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2020年9月8日 トランプ政権の対中デカップリングに,ファーウエイが急遽部品調達急ぐ








中国、半導体の輸入急増 ファーウェイ駆け込み調達か





◆200908 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/336tAuj
国外で雇用を創出する米企業への課税や中国で事業を行う企業の連邦契約からの除外も辞さないと表明することで、11月の大統領選で対決する民主党バイデン副大統領との違いをアピールした格好だ。 ホワイトハウスでの記者会見でトランプ氏 ...

◆200908 時事通信 https://bit.ly/35aeqXE
いったい何が… 岐路に立つ中国の「一帯一路」【コメントライナー】
中国が主導する途上国向け国際金融機関「アジアインフラ投資銀行」(AIIB)の第5回年次総会が7月28日開催された。 AIIBは、中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」を支援し、同構想と「双発エンジンの関係にある」(金立群 ...

◆200908 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3lTucvQ
国外に置く「人材採用」機関を利用して、中国が不透明な手段でテクノロジーへのアクセスを獲得している──。 シンクタンクのオーストラリア戦略政策研究所(ASPI)が8月20日、「フェニックス狩り」と題する報告書を発表した。技術 ...

◆200908 ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 https://on.wsj.com/2DE1PR3
中国、情報セキュリティー国際基準の構想発表へ 米に対抗
トランプ米政権はここ数カ月の間に、国家安全保障に対する脅威だとして、中国の華為技術(ファーウェイ)や北京字節跳動科技(バイトダンス)の動画共有アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」、そして中国テンセントホールディングスの通信 ...

◆200908 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/327HNrx
中国政府 談話を発表「香港に三権分立 存在したことはない」
香港政府の林鄭月娥行政長官は今月1日の記者会見で、「香港は三権分立ではなく、行政が立法や司法を上回る権力を持つ」と明言し、民主派は、中国が香港の統治をさらに強化しようとしている表れだと強く反発しています。 これについて、 ...

◆200908 ロイター https://bit.ly/3jWqks6
米、中国から雇用取り戻す 経済デカップリング=トランプ大統領
[ワシントン 7日 ロイター] - トランプ米大統領は7日、米国が中国との取引をやめたとしても米国が失うものはないと述べ、米中経済の「デカップリング」について改めて言及した。 トランプ大統領はレーバーデー(労働者の日)の祝日 ...

◆200908 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3i9yMnz
中国、国産ワクチンを初公開 コロナ対策で「成果」強調 ...
【AFP=時事】中国の首都北京で開催中の見本市で、国産の新型コロナウイルスワクチンが初めて公開された。 ... また、世界経済に打撃を与えてきたこの前例のない公衆衛生への脅威に直面した中国のリーダーシップと回復力を示すため、 ...

◆200908 時事通信 https://bit.ly/329oNJj
中国の公式メディアで最高指導者の習近平国家主席とナンバー2の李克強首相をめぐる不可解な報道が相次ぎ、両者の確執を露呈している。習氏は事実上の終身制を導入して絶対的な地位を確立したといわれてきたが、実際には部下である首相 ...

◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3h8pcQx
中国、対ドル元高容認? ASEANで元決済増え
人民元相場が対ドルで上昇している。7日は一時、1ドル=6.82元台と2019年度末から約3%高い水準を付けた。中国は新型コロナウイルスで落ち込んだ経済の回復が他国より早く、海外マネーが再流入する。主 ...



◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3jTur8r
住友商事、米シェールガスから撤退 権益を売却
住友商事は7日、米ペンシルベニア州で手掛けていた天然ガス開発プロジェクト「マーセラス・シェールガス」で保有していた約30%の権益すべてを売却したと発表した。売却額は百数十億円とみられ、これで米国での ...

◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/336us23
世界最大の石油消費国の米国で最需要期にもかかわらず石油製品の販売不振が続いている。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が収まらず、外出を手控える動きが広がりガソリン需要期のドライブシーズンは不発に終わった。 ...

◆200908 ITmedia https://bit.ly/2RaDTaZ
水力発電で国内初の民間資本活用のPFI事業、鳥取県で稼働を ...

◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3bzxwrc
新型コロナ:三菱商事、電力+αで挑む オランダ電力巨額買収の深謀
再生可能エネルギーをはじめとする発電設備と小売りの顧客基盤を同時に持つことで、電力以外の商品やサービスも併せて提供していく仕組み作りを模索する。海外では米グーグルのようなIT(情報技術)大手がサービ ...



◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2ZhCJyX
中国、半導体の輸入急増 ファーウェイ駆け込み調達か
【北京=川手伊織、広州=川上尚志】中国が半導体輸入を増やしている。中国税関総署が7日公表した2020年8月の貿易統計によると、集積回路の輸入額は単月で過去2 ...

◆200908 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3i9m8Vn
三峡ダムだけでは防げない… 中国の次なる治水事業“スポンジ都市”構想とは(クーリエ・ジャポン)
年々ひどくなる洪水に悩まされる中国。この夏は近年で最大規模の被害が出た。長江中流域にある三峡ダムも最高水位を超えて、世界をハラハラさせた。 【画像ギャラリー】動画でみる「中国の大洪水に飲み込まれた街」 その三峡ダムの上流 ...

◆200908 ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 https://on.wsj.com/2R0YA9o
トランプ米政権は半導体分野における中国の野望に新たな一撃を加える構えだ。米国の半導体製造装置メーカーも巻き添えを食らいかねない。 米政府機関は国内企業との取引を制限する商務省の「エンティティー・リスト」に、中国の半導体 ...

◆200908 朝日新聞社 https://bit.ly/2R3TcSZ
原油市場の回復不透明、中国需要など不確実性多い=IEA高官 - ロイターニュース - 国際
ジェット燃料(の需要低迷)は大きな問題だ」と述べた。 中国はいち早くコロナ危機から脱して経済を再開し、最近数カ月は原油輸入を急拡大させているが、貞森氏は ...

◆200908 朝日新聞社 https://bit.ly/326lHpi
中国、「米が露骨ないじめ」と反発 半導体大手の禁輸検討報道で - ロイターニュース - 国際
北京 7日 ロイター] - 米トランプ政権が中国の半導体受託生産(ファウンドリー)大手、中芯国際集成電路製造(SMIC)<0981.HK>を事実上の禁輸リストである「エンティティー・リスト」に加えるかどうか検討しているとされる問題 ...

◆200908 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2ZgbLYI
パナソニックと四維図新、中国における新エネルギー商用車 ...

◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2Fk5a8c
中国、充電なしで5年持続 新興企業が電池を開発
当時、熱核反応によって生じたエネルギーを電気に変えようとしたが、仕事率が3~4Wしかなかった。その後同社は開発方針を光電変換で電気を作り出すことに変更し、実用化可能なトリチウム電池の開発に成功したの ...

◆200908 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/2R4JBeB
パナ半導体事業 台湾企業へ売却 手続き完了 /新潟
パナソニックは1日、赤字が続いていた半導体事業について、台湾の新唐科技(ヌヴォトン テクノロジー)への売却 ... 市に工場を持つパナソニックセミコンダクターソリューションズ(京都府長岡京市)など3会社と中国とシンガポールの二 ...


◆200908 Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/2GFPugs
Oil slumps on signs of weakening demand from top buyer China
Featured Documentaries · Witness · Al Jazeera World · 101 East · People & Power · Fault Lines · Whose Truth Is It Anyway? ... Saudi Arabia cuts its oil prices to Asia amid falling energy demand as economies struggle to recover from coronavirus. ... Oil prices were trading down more than 1 percent on Monday after hitting their lowest since July, as Saudi Arabia made ... US energy firms last week added oil and natural gas rigs for the second time in the past three weeks, according to a ...

◆200908 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/2F0sQix
Editorial: Dialogue necessary to ease US-China military ...
Concerns are being raised over increased military tensions between the United States and China in the South China Sea and other areas, amid ... It launched a series of intermediate-range ballistic missiles into the South China Sea during an exercise in late August. ... has expressed a strong sense of caution over China's beefed up military might, including its nuclear capabilities, in its annual report.

◆200908 Caixin Global https://bit.ly/33ag4pk
China's First Homegrown Nuclear Reactor Begins Loading Fuel
(Bloomberg) — China's homegrown nuclear technology took a significant step forward as a Hualong One reactor began loading fuel for the first time. China National Nuclear Power Co., a unit of China National Nuclear Corp., said fuel loading ...

◆200908 Financial Times https://on.ft.com/2R6JW0i
Erosion of nuclear deterrence makes India-China relations critical
But this relatively relaxed attitude is having a paradoxical effect. It seems to be making countries armed with nuclear weapons more willing to risk military confrontation with each other. There are three international rivalries ...

◆200908 Bloomberg https://bloom.bg/3h6QeYA
China’s Nuclear Buildup Changes Balance of Power
It wouldn't be a new cold war without an accelerating nuclear arms race. The Pentagon reported last week that China is undertaking a significant nuclear buildup, which will double the size of its arsenal by 2030. That development isn't ...

◆200908 BNN https://bit.ly/3m456L4
China's Dam-Building is Harming the Mekong River
A reduction in rainfall has caused some of the water loss, according to an August report by the Mekong River Commission. ... to prioritize the cheaper and more flexible forms of low-carbon power generation, such as solar, rather than dam building,” said Sam Geall, ... “But if it remains focused on hydro-engineering, it is likely to run into further conflict with downstream communities. ... “Engineering projects pose great uncertainties to complex food, water and energy systems,” Geall said.



◆200908 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2F9ANS1
関西電、インドネシア電力会社と戦略的提携 ガス火力発電に注力
関西電、インドネシア電力会社と戦略的提携 ガス火力発電に注力. 2020年09月07日19時04分. トップ · 記事一覧へ; シェア; ランキング; コメント. 関西電力は7日、発電事業を手掛けるメドコパワーインドネシア社と戦略的提携関係を結んだと ...

◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3ia97Lu
プラントの運転・サービスを手掛ける子会社の関電パワーテックを含む3社で合弁会社を設立し、ガス火力発電や運転保守事業を展開する。現地の経済成長に伴う電力需要の伸びを取り込む。 メドコパワーはインドネシア ...

◆200908 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3lZpigX
カラワン大街区開発、中央商業地区を着工 インドネシア ...
シンガポール系不動産開発会社ポルックス・プロペルティ・インドネシアは7日、インドネシア西ジャワ州カラワンで中央 ... 関西電力は7日、インドネシアの資源大手メドコ・エネルギー・インターナショナルの電力子会社と、ガス火力…

◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2R4LGap
安倍晋三首相は7日、フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領、イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相と相次ぎ電話協議した。安倍首相から辞任について説明し、両国と引き続き協力することを確認した。 ドゥテルテ氏には南シナ海での法 ...

◆200908 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2Zi2fEq
ペトロン、バターン製油所を再稼働 フィリピン・天然資源


◆200908 Fitch Ratings https://bit.ly/2Zi2RKe
Fitch Affirms Indonesia's PLN at 'BBB'; Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings - Singapore - 07 Sep 2020: Fitch Ratings has affirmed Indonesia-based PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero)'s (PLN) ... PLN is an integrated electricity utility company, with a monopoly position in Indonesia's electricity-transmission and ... A default would also make it difficult for PLN to source feedstock for power generation and jeopardise the confidence of ... Weak Commodity Prices to Ease Subsidies: The pandemic-led fall in commodity prices - primarily thermal coal ...

◆200908 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/3i7WTTG
Indonesia’s forex reserves hit record high in August - The Jakarta Post
Indonesia's foreign exchange (forex) reserves soared to a record high in August mainly due to the government's foreign borrowing, proceeds from oil and gas, as well as tax collection, Bank Indonesia has announced. The nation's forex ...

◆200908 CNBC https://cnb.cx/2F0v2qh
Four years on, Philippine President Duterte is still struggling to show the benefits of being pro-China
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in April, 2019 in Beijing, China. Kenzaburo Fukuhara | Kyodo News | Getty Images. SINGAPORE — After more than four years in power, Philippine President Rodrigo ...

◆200908 CNN Philippines https://bit.ly/3ifCw7a
DOE cites up to 25% oversupply of power amid lockdown
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 7) — The country's power grids are running on excess capacity since lockdowns due to the pandemic ... In previous years, the Luzon grid which supplies electricity to homes and business hubs in Metro Manila and nearby provinces would often hit ... RELATED: DOE says call for nuclear energy in PH not dependent on possible revival of Bataan nuclear plant.

◆200908 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/2R12izQ
Aussie firm spent $32M more on Quezon project
Energy World Corp. laid out an additional $32 million or about P1.5 billion on its ongoing liquefied natural gas terminal and ... to the construction of and financing for its Pagbilao gas-fed power plant as well as $4.9 million for the adjacent LNG Hub. ... of Energy that the Pagbilao substation—a project of National Grid Corporation of the Philippines — was now expected to be ... NGCP's Pagbilao substation is necessary to enable EWC's power generators to deliver electricity to the grid.

◆200908 The Manila Times https://bit.ly/3bDsjio
Publishers’ group cites Iloilo City power utility – The Manila Times
A special report of the Publishers Association of the Philippines Inc. (PAPI) on the status of the power supply in Iloilo City has identified the ... local officials to reject its service and ask Congress and the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) to replace their power supplier. ... PAPI said the issues involving MORE Power and PECO were “not a simple matter because they involve electricity, the lifeblood and ...

◆200908 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/330BG7y
Pantabangan water level declining
The water level at Pantabangan Dam, one of the largest dams in Asia, is declining, that could affect around 141,430 ... To salvage the situation, the Philippine government will conduct cloudseeding operations in some parts of the region. ... The multi-purpose dam, an earth-fill embankment dam on the Pampanga River, also generates 112 megawatts of hydroelectric power. ... National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) Chairperson Monalisa C. Dimalanta said the stranded capacities ...



◆200907 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/2DEJN1c
上半期の貿易、新型コロナの影響で停滞(ベトナム) | ビジネス短信
ベトナム税関総局によると、2020年上半期(1~6月)の輸出は1,227億8,853万ドル(前年同期比0.2%増)、輸入は1,173億2,695万ドル(2.9%減)だった。新型コロナウイルスの影響を受け、2010年から続いている貿易額の伸びに停滞感がみ ...

◆200907 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/2F4FahA
ホーチミン:メトロ1号線、日本人専門家が入国へ 10月に車両 ...
これに先立ち8月下旬には、同案件に携わる韓国人専門家2人がベトナムに入国して隔離措置を受けている。隔離終了後、高架11駅のうち最大規模のタンカン駅(ビンタイン区)の屋根を設置する予定。 同市メトロ管理委員会の代表者によると、 ...

◆200907 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2R0PoBZ
韓国とのFTA交渉、2回目が終了 カンボジア・マクロ ...
カンボジアの商業省は、韓国との自由貿易協定(FTA)締結に向けた2回目の交渉が3日に終了したと発表した。先月31日からオンラインで行われ、貿易協力や市場アクセスなどに関して進展がみられたという。クメール・タイムズ(電子 ...

◆200907 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3lWyXom
ヤンゴン議会、管区に財政管理の改善要請 ミャンマー ...
ミャンマー最大都市を管轄するヤンゴン管区議会は管区政府に対し、公的資金の不適切な支出を減らし、管区内で実施される事業について議会への報告を怠らないよう求めている。ミャンマー・タイムズ(電子版)が3日伝えた。 管区議会の ...

◆200907 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3k5Cqzx
ヤンゴン新都市開発、独コンサルと契約 ミャンマー・マクロ ...
ミャンマー政府は4日、最大都市ヤンゴン西部での新都市開発計画で、ドイツの経営戦略コンサルティング大手ローランド・ベルガーと契約を結んだと発表した。同社の助言を受け、工業団地などの入札を実施する。国営紙グローバル・ ...

◆200907 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3h6lV43
国軍、ラカイン紛争地帯の選挙中止を提言 ミャンマー・政治
ミャンマー国軍は4日に首都ネピドーで会見を開き、11月の次期総選挙で、少数民族武装勢力との衝突が続く西部ラカイン州の北部とワ州連合軍(UWSA)の自治区を除外すべきだと提言した。ミッジマが伝えた。 選挙から除外すべきだ ...

◆200907 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3357icj
ラオス電力公社と中国送電企業、合弁設立 ラオス・電力 ...
ラオス電力公社(EDL)と中国の送電会社、中国南方電網(CSG)は1日、ラオスで合弁会社エレクトリシテ・ドゥ・ラオス・トランスミッション・カンパニー(EDLT)を設立することで合意した。ビエンチャン・タイムズ(電子版) ...

◆200907 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3lWzsyK
越エネ関連企業、ラオス太陽光事業に参画 ベトナム・電力 ...
ベトナムのエネルギー関連企業ウェルス・パワー・グループ・オブ・ベトナムが、ラオス南部セコン県と同チャンパサック県の太陽光発電の開発事業に参画することが明らかになった。国営ベトナム通信(VNA)がビエンチャン・タイムズを ...

◆200907 ZAKZAK https://bit.ly/35jieFQ
中国雲南省で数十年で最悪のバッタ食害 食糧安保に影響も
ラオスでは2013年にバッタが大量発生。その後も毎年、蝗害に悩まされており、2014年にはラオス国内140カ所でバッタの流行が報告された。さらに ...


◆200907 The Australian https://bit.ly/2Gvf07W
Mekong dams ‘benefit only China’
David Stilwell, the US assistant secretary of state for east Asia and the Pacific, said that Beijing was manipulating the water flows of the Mekong with upstream dam projects to the detriment of Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma.

◆200907 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/35aHOgf
Japan's LDP race, AmCham China flight, and Huawei ...
Developer Sino Land, snack maker Want Want China and China Shenhua Energy will see sell-offs after exiting the index. 58.com ... Why it matters: How Kishida and Ishiba fare in the vote is expected to affect the balance of power within the LDP in the post-Abe period. ... Following complaints that Chinese dams on the Mekong hurt Southeast Asian fishermen and farmers downstream, Beijing agreed on a ...

◆200907 Economic Times https://bit.ly/3jS4Hcv
Driving Indo-Pacific in an Uncertain World
Indo-Pacific is the lifeline of the entire world; world's one-third flow of trade and energy passes through this region. ... In July 2019, India joined ACMECS (Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy) as a Development ...

◆200907 The Thaiger https://bit.ly/3h7liam
Returning happiness back to the Thai people. So how’s that going?
Following the writing of a new constitution, a free election and some tinkering around the edges, Prayut still finds himself steering the ship. But the 'happiness' that was so lovingly predicted in the 80s-style power ballad, has not eventuated.

◆200907 The Tribune https://bit.ly/329YByp
China’s Malacca dilemma
The proposed canal would cut across the Kra Isthmus in southern Thailand connecting the Andaman Sea to the Gulf of Thailand/South ... About 80 per cent of Chinese oil imports annually transit the Malacca Strait, which is thus China's energy and trade lifeline as also ... in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, allowing it to increase its own naval and air power projection capabilities in the South China Sea.

◆200907 New Straits Times Online https://bit.ly/2ZbcNoU
Vietnam urged to reconsider nuclear power programme
VIETNAM has been urged to reconsider its nuclear power programme as it struggles to meet demand for electricity in the ... Since 2015, Vietnam has shifted from being a net exporter to a net importer of energy with imports of coal, oil and gas ... Hoa said that as renewable energy prices such as solar power falls, the national master plan should also promote the ... Vietnam currently relies largely on hydropower and thermal power for its electricity needs, but its hydropower potential is ...

◆200907 VnExpress International https://bit.ly/324s3W9
Vietnam advised to restart nuclear energy program
With its energy deficit rising every year, several experts are advising Vietnam to reconsider the shelved nuclear power ... said tapping alternative sources of energy should be a key consideration as coal, oil and gas reserves get depleted. ... Given falling renewable energy prices, the national master plan should promote the development of this type of energy over ... Vietnam currently relies largely on hydropower and thermal power for its electricity needs, but its hydropower potential is ...

◆200907 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/2F9VFIP
Power supply is sufficient next year: EVN
Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - Vietnam's electricity supplier say they are confident they have the power to supply the whole country next year. Unless there are any extremely unusual problems at hydro plants, Vietnam Electricity (EVN) believe they will be ...

◆200907 Business Standard https://bit.ly/3lZ1ObB
Third annual Indo-Pacific Business Forum to be held in Hanoi next month
The third annual Indo-Pacific Business Forum is slated to be held in Vietnam's capital Hanoi on October 28 and 29. ... of Commerce, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the US-ASEAN Business Council, will be sponsoring the forum, a statement from the Department of State said. ... Government and business leaders from the US, Vietnam and across the Indo-Pacific will discuss energy and ... SC rules property transfers done through Power of Attorney won't be valid ...

◆200907 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3h6rdwy
Vietnam: Govt now targets 2020 GDP growth of 2.0%-2.5%
The travel curbs together with strict quarantine, testing and contact tracing has helped Vietnam keep its infections total to just 1,046 and 34 deaths and saw it record a run of 100 days without domestic transmission. The move to resume flights ...

◆200907 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/2F6vjaF
Cambodia and the US should forgive and forget and support ...
Although the US is located very far away from Cambodia, it was among countries that have established diplomatic ... The United States began diplomatic relations with Cambodia on July 11, 1950, so this year is the 70th anniversary, making it ... to the Paracel and Spratly islands by offering to allow exploration for oil in case the dispute lacked practical consequences. ... among Cambodian compatriots and strengthen its production capacities, education quality, and military power.

◆200907 The Cambodia Daily https://bit.ly/3bGcRSA
Cambodian PM: globalisation, multilateral trade vital for global ...
Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen has said that strengthening globalisation and multilateral trade are crucial to supporting ... by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure of the United Arab Emirates. ... In full: https://en.vietnamplus.vn/cambodian-pm-globalisation-multilateral-trade-vital-for-global-growth/182476.vnp.

◆200907 The Interpreter https://bit.ly/2R1FuQy
Myanmar election: A fractured process | The Interpreter
Suu Kyi's marriage to an English national legally precluded her from occupying the President's office in Naypyidaw, so she was shoehorned into a hastily created position, State Counsellor, which has given her considerable titular power – but ...

◆200907 Mizzima News https://bit.ly/3hee4lj
FDI flows into power sector
The quantum of investment in power is higher than in any other sectors. Myanmar has fetched over $5 billion inflows of FDI, including the expansion of capital and investments in the Special Economic Zones during the October-July period.

◆200907 Myanmar Times https://bit.ly/2F5hF83
Myanmar hires Roland Berger for Yangon megacity's “Swiss ...
The Myanmar authorities and the Munich-headquartered firm signed a contract this month on consulting services to finalise a Swiss ... billion (K2.83 trillion) investment and with the first phase covering 88.30 square kilometres of land on the western bank of the Yangon River. ... PPD for two bridges, roads, power plants, water and wastewater treatment plants and a 10-square-kilometre industrial estate.

◆200907 EconoTimes https://bit.ly/3m5ibnp
Laos to give up electric grid control to China
Laos would cede majority control of its electric grid to China Southern Power Grid Co. to stave off a potential debt default. ... Laos energy and mines minister Khammany Inthirath claimed the deal is beneficial for them due to the Chinese firm's ... According to the website of China's embassy in Laos, the Southeast Asian nation would operate the transmission assets ... America's Roundup: Dollar jumps after U.S. job growth slows, Wall Street ends lower ,Gold retreats, Oil falls 3%, posts ...



◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3idNpGo
新型コロナ:コロナ 世界は今(2)インド、地方発の感染爆発
インドの商都ムンバイ。出稼ぎ労働者のアビシュク・ミシュラは故郷の北部に帰ることを決めた。新型コロナウイルス感染抑制のための都市封鎖で仕事を失ったのだ。食糧配給を頼りになんとか2カ月は借家に閉じこもっ ...

◆200908 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)https://bit.ly/35ikYDw
インドで新たに118の中国系アプリを使用禁止に(インド、中国 ...
インド電子情報技術省(MeitY)は9月2日、インドの主権や完全性、国家安全保障や公共秩序に損害を与えるとして、検索エンジンの「Baidu」や電子決済サービスの「アリペイ」など、新たに118種類の中国系アプリの使用をインド国内で ...

◆200908 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/35faHrS
インド、新型コロナ感染1日9万0632人で世界最多に 累計ではブラジル抜き世界2位へ
インド保健家族福祉省の統計によると、過去24時間に同国で確認された新型コロナウイルス新規感染者数が9万0632人となり、1日の増加数としては世界最多記録を更新した。写真は9月3日、アフマダーバードで撮影(2020年 ロイター/Amit ...

◆200908 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2GuWPiH
新型コロナ:スズキ、揺らぐインド頼み 「安い小型車」人気に陰り
今年で創立100年目のスズキが成長の壁に直面している。新型コロナウイルスの影響で主力のインド市場で販売が急減し、成長分野の車種では韓国勢にシェアで追い抜かれた。90歳になった鈴木修会長のもと、「割安 ...

◆200908 時事通信 https://bit.ly/33dq8hI
中国、「銃声で脅した」とインド非難 国境地帯の緊張高まる
【北京時事】中国国防省は8日、対インド国境地帯のパンゴン(中国名・班公)湖周辺でインド軍が7日、実効支配線を越え中国側を「銃声で脅した」と非難する中国軍の談話を発表した。付近でにらみ合う両国は事態打開に向け国防相が4日に ...

◆200908 大紀元 https://bit.ly/3bC7Kmd
北京の社会学者・吳強氏は、現在、中印間対立が激化しており、両国間の戦争の可能性は徐々に増していると指摘した。 また国際関係学者・黃紹堂氏は、中印関係はインドとパキスタンなどの関係にも影響を及ぼし、非常に複雑だとした。

◆200908 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2FggMZU
事故のタンカー、再び出火 スリランカ沖

◆200908 テレビ朝日 https://bit.ly/2GFu2YY
スリランカの沖合で3日、巨大なタンカーのエンジンルームから出火し、船を操縦するブリッジ部分に燃え移って船は動けなくなりました。沿岸警備隊が海上から放水して消火活動をしたほか、軍のヘリコプターが消火剤の入った黄色い袋を空 ...


◆200908 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/327e6qt
Bangladesh-Nepal energy cooperation; the horizon of new ...
The second is to diversify the power-mix so that over-reliance on natural gas is minimised. Studies have shown that Bangladesh has ample reserves of high-quality coal. However, Bangladesh's recent inclination to massively expand its ...

◆200908 Buddhistdoor Global https://bit.ly/3h6Q2bF
In Historic Move, Himalayan Development Organization ...
In Historic Move, Himalayan Development Organization Appoints New Leader from Bhutan ... “ICIMOD is the key institution in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region to accelerate action to address the region's shared concerns,” said ... and permafrost contain the largest reserves of freshwater outside of Antarctica and the Arctic, feeding the 10 largest river systems in Asia. Combined, these rivers support the drinking water, irrigation, energy, industry, and sanitation needs of some 1.3 billion ...

◆200908 DAWN.com https://bit.ly/35byucd
Over 70 villages flooded as Indus river swells
Sources said that a total of 77 villages had been flooded in the two districts, prompting Dadu deputy commissioner Raja Shahzaman Khuhro to direct revenue officials to vacate all villages along the river and shift people to safe places. He asked ...

◆200908 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/3iac8v8
Provincial Minister visits protective embankments of Indus river in Ghotki
GHOTKI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Sep, 2020 ) :Sindh Minister for Anti Corruption Jam Ikramullah Dharejo on Monday visited protective embankments of Indus river in Ghotki and reviewed arrangements made for flood victims.

◆200908 Associated Press of Pakistan https://bit.ly/3h7ZpI4
Rivers Indus, Jhelum continue to run in medium, low flood:FFC
ISLAMABAD, Sep 7 (APP): The Federal Flood Commission (FFC) has said River Indus at present is experiencing Medium Flood at “Taunsa-Guddu” and “Guddu-Sukkur” Reaches and Low Flood at Chashma (upstream Taunsa) while River ...

◆200908 Financial Times https://on.ft.com/3290Vp8
Erosion of nuclear deterrence makes India-China relations critical
But this relatively relaxed attitude is having a paradoxical effect. It seems to be making countries armed with nuclear weapons more willing to risk military confrontation with each other. There are three international rivalries ...

◆200908 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists https://bit.ly/35g4DPC
India–China border dispute: the curious incident of a nuclear ...
Toby Dalton and Tong Zhao, both experts on nuclear policy at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, describe this phenomenon as “decoupled deterrence,” where “only the smaller or weaker power takes security-seeking steps in ...

◆200908 International Business Times, Singapore Edition https://bit.ly/330dTEM
India-China Conflict: How an Asian Nuclear War Will Unfold, Blow By Blow
Indian Ocean Rumbles. Hectic parleys in world capitals uncover the diplomatic, military and geopolitical priorities each world power is preoccupied with. While the US and Russia would not reveal ...

◆200908 Financial Express https://bit.ly/2FbAq9J
Integrated energy policy need of the hour: Coal Secretary
Coal powers almost three-quarters of the country's electricity generation in India, and half of the total energy consumed. ... country will need 892 million tonnes of the fuel in FY30—around 40% higher than current levels— for power generation. ... “Renewable energy growth has been strong but won't be enough to avoid more coal,” said Rahul Tongia who leads energy ... Corporation Share Price · Titan Company Share Price · Indian Oil Corporation Share Price · Axis Bank Share Price.

◆200908 Economic Times https://bit.ly/3h8PWAn
Spain's Acciona and Germany's Nordex bearish on India's wind energy prospects
Spanish renewable energy developer Acciona will no longer participate in wind auctions in India, according to sources close to the development. "Until returns become lucrative, Acciona has decided it will not bid in future auctions," a source ...

◆200908 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3ia9zcH
Highlighting the salient features of India, Pakistan Nuclear ...
Strategic culture of South Asia is comprise of hostility between India and Pakistan. ... In nuclear doctrine state mainly address two main objective first management of the nuclear weapons and second operational positioning. ... This determines Pakistan's ambitions to acquire modern technology and increase its naval power in the Arabian Sea, however, the ... With accidental oil spills, a massive quarter of marine life has suffered one of the most flaunting idiosyncrasies of mankind.

◆200908 The Nation https://bit.ly/3jVPTd4
Pakistani Nuclear Power Plant's K2 unit completes thermal testing using China's technology
China's domestically-produced nuclear technology received a major push on Friday as the Hualong One reactor completed fuel loading for the first time in Unit 5 at the Fuqing nuclear power plant. China is in line to surpass France as the ...

◆200908 Daily Pakistan Global https://bit.ly/2GwvT22
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan sign power agreement in Kabul
Afghanistan pays $220 million to import electric power, roughly at par with a $250 million budget to build Salma Dam. Despite its large capacity to produce solar and hydro power, Afghanistan is still in dire straits having been unable to craft ...

◆200908 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/2F1fti2
China using Pakistan for military logistics facilities: US Defence report
China using Pakistan for military logistics facilities: US Defence report ... to establish a robust overseas logistics and basing infrastructure to allow the PLA to project and sustain military power at greater distances. ... in Pakistan dealing with pipelines and port construction intend to decrease Beijing's reliance on transporting energy resources ... China's Strategic Support Force (SSF) runs tracking, telemetry and command stations in Namibia, Pakistan and Argentina, The Pentagon noted.

◆200908 Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/2Zi0iYt
Fire on stricken oil tanker off Sri Lanka extinguished
The tanker carrying more than 270,000 tonnes of fuel was en-route to the Indian port of Paradip when it caught fire. 9 hours ago. whatsapp. The announcement came as Sri Lanka's Disaster Management Centre said foreign salvage experts ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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