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2020年10月6日 中国半導体大手、米輸出規制で「重大な影響の恐れ」を認め













◆201006 JBpress https://bit.ly/3npF8Cq
川に飛び込めばやすやすと中国に密入国できてしまう距離だからだ。後ろに写っている鉄橋が「断橋」で、対岸の北朝鮮側が途中からボキリと折れている。朝鮮戦争時にアメリカ軍 ...

◆201006 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/36xuEe5
朝鮮半島の平和を望むのは韓国の大統領として当然なのだが、現在の北朝鮮の核開発などの状況を考えると、いかにも唐突な印象をぬぐえない。しかも、これまで同国の安全保障にとって重要な役割を果たしてきた同盟国である米国には、今回 ...

◆201006 JBpress https://bit.ly/3d4tiJa
10月1日、中国は71回目の国慶節(建国記念日)を迎え、14億人が8連休の初日に沸いた。この日は、中秋の名月である「中秋節」(旧盆)とも重なり、「双節」(二つの祝日)と持て囃された。 ところがこの日、海を挟んだ日本側では、中国 ...

◆201006 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/3d1MdnL
米国が係わるサプライチェーンに依存することの脆弱性から脱却するために、チップその他の中核技術を自前で開発することを目標に、開発資金を用意し、AlibabaやBaiduのような民間企業をも動員し、「一帯一路」で開拓した新興市場との ...



◆201006 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/36CFfEn
ハイフォンでLNG火力発電所建設へ、ビングループとエクソン ...
北部紅河デルタ地方ハイフォン市共産党委員会の常務委員会はこのほど、ビングループ[VIC](Vingroup)と米エクソンモービル(ExxonMobil)がそれぞれ提出したLNG(液化天然ガス)火力発電所案件2件を、「2021~2030年国家電力開発計画 ...

◆201006 KBS WORLD Radio News https://bit.ly/3ng3gat
韓国電力 ベトナム・ブンアン2石炭火力発電所建設事業の ...
ベトナムの産業貿易省が発注したこのプロジェクトは、ベトナム中部のハティン省に1200メガワット(600メガワット2基)規模の石炭火力発電所を建設し、運営するもので、総事業費は22億ドルに上ります。 この事業は当初、日本の三菱商事 ...

◆201006 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3nlMfLV
NY商品、原油が大幅反発 トランプ大統領の早期退院の観測で ...
【NQNニューヨーク=戸部実華】5日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は3営業日ぶりに反発した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の11月物は前週 ...

◆201006 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/36AT7iD
低迷していた液化天然ガス(LNG)のスポット価格がアジアで上向いている。今冬の低温予想で発電用などの燃料調達が戻りつつあるほか、夏にハリケーンが直撃した米国でLNG設備が停止し輸出が減った。コロナ禍 ...



◆201006 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/2F4LhSZ
【北京=小川直樹】中国の半導体受託製造大手・中芯国際集成電路製造(SMIC)は4日夜、米国からの製造装置や部品などSMIC向け輸出が米政府による制限対象になったと発表した。今後の半導体の生産や経営に重大な悪影響が出る恐れ ...

◆201006 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/2SwZew0
【北京=三塚聖平】中国の半導体受託製造最大手、中芯国際集成電路製造(SMIC)は5日までに、同社に製品を供給している一部の企業が米商務省の輸出規制の対象になったと明らかにした。同社は「将来の生産や経営に、重大なマイナス ...

◆201006 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3jGh6Rm
中国「半導体設備を10年自給できず」、集邦 台湾・IT・通信
集邦科技によると、中国には複数の半導体設備メーカーが存在するものの、現在の最先端設備は上海微電子の90ナノメートル対応の製品。90ナノ以下の12インチウエハー工場向けの設備では米国系企業の製品が必要となる。 SMICは4日、 ...

◆201006 マイナビニュース https://bit.ly/3liCYCE
2020年だけで1万社以上が起業、過熱する中国半導体産業 香港 ...
香港の英字新聞「South China Morning Post」によると、中国国内では2020年1~8月の8か月の間、9335社が新たに半導体産業に参入したという。2019年は年間を通して約1万社が新規設立であったことを考えると、その加速度合いが分かるだ ...

◆201006 Sputnik 日本 https://bit.ly/2HSsIT0
中国 米国産の原油輸入が急増 サウジ産は激減 WSJ報道
2020年1月から中国は輸入原油に占める米国産原油の割合をそれまでの0.4%から7%に拡大した。このことからサウジアラビアは新たな供給市場を探さざるを得なくなっている。ウォールストリートジャーナルが報じた。 分析会社Vortexaの ...

◆201006 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3d0FESg
トランプ、軍病院を退院 ホワイトハウスに到着

◆201006 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2SxlG8h
Q. NVIDIAがArmを買収。NVIDIAとArmの売上言えますか ...
NVIDIA(エヌビディア)は米国時間9月13日夜、半導体設計追ってのArm Holdings(アームホールディングス)を ... そのようなビジネスモデルの下、Armによる設計は中国を含めた世界中の企業で使われており、特にスマホ向けCPUの ...

◆201006 ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 https://on.wsj.com/30yAurB
そうしたものの1つが、発光ダイオード(LED)や携帯電話向けの半導体に使われるレアアースのガリウムだ。重要な鉱物は、それほどハイテクでないセクターでも使われている。バライトは米国の石油生産に革命を起こした水圧破砕法に ...


◆201006 Japan Today https://bit.ly/3jBjYi2
U.S., Australia, India, Japan to discuss China's growing power
Japan sees it as crucial to have access to sea lanes all the way to Middle East, a key source of oil for the resource-poor island nation. Suga, a former chief Cabinet secretary, has little experience in diplomacy. Balancing between the U.S., ...

◆201006 The National Law Review https://bit.ly/30DaefV
Third Generation Nuclear Reactor in China Completed
However, the decrease does match the announcement that development is complete. patent activity Chart. Just a few examples of granted invention patents include: Welding repair method for nuclear power equipment ...

◆201006 The Guardian https://bit.ly/3d50NL2
What China's plan for net-zero emissions by 2060 means for the climate
I could see the smokestacks of four large coal power plants and the country's largest steel mill in the distance. China's ... China is currently responsible for 28% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, more than the United States and the European Union combined. As a practical matter ... China has since become the largest global automobile market, as well as the world's largest importer of crude oil. ... China is by far the largest investor, producer and consumer of renewable energy.

◆201006 Wall Street Journal https://on.wsj.com/2Str8ce
U.S. Boosts Crude Sales to China, Forcing Saudis to Find Other Markets
The U.S. is quickly ramping up oil sales to China, the world's biggest importer, forcing traditional suppliers in the Mideast to look for new ... The Trump administration agreed to cut some tariffs on Chinese goods in exchange for purchases of American farm, energy and manufacturing exports. ... As part of a deal, Beijing agreed in January to buy $52.4 billion worth of oil and liquefied-natural-gas from the U.S. by the end of 2021. ... “Does the U.S.-to-China trade have staying power?

◆201006 Times of India https://bit.ly/2Su2kkH
To counter China, India offers Myanmar a $6bn oil refinery
NEW DELHI: As China further intensifies its energy cooperation with Myanmar, India is working to ramp up its own presence in the same sector in the strategically located neighbour with a booming energy industry. The joint visit by foreign ...

◆201006 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3noj62A
US must turn China's environmental destruction to its advantage
Beijing's BRI is giving birth to power plants that will spew dirty coal for decades, railways and roads that cut through fragile ecosystems, and dams that threaten rivers and the communities around them. Highlighting these shortcomings would ...



◆201006 ロイター https://bit.ly/3jyE7Fy
インドネシアはバッテリーの原材料であるニッケルの主要な生産国で、国内にEVの総合的なサプライチェーンを構築したい考え。国内産業への投資を支援するために未加工ニッケル鉱石の輸出を停止している。 インドネシア海洋・投資担当 ...

◆201006 JBpress https://bit.ly/2SwfUDW
インドネシアで公務員の汚職事案を専門的に摘発する国家機関「国家汚職撲滅委員会(KPK)」が存続意義を失いそうな事態に陥っている。 KPKとは、1998年に崩壊したスハルト長期独裁政権の“負の遺産”である「汚職・腐敗・親族 ...

◆201006 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2I1Wtkv
インドネシア大統領、新型コロナ封じ込めと経済回復の両立 ...
インドネシアのジョコ大統領は新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のロックダウン(都市封鎖)措置について、経済をさらに脅かすことがないよう対象を絞るべきだと呼び掛けた。 インドネシア、今年は1998年以来のマイナス成長の可能性- ...

◆201006 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2Gn6E2K
再生エネ法案に「原子力」 大統領へ提言権、市民団体は反発 ...
インドネシア国会で審議が始まった再生可能・新エネルギー法案の草案に、新エネルギーとして原子力が盛り込まれていることが分かった。原子力の導入を推進する立場のインドネシア原子力国民協会(HIMNI)は、既存の原子力法に ...

◆201006 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/36BaEr5
国家重要エネルギー事業、39件審査中 フィリピン・天然資源
フィリピンのエネルギー省は、「国家重要エネルギー事業(EPNS)」の認定申請のうち、少なくとも39件について審査している。9月末時点の申請件数は399件で、うち145件が認定された。5日付マニラブレティンが伝えた。 対象事業は ...

◆201006 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2St4sJ9
配電メラルコ、10月は電気料金値上げか フィリピン・電力 ...
フィリピンの配電最大手マニラ電力(メラルコ)は10月の電気料金を引き上げる見通しだ。電力需要が増大する ... 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が始まってから、電力需要が前年同月比で増えたのは初めてという。 一方、外出・移動制限措置 ...


◆201006 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/2Su0nVp
Tesla To Consider Investing In Major Nickel Producer
More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Russia Plans To Revamp Its Oil Tax Policy · MIT Scientists: Nuclear Fusion Energy Could Be Closer Than Thought

◆201006 International Atomic Energy Agency https://bit.ly/30DCO0B
New Soybean varieties developed in Indonesia using irradiation
Homegrown Soybeans are Making a Comeback in Indonesia Thanks to New Varieties Developed Using Irradiation ... a researcher in the Isotope and Radiation Application Center at the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN).

◆201006 Pikiran Rakyat https://bit.ly/3ixzTNi
Persatuan Pegawai Indonesia Power Tolak Omnibus Law RUU Ciptaker - Kabar Banten
Ketua Persatuan Pegawai PT Indonesia Power PLTU II Labuan, Aziz mengatakan, salah satu pasal RUU Cipta Kerja yang dianggap merugikan negara yakni Pasal 10 (2) dan Pasal 11 (1) Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 30 Tahun 2009 tentang ...

◆201006 Nuclear Engineering https://bit.ly/30B1Mhf
Philippines considers reviving Bataan nuclear power project
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte on 1 October ordered energy authorities to study the possible use of the mothballed ... Rosatom, along with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, in 2017 submitted plans to bring Bataan online, with costs ...

◆201006 TRT World https://bit.ly/30xqsHt
Britain’s colonial legacy continues to scar Malaysia-Philippine ties
The question of who owns the oil-rich Sabah state resurfaced with the recent deportation of its Filipino residents. In February 2013, more than 200 men snuck into the Malaysian state of Sabah and laid siege to a village. They had travelled a ...

◆201006 Daily Express https://bit.ly/3jzz081
Bataan nuclear plant can still operate
MANILA: The mothballed Bataan nuclear power facility can still operate despite decades of unuse, the Philippine Nuclear ... I'll invite you to go there, it's the only nuclear plant in the world where you can take a selfie inside the reactor,” PNRI director Carlo Arcilla said. ... due to Acute Radiation Sickness and another one due to cardiac arrest, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. ... The operation of nuclear powerplants are also cheaper versus coal plants, Arcilla said.

◆201006 The Hill https://bit.ly/3lgaSrr
Congress must act to end US military aid to the Philippines | TheHill
The Philippine government's repressive apparatus has been enabled by ample supplies of U.S. weaponry, including nearly $440 million in security aid to the Philippines since 2016, the year Duterte took power, according to the Center for ...



◆201005 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3d6fPAw
新型コロナ、中国本土で新たに16人感染確認 すべて輸入症例
内訳は広東省6人、四川省3人、雲南省2人、陝西省2人、天津市1人、上海市1人、広西チワン族自治区1人で、すべて「輸入症例」だった。新たな死者は確認されず、感染の疑いがある患者は3人(上海市での輸入症例)増えた。 3 ...

◆201005 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/2HY1f2r
タイ警察 大麻栽培 日本人ら5人逮捕 日本人相手に販売の疑い
タイの警察は北部チェンマイで日本人の男ら5人を大麻を販売目的で違法に栽培していたとして逮捕しました。 続きを読む. タイの警察によりますと、3日逮捕されたのは北部チェンマイにある大学の大学院生、小宮克久容疑者(41)と雇われ ...

◆201005 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33rAo7c
コミュニティー発電を来年に延期、条件変更 タイ・電力 ...
タイ政府は、全国各地の地域共同体や民間企業による再生可能エネルギー発電事業から電力を買い取る「コミュニティー発電振興策(エナジー・フォー・オール)」の実施を、来年に延期する。景気の刺激や、農民と企業の利益分配の公平性 ...

◆201005 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2F3Z2Bu
北部ドンダン高速道路、2区間で着工 ベトナム・運輸
ベトナム北部のドンダン(Dong Dang、ランソン省)―チャーリン(Tra Linh、カオバン省)間高速道路が、3日に着工された。着工したのは2区間で、合計10キロメートルとなる。政府公式サイトが伝えた。 工事が開始されたのは、 ...

◆201005 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/34EsJSz
財務省、水道料金の枠組み改正の草案 ベトナム・電力・ガス ...
現行の料金算定方法は2012年の財務省、建設省、農業地方開発省… 関連国・地域 : ベトナム. 関連業種 : 電力・ガス・水道/マクロ・ ...

◆201005 Sputnik 日本 https://bit.ly/2GgyGwN
菅首相のベトナム訪問 その選択は偶然か必然か?
日本の菅義偉首相は、就任初の外遊として、ベトナムとインドネシアを歴訪する方向で調整に入った。 ... 海上貿易路が通っており、日本はこのルートを通じて大量の製品を外国市場に輸出し、また逆にエネルギー資源などを輸入しています。

◆201005 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/30As17k
ヤンゴンの取水事業、ADBが融資承認 ミャンマー・電力 ...
アジア開発銀行(ADB)は9月30日、ミャンマーの最大都市ヤンゴンで実施される取水事業向けパイプラインの建設事業に、1億8,000万米ドル(約190億円)を融資することを承認したと発表した。 この事業では、ヤンゴン北部に位置する ...

◆201005 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3neqHAS
シャン州、他州からの車両乗り入れを禁止 ミャンマー・運輸
ミャンマー北東部のシャン州で1日、他州から入境してくる車両の乗り入れ禁止の措置が始まったようだ。同州政府が決めたもので、禁止期間は14日まで。ミャンマー・タイムズ(電子版)が1日伝えた。 シャン州の新型コロナウイルス ...

◆201005 まぐまぐニュース! https://bit.ly/3ldElm6
アジア諸国(ASEAN)では、カンボジア・ラオス・ミャンマーが進めていた“諸手を挙げての中国賛美”が影響し、ASEANとしての中国非難を弱めるかブロックしてきました。アフリカ諸国、中東諸国の外交的支持も取り付け、中国の覇権拡大 ...

◆201005 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3jB2Vgc
諸外国専門家、中国のコロナ対策を評価し「国際協力 ...
さらに、ラオスの著名な研究者であるSykhoun Bounvilay氏は、「中国は国内の感染拡大を抑え込んだだけでなく、世界各国のコロナ対策を積極的に支援し、大国としての責任をしっかりと示している」としています。(Yan、謙). コメント().

◆201005 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/3cZD4w7
カンボジア、マイナス2%成長 世銀が20年予測 個人消費落ち込み
世界銀行は9月28日、「東アジア・大洋州地域半期経済報告書」の2020年10月版「封じ込めから復興へ」を発表した。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が地域経済に与える影響を分析し、カンボジアの20年の経済成長率は ...

◆201005 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3cZzIsN
米建設の軍施設破壊か、中国利用疑い カンボジア・政治
【ワシントン共同】米シンクタンク、戦略国際問題研究所(CSIS)は2日、衛星写真の分析に基づき、カンボジア南西部にあるリアム海軍基地で米国が建設した施設が破壊されたことが確認されたと発表した。周辺の土地を中国政府と ...


◆201005 The Times of India Blog https://bit.ly/2F0pv2K
Dragon uses water as a strategic weapon to control lower riparian states
China recognising this, began to build dams to have the power to control the routes of the flow of rivers and how much water is to be released to ... The Three Gorges Dam has been built to divert water to Xinjiang and the Gansu. ... This policy is worrying the lower riparian states of the Mekong River in the South-East Asia.

◆201005 ASEAN Economist https://bit.ly/33sSyWc
Vietnam approves ExxonMobil's plan to build a $5.09-billion ...
Vietnam has given the green light for US-based ExxonMobil to develop a $5.09-billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the port city of Hai Phong. ... remain [strongly] supported by growing population and energy demand,” ExxonMobil LNG Market Development Inc. President Irtiza ... a 3-GW gas-fired power complex in the Mekong Delta province of Long An as well as jointly exploring crude oil on the Payara ...

◆201005 Chiang Rai Times https://bit.ly/3d0CKxa
9 Facts You Didn’t Know about the Kingdom of Thailand
The popular sweetened and non-carbonated energy drink Red Bull actually comes from Thailand. While you definitely ... Thailand is the only country in the Southeast Asia region that was colonized by a European power. In fact, the native ...

ASEAN Economist https://bit.ly/34qp3Ug
Vietnam approves ExxonMobil's plan to build a $5.09-billion ...
Vietnam has given the green light for US-based ExxonMobil to develop a $5.09-billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the port ... of the people's committee of Hai Phong for a new power generator that was expected to go fully operational by 2026. ... Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said that the government welcomed ExxonMobil's plans to invest in the country's oil sector. ... [strongly] supported by growing population and energy demand,” ExxonMobil LNG Market Development Inc. President ...

sggpnews https://bit.ly/2EZDx4D
Vietnam supports all efforts towards nuclear disarmament, non ...
Minh called on the nuclear weapons states to step up in their commitment to the obligation to general disarmament under ... The Deputy PM added that the rights of states to use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes must be respected.

http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/3jxwwqK
HCM City to connect all rooftop solar systems to power grid
EVNHCMC said renewable energy now accounts for 2 percent of the city's total capacity, but needs to be increased to meet the growing demand from socio-economic development and urbanisation. The city has huge potential for solar power, ...

◆201005 Yonhap News https://bit.ly/3iqhMss
S. Korea, Cambodia to hold 3rd round of FTA talks
The three-day virtual meetings, with a goal to come up with a finalized draft of the deal by the end of this year, will start Tuesday, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. The two countries held their first round of negotiations in ...

◆201005 The Boston Globe https://bit.ly/30ATmGB
Expand American influence around the world, or else China will fill our shoes
But as the home to Cambodia's only deep-water port, the city is of great interest to the Chinese Communist Party, ... a series of naval pearls along key shipping lanes and explore oil and gas deposits in waters like the Gulf of Thailand. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, meanwhile, has cozied up to China; in return, China helps keep him in power as ... the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and even the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

◆201005 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/36wZMub
Cambodia seeks more Thai investments
Foreign Affairs Minister Prak Sokhonn has asked Thailand to help push for more Thai investments in Cambodia saying ... “Both sides were pleased to note significant progress in other main sectors such security, education, tourism, energy, ...

◆201005 East Asia Forum https://bit.ly/3d6n2R6
ASEAN members can still have their cake and eat it too
This shouldn't be a surprise, as membership of ASEAN strengthens the power of member states' executive branches. ... When Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia joined in the late 1990s, this was largely and correctly interpreted as ...

◆201005 The Manila Times https://bit.ly/2Ghajz6
Revealed: The crux of our SCS dispute — natural gas – The Manila Times
The easier source of energy would be Reed Bank, specifically its so-called Sampaguita Gas Field, which could well be ... Gas Field is just 250 kilometers away from it, roughly in the area off Palawan where we have had our oil wells, such as ... Most of its natural gas supply come from wells in China's inner mainland, from Myanmar, Central Asia, and soon from ... gas field, which has existing 500-kilometer pipelines to the Batangas facility, which distributes the fuel to five power plants.

◆201005 Mizzima News https://bit.ly/2GGMRL9
Indian officials visit Myanmar to activate Kaladan multi-modal ...
The highlight of the two-day visit will be the coastal shipping agreement that will allow Indian ships to reach Mizoram via Sittwe Port on the Bay of Bengal and through the Kaladan river multi-modal link. This project has been hanging fire for the ...

◆201005 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/3davXRD
East-South 'Thai Bridge' project gains momentum
The project is predicted to happen faster than the Dawei deep sea-port project in Myanmar, according to Deputy Prime Minister and Energy Minister Supattanapong Punmeechaow. Travelling or transporting cargo from southern China through ...

◆201005 East Asia Forum https://bit.ly/3nh0lyb
ASEAN members can still have their cake and eat it too
This shouldn't be a surprise, as membership of ASEAN strengthens the power of member states' executive branches. ... When Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia joined in the late 1990s, this was largely and correctly interpreted as ...



◆201006 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3ln4ZJn
動画:インド、対中国境地帯へのトンネル開通 モディ氏「軍に恩恵」
地滑りの多いヒマラヤ山脈の山岳ルートを迂回(うかい)できるようになり、国境地帯までの距離は以前より約50キロ、時間にして4時間短縮された。 寒さと険しい山道により、毎年、1年のおよそ半分しか工事が行えず、完成には10年を要した ...

◆201006 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3d0mTyk
空から見る昔ながらの古塩田 チベット自治区マルカム県
【10月5日 Xinhua News】中国チベット自治区(Tibet Autonomous Region)チャムド(昌都)市マルカム(芒康)県を流れる瀾滄江(らんそうこう)の両岸沿いに広がる古塩田では、昔ながらの手作業による天日塩作りが続いている。地元の ...

◆201006 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/33yJqiH
習近平氏、「中華民族」意識を徹底植え付け チベット ...
新疆(しんきょう)ウイグル自治区やチベット自治区で強制的な職業訓練や労働者の移転が行われ、少数民族の文化が危機にひんしているとの米欧諸国の批判を尻目に、中国当局は「中華民族」意識を徹底的に植え付ける愛国・思想教育を拡大 ...

◆201006 www.fnn.jp https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/91857
中国共産党や政府批判・香港の民主派の主張やデモ活動・台湾当局による中国批判・ウイグル族、チベット族など少数民族問題、宗教問題・中国当局を批判する人権派弁護士や活動家・国内の権利保護運動・アメリカなど外国政府による中国 ...

◆201006 iPhone Mania https://bit.ly/3llloxB
インド政府は、政府系アプリの配信元として独自のアプリストアをすでに保有していますが、当局はこれをスケールアップさせ、AppleやGoogleと競合する規模に押し上げる大胆な計画を検討している、とインドメディアThe Economic ...

◆201006 東京新聞 https://bit.ly/3liij1y
日米豪印、インド太平洋で連携へ 6日に東京で外相会合
日本と米国、オーストラリア、インドの4カ国外相が6日、東京都内で会合を開く。4カ国が共有する「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」構想の実現に向けた連携強化を確認する。地域で影響力を増す中国をけん制する狙いがあり、どの程度強い ...

◆201006 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2GFU1Q5
ポンペオ長官、対中国で結束示す狙い-きょう都内で日米豪印 ...
ポンペオ米国務長官は6日に都内で日本、オーストラリア、インドとの4カ国外相会合に臨み、中国に対する圧力維持を図る。 「クアッド」と呼ばれるこの民主主義国4カ国が外相級会合を開くのは、今回で2回目。新型コロナウイルス感染 ...

◆201006 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3d48AsL
デリー政府のEV補助金、まもなく交付開始 インド・自動車 ...
インドのデリー首都圏政府(州政府に相当)は、電気自動車(EV)と電動車両の購入者に対する補助金の交付をまもなく始める見通しだ。タイムズ・オブ・インディア(電子版)が4日に伝えた。 首都圏政府は今年8月、車両購入時の補助 ...

◆201006 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/34tVG3q
インド太平洋構想実現へ協力 首相、仏大統領と電話協議
両首脳は「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」構想の実現に向け協力する方針で一致した。 北朝鮮による日本人拉致問題への対応を巡って両国の連携を強めると確認した。首相は9月の就任後、ド ...


◆201006 UCLA Newsroom https://bit.ly/3d49pll
Himalayan glaciers melting because of high-altitude dust
Some of it makes its way to the roof of the world — the Himalayas — where it warms glaciers and accelerates snowmelt, ... the more sunlight they absorb, said Yun Qian, a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National ...

◆201006 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3nmgClu
Chinese anxiety over Tibet fuels rising tensions with India
The plain fact is that Tibet, despite disappearing as a buffer, remains at the heart of the China-India divide, fueling land disputes, diplomatic tensions, and -- given that most of Asia's great river systems originate on the Tibetan Plateau -- feuds ...

◆201006 Yale Environment 360 https://bit.ly/3de3jPz
With Activists Silenced, China Moves Ahead on Big Dam Project
The expected resurrection of a controversial dam project along the Yangtze River in western China is the latest sign that the ... The Yangtze River courses from the Himalayan Plateau in Tibet down into southwestern China's Yunnan province, ... to carry out illegal and criminal acts” as the men sought to protect gazelle habitat from the construction of wind energy projects. ... And the power lines, roads, and other infrastructure associated with the dams fragment and degrade terrestrial ...

◆201006 PGurus https://bit.ly/30Bh0To
India-China Border settlement is a 10 Nations Project
Agriculture · Banking · Derivatives · Energy · Expansion · Finance · Insurance · Investing · Laws · Lifestyle ... The Great Indian and Chinese Civilisations were born in the plains of the river flows from the Tibetan plateau. The entire economy of the North and North-East India survives on the rivers flowing from Tibet. ... The electricity is produced by the dams constructed inside China over the rivers flowing to these nations from China. ... The way of being a global power is not easy.

◆201006 CGTN https://bit.ly/3iE1DQ5
Live: A helicopter tour with Tibetan pilot in Lhasa
Have you ever experienced seagulls flying below your feet along the Lhasa River? The young girl, a Tibetan pilot, takes CGTN's Ma Ke on a sky tour in China's Tibet Autonomous Region to explore the beauty of Lhasa from a different angle.

◆201006 The Atlantic https://bit.ly/2GKywNK
What Kind of Superpower Will China Be?
Fortunately for those of us seeking answers to this question, China was a major power for long stretches of history, and ... The most acquisitive of the dynasties was the Qing (1644–1912), which carved up and controlled Tibet and conquered ...

◆201006 CGTN https://bit.ly/2GFWJVL
China Express: Why Qinghai-Tibet Railway is an engineering marvel
Since water expands in winter and contracts in summer, it threatens roadbed stability - the foundation for railroad tracks. By graveling embankments and installing vent-pipes underneath the roadbed to provide thermal stability for the permafrost, ...

◆201006 The Kashmir Images Newspaper https://bit.ly/33w3kLo
Beirut explosion among most powerful non-nuclear blasts in ...
London: The explosion that happened in August in the Port of Beirut was one of the most powerful non-nuclear blasts in history – releasing enough energy in a matter of milliseconds to power over 100 homes for a year – according to a new ...

◆201006 Daily Excelsior https://bit.ly/30DhSHc
Power employees protest against privatisation move
JAMMU, Oct 5: Power employees and engineers as a part of National Protest Day staged protest demonstrations across UTs of J&K and ... Kashmir comes in wake of Government proposed Electricity Amendment Bill, 2020 for privatization of the Power Sector through transferring ... fighting menace of COVID-19, the Ministry of Power is otherwise busy in curbing the people's right to energy,” they observed.

◆201006 The Hindu BusinessLine https://bit.ly/3iB8HNo
Imran Khan’s Kashmir obsession
Saudi Arabia has, in turn, agreed to invest $60 billion in a large oil refinery in Maharashtra. Israel bashing. Imran Khan has long projected himself as a champion of Islamic causes, both within Pakistan and in Islamic forums, by taking a ...

◆201006 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/30Bj5ia
IRSA releases 149,500 cusecs water
... the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1540.09 feet, which was 154.09 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 48,200 cusecs and outflow as 82,000 cusecs.

◆201006 PGurus https://bit.ly/36xcglz
India-China Border settlement is a 10 Nations Project
The Great Indian and Chinese Civilisations were born in the plains of the river flows from the Tibetan plateau. ... The Gangetic plain, Indus valley and the Yangtse rivers flourished the survival of both these great nations for centuries. ... The electricity is produced by the dams constructed inside China over the rivers flowing to these nations from China. ... The way of being a global power is not easy.

◆201006 Yahoo India News https://bit.ly/33vcjMO
Ferry services resume on Brahmaputra River in Guwahati
Guwahati (Assam), Oct 06 (ANI): Inland Water Transport Department resumed passenger ferry services on Brahmaputra River in Guwahati on October 05. The services were suspended in September after the increase in the water level of the ...

◆201006 The Financial Express BD https://bit.ly/3licC3s
Flood situation in Ganges basin improving
The Mahananda River increased by one cm at Rohanpur, while receded by seven cm at Chapainawabganj points afresh. Of the 16 river points both in Ganges and Brahmaputra Basins, being monitored in many districts under Rajshahi division ...

◆201006 Japan Today https://bit.ly/3jzJ94T
iscuss China's growing power
Japan sees it as crucial to have access to sea lanes all the way to Middle East, a key source of oil for the resource-poor island nation. Suga, a former chief Cabinet secretary, has little experience in diplomacy. Balancing between the U.S., ...

◆201006 ThinkGeoEnergy https://bit.ly/3d1Ck9D
Tapping hot springs for power explored as opportunity for ...
As part of a study on the potential to utilise existing geothermal hot springs for energy production, Wadia Institute of Himalayan ... on the development of a 5 MW geothermal power plant at Tapovan hot springs in Chamoli, Uttarakhand state, India. ... and 30 in Himachal — to identify which of those could have a potential being developed to produce electricity. ... in the project said that the infrastructure of the project may cost four times higher than thermal power plants, but once set up, ...

◆201006 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/3ltVzvJ
India's gas imports set to rise, demand reaches pre-pandemic level
NEW DELHI: India's gas imports are set to rise as GAIL (India) Ltd has reopened its western India imports facility after ... Ranganathan said most fertiliser and power plants, key consumers of gas, were operating at a normal rate. ... and import facilities as Prime Minister Narendra Modi is keen to boost the share of cleaner fuel in the energy mix to 15 per ... Gas statistics also correlate with coal, which competes with gas in the production of electricity, and with carbon emissions permits.

◆201006 Renewables Now https://bit.ly/2I0I2gB
Andritz to equip 1.2-GW pumped storage plant in India
Andritz to equip 1.2-GW pumped storage plant in India ... a contract from Indian power producer Greenko Energy Pvt Ltd to equip the 1.2-GW Pinnapuram pumped storage plant in the state of ... The company noted that this plant will be part of the first integrated renewable energy storage project that mixes solar and wind power generating components with pumped storage. ... Electricity Generation Energy/Utilities Hydropower Energy Storage Machinery/Engineering Renewable Energy.

◆201006 CleanTechnica https://bit.ly/3juX2kF
Siemens Gamesa Helps To Ease Pakistan’s Power Shortages Via Wind Turbines For 8 Wind Farms In 1 Year
Siemens Gamesa Helps To Ease Pakistan's Power Shortages Via Wind Turbines For 8 Wind Farms In 1 Year ... Siemens Gamesa becomes one of the leading players in the growing Pakistani renewable energy market. ... The central Asian country is rigorously building out electricity generating capacity, battling power blackouts. ... Floating solar and hydro power ... As a country heavily reliant on imported natural gas and oil for power generation, Pakistan is now promoting renewable ...

◆201006 DAWN.com https://bit.ly/36Ihxqi
Pakistan seeks six LNG spot cargoes for December
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will ramp up spot buying of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the international market, seeking up to ... December and January see the largest spike in demand for gas in Pakistan, but this year the demand-supply shortfall will be ... According to a report put out in August by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority increased demand had resulted in ... Up to 45pc of Pakistan's power sector energy mix is based on natural gas, according to the report, which added: “The ...

◆201006 pv magazine International https://bit.ly/2SutV51
Floating PV paired with hydroelectric dams to cover peak load
Researchers from the University of Lahore in Pakistan have examined the potential to deploy floating PV on a body of water connected to one ... power with floating solar PV for daytime peak electricity demand,” which was recently published in Renewable Energy. ... The University of Lahore scientists modeled the implementation of a floating array at the 1.45 GW Ghazi Barotha Dam, which ... In the first, they connected a floating PV system directly to a 500 kV transmission line system.

◆201006 The Nation https://bit.ly/3lf0bpe
IAEA DG appreciates Pakistan’s excellent record on nuclear safety, security
VIENNA - Ambassador Aftab Ahmad Khokher presented his credentials as Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to its Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi in Vienna on Monday.

◆201006 BusinessKorea https://bit.ly/3d3l8kf
K-water and Korea Western Power to Cooperate for Overseas ...
Korea Western Power and Korea Water Resources Corp. signed a memorandum of understanding on Oct. 5 for joint overseas hydroelectric power generation projects. ... Their goals include CDM-based greenhouse gas reduction and carbon credit trading expansion based on it. ... When it comes to hydroelectric power generation, the company is expanding its field to Southeast Asian countries such as Nepal, ... KEPCO to Take Part in Coal-fired Power Plant Project in Vietnam.

◆201006 The Statesman https://bit.ly/3iDLFFM
Kowtowing to China does not help Nepal
The Lapcha Pass is the only place in Nepal from where one can view the duo of Mt Kailash and Lake Mansarovar; apart from being a border pass, it was ... The episode, however, has revealed some intriguing aspects of the modern Nepal-China bilateral relationship and raised several questions. ... A relationship built on such a foundation will inevitably weaken Nepal's own bargaining power with China.

◆201006 Dalal Street Investment Journal https://bit.ly/3nnlW84
SJVN sets target of 5000 MW by 2023; signs MoU with ...
The state-owned electricity generation company, SJVN Ltd, entered into a significant MoU, wherein the company has a ... Further, the company is also implementing the 1,320 MW Buxar Thermal Power Project in Bihar. ... For this, the company is also in talks with the Government of Nepal and the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to tap hydro potential in their territories. ... Further, on operational efficiency, the risk of coal availability and uncertainty price trend is considered as major ...

◆201006 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/2GFHIDm
Huawei launches FreeBuds 3i in Sri Lanka bringing intelligent ...
The Huawei FreeBuds 3i unleashes the power of noise cancellation and True Wireless Stereo (TWS) technology that pave the way to a seamless connection with the digital audio world. Wireless earphones are the order of the day and many ...

◆201006 Ceylon Daily News https://bit.ly/3ltXTCX
Discuss cooperation in Green projects
Concerning the proposals on developing the renewable energy sector particularly wind and solar energy projects, the EIB President said that the areas proposed for financial cooperation were well within the scope of EIB and agreed to help Sri ...

◆201006 Colombo Gazette https://bit.ly/3nkUOXg
Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka attacks US envoy
Such naked hegemony, supremacy and power politics will neither be tolerated by the Chinese nor be accepted by the Sri Lankans. We strongly suggest the US to quit the addiction of preaching others and applying double standards. “Four ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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