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2020年9月5 駐米韓国大使が「安保は米国,経済は中国」と発言,欧州は米国支持




米、中国半導体最大手も制裁指定か ファーウェイに続き



中国、半導体産業の幅広い支援計画 米政権に対抗,2025年までの5年間で、いわゆる「第3世代半導体」を幅広く支援する準備を進めているという,研究・教育・資金調達を支援する一連の措置が、第14次5カ年計画の草案に盛り込まれており,10月に指導部に提示される見通し,







◆200905 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2Z6OiZM
イ大使はこの日、米ジョージワシントン大学の韓国学研究所が主催した画像会議に参加し「米国と中国の関係は韓半島の運命、韓国だけでなく北朝鮮にも非常に重要かつ決定的だ」と指摘した。イ大使はさらに「韓米同盟の未来の姿を深く ...

◆200905 TBS News https://bit.ly/2QYN9iE
北朝鮮 大規模軍事パレードのリハーサルか、来月の朝鮮労働党創建75年記念... 2日 18時48分 · 米、北ミサイル開発物資 ...

◆200905 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2ESyXp3
南シナ海問題 なぜ緊迫? 中国の進出、米「違法」
南シナ海を巡り、関係国の対立が激化しているというわ。中国の姿勢に対し、米国は東南アジア諸国への支持を明確にしたようね。交通上の要衝で天然資源も豊富なようだけど、どうなるのかな。 日本からも遠くない南シ ...

◆200905 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/320hZ0B
イランの低濃縮ウラン貯蔵量、核合意規定の10倍に IAEAが報告
イランは昨年、2015年にイラン、中国、フランス、ドイツ、ロシア、イギリス、アメリカの7カ国で締結された国際的核合意での取り決めについて、意識的かつ公然と放棄し始めた。 核合意では、原子炉燃料だけでなく核兵器にも使用される ...

◆200905 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2QX14pf
中国共産党の歴史をわい曲し、中国共産党の本質と目的を誹謗しようとするいかなる試みもいかなる勢力も絶対に容認しない」 習近平中国国家主席が3日、北京人民大会堂で開かれた中国人民抗日戦争および世界反 ... 米国は今月9~11日、ASEAN地域フォーラム(ARF)外相会議で南シナ海問題を取り上げて中国に対する圧迫外交を続けていくものと予想されている。 ... 文大統領のラブコールを中国・北朝鮮はスルー… ... 一帯一路共栄圏」の民心掌握に失敗する中国の末路.



◆200905 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3k0ST87
Apple、再生可能エネルギー源の風力発電機の建設に投資 ...
なお、これには、ヨーロッパに拠点を置くすべてのサプライヤーを再生可能エネルギーに移行することが含まれる。 ドイツに本拠を置くサプライヤーであるVarta社は、100%再生可能電力でApple製品を稼働させることを決定。 ヨーロッパ全体 ...

◆200905 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3lSh0Yd
再生可能エネルギー時代に電気の品質を安定させる制御法を ...
太陽光や風力などの再生可能エネルギー発電は気象条件などの影響を受け、発電量が不安定であることが普及する上での課題とされる。慶應義塾大学などの研究グループが、発電量が不安定になって電気の品質が低下してもこれを回復させる ...

◆200905 ロイター https://bit.ly/3bscyKZ
新型コロナウイルス禍からの経済回復が鈍いとの見方が、石油需要の低迷懸念につながった。 清算値は、北海ブレント先物LCOc1が1.41ドル(3.2%)安の1バレル=42.66ドル。米WTI原油先物が1.6ドル(3.9%)安 ...

◆200905 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3jSAk5T
半導体用材料、2024年に約405億米ドル規模へ(EE Times ...
新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で、需要の伸びは鈍化するが、5Gの設備増強やサーバの処理能力強化などに対する投資は引き続き顕著で、これらが半導体需要を支える。 富士経済は今後の注目市場として、「シリコンウエハー」「フォト ...

◆200905 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2Z8mzYQ
IHIは4日、米ジョージア州で2016年に受注した液化天然ガス(LNG)出荷設備の工事を終え、顧客が商業運転を始めたと発表した。米パイプライン大手、キンダー・モーガンからの受注で、既存の天然ガス受け ...



◆200905 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2QXIRI8
米、中国半導体最大手も制裁指定か ファーウェイに続き―報道
【ワシントン時事】トランプ米政権は4日、半導体受託生産の中国最大手「中芯国際集成電路製造(SMIC)」を貿易禁止の制裁リストに加えるかどうか検討していると明らかにした。中国通信機器最大手・華為技術(ファーウェイ)と同様に ...

◆200905 Investing.com 日本 https://bit.ly/353Xe65
中国、半導体産業の幅広い支援計画 米政権に対抗 ...
[3日 ロイター] - ブルームバーグによると、中国政府は国内の半導体産業を育成し、米国のトランプ政権の規制措置に対抗するため、幅広い支援を計画している。 事情に詳しい関係者の話として報じた。 2025年までの5年間で、 ...

◆200905 TBS News https://bit.ly/330JxC5
アメリカのトランプ政権は3日、イラン産の原油や石油化学製品の輸出を支援したなどとして、中国やUAE=アラブ首長国連邦などに拠点を置く11社を制裁の対象に指定したと発表しました。 アメリカの国務省と財務省が新たに制裁の ...

◆200905 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2F03WPT
米、台湾でEU・日本と新たな経済連携訴え 中国排除
半導体や医療、エネルギーなどを対象とする見込みで、中国を排除した協力姿勢を鮮明にする。 アプリで開く. 日経電子版に登録すると、 有料会員限定記事が毎月一定数無料 ...

◆200905 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/32YHxui
米、中国企業などに制裁 イラン産原油取引に関与
【ワシントン=中村亮】米政府は3日、イラン産原油や石油製品の取引に関与したとして、中国やアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)などに拠点を置く11団体を経済制裁の対象に指定したと発表した。イランの外貨調達を妨げて核開発やミサイル開発に ...


◆200905 ecns https://bit.ly/2ETI09c
China loads fuel at first nuclear unit with home-grown reactor
The No. 1 to No. 4 nuclear power units of the Fuqing project were put into commercial operation in September 2017, and have generated a total of 130 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity so far. Compared with power generation with fossil fuels, ...

◆200905 CGTN https://bit.ly/321eF5b
China's nuclear reactor powered by Hualong One starts fuel loading
Nuclear fuel loading into the No. 5 unit of China's Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant under China National Nuclear Corporation started at 3:30 p.m. Friday, marking an important step towards its completion and operation. The No. 5 unit is the world's ...

◆200905 The New York Times https://nyti.ms/3lSt0c7
Forget TikTok. China’s Powerhouse App Is WeChat.
China's Powerhouse App Is WeChat, and Its Power Is Sweeping. A vital connection for the Chinese diaspora, the app has also become a global conduit of Chinese state propaganda, surveillance and intimidation. The United ...

◆200905 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2Dv3us4
Chinese firm to run Lao electric grid
A Lao farmer works in a paddy field under the power lines near Nam Theun 2 dam in Khammouane province on Oct 28, 2013. ... The power grid shareholding deal was signed on Tuesday between state-owned Electricite du Laos (EdL) and China ... would give majority control of the new Electricite du Laos Transmission Company Limited (EDLT) to the Chinese company. ... Reporting from Vientiane, Xinhua quoted Lao Energy and Mines Minister Khammany Inthirath as calling it a key ...

◆200905 Atlanta Journal Constitution https://bit.ly/2GrPfFv
Pentagon says China planning big increase in nuclear arsenal
That deal is due to expire in February but could be renewed for up to five years if Moscow and Washington agree. In its annual “China Military Power” report to Congress, the Pentagon said the modernization and expansion of China's nuclear ...



◆200901 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/34S9Tsw
アストラ・インターナショナル(インドネシア) トヨタ車を ...
アストラ・インターナショナルはインドネシア最大の複合企業だ。主力の自動車事業ではトヨタ自動車やダイハツ工業と提携し、インドネシアで独占的に販売を担う。2019年の現地での自動車販売シェアは52%。ジ ...

◆200901 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3gR5Ejf
習主席 インドネシア大統領、モロッコ国王とそれぞれ電話会談
習近平国家主席は8月31日夜、インドネシアのジョコ・ウィドド大統領と電話会談を行いました。 習主席は会談で、「中国とインドネシアは共に人口の多い国であり、新型コロナウイルス感染症に対応するのは困難に満ちた任務である。両国は ...

◆200901 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/31JcBPi
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は8月31日夜、マニラ首都圏で実施している外出・移動制限措置について、9月1日から30日まで現行の緩和措置を継続すると表明した。新型コロナウイルスの感染者数が22万人を超えるなど増加傾向にある ...

◆200901 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/32IwXrc
サングレー空港拡張、中国の参画見直しも フィリピン・政治
フィリピンのマニラ首都圏に隣接するカビテ州のサングレー空港拡張計画で、中国企業が排除される可能性が出てきた。米国が発表した中国による南シナ海の埋め立てに関与している中国企業の制裁リストの中に、同空港の拡張事業を手掛ける ...

◆200901 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/31Li0oX
自衛隊レーダーを比に輸出、防衛省 フィリピン・政治
【共同】河野太郎防衛相は28日の記者会見で、自衛隊の防空レーダー4基をフィリピンに輸出することで同国政府と三菱電機の間で契約が成立したと発表した。防衛省によると、安倍政権が2014年に「防衛装備移転三原則」を制定し、武器輸出 ...


◆200902 Xinhua https://bit.ly/2F0e1Mw
Indonesia lowers coal reference price for September as ...
1 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia has edged lower the coal reference price known as coal benchmark reference price for September as demands remain ... The Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry brought down the coal reference price for September by 0.92 percent to 49.42 U.S. dollars for ... The natural resources-rich Indonesia is one of the world's largest exporters and producers of thermal coal.

◆200902 Eco-Business https://bit.ly/2YT2upa
CIMB targeted by Indonesian NGOs for funding coal plants as ...
CIMB targeted by Indonesian NGOs for funding coal plants as Malaysian bank prepares to stage sustainability event. CIMB has been called out for financing planet-warming coal-fired power plants in Indonesia the week before it is to stage its ...

◆200902 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/3jFjO8W
PLN wants environment ministry to undo power plant emissions cap - The Jakarta Post
State-owned electricity company PLN has called on the Environment and Forestry Ministry to revise emission caps for fossil fuel-fired ... PLN's request also challenges government claims that thermal power plants, particularly coal-fired power plants, were the ... of installed power-generation capacity in Indonesia, a country with the world's sixth-largest coal reserves, according to Energy ... These included using lower-sulfur coal in its plants and using natural gas in diesel power plants.

◆200902 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3lFn6uJ
Philippines pushes deals with Chinese company blacklisted ...
Automobiles · Consumer Industries · Energy · Finance · Health Care & Pharma · Industrials · Property & Services · Startups ... MANILA -- The Philippines will push ahead with infrastructure projects backed by Chinese companies that have been ... State-owned China Communications Construction Company has faced fresh scrutiny in the Philippines after its ... But since coming to power in 2016, Duterte has courted Chinese companies for investments in telecoms and other infrastructure.

◆200902 CNA https://bit.ly/3gNXXdF
Philippines says won't stop projects with China firms ...
Bookmark. MANILA: The Philippines will not halt infrastructure projects involving Chinese firms blacklisted by ally the United States and will act in its own interests, not those of a foreign power, the president's spokesman said on Tuesday (Sep 1).

◆200902 benarnews https://bit.ly/3lOpLCL
Philippines: Won't Stop Doing Business with Chinese Firms ...
The Philippines is not a “vassal state of any foreign power” and won't cut business ties with Chinese firms that Washington has blacklisted for their roles in Beijing's militarization of the South China Sea, a spokesman for President Rodrigo ...

◆200902 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/32OtDe3
ADB urged to formalize policy to stop funding coal-fired plants
The evaluation report found that while the Philippines-based ADB has refrained from investing in coal-fired power plants since ... In the 10 years covered in the evaluation, ADB approved $42.5 billion in funding for the energy sector, most of which went toward electricity transmission and distribution. The report noted that the Asia-Pacific region—which is still heavily reliant on thermal coal for power generation— has the world's ... Oil firms to shoulder fuel marking costs starting Sept. 4.

◆200902 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/3jIbbLb
P3.5-B yearly subsidy eyed for lifeline power consumers
On determining and verifying the lifeline consumer-beneficiaries of the subsidy, Senate Committee on Energy ... For the Philippine Independent Power Producers Association Inc. (PIPPA), the group proposed that the lifeline subsidy ... by their governments, companies in the Philippines are burdened by a subsidy for other electricity consumers.” ... There will be a very marginal increase in pump prices of gasoline products this week at P0.10 per liter, as announced by the oil companies.

◆200902 台北時報 https://bit.ly/3jA6q6b
Manila not to stop projects with Chinese companies
The Philippines would not halt infrastructure projects involving Chinese firms blacklisted by ally the US and would make its own decisions, not those of a foreign power, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's spokesman said yesterday.

◆200902 AFP Factcheck https://bit.ly/31R67h6
Misleading claim circulates on Facebook that Duterte has ...
Misleading claim circulates on Facebook that Duterte has signed order to open nuclear power plant ... Its text overlay states: "Philippines finally nuclear / Already signed / Solid Duterte page / This is surprising Philippine nuclear plant finally signed olig (sic)..." ... Meralco is the largest private sector electricity distributor in the country, according to its corporate profile. ... in part: “The government shall conduct a study for the adoption of a National Position on a Nuclear Energy Program…



◆200924 CNN.co.jp https://bit.ly/31YKqfj
タイ国王、「高貴な配偶者」の復帰認める 「汚点」なく称号再授与
タイ・バンコク(CNN) タイ王室は4日までに、王妃とは別の35歳の女性に対し、剥奪(はくだつ)していた国王の配偶者などの称号や軍の階級、勲章を再び授与したと発表した。タイでは政府や王室の改革を求める前例のない抗議行動 ...

◆200904 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/352CnzV
ベトナム初の都市鉄道が停滞 中国企業施工も開業めど立たず
ベトナムの首都ハノイで、国内初となる都市鉄道の完成が遅れている。請け負った中国企業による工事はほぼ終了したとされるが開業のめどは立たず、遅延の理由は不明瞭。市民が事業に向ける視線は厳しく「失敗の博物館だ」とやゆする声が ...

◆200904 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3ianLSI
なお、ベトナム郵便通信グループ(Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group=VNPT)傘下のビナフォン(Vinaphone)と情報通信省傘下のモビフォン(MobiFone)の国営2社も、2021年中に商業ベースでの5Gサービスを開始する計画だ。 PR.

◆200904 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3lOvWX8
カンボジア、ネット監視強化 中国式を検討
【プノンペン=ショーン・タートン】カンボジアがインターネットの監視強化を検討していることが分かった。中国式のネット管理を導入することが柱となる。政権に批判的な発言を封じ込める狙いがあるとみられる。 カ ...

◆200904 カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ https://bit.ly/3bpdLma
一帯一路構想の下でプノンペン都とコッコン州、ケップ州で4 ...
... 経済特区、プノンペン都からシアヌークビルへの高速道路、シェムリアップ国際空港等は関連している」と述べた。 中国の一帯一路構想は、中国の投資家が他国で事業を行うことを支援することが目的だが、カンボジアにとってはその投資 ...

◆200904 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2ENrGqv
アンコール遺跡の旅行客、1~8月は75%減 カンボジア・観光
1~8月にカンボジア北西部シエムレアプ州の世界遺産アンコール遺跡群を訪れた外国人旅行客は、39万3,293人で、前年同期比74.7%減少した。国営カンボジア通信が伝えた。 入域料収入は約1,833万米ドル(約19億4,700万円)で、 ...

◆200904 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3jLJxwA
総選挙ボイコット運動、SNSで展開 ミャンマー・政治
フロンティア・ミャンマー(電子版)が伝えた。 7月21日には最大都市ヤンゴンのIT技術者、ミョ・ミン・ティン氏が、フェイスブックで「投票ボイコット・コミュ ...

◆200904 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/354uF8H
ラオス、中国に債務再編を要請 FT報道
【バンコク=岸本まりみ】東南アジアの小国ラオスが中国に債務再編を要請した。英紙フィナンシャル・タイムズ(FT、電子版)が3日までに報じた。新型コロナウイルスの影響拡大でラオスの歳入は急減し、対外債務 ...


◆200904 South China Morning Post https://bit.ly/3bqKJm5
China’s ‘manipulation’ of Mekong is an ‘urgent challenge’, US claims
US claims China's 'manipulation' of Mekong is 'urgent challenge' for Southeast Asia. Senior US diplomat David Stilwell's comments are latest evidence the river has become a new front in the US-China rivalry; America cites ...

◆200904 CNBC https://cnb.cx/352Exj1
Pompeo announces fresh restrictions on Chinese diplomats in U.S.
11, he would launch a cooperation partnership with Mekong River partner countries, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, aimed at strengthening their autonomy, economic independence, and sustainable development.

◆200904 Byline Times https://bit.ly/2QSda39
In China's Stand-off with India, Tibet Could be the Key to Peace
The violence between the soldiers has left the two nuclear-armed powers into a tense standoff which the political party Shiv Sena said in ... Experts claim that China is contributing to this by choking the water supply for the Mekong river which originates in Tibet and is being transformed with huge hydroelectric dams that are providing electricity for Chinese cities. ... Argument Reportage Climate Extinction Animals Climate Change Corruption Energy Environment Farming and Agriculture ...

◆200904 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2EVrRzO
China dominates bidding for Myanmar solar power plants
... are for plants at 30 locations with a combined capacity of 1,060 megawatts, equivalent to the output of a typical nuclear ... The projects could mark a milestone for Myanmar's renewable energy policy, but the tenders' tight deadline and other strict ... electricity comes from hydropower, 30% from coal, 8% from natural gas and 5% from renewables like solar and wind. ... three gas-fueled power plants to consortia led by France's Total, China's Zhefu Holding Group and Thailand's TTCL.

◆200904 Taiwan News https://bit.ly/3gZKCPN
China wants a canal to cross Thailand into the Indian Ocean
At present, one of China's weak points is that oil tankers, freighters and warships have to sail south to round Singapore ... away from the rest of Thailand if a less pro-Chinese government took power in Bangkok, according to Foreign Policy.

◆200904 REVE https://bit.ly/3lIDSJw
GE strengthens its position in Vietnam with two wind energy ...
This order includes two wind turbine contracts for two 30 MW wind farms in the Mekong Delta, southern Vietnam. GE will ... Each wind farm is expected to contribute in excess of 100 million kWh of electricity annually to the national grid after once the project is fully ... I'd like to also thank Quoc Vinh Soc Trang Wind Power Company Ltd and Renewable Energy Joint Stock Company Vinh Chau for their trust.

◆200904 United States Commission on International Religious Freedom https://bit.ly/2QUuyEc
USCIRF Encourages Religious Freedom Progress on Vietnam ...
“USCIRF commends both national and local authorities for working together to begin to help Hmong Christians in Dam Rong District, who have been rendered effectively stateless because of religious discrimination. However, this is only a first ...

◆200904 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/3lJg1JT
Cambodia's foreign policy can be seen in another way
As a small state, Cambodia lacks the capacity to mitigate risks on its own. It needs to proactively engage other countries to advance a multilateral system and strengthen the collective power of small states. In this respect, Cambodia's efforts to ...

◆200904 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/2F3JcGI
Japan calls for more effort from the government to ease business
The Japanese Business Association of Cambodia (JBAC) expressed concern over a new scheme for electricity prices that introduced the idea of “capacity charge” that would increase costs. Kanda Yogo, Chairman of JBCA, said that in the name ...

◆200904 Council on Foreign Relations https://on.cfr.org/3jNSaGS
A Review of “Under Beijing's Shadow: Southeast Asia's China ...
According to recent surveys of Southeast Asia, China is now the most influential strategic and political power in the region. ... upstream on the Mekong, choking off much-needed water as countries down river face droughts as a result of climate change. ... There is enormous resistance within Myanmar toward China's proposed Myitsone Dam in Kachin State, which the ... Hiebert argues that many of these states—even Cambodia and Laos, which seem to have less leverage to resist ...

◆200904 Natural Gas World https://bit.ly/2EWPlol
Myanmar's Chinese gamble [NGW Magazine]
Its pipeline exports of gas to China reach regions far from the coast; but tiny Myanmar risks being drawn into an unequal relationship with the world's biggest buyer. ... The shift from coal to cleaner-burning fuels is one key driver. ... Myanmar's energy ministry once posted an announcement: “Most of the gas produced within Myanmar… is exported to China and ... Ultimately it seems Chinese planners envisage the Kyaukpyu - Kunming oil and gas pipelines as just the first step in a new ...

◆200904 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3gVtTNh
China's Top Diplomat Checks in on Myanmar Projects
In separate meetings with Myanmar's State Counselor and de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and its de jure President Win ... at Kyaukphyu on Myanmar's western coast, where the existing oil and gas pipelines terminate on the Bay of Bengal. ... of power in Naypyidaw, suspicion of China remains entrenched throughout the ranks of Myanmar's government and military, to say nothing of the public at large.

◆200904 Kashmir Observer https://bit.ly/3bphMae
'China Seeks To Set Up Military Facilities In Pak, Sri Lanka, Myanmar'
In addition to the three neighbours of India – Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar – the other countries where China is ... port construction in Pakistan intend to decrease China”s reliance on transporting energy resources through strategic choke ...

◆200904 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/3lKXQ6F
Vietnamese company joins solar power projects in Laos
The solar power project in Sekong will be built on more than 720 ha in Lamam district at a total investment of 332.3 million USD. The power plant will have a design capacity of 500 MW and an annual electricity output of 739 GWh. The project ...



◆200905 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/2F49xo7
加速するインドの中国排除 ビザ審査を厳格化、教育機関の提携も制限
6月に起きたヒマラヤの国境係争地での軍事衝突を機に中国への不信感を強めているインド政府が、国内で中国人・企業が行う活動に対する制限を強化している。中国人へのビザ(査証)発給時の審査を厳格化し、国内の大学と中国政府の関係 ...

◆200905 チャイナネット https://on.china.cn/3jJ8aKg

◆200905 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3m0sngX
インドが中国関連アプリさらに禁止、PUBGやBaiduほか100 ...
ヒマラヤの国境紛争地帯における衝突で20人以上のインド兵が中国軍に殺害されるという事件が起きた後、「中国ボイコット」がインドにおけるTwitterのトレンドのトップを占めるようになった。多くのインドのユーザーが中国製 ...

◆200905 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/320d0gj
中国・インドの国防相、モスクワで会談の可能性 インド陸軍参謀本部長「国境紛争、対話で解決できると確信」
インドのマノジ・ムクンド・ナラベーン陸軍参謀本部長は4日、国境を巡る中国との紛争は対話で完全に解決できると確信している、と述べた。写真は3日、カシミール地方の中印国境方面に向かうインド軍のトラック(2020年 ロイター/Danish ...

◆200905 All About NEWS https://bit.ly/3gZ8V0g
中国に「コロナウイルス」感染とその犠牲に対する責任を問え!ペマ・ギャルポ最新刊『チベット人だからわかる 中国は消防士のフリをした放火魔』刊行
日本で報道されない「中国 ・インド・パキスタン」の国境紛争。 周辺国を軍事的な脅しと巧みな外交・交流で属国化。 米中激突時代、きれい事はありえない。曖昧な政策はアメリカから捨てられる。 日本の再建は、経済至上主義を廃し、日本 ...

◆200905 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/2DzEnVa
スリランカ沖でタンカー火災 積み荷の原油27万トン流出おそれ
インド洋の島国、スリランカの沖合を航行中の大型タンカーで火災が発生し、軍などが消火作業にあたるとともに、およそ27万トンに上る積み荷の原油が流出するおそれがあるとして警戒を強めています。 続きを読む. スリランカ軍によります ...


◆200827 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/3gvGx5G
The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border
The Indus River watershed would become, by the end of the century, the stated northern limit of India, despite the British failure to survey and demarcated much of it. The “water-parting principle” was by then being applied to boundary ...

◆200827 Dunya News https://bit.ly/3jkgujG
Flood alert issued for River Chenab after India releases water without pre-schedule
Indus River System Authority (IRSA) officials feared a massive flood of 600,000 cusecs at the Mangla Dam by Thursday evening. Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has alerted the concerned departments to deal with the emergency situation ...

◆200827 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/3gBgfyK
IRSA releases 283,000 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1548.00 feet, which was 152.00 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 183,200 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200827 Power Technology https://bit.ly/3jmFpmL
Actis to acquire green energy projects from ReNew Power in ...
Actis established Ostro Energy in 2014. It has projects across India, including in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. After holding its initial ...

◆200827 Economic Times https://bit.ly/2QtK4GV
State Bank of India plans coal-loan policy before key auctions
State Bank of India is creating a policy to lend to coal miners before landmark auctions that would end decades of state ... demand for coal, which is seen globally as a dirty fuel but is still the biggest source for electricity generation in India. ... India's coal-fired power plants, the biggest users of the fuel, operated at an average 46.2% of their capacity during the three months ... Palm oil priceVodafone Idea share priceEicher Motors share priceGold rate todayIndusInd Bank share priceBank ...

◆200827 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/3aZGNsp
Pakistan, Russia likely to decide fate of 1,100km North South Gas Pipeline next month
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and Russia may take important decisions during the next month for the transportation of Regasified ... Natural Gas (RLNG) from Karachi to Lahore by setting up a 1,100 kilometer (km) North South Gas Pipeline (NSGP). ... Pakistan's proposal to reduce the cost of the project and awards the project to Gazprom, a Russian energy company, ... and Russia was signed on October 16, 2015 for the development of the NSGP having a transmission capacity of 1.2 Billion ...

◆200827 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/2YEvGjx
After a Slowdown, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Is ...
And as CPEC regains momentum, it has a new steward: the Pakistan Army, which has gone from a behind-the-scenes role in ... electricity and unsustainable debt, cannibalize its federal budget, entangle Pakistan in broader U.S.-Chinese tensions, and ... But the gambit was fiscally unsustainable, relying on comparatively expensive electric power projects and putting off ... portfolio at odds with its own developmental priorities, which leaned toward renewable energy and social welfare.

◆200827 Daily Times https://bit.ly/31v8ypy
Egypt expresses interest to develop G2G cooperation in energy sector of Pakistan
The Egyptian company expressed interest in to invest in the energy sector including areas of power generation, transmission and distribution, projects related to renewable energy as well as in LNG, CNG and Gas Distribution sector of the ...

◆200827 https://www.nepal24hours.com https://bit.ly/3lqa6cj
Nepal: River erosion troubles waste management – Nepal24Hours.com – Integration Through Media ….!
“The flood-fed Madi river eroded the landfill site and also took away the piled-up wastes”, Dhungana said adding, “The municipality has not been able to lift the waste from different areas due to lack of space”. Representative Image PIcture- my ...

◆200827 Telegraphnepal.com https://bit.ly/3lmBVCi
Nepal: Kashmir as seen by British Historian Victoria Schofield
N. P. Upadhyaya, Kathmandu: Hate crimes against Muslims in India have exploded since PM Modi's party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014, with religious based hate crimes surging nearly 30% in the year 2014 to 2017 ...

◆200827 Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper https://bit.ly/3b85aUY
Hydropower generation increases by 14 percent ...
The overall generation of the DGPC power plants—Tala, Chhukha, Basochhu and Kurichhu—has increased to 3,724 million units (MU) from January to July ... Bhutan exports about 70 percent of the energy generated to India. ... “Export of electricity to India has not been affected despite the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Dasho.

◆200827 Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/31uOfss
China’s string of pearls
Change in the river course was cited as a reason for the loss of 500-1,500 meters of land annually. ... at China's unflinching support to Pakistan and Belt-Road Initiative assistance and construction of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam. ... the sea lanes from the Middle East to the South China Sea, with the dual objectives of protecting energy and strategic interests. Doubtless the USA is the dominant super-power in the Indo-Pacific region. ... Much trade and crude oil goes to China through it.

◆200827 Natural Gas World https://bit.ly/2YBiqw0
Sri Lanka to Develop LNG Hub at Hambantota
The Board of Investment (BOI) of Sri Lanka has signed an agreement with Pearl Energy to develop an LNG hub at the Port ... the company expects Sri Lanka to switch to gas-based power generation and increase efficiency of its national grid.

◆200827 Colombo Page https://bit.ly/3lxkGyu
Sri Lanka : The island wide power outage was due to the ...
The island wide power outage was due to the negligence of an electrical superintendent - report. Wed, Aug 26, 2020, 11:25 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. ... substation all three generators at the Norochcholai power plant were inactivated leaving the entire country without electricity for six hours and 16 minutes. ... The report of the nine-member committee appointed by the Ministry of Power and Energy to look into the power outage that occurred islandwide on the ...

◆200827 Jagran English https://bit.ly/3lmljL5
Sri Lanka calls China-port deal a mistake, to pursue ‘India first’ policy
Speaking to a Sri Lankan TV channel, Colombage said country's decision to give Hambantota port on a 99- lease to China was a “mistake”. Along with pursuing a neutral foreign policy, Sri Lanka will protect India's stretegic interest. “That means ... in Sri Lanka. Located on the southwestern shores on the Kelani River, it serves as an important terminal in Asia due to its strategic location in the Indian Ocean.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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