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2020年9月25日 国連本会議に続き安保理でも米中罵り合い,トランプ国連不要論か









◆200925 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3332fum
行方不明となっていた韓国の海洋水産省職員が北朝鮮の軍関係者に射殺された問題で、北朝鮮は韓国大統領府に書簡を送った。韓国の徐薫国家安保室長が25日の記者会見で明らかにした。 徐室長が公開した書簡によると、北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮 ...

◆200925 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/2RZqenD
韓国 ムン大統領 軍の式典で北朝鮮軍による公務員射殺言及せず
中国 ウイグル族収容施設「不当拘束」批判強まる中 建設継続か · 5. ゆうちょ銀行 不正引き出し 被害額は約6000万円に · 6. コロナに感染した人の血液成分調べ 重症化予測する技術開発 · 7. 1時間に約110ミリの猛烈な雨か 和歌山県すさみ町付近.

◆200925 Asahi Shimbun GLOBE https://bit.ly/3mTcN6U
米軍が持つ「北朝鮮攻撃計画」の中身 米記者の新著『怒り ...
『RAGE』によれば、北朝鮮は17年7月28日夜、大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)「火星14」(射程約1万3千キロ)を発射。直後に、ネブラスカ州オマハの米戦略司令部が米韓の共同作戦計画5027を詳細に検討したという。 同著は ...

◆200925 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/3kMG5T3
中国の 王毅 ( ワンイー ) 国務委員兼外相は「大国は冷戦的思考やイデオロギー的偏見を捨てる義務がある。すべての国は内政不干渉など国際ルールを順守すべきだ」と口火を切り、中国やロシア、イランに対する米国の経済制裁などを暗に ...

◆200925 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3mS6y3u
平井 宏治:日本戦略研究フォーラム政策提言委員・株式会社アシスト代表取締役) 中国では、大学が兵器の研究開発で重要な役割を担う。中国共産党人民解放軍(以下、中国軍)と直接、軍事技術開発契約を締結して、機密度の高い兵器などの ...

◆200925 ITmedia https://bit.ly/362hju5
韓国Samsung「脱中国」で飛躍 世界市場でHuawei代役に
スマートフォンやPCの中国生産を取りやめたのに続き、11月末に中国でのテレビ生産から撤退することを決めた。販売不振や人件費高騰が理由だが、中国と対立する米国を意識した動きとも受け取れる。米政府が15日に制裁を ...



◆200925 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/33ZZo4q
火力発電所建設めぐる意見書 環境大臣に修正求める(テレビ朝日系(ANN))
神戸の石炭火力発電所の建設を巡り、環境大臣が提出する意見書の内容に経済産業省が修正や削除を求めていたことが分かりました。 神戸製鋼所は神戸市に石炭火力発電所を2基増設していて、住民が建設の差し止めなどを求めて裁判を起こし ...

◆200925 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/33R1O5e
脱炭素とエネルギー政策(7) エネルギーミックスを考える
温暖化ガスの大半を占めるエネルギー起源の二酸化炭素(CO2)排出を削減するには、社会経済システムや生活様式を変える必要があります。そのためには「エネルギーミックス」を考えることが重要です。 CO2の削 ...

◆200925 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2G8hHMJ
地球温暖化抑止の観点から二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量の多い石炭火力発電所などへの逆風が強まっている。日本国内でも発電効率の悪い石炭火力の廃止が検討されている。世界石炭協会のミシェル・マヌーク事務局長は ...

◆200925 Forbes JAPAN https://bit.ly/3i3hjfu
発電における化石燃料への依存度を徐々に下げている先進国のあとを追うように、インドの石油需要が今後頭打ちになり、やがて減少していくとみられるのだ。 ロンドンに本社を置くBPは、年次エネルギー展望のなかで、インドの原油需要が ...

◆200925 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/32YNeJW
エネルギーでの水素 経産省 福島県で製造から利用の実証事業へ
脱炭素」に向けた次世代のエネルギー源として、水素に注目が集まる中、経済産業省は、福島県にある世界最大級の施設で製造された水素を活用して、燃料電池車を導入したり、工場の熱や電気の燃料として使ったりする企業などを資金面で ...



◆200925 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3i5h0AS
<寄稿>「アジア送電網」整備中断 中国抜きでも再開機運
アジア全域に長距離送電網を張り巡らそうとする機運が再び高まっている。送電網技術では中国が圧倒的に優位だったが、同国が電力供給を牛耳ることへの懸念から、多くの整備計画が中断していた。しかし今、商業的に ...

◆200925 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2Hn5oMW
先月ニューヨークに上場した電気自動車(EV)メーカーの 小鵬汽車など中国勢と共に10日間にわたり世界にアピールする。 Stretching the Field. The U.S. is expected to have a shrinking share of the global electric vehicle market, as ...

◆200925 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3mMuqFL
中国のコミットメントとは、CO²の排出量が2030年までにピークを迎えるよう、また2060年までにカーボンニュートラル(ネットゼロ排出)を実現させることを約束するものです。人類が直面する気候変動という課題に対応する中国の姿勢を ...

◆200925 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/2RW1YmD
資金ショートで事業活動の停止に追い込まれていた中国の新興EV(電気自動車)メーカー、拜騰汽車(バイトン)に起死回生のチャンスが巡ってきた。9月9日、バイトン支援の目的で受け皿会社の南京盛騰汽車科技が設立されたのだ。事情に ...

◆200925 東京新聞 https://bit.ly/3hVrtyU
温暖化0・3度抑制効果 中国CO2排出ゼロ目標で分析
中国が二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量を2060年までに実質ゼロにする目標を公表したことに関し、将来の気温上昇を0・2~0・3度抑える効果があるとの分析を海外の研究組織が24日までにまとめた。「過去5年間で最も重要な気候変動 ...

◆200925 朝日新聞社 https://bit.ly/331cP51
中国の脱炭素化、今世紀の気温上昇0.3度抑制も=研究機関 - ロイターニュース - 国際
ブリュッセル 23日 ロイター] - 中国の習近平国家主席が表明した2060年までに温室効果ガスの排出を実質ゼロにする方針について、研究機関クライメート・アクション・トラッカー(CAT)は23日、実現すれば今世紀の地球温暖化 ...


◆200925 POWER magazine https://bit.ly/3j5lnxd
China Promotes Climate Goal, and Builds New Coal Plants
China, though it has canceled some planned thermal power plants over the past several years, has as much as 200 GW of ... in July announced that the agency would limit greenhouse gas emissions from airplanes for the first time in U.S. history. ... China relies heavily on coal-fired power, even as the country is among the world leaders in renewable energy. ... “It would mean huge expansions of nuclear power as well as wind and solar power and high-power transmission lines, and ...

◆200925 Arab News https://bit.ly/3i5cjqK
Switching off? China's energy aims require a radical shift in ...
The problem for China is that it is still investing, or planning to invest, vast sums of money in coal-fired power plants, coal-to-chemical ventures and other projects based on fossil fuels such as natural gas and crude oil. ... Just 13 percent of the plans could be viewed as low-carbon, including renewable energies, nuclear, hydropower, electricity networks and electric vehicles, researchers Lauri Myllyvirta ...

◆200925 Quartz https://bit.ly/2HwB4jd
Why China's coal power plants are such a big climate obstacle
China is single-handedly responsible for one-quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, so if it meets this goal—plus an older ... the installation of huge amounts of zero-carbon energy like solar and nuclear, and likely some amount of “negative emissions”—such as ... larger than its spending on clean energy, including nearly $25 billion on coal power plants and even more on mining and processing. ... Apple is leading the charge to overhaul Taiwan's renewable energy market.

◆200925 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/32YUEN6
China's steel mill smoke becomes fuel in Mitsui's recycling ...
TOKYO -- China's notorious steel mill smoke will have a second life as ethanol that powers automobiles under ... operations in China to produce fuel ethanol from steel mill emissions in a three-party deal with state-owned energy ... Long dependent on operations involving fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, Mitsui hopes to burnish its environmental ... The new plant will slash carbon dioxide by 200,000 tons a year compared with reusing heat from emissions for electricity generation, the ...

◆200925 Caixin Global https://bit.ly/2EvIWAc
China Should Slash Raw Coal Usage by 150 Million Tons ...
Presenting the 2020 China Dispersed Coal Management Report at a virtual conference in Beijing, Jiang Yi, director of the China Energy Conservation Association, said strictly controlling the dispersed coal market was key to overcoming legal ...



◆200925 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/3hXWv9r
中国メディアは、「ジャワ島の高速鉄道が中国とインドネシアの友情を更に強固にするだろう」と主張する記事を掲載した。(イメージ写真提供:123RF). 2015年7月、日本の受注が有力視されていたインドネシアの高速鉄道計画は ...

◆200925 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33VDIXf
首都知事、洪水制御の強化を指示 インドネシア・マクロ ...
インドネシアの首都ジャカルタ特別州のアニス知事は、気候変動の時代における洪水制御システム強化に関する州知事指示『2020年第52号』を15日付で制定し、同日施行した。村長や郡長、市長、関連当局など地方自治体の関係各所に対し、 ...

◆200925 DIGIMA NEWS ( http://www.digima-news.com/ ) https://bit.ly/2EutcgO
インドネシア:押し寄せる大量のごみ 南ジャカルタ マンガライ水門
インドネシア:押し寄せる大量のごみ 南ジャカルタ マンガライ水門. インドネシア:押し寄せる大量のごみ 南ジャカルタ マンガライ水門. バキバキバキ——。22日午前4時半、南ジャカルタのマンガライ水門。重機がアザーン(イスラム礼拝 ...

◆200925 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3kOGBA6
シェル、マランパヤガス田の権益45%売却へ フィリピン ...
フィリピン事業は依然として重要とも強調した。 SPEXは、マランパヤガス田(サービス・コントラクト=SC38鉱区)を運営するコンソーシアム(企業連合)の1社。同コンソーシアムには ...

◆200925 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3j2SHoH
一部発電事業、外資100%可能=再エネ委 フィリピン・電力 ...
フィリピンの国家再生可能エネルギー委員会(NREB)のディマランタ委員長は、再生可能エネルギー発電事業の一部は、外国企業の100%出資が認められるとの ... ディマランタ委員長は、地熱発電とバイオマス発電、ダム式水力発電につ…


◆200925 UCAN https://bit.ly/2FYtwVV
Standing shoulder to shoulder with Indonesia's palm oil poor
Soon after professing his perpetual vows in 2017, Divine Word Brother Yulianus Sudir went to work among migrant workers in Samarinda Archdiocese in East Kalimantan. It did not take him long to discover the problems faced by workers where ...

◆200925 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/2RWy1CN
Palm oil labor abuses linked to world's top brands, banks
In Malaysia and Indonesia, these workers tend the heavy reddish-orange palm oil fruit that makes its way into the supply chains of many iconic food and cosmetics companies like Unilever, L'Oreal, Nestle and Procter & Gamble. Together, the two ...

◆200925 Down To Earth Magazine https://bit.ly/304DtI4
Don't eat the rainforests: Top brands complicit in Indonesia's ...
Don't eat the rainforests: Top brands complicit in Indonesia's ecosystem destruction, probe alleges. Companies procuring oil from and financing the Royal Golden Eagle, which set up palm oil and pulp plantations in Indonesia, finds ...

◆200925 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3kYTW95
ADB Endorses New 5-Year Partnership Strategy for Indonesia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has endorsed its 2020–2024 country partnership strategy for Indonesia, which ... ADB will also focus on helping Indonesia tackle climate change and strengthen its resilience to natural disasters and ... Economic Forum, Børge Brende, and the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), ... Coal-fired power plants have been retired, as reliance on natural gas and emissions-free renewable energy sources increases.

◆200925 CGTN https://bit.ly/2G1wVDt
Indonesia secures grant for battling deforestation
"From 1990 to 2018, there were around 0.5 million hectares of deforestation rate in Indonesia. It's a problem for us ... The Paris Agreement outlines the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, which Indonesia is continuously working on. ... The significant drop is a result of successful forest protection policies such as the moratorium on new oil palm plantations, where new licenses are temporarily banned.

◆200925 Power Philippines https://bit.ly/3j256cd
Shell planning to sell Malampaya stake
Shell Philippines Exploration B.V. (SPEX) is eyeing the sale of its 45% interest in the $4.5 billion Malampaya deep water gas-to-power project. In a report from ... Shell is looking to cut oil and gas production by up to 40% in a bid to focus more on power markets and renewable energy. Malampaya's natural gas, discovered by Shell in 1991, accounts for around 20% of the country's electricity. Earlier this ...

◆200925 Mongabay.com https://bit.ly/3096jHk
Philippine community goes to court to stop coal plant in ...
Residents and civil society groups have launched a legal challenge to stop construction of a coal power plant in the ... has vast renewable energy potential that could meet its entire demand for electricity, mostly through small-scale hydro ... In 2019, the average electricity rate in the Philippines — “including all the guarantees, transmission and fees,” de ... the province's growing demand and enable Palawan to slowly end its dependence on fossil fuels, whether oil or coal, groups say.

◆200925 Mirage News https://bit.ly/3cse9kv
Opportunities for clean energy in future Philippines op-ed by ...
During this period, electricity generation from biomass increased, while production from geothermal hydro, solar and wind ... In the Philippines, coal remains a significant source for energy generation – 41% of the total compared to renewables' ... it will be cheaper to build new renewable energy sources than continuing to use existing coal in South East Asia. ... In the process, the UK's power generation shifted to renewables – wind (offshore and onshore) and biofuel – as well as gas.

◆200925 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/3j2Xc2n
Greenpeace report: Philippines gets failing mark due to massive use of coal
The Philippines got a failing mark of “D+” due to its strong inclination to coal power generation, a new Greenpeace ... “Southeast Asia Power Sector Scorecard,” cited that the Philippines was an early leader on renewable energy (RE) after ... the Philippines highly dependent on imported fossil fuels, with a near tripling of its thermal coal imports in less than 10 years. ... on track with global climate targets if it creates exclusions for new coal and gas starting this year, increase its RE target ...

◆200925 Bloomberg https://bloom.bg/33V6pDC
San Miguel Interested in Shell’s Stake in Philippine Gas-to-Power Project
Royal Dutch Shell Plc plans to sell its stake in the Philippines' Malampaya gas-to-power project, which supplies at least one-fifth of the Southeast Asian nation's electricity requirement, Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi said. The company is ...

◆200925 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/366HAqU
The power of two: Renewable energy and natural gas are the cleaner, better combination
Turning to renewable energy sources, such as solar, geothermal, hydro, and wind energy is one of the main objectives. ... However, you can do more with the addition of natural gas, which is touted as the cleanest burning fossil fuel versus coal–emitting less carbon dioxide (up to 60%), ... that is committed to attaining a cleaner and decarbonized world, is pioneering the transformation in the Philippines.

◆200925 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/331M3t3
A look at the world’s submarine cable systems that power the internet, including connectivity in Philippines
The country is only at the 106th place in terms of the global average of fixed broadband speeds with only 25.34 Mbps (megabit per second) and slower for mobile with only 16.44 Mbps which placed the Philippines at the 119th spot. Aside from ...



◆200925 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3kQejoN
東南アジアの大河でも米中対立 「メコン川水量低下」で批判 ...
【シンガポール=森浩】米国と中国が東南アジアのメコン川地域をめぐって対立を深めている。米国が昨年起きた同川の水量低下は上流にある中国のダムの影響であると指摘したのに対し、中国側は「科学的根拠がない」と反論した。南シナ海に ...

◆200925 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/332ySbA
中露が「ワクチン外交」で攻勢 途上国など100カ国以上に売り込み
米国が「自国第1」でワクチン確保に躍起となっている間に、中露は活発な「ワクチン外交」でとりわけ発展途上国に対する影響力拡大を図る。 中国の李克強(り・こくきょう)首相は8月下旬、タイ、ミャンマーなどメコン川流域5カ国との ...

◆200925 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/3kDVYv0
反体制デモが王室改革を要求 揺らぐ「タイ式民主主義」
王室の権威はタイでは絶対視されているため、公の場でこれを話題にすることは通常避けられる。ただ幹部は声のトーンを落としつつ「特に若い世代の間で、王室に対する敬意が相当に薄れている。先行きが心配 ...

◆200925 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3j4XRAr
タイ 議会が憲法改正関連の採決行わず 反政府デモの若者怒り
タイで大規模な反政府デモを続けている若者のグループは、議会の解散や憲法の改正、それに王制改革などを求めていて、プラユット首相はこのうち憲法改正については前向きな姿勢を見せています。 これを受けて議会は、24日夜、与野党が ...

◆200925 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3mPuIeK
ファーウェイ、タイに5G研究施設 3年で16億円投資

◆200925 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/335zjlv
30年までの洋上風力発電、10GWに=世銀 ベトナム・電力 ...
このほど開かれたオンライン会でデンマークのエネルギー庁と世界銀行が報告した。24日付ベトナム・ニュース(VNS)電子版が伝えた。 … 関連国・地域 : ベトナム/欧州. 関連業種 : 電力・ガス・水道 ...

◆200925 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/2FYaFdB
【9月24日 Xinhua News】中国とラオスが共同で進める貧困削減のための技術支援モデル事業が、同国の二つの村で実施されている。そのうちの一つである首都ビエンチャンの山あいにあるサントン郡Ban Xor村でこのほど、中国・ラオス国家 ...


◆200925 VnExpress International https://bit.ly/306S9qc
India to aid water management projects in Mekong Delta
A report by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment at a meeting Wednesday said flood peaks in the upstream stretch of the Mekong River have been lower and later than usual, worsening saltwater intrusion in southern ...

◆200925 TTG Asia https://bit.ly/32XXUIO
First Eastin Hotel to land in Laos
Situated a short drive from the international airport, the hotel will be located on the banks of the Mekong river, with views across to Thailand. TAGS; Absolute Hotel Services · Eastin · Laos Hotels. Previous articleMalaysia earmarks US$576.7m ...

◆200925 Times Now https://bit.ly/3j0qpuQ
‘Beijing uses bullying tactics to advance its goals’: US slams China’s nefarious tactics to destabilise order
But in practice, Beijing uses bullying tactics to advance its goals, including illegal claims in the South China Sea, border disputes with India, and manipulating water flow in the Mekong River,” Ortagus said on social media platform Twitter.

◆200925 Voice of America https://bit.ly/3csoWLz
Thousands Protest in Thailand Over Delay of Constitutional Amendment
Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn has not publicly commented on the protests that have demanded the monarchy's power be reduced — a movement that challenges a decadeslong taboo of not criticizing the monarchy. Prayuth has called for ...

◆200925 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/365kfpJ
BMA blames extensive flooding on power outage
Heavy downpours battered 11 areas in the city with Din Daeng, Phaya Thai and Huai Khwang districts recording the highest rainfall at 100 millimetres, 99mm and 83mm respectively, said Narong Ruengsri, director of the BMA's Department of ...

◆200925 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2RX5flr
“ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week 2020” gets underway
Deputy Prime Minister and Energy Minister Supattanapong Punmeechaow chaired the opening ceremony of ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week 2020 or ASE2020, the most comprehensive showcase of renewable energy innovation. He was ...

◆200925 Business Wire https://bwnews.pr/2RWEspp
Vietnam Electricity Standard Research Report 2020 ...
Specifically, the share of electricity from renewable sources tends to increase while the demand for electricity from other energy sources decreases. Demand for electricity tended to decrease in Q1/2020, due to measures to blockade and ...

◆200925 The Star Online https://bit.ly/33Yfprv
Conference explores Vietnam's potential to harness wind power
HANOI (Vietnam News/ANN): Around 10 gigawatts of offshore wind power could be in operation in Vietnam by 2030, according to ... their studies on aspects including the assessment of potential and grid transmission capacity, the current local supply chain capacity, ... and knowledge in renewable energy, ” said Hoàng Tiến Dũng, Director General of MoIT's Electricity and Renewable Energy Agency.

◆200925 Retail News Asia https://bit.ly/3cwpf7P
National power utility faces financial crunch
Vietnam Electricity (EVN) will face increasing financial difficulties in the coming years as its payment obligations to ... to new coal-fired independent power projects (IPPs), a recent report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial ...

◆200925 SteelGuru https://bit.ly/2RWh7nJ
Wartsila Solution for 200 MW Electricite du Cambodge C7 ...
The EDC C7 power plant is playing an important role in meeting Cambodia's electricity shortage. ... to deliver the needed grid stability as Cambodia continues to utilise an increasing share of renewable energy, in particular solar power.

◆200925 pv magazine International https://bit.ly/305AFdX
Myanmar's 1 GW solar tender concludes with lowest bid of ...
The country's Ministry of Electricity and Energy allocated all tendered solar capacity in its first procurement exercise for large-scale PV. ... Myanmar's Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE) has concluded a 1 GW PV tender it launched in May by ... A consortium formed by China's State Power Investment Corporation Limited (SPIC) and local company Khaing Long ... According to the latest statistics from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Myanmar had cumulatively ...

◆200925 All India Radio https://bit.ly/3mSZ4wX
Myanmar organisations blame Chinese projects for ...
In Myanmar, community based organisations have blamed the Chinese gas and oil pipeline project of environmental destruction and human rights violation in the execution of the Shwe Gas Project and Trans-Burma pipeline. The Rakhine ...

◆200925 Myanmar Times https://bit.ly/2GaHKCF
Dala bridge construction suspended during Yangon stay ...
The remaining US$30.3 million will be funded by the Myanmar government. Construction of the bridge, which will connect Dala township across the Yangon River to downtown Yangon, began in May 2019 and is slated to be complete in ...

◆200925 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/3hXWanb
Trump's Refusal to Support a Peaceful Transfer of Power Is Shocking, but US Political Transitions Have Always Created Uncertainty
For as long as the United States has been a world power, other countries have watched one president pass the baton to ... whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose, incumbent President Donald Trump avoided ... a world power with vast alliances, widespread military and covert activities, and hair-trigger nuclear guarantees, even an ... Unsettled by a Soviet airlift of military supplies to communist insurgents in Laos that had started only weeks before and ...

◆200925 Western Producer https://bit.ly/2RUSGXJ
Middle powers urged to unite
If countries like China are going to bully one “middle power” after another, maybe the middle powers should work ... China has already strangled or harassed Australian exports of barley, beef, wine and coal to the country, as well as urging its ... which includes Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Brunei, makes a lot ... Oil downturn complicates taxation.



◆200923 チャイナネット https://on.china.cn/3003pVf
最初に訪れたのは喜馬拉雅(ヒマラヤ)科技有限公司だ。同社は中国最大規模のオンライン・オーディオ共有プラットフォームであり、6億人余りのユーザーがおり、無数のコンテンツ制作者に就業の機会を提供している。李総理は「2年前に ...

◆200923 ロイター https://bit.ly/35VD1zP
北京/ニューデリー 22日 ロイター] - 中国とインドは22日、両国が国境を争うヒマラヤ山脈地帯に軍を増派しないことで合意したと発表した。 中国国防省の呉謙報道官は、両国の高官が21日に会談し、意見交換を行ったことを明らかに ...

◆200923 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3cub1V9
インド、コロナで大打撃のモルディブに260億円融資へ 中国に対抗か(AFP=時事)
【写真】インド、ヒマラヤにトンネル建設 係争地で中国に対抗 主要な東西海上交通路上に位置し、1192の島から成る島しょ国のモルディブは、高級リゾートとして観光業が有名だが、新型ウイルスのパンデミック(世界的な大流行)で休止し ...

◆200923 エキサイトニュース http://exci.to/2RSxgux
インダス文明が崩壊したのは気候変動によるもの?数学的に裏づける新たな証拠を発見(米研究) (2020年9月22日) - エキサイトニュース
だが今回、新たに行われた数学的な証明によって、気候変動が原因だった可能性が高いことがわかったという。 アメリカ・ロチェスター工科大学の数学者ニシャント・マリク氏は、モンスーンの季節が変わって干ばつが増えたせいで、インダス ...

◆200923 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/32Rb626
茂木外相、欧州歴訪を月内開始 中国にらみ「インド太平洋」推進

◆200923 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/2ZWZbO7
インドが国連でパキスタンを非難、テロの震源地として世界的に認められている場所は言う| パキスタンは国連で再び恥ずかしい思いをし、インドはこれを非難する
ニューデリー:国連でのカシミールに関するパキスタンのレトリックの数時間後、インドは再びパキスタンをテロリストの推進国として説明しました。 これに加えて、彼は世界的なテロの震源地とも呼ばれていました。 国連のインド代表団の ...

◆200923 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/363kv8D
中国がチベットの大量労働プログラムを大幅に拡大| チベットにおける大規模な労働者の配備、今回は中国に対する非難
また読む:パキスタンは再び国連で恥ずかしいです、インドはこれを非難します. 中国外務省は、申し立てに関する北京の抜擢者への声明で、移民や脅迫労働者による強制労働などのすべての申し立てを拒否し、中国では法の支配が広まって ...

◆200923 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/2HpL5yA
ネパールは、修正された地図でインドの領土を示す新しい本の配布を停止しました。 ネパールはインドの前でお辞儀をし、論争のある地図帳を禁止
カトマンズ:ネパールは、3つの戦略的に重要なインドの領土を領土として示す、国の修正された政治地図を含む新しい本の配布を中止しました。 火曜日のメディア報道では、それらに多くの事実上の誤りがあると言われました。 インドは、 ...


◆200923 Stanford University News https://stanford.io/3mKp9OY
Seismic data explains continental collision beneath Tibet ...
In addition to being the last horizon for adventurers and spiritual seekers, the Himalaya region is a prime location for ... Simon Klemperer, a geophysics professor at Stanford's School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences (Stanford Earth).

◆200923 DesPardes.com https://bit.ly/3cpzBX3
Pakistan at Junction of Two Ancient Civilizations
But after the rise of the Turks and the Tatars in Central Asia, the Turco-Persian conquerors from the west crossed the Indus one after another and ruled the sub-continent for centuries. Historically speaking, Indus River was was the most ...

◆200923 WION https://bit.ly/3i2PoN3
Why Tibet, the `western treasure house` is important to China
The Qinghai-Tibet plateau is a crucial water source for China. Tibetan glaciers and snow-capped hills feed great rivers like the Brahmaputra, Mekong, Yangtze and the Indus. Tibet serves as the source of 10 major asian river systems - rivers ...

◆200923 Deccan Herald https://bit.ly/2ZZPNtg
Coal continues to be key in India's growth story, says CIL
Coal-based electricity will continue to do so till affordable storage of power comes in a major scale, he said. "The effective cost of renewable energy is still high due to the intermittency versus variable cost of thermal power. As fixed cost is ...

◆200923 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/2Hq62th
Renewable sector in India attracts $10-20bn of investment: IEEFA
IEEFA's note looked at the outcomes of seven renewable energy capacity and storage auctions held to-date in 2020. ... has collapsed and they are already locked into high capacity charges on legacy coal power supply agreements," says Shah. ... "The biggest loser from the collapse in electricity demand will be the thermal power sector, with its high marginal cost of ... commissioning of transmission system, (iii) delay in adoption of tariff on the part of SECI, and (iv) outbreak of Covid-19, ...

◆200923 S&P Global https://bit.ly/3mJo9KS
Pakistan looks to auction unutilized LNG capacity: industry body
Karachi — Pakistan may auction unutilized LNG regasification capacity of around 300 MMcf/d available at the ... as well as the industrial sector, according to an annual report from the country's Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority released in August . ... the rising demand from the various sectors of the economy, particularly power, domestic, fertilizer, captive power and industry. ... and events. Biomass; Carbon; Emissions; LNG; Natural Gas; Nuclear; Price Risk; Renewables; Thermal Coal ...

◆200923 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/33OE9CA
Russia eager to invest $1.7bn in Karachi-Lahore gas pipeline
He was addressing a seminar titled 'Conversation with Ambassadors on Pakistan-Russia Relations: Prospects for the Future' organised by the Centre for Aerospace and Security Studies (CASS). Detailing his views on the regional situation, ...

◆200923 Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/2RMQ26q
Looming energy crisis
Warnings from both the Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) and Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) about confirmed ... Federal Energy Minister Omar Ayub had, as early as the start of August, informed a Senate standing committee that the ... Sindh was a complete disaster this monsoon season with rains flooding almost all of Karachi and electricity cut off in many ... Meanwhile, a separate crisis is brewing, as K-Electric (KE), Karachi's sole power supply company, remains at ...

◆200923 Pakistan Observer https://bit.ly/35XF7z1
Pakistan benefitting immensely from use of nuclear technology: PAEC Chairman
Pakistan is benefitting immensely from the use of nuclear technology, this was stated by Chairman of the PAEC while addressing the ... In a video recorded national statement, Chairman Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Muhammad Naeem ... Chairman PAEC highlighted the role of PAEC in generating electricity through nuclear power plants, while also helping Pakistan attain socio-economic ...

◆200923 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/2ZZQhQ6
Pakistan- Can 60000 people of Regi get electricity after 18 ...
Khiali Gul, a government official, said while talking to TNN that power bills suddenly witnessed a sharp increase in 2002 after which the local people lodged protests and also submitted the bills. However, he said, the bills kept on increasing ...

◆200923 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/3clE90V
IFC study calls for improving women's contribution, participation in hydropower sector
KATHMANDU, Sept 22: Companies and women in Nepal would stand to benefit if greater action were taken to ... to build the business case for improved gender equality and diversity in renewable energy companies in Nepal. ... in the executive committee mandatory," Ashish Garg, Vice President of Independent Power Producers' Association of Nepal, ... The study – spearheaded by IFC's Hydro Environmental and Social Advisory team in partnership with the governments of Australia, ...

◆200923 RiverBender.com https://bit.ly/301ryLh
India says some progress made in military talks with China
It is broken in parts where the Himalayan nations of Nepal and Bhutan border China. According to India, the de facto border is 3,488 kilometers (2,167 miles) long, while China says it is considerably shorter. As its name suggests, it divides the ...

◆200923 CNA https://bit.ly/3cz070B
Sri Lanka unveils controversial bill handing more power to ...
The bill proposes the removal of legal and legislative oversight of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on human rights and government spending, and awards the head of state the right to appoint Supreme Court judges. (AFP/ISHARA S.

◆200923 Colombo Page https://bit.ly/3hOpb4A
Sri Lanka : PUCSL together with CEB and LECO launches ...
Sept 22, Colombo: The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL), the electricity sector regulator together with Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and Lanka Electricity Company Private Limited (LECO) has launched the first-ever Island ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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