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2020年7月21日 ポンペオ国務長官の南シナ海中国非難,米選挙前にも攻撃か













◆200721 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3eQX5UB
日本や東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)はこの豹変を歓迎しているが、名指しで批判された中国は「アメリカが南シナ海の平和と安定を破壊している」と猛反発している。 米中はこれまでに、貿易戦争や技術覇権争いに加えて、香港と新疆ウイグル自治区の人権抑圧、 ...

◆200721 Nippon.com https://bit.ly/2OKrny2
新型コロナウイルス感染症(以下、コロナ)の地球的規模での感染爆発は、世界各国で多くの犠牲を生んでいる。感染症と対峙している各国の政府は、その成果をもってガバナンス能力が測られている。このため権威主義国家の政府は、感染症への対処を支配の ...

◆200721 現代ビジネス https://bit.ly/3hhq2ef
アクセスランキング. 1時間; 24時間; 週間; 月間. 1. 習近平も青ざめる…中国の ...

◆200721 ロイター https://bit.ly/2ZJx99o
[ハノイ 16日 ロイター] - 米政府が南シナ海を巡って中国への姿勢を硬化させた。ポンぺオ国務長官は13日、中国が近隣諸国の懸念にもかからわらず、豊富な資源が眠るこの海域で ...



◆200721 日経ビジネス電子版 https://bit.ly/2OJYjXa
エネルギー産業論を専門にする国際大学国際経営学研究科の橘川武郎教授に聞いた。 梶山弘志経済産業相が、二酸化炭素(CO2)を多く排出する低効率な石炭火力発電所の休廃止を ...

◆200721 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/3fNwlpy
石油輸出国機構(OPEC)とロシアなどの非加盟国で構成は、7月15日に開いた共同閣僚級監視委員会(JMMC)で、8月からの減産規模を現在の日量960万バレルから770万バレルに縮小することで合意した。 4月9日から開かれた会合では、2018年10月の生産 ...

◆200721 ITmedia https://bit.ly/2OKrE3X
そのプライベート5Gを含めた同社の5Gビジネス戦略について、法人事業統括 法人プロダクト&事業戦略本部 デジタルオートメーション事業第2統括部 統括部長の梅村淳史氏に話を聞いた。 NSA環境下でも期待されるテレワーク需要. 商用サービスの開始とともに ...

◆200721 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZLJCJB
専門家らは今年の洪水の原因として地球温暖化による気候変動を挙げた。1961年から2018年まで「極度に深刻な降雨」、すなわち ... 一方、世界最大の水力発電ダム「三峡ダム」の水位は前日、最高水位をわずか11メートルほど残した163.85メートルまで ...

◆200721 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/39fEbpn
今年の1月、英国のボリス・ジョンソン首相は、5G通信網へのファーウェイの参入について、核になる重要な通信網からは除外する、35%以下の制限をつける、という条件付きで、それを容認した。当時、それを聞いたトランプ大統領が激怒したというニュースが流れ ...

◆200721 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/3hlolMI
2027年末までに5G通信網からファーウェイを排除(中国、米国、英国) | ビジネス短信
NCSCは、米国の制裁措置の影響で、ファーウェイは、サプライヤーの代替などサプライチェーンを再構築せざるをえない状況であり、結果、同社の5G機器は信頼性を担保しえず、将来にわたってセキュリティーを保証することは不可能だとした。 オリバー・ダウデン ...

◆200721 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3jvT3oz
【ニューヨーク=中山修志】米石油メジャーのシェブロンは20日、米シェール大手のノーブル・エナジーを買収すると発表した。株式交換による買収額は約50億ドル(約5300億円)。新型コロナウイルス危機後の ...

◆200721 ダイヤモンド・オンライン https://bit.ly/2ZJyA7M
環境保全に対する関心の高まりから、EV(電気自動車)や電動スクーター、電動芝刈り機など、電気を動力とする製品が次々に登場しています。それに伴って需要が増しているのが「パワー半導体」です。 電力会社から送電線を通じて家庭に提供される ...



◆200721 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/30KTXF9
2012年7月13日に84歳で逝去した潘家錚(はんかしょう)は、1985年に三峡ダム建設計画の「論証指導グループ」副グループ長と技術総責任者に任命された人物であり、三峡ダムの総設計師と呼ばれている。 【写真】まるで巨大な赤ん坊…中国人が北欧で起こし ...

◆200721 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/2WGN5qX
2020年7月21日、仏国際放送局RFIの中国語版サイトは、連日の豪雨により警戒水位を超えた中国の三峡ダムの安全性について「原子爆弾が命中しても壊れない」という専門家の見解を伝えた。 記事は、中国国営の新華社が18日に、三峡ダムについて具体的な ...

◆200721 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3fPv5SJ
【7月20日 Xinhua News】中国長江(Yangtze River)で今年2回目となる増水のピークが19日、中流域の湖北省(Hubei)にある三峡ダム(Three Gorges Dam)を通過した。同ダムの流入量は同日午後8時に毎秒4万6千立方メートルまで減少。ピーク時との差 ...

◆200721 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3fI8qrv
黄河のダム、氾濫期に備えて放流実施 中国・洛陽
中国・河南省洛陽を流れる黄河で、氾濫期に備えて放流. 1/5. 中国・河南省洛陽を流れる黄河で、氾濫期に備えて放流を実施する小浪底ダム(2020年7月19日撮影)。(c)STR / AFP. 中国・河南省洛陽を流れる黄河で、氾濫期に備えて放流. 2/5. 中国・河南省 ...

◆200721 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/2WIkD8d
2027年末までに5G通信網からファーウェイを排除(中国、米国、英国) | ビジネス短信
英国政府は7月14日、2027年末までに英国の第5世代移動通信システム(5G)通信網向け設備から、中国の通信機器大手・華為技術(ファーウェイ)の製品を排除することを発表した。これに先立ち、2021年以降、同社からの5G関連製品の調達は全面的に禁止 ...

◆200721 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3hpA5hr
また、天然ガスの生産量は、最初の6か月で前年比10.3%増加し、940億立方メートルとなりました。 国家エネルギー局によりますと、中国経済が新型コロナの感染症から回復するにつれて、中国のエネルギー消費と生産は第2四半期 ...

◆200721 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/3eL4pRN
サワーズの論説の見出しは、「英国は、その5G網からファーウェイを締め出すべきである」(The UK should bar Huawei from its 5G network)であり、最初の部分はファーウェイを中心に論じているが、途中から最近の中国のより攻撃的な対外手法に論点を移し ...

◆200721 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/3hklPq1
2020年7月20日、中国メディアの環球網は、日本の5G通信産業の競争力を見くびってはならないとする、中国社会科学院日本研究所の田正(ティエン・ジョン)氏の評論記事を掲載した。 田氏はまず、日本経済新聞の報道として、華為技術(ファーウェイ)を5G ...

◆200721 ITpro https://bit.ly/2CPMLiH
5Gスマホは中国・華為技術(ファーウェイ、Huawei)の「HUAWEI P40 lite 5G」を購入した。SIMロックフリーの製品で、7月中旬時点のAmazon.co.jpにおける販売価格は3万9800円(税込み)だ。この組み合わせだと、4GのMVNO+SIMロックフリースマホと ...

◆200721 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2WI5Udc
英、香港犯罪人引き渡し条約停止を発表 米国務長官訪英で中国に対抗(産経新聞)
英政府は中国への強硬姿勢を強めており、14日には第5世代(5G)移動通信システムから中国通信機器大手、華為技術(ファーウェイ)を排除する方針を発表した。新型コロナウイルス感染への対処や国安法施行で中国への不信感を強めたためとみられている ...

◆200721 BBCニュース https://bbc.in/3jpaarX
TikTok、ロンドンの国際本社設置に暗雲 英中の緊張やアメリカの圧力で
イギリスは先に、来年以降は中国・華為技術(ファーウェイ)の第5世代移動通信システム(5G)向け設備の購入を禁止すると通信各社に通達。すでに購入していた場合も、2027年までに通信網から撤去する必要があるとしている。 これにより、英 ...


Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/39fzCLE
China's Oppo taps KDDI and SoftBank for 5G push in Japan
TAIPEI -- China's No. 2 smartphone maker Oppo will begin selling 5G smartphones in Japan through mobile carriers KDDI and SoftBank, an aggressive push for global growth that comes as U.S. sanctions leave its rival Huawei Technologies ...

Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/30KWa3p
China blows up dam in eastern Anhui province to ease flood risk
Authorities have adopted measures such as diverting water into back-up reservoirs to keep levels manageable as large rivers and lakes hit record highs. Chu River dam demolished. In Anhui, a dam on the Chu River was demolished on Sunday ...

The Diplomat https://bit.ly/39e5e4x
After Huawei, the Nuclear Question Looms Large for China ...
In 2016, Huawei agreed to strategic research partnerships for 5G technology in the U.K. with both Vodafone and BT. ... The U.K. currently has eight nuclear power plants, but the majority of these plants are due to shut down before 2030 and so replacement projects are being planned. ... a French state-owned energy company holding a 66.5 percent stake, and China General Nuclear (CGN), a Chinese ...

GlobeNewswire https://bit.ly/39meqUr
China aiming for one million 5G base stations by end-2020
Sydney, July 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just released, this edition of Paul Budde Communication's focus report on the China outlines the major developments and key aspects in the telecoms markets. Read the full report: ...

Wall Street Journal https://on.wsj.com/3hpEK2D
China May Retaliate Against Nokia and Ericsson If EU Countries Move to Ban Huawei
China's Ministry of Commerce is mulling export controls that would prevent Nokia and Ericsson from sending products it makes in China to other countries, the people said. ... The EU hasn't banned Huawei, but took a softer stance in January by releasing 5G cybersecurity recommendations ... These export restrictions, which oversee items including military and dual-use nuclear and chemical goods, are ...



◆200719 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/2OEfxFr
韓国、メキシコ、インドネシア、トルコ、オーストラリアなど、ミクタ(MIKTA)5か国の外相たちが17日 TV会議を開き、新型コロナウイルス感染症パンデミックの状況の中、多者次元の協力を強化することに同意した。 ミクタは2013年9月の国連総会をきっかけに発足 ...


◆200716 Power Engineering Magazine https://bit.ly/3jaXu7N
South Korea's KEPCO backs Indonesian coal project
South Korea's state-owned utility Korea Electric Power (Kepco) has announced that will move ahead with investments in the ... According to IEA Clean Coal Center, the expansion is being undertaken by PT Indo Raya Tenega, a joint venture of Barito ... Indonesia, on the other hand, has recently partnered with with International Energy Agency to expedite its energy ... Power Engineering International · POWERGRID International · Renewable Energy World · Smart Energy International.

◆200716 Eco-Business https://bit.ly/2OvjmwI
Indonesia approves coal road project through highly ...
People: Movers and shakers in sustainability · Southeast Asia's Clean Energy Transition · Changing Course 2019 · EB Impact ... The ministry signed off on the project, proposed by coal miner PT Marga Bara Jaya (MBJ), in October last year, but it wasn't ... a third of it through the forest, to truck coal from its mine in Musi Rawas district to power plants in Musi Banyuasin district, both ... For decades, the expansion of oil palm plantations and incursion of illegal loggers ate away at the forest.

◆200716 Mongabay.com https://bit.ly/3fySVCd
Dam that threatens orangutan habitat faces three-year delay
NSHE has submitted a request to PLN, as the buyer of the plant's power, to push the start of the dam's operation to 2025. ... A decline in electricity consumption as a result of suspended economic activity during the pandemic is another factor that ... Dana Tarigan, the head of the North Sumatra chapter of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), said he ... the Tapanuli orangutan and the ecology of the Batang Toru river, the demand for the power that the plant would produce, ...

◆200716 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/3h4HEK2
Indonesia seeks to conclude trade negotiation with EU next ...
Indonesia hopes to conclude negotiations for a trade agreement with the European Union next year to bolster the ... and bioliquid made of palm oil, but not of other vegetable oils, from the scope of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II).

◆200716 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/2WqJuwW
PGN to develop three domestic LNG hubs for power plant gasification plan - The Jakarta Post
State-owned gas firm PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) plans to convert three liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals into regional gas distribution hubs as part of a government program to cut oil imports. ... The power plants, owned by state-owned electricity giant PLN, can run on both gas and diesel fuel but have been using more of the latter for logistical convenience. ... are still a far cry from plants harnessing wind, solar or geothermal power or another source of renewable energy.

◆200716 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/32oxboW
Opportunity to transform PH energy mix cited
Don Paulino, founding director of the Philippine Energy Independence Council (PEIC) and managing director of Shell Philippines ... power fleets, primarily those that are feeding on fossil fuels such as coal plants and even oil-fired power facilities. ... energy access to far-flung areas in the country, innovation and leaning on the deployment of renewable energy ... that quick-start power plants like those powered by gas could be the perfect match to the on-and-off generation of some RE ...

◆200716 Global Times https://bit.ly/2C5Vs8x
China fears no US sanctions over S.China Sea
Despite US agitation, the Philippines, a country over-dependent on the international energy market, is more willing to continue resource exploitation within the framework of the China-Philippines oil and gas development cooperation in the South China Sea, Cao said. ... By provoking conflicts in the South China Sea, the US only wants to satisfy its own purpose of maintaining power in the region and ...

◆200716 The Manila Times https://bit.ly/3gXF6NQ
‘Iloilo power woes will be resolved by More’ – The Manila Times
THE Iloilo Economic Development Foundation (IledF) is confident that new distribution utility More Electric and Power Corp. (MORE Power) will fix the city's power distribution system and render better electricity service. ... It also pointed to the second WSP study in 2018 that “the services that PECO provides lag behind what distribution utilities in key Philippine cities like Metro Manila, Cebu, and Davao, ...

◆200716 BusinessWorld Online https://bit.ly/2DNS4j5
PXP Energy stands by to resume drilling of Recto Bank oil block
PXP Energy Corp. has set its eyes on exploring an oil block within the disputed West Philippine Sea that is estimated to bear as much as 3 trillion cubic feet of gas resources. Led by businessman Manuel V. Pangilinan, the listed gas and oil ...



◆200718 people.com.cn https://bit.ly/2BbF85F
中国ラオス鉄道 メコン川を渡る特大橋2基がいずれも完成
中老鉄路(中国ラオス鉄道)のバンラダン・メコン川特大橋の橋梁架設工事がこのほど竣工、同鉄道のメコン川を渡る2基の特大橋がいずれも完成し、計画に基づいた鉄道完成・開通に向けての重要な基礎が固められた。バンラダン・メコン川特大橋は、全長1652 ...

◆200718 ラベルオンライン https://bit.ly/30hKTHq
貴重なパートナーとしてのASEANの重要性を示す韓国は、11月に釜山で開催されるASEAN共和国記念サミットと初のメコン韓国サミットを主催します。多くの人々は、これらの2つの出来事が友好的な絆をさらに強化し、インドやASEANと共有する繁栄のための ...

◆200718 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3ha0TC6
アングル:既定路線の「脱石炭火力」、温暖化対応へ さらなる切り込み必要(ロイター)
ベトナムのブンアン2石炭火力発電事業など既存案件は、見直しの対象にはならない。 脱炭素化へ誘導しながら、石炭火力の輸出支援を継続する。非常に分かり難い政策となっていることに経産省幹部は「効率が高く、長期にわたって効率が落ちない日本製の ...

◆200718 ミャンマーニュース https://bit.ly/2WwJdIR
OHCHR、ミャンマーに自由かつ公正な選挙を要請 ミャンマーニュース
人種、民族、宗教等に関係なく投票権を. 国連人権高等弁務官事務所(OHCHR)は7月15日、ミャンマーの人権状況に関する新しい国連特別報告者である米国人のトーマス・アンドリューズ(Thomas Andrews)氏が国連人権理事会で、今年11月にミャンマーで行われる総選挙が ...

◆200718 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3jfNbiO
【関連記事】雲南省のラオス国境付近にバッタの大群、ドローンで防除作業. 同局によると、普洱市(Puer、プーアル)は約8018ヘクタールと被害が最も大きく、西双版納(シーサンパンナ、Xishuangbanna)ダイ族自治州では約78ヘクタールが被害に遭った。


◆200719 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3fJ2LBA
Laos: The Lancang-Mekong river cooperation sees regional ...
VIENTIANE, July 18 (The Vientiane Times/ANN): The Lancang-Mekong River is a vital waterway linking six countries - China and five nations from the South-East Asian region. In China, it's known as the Lancang River. Once it flows out of ...

◆200719 WION https://bit.ly/3fGl9Lq
Drought hits farmers, fishermen in Mekong Delta
00:00 / 00:00. ○. Live. Your video will be available shortly. Follow Us. According to the Mekong River Commission (MRC), farmers and fishermen along the Mekong river are facing drought. Mekong river recorded 70 per cent less rainfall this ...

◆200719 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2WvXZj1
Ayala expands RE investment in Vietnam with 210MW wind farm
Ayala's AC Energy Inc. is building up renewable energy investment portfolio in the Vietnamese market with its ... AC Energy that Vestas will be supporting with supply of turbines – the other one is a 60MW project to be sited at Mekong Delta in ... Clausse stressed “as an ideal place for investing in renewable energy, wit its ripe market for wind power and notable GDP growth, AC Energy sees Vietnam as a ...

◆200719 Pattaya Mail https://bit.ly/3hfozF4
The Chao Phraya River begins in Nakhon Sawan and it's ...
The convergence of all the rivers joins together at the dam at Pak Nam Bohi. The point where they meet is clearly delineated by the distinct colours of two of them: The Nan River runs red while the Ping ... giant freshwater whipray, Mekong giant catfish, giant feather back, black giant gourami, red-eyed white striped catfish, ...

◆200719 Chiang Rai Times https://bit.ly/30r4qFu
Key Economic Ministers Resignations Signs Thailand’s PM Losing Power
Key Economic Ministers Resignations Signs Thailand's PM Losing Power ... Trakulhoon, chairman of the Thai Bankers' Association Preedee Daochai and the former CEO and president of the PTT oil and gas company, Pailin Chuchottaworn.

◆200719 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3eH4SEw
Japan joins $14.4 billion syndicated loan for LNG project in ...
The Golfinho-Atum gas field off the northern coast of Mozambique plans to produce a total of some 13 million tons of LNG a year from 2024. ... to 5 percent of Japan's annual demand — will be shipped to Tokyo Gas Co., Tohoku Electric Power Co. and other utilities. “The loan will contribute to long-term, stable securing of LNG, an important energy resource for Japan, as well as the diversification ... LNG generates less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases than coal, for instance.

◆200719 sggpnews https://bit.ly/32sOVPY
Vietnam implements carbon pricing strategy for lowering ...
“Carbon pricing”, a market-based strategy for lowering Green House Gas emissions, aims to put an actual monetary value on carbon emissions so that the costs of climate impacts and the opportunities for low-carbon energy options are better ...

◆200719 Padova News https://bit.ly/2BdsGSN
Risen Energy inks EPC contract for a 250 MW project in Vietnam
(Immediapress – Adnkronos Immediapress e' un servizio di diffusione di comunicati stampa in testo originale redatto direttamente dall'ente che lo emette. Padovanews non e' responsabile per i contenuti dei comunicati trasmessi.).

◆200719 US Embassy in Burma https://bit.ly/3jlqLwA
How the Erosion of Sovereignty Elsewhere Impacts Myanmar ...
As Myanmar has focused on the fight against COVID-19 in recent months, many of its friends, including the United States, ... including vast reserves of oil and gas and some of the world's richest fisheries—the very livelihood of millions who call ... consultative processes that include the voices of local communities and that put economic prosperity and power back in ... When negotiating energy, communications, or transportation infrastructure projects, Myanmar benefits when it is not ...

◆200719 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3eJb7rA
A strong family of BRI in South Asia
Myanmar is also in this bonded under one of the sixth planned Economic corridor – China-Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Corridor. It is also ... On the domestic front, Russia is mired with sluggish economic growth due to oil glut. In the post ...

◆200719 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/2OApUdz
Renewed energy to Indo-Russian ties
On the domestic front, Russia is mired with sluggish economic growth due to oil glut. In the post ... Myanmar is also in this bonded under one of the sixth planned Economic corridor – China-Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Corridor. It is also ...



◆200715 ITmedia https://bit.ly/30b91eL
インドのTikTok禁止と表現の自由 (1/4)
インド政府の中国アプリ排除の背景には、両国の関係悪化がある。2020年6月16日、ヒマラヤ山脈に近い国境地帯でインドと中国の両軍が領有権をめぐり衝突、インド側に20名の死者が出た(BBCの記事)。国境をめぐり両国は何十年もにらみ合いを続けていた ...

◆200715 MSN エンターテイメント https://bit.ly/38UENkc
大雨によりインドとバングラデシュを流れるヒマラヤ水系の主要河川の二つ、ブラフマプトラ(Brahmaputra)川とガンジス川(Ganges)が増水した。 バングラデシュの洪水で浸水した場所をを歩く男性(2020年7月 © Munir Uz zaman / AFP バングラデシュの洪水 ...

◆200715 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3j1GrFb
インド出身のスンダー・ピチャイ最高経営責任者(CEO)がテレビ会議形式で13日開催したインド向けの年次イベントで発表した。 ピチャイCEOはビジネスや友人・家族とのつながりにおけるテクノロジーの重要性が ...

◆200715 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2OoblJJ
「緊張はいずれ緩和されるが民衆の怒りは収まらない」 中印国境問題で駐日インド大使(毎日新聞)
インドのサンジェイ・クマール・バルマ駐日大使が13日、毎日新聞の取材に応じた。中印国境地帯における両軍の衝突について「軍事や外交関係の緊張はいずれ緩和されるが、インドの民衆の怒りがいつ収まるのか見通すのは難しい」と述べ、市民の反中感情が ...


◆200715 Phys.Org https://bit.ly/32g9crT
Scientists discover fault system in southeastern Nepal
"We discovered a series of faults at the foot of the Himalayan mountain range that have never been seen before," ... buried beneath the Ganga flood plain of the Ganges River, which carries much of the sediment eroded from the Himalaya. ... The study, "Active Strike-Slip Faults and an Outer Frontal Thrust in the Himalayan Foreland Basin," was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. ... Long-term heat-storage ceramics absorbing thermal energy from hot water.

◆200715 Associated Press of Pakistan https://bit.ly/32iA76r
Nepal's latest stance exposes Indian poor diplomatic dealings ...
Nepal's move not only challenged India's age-old narrative on bilateral relations but also retained the Himalayan ... As claimed by border experts, India is creating a fake point in the snowy Himalaya as the origin of Kali River an ... policy is to belittle Nepali citizens' ambitions and their progressivism to view at the changing regional power dynamics. ... China reiterates firm support for Iran nuclear deal ...

◆200715 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2OnFkBG
Indus River System Authority releases 314,300 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1459.15 feet, which was 73.15 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 161,500 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200715 Dunya News https://bit.ly/3fwJHX9
PM Imran to visit Diamer-Bhasha Dam project today
ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Imran Khan will visit Diamer- Bhasha Dam project today (Wednesday) to review ... Diamer Bhasha Dam, a vital project for water, food and energy security of Pakistan, is being constructed on River Indus, 315 ... The project with installed power generation capacity of 4500 megawatt (MW) will provide more than 18 billion units per annum to the National Grid.

◆200715 Business Recorder https://bit.ly/2OpChcd
Hydro resources: About 89 percent of possible power production yet to be harnessed
LAHORE: About 89 percent of the electricity production potential from hydro resources is yet to be harnessed as the current total ... namely Indus with a potential of 66 percent of electricity generation followed by Jhelum, 9 percent, Swat, 3 percent, Kunhar, 3 percent, ... 29,944 MW and shares in electricity generation were comprised natural gas, 33.6 percent, oil, 32.1 percent, coal, 0.2 percent, hydropower, 26.1 percent, nuclear, 5.7 percent, and renewable energy, only 2.2 percent.

◆200715 The Nation https://bit.ly/32mJ5PY
Sargodha University holds webinar on “Water crisis in Pakistan”
Indus Water Treaty was meant to protect interests of Pakistan, but India has taken undue advantage from it.” He said that power generation rules were required to ensure equitable water use and right of every individual to have water access.

◆200715 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/3fvpT6r
BP commits $70m to support India's renewable energy sector
With the investment, BP will become a limited partner in GGEF and have representation on its advisory committee as well as the rights to co-invest in projects alongside the Fund. Dev Sanyal, BP Group's Executive Vice President for gas and low ...

◆200715 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/32j4861
New partnership targets 138MW of onshore wind farms in India
A new partnership for the development, construction and operation of 138MW of onshore wind farms in India has been ... It is expected to deliver around 149GWh of clean electricity to power more than 145,000 people and avoid 130,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year. ... renewable energy projects that strongly align with CI1's key objectives of displacing grid-connected coal-fired power ...

◆200715 The Kathmandu Post https://bit.ly/32jPifJ
How India lost a gas pipeline to China
It mentioned that the 'government of Myanmar agrees to export natural gas to India by a pipeline through the territory of Bangladesh and India ... India actually did not immediately agree to Bangladesh's three demands—transmission of hydro-electricity from Nepal and Bhutan to ... Running parallel with the Myanmar-China Crude Oil Pipeline, this gas pipeline became operational in July 2013, and started ...

◆200715 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/3fyiMKr
India, EU sign civil nuclear cooperation agreement on eve of Summit
The agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community or Euratom and Indian authorities will focus on cooperation between EU's research programmes on new ways of using nuclear energy and similar activities on the Indian side, ...

◆200715 The Express Tribune https://bit.ly/2Cg4PlQ
Pakistan finds new oil, gas reserves in KP
Pakistan has found new deposits of oil and gas in exploratory well Mamikhel South-01, located in Tal block in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P). The discovery will slightly slash the country's heavy reliance on energy imports and cut the import bill.

◆200715 News Intervention https://bit.ly/2Zsw2dS
Pakistan's Kohala Power Project with China is to loot POK
The 4,000 square mile of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which is under Pakistan's control, has recently signed $2.4 billion deal with China and the Pakistani government for electricity generation. This project is called the Kohala Power ...

◆200715 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/38XLJwN
Nepal granted $200m loan to modernise power supply systems
Nepal has been granted a loan worth $200 million (£159m) to improve the power supply and distribution systems across the country. ... The ABD says while Nepal has made significant progress in power supply after years of chronic electricity shortages, its transmission and distribution ... ADB Principal Energy Specialist Jiwan Acharya said: “The project will help sustain Nepal's improved electricity supply ...

◆200715 The Kathmandu Post https://bit.ly/3h1O2BT
How India lost a gas pipeline to China
It mentioned that the 'government of Myanmar agrees to export natural gas to India by a pipeline through the territory of Bangladesh and India ... India actually did not immediately agree to Bangladesh's three demands—transmission of hydro-electricity from Nepal and Bhutan to ... Running parallel with the Myanmar-China Crude Oil Pipeline, this gas pipeline became operational in July 2013, and started ...

◆200715 The Hindu https://bit.ly/2ZrXPeG
Rising water levels in rivers threaten floods in north Bihar
The catchment areas of Nepal have been witnessing heavy rainfall since the last several days causing spate in the rivers originating from the Himalayan region. On Monday, river Bagmati crossed the highest flood level at Belsand in Sheohar ...

◆200715 Bharat Shakti https://bit.ly/3fv25Qf
Beijing Unilaterally Trying to Change Status Quo from India to ...
Beijing Unilaterally Trying to Change Status Quo from India to Bhutan to South China Sea: Japan ... India and Japan as he stated, “Bejing has been unilaterally enforcing its power on the border between China and India, the Bhutan border, ...

◆200715 Asia Times https://bit.ly/38W1u7q
Modi’s ‘Chinese expansionism’ rhetoric a farce
By inaugurating a world's tallest statue, of Patel, at the Sardar Sarovar Dam in Modi's home state of Gujarat in October ... China shares a border with 14 countries, namely Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, ...

◆200715 EconomyNext https://bit.ly/38YsSC3
Sri Lanka's Ceylon Electricity Board loses Rs20bn up to April ...
ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka's state run Ceylon Electricity Board lost 20.8 billion rupees up to April 2020, on top of a ... Electricity sales volumes fell 15 percent to 4,016 GigaWatt hours (millions of units) in the first four months of 2020, ... State-run Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) gives furnace oil at high fixed prices to the CEB which is not linked to market costs. ... However the Finance Ministry said the 48 billion rupee injection kept the arrears to the CPC and Independent Power ...

◆200715 Cole of Duty https://bit.ly/3h1lZTb
2020 Sri Lanka Hydropower Market Analysis and Outlook to ...
2020 Sri Lanka Hydropower Market Analysis and Outlook to 2026-Market Size, Planned Power Plants, Market Trends, Investments, and Competition. Post author By anita@orbisresearch.com ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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