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2020年9月4日 中国は米とのデカップリングに備え,半導体に向こう5年間で150兆円投入













◆200904 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2Z4TJsg
中国の習主席、外国の干渉には決して屈しないと言明 ...
中国の習近平国家主席は、中国国民から中国共産党を切り離すことはできないと主張し、米中関係が難しい局面にある中 ... だが、米中関係についてのメッセージと解釈することもでき、貿易やテクノロジー、南シナ海などあらゆる分野の対米 ...

◆200904 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2Z2Kvg2
香港国家安全維持法を支持する体制派で中国政府の「御用学者」のひとりPhoto: Giulia Marchi / The New York Times. 反体制派に対する統制を強化する中国・習近平政権の背後には、独裁と共産党の一党体制を礼賛する「御用学者」たちの ...

◆200904 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2F14KUg

◆200904 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2EMUgIx
中国が半導体への幅広い支援を計画、トランプ政権に対抗 ...
習近平国家主席は無線通信網や人工知能(AI)などの技術に25年までに推定1兆4000億ドル(約149兆円)を投じる 考えを示している。半導体はテクノロジーを巡る中国の野心のほぼ全ての部分にとって欠かせないもので、強硬姿勢を ...

◆200904 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3bqxYrK
ジョン・ボルトンといえば、近年の米国の戦争(アフガニスタン、イラク、シリア、リビア、イランとの交渉決裂)を推進し、しばしばその当事者でもあったタカ派である。 ... 香港では民主主義の運動が鎮圧され、南シナ海では中国の拡張政策が継続され、貿易戦争やテクノロジー戦争も勃発した。新興の ... 中国の戦略はイタリアで功を奏し、イタリアは一帯一路に組み込まれることに同意しています。

◆200904 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2F6xsmx
中国、米国とデカップリングなら潜在成長率3.5%に低下へ ...
習近平国家主席の新たな戦略では、国内経済を成長のけん引役に据え、成長が鈍化する世界経済や高まる各国の敵意から国内を守ろうとしている。戦略の詳細はまだ具体化していないが、中国が高度な製造業や技術革新でさらなる自立を望んで ...



◆200904 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2Z2OUzu
「三峡ダム」を作った中国企業がアフリカ・コンゴでダム建設 ...
アフリカのオンライン・メディア「フィナンシャル・アフリック」によれば、建設予定のダム「インガ3」は「長江三峡集団公司」と中国の電力配送会社である「国家電網」、アフリカのエネルギーインフラ事業を手がける地元のAEEパワー・ ...

◆200904 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2DthDWT
東電、企業結び再エネ融通 「仮想発電所」分散電源束ねる
新たな収益源にするほか、広域の電力需給の安定にもつなげる。VPP事業は欧州など海外勢も含めた大手が参入を予定する。関連ビジネスの拡大で、再生可能エネルギーのコスト低減や ...

◆200904 マイナビニュース https://bit.ly/3lQslYz
超々臨界圧石炭火力発電!?日本の電力供給を支える「石炭火力 ...
現在における石炭火力の立ち位置とこれら電力の今後について解説します。 (※)石炭を燃焼させて高温高圧水蒸気を作り、水蒸気タービンを回して発電する従来型と、石炭をガス化し ...

◆200904 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2EWjLah
ドバイ原油・4日午前、下落 43.10ドル前後
原油でアジア市場の指標となる中東産ドバイ原油のスポット価格は4日午前、下落した。取引の中心となる11月渡しは1バレル43.10ドル前後と前日に比べ0.50ドル安い水準で推移している。 ...



◆200904 リム情報開発 https://bit.ly/3lPsfk8
中国=SHPGXが国際LNG取引の運用ルールを策定|海外支店 ...
上海石油天然ガス交易中心(International LNG trading on the Shanghai Petroleum & Gas Exchange、SHPGX)は8月28日に試験取引を開始した。SHPGXは関連する中国国内の運用規制を遵守しつつ、国際取引の実務を踏まえ実情に即した国際 ...

◆200904 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3bqXJYZ
米、中国企業に制裁 イラン産原油取引に関与
【ワシントン=中村亮】米政府は3日、イラン産原油や石油製品の取引に関与したとして、中国やアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)などに拠点を置く11団体を経済制裁の対象に指定したと発表した。イランの外貨調達を妨げ ...

◆200904 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3gVpXfK
中国自動車大手の吉利、原発に出資 米が警戒も
【北京=多部田俊輔】中国民営自動車最大手の浙江吉利控股集団が原子力発電所の運営会社に出資する。中国の原発 ... 出資比率は中国国有原発大手の中国広核集団が46%、浙江省の国有電力会社が34%などで、吉利は ...

◆200904 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2Z66umf
国務院が原発認可を再開、景気対策の狙いも 中国・電力 ...
中国の李克強首相が主宰する国務院(中央政府)常務会議は2日、海南省と浙江省の2カ所の原子力発電所建設プロジェクトを認可した。中国政府の原発認可は約1年ぶりとみられる。国産原子炉技術の実績作りを推進すると同時に、巨額投資 ...

◆200904 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2F49poB
経産相、脱炭素化に意欲 広島の高効率発電を視察(共同通信)
脱炭素化に向けたエネルギー政策を実行していきたい」と政策推進に意欲を示した。 視察したのは中国電力と電源開発(Jパワー)が共同出資する大崎クールジェン(広島県大崎上島町)。 梶山氏はまた新型コロナの感染拡大に伴って生じた ...

◆200904 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/32P7f48
コロナ後の経済復興、温暖化対策と両立を 閣僚級会合
米国や中国も参加し、温暖化ガス削減に向けた各国の取り組みについて情報共有した。議長声明は来週前半をめどにまとめる予定だ。 国連のグテレス事務総長はビデオメッセージで「各国が2050年までに温暖 ...

◆200904 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3bq89bc
【北京時事】トヨタ自動車 <7203> が3日発表した8月の中国での新車販売台数は、前年同月比27.2%増の16万4400台だった。プラスは5カ月連続で、2桁増は4カ月連続。 関連記事.

◆200904 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/3gXhpFc
液晶パネル特許侵害で賠償請求 JDI・パナ、中国大手を提訴
ジャパンディスプレイ(JDI)とパナソニックは3日までに、中国の液晶パネル大手の天馬微電子に特許を侵害されたとして、損害賠償などを求めて米テキサス州の連邦地方裁判所の支部に提訴した。請求額は未定で、提訴は現地時間の8 ...

◆200904 Investing.com 日本 https://bit.ly/3gXhvg2
中国、半導体産業の幅広い支援計画 米政権に対抗 ...
[3日 ロイター] - 米アップル (O:AAPL)は3日、iPhoneやiPadでのターゲティング広告で使われるユーザー情報の追跡制限を来年初めまで延期すると発表した。 アップ... JDIとパナソニック、中国液晶パネル大手を提訴 特許 ...


◆200904 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/32TcwI4
China dominates bidding for Myanmar solar power plants
The projects could mark a milestone for Myanmar's renewable energy policy, but the tenders' tight deadline and other strict ... electricity comes from hydropower, 30% from coal, 8% from natural gas and 5% from renewables like solar and wind.

◆200904 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/2QVhe2m
Pentagon Releases Annual China Military Power Report
This year's report looks at China's strategy and ambitions, assesses its navy to now be the world's largest, and summarizes major advances in China's conventional and nuclear missile arsenal. In 2017 Chinese President Xi Jinping set out two ...

◆200904 Reuters https://reut.rs/31UWeiw
China's energy giants tiptoe into renewables
SINGAPORE/BEIJING (Reuters) - China's state energy producers outlined initiatives to develop hydrogen and wind power after their earnings slumped along with the oil price in the first half but their renewables projects could take years to ... Sinopec and CNOOC Ltd come as global energy majors like BP prepare to spend billions on renewable energy assets to stay ... set by European energy majors, as Beijing's energy policy still views natural gas and low-emission coal as transitional ...

◆200904 Power Technology https://bit.ly/3lKtKAd
China grants approval to construct two nuclear projects
In an official statement, the cabinet said: “Pushing forward the construction of nuclear power projects actively and steadily is an important measure to expand effective investment, enhance energy support, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”.

◆200904 Caixin Global https://bit.ly/31VcFLJ
China Approves $10.2 Billion Investment in 2 New Nuclear ...
What's new: China's cabinet approved two nuclear power projects with a total investment of 70 billion yuan ($10.2 billion), as part of the country's policy to lower pollution levels and bolster the economy through infrastructure investment.

◆200904 Anadolu Agency https://bit.ly/2Z7sKMN
Worst floods on record cost China $29B
... largest electricity-producing Three Gorges dam due to raging flood waters. China is witnessing heavy rainfall this season, triggering floods in most southern parts of the country and increasing the water level in the Yangtze River which hosts ...

◆200904 Scientect https://bit.ly/2QVhz58
A new study offers detailed examination of China Nuclear ...
The report studies the competitive environment of the China Nuclear Medicine/Radiopharmaceutic Market is based on company profiles and their efforts on increasing product value and production. This Report covers the manufacturers' data, ...



◆200901 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/34S9Tsw
アストラ・インターナショナル(インドネシア) トヨタ車を ...
アストラ・インターナショナルはインドネシア最大の複合企業だ。主力の自動車事業ではトヨタ自動車やダイハツ工業と提携し、インドネシアで独占的に販売を担う。2019年の現地での自動車販売シェアは52%。ジ ...

◆200901 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3gR5Ejf
習主席 インドネシア大統領、モロッコ国王とそれぞれ電話会談
習近平国家主席は8月31日夜、インドネシアのジョコ・ウィドド大統領と電話会談を行いました。 習主席は会談で、「中国とインドネシアは共に人口の多い国であり、新型コロナウイルス感染症に対応するのは困難に満ちた任務である。両国は ...

◆200901 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/31JcBPi
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は8月31日夜、マニラ首都圏で実施している外出・移動制限措置について、9月1日から30日まで現行の緩和措置を継続すると表明した。新型コロナウイルスの感染者数が22万人を超えるなど増加傾向にある ...

◆200901 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/32IwXrc
サングレー空港拡張、中国の参画見直しも フィリピン・政治
フィリピンのマニラ首都圏に隣接するカビテ州のサングレー空港拡張計画で、中国企業が排除される可能性が出てきた。米国が発表した中国による南シナ海の埋め立てに関与している中国企業の制裁リストの中に、同空港の拡張事業を手掛ける ...

◆200901 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/31Li0oX
自衛隊レーダーを比に輸出、防衛省 フィリピン・政治
【共同】河野太郎防衛相は28日の記者会見で、自衛隊の防空レーダー4基をフィリピンに輸出することで同国政府と三菱電機の間で契約が成立したと発表した。防衛省によると、安倍政権が2014年に「防衛装備移転三原則」を制定し、武器輸出 ...


◆200902 Xinhua https://bit.ly/2F0e1Mw
Indonesia lowers coal reference price for September as ...
1 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia has edged lower the coal reference price known as coal benchmark reference price for September as demands remain ... The Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry brought down the coal reference price for September by 0.92 percent to 49.42 U.S. dollars for ... The natural resources-rich Indonesia is one of the world's largest exporters and producers of thermal coal.

◆200902 Eco-Business https://bit.ly/2YT2upa
CIMB targeted by Indonesian NGOs for funding coal plants as ...
CIMB targeted by Indonesian NGOs for funding coal plants as Malaysian bank prepares to stage sustainability event. CIMB has been called out for financing planet-warming coal-fired power plants in Indonesia the week before it is to stage its ...

◆200902 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/3jFjO8W
PLN wants environment ministry to undo power plant emissions cap - The Jakarta Post
State-owned electricity company PLN has called on the Environment and Forestry Ministry to revise emission caps for fossil fuel-fired ... PLN's request also challenges government claims that thermal power plants, particularly coal-fired power plants, were the ... of installed power-generation capacity in Indonesia, a country with the world's sixth-largest coal reserves, according to Energy ... These included using lower-sulfur coal in its plants and using natural gas in diesel power plants.

◆200902 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3lFn6uJ
Philippines pushes deals with Chinese company blacklisted ...
Automobiles · Consumer Industries · Energy · Finance · Health Care & Pharma · Industrials · Property & Services · Startups ... MANILA -- The Philippines will push ahead with infrastructure projects backed by Chinese companies that have been ... State-owned China Communications Construction Company has faced fresh scrutiny in the Philippines after its ... But since coming to power in 2016, Duterte has courted Chinese companies for investments in telecoms and other infrastructure.

◆200902 CNA https://bit.ly/3gNXXdF
Philippines says won't stop projects with China firms ...
Bookmark. MANILA: The Philippines will not halt infrastructure projects involving Chinese firms blacklisted by ally the United States and will act in its own interests, not those of a foreign power, the president's spokesman said on Tuesday (Sep 1).

◆200902 benarnews https://bit.ly/3lOpLCL
Philippines: Won't Stop Doing Business with Chinese Firms ...
The Philippines is not a “vassal state of any foreign power” and won't cut business ties with Chinese firms that Washington has blacklisted for their roles in Beijing's militarization of the South China Sea, a spokesman for President Rodrigo ...

◆200902 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/32OtDe3
ADB urged to formalize policy to stop funding coal-fired plants
The evaluation report found that while the Philippines-based ADB has refrained from investing in coal-fired power plants since ... In the 10 years covered in the evaluation, ADB approved $42.5 billion in funding for the energy sector, most of which went toward electricity transmission and distribution. The report noted that the Asia-Pacific region—which is still heavily reliant on thermal coal for power generation— has the world's ... Oil firms to shoulder fuel marking costs starting Sept. 4.

◆200902 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/3jIbbLb
P3.5-B yearly subsidy eyed for lifeline power consumers
On determining and verifying the lifeline consumer-beneficiaries of the subsidy, Senate Committee on Energy ... For the Philippine Independent Power Producers Association Inc. (PIPPA), the group proposed that the lifeline subsidy ... by their governments, companies in the Philippines are burdened by a subsidy for other electricity consumers.” ... There will be a very marginal increase in pump prices of gasoline products this week at P0.10 per liter, as announced by the oil companies.

◆200902 台北時報 https://bit.ly/3jA6q6b
Manila not to stop projects with Chinese companies
The Philippines would not halt infrastructure projects involving Chinese firms blacklisted by ally the US and would make its own decisions, not those of a foreign power, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's spokesman said yesterday.

◆200902 AFP Factcheck https://bit.ly/31R67h6
Misleading claim circulates on Facebook that Duterte has ...
Misleading claim circulates on Facebook that Duterte has signed order to open nuclear power plant ... Its text overlay states: "Philippines finally nuclear / Already signed / Solid Duterte page / This is surprising Philippine nuclear plant finally signed olig (sic)..." ... Meralco is the largest private sector electricity distributor in the country, according to its corporate profile. ... in part: “The government shall conduct a study for the adoption of a National Position on a Nuclear Energy Program…



◆200824 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2CQWuFA
国務院の李克強総理は24日、北京で開かれた瀾滄江メコン開発協力(LMC) 第3回首脳会合に出席した際、「中国はLMC特殊基金の枠組内に公衆衛生特殊資金を設け、力の及ぶ限りメコン川流域国に疫病予防・抑制のための物資と技術支援を提供 ...

◆200824 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3hppzqQ
国務院の李克強総理は24日、北京で開かれた瀾滄江メコン開発協力(LMC) 第3回首脳会合に出席した際、瀾滄江、メコン川が流れる6か国は一つの川の水を飲む、事実上の運命共同体だと述べました。 李総理は「水資源を合理的に開発利用する ...

◆200824 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/32yvFPB
国務院の李克強総理は24日、北京で開かれた瀾滄江メコン開発協力(LMC) 第3回首脳会合に出席した際、「国際陸海貿易新通道(ILSTC)は中国の西部地域を貫き、東南アジアとユーラシア大陸を結びつける。瀾滄江メコン開発協力が国際陸海 ...

◆200824 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/34o02KZ
「コロナ禍でも連携」 日ラオス外相会談

◆200824 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3jbfEFY
”強権的”と批判 タイ全土で若者らの反政府集会が活発化
タイでは、軍の政治への影響力が続きプラユット首相が率いる政権が強権的な姿勢をとっているとして、若者らによる反政府集会がタイ全土で活発化していて、23日も、バンコクの中心部で学生たちが集会を開いて強権的な政治を改めるよう ...

◆200824 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3aUEnvg
中国 ベトナムに南シナ海問題の早期解決に向けた協議呼びかけ
中国の王毅外相は、隣国ベトナムに対し、領有権をめぐって対立が続く南シナ海問題の早期解決に向けた協議を呼びかけました。アメリカとの対立が深まる中、周辺国との関係強化を図ることで国際社会での孤立を避けたい思惑があるとみられ ...

◆200824 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3goHAEf
中国が南シナ海に爆撃機を配備、ベトナム外務省「領有権侵害 ...
ベトナムが領有権を主張する南シナ海の海域に中国軍が爆撃機を配備し軍事演習を実施したことについて、外務省のレ・ティ・トゥー・ハン報道官は20日午後に開かれた同省の定例記者会見で、「ベトナムの領有権を侵害し、南シナ海問題を ...

◆200824 カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ https://bit.ly/3j7gtiP
日本とカンボジア間の長期滞在者の往来再開へ 9月上旬を目途 ...
フン・セン首相は、今月21日から22日にかけてカンボジアを公式訪問中の茂木外務大臣と会談を行い、両国間の人的往来再開について賛意を示した。クメールタイムズなど複数メディアが報じた。 また、茂木外務大臣はプラック外務国際協力 ...

◆200824 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3hr0HyR
カンボジア 対中偏重に慎重 EU制裁発動 印・韓ともFTA ...
欧州連合(EU)がカンボジアからの輸入品について設けている特恵関税制度が8月12日、一部停止された。EUはカンボジア政府による野党勢力や人権運動への弾圧を問題視し、調査や話し合いを重ねてきたが、改善がみられないとして ...


◆200825 Reuters https://reut.rs/31otT3W
China pledges Mekong River data-sharing, details unclear
BANGKOK (Reuters) - China's prime minister pledged on Monday to share more water management data from its portion of the Mekong River with its neighbours in Southeast Asia after U.S. criticism that it was “hoarding” water and hurting ...

◆200825 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3hsHInJ
Struggling With Drought on the Mekong – The Diplomat
Drought, climate change, and the construction of dams – on a scale that beggars belief – are threatening a river system that ... The Mekong River Commission (MRC) forecasted that the “extreme drought” is now expanding across northern Cambodia, ... frequency will increase to once every 6.3 years over this century due to carbon emissions and excess energy in the atmosphere. ... In July, oil began bubbling to the surface of the Java Sea and washing ashore, slicking beaches black.

◆200825 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/34worxN
Mekong river steadily rising
NAKHON PHANOM: The water level in the Mekong river is rising steadily and people living along its banks at this northeastern border province have been advised to take precautions against possible overflowing. On Monday morning, water ...

◆200825 South China Morning Post https://bit.ly/3hsQGBc
China promises Mekong neighbours access to Chinese Covid-19 vaccine
The Mekong River bordering Thailand and Laos is seen from the Thai side in Nong Khai. China says it will provide annual hydrological data to other Mekong nations to better combat climate change, as well as floods and drought.

◆200825 The Thaiger https://bit.ly/31qWvty
Floods wash up the North, Northeast prepares as Mekong rises
Flood victims are being rescued and brought to higher ground by the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Royal Thai Army and other organisations in the area. In the Northeast, the Mekong River is steadily on the rise and those ...

◆200825 Nhan Dan Online https://bit.ly/3lhyGfl
Vietnam actively contributes to Mekong – Lancang ...
In an interview on the occasion of the virtual third Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Leaders' Meeting on August 24, Son said ... on Mekong River water resources and collaboration activities on climate change adaptation, hydropower dam safety, ...

◆200825 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/3gl67du
Flooding in Sukhothai as dyke bursts
Communities along the Yom River in Sukhothai were flooded with up to two metres of water on Monday after a dyke was ... poles along Pak Kwair-Wang Mai Khon Road in Muang district, forcing Sukhothai's Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) to cut off power ... In another development, rising water levels along the Mekong River in Nakhon Phanom are threatening local farms and fisheries along the river.

◆200825 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2Ev4I6P
Has Thailand's monarchy got what it takes to endure?
At the same time Vajiralongkorn has moved to concentrate power in his own hand. He has taken direct control of the royal family's vast assets and strengthened his grip on key military commands. He has presided over the removal of monuments ...

◆200825 Vera Files https://bit.ly/2YyMIQ9
Is Vietnam now ready to do “a Philippines” against China?
One such sign is Vietnam's recent nomination of four arbitrators – including that of Professor Robert C. Beckman, a noted Law of the Sea ... lead to bring China to arbitral court over repeated Chinese intrusions in Vietnam's Vanguard Bank, an oil-rich section of its EEZ. ... invoking the Philippine precedent as for Vietnam's oil- and gas-drilling operations in the Bank, according to a March 18 article this year ...

◆200825 just-style.com https://bit.ly/3gtxEcJ
Cambodia shift to coal power putting brands off sourcing
"Electricity decisions made today will lock Cambodia into a future that appears to be the opposite of global and regional trends and less attractive to our industry," the letter read. "Countries that today prioritise [renewable energy] and a green ...

◆200825 Kyodo News Plus https://bit.ly/32ikMRE
Japan, Myanmar agree to reopen borders for long-term ...
The tour also included Papua New Guinea, Laos and Cambodia. The visits to the countries came as Tokyo, which currently bans in principle entries by foreign nationals from 146 countries and regions, launched talks with 16 economies ...

◆200825 Jagran Josh https://bit.ly/2EyPlds
What is 'One Sun, One World, One Grid' (OSOWOG) policy announced by Prime Minister Modi?
This project is a trans-national electricity grid supplying solar power across the globe. ... In June 2020, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy came out with a Request for Proposal (RFP) to hire consultants for converting this idea into policy. ... which would include countries like Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Lao, Cambodia etc, and far West, which would cover the Middle East and the Africa Region.' ...

◆200825 Myanmar Times https://bit.ly/32od8VL
Oilman calls on Myanmar govt to be more transparent, flexible
But we do not have to save oil and gas for future generations, U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing said. ... Previously bids were handled by the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise under the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. ... They planned to sell the gas to Thailand, but Thailand planned to reduce its gas purchases from Myanmar, so if Thailand doesn't buy the gas, the Myanmar government will have to build power ...



◆200826 大紀元 https://bit.ly/3jfP3HH
ネパールは北部を中国チベット自治区、南部をインドと接するヒマラヤ山脈麓の内陸国。インドの通信社ANIによると、ネパール共産党K・P・シャーマ・オリ政権は中国共産党の政策に融和傾向にある。また、北京の報復を恐れ、中国の「不法 ...

◆200826 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/3aZnTBK
実際のところ中国はこれら4カ国のどの国に対しても軍事攻撃の意図を示してはおらず、東シナ海、南シナ海、ヒマラヤの領土問題において中国は決して悪者ではないことに気が付くはずだ」と主張した。 その上で、オーストラリアは中国との ...

◆200826 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/34zrSE0
インドの物流テック、海外展開に弾み 相次ぎ資金調達
インドの物流系スタートアップFarEye(ファーアイ)が海外展開に本腰を売れている。4月に米マイクロソフトのファンドなどから2450万ドル(約26億円)を調達したほか、このほど新たに1300万ドルの ...

◆200826 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2Qm3yNE
外国企業による直接的な小売りを厳しく禁じていたインドだが、こうした規制は昨年緩和された。 同社はインドのショッピングシーズンに当たるヒンズー教のダシェラ祭(10月下旬)から新年祭ディワリ(11月中旬 ...

◆200826 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2CYt3l4

◆200826 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/31udk6F
焦点:カシミール、深まる隔絶 自治権剥奪1年 ネット遮断、報道の自由なし
インド、パキスタンが領有権を争うカシミール地方で、ヒンズー至上主義を掲げるインドのモディ政権が、イスラム教徒が多数を占めるジャム・カシミール州の自治権を剥奪し、8月で1年が過ぎた。モディ政権は強硬手段で住民の抗議を ...

◆200826 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/2EreLtZ
更に、新型コロナウイルス問題、香港、台湾、東シナ海、豪州、インド、ブータン等に関する中国の言動は、対中警戒感を高める要因となっている。 米国が中国の九段線の主張は違法であると明言し、「中国共産主義との対決」 を宣言した ...


◆200827 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/3gvGx5G
The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border
The Indus River watershed would become, by the end of the century, the stated northern limit of India, despite the British failure to survey and demarcated much of it. The “water-parting principle” was by then being applied to boundary ...

◆200827 Dunya News https://bit.ly/3jkgujG
Flood alert issued for River Chenab after India releases water without pre-schedule
Indus River System Authority (IRSA) officials feared a massive flood of 600,000 cusecs at the Mangla Dam by Thursday evening. Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has alerted the concerned departments to deal with the emergency situation ...

◆200827 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/3gBgfyK
IRSA releases 283,000 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1548.00 feet, which was 152.00 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 183,200 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200827 Power Technology https://bit.ly/3jmFpmL
Actis to acquire green energy projects from ReNew Power in ...
Actis established Ostro Energy in 2014. It has projects across India, including in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. After holding its initial ...

◆200827 Economic Times https://bit.ly/2QtK4GV
State Bank of India plans coal-loan policy before key auctions
State Bank of India is creating a policy to lend to coal miners before landmark auctions that would end decades of state ... demand for coal, which is seen globally as a dirty fuel but is still the biggest source for electricity generation in India. ... India's coal-fired power plants, the biggest users of the fuel, operated at an average 46.2% of their capacity during the three months ... Palm oil priceVodafone Idea share priceEicher Motors share priceGold rate todayIndusInd Bank share priceBank ...

◆200827 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/3aZGNsp
Pakistan, Russia likely to decide fate of 1,100km North South Gas Pipeline next month
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and Russia may take important decisions during the next month for the transportation of Regasified ... Natural Gas (RLNG) from Karachi to Lahore by setting up a 1,100 kilometer (km) North South Gas Pipeline (NSGP). ... Pakistan's proposal to reduce the cost of the project and awards the project to Gazprom, a Russian energy company, ... and Russia was signed on October 16, 2015 for the development of the NSGP having a transmission capacity of 1.2 Billion ...

◆200827 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/2YEvGjx
After a Slowdown, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Is ...
And as CPEC regains momentum, it has a new steward: the Pakistan Army, which has gone from a behind-the-scenes role in ... electricity and unsustainable debt, cannibalize its federal budget, entangle Pakistan in broader U.S.-Chinese tensions, and ... But the gambit was fiscally unsustainable, relying on comparatively expensive electric power projects and putting off ... portfolio at odds with its own developmental priorities, which leaned toward renewable energy and social welfare.

◆200827 Daily Times https://bit.ly/31v8ypy
Egypt expresses interest to develop G2G cooperation in energy sector of Pakistan
The Egyptian company expressed interest in to invest in the energy sector including areas of power generation, transmission and distribution, projects related to renewable energy as well as in LNG, CNG and Gas Distribution sector of the ...

◆200827 https://www.nepal24hours.com https://bit.ly/3lqa6cj
Nepal: River erosion troubles waste management – Nepal24Hours.com – Integration Through Media ….!
“The flood-fed Madi river eroded the landfill site and also took away the piled-up wastes”, Dhungana said adding, “The municipality has not been able to lift the waste from different areas due to lack of space”. Representative Image PIcture- my ...

◆200827 Telegraphnepal.com https://bit.ly/3lmBVCi
Nepal: Kashmir as seen by British Historian Victoria Schofield
N. P. Upadhyaya, Kathmandu: Hate crimes against Muslims in India have exploded since PM Modi's party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014, with religious based hate crimes surging nearly 30% in the year 2014 to 2017 ...

◆200827 Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper https://bit.ly/3b85aUY
Hydropower generation increases by 14 percent ...
The overall generation of the DGPC power plants—Tala, Chhukha, Basochhu and Kurichhu—has increased to 3,724 million units (MU) from January to July ... Bhutan exports about 70 percent of the energy generated to India. ... “Export of electricity to India has not been affected despite the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Dasho.

◆200827 Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/31uOfss
China’s string of pearls
Change in the river course was cited as a reason for the loss of 500-1,500 meters of land annually. ... at China's unflinching support to Pakistan and Belt-Road Initiative assistance and construction of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam. ... the sea lanes from the Middle East to the South China Sea, with the dual objectives of protecting energy and strategic interests. Doubtless the USA is the dominant super-power in the Indo-Pacific region. ... Much trade and crude oil goes to China through it.

◆200827 Natural Gas World https://bit.ly/2YBiqw0
Sri Lanka to Develop LNG Hub at Hambantota
The Board of Investment (BOI) of Sri Lanka has signed an agreement with Pearl Energy to develop an LNG hub at the Port ... the company expects Sri Lanka to switch to gas-based power generation and increase efficiency of its national grid.

◆200827 Colombo Page https://bit.ly/3lxkGyu
Sri Lanka : The island wide power outage was due to the ...
The island wide power outage was due to the negligence of an electrical superintendent - report. Wed, Aug 26, 2020, 11:25 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. ... substation all three generators at the Norochcholai power plant were inactivated leaving the entire country without electricity for six hours and 16 minutes. ... The report of the nine-member committee appointed by the Ministry of Power and Energy to look into the power outage that occurred islandwide on the ...

◆200827 Jagran English https://bit.ly/3lmljL5
Sri Lanka calls China-port deal a mistake, to pursue ‘India first’ policy
Speaking to a Sri Lankan TV channel, Colombage said country's decision to give Hambantota port on a 99- lease to China was a “mistake”. Along with pursuing a neutral foreign policy, Sri Lanka will protect India's stretegic interest. “That means ... in Sri Lanka. Located on the southwestern shores on the Kelani River, it serves as an important terminal in Asia due to its strategic location in the Indian Ocean.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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