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2020年8月1日 中国人民解放軍が政府機関の指揮下にないこと,帝国憲法を想起











◆200801 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3k1pw6k
2020年7月1日から、中国の「国家安全法」が香港に適用されることになった。反対派をいつでも逮捕し、有罪にできる。香港の自由の息の根を止める、強力な逆襲だ。 なぜ習近平政権は ...

◆200801 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2D92HNd
中国が本格化させる海洋資源開発つぶしでベトナムが莫大な補償金を負担させられている>. 中国は、南シナ海に人工島を造成したり、軍事施設を建設するなどして、広大な海域の実効支配を進めてきた。沿岸国が進める海洋資源開発プロジェクトも、 ...

◆200801 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3hPoKr0
見てわかる「南シナ海問題」 海洋権益巡り米中火花

◆200801 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3gk3Vnp
中国、7月の景況感も回復続く 課題は需要不足(産経新聞)
中国・習主席「一帯一路」頓挫危機! コロナ禍で中国に牙をむく参加国も? トランプ大統領、中国スパイ“一掃”! 新型コロナワクチンも狙われた?

◆200801 JBpress https://bit.ly/30fuu7v
「十四五」は中国の特色ある社会主義の偉大な御旗を高く掲げ、習近平新時代の中国の特色ある社会主義思想を指導に仰ぎ、深く貫徹しなければならない。 新型コロナウイルスの深刻な打撃を受けたが、経済はゆっくり回復し、「復工復産」(仕事と生産の ...

◆200801 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3fgaKoI
中国版GPS「北斗」全面稼働 開発26年、「世界をナビゲート」(時事 ...
北京の人民大会堂で同日開かれた式典で習近平国家主席が、全世界をサービス対象とする「北斗3号」システムの「正式開通」を宣言。米国のGPSに依存しない中国独自の「軍民共用インフラ」が、開発着手から26年で完成した。 習氏や李克強 ...

◆200801 J-CASTニュース https://bit.ly/3fmxYcG
暴かれた! 中国のオーストラリア支配計画 『目に見えぬ侵略 ...
オーストラリア(豪州)経済が中国の経済発展の恩恵を最も受けてきた国であることは、ちょっと投資をかじった人にとっては周知の事実である。本書『目に見えぬ侵略――中国のオーストラリア支配計画』(飛鳥新社)は、その陰で中国がオーストラリア政財界にじわじわ進出、今では安全保障が脅かさ ... 最近の中国による東、南シナ海への力ずくの進出は無法者の振る舞いとしか思えない。 ... BOOKウォッチでは関連で『腐敗と格差の中国史』(NHK出版新書)、『習近平のデジタル文化大革命』(講談社+α新書)、『チャイナ ...

◆200801 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3ge3jQ2
中国「『台湾独立』は袋小路」 李氏死去で米けん制(共同通信)
【北京共同】中国外務省の汪文斌副報道局長は31日の記者会見で、台湾の李登輝元総統が死去したことに関し「『台湾独立』は袋小路だ」と強調した。ポンペオ米国務長官が李氏を高く評価したことを念頭に「台湾独立勢力に誤ったシグナルを出すな」とも述べ、 ...



◆200801 環境ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/3fmU12N
固定価格買取制度の買取期間満了後には、発電所から起こす水力の自然エネルギーで、自社施設の電力を供給することをめざす。 奥伊吹観光は50年にわたるスキー場運営の中で、地球温暖化に伴う小雪化など身近に危機感を感じ、 ...

◆200801 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3fkf723
古い石炭火力発電所 災害に備え一部を「廃止」から「休止」に
石炭火力発電の削減について議論する経済産業省の作業部会は、災害時などに備えて古い発電所の一部を再稼働できるよう残しておく方針を確認し、具体的な検討を進めていくことになりました。 続きを読む. 政府は、二酸化炭素の排出が多い古い石炭火力 ...

◆200801 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3gip9Cb
主要国のエネルギー輸入依存度をさぐる(2020年公開版)(不破 ...
日本原子力文化財団などが発行している「原子力・エネルギー」図面集の最新版などにおいて、この白書の2019年版(データの中身は2017年分)の値を確認することができた。そこでこれを用いてグラフを作成する。 次のグラフは各国が消費エネルギー全体のうち、 ...

◆200801 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/314mEwR
電力大手4~6月期、4社が最終損益悪化 コロナで電力需要減
新型コロナは売上高を230億円、経常利益を110億円程度押し下げた。62%減益だった中部電力は自動車や鉄鋼の電力需要が3割減った。四国電力は原子力発電所の稼働停止で火力発電のコストがかさんだ。 損益が ...



◆200801 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/39KjiD3
香港経由の中国半導体輸入、米制裁恐れ駆け込み需要か-6月 ...
米国が中国と香港に制裁を発動し、こうした輸入がこれまで以上に難しくなるとの懸念が背景にある。 1-6月の香港を介した本土への半導体再輸出は前年同期比11%増と、中国の全半導体購入と比べほぼ倍のペースで伸びた。ブルームバーグが公式データを ...

◆200801 livedoor https://bit.ly/2Pe5I1k
中国最長の河川である長江流域で大雨が続き、洪水が多発していることを受け、長江に存在する世界最大の水力発電ダムである「三峡ダム」に注目が集まっている。中国メディアの中国経済周刊はこのほど、三峡ダムの安全性などについて中国の専門家の見解 ...

◆200801 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/3hWBGLI
中国最長の河川である長江流域で大雨が続き、洪水が多発していることを受け、長江に存在する世界最大の水力発電ダムである「三峡ダム」に注目が集まっている。中国メディアの中国経済周刊はこのほど、三峡ダムの安… Twitter. 記事全文 · アプリで読む.


◆200801 CNN https://cnn.it/2Pb79O7
China's Three Gorges Dam is one of the largest ever created. Was it worth it?
The dam's operator, China Three Gorges Corporation, told China's state news agency Xinhua that the dam has intercepted 18.2 ... But with multiple gauging stations monitoring river flows in the Yangtze basin seeing record-high water levels this summer, ... But according to the Chinese government's 1992 proposal, the top reason for building the dam wasn't power ... to May, the reservoir's water level is kept at a maximum of 175 meters (574 feet) to optimize electricity generation at the ...

◆200801 Renewable Energy Magazine https://bit.ly/33ebtnT
Al Maiorino - China Hydropower Projects May Continue to Shrink in Size
The fully operational hydropower stations across China's landscape currently produce more electricity than the electric grids ... Dam became fully operational in 2008, and still stands today as one of the world's largest hydroelectric power plants. ... Due to its large size, the Wudongde Hydropower Station has the ability to block the Yangtze River Basin and create a ... classified as pumped-hydro projects because of their ability to provide storage space for intermittent renewable energy.

◆200801 EnerCom Inc. https://bit.ly/3gkFbv1
2020 China Natural Gas Map (Shaanxi) Analyst Edition - On Demand Product
Email Subscription · Oil & Gas 360 ... 360 Energy Expert » ... Dublin, July 31, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "On-Demand Product: 2020 China Natural Gas Map (Shaanxi) Analyst Edition" map has been ... gathering stations, CBM blocks, and mines, shale gas E&P projects, gas pipelines, underground gas storages, key distribution stations, LNG plants, LNG regasification stations, CNG plants, coal gas methanation projects, coal to gas projects, key power users, gas chemical users;

◆200801 ThePrint https://bit.ly/33egAEt
Pakistan’s coal-fired power generation sees record jump, thanks to China push
Pakistan's coal-fired power generation jumped 57% to a record in the fiscal year through June, according to data from the ... for China's Belt and Road initiative, with more than $70 billion of projects including coal and liquefied natural gas fired power plants ... The first target of these plants has been to replace expensive fuel oil-based generation facilities that burdened the ... The country will balance rising coal use with more renewable energy and its coal plants will use low-emissions ...

◆200801 Argus Media https://bit.ly/3fgHwG7
China boosts shale gas development
China stepped up shale gas development last year, as the country looks to fall back on unconventional output to drive ... Newly proved gas reserves fell by 2.7pc to 809bn m³ in 2019 from a year earlier after a larger increase the previous ... Development of coal-bed methane (CBM) had more disappointing results, according to the MNR. ... Our editors and experts share insights and analyses about energy and commodity markets worldwide. ... Crude oil Natural gas/LNG Asia-Pacific

◆200801 Xinhua https://bit.ly/2Pg8qU8
Floodwater discharged from Three Gorges Dam in Hubei ...
Photo taken on July 31, 2020 shows floodwater being discharged from the Three Gorges Dam in central China's Hubei Province. The third flood of China's Yangtze River this year has smoothly passed the Three Gorges Dam on Wednesday as ...



◆200729 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/2BEURKL
フィリピン大統領 中国に歩み寄り ワクチンとひきかえの見方も
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は演説で、中国と領有権を争う南シナ海の問題について「中国と戦争をする余裕はない」と述べました。中国が新型コロナウイルスのワクチンを開発した場合は、提供を受けたい考えも合わせて示し、地元メディアは、ワクチンと ...

◆200729 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/2X0BKlN
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は27日の施政方針演説で、新型コロナのワクチンができればフィリピンが最初に供給を受けられるよう中国に懇願したことを明らかにした。写真はニノイ・アキノ国際空港。 中国共産党機関紙、人民日報海外版のニュースサイト海外網 ...

◆200729 ロイター https://bit.ly/31b0dGr
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領が27日に行った施政方針演説が、市場の期待に届かなかった。 大統領は演説でこれまでの新型コロナウイルス対策を擁護。市場では経済復興計画が発表される ...

◆200729 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2P4HHK2
電力メラルコ、1~6月は43%減益 フィリピン・電力・ガス・水道
フィリピンの配電最大手マニラ電力(メラルコ)が28日発表した2020年1~6月期連結決算は、純利益が前年同期比42.9%減の69億100万ペソ(約148億円)だった。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で電力販売量が落ち込んだほか、シンガポールの合弁会社 ...


◆200731 Argus Media https://bit.ly/2DoOf3K
Indonesia’s Adaro plans 10pc coal output cuts this year
Indonesia's second-largest coal producer Adaro Energy plans to reduce output by around 10pc this year because of a "difficult" market, leaving ... "The reduction is mainly from thermal coal products. ... rebalance a market that has been hit by a weaker global economy and falling industrial electricity demand as a result of Covid-19, Adaro said. ... The dominance of coal-fired power generation in east Australia is forecast to wane significantly over the next 20 years as most power plants ...

◆200731 Power Engineering Magazine https://bit.ly/2DoOo7i
New Indonesian coal-fired plant utilizing CFB boilers ...
Czech steam turbine manufacturer Doosan Škoda Power will supply two 50-MW units for a next-generation power plant in Indonesia. The Palu 3 coal-fired plant is considered one of the most advanced in that region, with circulating fluidized ...

◆200731 Gulf News https://bit.ly/3hPsHfm
Philippines takes 'major step' toward using nuclear power
The Philippines has taken a big step towards tapping nuclear power, its energy minister said on Wednesday, after ... as a potential answer to the Philippines' twin problems of precarious supply and Southeast Asia's highest electricity costs, but ...

◆200731 Natural Gas World https://bit.ly/30h6u45
First Gen to Start Work on Philippines Terminal H2: Press
Manila-listed First Gen is expecting to start building its floating LNG terminal in Batangas in the Philippines in the second half of the year, ... filed the application for a permit to construct, expand, rehabilitate and modify (PCERM) its existing jetty with the department of energy. A PCERM is required by the Philippine Downstream Natural Gas Regulation (PDNGR). ... The offshore Malampaya gas field is declining and gas supplies for the country's power plants are looking ever less reliable.

◆200731 The News Lens International https://bit.ly/3hSYpbM
Duterte Forever? Critics Wary of Constitutional Changes in the Philippines
1,489 mayors in the Philippines proposed constitutional amendments calling for an extension of office terms as the country is sinking deeper into its pandemic woes. Critics called the proposal a power grab. MANILA, Philippines — Ahead of ...



◆200801 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/2PgyWfU
茂木外相、8月にシンガポールやメコン3カ国など歴訪へ 外遊本格再開
茂木敏充外相が8月上旬に予定する英国訪問に続き、シンガポールやメコン3カ国、パプアニューギニアなどを同月内に歴訪する方向で調整に入った。新型コロナウイルスの影響で休止している外国訪問を本格的に再開させる。複数の政府関係者が31日、 ...

◆200801 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3fkxqUP
メコン川大惨事」(中国輸送船が襲撃され中国人船員13名が殺害される事件)の犯人逮捕にも、北斗システムは貢献しています。 システムの分析、コントロールを研究するロシアの専門家は「世界のユーザーは北斗システムによってその体験を引き上げられるだ ...

◆200801 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/33ao6QW
EU・ベトナムFTA、8月1日に発効(ベトナム、EU) | ビジネス短信
EU側もベトナム原産品への関税について71%が即時撤廃、残りも最長7年の逓減期間を経て撤廃を目指すとしている。なお、ベトナムは現在、EUの一般特恵(GSP)対象国であり、欧州委によると、2018年実績では同国からEU ...

◆200801 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/30fPXgB
カンボジアのストゥントレン空港を復旧させるため、中国の工兵部隊はアスファルトを手作業で加熱して敷いていました。現地の高い気温にアスファルトの加熱作業で出された高温が合わさり、将兵たちの体力と忍耐強さへの大きな試練となりました。70~80度にも ...


◆200801 Telegraph.co.uk https://bit.ly/3hViDRZ
Ignoring water scarcity will be a costly error
Egypt argues that the dam will inhibit its share of the downstream water supply from the Nile – and an agreement ... has spilt over into a power battle over water, with the Mekong River once again becoming significant in the race for superiority ...

◆200801 NHK WORLD https://bit.ly/3hZyhfp
Bangkok to introduce electric ferries
Thailand is set to launch its first commercial electric ferry service as part of efforts to tackle severe air pollution. The vehicle, developed by Thai renewables company Energy Absolute, was unveiled on Friday along the Chao Phraya River near ...

◆200801 The Taiwan Times https://bit.ly/39Lr7Z6
ASEAN's Largest Wind Farm To Be Built In Laos, Energy To ...
A Thai company is planning to construct ASEAN's largest ever wind farm – in neighboring Laos. ... The energy produced is then expected to be sold to a third nation – Vietnam – with Hanoi's state-run 'Electricity ... A formal PPA (power purchase agreement) will be finalised this October according to reports out of Thailand.

◆200801 Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide https://bit.ly/3guzhYg
Indonesia eyes Vietnam as it seeks to diversify thermal coal exports
Indonesia, the world's top exporter of thermal coal, is stepping up efforts to diversify sales of the fuel as shipments to top buyer India slump ... a government spokesman said, as it seeks to offset a fall in annual exports and a global shift towards cleaner energy. ... Thermal coal is used by power plants to generate electricity. ... US Sanctions in Respect of Nord Stream 2 / Turk Stream Gas Projects ... Oil & Energy. Oil & Companies News · General Energy News · Bunker Prices Worldwide ...

◆200801 Natural Resources Defense Council https://on.nrdc.org/2BOeD6D
Japan's New Coal Export Policy A Step in the Right Direction
The statement, coming on the heels of a decision to close 100 inefficient domestic coal-fired power plants in Japan by 2030, ... provide assistance for new coal projects to those countries where Japan is not fully aware of the local energy situation ... include the controversial 1200 MW Vung Ang 2 coal project in Vietnam and the 900 MW Indramayu coal power station ... coal-fired plants (which are in fact a dangerous misnomer) will lock in future greenhouse gas emissions for a long time.

◆200801 Gas to Power Journal https://bit.ly/39JrlQo
LNG supply to Chinese-built power plant in Myanmar now in ...
July 31 – The Japanese utility Tokyo Gas has agreed to raise its stake in the U.S. firm Castleton Resources to 70 percent from 46 percent to increase its foothold in shale gas production in Texas and Louisiana. Castleton Resources holds ...

◆200801 GCR https://bit.ly/31aTQmt
Myanmar splits up “New Yangon” scheme to encourage challenge to giant Chinese contractor - News
“New Yangon City” was conceived as an 8,100-hectare industrial-commercial zone on the less-developed bank of the Yangon River. The initial work, masterplanned by Aecom, would involve building two bridges, a 13-sq-km industrial estate ...

◆200801 The Star Online https://bit.ly/2PeJgFe
Myanmar may postpone election in war-torn Rakhine state
Longtime opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party took power in 2016 after a landslide election win that ended half a century of army rule, though the military retains significant powers. While Suu Kyi remains ...



◆200728 朝日新聞社 https://bit.ly/2X2KZBW
中印、国境付近からの迅速な軍撤退で合意=インド政府 - ロイターニュース - 国際
ニューデリー 24日 ロイター] - インド政府は、同国と中国の外交当局が24日、ヒマラヤ西部の国境でにらみ合いを続ける両軍を迅速に撤退させることで合意したと発表した。国境係争地では6月に軍事衝突が起き、インド側の兵士20人が死亡した。 衝突が起きて ...

◆200728 TechCrunch Japan https://tcrn.ch/3hFMAWb
なお、6月にヒマラヤ山脈での軍事衝突で20人以上のインド人兵士が殺害されたことで、インドでは反中感情が高まっている。主要なモバイル調査企業によるとTikTok、クラブファクトリー、UCブラウザと他のアプリをまとめたアプリは、5月の月間アクティブ ...

◆200728 Asahi Shimbun GLOBE https://bit.ly/2BALewu
東西を結ぶ麻薬の道「バルカンルート」 トルコが本格的な対策に ...
アフガニスタン、パキスタン、イランにまたがる地域は、「黄金の三日月地帯」と呼ばれ、東南アジアの「黄金の三角地帯」と並び称される世界最大の麻薬の生産地だ。この三日月地帯で栽培された大麻や、ケシからつくられるヘロインはトルコを経由して一大消費地 ...

◆200728 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3f7LWPE
趙雲莎記者が伝えるチベットの今―③チベット最奥の聖地、神山 ...
カイラス山はインドやネパールとの国境に近いチベット自治区ガリ地区プラン県内に位置しています。カイラスはチベット語で「雪山の王」を意味し、海抜6656メートルです。 カイラス山はチベットの原始宗教であるベンゼン教、チベット仏教、ヒンドゥー教、ジャイナ教 ...


◆200731 Science Magazine https://bit.ly/3jVezTN
China and India: Toward a sustainable world
We urge the governments of China and India to facilitate science diplomacy, starting with the Himalaya region. ... Earth as measured by increases in leaf area index since 2000 (2), and both are highly ranked in solar and wind-electricity generation (3). ... ice fields, and water, is threatened by some of the highest hydroelectric-dam densities and climate change rates in the world (10, 11). ... International Energy Agency, Clean Energy Transitions Programme: Annual Report 2019 (2020).

◆200731 ThePrint https://bit.ly/30e9b69
If India wants to tire China out on LAC, it must build fortresses at these pressure points
This places us at the risk of losing our entire territory east and north-east of Pangong Tso along with the DBO Sector. Also, our major riposte options get restricted to Chushul Sector,Indus River Valley Sector and Chumar Sector. Also read: Modi ...

◆200731 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/3ghoK2C
IRSA releases 263,200 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1465.35 feet, which was 79.35 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 183,700 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200731 Brighter Kashmir https://bit.ly/3jXh6gc
Propelling Growth through Power Projects in J&K
Frivolous attempts made by Pakistan to stymie construction of this run of the river project were fought hard by India at The Hague based Permanent ... Kishanganga power venture was just one in a string of power generation, transmission and distribution projects that were intended at ... Jammu & Kashmir has a potential for about 20,000 Mw worth hydro-electric power capacities. This includes 11283 Mw in Chenab basin, 3084 in Jhelum, 500 Mw in Ravi and 1608 Mw in Indus basins.

◆200731 Livemint https://bit.ly/2XdZz9F
India energy demand improves in June: Report
With economic activities slowly picking pace, the all India energy demand improved in June as compared to May, says India ... electricity generation, excluding renewables, also declined 11.8% y-o-y to 99.5 billion units in June 2020 with thermal ... due to the decline in the power demand over 1QFY21, given the must-run status of nuclear, hydro and renewables," it noted. ... South Eastern Coalfields and Central Coalfields led by the lower demand, also resulting in a high coal inventory.

◆200731 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/3hTcINw
India reserves 110 power plant equipment, services for local companies
You may not have noticed it but the price of subsidised cooking gas rose by an average of just less than Rs 10 per cylinder per month in the July-June 2019-20 period, taking the price of common man's fuel closer to market rates. Schlumberger ...

◆200731 Splash 247 https://bit.ly/3fg3tFd
India and China cut coal shipments drastically
Alphabulk is predicting shipping will lose up to 100m tons of thermal coal cargo this year with the world's two most populous nations – India and China – responsible for the biggest drops. Australia's Department of Industry predicts Indian thermal ...

◆200731 ThePrint https://bit.ly/2DionXd
Pakistan’s coal-fired power generation sees record jump, thanks to China push
Pakistan's coal-fired power generation jumped 57% to a record in the fiscal year through June, according to data from ... including coal and liquefied natural gas fired power plants helping the nation end decades of electricity shortfalls. ... The first target of these plants has been to replace expensive fuel oil-based generation facilities that burdened the ... The country will balance rising coal use with more renewable energy and its coal plants will use low-emissions technology, he said.

◆200731 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/3jQLrwZ
Chinese funding increases coal-fired power generation in ...
While other countries move away from coal-fired power due its negative environmental impact, Chinese funding has ... towards clean energy overseas, with China signing an agreement to build two hydro-power generation projects in Pakistan.

◆200731 Technology Times Pakistan https://bit.ly/2XaYpf2
India Beaten By Pakistan For Maintaining Nuclear Safety and ...
while the IAEA has recently ensured to streamline its support for Pakistan's emerging energy needs since Islamabad intends to expand its nuclear power generating capacity more than six-fold over the next decade, from 1430 MW to 8800 MW, ...

◆200731 Dunya News https://bit.ly/2D4nmlH
PM directs for timely implementation of reforms in energy sector
... unnecessary hurdles to consumers and doing corrupt practices in power sector. The Prime Minister was briefed on the ongoing reforms in the energy sector, power generation as per requirement of the country, modernization of transmission ...

◆200731 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/30cP3Bq
Nepal tells India not to restrict movement of its people in contested areas in Uttarakhand
Nepalese authorities have insisted that Limpiyadhura, Kalapani, Lipulekh in Uttarakhand's Pithoragarh district fall under ... signed between Nepal and erstwhile British East India Company in 1815, the areas east to Kali (Mahakali) river which ...

◆200731 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/2XdrruI
Mahakali river shows red alert, Tinau gradually subsiding
KALIKOT: Nine persons including seven of the same family were killed in landslides that occurred in two locations of Narharinath Rural Municipality in Kalikot district on Tuesday night, according to Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Portal.

◆200731 Livemint https://bit.ly/2P7mGOW
Chinese claims in Bhutan, incursion in India indicates CPC's intentions: Pompeo
China's territorial claims in Bhutan and the recent incursion into Indian land are indicative of their intentions, US ... came to power," Pompeo told members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee during a Congressional hearing on Thursday.

◆200731 CA News Ottawa https://bit.ly/338eBSh
Chinese Territory Promises In Bhutan, India's Ladakh ...
Chinese Territory Promises In Bhutan, India's Ladakh “Screening” The Globe, Claims US ... (Jinping) came to electricity,” Pompeo told customers of the Property Foreign Affairs Committee in the course of a Congressional hearing ... The secretary of state explained China has the desire to develop its electric power and attain.

◆200731 Minneapolis Star Tribune http://strib.mn/2CVbnqF
Pompeo says threats to US in Afghanistan raised with Russia
"We want Europe to have real, secure, stable, safe energy resources that cannot be turned off in the event Russia ... those, along with China's recent skirmishes with India and border disputes with the tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, are ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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