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2020年10月1日 日本人を騙すならともかく,ラオスの人々を重債務に落とすとは許せない




ラオス、重い対外債務 中国と減免交渉、「債務のわな」懸念







◆201001 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/33g2i64
米国と台湾が共同インフラ計画で連携 中国の一帯一路に対抗へ
一帯一路は中国を欧州とアジア、その他の地域をつなぐために、道路や鉄道、施設を建設する計画。米国は、中国が「債務のわな」に各国をはめる策略だという疑念を抱いているが、中国はこれを否定している。 台湾にある米国の代表機関で、事実上の大使 ... 戦略性を失った習近平「四面楚歌」外交の末路 · ・世界が激怒する中国「犬肉祭り」の ... 北朝鮮の韓国乗組員射殺で「終戦宣言を」の文在寅に… 7 ...

◆201001 ロイター https://bit.ly/347aCEc
[台北 30日 ロイター] - 米国と台湾の当局者は30日、両国がインド洋・太平洋地域と中南米のインフラ計画で協力すると述べた。中国の広域経済圏構想「一帯一路」に暗に対抗した形だ。 一帯一路は中国を欧州とアジア、その他の ...
詳細 · 13時間前

◆201001 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3l8j7WN
【北京=三塚聖平】中国の国連代表部の報道官は29日に発表した談話で、クラフト米国連大使が台湾の国連復帰を支持する考えを示したことについて、「中国の主権と領土保全を損なう言論」だと非難した。その上で「強烈な不満と断固とした ...

◆201001 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/3iitTb3
米国は経済戦争で中国共産党の転換を図る エコノミック ...
例えば米国は、2015年にイランとの核合意*がなされるまで、イランの銀行と取引する外国金融機関と米金融機関とのドル決済を禁止する制裁を科していました。こうした取り組みとエコノミック・ステイトクラフトは何が違うのでしょうか。 * ...

◆201001 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/36nYOk2
習近平主席「考古学で良好な国際世論を作り出す」(テレビ ...
中国の習近平国家主席は中国共産党の会合で「考古学を通して良好な国際世論を作り出さねばならない」との考えを示しました。 国営中央テレビによりますと、習主席は考古学に関する中国共産党の学習会に参加して「考古学には社会的・ ...

◆201001 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/33iGjvm
中国で国慶節の連休スタート リベンジ旅行は「遠くて、景観 ...
新型コロナウイルスの影響で遠出を控えていた中国人にとっては「リベンジ旅行」となり、およそ6億人もの人々が国内旅行に繰り出す見込みだ。 今年は北西部への旅行が人気. 中国の大手旅行会社、シートリップ(携程旅行)と中国旅行ホテル ...

◆201001 JBpress https://bit.ly/2SfFrBi
9月半ば、中国の習近平国家主席がドイツのアンゲラ・メルケル首相と会談する予定になっていた日の2日前になって、中国はドイツからの豚肉輸入を全面停止した。 表向きの理由は、ドイツのイノシシが1匹、アフリカ豚コレラ(ASF)で死んだ ...

◆201001 ダイヤモンド・オンライン https://bit.ly/34bQNf3
留学中から中国関連ニュースサイト「KINBRICKS NOW」を運営。2020年2月よりダイヤモンド編集部特任アナリスト。19年8月刊行の『幸福な監視国家・中国』(神戸大学梶谷懐教授との共著、NHK出版新書)は、習近平政権下における ...

◆201001 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3jkbeNn
中国は旧ソ連と類似した「世代の脅威」-米議会共和党タスク ...
チャイナ・タスクフォースは中国を冷戦時代のソ連に類似する「世代の脅威」と呼び、中国共産党による人権侵害と「透明性でなく隠蔽(いんぺい)と拘束、責任転嫁」に依拠した新型コロナウイルスの初期対応も批判した。 タスクフォースの ...



◆201001 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2Sh3K1L
邦銀に石炭火力からの撤退求める声多数、意識調査で ...
MARKET FORCES=福澤恵) 日本のメガバンクが気候変動対策への取り組みを強化し、石炭火力発電への融資を止めるよう国際社会の圧力が強まる中、6月に開催されたみずほフィナンシャルグループの株主総会では、気候変動に関する日本初 ...

◆201001 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2EOkESh
ドバイ原油・1日午前、上昇 41.60ドル前後
原油でアジア市場の指標となる中東産ドバイ原油のスポット価格は1日午前、上昇した。取引の中 ...

◆201001 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3jkJnMO
NY商品、原油が反発 米在庫減で 金は反落
WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の11月物は前日比0.93ドル(2.4%)高の1バレル40.22ドルで取引を終えた。市場予想に反して米国の原油在庫が減り、需給の引き締まりが意 ...

◆201001 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2SbVNef
三菱パワー、ヒンコン火力発電所に設備供給 タイ・電力 ...

◆201001 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/34hVVP3
バクリエウ省、LNG発電所でFDI首位 ベトナム・電力 ...
同省が誘致したのは1件のみだが、シンガポール企業による40億米ドル(約4,220億円)の液化天然ガス(LNG)火力発電所計画が寄与した。… 関連国・地域: ベトナム. 関連業種: 電力・ガス・水道. の記事は有料サービスご契約者様限定 ...



◆201001 people.com.cn https://bit.ly/2SclBqm
地下鉄の給電とエネルギー消費を減らすにはどうするべきだろうか。地下鉄乗車時に急に停電したらどうするか。このほど北京交通大学への取材によると、同大学の科学研究者が独自に開発した地上型スーパーコンデンサ・バッテリー混合蓄 ...

◆201001 EVsmartブログ https://bit.ly/2HBjjPB
ガーナで新車価格約183万円の中国製EVが発売されました。所得が比較的低く、自動車の普及率も高くないアフリカで、中国製の安価なEVが市場を変える可能性が出てきました。『CleanTechnica』から全文翻訳記事をお届けします。 ガーナ ...

◆201001 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/3n6bNN3
建設中の石炭火力発電所をどうするか、CO 2 の分離回収技術の実現など、課題も多く具体的な道筋は見えない。 国連総会一般討論でビデオ演説する習近平国家主席。2060年までにカーボンニュートラルを目指す目標 ...

◆201001 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/36k4OKi
中国EVスタートアップ、コロナショックから活気取り戻す 好調なテスラが刺激
中国で電気自動車(EV)を手掛けるスタートアップ企業が、活気を取り戻している。原動力は米EV・大手 ... 中国のEV市場は、政府の「新エネルギー車(NEV)」購入補助制度に後押しされ、世界最速の急成長を遂げてきた。しかし、昨年は ...

◆201001 朝日新聞社 https://bit.ly/3cIgtE4
焦点:中国EVスタートアップに活気戻る、好調なテスラが刺激 - ロイターニュース - 経済
北京 25日 ロイター] - 中国で電気自動車(EV)を手掛けるスタートアップ企業が、活気を取り戻している。原動力は米EV・大手テスラ<TSLA.O>の好調ぶりだ。 中国では、テスラ車の滑らかなデザインと最先端技術への人気が高まって ...


◆201001 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/36sPgUy
China balks at U.S. efforts for nuclear arms talks
The emerging strategic rivalry, however, is between the U.S. as the weakening hegemon and China as the rising comprehensive national power. This is why Washington decided it could no longer ignore the nuclear challenge to its interests in ...

◆201001 World Politics Review https://bit.ly/3ihXBwR
Xi's Climate Pledge Is Really About China's Energy Security
Renewable energy is largely generated in western and northern China, but mainly consumed in the densely populated east of the country. ... While storage and ultra-high voltage transmission could help resolve those issues, they raise other questions about ... Since China's electricity is largely coal-generated, the vehicles aren't much cleaner than gasoline vehicles. ... The nuclear power plant in Ningde, in Fujian province—one of 48 in China—may point to Xi's personal support for ...

◆201001 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/3cJHR4u
China Is Ready To Give Iran's Oil Industry A Major Boost ...
The Phase 2 production target of at least 71,500 bpd - plus around 80 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd) – is due to be reached by the end of this Iranian calendar year (ending on 20 March 2021, Gregorian calendar equivalent), ...

◆201001 Big News Network https://bit.ly/2GssjWY
China to continue to open new coal mines despite carbon ...
With China adding new mines and power plants through 2025, the fuel will continue to dominate the country's power sector, ... China Resources Power Holdings and the China Huaneng Group have invested aggressively in renewable energy in recent ... Meanwhile the country is set to expand coal electricity capacity by more than 10% to 1 200 gigawatts by 2025, ... Marketing News · Media News · Mining & Metals · Movies News · Music News · Oil & Gas News · Pharmaceutical News ...

◆201001 S&P Global https://bit.ly/3cNdgTS
China proposal to replace coal in over 7 million homes may ...
Singapore — China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment proposes to replace coal with clean energy as feedstock in ... National Energy Bureau, provincial governments, as well as major state-owned oil, gas, coal and electricity companies, for comment. ... The plan aimed to curb air pollution in China, especially around the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regions, the Yangtze River ... and events. Biomass; Carbon; Emissions; LNG; Natural Gas; Nuclear; Price Risk; Renewables; Thermal Coal ...

◆201001 NavyTimes.com https://bit.ly/3iiMnYX
Navy conducts show of air power in the Indo-Pacific, another ...
Navy conducts show of air power in the Indo-Pacific, another message to China. Harm Venhuizen. 14 hours ago.

◆201001 reNEWS https://bit.ly/3n0B2Ap
Vestas wins 99MW order in China
Light Source People Renewable Energy Job Opportunities · SeaRenergy. Onshore & Offshore Wind Job Opportunities · ERSG Onshore/Offshore Wind Job Opportunities · Prysmian Group MAKE IT - A manufacturing career at Prysmian Group ...

◆201001 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/3jitsi5
Debt, Zombies, And Geopolitics China's Belt And Road Initiative During COVID
By signing up to our newsletter, you agree for your email address to be shared with our third party mail providers. Most Commented. Alt text. Natural Gas Will Rule The US Energy Market ...



◆201001 時事通信 https://bit.ly/30nZuSy
菅首相、来月ベトナム訪問へ 初外遊、インドネシアも

◆201001 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/33h0f1o
8月の貿易収支、黒字継続も黒字額は減少、国内産業に与える ...
インドネシア中央統計庁(BPS)は9月15日、8月の輸出額が前月比4.6%減の130億6,920万ドルとなった一方、輸入額は2.7%増の107億4,180万 ... 品目別の輸出額は、石油・ガスと非石油・ガスでそれぞれ前月比10.0%減、4.3%減だった。

◆201001 地震NEWS(合同会社イイチロ) https://bit.ly/3kZKlPa
フィリピンにおける今回の地震について. 日本時間2020年10月01日07:10 M5.3 フィリピン(深さ約10km). フィリピンでM5.0以上 ...

◆201001 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3l1JkpF
首都圏の水供給量下げ、ダム水位低下で フィリピン・電力 ...
フィリピン国家水資源委員会(NWRB)は9月29日、マニラ首都圏の水がめであるアンガットダム(ブラカン州)からマニラ首都圏水道局(MWSS)への原水供給割当量を、これまでの毎秒46立方メートルから同44立方メートルに ...

◆201001 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/36n4QRW
地方電化に予算不足、90億ペソ追加要求へ フィリピン ...
フィリピン・エネルギー省傘下の国家電力管理庁(NEA)は、地方電化計画を推進するため、2021年度に90億ペソ(約196億円)の追加予算を政府に求める方針だ。9月30日付マニラタイムズが伝えた。 NEAは21年度予算として108億 ...


◆201001 GlobeNewswire https://bit.ly/33fczzp
The Indonesia power generation EPC market is expected to ...
The Indonesia power generation EPC market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 2.5% during the forecast period of 2020-2025 ... Conventional Thermal Power is the power that is generated through various sources such as coal, natural gas, and oil. ... Coal contributed approximately 66% to the conventional thermal power electricity generation, producing 156.4 ... Energy sources contributing to the country's energy generation include coal, natural gas, wind, hydro, geothermal, ...

◆201001 ThinkGeoEnergy https://bit.ly/3icU6Ys
Pertamina Geothermal Energy wins three awards at IAGI ...
The award is given to companies that consistently carry out exploration activities in the fields of Oil and Gas, Mineral, Coal, Geothermal in Indonesia. PGE won awards in the geothermal sector, namely Best Category, Best Technical Discovery, ...

◆201001 Power Engineering International https://bit.ly/2SaBL3M
Karpowership launches first LNG-to-power project in Indonesia
The LNG-to-power project is part of a gas supply agreement signed with government-owned electricity company Perusahaan Listrik Negara Gas and Geothermal (PLN), that provide the LNG via PT Pertamina, an Indonesian state-owned oil ...

◆201001 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/30miLDW
RI to break long-term green energy promises at current pace: IESR - The Jakarta Post
A recent study by the institute predicted that in such a business-as-usual situation, renewable energy would make up only 23 ... At the current pace, renewable sources will provide 15 percent of Indonesia's energy by 2025, well short of the targeted ... The government policy emphasizes the use of bioenergy, particularly palm oil-mixed biodiesel, to meet RUEN targets. ... The IESR study offered a best-case scenario where the government phased out coal-fired power plants, causing the ...

◆201001 Energy Voice https://bit.ly/3kZLCWs
Philippines eyes first LNG imports in 2022 as Shell seeks exit ...
The Philippines is accelerating plans to import LNG, as Shell seeks to exit the country's largest gas field, creating more uncertainty for ... Philippines' energy security, particularly as the Shell-operated Malampaya field, which supplies the country's gas-fired power ... Subsequently, Udenna sold 15% of its equity to state-backed Philippines National Oil Company (PNOC). ... of more gas-fired power instead of coal in the Philippines, which has some of the highest electricity prices in Asia.

◆201001 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2HEhX6I
DOE swamped with 13217MW solar project applications
Others in the list are: Santa Cruz Solar Energy Inc., ET Energy Island Corp., Bulacan Solar Energy Corp., Team (Philippines) Renewable Energy Corporation, Manresa Power Corporation, PowerSource First Bulacan Solar Inc., CMP Green ...

◆201001 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/3igwan1
Phase out coal, church leaders urge
MANILA, Philippines — Over 80 dioceses and 69 out of the 85 diocesan social action centers in the country have called on various ... and Energy for the Earth” as part of this year's Season of Creation to push for clean and renewable energy. ... has largely been dependent on coal, the cheapest fuel option but the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. ... in high electricity rates, unstable power supply and bad investments both for the government and private energy players.

◆201001 Nasdaq https://bit.ly/33ikiwM
Shell Puts Up Stakes in Malampaya Gas Project for Sale
A local unit is considering selling its 45% interest in the Malampaya gas-to-power project in the Philippines. ... The discovery of Malampaya's natural gas was made by Shell in 1991 which fuels four power plants satisfying about 20% of the country's electricity demands. ... to cut down cost of producing oil and gas by 40% to save cash and reinvest and focus more on renewable energy and power markets.

◆201001 Asia Times https://bit.ly/3l387Kc
Facebook finally blocks Duterte’s army of trolls
MANILA – Similar to right-wing populists around the world, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has been among the ... has also exposed China's expanding “sharp power” operations to disrupt democracies, including the Philippines, which is ...

◆201001 Upstream Online https://bit.ly/30mjsx2
Philippines floating LNG regas unit tender on the horizon
Local conglomerate First Gen will soon launch the tender for what is expected to be the Philippines' first liquefied natural gas floating storage and regasification unit. Wholly owned subsidiary ...



◆200929 newsclip.be https://bit.ly/3icxpUb
タイ、10月末まで非常事態宣言延長 | newsclip
【タイ】タイ政府は新型コロナウイルス感染症対策で強権的な措置を可能とする非常事態宣言の期限を9月末から10月末に1カ月間延長する。プラユット首相が議長を務める28日の新型コロナ対策会議で承認した。 タイ政府は3月26日に非常事態 ...

◆200929 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3kZV1gv
中国の長城汽車、21年からタイで完成車生産へ 年8万台見込む
スリヤ氏は、GWMの張佳明(Zhang Jiaming)副総裁が内燃エンジン車と電気自動車(EV)の生産ラインの整備と高度化を図る意向を示したと述べた。 GWMのタイ現地法人は、同社の登録資本金が226億バーツ(1バーツ=約3・3 ...

◆200929 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3kSGL9q
ベトナムのGDP、東南アジアで唯一成長維持と予想 S&P ...

◆200929 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2GeXwwG
ベトナムのコングロマリット(複合企業)、ベトナム投資グループ(ビングループ)は24日、北部クアンニン省カムファー市で「クアンハイン海岸観光サービス都市区」を着工した。24日付ダウトゥ電子版などが報じた。 基本計画によると、 ...

◆200929 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3l8oLbt
南部ソクチャン省で、風力発電所2カ所着工 ベトナム・電力 ...
ベトナム南部のソクチャン省ビンチャウ町で、風力発電所2カ所が着工した。完成は2021年第3四半期(7~9月)と見込まれる。28日付ベトナム・ニュース(VNS)電子版が伝えた。 ラックホア発電所とホアドン発電所の2カ所で、同省 ...

◆200929 newsclip.be https://bit.ly/3n36Zrw
ミャンマーで新型コロナ急拡大、感染者1.2万人 | newsclip

◆200929 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2HErESO
安倍政権が推進した「オールジャパン鉄道輸出」の悲惨な実態 円借款事業でも車両は海外メーカー製導入
案の定というほかない。9月9日、ミャンマーの現地紙ミャンマータイムズは、ミャンマー国鉄(MR)幹部の話として、日本が円借款事業として進める「ヤンゴン・マンダレー鉄道整備事業(フェーズII)」向けの電気式気動車180両をスペイン ...

◆200929 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3kYCMYO
ラオス、重い対外債務 中国と減免交渉、「債務のわな」懸念
【シンガポール=森浩】東南アジアの内陸国ラオスが対外債務の返済に苦しんでいる。中国主導による巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」に参加し、巨額の融資を受けてダムや鉄道などのインフラ整備を進めたが、主に中国に対する債務返済で負担が ...

◆200929 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/2G1wFo6
現時点の日本政府は、タイ・ベトナム・マレーシア・カンボジア・ラオス・ミャンマー・台湾との間において「レジデンストラック」の運用を開始しており、豪州、ニュージーランド、韓国、中国、香港、モンゴルとの間で実施に向けた協議を ...


◆200929 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/36ei2bF
MRC releases new guidelines for Mekong hydropower ...
The Sesan II hydropower dam in Stung Treng province. ... The Mekong River Commission (MRC) released new guidelines yesterday assessing the risks of hydropower ... This is the third volume of Hydropower Mitigation Guidelines, and the themes include river hydrology and downstream ... project locations, adopting alternative project scales such as lower dams and using alternative energy sources.

◆200929 Asia Times https://bit.ly/30g5LiV
China stands behind vaccine programs despite doubts
Beijing has pledged vaccine donation and adequate supply with deep discounts to Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and other countries along the Mekong River as well as to a number of African nations from Morocco to Mauritius.

◆200929 Foreign Affairs https://fam.ag/2GlkxOd
Climate Change Doesn't Have to Stoke Conflict
Consider the dispute among Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Nile River. ... And in the Mekong River basin, tensions continue to simmer among downstream states grappling with a combination of drought, floods, and opaque water management ... Predictably, the droughts caused desertification and altered the balance of power between farmers and herders.

◆200929 The Asset https://bit.ly/30gBwst
ADB supports Thailand green bonds for Covid-19 recovery
The strategy will also focus on rebuilding regional cooperation through the Greater Mekong sub-region programme and other platforms. ... The projects include a 5 billion baht purchase of the initial five-year and seven-year green bonds by B.Grimm Power PCL in 2018. ... ADB also purchased a 3-billion baht tranche in the first green bond issuance of 10 billion baht by Energy Absolute PCL in 2019.

◆200929 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/3kTCBOC
Travel for power: Pandemic drives Thailand to focus tourism on wellness, therapy
Travel for power: Pandemic drives Thailand to focus tourism on wellness, therapy ... Thailand — one of the most visited countries in Asia for tourism — is a premier spot for Power Spot Tourism, containing ... Thailand is composed of a multitude of “power spots,” a term used to refer to the sources of natural energy around ... Next, get close to tourist attractions near the river, where the steady stream of the river inspires tourists to go with the flow and allow relieve their spirits of inhibition.

◆200929 Argus Media https://bit.ly/2GiAbKx
Vietnam power sector's LNG demand set to soar
Demand for LNG from Vietnam's power sector is set to reach 8.5mn t/yr by 2030, the country's industry ministry said today. ... Demand from the power sector for coal imports is also set to rise to 35.1mn t in 2025 and 45mn t in 2030. ... nominal import capacity and may suggest limited utilisation if these are commissioned, unless substantial city gas and industrial ... year, hit by lower volumes and values of LNG and thermal coal because of the Covid-19 pandemic, government commodity ...

◆200929 Geopoliticalmonitor.com https://bit.ly/3kTDEOy
Closer India-Vietnam Relations: Implications for Southeast Asia
Commodities · Economy · Energy Security · Environment · Military · Politics ... India-Vietnam relations are one of the most crucial bilateral relations India has in Southeast Asia. ... Hanoi has been granting Indian oil firm ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) extensions to explore oil block 128 which is an area of dispute between China and Vietnam in the South China Sea. ... As a major power in Asia, India will have to take and make decisions that reflect its evolving security and national interest.

◆200929 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/33as0sp
South China Sea Watch: China holds drills amid new tensions
The waters are a major commercial shipping route and are rich in fish and possible oil and gas reserves. ___ ... The Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam have also engaged in push-back against Chinese claims and actions in the area, while ...

◆200929 World Highways https://bit.ly/36jApvJ
Vietnam bridge project commencing
The 2.2km bridge will span the Dong Nai River and carry three lanes of traffic in either direction, forming part of the project to construct Ring Road No3 and boosting transport around Ho Chi Minh City. Ring Road No3 is being built in four ...

◆200929 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/3jfGexO
Project to recover historic To Lich River
Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - A company has proposed building a history and culture complex near part of the To Lich River which runs through western side of Hanoi city by 2026. The Nhat Viet Company recently made a proposal to the Hanoi authorities to recover the river, which was once one of ... This project is good and feasible, according to Professor Dang Huy Huynh, former head of the Vietnam Academy of ...

◆200929 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3icC5JZ
US and China lock horns over Mekong River data management
The Mekong originates in southern China and courses over 4,000 km through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam before emptying into the South China Sea. China recently announced a plan to create a system ...

◆200929 SteelGuru https://bit.ly/2S4wIli
Wartsila Solution for 200 MW Electricite du Cambodge C7 ...
Wartsila Solution for 200 MW Electricite du Cambodge C7 Power Plant in Cambodia ... The EDC C7 power plant is playing an important role in meeting Cambodia's electricity shortage. ... to deliver the needed grid stability as Cambodia continues to utilise an increasing share of renewable energy, in particular solar power. ... Sep 21,2020 · JinkoSolar Supports ENEOS to Build Gas Station PV Power Plant in Japan Published on - Sep 21,2020 · Government Invests in ...

◆200929 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/33dmDZQ
US firms seeks investment opportunities in energy, natural gas ...
Large U.S firms have sought investment opportunities in the areas of oil, natural gas and renewable energy in Cambodia, according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy. The intention was revealed in a virtual meeting on ...

◆200929 Power Engineering Magazine https://bit.ly/3n1K3cb
Wärtsilä signs 5-year maintenance deal for 200MW ...
The EDC C7 power plant is playing an important role in meeting Cambodia's electricity shortage. ... the needed grid stability as Cambodia continues to utilise an increasing share of renewable energy, in particular solar power.

◆200929 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/2GjVw64
The Last Farewell to the Mighty Mekong
The miracle of the Mekong, where the pulsating force of the monsoon-driven river every year pushes its ... The Tonle Sap crisis has also been greatly exacerbated by the two Lao dams – the Xayaburi dam and the Don ... These cycles of high debt and low fish catch can only be repeated so many times before the economy around the lake ... Thailand has one of the highest energy surpluses in the region, bringing in 40 percent more electricity than actual consumption.

◆200929 World Bank Group https://bit.ly/3ifAWRE
Enabling ecotourism development in Cambodia
Cambodia's tourism industry is a key contributor to its economic growth. It provides a sizable contribution to Cambodia's economy (21 percent of GDP in 2019), which has been on the rise for the past ten years. The ecotourism ...

◆200929 The Taiwan Times https://bit.ly/3n10oOw
China Dominates Myanmar Renewables Tender, Winning 29 ...
When the winning bidders for 30 sites being developed as one of Myanmar's largest ever solar power projects were ... Myanmar's Ministry of Electricity and Energy working in the ministry's Hydropower and Renewable Energy Section said.

◆200929 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/2HBJW73
Bangladesh Deploys Troops on Myanmar’s Border
News Burma Politics Ethnic Issues Asia World Business Business Roundup Economy Money Election 2020 Elections in History ... Myanmar's military spokesman, Major General Zaw Min Tun, said Myanmar's armed forces were taking action to ... Myanmar's military has recently beefed up security along the border, citing increased activities by the Arakan Army (AA) and ... It won't say anything if Myanmar's navy patrols on the Mayu River but it appears the navy patrolled on the Naf River, ...

◆200929 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3n3dZ7M
Myanmar attracts over US$5 bln foreign investment in 11 ...
During the period, the power sector attracted most investment capital with over 1.67 billion U.S. dollars, followed by manufacturing and real estate. From 1988-89 FY to 2019-20 FY, Myanmar earned investment capital of over 86.8 billion U.S. ...

◆200929 The Daily Chronicle https://bit.ly/3kYBygy
Laos Power Market, Size, Share, Outlook and Growth ...
Laos Power market research report provides present and future market trends amongst the several industrial sectors like transportation, new materials, energy, chemicals, daily consumer goods and more. Laos Power market report also defines ...

◆200929 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3i9IxB9
Laos backs multilateralism to address global challenges: PM ...
VIENTIANE, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith has voiced support for international cooperation under the United Nations framework, believing this international mechanism remains relevant to preserving world peace ...

◆200929 The Star Online https://bit.ly/30g2dgK
Lao PM calls for stronger public-private ties to overcome ...
Lao PM calls for stronger public-private ties to overcome economic slump ... LAOS, Sept 28 (Vientiane Times/ANN) - Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith told business operators on Friday that it was ... saying that the pandemic threatened the lives of millions as well as the global economy, with the number of infections ...



◆201001 エキサイトニュース http://exci.to/3ic7Hzi
日米豪印の外相会合、東京で来週開催―仏メディア (2020年9月30日) - エキサイトニュース
ヒマラヤ地区の国境における緊張を解決するよう両国が努力しているところだと伝えた。さらに、「南シナ海での中国の強気な軍事的姿勢や、南太平洋地域における拡張もオーストラリアなどの国からの強い警戒感を引き起こしている」と指摘 ...

◆201001 大紀元 https://bit.ly/2Gcsgys
チベット亡命政権の公式フェイスブックによると、「同服役囚を刑期満了時に国外追放するように」とスウェーデンの治安当局が政府に対して要請をしていたという。 スウェーデンの朝刊紙「Göteborgs Posten」も、「スウェーデンの治安当局 ...

◆201001 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/30l8Ezh
インドはダライラマとチベットの亡命政府を受け入れており、中国が圧力を加えようとしたのかもしれない。 中国が攻勢を強めている第二の理由として考えられるのは、中国が新型コロナをめぐる情勢に乗じて強めて ...

◆201001 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3cWU06t
中国で国慶節の連休スタート リベンジ旅行は「遠くて、景観 ...
窮游網という旅行サイトでは、人気旅行都市トップ10(写真参照)は、以下の順となっている。1、三亜(海南島)、2、成都(四川省)、3、麗江(雲南省)、4、ラサ(チベット自治区)、5、重慶(四川省)、6、上海、7、大理( ...

◆201001 CNN.co.jp https://bit.ly/2SfWrXX
インドの新型コロナ感染者、6300万人超か 公式発表の約10倍
ニューデリー(CNN) インド医学研究評議会(ICMR)は29日、国内で新型コロナウイルスの抗体検査を実施した結果、これまでに感染した人は6300万人以上に及ぶ可能性があることが分かったと発表した。 抗体検査は全国700 ...

◆201001 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3juWjje
9月の電力需要は3%増、経済に復調の兆し インド・電力 ...
インド国内の9月の電力需要は前年同月比で3%前後の増加だった。8月は2%の減少で、経済活動の復調が示唆されたことになる。エコノミック・タイムズ(電子版)が9月29日に伝えた。 送電網の運用を担う公営企業パワー・システム・ ...

◆201001 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/34sO0hZ
日本工営はバングラデシュで、ハズラット・シャージャラール国際空港拡張事業、ダッカ都市交通整備事業(6号線、1号線、5号北線)、全国送電網整備事業など20件以上のプロジェクトを実施中。 最終更新: 9/30(水) 17:15. NNA ©NNA.

◆201001 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/30meKz4
新疆の経済・社会の発展や民生の改善に著しい成果=海外の ...
パキスタンの人力資本管理研究院のナイム・バハリ院長は、「中国政府は、新疆の発展推進に並々ならぬ力を注ぎ、多くの住民が政府の支援の下、貧困からの脱却に成功した。地元で実施されてきた数多くのプロジェクトが就職のチャンスを ...

◆201001 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3jmbn2W
スリランカ、日本支援の鉄道計画中止を決定 中国傾斜の可能性も
【シンガポール=森浩】インド洋の島国スリランカは29日、日本の支援で進んでいた次世代型路面電車(LRT)整備計画の中止を閣議決定したと発表した。高額な事業費を理由としている。ゴタバヤ・ラジャパクサ政権は中国に融和的と ...


◆201001 pv magazine International https://bit.ly/3jitQxl
The world's highest utility-scale solar plus storage project
Built in Gangba County, in Xigaze, Tibet, the 40 MW/193 MWh facility was deployed at more than 4,700m above sea level and ... “Based on the characteristics of local electricity load and the particularity of the Tibet power grid, the project was designed as a full energy storage allocation ... in offering services such as peak shaving, frequency modulation and renewable energy dispatch to the Tibetan grid.

◆201001 Business Insider Australia https://bit.ly/3cN6vBu
Tensions between 3 nuclear-armed powers are rising toward the boiling point
The Aksai Chin region — located between Kashmir and Tibet — is under Chinese control and has been a source of conflict ... The borderlands between these three nuclear-armed states is increasingly a flashpoint for conflict. ... Tensions only escalated when India became a nuclear power in 1974 and Pakistan in 1998.

◆201001 The Manila Times https://bit.ly/3juYO56
Preserving US power against China’s rise in Asia – The Manila Times
Reining in Hong Kong protesters, establishing control in Tibet and Xinjiang, opposing Taiwan independence, asserting territorial claims in the South and East China Seas (SCS and ECS), and strengthening “Belt and Road” economic and ...

◆201001 The Kashmir Images Newspaper https://bit.ly/3l6iInH
NHPC shuts 120 MW Sewa-II power plant till March '21
The HRT carries water from intake to a power house for electricity generation. “It is to inform that Sewa-II Power Station (120 MW) in UT of Jammu & Kashmir has been under complete shutdown w.e.f. 25.09.2020 to ... The shutdown will cause tentative loss of 157.4 MUs (million units) in generation (design energy) and 35.61 percent in NAPAF ... The Sewa-II power station (3 X 40 MW) is a run-of-the-river project with a small pondage to harness the hydro power potential of river Sewa.

◆201001 Financial Express https://bit.ly/2ShOHEM
Kishanganga hydro-electric project: SC dismisses HCC plea against NHPC invoking bank guarantee
The BGs were furnished as part of its contractual obligation during setting up of the Rs 1925.84-crore Kishanganga hydro-electric power project in Jammu and Kashmir. While rejecting HCC's appeal, a Bench led by Justice R Nariman said, “the ...

◆201001 The Citizen https://bit.ly/3kViorE
Time to Recast the Indus Water Treaty
September 19 was the date in 1960, when the Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan was signed at Karachi by then Prime Minister ... where India gave Pakistan 80.52 per cent of the waters of six rivers ( Indus and five rivers of Punjab) keeping just over ... The Salal dam on Chenab, near Ryasi, which was originally built as a storage dam, had to be converted to run off the ... For India, hydel power projects based on run of the river dams cannot fully exploit the flow of water, because during the ...

◆201001 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2Sgc8ym
IRSA releases 154,200 cusecs water
... the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1547.14 feet, which was 161.14 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 66,800 cusecs and outflow as 85,000 cusecs.

◆201001 WCBE 90.5 FM https://bit.ly/30mdqMF
With Glaciers Melting And Temps Soaring, Pakistan Pursues ...
"That is a genuine step up in ambition for renewable energy," says Simon Nicholas, an energy finance analyst who follows ... The Pakistani government announced a new electric vehicle policy this summer and plans to get two-thirds of its electricity from wind, ... Like large Western democracies and other big greenhouse gas polluters, Pakistan must move on multiple fronts at the ... Those plants now provide around 12% of Pakistan's energy, and some 4% comes from nuclear power.

◆201001 Renewables Now https://bit.ly/3jjPf9l
ADB backs Avaada Energy's solar growth in India with USD 15m
September 30 (Renewables Now) - The clean energy arm of India's Avaada Group will receive a USD-15-million (EUR 12.8m) equity infusion from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to grow its solar power portfolio. ... “The project is part of ADB's ongoing support to India's renewable energy sector and will help the Government of India meet its targets for clean power generation,” said Shantanu Chakraborty, ... Electricity Generation Energy/Utilities Renewable Energy Solar Power.

◆201001 Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide https://bit.ly/36llD7N
India may soon store crude oil in US, other foreign nations; invites cos to enhance domestic capacity
Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan today said that the government is exploring overseas crude storage facilities in the US and other commercially viable locations. Speaking at the 'GCTC Energy Security Conference ...

◆201001 Construction Review https://bit.ly/33f3arE
India set to develop 1.8GW from floating solar power.
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), an India state-owned power company has stated that it has proposed nearly ... of floating solar represents a significant solar buildout for DVC, which is predominantly focused on coal and hydropower, ... Mukhopadhyay said the corporation has, however, retired old thermal facilities with a total capacity of 840MW in the last two years. ... the country needs to explore and establish floating solar to meet national targets for renewable energy additions.

◆201001 Outlook India https://bit.ly/2GdHaVk
Legislation introduced to boost India-US clean energy and climate cooperation
The legislation also promotes US-India cooperation on climate resilience and risk reduction, a statement said. ... need for electricity, there is a strong case to be made for strengthening the US-India clean energy partnership,” said Menendez. ... delegation to India in the fall of 2019, during which he engaged with India's minister of New and Renewable Energy and ... “By establishing the US-India Clean Energy and Power Transmission Partnership, we are laying the groundwork for ...

◆201001 Big News Network https://bit.ly/3cS5WpR
India, Australia discuss cooperation in energy sector
"They discussed about participation of Australian companies to actively partner and invest in India's gas infrastructure and in developing the hydrocarbon value chain in India," it said. Pradhan reviewed the supplies of coking coal, LNG and other ...

◆201001 Associated Press of Pakistan https://bit.ly/3jm3c6s
Pakistan's nuclear, strategic capability safe, secure: PM
ISLAMABAD, Sep 30 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan Wednesday reiterated that Pakistan's nuclear and strategic capability was safe and secure under the robust command and control system. During his visit to Satellite Ground Station of ...

◆201001 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/30lA9IV
Structural reforms imperative for sustainable development in ...
Policies aimed at levelling the playing field and changing the distribution of power are needed to address the power skews associated with insider-outsider dynamics. These methods are pivotal to Pakistan's development as the country ...

◆201001 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/3l4Muca
Two Bhojpur local levels sans power supply
There are two municipalities and seven rural municipalities where only 47 per cent households have access to electricity in the district. Nepal Electricity Authority, Bhojpur Distribution Centre Chief Rabi Babu Ghimire said the budget had been ...

◆201001 Atlantic Council https://bit.ly/3n4Fu0U
Nepal in the face of intersectional crises: A history of ...
Instead, party members noted leadership spent the time deadlocked in a power tussle: since a faction in the party led by Pushpa Kamal Dahal channeled its energy to weakening Prime Minister Oli, governing leaders did not place enough ...

◆201001 The New Indian Express https://bit.ly/3cLePkV
Jindal Steel & Power​ gets approval from Indian Railways for regular rail supplier status
NEW DELHI: Indian Railways has approved Jindal Steel & Power Limited (JSPL) for regular rail supplier status for its ... also exported 2.5 Lakh Tonnes of rails through Indian PSUs (IRCON & STC) to customers in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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