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2020年8月18日 中国の尖閣奪取近し,米軍は動けない,米コンサルタントが分析











◆200818 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3iQWu81
「習主席はマフィアのボス、共産党は政治的ゾンビ」 習近平批判の著名人、相次いで処分
中国共産党中央党校は17日、蔡霞・元教授が習近平国家主席を「マフィアのボス」、共産党を「政治的ゾンビ」と述べたことを受け、蔡氏に処分を科したと発表した。 蔡氏は中国共産党中央党校で民主政治の教授を務めていた。ここ数カ月で ...

◆200818 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/3h8zCAf
孟氏はアメリカ政府の要請を受け、イラン制裁問題に絡む詐欺容疑で2018年12月にカナダで逮捕された。 孟氏側は「逮捕当時、カナダがイランに制裁を発動しておらず、引き渡しの根拠となる行為が両国ともに ...

◆200818 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/34btkMW
「中国が沖縄を潰し、尖閣諸島を奪る」米国「ヤバい論文」の ...
連続記録は一時途切れたが、その後も中国船は同海域への侵入を繰り返している。こうした事態は2012年の日本政府による尖閣諸島国有化以来、初めてのことだ。いったい何が目的なのか。 【写真】習近平も青ざめる…中国の尖閣侵入に「 ...

◆200818 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2E0BVXO
中国 領有権争い続く中で南シナ海での漁を解禁(テレビ朝日 ...
中国では尖閣諸島を含む東シナ海とともに南シナ海での漁も解禁され、外洋は漁船で埋め尽くされました。 出港する漁師:「漁は7日間か8日間です。食料は12日分積んでいて、船は燃料と氷でいっぱい ...

◆200818 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3kXpPiK
川島 博之:ベトナム・ビングループ、Martial Research & Management 主席経済顧問) 香港の民主化運動の象徴ともされる周庭(アグネス・チョウ)さんが国家安全維持法違反で逮捕された。23歳の若い女性逮捕のニュースは全世界を駆け ...



◆200818 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/3g6LfXh
実は減らない世界の石炭火力発電、欧米の石炭火力を減らした ...
多くの国が、エネルギー政策では温暖化以外にも、安全保障、経済性も重要だと考えている結果、世界の石炭火力の発電量は今後も伸びていくと予想されている。 今年前半に再エネ比率が伸びているのは、新型コロナの影響で電力需要量が ...

◆200818 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3g3k1kp
米、ファーウェイ禁輸強化 半導体の調達を完全遮断
【ワシントン=鳳山太成】米商務省は17日、中国の華為技術(ファーウェイ)に対する事実上の禁輸措置を強化すると発表した。米国技術が関わる半導体やソフトがファーウェイにわたるのを完全に遮断する。同社の経 ...

◆200818 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2Fz1HD8
同州の送電系統を管理する独立系統運用機関(CAISO)は、エアコン使用などによる電力需要急増で送電システムが崩壊する事態を防ぐため対応に当たっている。 計画停電はこの4日間で3回目となる。同州のニューソム知事は、当局者が ...



◆200818 NET-IB NEWS https://bit.ly/321u5VR
世界を襲う自然災害:最大の危機は中国の三峡ダムの決壊(1 ...
世界を襲う自然災害:最大の危機は中国の三峡ダムの決壊(1) 未来トレンド分析シリーズ. 国際政治経済学者 浜田 和幸 氏. 世界を飲み込むかのような新型コロナウイルス感染の嵐は一向に収まる ...

◆200818 people.com.cn https://bit.ly/2CGGiH6
中国水利部(省)長江水利委員会水文局は17日午後2時、「長江2020年第5号洪水」が長江上流で発生したと発表した。19日には、寸灘ステーションの水位は保証水位を3-4メートル上回り、三峡ダムの流入量ピークは毎秒7万立方メートル前後 ...

◆200818 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/315JIwp
増強投資を続ける韓国半導体~微細化で中国勢引き離しへ ...
新型コロナの影響が広がる中でも、韓国メモリー2社は積極的な設備投資を展開 ・ サムスン電子は平澤工場、中国・西安工場で能力を増強、SKハイニックスは利川・清州の国内投資に加え、中国・無錫での投資も再開 ・ DRAM分野では新興の ...

◆200818 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/3h6JcUr
実は減らない世界の石炭火力発電、欧米の石炭火力を減らした ...
今年前半に再エネ比率が伸びているのは、新型コロナの影響で電力需要量が大きく落ち込む中で、需要量に合わせて出力 ... 中国では数年前から大気汚染が大きな社会問題となり、その元凶の一つとして、石炭の使用があげられ、石炭消費量の ...

◆200818 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3iMZ92z
【8月18日 Xinhua News】中国国家原子力機構(CAEA)はこのほど、海南省(Hainan)の昌江原子力発電所で核セキュリティー(安全保障)演習「暴風-2020」を実施したと明らかにした。中国の原子力施設が新たな挑戦や脅威など核 ...


◆200818 New York Post https://bit.ly/313OvOI
Don't let China steal the global nuclear-power industry
Yet Saudi Arabia's desire for nuclear energy didn't go away, and the 1970 Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty, which most nations — including the US, China and Saudi Arabia — have ratified, protects the right of nations to enrich ...

◆200818 Reuters Africa https://bit.ly/3awvurx
China's rain-swollen Yangtze river triggers unprecedented ...
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China's biggest river, the Yangtze, and several of its tributaries have risen to dangerous levels after days of heavy rain, forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes and triggering an unprecedented emergency ...

◆200818 South China Morning Post https://bit.ly/3ha4z7a
China on alert for Yangtze River flooding as storms close in
Water Resources Minister E Jingping said the Three Gorges Dam and others in the upper reaches of the Yangtze should release water “precisely” to prevent floods, state news agency Xinhua reported. READ FULL ARTICLE.

◆200818 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/31Wdhja
China and the United States Are in a Race to Lose Power
His decisions on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris climate accord, the Iran nuclear deal, and North Korea alarmed and alienated a wide range of countries and brought the United States no significant benefits. His fawning embrace of such ...

◆200818 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3gagBfw
Japan and the 'great power competition'
Some topics remained unshaped: For example, U.S.-China strategic nuclear discussions, which I worked on for over a decade, continue to this day to hunt for a mutually agreed-upon framework. This is both a cause and an effect of the failure of ...

◆200818 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/2YcLXfn
Hitachi seeks to revive U.K. nuclear power plant plans, report ...
Plans to resurrect Hitachi's project came as conservative British lawmakers question the involvement of state-backed China General Nuclear Power Corp. in the country's nuclear power sector, according to the report. Anti-Chinese sentiment has ...



◆200812 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3iyS0CN
インドネシアのシナブン山が噴火、噴煙5000メートルに ...
【AFP=時事】インドネシア・スマトラ(Sumatra)島にあるシナブン山(Mount Sinabung)が10日、噴火した。 ... インドネシアの火山地質災害軽減センター(CVGHM)は、「周辺住民に溶岩流の発生に警戒するよう勧告する」と発表した ...

◆200812 DIGIMA NEWS ( http://www.digima-news.com/ ) https://bit.ly/3kJ8pqn
フィリピン:コロナ感染者数12万人超えで インドネシアを抜く
7月6日時点で、アセアン加盟国10ヶ国中、新型コロナ・ウィルス感染者数1位はインドネシア、2位はシンガポールの44983人であったが、フィリピンは46333人となり、シンガポールを抜いて同地域で2番目となった。 この記事の続きを読む.

◆200812 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2XS1f97
マニラ 11日 ロイター] - フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は10日遅く、ロシアが開発を進めている新型コロナウイルス感染症のワクチンについて、「多大な信頼」を寄せていると発言、自ら臨床試験に参加する意向を示した。 同大統領は、 ...

◆200812 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2PMiX9C
スービック高速道拡幅工事、年末までに完了 フィリピン・運輸
フィリピンの北部ルソン高速道路(NLEX)を運営するNLEXコーポレーションは10日、16億ペソ(約34億7,000万円)を投じて進めるスービック自由港高速道路(SFEX)の拡幅工事が、年末までに完了する見通しだと明らかにした ...

◆200812 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3gQg9V4
エネ鉱省、地熱開発177事業に294億ドル必要 インドネシア ...
インドネシアのエネルギー・鉱物資源省は、地熱開発177事業に総額293億9,000万米ドル(約3兆1,092億円)の投資が必要との見解を示した。177事業の総発電容量は587万7,000 ... エネ鉱省は、2030年に地熱発電所の発電容量… 関連国・ ...

◆200812 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/31I0DUN
8月電気料金、4カ月連続の引き下げ フィリピン・電力 ...
フィリピンの配電最大手マニラ電力(メラルコ)は、8月の電気料金を1キロワット時(kWh)当たり8.4911ペソ(約18.39円)とし、前月より0.2055ペソ引き下げたことを明らかにした。4カ月連続の引き下げとなる。マニラスタンダード ...


◆200812 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/30LTOCu
Govt to spend $1b on electricity fee relief for households, businesses amid pandemic - The Jakarta Post
Govt to spend $1b on electricity fee relief for households, businesses amid pandemic ... More than 33 million Indonesian homes, businesses and public services are poised to see lower monthly power bills until December as the ... top of the Rp 54.79 trillion set aside for annual power subsidies, said the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry's electrification director general, Rida Mulyana, on Tuesday.

◆200812 merdeka.com https://bit.ly/3kC2KSH
6 Fakta Waduk Jatiluhur, Dam Raksasa Peninggalan PM Terakhir Indonesia | merdeka.com
Merdeka.com - Waduk Jatiluhur merupakan satu dari sekian waduk yang berpengaruh di Indonesia, khususnya di wilayah Jawa Barat dan sebagian besar DKI Jakarta. Dalam istilah yang dikeluarkan oleh pu.go.id, fungsi waduk sendiri ...

◆200812 Energy Industry Review https://bit.ly/31N7TPa
Europe's New Bet - Geothermal Energy
Like a gambler never satisfied by the past and present gains, the European Union (EU) makes a new bet in the energy sector ... its extremely disparate members, new targets in terms of share of renewable energy in the final energy consumption of ... energy sources, such as coal, or, as it is increasingly felt at the level of the Community political sensitivity, natural gas. ... of EUR 30 million for small and large projects using geothermal energy for heating, cooling and electricity generation.

◆200812 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/33PynCf
DOST backs call to revisit nuclear energy policy
DOST-PNRI, the country's lead agency in atomic research and development, is a member of the Nuclear Energy Program ... difference between their electricity rates and ours,” said Dr. Arcilla, who strongly advocates for the Philippines to finally ... “While we are waiting for a law creating an independent body, RA 5207 is still a basis for pursuing nuclear power as it ... as much energy as a ton of coal (907 kg), three barrels of oil (149 gallons), or as much as 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas ...

◆200812 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/3gSA2dW
MECQ triggers 700-MW drop in electricity demand
With new wave of stymied economic activities, the demand for electricity in the Luzon grid had plunged by 700 ... of the Philippines (IEMOP), indicated that on the first and second days of the MECQ, the drop in power demand had already been ... from their products by diversifying out of copra and coconut oil to such other products as coconut water, coconut milk, nata ... The Department of Energy (DOE) is re-calibrating the aggregate volume of renewable energy (RE) capacity that it will ...

◆200812 Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/33XRie6
The twin struggles of Hong Kong and the Philippines
Moreover, since coming to power in 2016, Duterte repeatedly professed his admiration for China's President Xi Jinping and positioned his country closer to the Asian giant and further away from its Western adversaries. In 2018, in a speech to an ...



◆200814 中日新聞 https://bit.ly/33Ulveh
タイでタブーの王室改革要求の声 反政府集会に政権が警告
【バンコク共同】タイで続く反政府集会で、これまでタブーだった王室改革を求める声が上がり始めた。学生ら若者中心の参加者は、軍政の流れをくむプラユット政権の退陣や憲法改正に加え、不敬罪廃止なども要求。プラユット氏は「やり過ぎ ...

◆200814 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://www.viet-jo.com/news/economy/200813155146.html
フック首相、サムスン電子ベトナム社長と会談 協力を改めて ...
フック首相はこの席で、サムスンが今後もベトナムを戦略的な生産拠点としていくことを強く希望する意を示し、サムスンをはじめとする海外投資家に有利な条件を整えていくと強調した。 一方のチェ氏は、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID- ...

◆200814 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3kEMtg1

◆200814 NNA ASIA https://www.nna.jp/news/show/2081290?id=2081290
EU経済制裁よりコロナ対策優先、政府高官 カンボジア ...
カンボジア政府の関係者らは12日、欧州連合(EU)がカンボジアに適用している関税優遇措置の一部を停止したことより、現時点では新型コロナウイルス関連の政策実施が重要との考えを示した。政府はEUによる経済制裁は想定内で、 ...


◆200816 The Star Online
Cambodia: Covid-19 situation on top of list at Lancang ...
Lancang is the Chinese name for the upper reaches of the Mekong River, and the trunk stream stretches over 4,000 km through the six countries.

◆200816 Xinhua
Cambodian PM to attend Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Meeting via video conference - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Cambodian PM to attend Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Meeting via video conference ... 15 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen will participate in the 3rd Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Leaders' Meeting via ... Lancang is the Chinese name for the upper reaches of the Mekong River, and the trunk stream stretches over 4,000 km through the six countries.

◆200816 The Diplomat
ASEAN's Challenges and the Way Forward – The Diplomat
ASEAN is not free from internal and external security challenges either. Within the region, there are border disputes and conflicts, illegal migration, ethnic crises, and issues surrounding the life of the dammed Mekong River, which has ...

◆200816 Báo Xây Dựng Điện Tử
Construction of Vietnam-Thailand wind power plant underway
Construction of the V1-2 wind power plant - a joint venture between the Truong Thanh Vietnam Group and the Thai-based Sermsang Power Corporation Public Company Limited - kicked off in the Mekong Delta province of Tra Vinh on August 14. ... Costing in excess of 2.23 trillion VND (96 million USD), it is expected to generate 162.97 million kWh of electricity each year. ... The south-central province of Khanh Hoa has agreed to build a road linking Dam Mon Road with the Van Phong ...

◆200816 Pineville
West overlooks contribution of China to regional water resource
A fisherwoman walks on an embankment on October 31, 2019, on the Mekong River in Pak Chom district in Thailand during the drought. Photo: AFP. The New York Times cited a so-called study from US climate observers Alan Basist and ...



◆200816 日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO62690920V10C20A8EA3000/
中国、インドとの係争地に兵士用建物 領土問題なお
印中はヒマラヤ山脈などで約3千キロメートルの国境が画定していない。両軍は6月15日に印北部ラダック地方の係争地域の渓谷で衝突し、インドは20人の死者を出した。印中衝突で死者を出すのは45年ぶりで、両 ...

◆200816 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3kNMTAA
インド・モディ首相、中国けん制 独立記念日の演説で(共同 ...
【ニューデリー共同】インドのモディ首相は15日、独立記念日の演説で、北部カシミール地方の領有権を争う中国とパキスタンを念頭に「主権に挑む者には相応の対応を取ってきた」とけん制した。中国とは6月に同地方東部のラダック地方で軍 ...

◆200816 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2FoBx5L
インドのモディ首相は15日、首都ニューデリーで行った独立記念日の演説で「いち早く新型コロナウイルス感染症の収束を期待している。インドは国内産ワクチンの大規模生産に取り組む」と明らかにしました。 モディ首相はまた、「国内で3 ...

◆200816 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3gWNJZs
モーリシャス 座礁貨物船が2つに割れる さらなる重油流出懸念
インド洋の島国モーリシャスの沖合で、商船三井が運航する貨物船が座礁し大量の重油が流れ出た事故で、モーリシャス当局は15日、貨物船の船体が2つに割れたと発表しました。船体に残っていた重油の流出が懸念されています。 続きを読む.

◆200816 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3aFI7AJ
甘利氏は、「トランプ大統領だけではなく英国、インドなど各国がそのリスクに段々気が付き始めている」と指摘。アプリの機能をずっと使っていると、「顔認証や虹彩認証で一番問題になるなりすましの危険がある」としたほか、アプリ以外 ...

◆200816 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3kOIahY
【AFP=時事】パキスタン政府は、インドのジャム・カシミール(Jammu and Kashmir)州が自治権を剥奪されてから1年を経た先週、インド側のカシミール地方で暮らすイスラム教徒らの窮状を訴え、国際的な注目を集めた。だがその一方 ...

◆200816 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/3fVgGUo
インドのカシミール自治権剝奪から1年 住民困窮、ネット規制で「世界から隔絶」 - 毎日新聞
ネパールは中国に接近し、バングラデシュは冷え込んでいたパキスタンとの関係を改善している。モディ政権が同様の政策を続ければ、各国のさらなる反発を招く可能性もある。 カシミール地方を巡る主な動き.


◆200810 Nepali times https://bit.ly/2XMxIO9
BRI and trans-Himalayan connectivity
The trans-Himalayan train was discussed between Prime Minister K P Oli and President Xi Jinping in two meetings in ... China uses the BRI brand to project not just its strategic need for connectivity, but also as an extension of its soft power.

◆200810 The Statesman https://bit.ly/3kwnkUH
After Ladakh stand-off, India thinking of procuring light tanks
The importance of light tank as a 'mobile protected fire power' for the Indian Army for multi -spectrum, multi-front ... The deployment of light tanks both at high terrains of Himalaya in Northern and Eastern sectors could be used in both offensive ...

◆200810 The Nation https://bit.ly/3aciW8D
CDA opens technical bids for consultancy of Indus River Water project
In order to develop a perennial source of potable water supply for Islamabad and Rawalpindi which can meet present as well as future needs, project regarding Conduction of Water from Indus River System at Terbela Dam was initiated in 2004- ...

◆200810 ThePrint https://bit.ly/3a9xRQG
India wants video-conference on Indus Water Treaty, Pakistan for Wagah border meeting
The western rivers, namely Indus, Chenab and Jhelum, are for Pakistan with India given some rights like agriculture, navigation, domestic use and also the unrestricted rights to develop hydroelectric power projects within the specified ...

◆200810 DAWN.com https://bit.ly/3abxQvw
Pakistan Army continues rescue and relief operation after flooding wreaks havoc in Dadu
Water from Nai Gaj Dam will ultimately flow into Manchhar Lake, which is Pakistan's largest freshwater lake. The lake is located towards the left of the flood protection bund and also receives water from Indus River. Senior irrigation officer ...

◆200810 The New Indian Express https://bit.ly/30I0Gk7
India's coal import drops 43 per cent in July owing to high stockpile at pitheads, plants
The power sector is a key coal consumer. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had also given directions to target thermal coal import substitution, particularly when huge coal stock inventory is available in the country this year.

◆200810 India Today https://bit.ly/3iog4Iu
China's dams in Tibet may pose threat to India's water supply | Satellite images explain
China's rapid pace of dam constructions that includes at least eight new ones on the Brahmaputra River in Tibet has ... The proposed dams on the Yarlung Tsangpo river in Tibet are close to the Indian border in Arunachal Pradesh. ... This has sparked speculation that the aim of these dams is only to build reservoirs and export electric energy from Tibet to mainland China. ... and electricity demands in the region could be met with a single hydroelectricity project like the Zangmo dam.

◆200810 BW Businessworld https://bit.ly/3kt0lcY
India must balance soft-power, hard-power to deal with China ...
Washington [US], August 10 (ANI): The Global Kashmiri Pandit Diaspora (GKPD) urged India to use a balanced combination of soft power and hard power to deal with China's expansionist policies. The virtual panel discussion held on ...

◆200810 Times of India https://bit.ly/33LboIC
Heavy inflow fills Mettur dam faster
Revenue, police and fire service personnel are constantly patrolling the river banks, asking villagers not to venture close to the river. The Bhavanisagar dam in Erode too saw a steady rise in water level, aided by the release of surplus water from ...

◆200810 Saurenergy https://bit.ly/3fIsDwG
Rs 1.8 Tn Investment in Transmission Segment in India by ...
In line with the shift in policy focus from conventional sources (coal and gas) to renewable power sources (wind and solar), the focus of the ... to the report is towards augmenting the transmission infrastructure for evacuation of power generated by renewable energy projects. ... While there is likely to be a slowdown in electricity demand and investments in the sector in FY2021 amid the COVID-19 induced ...

◆200810 Saurenergy https://bit.ly/31AZu1h
Explaining India's 175 GW Renewables Target. The Big ...
He has been asked about the impact on India's ambitious renewable energy targets for 2022, be it from the safeguard duty issues in 2018 ... Large Hydro. The original target was broken down by the MNRe itself as made of 100 GW Solar (with 40 GW of rooftop solar within ... plants plants, by making their power sales eligible under the Renewable Energy Purchase Obligation (RPO) of discoms, thankfully a ... There is a solid 63 GW of carbon free nuclear capacity that is targeted by then.

◆200810 India TV https://bit.ly/2DFw5Lt
64 dead in Pakistan due to heavy rains
"Pakistani troops (are) busy in relief and rescue efforts in various areas of Dadu, a district in Sindh, to help people affected by recent hill torrent and breach of flood protection bund of Nai Gaj Dam," Pakistani army's media wing the Inter-Services ...

◆200810 Business Today https://bit.ly/2F1BUD8
Saudi Arabia cuts off oil supply to Pakistan over delayed payments
The UAE and Saudi Arabian oil credit facilities were part of the $14.5-billion package agreed with three friendly countries, including China. After coming into power, Imran Khan-led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government faced an immediate ...

◆200810 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3gLAGtF
Saudi Arabia pulls support for Pakistan as Kashmir tiff widens
According to Pakistani media, the oil credit facility was suspended in May, with the Saudis later asking Pakistan to also repay the loan in full. The countries' relations deteriorated quickly, beginning in February when Saudi Arabia turned down a ...

◆200810 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/3gIi26c
NEA will cut power supply to consumers not paying electricity bills for two months
NEA will cut power supply to consumers not paying electricity bills for two months ... KATHMANDU, Aug 9: Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) will disconnect the electricity supply, without issuing any prior notice, ... According to him, using smart meters also allows NEA customers to manage their expenses on energy consumption. ... KATHMANDU, Jan 23: Division Forest Office (DFO), Rasuwa, has instructed Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) to stop transmission line construction work.

◆200810 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/2DMkOZA
The Rajapaksas cement power in Sri Lanka | HT Editorial
Gotabaya Rajapaksa has firmly consolidated his power as president; the parliamentary win now brings back the former president Mahinda Rajapaksa as prime minister. Both the presidential and now the parliamentary win are not surprising.

◆200810 The Peninsula Qatar https://bit.ly/3is9TDq
Rajapaksa sworn in as PM in Sri Lanka, cementing family rule
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka's former President Mahinda Rajapaksa was sworn in as the prime minister for the fourth ... Sunday after his party secured a landslide victory in parliamentary elections that cemented his family's hold on power.

◆200810 The Island.lk https://bit.ly/3fQvSSQ
A new page in the history of Sri Lanka
We have had outstanding persons in power whether political or bureaucratic who were from Maha Vidyalayas and of ... was the first UNP MP for Matara albeit for only 33 days, elected in March 1960 to the shortest-lived Parliament of Sri Lanka. ... He is the convener of the People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE), which has been at the forefront of the ... against the whole idea of nuclear energy which includes nuclear power plants- a great source for producing electricity?




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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