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2020年8月5日 習近平主席は「死して後已まん」,諸葛孔明の心境に至る




新型コロナ:習近平氏は2035年まで君臨 仰天の構想が招く確執





◆200805 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2Pq0OOS
新型コロナ:習近平氏は2035年まで君臨 仰天の構想が招く確執
国家主席の)習近平(シー・ジンピン)は本当に2035年を見据えた超長期政権をめざすつもりだ」「これは形を変えた今後15年間の政権構想に違いない」。7月末から中国の政界がざわついている。 中国共産党は7 ...

◆200805 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/30u2oFS
>(太字筆者、以下同じ) 中国は、「新たな圧政」であり、自由世界(民主主義諸国)は、これに勝たなければならない。 <(中国共産党の)習近平総書記は、破綻した全体主義のイデオロギーの真の信奉者だ。中国 ...

◆200805 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3gw7IOm
【アメリカ発】コロナ禍で「脱中国」はどこまで進むか(NEWS ポストセブン)
新型コロナウイルスの発生源となった中国では、その後いち早く感染症の危機から脱し、経済回復を急いでいる。日本では中国経済のV ... 習近平国家主席は、経済活動の回復については長期戦に備えなければならないと述べた。世界最大の経済 ...

◆200805 ロイター https://bit.ly/2DC4eLA
中国、経済的自立高める成長戦略を提起 外部リスク増大で=関係筋
北京 5日 ロイター] - 中国政府の助言役を務める関係者らによると、中国の指導部は内需押し上げに軸足を置く、国内と国外の「二重循環」という経済成長モデルを提案した。米国の敵対姿勢や新型コロナウイルスの世界的大流行により、 ...

◆200805 JBpress https://bit.ly/31hxtM0
訴えが認められれば、アップルにとって米国に次いで重要な中国市場でスマートフォン「iPhone」などの主要製品を販売できなくなる可能性があると伝えている。 訴えたのは「小iロボット(Xiao-i Robot)」の名で知られる上海智臻網絡科技 ...

◆200805 ZAKZAK https://bit.ly/39XfzC8
米中“軍事衝突”戦慄シナリオ! 南シナ海での偶発的な局地戦が泥沼化 専門家「中国が台湾侵攻、北朝鮮も南進…第三次大戦だ」
南シナ海での偶発的な局地戦が泥沼化 専門家「中国が台湾侵攻、北朝鮮も南進…第三次大戦だ」 (1/2ページ) ... 貿易戦争やサイバー戦争などで対立を深める米国のドナルド・トランプ政権と中国の習近平政権。「新冷戦」は、いつ「熱戦」 ...



◆200805 ロイター https://bit.ly/2Pmd7f0
ロイターが中国税関のデータを基に算出したところによると、中国が今年上半期に米国から輸入した原油、液化天然ガス(LNG)、冶金用石炭などは総額12億9000万ドル。 米国からの輸入ペースは最近加速しているものの、アナリスト ...

◆200805 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3i75YeY
気候変動が地球にもたらすリスクについて、国連のIPCC(気候変動に関する政府間パネル)が提示した「最悪のシナリオ」が、今後30年のリスクを最も正確に評価しているとの見解を示した。21世紀を通じて温室効果ガスの排出量が増え ...



◆200805 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3fvM4IW
【広州=川上尚志】トヨタ自動車は4日、中国での7月の新車販売台数が前年同月比19.1%増の16万5600台だったと発表した。主力車種や高級車ブランド「レクサス」が好調で、中国各地で開かれた自動車ショ ...

◆200805 マイナビニュース https://bit.ly/2Pq35cS
2020/2021年の半導体設備投資をけん引する中国 - SEMI ...
1999年以降の半導体ならびに半導体製造装置の市場の推移をみると、半導体デバイス以上に半導体製造装置市場の乱高下が激しく、同氏は「まるでジェットコースター」と表現するほどである。ただし、2020年の初頭に新型コロナウイルスの ...

◆200805 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/33wkAjV
長江(揚子江)流域の洪水で三峡ダムが依然として高い水位を維持する中、台風の影響で多くの雨が降るためだ。 中国当局などによると三峡ダムの水位は現地時間同日午前8時基準161.05メートルで前日よりやや高い水準を記録し ...

◆200805 people.com.cn https://bit.ly/3fw099h
長江中・上流ダム群、洪水調整でせき止めた総水量は300億 ...
8月2日、三峡ダムから放流される長江の水(ドローンによる撮影・杜華挙)。 水利部(省)の長江水利委員会は、「7月以降、長江流域は計 ...

◆200805 ITmedia https://bit.ly/31jjDZJ
このような環境下にて、電気自動車(EV)最大手、米Teslaの積極姿勢が際立っている。同社の ... 世界で最も販売が多いEV市場は中国。19年の新エネルギー車(NEV)販売台数は約120万台であり、その中EVは約80%を占める。中国では新型 ...


◆200805 China Daily https://bit.ly/33pPtGM
Natural gas output rises as clean energy efforts gain traction
Unconventional natural gas resources, like tight gas and shale gas, saw higher output last year and accounted for a third of the total natural gas production, according to an annual report on China's energy development released by the China Electric Power ... Coal bed methane production reached 5.5 billion cubic meters last year, up 6.1 percent on a yearly basis. ... Investment for the exploitation of oil and gas resources in the country rose to 252.71 billion yuan in 2019, up 24.4 ...

◆200805 Nature.com https://go.nature.com/3a8q6e5
Nuclear weapons: arms-control efforts need China
It is 75 years since the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945, killing around 200,000 people. Since then, humanity has had to coexist with the massive destructive power ...

◆200805 Reuters https://reut.rs/3fxOUgm
China only fulfils 5% of Sino-U.S. energy trade deal in first half of 2020
China's imports of crude oil, liquefied natural gas (LNG), metallurgical coal and other energy products totalled around $1.29 billion this year through June, according to Reuters calculations based on China customs data. While Chinese ...

◆200805 Mining Technology https://bit.ly/2DkPr8r
India restricts participation of China and others in coal mine ...
The latest move comes as India and China are in talks to end a 'border stand-off' in eastern Ladakh. A corrigendum has been issued by the Indian Ministry of Coal to the tender document that was released in June this year for commercial ...

◆200805 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/3kazSRj
Arm Taiwan to Deter China—but Skip the Nuclear Weapons
Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warned in late July that mainland China's military threat to Taiwan is “on the rise. ... Some have even suggested that the United States equip Taiwan with nuclear weapons. ... provide additional conventional military aid to address the dangerous shift in the balance of power across the Taiwan Strait, which if left unchecked could invite aggression by mainland China.



◆200802 サーチナ https://bit.ly/3k9Ki3R
起工式はすでに行われており、2023年に開業する予定であったものの、予定どおりの開業はほぼ絶望的とみられている。中国国内では計画どおりに工事を進められない日本やインドを嘲る声が存在するのも事実だ。 中国はインドネシア ...

◆200802 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/2EIcNoT
日ASEAN、経済連携を強化 中国依存脱却の思惑も

◆200802 しらべぇ https://bit.ly/3flnVob
比ドゥテルテ大統領がマスク洗浄法で危険な失言 「燃える」「倒れる」と怒りの声も
暴力的で好戦的、あるいは怪しげな発言で度々世間の注目を集めているフィリピンのロドリゴ・ドゥテルテ大統領。このたびはマスクの洗浄、消毒方法に関してとんでもない失言を放っていた。 □新型コロナ患者が急増. 7月29日午前10時時点で、83,600名を ...


◆200804 Reuters https://reut.rs/2BVqxM1
Indonesia allows oil and gas investors to pick their own contract options
“The government, through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, is officially allowing flexibility for investors to choose the form of oil and gas cooperation contracts,” the energy ministry said in a statement on Saturday. “This change is to ...

◆200804 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/31fJuS3
Outlook on Indonesian coal exports amid weakening demand ...
Power stations that burn coal for electricity want to buy a fuel that is energy-efficient and cheap. Indonesian coal production is skewed towards lower energy and cheaper sub-bituminous and lignite coals. Indonesia's thermal coal exports ...

◆200804 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3fr3mab
What Indonesia Can Do to Prevent Nuclear Arms Race in Asia ...
As the follow-up to the first round of talks convened last month, top diplomats from the US and Russia attended three-day meeting on 28 – 30 of July 2020 in Vienna, Austria, to discuss the future of nuclear arms control. One of the most ...

◆200804 ANTARA https://bit.ly/3gqHTzl
Indonesian government pushes Sinopec to build oil depot in Batam
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia's government has pressed Sinopec Group, a Chinese oil and gas conglomerate company, ... The oil depot is expected to bolster the nation's energy sovereignty, especially amid the volatile and vulnerable global ...

◆200804 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/39TOXCf
PLN to waive minimum electricity fees for businesses, public services - The Jakarta Post
The government has ordered state-owned electricity giant PLN to waive minimum monthly electricity fees for businesses, ... been requested by businesses themselves, said Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry electrification director general Rida Mulyana on July 30. ... Erasing electricity bill minimums is the third power-related relief scheme introduced by the government to protect Indonesians from the ...

◆200804 EnerCom Inc. https://bit.ly/2XjPS9V
Philippines Geothermal Energy Market Forecasts to 2025 - Deep Geothermal Systems Expected to See Significant Market Growth - ResearchAndMarkets.com
The "Philippines Geothermal Energy Market - Growth, Trends and Forecasts (2020-2025)" report has been added to ... Philippines government has a target to phase out its coal usage by 2040 and focus more on energy production from natural gas and renewable. ... Favorable government policies and incentives on renewable energy are likely to drive the Philippines geothermal ... geothermal energy can be used for several purposes, such as heating, cooling, or electricity generation.

◆200804 theTrumpet.com https://bit.ly/2BWjaUD
The Philippines' Duterte: Might Makes China Right
It routinely demonstrates its power over the area by blocking Vietnam, the Philippines and other claimants from ... Whether Duterte genuinely fears nuclear war or is only appeasing China, the remarks are consistent with an aim that has been ... In an especially odd act of sycophantism, Mr. Duterte also told the Chinese leadership that he would be happy to split any oil that the Philippines extracts from a ...



◆200805 日本経済新聞
新型コロナ:タイの首都空港拡張、22年に延期 旅客需要減少で
【バンコク=村松洋兵】タイ空港会社(AOT)は首都バンコク近郊にあるスワンナプーム空港で建設中のサテライトターミナルの開業を2022年10月に1年延期する。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う旅客需要 ...

◆200805 日本農業新聞
タイTPP加盟見送り あす会合 SG議論は不透明
新規加盟に意欲を示していたタイは、国内の政治混乱から今回の加盟申請は見送る。新型コロナウイルスを踏まえた加盟国間の連携を確認する見通しだが、日米貿易協定と併存する牛肉などのセーフガード(緊急輸入制限措置=SG)の扱いを ...

◆200805 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan https://bit.ly/30uiSO1
Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)と電話会談を行ったところ、概要は以下のとおりです。 冒頭、安倍総理大臣から、ベトナムの新型コロナウイルス感染症対策とフック首相の迅速な対応 ...

◆200805 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/33rf2qR
【8月5日 Xinhua News】中国がカンボジアで進める「アンコールワット王宮遺跡修復プロジェクト」が休むことなく続けられている。同プロジェクトは、中国がアンコール遺跡群で進めている3番目の保護修復プロジェクトで、2030年の完了 ...

◆200805 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2Ddx6dD
北西部サイニャブリ県、豪雨で洪水被害 ラオス・社会・事件
ラオス北西部のサイニャブリ県各地で、洪水による被害が発生している。北西部では、洪水発生前の2日間にわたって豪雨が続いていた。ビエンチャン・タイムズ(電子版)が4日伝えた。 洪水被害が最も大きいのはサイニャブリ郡で、200 ...

◆200805 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3a3J3OP
バンプー、ベトナムの風力発電所を買収へ タイ・電力・ガス ...
タイの石炭開発会社バンプーは3日、ベトナムの風力発電所を買収すると発表した。同社は再生可能エネルギー事業で総出力を現在の81万4,000キロワット(kW)から2025年までに610万kWまで拡大させることを目指しており、今回の買収 ...


◆200805 The Star Online https://bit.ly/2Dxee9d
Mekong set to rise further after downpour
THE water level in Mekong River flowing through Nong Khai province has risen sharply due to heavy rain in the North of Thailand and Laos under the influence of tropical storm Sinlaku. The water level had risen to 4.20 metres as measured by ...

◆200805 UCAN https://bit.ly/2DxjZnk
Mekong agency says Tonle Sap 'very critical' amid drought
The annual reversal of the river flow in the Tonle Sap has failed to arrive amid a long-running drought with water levels now “very ... As a major tributary of the Mekong River, the Tonle Sap stretches from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap and forms a giant inland lake ... catches has been reduced to a paltry two or three kilograms and have blamed large-scale dam construction in Laos and China for their plight.

◆200805 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/2BZpSJv
What Does Vietnam Think About America's Indo-Pacific ...
Chinese damming activities along the Mekong River in neighboring Laos and Cambodia, which in many instances are fueled ... which has economic and military superiority over it, and the United States, which can help offset Chinese power.

◆200805 S&P Global https://bit.ly/2DwxFyO
Myanmar's fast-track LNG-to-power plants put country on ...
Spot LNG imports are cheaper for Myanmar than its own oil-linked pipeline gas exports to China and Thailand. ... It has been necessitated because of shallow draft at Burmese ports of Yangon and Thilawa and sand bars on the river that restrict ... *Myanmar's installed power capacity by fuel is 1.9 GW of gas, 3.5 GW of hydro, 0.5 GW of coal and 0.1 GW of diesel, ... *CNTIC VPower and Electric Power Generation Enterprise of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy of Myanmar signed a ...

◆200805 REVE https://bit.ly/3gxUvEI
Banpu set to acquire $66 million wind farm in Vietnam
The Banpu Group aims to achieve a power-generation capacity of 6,100MW within 2025 by focusing on markets with growing power demand with BanpuNEXT spearheading the development of renewable energy and energy technology.

◆200805 reNEWS https://bit.ly/31lGx2l
Offshore capacity to 'top 234GW by 2030'
Other markets in the region are also beginning to scale-up their offshore wind markets, with Vietnam, Japan and South Korea ... “Furthermore, 1GW of offshore wind power avoids 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 – making it the most effective available ... for the sector and place the offshore industry in an increasingly important position to drive the global energy transition. ... Renews provides news-focused business intelligence on the renewable energy sector with market-leading coverage of ...

◆200805 Asia Times https://bit.ly/2Ppy6xx
China, Cambodia trade pact more form than substance
A soon-to-be-signed Cambodia-China free trade agreement (FTA) will not extend Phnom Penh the economic lifeline it initially sought from Beijing and ... Cambodia's first-ever bilateral trade pact will by initial estimates add less than 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) to the economy and ... the democratic backsliding and human rights violations of the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP), which has been in power since 1979. ... Three Gorges Dam deformed but safe, say operators.

◆200805 Myanmar Times https://bit.ly/3gw2pym
Is hydrogen missing piece in ASEAN's energy mix?
ASEAN's current power generation mix is dominated by coal, gas, and hydropower. ... grids because it requires back-up capacity from conventional gas power plants, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the US. ... In many cases their development requires large investment in undersea transmission cables to transport electricity. ... To produce green hydrogen requires electricity from renewable other than wind and solar, such as nuclear, geothermal, and hydro.

◆200805 The Asset https://bit.ly/30u3Acj
Japanese trading houses sign up for Myanmar LNG power ...
A consortium of three Japanese trading houses, together with local partner Eden Group, has received the go-ahead for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) power project in Myanmar. The country's Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE) has ...

◆200805 Frontier Myanmar https://bit.ly/33tkZU8
Chinese companies dominate bidding for Myanmar's billion ...
The Ministry of Electricity and Energy will soon announce the winners of its billion-dollar solar tender, officials say, after ... Machinery Engineering Corporation and Datang Power each submitted more than 10 bids, according to the document.

◆200805 Arab News https://bit.ly/2BYeA8c
Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi confirms contesting for second ...
After decades of military rule, Suu Kyi, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for campaigning for democracy, took the reins in 2016 after an electoral landslide, but has been forced to share power with the generals. Her international reputation ...



◆200802 時事通信 https://bit.ly/3k2yyzX
エベレスト登山、秋に解禁 観光業の回復急ぐ―ネパール
【カトマンズAFP時事】ネパール政府は7月31日、世界最高峰エベレスト(8848メートル)を含むヒマラヤ山脈への秋季の入山を解禁すると明らかにした。例年多数の登山者が訪れる春季を目前に、3月に新型コロナウイルス対策として入国を制限していた。<下へ ...

◆200802 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/3fmnRo6
『秋の西インド ラジャスターン、グジャラート、マディアプラデーシュ』第4回. 高野凌 (定年バックパッカー). »著者プロフィール ...

◆200802 TechCrunch Japan https://tcrn.ch/3hZVLRy
インド政府が8月1日明らかにした。 Production-Linked Incentive Scheme(製造推進インセンティブスキーム)と呼ばれる計画は、インド国内で製造された製品で2019〜2020年水準 ...

◆200802 ニッカンスポーツ https://bit.ly/2DdNudM
森 そもそも始まりはインド洋の海水温です。今年はインド洋の東側の海水温が高く、中国大陸に暖かく湿った空気を送り込んでいます。この暖気の固まりのため、偏西風は北を流れ、その反動のように黄海から朝鮮半島付近で大きく南に下がった。太平洋高気圧 ...

◆200802 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3fmGPLB
インド洋の高水温が原因か 7月台風ゼロ 8月も豪雨に警戒
日本から数千キロ離れたインド洋の海面水温の上昇が原因という。海水温の上昇はほかにも日本列島の豪雨や異例の長梅雨、中国各地で水害をもたらした豪雨の発生にも影響を与えたとみられている。8月は一転して猛暑が予想され、気象庁は熱中症のリスク ...

◆200802 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/30iG7KP
習近平国家主席は1日、ネパールのバンダリ大統領と祝電を交わして、両国の国交樹立65周年を祝いました。 習主席は祝電で、「中国とネパールは終始相互尊重し、互恵協力を深めている。昨年、私がバンダリ大統領と相互訪問を通じて、両国関係を発展と繁栄 ...

◆200802 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3fmooq6
中印がせめぎ合い スリランカ選挙の行方は?
今週の海外ニュースの注目点を日経CNBC報道部長で国際部編集委員の高橋香織が動画解説します。 インド洋の要衝、スリランカで5日、議会選が投票されます。地政学的な重要性から急接近する中国と、中国の影響力 ...


◆200804 The Conversation UK https://bit.ly/39TUPv3
Two-thirds of glacier ice in the Himalayas will be lost by 2100 if climate targets aren't met
The scandal sparked a flurry of new research, including my own, and we can now see that some Himalayan glaciers will survive into the next century. The latest data tells us that if we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, then between one- ...

◆200804 Forbes https://bit.ly/2EP2Yph
Tank Battles In The Himalaya Mountains? Indian T-90 Tanks Face Chinese Armor
All Business · Aerospace & Defense · Energy · Food & Drink · Hollywood & Entertainment · KPMG BrandVoice | Paid ... Significantly, China and India are sending tanks to the Himalayas, a vast mountain range that includes Mount Everest and a ... India has customized its variant, the T-90S Bhishma, with non-Russian gear such as a French thermal imaging system. ... Chinese and Indian troops engaged in several mass fistfights in June in the disputed Galwan River valley, resulting in ...

◆200804 The Kathmandu Post https://bit.ly/2DwBO5M
Where are Nepal-India relations heading?
... Singh on May 8 in the Lipulekh-Kalapani area in the western Himalaya leading to the Mansarovar pilgrimage site in Tibet. ... that India is plotting to oust him from power, is proving adequate to fuel the ruling faction's ultra-nationalistic politics.

◆200804 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2Pk4xgH
IRSA releases 268,000 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1479.55 feet, which was 93.55 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 209,900 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200804 Daily Times https://bit.ly/2BWcRAh
Large dams and floods
Large dams can play an important role for sweet water, agriculture, cheap energy supply and controlling of floods. ... The history of floods in Pakistan have shown that KBD would have complemented Tarbela Dam's intrinsic flood attenuation ... Imported energy (oil & gas) is not sustainable substitution. ... years and to achieve the desired Hydel :Thermal ratio of 70:30 from Hydro Reservoirs and Run-of-River Projects within next ... Water and Electricity are economic backbone of Pakistan.

◆200804 World Economic Forum https://bit.ly/30nLF72
Renewable energy can get India's rural migrants back to work
During India's lockdown, many workers moved back to their rural villages from the cities - and many have stayed there. But employment opportunities are limited in India's rural areas. Local renewable energy solutions could generate new livelihoods for these internal migrants. ... jobs and entrepreneurship with better power supply, this can also address broader policy issues like energy poverty, ...

◆200804 Livemint https://bit.ly/3k8mnSe
India steps on gas as coal use for power generation slows
Gas consumption by power plants rose 11.7% to 104.83 million standard cubic metres per day (mmscmd) in the three months to end-June from the same period last year, data from the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) showed. Imports ...

◆200804 Argus Media https://bit.ly/2DuFS6z
India’s JSW scraps Odisha power plant deal
Indian private-sector utility JSW Energy has terminated a proposed deal to acquire a coal-fired power plant in east ... activity, although there has been some recovery in electricity consumption after India partially lifted the curbs in June. ... But the company will now focus more on developing renewable energy to raise its generation capacity to 10GW over ... The country's renewable and hydropower output increased during April-June, while electricity production from thermal sources fell.

◆200804 Washington Post https://wapo.st/2Xra89v
India’s decision to check the power of Chinese tech should be followed by other democracies
From Pentagon defense labs in the 1960s to a ubiquitous presence in everyday mobile phones, the Internet today enables more than half the human population to harness creativity, entrepreneurship and energy to change their lives. The ...

◆200804 The Hindu BusinessLine https://bit.ly/3gpyRmg
Centre’s nod must for Pakistan firms to participate in coal auctions
“A citizen of Pakistan or an entity incorporated in Pakistan can invest, only under the Government route, in sectors/activities other than defence, space, atomic energy and sectors/activities prohibited for foreign investment,” a statement issued ...

◆200804 Times of India https://bit.ly/3gtfbOd
FDI in commercial mining: Government nod needed for companies from nations sharing border with India
It is further clarified that any FDI (foreign direct investment) in the commercial coal mining is subject to applicable laws ... in Pakistan can invest only under the government route in sectors/activities other than defence, space, atomic energy and ...

◆200804 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/3forFFp
NEA falls short of its target to expand electrification, blames coronavirus for the failure
KATHMANDU, Aug 3: Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has failed to meet its target to expand complete electrification in 40 ... billion to develop transmission lines that help to take the power produced by six hydropower projects to the national grids. ... wastage of the electricity produced by a number of hydro projects that are already in the phase of generating power. ... Above 95 pc arrears in energy and irrigation sectors settled: Energy Ministry · Nepalgunj Sub-metropolitan City office ...

◆200804 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/39RiXym
Nepal plans helipad on disputed location in Bihar’s West Champaran district
“We have already informed the headquarters about the development,” said the commandant. Officials blame the changing course of the Gandak river for the controversy around Narsahi on the Indo Nepal border along West Champaran district. “ ...

◆200804 Global Village space https://bit.ly/30rdGdG
Will China collapse for lack of inclusive institutions?
India has no border at Doklam with China, yet it, like a super power, jumped in at Bhutan's request' to stop China from constructing a road ... Though electricity will not be a substitute for Teesta water, the plan to boost power supply is on anvil. ... India provided Lines of Credit worth $ 96.54 million to Niger for projects in transport, electrification, solar energy and potable drinking water. ... Change in the river course was cited as a reason for the loss of 500-1,500 meters of land annually”.

◆200804 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/2XsYsDo
Sri Lanka's Rajapaksas hope to tighten grip on power in election - The Jakarta Post
Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa hopes to tighten his hold on the nation's fractious politics in an election on Wednesday that could elevate his brother and allow the two to change the constitution if they prevail. Rajapaksa, who claims ...

◆200804 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/31fBT67
Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan Resume Nile Dam Talks
Here is today's Foreign Policy brief: Ministers from Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan meet for talks on the Blue Nile dam project, a deal ... The GERD sits on the Blue Nile, the river that eventually becomes the River Nile in Sudan as it winds on toward Egypt. ... Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, a new party led by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa—the brother of President ... The United Arab Emirates opened its first nuclear power plant on Saturday, making it only the third country in the Middle ...

◆200804 ft.lk https://bit.ly/31g4XdB
Port in crisis: Nationalism killed Trincomalee, do we need the ...
Many in Sri Lanka do not realise that we have one of the best natural ports in the eastern coast of Sri Lanka. But it is dead in terms of shipping activity. Wonder why? Because extreme nationalists of the 1960s killed that location to be possibly the number one energy hub of Asia. ... the shores of Sri Lanka under a government led policy which drove away foreign companies and left an empty oil tank farm to ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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