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2020年9月29日 南シナ海の人工島造成戦略を太平洋諸国に向ける中国,キリバス











◆200929 現代ビジネス https://bit.ly/2SaDar3
怒って会社を飛び出すと大変なことに… 2. 文在寅の「北朝鮮寄り」言動に世界が呆れ…ついに韓国が「孤立」 ...

◆200929 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/2G24u8y
中国のことだから南シナ海で用済みとなった浚渫船を動員して 2、3年でやってのけるかも知れない。 ソロモン諸島の首相も昨年10月に北京を訪問し、「一帯一路」、中国によるスタジアム建設、中国企業によるインフラ建設 ...

◆200929 ダイヤモンド・オンライン https://bit.ly/3cDHrg5
最近、中国の動画配信企業であるTikTok(ティックトック)の扱いを巡って、米国と中国の対立が高まっている。その背景には、両国のIT分野における覇権国争いがある。もっと突き詰めると、米国の自由資本主義体制と、中国の国家資本 ...

◆200929 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/346nWsK
【専欄】一帯一路にデジタル人民元 拓殖大学名誉教授・藤村幸義
中国では、デジタル人民元の発行準備が進んでおり、世界で最初にデジタル通貨を実用化する日が近付いている。発行しても欧米日での普及は難しいが、一帯一路の沿線国ならば、通信のデジタル化とセットでデジタル人民 ...

◆200929 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3kOnndM
中国共産党、「5中全会」10月26日から 2035年目標も
習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席が長期政権を築く布石を打とうとしているとの観測も出ている。 焦点のひとつは国内の経済循環と外需を結びつけて経済成長の底上げにつなげる「二つの循環」の具体像の提示 ...

◆200929 ロイター https://bit.ly/3cRabSN
中国、南シナ海などで同時軍事演習 実弾使用も
北京 28日 ロイター] - 中国は28日、各沿岸で5つの軍事演習を同時に開始した。域内の緊迫感が高まる中、ここ2カ月間で2度目の同時演習となる。 中国海事局によると、軍事演習は、領有権が争われている南シナ海にある西沙諸島近く ...



◆200929 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/2S9dvyQ
英国は発電の大半を国産エネルギーの石炭で賄っていたが、採炭条件の悪化が著しくなった1980年代に石炭産業を民営化し高コストの坑内掘り炭鉱と石炭火力発電所の閉鎖を進めた。結果、電力部門のCO2排出量は、1990年の2億300万トン ...

◆200929 ビジネス+IT https://bit.ly/2HF0dIy
ついに石油時代の終焉か?英BPが「エネルギー業界の大変革 ...
英国の石油メジャーBPが、化石燃料の需要が今後、大幅に減少するという衝撃的なレポートを公表した。日本では再生可能エネルギーについて実現不可能な話と認識している人が多いが、これは20年以上前の常識である。この分野における ...

◆200929 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3cHcW9a
電力の容量市場 高値取引に「説明が必要」小泉大臣(テレビ ...
電力の容量市場は発電所の建設や維持などの費用を確保するために将来の発電能力を取引するもので、初めて実施された2024年度分の入札結果が1キロワットあたり1万4137円と想定の1.5倍ほどに膨らみました。取引の総額は約1兆6000億円に ...

◆200929 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3cGdSdH
【マニラ=遠藤淳】フィリピンの電力大手ファーストジェンは、液化天然ガス(LNG)洋上基地の建設に関する認可をエネルギー省から取得したと発表した。3億ドル(約320億円)前後を投じ、東京ガスと共同で関連施設を整備する。2022年7~ ...

◆200929 PHILE WEB https://bit.ly/339Q9iQ
現在主流のシリコンやヒ化ガリウムより電気特性に優れ、格段に高い電圧や周波数で動作する半導体材料のことで、シリコンカーバイド(SiC)や窒化ガリウム(GaN)が実用化段階を迎えています。 我々デジタルガジェットファンに縁深いのは ...



◆200929 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/2S9S3K0
中国が半導体国産化を強化 米国と対立 長期化にらみ自立目指す
政府が国内メーカーの支援策を表明したほか、習近平(しゅう・きんぺい)指導部が検討中の中期経済目標に研究開発強化が入ると指摘される。米商務省が、中国半導体受託製造最大手、中芯国際集成電路製造(SMIC)を輸出規制の対象に ...

◆200929 GIGAZINE https://bit.ly/33dRjtY
中国半導体製造大手のSMICへの輸出にアメリカ政府が規制、Huaweiにも大きな影響. アメリカ政府が、中国最大の半導体ファウンドリであるSMICの機器が「軍事的に許容できないリスクを抱え ...

◆200929 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2S8dT0x
トランプ政権、対中圧力緩めず 中国国産半導体に制裁 中国アプリには司法の壁(産経新聞)
米国の裁判所は相次いで中国系アプリの利用制限措置に差し止めを命じており、安全保障上の脅威を根拠とした今回の米政府の対応は不発に終わった。しかし米国は半導体関連製品の中国企業への輸出をめぐり、禁輸対象を中国通信機器大手、 ...

◆200929 MITテクノロジーレビュー https://bit.ly/3ikVPLz
中国が60年までにカーボンニュートラル、石炭発電所の新設は ...
中国は、2060年までにカーボンニュートラルを達成する計画を発表した。世界最大の気候汚染国家であり、現在も石炭火力発電所を次々と建設している中国の発表を鵜呑みにはできないが、より厳しい温室効果ガス政策の導入に向けて動いて ...

◆200929 時事通信 https://bit.ly/3n3EHgy
中国に1.8兆円投資 電気自動車事業で―独VW

◆200929 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3mXA8EB
中海油、江蘇に中国最大のLNGタンク 中国・天然資源
石油・天然ガスの大手国有企業、中国海洋石油集団(中海油、CNOOC)は26日、江蘇省塩城市で建設を進めている液化天然ガス(LNG)タンクの屋根上げに成功した。容量は22万立方メートルで、単体のLNG容量としては中国最大 ...

◆200929 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/33c06fV
我々の美しい国は神の手によって作られたのだ」と述べたが、彼は気候変動と戦うことを世界に求めるのではなく、キリバスを「太平洋のドバイ」にする開発計画への協力を求めたという訳である。その手段がライメイカーズの論説にある、中国 ...


◆200929 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/30i1747
China's top climate scientists unveil road map to 2060 goal
One of China's top climate research institutes on Sunday laid out a plan of increasing renewable and nuclear energy and ... The plan, from Tsinghua University's Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, entails a more gradual transition over the ... Under the plan, coal-fired electricity would be eliminated by 2050, and China's energy mix would undergo a drastic ... Power generation would nearly double from 2025 to about 16.4 terrawatt-hours in 2060, with electricity making up 80 ...

◆200929 SHINE https://bit.ly/2HGhd12
China's economy to grow by 2.0% in 2020, says World Bank
China's economy is expected to grow by 2.0 percent in 2020, up from the 1-percent growth projection released in June, the World Bank said on Monday. The growth will be boosted by government spending, strong exports, and a low rate of ...

◆200929 The Sydney Morning Herald https://bit.ly/34af6Kf
'Needs to be carefully monitored': Heightened risk of nuclear confrontation between the US and China
As both countries enter into a new period of intense strategic competition, there is a small risk of deliberate nuclear use and a bigger risk of either the US or China inadvertently using nuclear weapons against the other. Military vehicles ...

◆200929 Power Technology https://bit.ly/3je7Sv8
Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, Lianyungang, China
Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), also referred to as Jiangsu Nuclear Power Station or Lianyungang NPP, is located ... The NPP is owned and operated by Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (JNPC), a joint venture of China National Nuclear ... the engineering division of Russia's state-owned nuclear energy company Rosatom, and JNPC in December 1997. ... a total generating capacity of approximately 8,100MW and will produce up to 60 to 70 billion kWh of electricity annually, ...



◆200929 JBpress https://bit.ly/347YliX
インドネシアでは河川の水はよほどの山間部でない限り、現在ではさすがに直接飲用にはしない。ただ、水浴び、洗濯、家畜の飲料、下水道水、工業用水など流域の住民の生活に不可欠となっている。その一方でゴミ捨て、汚水投棄、そして ...

◆200929 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3cEGOTg
チカンペック高速道、西ジャワ方面交通規制 インドネシア ...
インドネシアの道路公団ジャサ・マルガは27日、首都ジャカルタと西ジャワ州チカンペックを結ぶチカンペック高速道路のうち、チカンペック方面で補修工事に伴う交通規制を開始した。期間は10月2日午前4時までの予定。 工事区間は ...

◆200929 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2S4sgmJ
ビンタン島の特区、11兆ルピアの投資実現 インドネシア ...
インドネシアのアイルランガ調整相(経済担当)は26日、リアウ諸島州ビンタン島で開発中のボーキサイト加工産業を集積するガラン・バタン経済特区について、9月までに11兆ルピア(約778億円)の投資が実現し、建設段階で3,500人を ...

◆200929 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/30cGne0
マランパヤガス田、政府収入117億ドルに フィリピン・天然資源
フィリピンのパラワン沖に位置するマランパヤガス田で、政府の累計収入が117億米ドル(約1兆2,325億円)に達したことが分かった。マニラブレティンが28日伝えた。 2001年に商用生産を開始し、初年度の政府収入は1,030万米ドルだった ...


◆200929 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/3mWo8n3
PLN subsidiary to test biomass mixing on 15 coal power plants in 2020 - The Jakarta Post
State electricity company PLN's subsidiary, PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB), aims to complete biomass mixing tests on its 15 coal-fired power plants by the end of this year as the company vows to reduce its greenhouse gas footprint, ... division, Ardi Nugroho, said on Thursday that the company had conducted the bio-energy mixing study on 11 power plants and was ... He further said that biomass-mixing could significantly reduce Indonesia's coal power plant emissions at a low cost, ...

◆200929 ANTARA https://bit.ly/2HETMVU
Indonesia asks G20 to ensure energy market stability, affordability
We recommend that all G20 (members) work hand in hand to ensure the stability of the energy market and maintain (supply) affordability ... To overcome problems in the energy sector, he continued, Indonesia is promoting New and Renewable Energy (EBT) as an investment recovery project ... The initial formation of JODI was intended for global oil data and it began to expand its scope to the gas sector in 2008 ... PLN to increase renewable energy-based power plant capacity in 2020.

◆200929 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/3iamLgU
COVID-19 hits already struggling power firm - Tue, September 29 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit state-owned electricity giant PLN like a brick, adding to its problems over the past five years that have ... Analysts say PLN's financial circumstances put at immediate risk Indonesia's clean energy goals as the company is bogged down by the government's 35GW program, 60 percent of which is coal plants, while other virus-stricken economies shift away from the fossil fuel.

◆200929 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/3kVZBMP
Cash-strapped PLN steers away from green energy
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit state-owned electricity giant PLN like a brick, adding to its problems over the past five years that ... Analysts say PLN's financial circumstances put at immediate risk Indonesia's clean energy goals as the company is bogged down by the government's 35GW program, 60 percent of which is coal plants, while other virus-stricken economies shift away from the fossil fuel. ... PLN electricity debt subsidy green-energy renewable-energy coal-fired-power-plant.

◆200929 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/2S5XkSP
US grants $213-M aid to Philippines economy amid pandemic
MANILA, Philippines — The US is extending $213-million in aid to the Philippines' “economic development and growth” amid the pandemic. ... USAID's assistance for the Philippines was signed while the Duterte administration is ramping up borrowing to bridge a ... and promote family planning as well as the National Economic and Development Authority for environmental protection and energy security. ... Get more power, more style with the vivo Y20i – now available for preorder!

◆200929 Reuters India https://reut.rs/2Gfuflw
Philippines' Udenna eyes Shell's Malampaya gas stake, seeks PNOC tie-up
L 45% stake in the Malampaya gas-to-power project, in partnership with state-owned Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC). ... Energy Secretary and PNOC Chairman Alfonso Cusi said PNOC will study the Udenna tie-up proposal. ... Philippine waters, discovered and operated by Shell since 1991, supplies fuel to four power plants that deliver about a fifth of the country's electricity requirements.

◆200929 Natural Gas World https://bit.ly/33bWY3t
Philippines Okays First Gen LNG Import Terminal
The company stated that the project, and the early entry of LNG, will play a critical role in ensuring the energy security of the Luzon grid and the Philippines. The offshore Malampaya gas field is declining and gas supplies for the country's power ...



◆200929 newsclip.be https://bit.ly/3icxpUb
タイ、10月末まで非常事態宣言延長 | newsclip
【タイ】タイ政府は新型コロナウイルス感染症対策で強権的な措置を可能とする非常事態宣言の期限を9月末から10月末に1カ月間延長する。プラユット首相が議長を務める28日の新型コロナ対策会議で承認した。 タイ政府は3月26日に非常事態 ...

◆200929 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3kZV1gv
中国の長城汽車、21年からタイで完成車生産へ 年8万台見込む
スリヤ氏は、GWMの張佳明(Zhang Jiaming)副総裁が内燃エンジン車と電気自動車(EV)の生産ラインの整備と高度化を図る意向を示したと述べた。 GWMのタイ現地法人は、同社の登録資本金が226億バーツ(1バーツ=約3・3 ...

◆200929 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3kSGL9q
ベトナムのGDP、東南アジアで唯一成長維持と予想 S&P ...

◆200929 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2GeXwwG
ベトナムのコングロマリット(複合企業)、ベトナム投資グループ(ビングループ)は24日、北部クアンニン省カムファー市で「クアンハイン海岸観光サービス都市区」を着工した。24日付ダウトゥ電子版などが報じた。 基本計画によると、 ...

◆200929 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3l8oLbt
南部ソクチャン省で、風力発電所2カ所着工 ベトナム・電力 ...
ベトナム南部のソクチャン省ビンチャウ町で、風力発電所2カ所が着工した。完成は2021年第3四半期(7~9月)と見込まれる。28日付ベトナム・ニュース(VNS)電子版が伝えた。 ラックホア発電所とホアドン発電所の2カ所で、同省 ...

◆200929 newsclip.be https://bit.ly/3n36Zrw
ミャンマーで新型コロナ急拡大、感染者1.2万人 | newsclip

◆200929 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2HErESO
安倍政権が推進した「オールジャパン鉄道輸出」の悲惨な実態 円借款事業でも車両は海外メーカー製導入
案の定というほかない。9月9日、ミャンマーの現地紙ミャンマータイムズは、ミャンマー国鉄(MR)幹部の話として、日本が円借款事業として進める「ヤンゴン・マンダレー鉄道整備事業(フェーズII)」向けの電気式気動車180両をスペイン ...

◆200929 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3kYCMYO
ラオス、重い対外債務 中国と減免交渉、「債務のわな」懸念
【シンガポール=森浩】東南アジアの内陸国ラオスが対外債務の返済に苦しんでいる。中国主導による巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」に参加し、巨額の融資を受けてダムや鉄道などのインフラ整備を進めたが、主に中国に対する債務返済で負担が ...

◆200929 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/2G1wFo6
現時点の日本政府は、タイ・ベトナム・マレーシア・カンボジア・ラオス・ミャンマー・台湾との間において「レジデンストラック」の運用を開始しており、豪州、ニュージーランド、韓国、中国、香港、モンゴルとの間で実施に向けた協議を ...


◆200929 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/36ei2bF
MRC releases new guidelines for Mekong hydropower ...
The Sesan II hydropower dam in Stung Treng province. ... The Mekong River Commission (MRC) released new guidelines yesterday assessing the risks of hydropower ... This is the third volume of Hydropower Mitigation Guidelines, and the themes include river hydrology and downstream ... project locations, adopting alternative project scales such as lower dams and using alternative energy sources.

◆200929 Asia Times https://bit.ly/30g5LiV
China stands behind vaccine programs despite doubts
Beijing has pledged vaccine donation and adequate supply with deep discounts to Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and other countries along the Mekong River as well as to a number of African nations from Morocco to Mauritius.

◆200929 Foreign Affairs https://fam.ag/2GlkxOd
Climate Change Doesn't Have to Stoke Conflict
Consider the dispute among Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Nile River. ... And in the Mekong River basin, tensions continue to simmer among downstream states grappling with a combination of drought, floods, and opaque water management ... Predictably, the droughts caused desertification and altered the balance of power between farmers and herders.

◆200929 The Asset https://bit.ly/30gBwst
ADB supports Thailand green bonds for Covid-19 recovery
The strategy will also focus on rebuilding regional cooperation through the Greater Mekong sub-region programme and other platforms. ... The projects include a 5 billion baht purchase of the initial five-year and seven-year green bonds by B.Grimm Power PCL in 2018. ... ADB also purchased a 3-billion baht tranche in the first green bond issuance of 10 billion baht by Energy Absolute PCL in 2019.

◆200929 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/3kTCBOC
Travel for power: Pandemic drives Thailand to focus tourism on wellness, therapy
Travel for power: Pandemic drives Thailand to focus tourism on wellness, therapy ... Thailand — one of the most visited countries in Asia for tourism — is a premier spot for Power Spot Tourism, containing ... Thailand is composed of a multitude of “power spots,” a term used to refer to the sources of natural energy around ... Next, get close to tourist attractions near the river, where the steady stream of the river inspires tourists to go with the flow and allow relieve their spirits of inhibition.

◆200929 Argus Media https://bit.ly/2GiAbKx
Vietnam power sector's LNG demand set to soar
Demand for LNG from Vietnam's power sector is set to reach 8.5mn t/yr by 2030, the country's industry ministry said today. ... Demand from the power sector for coal imports is also set to rise to 35.1mn t in 2025 and 45mn t in 2030. ... nominal import capacity and may suggest limited utilisation if these are commissioned, unless substantial city gas and industrial ... year, hit by lower volumes and values of LNG and thermal coal because of the Covid-19 pandemic, government commodity ...

◆200929 Geopoliticalmonitor.com https://bit.ly/3kTDEOy
Closer India-Vietnam Relations: Implications for Southeast Asia
Commodities · Economy · Energy Security · Environment · Military · Politics ... India-Vietnam relations are one of the most crucial bilateral relations India has in Southeast Asia. ... Hanoi has been granting Indian oil firm ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) extensions to explore oil block 128 which is an area of dispute between China and Vietnam in the South China Sea. ... As a major power in Asia, India will have to take and make decisions that reflect its evolving security and national interest.

◆200929 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/33as0sp
South China Sea Watch: China holds drills amid new tensions
The waters are a major commercial shipping route and are rich in fish and possible oil and gas reserves. ___ ... The Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam have also engaged in push-back against Chinese claims and actions in the area, while ...

◆200929 World Highways https://bit.ly/36jApvJ
Vietnam bridge project commencing
The 2.2km bridge will span the Dong Nai River and carry three lanes of traffic in either direction, forming part of the project to construct Ring Road No3 and boosting transport around Ho Chi Minh City. Ring Road No3 is being built in four ...

◆200929 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/3jfGexO
Project to recover historic To Lich River
Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - A company has proposed building a history and culture complex near part of the To Lich River which runs through western side of Hanoi city by 2026. The Nhat Viet Company recently made a proposal to the Hanoi authorities to recover the river, which was once one of ... This project is good and feasible, according to Professor Dang Huy Huynh, former head of the Vietnam Academy of ...

◆200929 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3icC5JZ
US and China lock horns over Mekong River data management
The Mekong originates in southern China and courses over 4,000 km through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam before emptying into the South China Sea. China recently announced a plan to create a system ...

◆200929 SteelGuru https://bit.ly/2S4wIli
Wartsila Solution for 200 MW Electricite du Cambodge C7 ...
Wartsila Solution for 200 MW Electricite du Cambodge C7 Power Plant in Cambodia ... The EDC C7 power plant is playing an important role in meeting Cambodia's electricity shortage. ... to deliver the needed grid stability as Cambodia continues to utilise an increasing share of renewable energy, in particular solar power. ... Sep 21,2020 · JinkoSolar Supports ENEOS to Build Gas Station PV Power Plant in Japan Published on - Sep 21,2020 · Government Invests in ...

◆200929 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/33dmDZQ
US firms seeks investment opportunities in energy, natural gas ...
Large U.S firms have sought investment opportunities in the areas of oil, natural gas and renewable energy in Cambodia, according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy. The intention was revealed in a virtual meeting on ...

◆200929 Power Engineering Magazine https://bit.ly/3n1K3cb
Wärtsilä signs 5-year maintenance deal for 200MW ...
The EDC C7 power plant is playing an important role in meeting Cambodia's electricity shortage. ... the needed grid stability as Cambodia continues to utilise an increasing share of renewable energy, in particular solar power.

◆200929 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/2GjVw64
The Last Farewell to the Mighty Mekong
The miracle of the Mekong, where the pulsating force of the monsoon-driven river every year pushes its ... The Tonle Sap crisis has also been greatly exacerbated by the two Lao dams – the Xayaburi dam and the Don ... These cycles of high debt and low fish catch can only be repeated so many times before the economy around the lake ... Thailand has one of the highest energy surpluses in the region, bringing in 40 percent more electricity than actual consumption.

◆200929 World Bank Group https://bit.ly/3ifAWRE
Enabling ecotourism development in Cambodia
Cambodia's tourism industry is a key contributor to its economic growth. It provides a sizable contribution to Cambodia's economy (21 percent of GDP in 2019), which has been on the rise for the past ten years. The ecotourism ...

◆200929 The Taiwan Times https://bit.ly/3n10oOw
China Dominates Myanmar Renewables Tender, Winning 29 ...
When the winning bidders for 30 sites being developed as one of Myanmar's largest ever solar power projects were ... Myanmar's Ministry of Electricity and Energy working in the ministry's Hydropower and Renewable Energy Section said.

◆200929 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/2HBJW73
Bangladesh Deploys Troops on Myanmar’s Border
News Burma Politics Ethnic Issues Asia World Business Business Roundup Economy Money Election 2020 Elections in History ... Myanmar's military spokesman, Major General Zaw Min Tun, said Myanmar's armed forces were taking action to ... Myanmar's military has recently beefed up security along the border, citing increased activities by the Arakan Army (AA) and ... It won't say anything if Myanmar's navy patrols on the Mayu River but it appears the navy patrolled on the Naf River, ...

◆200929 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3n3dZ7M
Myanmar attracts over US$5 bln foreign investment in 11 ...
During the period, the power sector attracted most investment capital with over 1.67 billion U.S. dollars, followed by manufacturing and real estate. From 1988-89 FY to 2019-20 FY, Myanmar earned investment capital of over 86.8 billion U.S. ...

◆200929 The Daily Chronicle https://bit.ly/3kYBygy
Laos Power Market, Size, Share, Outlook and Growth ...
Laos Power market research report provides present and future market trends amongst the several industrial sectors like transportation, new materials, energy, chemicals, daily consumer goods and more. Laos Power market report also defines ...

◆200929 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3i9IxB9
Laos backs multilateralism to address global challenges: PM ...
VIENTIANE, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith has voiced support for international cooperation under the United Nations framework, believing this international mechanism remains relevant to preserving world peace ...

◆200929 The Star Online https://bit.ly/30g2dgK
Lao PM calls for stronger public-private ties to overcome ...
Lao PM calls for stronger public-private ties to overcome economic slump ... LAOS, Sept 28 (Vientiane Times/ANN) - Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith told business operators on Friday that it was ... saying that the pandemic threatened the lives of millions as well as the global economy, with the number of infections ...



◆200928 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/2S1aO2k
中国語教育強化 少数民族の抑圧は許されない
少数民族による分離・独立運動への警戒から、新疆ウイグル、チベットの両自治区で、当局が統制と標準語教育を強めているのと同じ構図ではないか。 中国には全人口の9割を占める漢族と55の少数民族がいる。中国政府は、標準語教育は ...

◆200928 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/309WSaz
内モンゴル自治区 中国語教育強化に抗議の保護者ら 当局に拘束
その一環として、少数民族への中国語教育に力を入れ、今回の内モンゴル自治区と同様の措置は、民族政策への不満が根強くある新疆ウイグル自治区とチベット自治区で2017年以降、相次いで導入されています。 中国語による授業は「国語」の ...

◆200928 ニコニコニュース https://bit.ly/3kVtey6
中国に国連の規定を守るつもりがあるんなら天安門・チベット・ウイグルみたいな事起きてねーよ. UniIkuradon. 約11時間前. このユーザーのコメントを非表示. それな. 先制攻撃して負けたら合法から違法に変わることもあるのだが理解してる ...

◆200928 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/30d0w3K
スリランカへ10億ドルの通貨スワップ検討 インド・金融
インドはスリランカに対し、10億米ドル(約1,056億円)相当の通貨スワップの追加提供を検討している。両政府の首相が出席したオンラインでの二国間サミットで明らかになった。インド外務省が26日発表した。 通貨スワップは緊急時に ...

◆200928 Funeco https://bit.ly/3n55B8b
護衛艦かが、いかづち、スリランカ海軍哨戒艦「ガジャバフ ...
訓練は、海上自衛隊の戦術技量の向上、スリランカ海軍との連携強化を目的に実施されたもので、スリランカ海軍からは哨戒艦「ガジャバフ」が参加、戦術運動などが実施された。訓練は、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)への必要な ...


◆200928 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/342S48m
Over 70 hot springs identified in Uttarakhand and HP for power generation
Over 70 hot springs in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh with potential to generate electricity, have been identified by the ... 40 hot springs in Uttarakhand and 35 in Himachal Pradesh, where thermal energy from the springs can be used to generate electricity. ... Similar is the status of power generation potential of hot springs identified in Himachal Pradesh. ... WIHG's study of gas emissions from Himalayan geothermal springs has shown that they discharge a significant quantum of ...

◆200928 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/3i7VETu
Oli-Dahal hold talks in Baluwatar ahead of 'emergency ...
PM Oli and co-chair Dahal have held multiple meetings discussing 'restructuring' of the current cabinet in a bid to address the power-balance between factions within the party. However, according to sources, they are yet to strike a consensus ...

◆200928 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3kS0je3
How China Continues To Undermine India's interests In The ...
Geopolitics in India China relations is not only limited to land disputes or competition in the oceans but also river ... in the Tibetan Plateau surrounding the river since 1958 when Chairman Mao giving ideas regarding the Three Gorges Dam ... between India and China over Brahmaputra is primarily driven by construction of hydropower power projects by China as ... the two nations plan to extend their strategic partnership, particularly in the areas of defence, nuclear energy and trade ...

◆200928 Tibet Sun https://bit.ly/3i4ruAt
Indian Army geared up for battling both China, harsh winters
The entire territory spread from Eastern Ladakh to the Tibetan plateau occupied by the Chinese forces is suitable for the operations ... High calorie and nutritious ration, fuel, oil and lubricants, special winter clothing, winter tentage, and heating ...

◆200928 Global Times https://bit.ly/30eoGL1
China-Nepal relations robust despite fake Indian media reports: Nepalese Ambassador
We are not inclined to any of the ideological groups or any sort of power. The Indian media may be biased or they have ... GT: Nepal shares a long border with Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous region. How do you evaluate cooperation ...

◆200928 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/2GgD3Hy
Russia expanding influence in India and Sri Lanka
India is a rising regional power being a UN Security Council member and its southern neighbour Sri Lanka is ... in the Tibetan Plateau surrounding the river since 1958 when Chairman Mao giving ideas regarding the Three Gorges Dam ...

◆200928 The Kashmir Images Newspaper https://bit.ly/3kTCP8k
Fire breaks out at Shalimar Gas Service Baramulla
Baramulla: Fire broke out in the administrative office of Shalimar Gas Service -an HP cooking gas agencies in Baramulla and engulfed a computer institute CISR and its lab housed in the first floor of the shopping complex near Uri Bus stand in ...

◆200928 Minneapolis Star Tribune http://strib.mn/2HD6ZhZ
Pakistan says Indian fire kills 1 soldier in Kashmir
Kashmir is split between the nuclear-armed rivals and both claim it in its entirety. They have fought two wars over Kashmir since their independence from British colonial rule in 1947. Tensions soared in February 2019, when a ...

◆200928 The News International https://bit.ly/336gdeM
Notices issued to irrigation secy, Sepa on plea against di charge of contaminated water into Indus
The Sindh High Court (SHC) has issued notices to the Sindh irrigation secretary and others on a petition against the discharge of contaminated water of Manchhar Lake in the Indus River. The petitioner, Mehmood Akhtar Naqvi, submitted in ...

◆200928 The News International https://bit.ly/2HDa1mj
What value does Diamer Bhasha Dam provide to Pakistan?
With the Pakistan prime minister kicking off construction for Diamer-Bhasha Dam in July, questions arise of the positive ... 50 million Pakistanis lack access to grid electricity, causes the country to rank 115th out of 137 for reliable power. ... modern hydro turbines can convert up to 90% of energy into electricity, making hydropower the most efficient electricity generation method. ... Furthermore, due to the nature of the Indus River, India fears that this dam would result in water shortages.

◆200928 The Times of India Blog https://bit.ly/309CcQ8
Must focus on harnessing Indus Water Treaty better
Indus Water treaty (IWT) has survived three wars and unabated proxy war, logging 50 years, of uneasy existence on September ... for not leveraging upper riparian status and bartering away rights of three western rivers (Indus, Jhelum and Chenab), ... Faced with similar challenge, iron brother of Pakistan, China has carried out blasts in Sanmenxia dam, to flush out silt. ... resolution mechanisms-arbitration and even ICJ, it has only managed some minor tweaking, on run of river projects ...

◆200928 The Weather Channel https://bit.ly/3mW0AOR
World Rivers Day: Some Amazing Facts on the Mighty ...
Among all, the Ganga is one of the largest flowing rivers in the country, while the other mighty rivers include the Godavari, Krishna, Brahmaputra, and Indus. Here are some most interesting facts about the rivers flowing in India: The sacred river.

◆200928 The News International https://bit.ly/30fHZnc
Water being discharged from main dams to meet late Kharif needs
The position of the river inflows and outflows at Tarbela, Mangla and Chashma along with the reservoirs levels and the barrages recorded Sunday is as under: Rivers: Indus at Tarbela: Inflows 80700 cusecs and Outflows 85000 cusecs, Kabul ...

◆200928 Business Standard https://bit.ly/3i8pgAm
Power plants, consumers agree to substitute imported coal with CIL
Southern India power plants and NRS consumers, who are importing coal at present, have been approached based on the logic that MCL's coal is quite comparable with imported coal as per Gross Calorific Value land cost analysis, the Coal India (CIL) arm said in a report. ... will be replaced by electric-driven vehicle and this will significantly reduce the requirement of importing oil and save a lot of forex, it said. ... Govt to do away with mandatory washing of coal for thermal power units ...

◆200928 CIMSEC https://bit.ly/3idywTv
Sea Control 201 - The China-India Maritime Balance of Power
By Jared Samuelson. To conclude Regional Strategy Topic Week, Abhijit Singh and Collin Koh join the program to discuss the maritime balance of power between India and China to include a brief history of India-China relations, the recent ...

◆200928 Business Insider India https://bit.ly/3i7YKH6
On World Tourism Day, India’s Oil Minister asks prime tourist cities in the country to completely switch to cl
Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan on Sunday called for the prime tourist cities in the country to completely switch to clean fuels . Addressing a virtual meet on the occasion of World Tourism Day , along with ...

◆200928 Livemint https://bit.ly/2S83KAQ
O2 Power, Ayana in fray to buy 305MW solar assets of Azure
Investors' interest in India's green energy space continues, with the country's electricity demand catching up with pre-covid levels. Also, an ... O2 Power is a $500-million renewable energy platform in India that is targeting around 4 GW of solar and wind assets. ... Also, payments delay and transmission and connectivity related challenges persist. ... Malaysia's state-run oil and gas company, Petroliam Nasional Bhd, or Petronas, is also looking to acquire around 10% stake in Tata Power ...

◆200928 DNA India https://bit.ly/3mYPwk4
World Tourism Day: Top destinations set to power India's tourism industry back on track
Here are the top destinations set to power the country's tourism industry back on track. Jaipur, followed by Goa and Kochi is set to become India's top leisure destinations in October, November and December 2020. Also read.

◆200928 The News International https://bit.ly/2FWkoRS
What value does Diamer Bhasha Dam provide to Pakistan?
With the Pakistan prime minister kicking off construction for Diamer-Bhasha Dam in July, questions arise of the positive ... 50 million Pakistanis lack access to grid electricity, causes the country to rank 115th out of 137 for reliable power. ... in all components of the chain, from fuel supply, electricity generation, transmission and distribution and down to consumers. ... that modern hydro turbines can convert up to 90% of energy into electricity, making hydropower the most efficient electricity ...

◆200928 Technology Times Pakistan https://bit.ly/3i9pRBB
Pakistan Plans To Start Renewable Energy Production By 2030
World Bank grants access to finances for various projects, including the KP Hydropower and Renewable Energy Production ... the carbon footprint, Pakistan set an objective to become a renewable energy reliant and producing country by 2030. ... friendly production of energy—with hydropower and solar power being looked at as the primary target for investment. Additionally, the uplifting prospects of the various projects to be initiated by the government stand to make electricity a ...

◆200928 The New York Times https://nyti.ms/2ShC50N
Pakistan’s Most Terrifying Adversary Is Climate Change
Local papers estimated that with Karachi at a standstill for a week, in some congested areas for longer, Pakistan's ... The result will be catastrophic: By 2050, the increased melting will result in landslides, heavy flooding, dam bursts and soil erosion. ... Pakistan is responsible for less than 1 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, but its people will bear the burden of ... The rich might buy generators for electricity, pay for water tanks and rely on expensive hospitals, but the poor will ...

◆200928 https://www.nepal24hours.com https://bit.ly/3cCxKi3
Banks investing Rs 5.18 billion in Upper Chameliya Hydro ...
An agreement between project promoter Api Power Company and representatives from banks and financial institutions ... Himalayan Bank, Employee's Provident Fund, Rastriya Banijya Bank, Nepal Bank, Nepal Bangladesh Bank and Century ...

◆200928 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/3jlpdCk
NTPC synchronises one more unit of 3,300 megawatt power plant in Bihar with grid
NTPC synchronises one more unit of 3,300 megawatt power plant in Bihar with grid ... unit of its supercritical thermal power plant in Bihar with the grid, which would help the commercial generation of electricity from it. The power producer has been setting up five units with 660 MW capacity each, spread across 3,200 acres of land at Barh in Patna district. ... per cent coal, 4.6 per cent gas, 1.5 per cent nuclear, and 28.5 per cent renewable energy, including hydel generation capacity.

◆200928 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/3cDvTtd
NTPC invites bids for biomass pellet procurement for thermal plants
New Delhi: State-run NTPC has invited bids for procurement of biomass pellets for its various thermal plants on domestic ... the power generation potential of the entire 145 MMTPA biomass burnt through co-firing in coal-based power plants is ... MW of round-the-clock generation of renewable power which can produce the same amount of electrical energy as can be ... coal, 4.6 per cent gas, 1.5 per cent nuclear, and 28.5 per cent renewable energy, including hydel generation capacity.

◆200928 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/343jPgV
How China Continues To Undermine India's interests In The ...
Geopolitics in India China relations is not only limited to land disputes or competition in the oceans but also river disputes ... Following the construction of this dam, the Chinese government turned its focus to the Yarlung Tsangpo river projects, ... between India and China over Brahmaputra is primarily driven by construction of hydropower power projects by China as ... the two nations plan to extend their strategic partnership, particularly in the areas of defence, nuclear energy and trade ...

◆200928 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/36bvInD
Keeping tourism alive
Meanwhile, municipal and industrial pollution is significantly degrading the quality of prime river and lake destinations such as ... Bhutan's tourism strategy of low volume high value tourism was the one that was adopted by the UK and other ...

◆200928 Africanews English https://bit.ly/36aNS91
Mauritius still evaluating Oil Spill damage
The rich fishing grounds and sensitive marine habitats have been severly damaged by the oil. ... Following a second Oil spill a few weeks after in Sri Lanka, Mauritius Prime Minister Jugnaut has called for a regional response to be put in action ...

◆200928 The Wire https://bit.ly/2S6z2s8
India-Sri Lanka Talks: Amidst Constitution Concern, Modi Calls for Safeguarding Tamils' Rights
India-Sri Lanka Talks: Amidst Constitution Concern, Modi Calls for Safeguarding Tamils' Rights ... New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday asked Sri Lanka to fully implement the 13th amendment as Sri Lankan ... The 13th amendment, which introduced devolution of power to provincial councils, was a result of the 1987 India-Sri Lanka Accord. ... Coast Guard in controlling the engine fire on MT New Diamond that was carrying a crude oil cargo of 270,000 metric tonnes.

◆200928 Tamil Guardian https://bit.ly/338hSRd
Editorial - Rajapaksa shifts up a gear
Within weeks of his party sweeping parliamentary polls, Gotabaya Rajapaksa rapidly produced the long-promised 20th Amendment to Sri Lanka's constitution, which seeks to further concentrate power into the executive presidency he ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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