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2020年9月12日 中国、米国に外交官への報復措置を通告-詳細は明示せず




ARF閣僚会議を開催 米中北朝鮮の外相は不参加









◆200912 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2DTlw7H
ARF閣僚会議を開催 米中北朝鮮の外相は不参加
南シナ海を巡る米中対立や北朝鮮の非核化、新型コロナウイルスへの対応が焦点となる。 ... 中国の王毅(ワン・イー)外相は9日の会議で「米国は話し合いによる解決の努力を邪魔し、南シナ海の平和を損なう最も危険な ...

◆200912 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3irLq1h
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は11日、南シナ海での中国との紛争は平和的に解決されるべきであり、国際法の順守が必要と述べた。南シナ海では ... 東南アジア4カ国を歴訪中の中国の魏鳳和国防相との会談で、「われわれは常に国際法上の公約に導かれなければならない。 ... 戦略性を失った習近平「四面楚歌」外交の末路

◆200912 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2FmyVWy
中国北京字節跳動科技(バイトダンス)傘下の短編動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」の米国事業を巡って、中国政府は ... ある関係者は、強制売却となった場合、バイトダンスや中国政府が米政府の圧力に屈したと見られかねないと中国当局は考えていると話した。 ... 戦略性を失った習近平「四面楚歌」外交の末路

◆200912 ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 https://on.wsj.com/35puwNc
中国の製薬会社は新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)ワクチン候補を何十万人もの人々に投与している。厳格な治験完了前のワクチン大規模接種については、欧米の製薬会社の間では懸念する声も出ている。 中国国有の中国医薬集団( ...

◆200912 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/33n7pA7
中国政府は香港を含む同国内に駐在する米国の外交官に対し、報復措置を取ると発表した。トランプ政権が米国内の中国外交官に新たな 制限を課したことに対抗する。 中国は駐中国米外交官に課す措置について米政府に通知したと、外務省の ...

◆200912 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/33fxlNW
中国 内モンゴル自治区 小中学校での中国語教育強化に抗議活動
中国「一帯一路」って何? 各国の経済は発展の可能性の一方で、懸念やトラブルも。1からわかる初級編です。



◆200912 CNN.co.jp https://bit.ly/3k7P5Sk
豪州、潮力発電の可能性探る エネルギーミックスの切り札になるか
シドニー(CNN Business) オーストラリアといえばビーチやサーフィンで有名だが、海はサーファーの楽園であるだけではない。海がもたらす潮の流れは、再生可能エネルギーの源でもあるのだ。 今、オーストラリアの多くの企業 ...

◆200912 ニュースイッチ Newswitch https://bit.ly/3hm10dC
コロナ禍のエネルギー需給のリスク、技術でどう対応するか ...
仁木再生可能エネルギーユニット長は「歩みを止めずに一歩一歩進めていくことが大切」と説明する。 コロナ禍では温暖化対策の経済影響も明らかになった。世界中で経済活動が縮小し二酸化炭素(CO2)排出 ...



◆200912 朝日新聞デジタル版 https://bit.ly/2Zu7PDR
ファーウェイ輸出規制、米国が本格化へ 逃げ場失う中国
米トランプ政権による中国通信大手、華為技術(ファーウェイ)に対する半導体の輸出規制が、15日に本格適用される。経済・軍事両面の競争力の決め手となる中核部品で米中の「デカップリング(切り離し)」が進み、華為に部品を供給 ...

◆200912 エキサイトニュース http://exci.to/32mxy2C
世界最大の水力発電所「白鶴灘発電所」、急ピッチで建設進む―中国 (2020年9月12日) - エキサイトニュース
世界最大の水力発電所「白鶴灘発電所」、急ピッチで建設進む―中国. 2020/09/12 (土) 05:30. レコードチャイナ. 世界 ...

◆200912 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3maRvBH
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は11日、南シナ海での中国との紛争は平和的に解決されるべきであり、国際法の順守が必要と述べた。南シナ海では米中 ... 中国・三峡ダムに過去最大の水量流入、いまダムはどうなっている? ・巨大クルーズ船 ...

◆200912 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/2ZMJARx
半導体、ディスプレー、バッテリーなど韓国の先端技術を扱う人材を引き抜く中国企業の動きがますます活発になっている、と朝鮮日報が報じた。米国との対立激化で「技術自立」を目指しているためとみられ、年俸3、4倍などに加え、子ども ...

◆200912 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2DRYeio
中国北京字節跳動科技(バイトダンス)傘下の短編動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」の米国事業を巡って、中国政府は強制売却されるよりは閉鎖を望んでいること ... 中国・三峡ダムに過去最大の水量流入、いまダムはどうなっている?

◆200912 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3bO6ZXs
中印外相、ヒマラヤの国境係争地帯から即時撤退と緊張緩和で合意 モスクワで会談
中国の王毅外相とインドのジャイシャンカル外相はモスクワで10日会談し、ヒマラヤの国境係争地帯での緊張緩和と、「平和と安定」の回復に向けた措置を取ることで ... 中国・三峡ダムに過去最大の水量流入、いまダムはどうなっている?


◆200912 World Nuclear News https://bit.ly/33pAVW3
China readying for nuclear expansion, says Zheng : Nuclear Policies
The future of nuclear power in China is promising, Zheng Mingguang, Chief Engineer at China's State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) told World Nuclear ... He believes both the use of large and small-scale reactors will find applications in China beyond just electricity generation. ... He noted that the nuclear generation price in China is not as high as the cost of renewable energy sources. "For the ...

◆200912 Macau Business https://bit.ly/32oI9Ko
Record electricity use reflects China's economic recovery ...
China's electricity consumption, a barometer for economic operation, saw new highs in the last couple of months, reflecting the sound ... Preliminary analysis showed that the record-busting data was not only boosted by the rapidly growing power consumption of air ... percent year on year, demonstrating stable consumption revival, according to Yang Jing, an analyst with NDRC Energy Research Institute.

◆200912 Kallanish Energy https://bit.ly/3hjFGVT
Strong gas demand growth to attract new players to China ...
Energy demand growth and environmental concerns will drive natural gas demand in China, with volumes set to exceed 600 billion cubic meters ... With the majority of China's power generation still relying on coal, there's great need for green energy to be developed, including natural gas. ... That's because LNG is bought based on international prices, but sold in China under domestic oil and gas prices.

◆200912 Washington Post https://wapo.st/2RjO0dL
Analysis | Australia Has a Nuclear Option in Its China Diplomacy
Energy. Analysis. Analysis Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how ... After years of slow deterioration, diplomatic relations between China and Australia have taken a sharp turn for the worse. ... State-dominated construction and engineering sectors such as power generation and real estate are where all the growth is. ... Its mines provide about two-thirds of China's iron ore imports, as well as a significant chunk of the coking coal used to ...

◆200912 Bahamas Tribune https://bit.ly/3mhFfiw
China diplomat attacks U.S. 'abuse' of power
CHINA'S embassy in Nassau has accused the United States of “abusing” its power through a decision that prohibits American embassies from doing business with companies that use equipment manufactured by some Chinese manufacturers. # ...

◆200912 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/2FmxBD4
Is nuclear deterrence in the cards for India and China
Both countries have adopted nuclear policies of credible minimum deterrence and No First Use (NFU). Therefore, a change in the aforementioned policies (or lack thereof) coupled with the absence of nuclear signaling and/or escalation in ...

◆200912 Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/2ZteqOA
India, China agree to de-escalate in steps to calm border tension
Foreign ministers from nuclear-armed Asian rivals agree for troops disengagement after months-long border standoff. ... The months-long border standoff between India and China, coupled with coronavirus restrictions, has already affected the ... I think the Chinese are trying to show they are a strong power to reckon with.".



◆200912 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/33lcrgx
三菱商事はインドネシアでスマートシティーの開発に乗り出す。シンガポールの政府系投資会社テマセク・ホールディングス子会社と設立した合弁会社を通じ、現地の不動産デベロッパー大手シナルマス・ランド社と共同 ...

◆200912 livedoor https://bit.ly/33jjCpG
韓国とフィリピンの間のネット上での衝突 ユーザー同士が和解か
最近、韓国とフィリピンの間で起きた「ネットユーザー間衝突」が落ち着く雰囲気だ。両国のネットユーザーがお互いに謝罪しながらだ。 最近、フィリピンのSNSでは「韓国、取り消せ(Cancel Korea)」と怒りをぶつけたが、 ...

◆200912 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/35uog6U
中国国防相がフィリピン訪問 米と対立激化で引き留め
フィリピンが米国に傾斜しすぎないよう引き留める狙いがありそうだ。 装備品提供で合意した中国の魏国防相(左)とフィリピンのロレンザーナ ...

◆200912 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3hnj0UM
中国企業が地下鉄整備 マニラ首都圏マカティ市
【マニラ=遠藤淳】フィリピンの中国系不動産会社フィリピン・インフラデブ・ホールディングスは、経済の中心地であるマニラ首都圏マカティ市に地下鉄を整備する。このほど中国の建設会社と工事契約を結んだ。発注 ...

◆200912 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3mefL5N
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は11日、南シナ海での中国との紛争は平和的に解決されるべきであり、国際法の順守が必要と述べた。南シナ海では米中 ... 中国・三峡ダムに過去最大の水量流入、いまダムはどうなっている? ・巨大クルーズ船 ...


◆200912 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/2FecbIo
S. Korea, UN launch $18 m solar project in remote parts of Indonesia, Timor-Leste - The Jakarta Post
S. Korea, UN launch $18 m solar project in remote parts of Indonesia, Timor-Leste ... (UNDP), has launched a US$18 million project to provide access to solar power and clean water in remote parts of Indonesia and Timor-Leste. ... of people in remote areas of Eastern Indonesia and Timor-Leste who did not have access to reliable or affordable electricity. ... “This is a strategy to promote new and renewable energy development in line with Indonesia's target to increase the share of ...

◆200912 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2DTBGhp
DOE courting Chinese investors in energy projects
Two years ago, Cusi was courting Chinese investors to set up coal-fired power plants in Luzon and Visayas grids ... In the upstream gas sector, the DOE is similarly anticipating the return of China National Offshore Oil Corporation ... in the renewable energy (RE) sector; downstream oil industry; electric vehicles; energy efficiency ventures; and liquefied ... “Let me assure everyone that based on immediate past, nowcast, and forecast data, the Philippines is now on its way to recovery.

◆200912 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/3mcAkzv
Group calls on ADB to stop funding coal energy projects
MANILA, Philippines — A pro-environment group has called on the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to stop funding coal ... The Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development (CEED) explained on Friday that ADB's renewable energy investments ... solar energy projects and research, especially since it is seen as a better alternative to coal power plants which are deemed dangerous for the environment.

◆200912 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/3mcAlU5
Power consumption seen to drop by 6%
MANILA, Philippines — Power consumption in the country is seen to contract by six percent this year as the sector ... It added that it now expects power consumption to shrink by six percent and coal generation to drop by 14 percent this year, with ... which is typically used to balance power demand fluctuations, and presence of take-or-pay PPAs for gas generators and a ... 44.8 gigawatts (GW) of new power capacity will be needed by 2040, from thermal sources and renewable energy.

◆200912 BusinessWorld Online https://bit.ly/3hjDE8d
Fitch sees worse decline in power sector in the near term
THE RESEARCH UNIT of Fitch Solutions Group Ltd. has downgraded its forecast for the Philippines' power and renewables sector this year, projecting a 5.9% decline in power consumption and a 14% drop in coal generation. In a Sept. ... to grow 4.6% annually from 2020 to 2029, with the growth coming from the demand for thermal sources and renewable energy, and in the longer term, nuclear power.

◆200912 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/3mi1dls
Mindanao infrastructure remains a priority – DOF
Dominguez, who had signed the accord on behalf of the Philippine government, said this bypass project is expected to be ... Two years ago, Cusi was courting Chinese investors to set up coal-fired power plants in Luzon and Visayas grids – and that ... In the upstream gas sector, the DOE is similarly anticipating the return of China National Offshore Oil Corporation ... in the renewable energy (RE) sector; downstream oil industry; electric vehicles; energy efficiency ventures; and liquefied ...

◆200912 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/32ojTZ0
Chinese contractor to build subway for 'Manila's Wall Street'
Automobiles · Consumer Industries · Energy · Finance · Health Care & Pharma · Industrials · Property & Services · Startups ... Beijing claims nearly the entire vital waterway, including areas that Philippines considers as part of its territory. ... who emphasized last week that the Philippines is an independent nation and "not a vassal state of any foreign power." The Philippines plunged into recession last quarter due to the pandemic and is banking on its $180 billion "Build, Build, Build" ...



◆200912 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2GJWkBt
【ハノイ=大西智也】米国とタイなどメコン川流域5カ国の外相は11日、新たな枠組みとなる閣僚級の「メコン―米国パートナーシップ」会議をオンラインで開いた。ベトナム国営メディアによると、米国はメコン地域 ...

◆200912 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/33lgl9l
今タイ王室で何が起きているのか 日本に亡命、カギを握る「タイ人教授」独占インタビュー(デイリー新潮)
米フェイスブック(FB)は8月下旬、タイ王室に批判的な団体が運営するページへのタイ国内からのアクセスを遮断する措置を講じた。FBは「タイ政府から強要された」として、対抗措置をとる方針を明らかにしている。 この「タイ王室に ...

◆200912 PJA NEWS https://bit.ly/2RlXBRr
タイでは民主化などを求める反政府抗議活動が活発化しています。 この状況の中で、この抗議活動の中心的人物の1人である「ペンギン」こと22歳のPharit Chiwarak ...

◆200912 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/35te4vf
「日本は南シナ海問題に貢献を」タイ識者に聞く次期首相への ...
サイカウ・ティパゴン・日本ASEAN研究センター長。1984年、タイのチュラロンコン大学を卒業後、米ミズーリ大学で修士号、チュラロンコン大学で博士号を取得。専門は国際関係、タイ研究。2008年より現職。 まず率直に、安倍首相 ...

◆200912 TBS News https://bit.ly/2RlcS4M
EU議会、スー・チー氏を「サハロフ賞」コミュニティーから ...

◆200912 people.com.cn https://bit.ly/35qFC4B
主に機動防御・敵殲滅、合同火力攻撃、立体突入・包囲殲滅、戦場状況の安定化・制御などの演習に参加する。アルメニア、ベラルーシ、イラン、ミャンマー、パキスタンの軍も参加する。 世界が連携して新型コロナウイルスと闘う重要な ...

◆200912 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/2GQvaZL
外相声明、中国に配慮 南シナ海情勢巡り ASEAN
タイやラオスは南シナ海を巡る領有権問題がなく、経済的な結びつきが強い中国に配慮したとみられる。 一方、中国によるASEAN諸国の取り込みは勢いを増している。魏鳳和・国務委員兼国防相は7日からマレーシアのムヒディン首相や ...

◆200912 チャイナネット https://on.china.cn/33jxsrW
ハンガリー・セルビア鉄道、中国・バングラデシュのパドマ大橋、中国・ラオス鉄道曼邁1号トンネルなど一連のインフラプロジェクトが、コロナ禍で感染対策と操業再開を同時進行し、一帯一路の高い靭性と発展の潜在力を示した。各国の ...


◆200912 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3kaU44S
US, Mekong ministers meet amid latest rivalry with China
During the group's inaugural meeting, Biegun claimed that the current drought suffered in the Mekong downstream area ... the river have "adversely affected food security, environment and livelihood of people in the Mekong," the U.S. official said. ... along the Mekong for 25 years, with the greatest disruption in natural flows coinciding with major dam construction and ... "to deepen cooperation under Lower Mekong Initiative involving energy, connectivity, water management and natural ...

◆200912 Deccan Herald https://bit.ly/3kapXdD
US to give $153 million to Mekong countries for collaborative projects
Foreign ministers of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries also met at a virtual summit hosted by Vietnam. The Mekong River has become a new front in US-China rivalry, environmentalists and officials have said, with ...

◆200912 benarnews https://bit.ly/3inWug3
Pompeo Again Slams Chinese 'Aggression,' Says US Is ...
United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday reaffirmed Washington's commitment to Southeast Asia and accused China of “aggression” in the South China Sea and manipulating the flow of the Mekong River in a time of drought.

◆200912 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/2DSxQ86
First Mekong-US Partnership Ministerial Meeting held virtually
Hanoi (VNA) – The first Mekong-US Partnership Ministerial Meeting was held virtually on September 11 under the ... USD for transnational crime prevention and control projects and 1.8 million USD for the Mekong River Commission to step up ...

◆200912 RUSI Analysis https://bit.ly/2GV0LcX
Germany's New Policy Paper for the Indo-Pacific: Some ...
... policy paper does not offer even a tentative clue as to how Germany aims to address existing power imbalances in the region ... The German government, for instance, explicitly pledges to support the 2021–25 Strategic Plan of the Mekong River ... the question still remains why the Sino–German Energy Partnership (2007–2022) appears to have failed to convince ... excessive dam building, stop impounding more water than China needs or even make water management data public.

◆200912 benarnews https://bit.ly/3keZc7N
Thailand Eyes 'Land Bridge' to Link its Coasts
Thailand's Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha this week publicly endorsed a proposed land bridge between the Gulf of Thailand ... “To dig a canal, I don't think is suitable for Thailand because the water levels in the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of ... Road (OBOR), an ambitious program to build a global network of ports, highways, railways, bridges and power plants. ... The firms invited were China State Construction Yangtze River (Thailand) Company Limited, The Best Group and The ...

◆200912 VnExpress International https://bit.ly/2Fn39sr
Competitive distribution market unlikely to reduce power prices: experts
With Vietnam planning to end its power distribution monopoly in 2024, experts expected consumer benefits in reduced prices are ... An electricity development plan recently approved by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc allows customers and power ... retail prices will mostly be determined by production costs, which depend on the cost of minerals such as coal or oil. ... Other alternative sources such as solar and wind power are becoming more popular but they cost more than thermal ...

◆200912 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/32nch95
Vietnam’s energy sector a magnet for foreign investors
Hoang Tien Dung, Director of the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority, said: “Existing regulations allow the [sale] of projects to ... Coal and gas power projects are invested under the build-operate-transfer model with Government guarantees, but solar and wind ... The development of renewable energy is helping reduce dependence on costly oil-fired power plants and greenhouse gas emissions.

◆200912 reNEWS https://bit.ly/3iprKez
Chinese cable crew wins first offshore job in Vietnam
Light Source People Renewable Energy Job Opportunities · SeaRenergy. Onshore & Offshore Wind Job Opportunities · ERSG Onshore/Offshore Wind Job Opportunities · Prysmian Group MAKE IT - A manufacturing career at Prysmian Group ...

◆200912 OE Digital https://bit.ly/2DWMg7k
Vietnam Approves Pharos Energy's Offshore Oil Project
Gas from TGT is processed at nearby facilities and transported by pipeline to shore, to supply the Vietnamese domestic market. Energy Activity FPSO Production Asia Floating Production Vietnam. Related Offshore News. Armada TGT-1 FPSO - ...

◆200912 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3mhYCIe
Post-Abe, Vietnam-Japan Relations Have Nowhere to Go But ...
For Hanoi, Tokyo provides a counterweight against Beijing's rising power through its increased economic cooperation and development aid. For Japan, a stronger Vietnam helps resist Chinese domination of the South China Sea, thus relieving ...

◆200912 Renewables Now https://bit.ly/35waSzg
ADB okays financing for Cambodian grid, utility-scale battery
The utility-scale battery will support the integration of more renewable energy, and provide transmission congestion relief ... Cambodia's grid in the future and generate more renewable power,” commented ADB Country Director for Cambodia ...

◆200912 Minneapolis Star Tribune http://strib.mn/3bYniB6
UN calls for release of human rights activists in Cambodia
Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen has been in power for 35 years, combining guile and strong-arming to dominate his country's politics. In late 2017, his administration launched a crackdown on critics and political opponents in what was ...

◆200912 Climate Home https://bit.ly/33k7tk5
Asian multilateral bank promises to end coal-related financing
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is promising to end all coal financing but has yet to write this into policy. ... related to coal – for example roads leading to the plant or transmission lines serving coal power,” he told an online conference. ... Then the bank backed coal-fired cement works in Myanmar through a financial intermediary. ... Besides coal, the AIIB invests more than twice as much in oil and gas as in renewable energy, according to Recourse, with gas seen as an ...

◆200912 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/32mE4X7
Minister’s Team Caught in Attack by Arakan Army in Myanmar’s Chin State
Minister's Team Caught in Attack by Arakan Army in Myanmar's Chin State. Chin State ... The AA attacked them with heavy and small arms as they were crossing the Kaladan River from Paletwa to Hakha, the seat of the Chin State government, ...

◆200912 The Union Journal https://bit.ly/32nKRQE
Financially Strapped Laos Partners with Chinese Company to Manage Power Grid
Laos' state-run electricity corporation this month entered into a power grid sharing agreement with a Chinese state-run firm ... corporate entity called Electricite du Laos Transmission Company Ltd. (EDLT), which has control of Laos' power grid, ...

◆200912 Radio Free Asia https://bit.ly/35pp7FU
Lao Army Launches TV Station Paid For by China
The Lao People's Army has launched a television station funded entirely by the country's powerful northern neighbor China, Lao ... TV Channel 7 will broadcast via satellite and focus its reports on news about the Lao military and its activities, Defense ... This week, Laos' state-run electricity corporation entered into a power grid sharing agreement with a Chinese ... China Pressured Over New Coal Power Projects ... Oil and gas tanks are seen at an oil warehouse at a port in Zhuhai,



◆200911 時事通信 https://bit.ly/33kZIKT
日印、物品協定に署名 安全保障で連携強化
インド外務省の声明によると、モディ氏は「安倍首相の個人的献身とリーダーシップにより、日印関係は大いに強化された」とねぎらいの言葉を掛けた。 両首脳はまた、高速鉄道事業をはじめとした経済協力を着実に進めることも確認した。

◆200911 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3m9wd7b
日本とインド ACSA署名で安全保障分野の協力強化
日本とインド両政府は、安全保障分野での協力を強化するため、自衛隊とインド軍との間で、食料や燃料などを相互に提供できるようにする、ACSA=物品役務相互提供協定に署名しました。 続きを読む. 日本とインド両政府は、2年前 ...

◆200911 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3iif8py
日印首脳電話会談 ACSA署名を歓迎
安倍総理大臣はインドのモディ首相と電話で会談し、自衛隊とインド軍が食料や燃料などを相互に提供できるようにする ... 続いて、安倍総理大臣はトルクメニスタンのベルドイムハメドフ大統領とも電話で会談し、「大統領との間で天然ガス ...

◆200911 時事通信 https://bit.ly/3mdd0l2
タンカー火災、原油漏れなしか 鎮火、船主に法的責任追及へ―スリランカ
原油27万トンを積んだパナマ船籍のタンカー「ニュー・ダイヤモンド」がスリランカ東部沖で起こした火災は、10日までに鎮火した。地元メディアなどによると、ディーゼル燃料の一部が海上に流出したが、積み荷の原油が漏れたという ...


◆200911 Power Engineering International https://bit.ly/35rGs10
Himalayan villages to receive life-changing solar mini-grid ...
Power Roll, a developer of low-cost and lightweight flexible solar PV, will be working in partnership with The Energy ... comprises lightweight, portable solar PV to generate energy and an energy storage capability to enable energy use at ... power, and will evaluate how access to affordable, clean electricity can enable social inclusion and gender equality. ... CTCI and GE to deploy 5 combined cycle gas power units in Taiwan ... Low-cost nuclear energy is achievable says new report.

◆200911 The Logical Indian https://bit.ly/2ZrxHA0
Glaciers In J&K, Ladakh, Melting At Significant Rate: Satellite Data Study
The study found that between 2000 and 2012, over 1,200 glaciers in the Himalayan region saw an annual reduction in ... is mainly driven by increasing temperatures and decreasing snow precipitation due to from greenhouse gas emissions from ... The research found that the annual discharge of river Jhelum will drop by 50 per cent by the end of 2050, resulting in a ... In addition, as most power generation in Kashmir is dependent on hydro resources, experts have warned that the ...

◆200911 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/3hns9N8
Locals to be given preference in Diamer-Bhasha Dam Project
... Power Development Authority (WAPDA) to give preference to local candidates in all appointments of the dam project. The standing committee was informed that 169 posts have been advertised for Diamer-Bhasha Dam Project out of which only ... amounts to Rs120 million per annum which provides benefits to Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) and the ... The committee directed the concerned ministry to consult Indus River System Authority (IRSA), Government of Punjab, ...

◆200911 The South Florida Times https://bit.ly/2RbsSGy
Pakistan Plans to Protect Ancient Rock Carvings from Being Submerged by Dam
Software Review · Hosting · Gas/Electricity · Small Business · VOIP Solutions ... When the Daimer Bhasha dam is constructed, it will, on one hand, address the paucity of energy and water in the country. ... Etched on the rocky slopes and boulders of the Indus gorge, stretching for approximately 100 kilometers (62 miles) along both banks of the river, is the largest ... Pakistan's Water and Power Development Authority, which is building the dam, said it will implement the Cultural Heritage ...

◆200911 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/3kaeniT
River Indus continuous to run furious: FFC
The Federal Flood Commission (FFC) has said all main rivers (Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej) are discharging normal flows except for River Indus which is flowing in high flood at Guddu (541,000 cusecs), medium flood at Sukkur (447,000 ...

◆200911 TravelBizMonitor https://bit.ly/2RgU4Uy
Travel News - Assam CM flags off ferry service across Brahmaputra River to boost tourism
Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal flagged off a ferry service between Kokilamukh and Kartik Chapori across the Brahmaputra River, at a programme held at Kolilamukh in Jorhat district on Monday. As per a release issued by the ...

◆200911 The Wire Science https://bit.ly/32gCwhm
Guwahati Gets an Experimental Flood Warning System
In August, the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi, along with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), ... were created, based on the 11 streams of Guwahati's river system, vis-à-vis tributaries of the Brahmaputra.

◆200911 theindependentbd.com https://bit.ly/32fo6hE
Flood situation in Ganges basin continues to remain steady
Of the 16 river points both in Ganges and Brahmaputra Basins, being monitored in many districts under Rajshahi division regularly, water levels increased at nine points and declined at seven points. The rivers were flowing below the danger ...

◆200911 Business Standard https://bit.ly/3ijp1Dl
Indias 11th city gas bidding round to be launched soon, says Pradhan
Electricity · Sadhana Nitro · Power Tariff ... India will soon launch a bid round to give out licences for retailing gas in cities to help extend the coverage of ... The push for city gas expansion is part of the government plan for raising the share of natural gas in the country's energy basket to 15 ... Pradhan said gas is cheaper, convenient, and environment friendly and its greater use will help cut dependence on oil ... SC rules property transfers done through Power of Attorney won't be valid ...

◆200911 Times of India https://bit.ly/3mdG6ke
Coal India to restart ops in discontinued mines
Of these 12 UG mines, eight belong to Eastern Coalfields (ECL) and the remaining four fall under Bharat Coking Coal (BCCL), spread over the states of West Bengal and Jharkhand. “The project is on the drawing board but CIL aims to start the ...

◆200911 Telangana Today https://bit.ly/3bKqjot
India driving electric mobility, energy storage sector growth ...
Hyderabad: India will be moving fast with various favourable policies and schemes to implement efficient energy storage and electric mobility in the country, point out experts. Niti Aayog is working on inviting investments for cell manufacturing ...

◆200911 The News International https://bit.ly/2FnqU3d
IMF asks Pakistan to increase gas, electricity prices
IMF demanded the Pakistani government to give free hand to National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) and Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) to decide on the prices. It further asked for implementing the economic and tax ...

◆200911 The News International https://bit.ly/35l0JVU
Foreign investors exploring opportunities in Pakistan
LONDON/ISLAMABAD: Various foreign investors are showing deep interest in Pakistan due to multidimensional potential of the ... energy sector and was looking into options of solar, hydro and wind sources to provide electricity to Pakistan. ... from generation of hydroelectric power and development of industry in the associated land which would be owned and ... Previously, due to the efforts of Jahangir who had also taken a high powered delegation from Vitol, Dutch Oil company, ...

◆200911 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/2FrrYTC
Truck plunges 100m into Lamjung's Paundi River; no casualty
KATHMANDU: Nepal's Health Ministry, in its regular press briefing, shared the latest updates on coronavirus contagion from across the country, and government's response to the health crisis. As of today, 799,341 tests through Polymerase ...

◆200911 Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper https://bit.ly/2Zqog3U
Bhutan has one of the highest per capita testing rates globally
She said that people must not associate not having the disease with lockdowns. “Lockdown is only a means of preventing the spread of transmission. But it does not guarantee a person from not getting infected.” Lyonpo said that ...

◆200911 Upstream Online https://bit.ly/3kj2vv5
Rising border tensions: ONGC to curb Chinese role in Indian ...
India's Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has moved to freeze out Chinese companies from lucrative tenders in the oil sector, following a deadly border clash between India and China. ONGC is modifying tender documents to comply with ...

◆200911 The Northlines https://bit.ly/35mjaJP
Indian military honor to Tenzin, may give excuse to China to take over Dharamshala
... 6.3 million are in the mainland of economically and militarily powerful nuclear China, a country of 1.4 billion people. ... (about 150 Thousand in India, Nepal and Bhutan) but they are having their Government-in-Exile (GiE) at Dharmshala of ...

◆200911 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3bLjfb7
Sri Lanka says crude oil tanks on board burning oil tanker ...
COLOMBO, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Sri Lanka Navy on Thursday said that the crude oil tanks on board the MT New Diamond oil tanker which caught fire in Sri Lanka's eastern seas last Thursday remained unharmed and the fire on board the ...

◆200911 adaderana.lk https://bit.ly/3iw2eEc
Govt. to restart oil and gas exploration - Adaderana Biz ...
Earlier, Cairn Energy, which struck gas in North Western Sri Lanka in the deep sea however did not develop the field.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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