding director of the Philippine Energy Independence Council (PEIC) and managing director of Shell Philippines ... power fleets, primarily those that are feeding on fossil fuels such as coal plants and even oil-fired power facilities. ... energy access to far-flung areas in the country, innovation and leaning on the deployment of renewable energy ... that quick-start power plants like those powered by gas could be the perfect match to the on-and-off generation of some RE ...

◆200716 Global Times https://bit.ly/2C5Vs8x
China fears no US sanctions over S.China Sea
Despite US agitation, the Philippines, a country over-dependent on the international energy market, is more willing to continue resource exploitation within the framework of the China-Philippines oil and gas development cooperation in the South China Sea, Cao said. ... By provoking conflicts in the South China Sea, the US only wants to satisfy its own purpose of maintaining power in the region and ...

◆200716 The Manila Times https://bit.ly/3gXF6NQ
‘Iloilo power woes will be resolved by More’ – The Manila Times
THE Iloilo Economic Development Foundation (IledF) is confident that new distribution utility More Electric and Power Corp. (MORE Power) will fix the city's power distribution system and render better electricity service. ... It also pointed to the second WSP study in 2018 that “the services that PECO provides lag behind what distribution utilities in key Philippine cities like Metro Manila, Cebu, and Davao, ...

◆200716 BusinessWorld Online https://bit.ly/2DNS4j5
PXP Energy stands by to resume drilling of Recto Bank oil block
PXP Energy Corp. has set its eyes on exploring an oil block within the disputed West Philippine Sea that is estimated to bear as much as 3 trillion cubic feet of gas resources. Led by businessman Manuel V. Pangilinan, the listed gas and oil ...



◆200714 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3gZ4pPs
ホーチミン市の交通インフラ、実行率は16% ベトナム・運輸
ベトナム・ホーチミン市は、2018~20年に交通インフラ案件85件の実施を計画していたが、これまでに完成したのは14件で、実行率は16%にとどまった。11日付ダウトゥ電子版が報じた。 市人民評議会の会議で、レ・ミン・ドゥク議員は遅れの原因について、資金 ...

◆200714 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3fqUK4b
ニントゥアン省:ニョンハイ太陽光発電所が竣工. 2020/07/13 14:54 JST配信. PR. 【ドメイン・メール・ウェブ・サーバー・クラウド】なら日系のチロロネットベトナムへ. 南中部沿岸地方ニントゥアン省ニンハイ郡ニョンハイ村(xa Nhon Hai, huyen Ninh Hai)で9日、 ...

◆200714 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2OlDykx
BOT火力発電事業、工事進むが問題も ベトナム・電力・ガス・水道
ベトナムで、外国企業が事業主となって建設しているBOT(建設、運営、譲渡)方式の火力発電所案件4件は、稼働開始時期が近付きつつあるものの、それぞれ問題を抱えている。12日付ダウトゥ電子版が報じた。 ハイズオン火発(北部ハイズオン省)は、1号機 ...

◆200714 カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ https://bit.ly/3gVJKMf
今後の経済成長を後押しするため対外債務の多様化が課題 ...
カンボジア王立アカデミーのエコノミスト、ホン・ヴァナック氏は、「スリランカとラオスは、対外債務がGDPの40%以上に急増し、危機に瀕しているが、国の経済発展を確保するための融資は政府の義務だ」と延べる一方、単一の融資先からの借金増加について警鐘 ...

◆200714 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/3gUrYJq
ミャンマー西部の油田にインド政府が1億2千万米ドルを追加投資 – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
インド政府は、ミャンマー西部のラカイン州沖に位置するシュエ石油天然ガス油田に対し、1億2千万米ドルを追加投資すると発表した。7Day Dailyが伝えた。 発表によると、インド政府は国営のONGC Videsh(OVL)を通して追加投資を行うもので、同企業 ...

◆200714 エキサイトニュース http://exci.to/38StVTS
[注目トピックス 経済総合]コロナ下でも堅調に推移する中国の一帯一路投資【フィスコ世界経済・金融シナリオ分析会議】 (2020年7月13日) - エキサイトニュース
一帯一路投資は2013~2015年に拡大した後、多少の変動はあるものの、基本的に横ばい圏で推移している。2020年1~5月の一帯一路への非金融直接投資は6.53億ドルであった(前年比16%増)。投資先は、シンガポール、インドネシア、ラオス、ベトナム、 ...


◆200714 Mizzima News
Thailand strengthens security along Myanmar border
Thai army troops, police and administrative officers of the border town of Mae Sot, in the northern province of Tak, were conducting inspections along jungles and the Mekong River, the two main areas dividing Thailand and Myanmar.

◆200714 Bangkok Post
Thai-US alliance comes with new twists
Essentially, the Pentagon is eager to reaffirm and reinforce the US's security role in the region for fear that its power and influence are ... The US is revitalising its engagement with the Mekong riparian countries by persuading traditional friends to take part in various existing schemes. ... be politicised to the utmost, especially those pertaining to water management, dam building and environmental impacts.

◆200714 Vietnamnet.vn
HCMC launches river tours
Many high-speed routes have been put into operation, including the river bus No.1 (Bach Dang – Linh Dong) for travel ... been dismantled, the freight routes from HCMC to Southeast provinces, from the Mekong Delta to HCMC and on to the ...

◆200714 eNewsroom https://bit.ly/3iW02qx
India-China conflict: A Renegade’s Reading
It not only triggered full-fledged Sino-Soviet border clashes but also risked mutual nuclear annihilation in 1969-70. ... soft and hard power on the old 'tributary and dependent states' in trans-border Red River and Mekong, Irrawaddy and Salween basins in south-east Asia. ... Philippine around South China Sea today, both for onshore and offshore oil and gas exploitation and strategic sea-lane defenses, ...

◆200714 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2Oj7bmu
US turns focus to South China Sea
Last week, US army chief of staff Gen James McConville visited Thailand to strengthen the 65-year-old military ... "That is an important area for Thailand because Thailand, although not a claimant in the South China Sea, depends ... It is a good example of the transition of power, not just from one president to the next, but even from one military to civilian," he said. ... US president is the oil canvas of Commodore Stephen Decatur, the first post-revolutionary war hero in the early 1800s.

◆200714 Reuters https://reut.rs/2WiCpi1
Vietnam first-half coal imports surge to record high as power demand grows
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam's coal imports in the first half of this year surged by more than 50% to a record high, ... Electricity consumption is expected to exceed supply by 6.6 billion kWh in 2021, and 15 billion kWh in 2023. Last week, Vietnam's state oil firm PetroVietnam said it will stop developing new coal fired power plants and wants to venture into renewable energy sources, as domestic crude oil ...

◆200714 benarnews https://bit.ly/2DyOglu
Oil Firm Withdraws from Vietnamese Field, as Beijing Puts ...
Vietnam has cancelled its contract with an oil rig originally meant to begin exploring at an oil field near Vanguard Bank, off Vietnam's southeastern coast, the ... In the latest exhibition of that pressure, a China Coast Guard vessel is patrolling near another Vietnamese oil rig already in the area. ... The 5402 appears to be making passes by an oil rig currently operated by Russian energy company Rosneft.

◆200714 Nikkei Asian Review https://bit.ly/2Wh61w8
Asia should prepare for the next energy crisis
Indonesia and Philippines are smart to make nuclear power plans ... Nick Butler is a visiting professor at King's College London and a former senior executive at energy company BP. The time has come for the nations of Asia dependent on oil imports to establish for themselves a degree of protection and stability in a volatile market. ... In the last decade, oil demand across the region has risen by almost 40% with imports rising by over 60% in economies as diverse as India and Vietnam.

◆200714 Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide https://bit.ly/2AWLbuB
LNG power generation: A positive in current LNG market
The fall in global energy commodity prices has increased the incentive to burn LNG for power generation, but ... The comparative power generation cost between gas and coal has been narrowing since 4Q19, with the expected slide in oil-linked ... invest in LNG-to-power projects to meet the sudden surge in power demand and to provide electricity to remote areas. ... such as ExxonMobil and Total are also looking to invest in this sector, with proposed projects in Vietnam and Myanmar ...

◆200714 VOA Khmer https://bit.ly/2OlHm5j
China Rejects US Nuclear Talks Invitation as Beijing Adds to Its Arsenal
To try to reduce the odds of nuclear annihilation, Washington and Moscow reached a reduction treaty in 2010 that limits the number of deployed nuclear warheads each can possess. As Beijing's military has steadily grown as a global power, ...

◆200714 The Phnom Penh Post https://bit.ly/307dVt5
Kingdom, VN vow $7B in tradePhnom Penh Post
Cambodia and Vietnam have pledged to lift up bilateral trade to $7 billion this year by facilitating cross-border shipments ... nuts, natural rubber, tobacco leaves and bananas and imported steel, oil, vegetables, fruits and agricultural fertilisers.

◆200714 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/2OoNWbm
New project aims to power up 450000 homes in rural Myanmar
A new grant agreement has been signed with the aim of bringing clean energy to more than 450,000 people in rural ... Around half the population of Myanmar currently lack access to grid electricity and more than two-thirds of households in ...

◆200714 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3fsyAhU
Laos' Xaysomboun province launches feasibility study for ...
The region's popular tourist sites include Phou Mok, Phou Bia Mountain and Nam Ngum Dam II. There are many annual festivals in the province, including the Khmu ethnic group festival in January at Nahong village of Thathom district, Tai ...



◆200715 ITmedia https://bit.ly/30b91eL
インドのTikTok禁止と表現の自由 (1/4)
インド政府の中国アプリ排除の背景には、両国の関係悪化がある。2020年6月16日、ヒマラヤ山脈に近い国境地帯でインドと中国の両軍が領有権をめぐり衝突、インド側に20名の死者が出た(BBCの記事)。国境をめぐり両国は何十年もにらみ合いを続けていた ...

◆200715 MSN エンターテイメント https://bit.ly/38UENkc
大雨によりインドとバングラデシュを流れるヒマラヤ水系の主要河川の二つ、ブラフマプトラ(Brahmaputra)川とガンジス川(Ganges)が増水した。 バングラデシュの洪水で浸水した場所をを歩く男性(2020年7月 © Munir Uz zaman / AFP バングラデシュの洪水 ...

◆200715 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3j1GrFb
インド出身のスンダー・ピチャイ最高経営責任者(CEO)がテレビ会議形式で13日開催したインド向けの年次イベントで発表した。 ピチャイCEOはビジネスや友人・家族とのつながりにおけるテクノロジーの重要性が ...

◆200715 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2OoblJJ
「緊張はいずれ緩和されるが民衆の怒りは収まらない」 中印国境問題で駐日インド大使(毎日新聞)
インドのサンジェイ・クマール・バルマ駐日大使が13日、毎日新聞の取材に応じた。中印国境地帯における両軍の衝突について「軍事や外交関係の緊張はいずれ緩和されるが、インドの民衆の怒りがいつ収まるのか見通すのは難しい」と述べ、市民の反中感情が ...


◆200715 Phys.Org https://bit.ly/32g9crT
Scientists discover fault system in southeastern Nepal
"We discovered a series of faults at the foot of the Himalayan mountain range that have never been seen before," ... buried beneath the Ganga flood plain of the Ganges River, which carries much of the sediment eroded from the Himalaya. ... The study, "Active Strike-Slip Faults and an Outer Frontal Thrust in the Himalayan Foreland Basin," was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. ... Long-term heat-storage ceramics absorbing thermal energy from hot water.

◆200715 Associated Press of Pakistan https://bit.ly/32iA76r
Nepal's latest stance exposes Indian poor diplomatic dealings ...
Nepal's move not only challenged India's age-old narrative on bilateral relations but also retained the Himalayan ... As claimed by border experts, India is creating a fake point in the snowy Himalaya as the origin of Kali River an ... policy is to belittle Nepali citizens' ambitions and their progressivism to view at the changing regional power dynamics. ... China reiterates firm support for Iran nuclear deal ...

◆200715 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2OnFkBG
Indus River System Authority releases 314,300 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1459.15 feet, which was 73.15 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 161,500 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200715 Dunya News https://bit.ly/3fwJHX9
PM Imran to visit Diamer-Bhasha Dam project today
ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Imran Khan will visit Diamer- Bhasha Dam project today (Wednesday) to review ... Diamer Bhasha Dam, a vital project for water, food and energy security of Pakistan, is being constructed on River Indus, 315 ... The project with installed power generation capacity of 4500 megawatt (MW) will provide more than 18 billion units per annum to the National Grid.

◆200715 Business Recorder https://bit.ly/2OpChcd
Hydro resources: About 89 percent of possible power production yet to be harnessed
LAHORE: About 89 percent of the electricity production potential from hydro resources is yet to be harnessed as the current total ... namely Indus with a potential of 66 percent of electricity generation followed by Jhelum, 9 percent, Swat, 3 percent, Kunhar, 3 percent, ... 29,944 MW and shares in electricity generation were comprised natural gas, 33.6 percent, oil, 32.1 percent, coal, 0.2 percent, hydropower, 26.1 percent, nuclear, 5.7 percent, and renewable energy, only 2.2 percent.

◆200715 The Nation https://bit.ly/32mJ5PY
Sargodha University holds webinar on “Water crisis in Pakistan”
Indus Water Treaty was meant to protect interests of Pakistan, but India has taken undue advantage from it.” He said that power generation rules were required to ensure equitable water use and right of every individual to have water access.

◆200715 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/3fvpT6r
BP commits $70m to support India's renewable energy sector
With the investment, BP will become a limited partner in GGEF and have representation on its advisory committee as well as the rights to co-invest in projects alongside the Fund. Dev Sanyal, BP Group's Executive Vice President for gas and low ...

◆200715 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/32j4861
New partnership targets 138MW of onshore wind farms in India
A new partnership for the development, construction and operation of 138MW of onshore wind farms in India has been ... It is expected to deliver around 149GWh of clean electricity to power more than 145,000 people and avoid 130,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year. ... renewable energy projects that strongly align with CI1's key objectives of displacing grid-connected coal-fired power ...

◆200715 The Kathmandu Post https://bit.ly/32jPifJ
How India lost a gas pipeline to China
It mentioned that the 'government of Myanmar agrees to export natural gas to India by a pipeline through the territory of Bangladesh and India ... India actually did not immediately agree to Bangladesh's three demands—transmission of hydro-electricity from Nepal and Bhutan to ... Running parallel with the Myanmar-China Crude Oil Pipeline, this gas pipeline became operational in July 2013, and started ...

◆200715 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/3fyiMKr
India, EU sign civil nuclear cooperation agreement on eve of Summit
The agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community or Euratom and Indian authorities will focus on cooperation between EU's research programmes on new ways of using nuclear energy and similar activities on the Indian side, ...

◆200715 The Express Tribune https://bit.ly/2Cg4PlQ
Pakistan finds new oil, gas reserves in KP
Pakistan has found new deposits of oil and gas in exploratory well Mamikhel South-01, located in Tal block in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P). The discovery will slightly slash the country's heavy reliance on energy imports and cut the import bill.

◆200715 News Intervention https://bit.ly/2Zsw2dS
Pakistan's Kohala Power Project with China is to loot POK
The 4,000 square mile of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which is under Pakistan's control, has recently signed $2.4 billion deal with China and the Pakistani government for electricity generation. This project is called the Kohala Power ...

◆200715 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/38XLJwN
Nepal granted $200m loan to modernise power supply systems
Nepal has been granted a loan worth $200 million (£159m) to improve the power supply and distribution systems across the country. ... The ABD says while Nepal has made significant progress in power supply after years of chronic electricity shortages, its transmission and distribution ... ADB Principal Energy Specialist Jiwan Acharya said: “The project will help sustain Nepal's improved electricity supply ...

◆200715 The Kathmandu Post https://bit.ly/3h1O2BT
How India lost a gas pipeline to China
It mentioned that the 'government of Myanmar agrees to export natural gas to India by a pipeline through the territory of Bangladesh and India ... India actually did not immediately agree to Bangladesh's three demands—transmission of hydro-electricity from Nepal and Bhutan to ... Running parallel with the Myanmar-China Crude Oil Pipeline, this gas pipeline became operational in July 2013, and started ...

◆200715 The Hindu https://bit.ly/2ZrXPeG
Rising water levels in rivers threaten floods in north Bihar
The catchment areas of Nepal have been witnessing heavy rainfall since the last several days causing spate in the rivers originating from the Himalayan region. On Monday, river Bagmati crossed the highest flood level at Belsand in Sheohar ...

◆200715 Bharat Shakti https://bit.ly/3fv25Qf
Beijing Unilaterally Trying to Change Status Quo from India to ...
Beijing Unilaterally Trying to Change Status Quo from India to Bhutan to South China Sea: Japan ... India and Japan as he stated, “Bejing has been unilaterally enforcing its power on the border between China and India, the Bhutan border, ...

◆200715 Asia Times https://bit.ly/38W1u7q
Modi’s ‘Chinese expansionism’ rhetoric a farce
By inaugurating a world's tallest statue, of Patel, at the Sardar Sarovar Dam in Modi's home state of Gujarat in October ... China shares a border with 14 countries, namely Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, ...

◆200715 EconomyNext https://bit.ly/38YsSC3
Sri Lanka's Ceylon Electricity Board loses Rs20bn up to April ...
ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka's state run Ceylon Electricity Board lost 20.8 billion rupees up to April 2020, on top of a ... Electricity sales volumes fell 15 percent to 4,016 GigaWatt hours (millions of units) in the first four months of 2020, ... State-run Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) gives furnace oil at high fixed prices to the CEB which is not linked to market costs. ... However the Finance Ministry said the 48 billion rupee injection kept the arrears to the CPC and Independent Power ...

◆200715 Cole of Duty https://bit.ly/3h1lZTb
2020 Sri Lanka Hydropower Market Analysis and Outlook to ...
2020 Sri Lanka Hydropower Market Analysis and Outlook to 2026-Market Size, Planned Power Plants, Market Trends, Investments, and Competition. Post author By anita@orbisresearch.com ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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