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2020年10月9日 立場の違いが明確,埋められないEUと中国の溝,アジアはデモ











◆201009 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/33KBzim
中国共産党の極端さ軽視できず、米国の衰退確信か-中台「一 ...
アナリストや当局者、投資家の間では、今後数年以内に中国が台湾に攻め入り、米国との戦争につながる可能性があるとの不安が広がりつつある。 ... 同氏には 中国による侵略の脅威と台湾の防衛力、米国のアジア戦略についての著書がある。 ... 米国は中国の習近平国家主席の企てを阻止するため介入すると明言し、同盟国を安心させるべきだと主張するのは米外交 ... 国際社会の非難を無視し、香港で民主派を締め付け、 南シナ海に軍事拠点を設け、新疆ウイグル自治区では100万人を ...

◆201009 ロイター https://bit.ly/33NgFPH
中国の習近平国家主席は5月、新型コロナのパンデミック(世界的大流行)への対応を支援するため、今後2年間に20億ドルを拠出すると表明している。 同省の華春瑩報道官は声明で「われわれは特に途上国へのワクチンの公平な配分を確実 ...


◆201009 JBpress https://bit.ly/34CWuD8
澁谷 司:日本戦略研究フォーラム政策提言委員・アジア太平洋交流学会会長). 今年(2020年)9月14日、習近平主席は、メルケル・ドイツ首相や他の欧州連合(以下、EU)首脳らとビデオサミットを開催した。メルケル首相に加えて、 ...

◆201009 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/33FjwtN
中国の「脱炭素」は本物か その影響は、専門家に聞く
中国の習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席は9月22日、国連の一般討論演説で「2060年に二酸化炭素(CO2)排出を実質ゼロにする」と脱炭素目標を表明した。パリ協定に基づく世界の温暖化対策強化の動きを加 ...

◆201009 Asahi Shimbun GLOBE https://bit.ly/3d9OGg1
「21世紀は情報の戦争だ」暗躍する北朝鮮ハッカー 狙いは ...
国連安全保障理事会に属する6カ国の外交官11人や国連職員ら、少なくとも28人の国連関係者に今年、北朝鮮の犯行と思わ ... 海外では中国の北京、瀋陽、大連、上海、丹東などに拠点を設置し、日米韓などの主要機関のハッキング、サイバー ...

◆201009 ロイター https://bit.ly/2FdgN1c
米大統領補佐官、台湾巡り中国に警鐘 米国の反応は「曖昧」
[ワシントン 7日 ロイター] - オブライエン米大統領補佐官(国家安全保障担当)は7日、中国に対し武力による台湾の併合を目指さないよう警告、上陸作戦は困難で、米国が武力行使にどう反応するかも「曖昧」だとの認識を示した。 ネバダ ...

◆201009 ロイター https://bit.ly/34BdjOR
ジョンソン英首相は7月、次世代通信規格「5G」ネットワークからファーウェイ製品を2027年末までに締め出すよう命じた。 国防委員会のエルウッド委員長は「西側諸国は中国のハイテク支配に対抗するため、早急に団結し ...



◆201009 JBpress https://bit.ly/36Lpuv9
藤 和彦:経済産業研究所 上席研究員). 米WTI原油先物価格は軟調に推移している(1バレル=40ドル前後)。 10月2日の「トランプ大統領の新型コロナウイルス感染」の報道により、WTI原油価格は一時1バレル=36ドル台まで急落した。

◆201009 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/34zAs46
非効率な石炭火力発電のフェードアウト(段階的に減らす)政策に電力大手が戦々恐々としている。日本は電源構成のうち約3割を石炭に頼り、電力5社で発電量に占める非効率石炭の割合が2割を超えるからだ。もっと ...

◆201009 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3lqPQqj
ドイツを中心とした欧州のエネルギー業界は今、新しいテクノロジーと破壊的なイノベーションにより、急速な変革を迎えている。 家庭での電力消費は、部屋の照明、調理、暖房はもとより、スマホの充電にいたるまで、電気はますます生活 ...

◆201009 ロイター https://bit.ly/2FcX5CH
ロンドン 8日 ロイター] - 石油輸出国機構(OPEC)は8日、世界の石油需要は2030年代後半に頭打ちし、45年までに減少に転じる可能性があるとの見通しを示した。新型コロナウイルス危機による経済や消費動向への長期的な影響 ...

◆201009 ロイター https://bit.ly/33FHC7D
ハリケーン「デルタ」、メキシコ湾を北上 石油生産ほぼ停止
石油生産各社は、279のオフショア生産施設から作業員を退避させ、15基の石油掘削リグを移動した。湾岸地域の石油生産の92%(日量169万バレル)、天然ガス生産の62%近く(日量16億7000万 ...



◆201009 Japan In-depth https://bit.ly/2Gxdump
中国では気候変動の影響を受けた今年の大雨で7000万人が被害を受け、石炭産業に頼るエネルギー構造を転換することが課題とされている。と同時にその宣言は、パリ協定からの脱退を表明し「気候はすぐに涼しくなる。中国は科学をわかっ ...

◆201009 JBpress https://bit.ly/2Idamwn
インドは近年「第2の中国」との期待が高まっていたが、英石油大手BPは「インドの原油需要は2025年にピークを迎えるかもしれない」との弱気の見通しを示している(9月16日付OILPRICE)。 ロシアのノバク・エネルギー相は9月28日、「 ...

◆201009 文春オンライン https://bit.ly/3nA1AZl
「暴行の末、石炭や薪の上で火をつけられた」 中国共産党による第二の“文化大革命”を止めるため日本人に知ってほしいこと
「暴行の末、石炭や薪の上で火をつけられた」 中国共産党による第二の“文化大革命”を止めるため日本人に知ってほしいこと. モンゴル民族から文字と文化が奪われようとしている#2. 山川 徹. 5時間前.

◆201009 ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 https://on.wsj.com/3jJgWZt
半導体の主要な輸出元である台湾の輸出は増加したが、台湾財務部はファーウェイの在庫積み増しが一因となった可能性を指摘している。トレンドフォースのアナリスト、アブリル・ウー氏によると、ファーウェイ以外の中国スマホメーカー ...


◆201009 EcoWatch https://bit.ly/2GQuVxI
China Has Surprised the World With Climate Action Announcement
Importantly, China's use of coal, oil and gas must be slashed, and its industrial production stripped of emissions. This will affect ... For China to meet the net-zero goal, renewable energy generation would have to ramp up dramatically. This is needed for two reasons: to replace the lost coal-fired power capacity, and to provide the larger electricity needs of transport and heavy industry. Two factors are likely ...

◆201009 ecns https://bit.ly/3lrtULz
R&D of nuclear reactor signifies big milestone
The CAP1400 R&D is the latest achievement in China's nuclear power technology development and industrial innovation ... "For instance, each reactor can provide 1.5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity to the grid. ... The annual generating capacity of a single CAP1400 unit can meet the electricity needs of over 22 million residents and reduce greenhouse gas emissions ... with 30 million kW already under construction, according to the Beijing-based China Nuclear Energy Association.

◆201009 The Star Online https://bit.ly/2Id9yrl
China solar stocks surging after Xi's 2060 carbon pledge
CHINA'S massive renewable energy industry has seen shares soar since President Xi Jinping announced the country aims to ... The shift could require anywhere from $5 trillion to $15 trillion in investment, much of it in wind- and solar-power ...

◆201009 Asia Times https://bit.ly/2FjEULS
Shedding light on the limits of Chinese power
A Trump 2.0 administration would essentially turbo-charge its first-term bet on decoupling, aiming to squeeze “malign” China on a multiple hybrid war front, undermine the Chinese trade surplus and co-opt large swaths of Asia while always ...



◆201009 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2SE4s9l
ジャカルタで大規模デモ 外資誘致法に抗議
【ジャカルタ=地曳航也】インドネシアの首都ジャカルタなど主要都市で8日、海外からの投資を促す制度一括改正(オムニバス)法に反発する労働者や学生が大規模デモを開いた。一部が暴徒化し、路上で火を放ったり ...

◆201009 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2SE4yOf
インドネシア政府は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で打撃を受けた国営企業の再生案をまとめた。ガルーダ・インドネシア航空、格安航空会社(LCC)のシティリンクなど航空、観光関連の9社を1つの持ち株会社の傘 ...

◆201009 リム情報開発 https://bit.ly/33EVQWq
インドネシア=バイオジェット燃料の試作を年内開始 |海外 ...
インドネシアの国営石油ガス会社プルタミナは7月下旬、バイオジェット燃料(以下グリーンavtur)の試験生産を年内にも開始する予定であると発表した。グリーンavturはパーム原油を原料としたジェット燃料で、中ジャワ州にあるプルタミナの ...

◆201009 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3jExjq1
インドネシア、生産の「中国代替」へ一歩 カギは賃金
【NQNシンガポール=村田菜々子】インドネシアが中国に代わるアジア生産拠点の有力候補として一歩を踏み出した。インドネシア国会は5日、海外からの投資拡大と新たな雇用創出を目指す制度一括改正(オムニバス ...

◆201009 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2I51CrW
一方、インドネシア市場には中国からの関心が高まっており、世界資本が様々な形で押し寄せていることが見て取れる。極め付きは、6月末のインド政府による中国系ソーシャルアプリの一斉排除だ。インドで1億人以上 ...

◆201009 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/3nxAUIY
フィリピンは原子力発電の実行可能性を調査、逆に電気価格が ...
フィリピンのロドリゴ・ドゥテルテ大統領は、原子力発電に関しての実行可能性調査を行うように関係当局に指示を出した。 フィリピンでは、新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大する前までは、経済の堅実な成長と人口の増加などにより、電力 ...


◆201009 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3djCk56
Protests against new labor law turn violent across Indonesia
President Joko Widodo is visiting Central Kalimantan province and was not in the palace. Police fired tear gas at the protesters from several high schools and universities as they tried to approach the palace compound, turning roads into a ...

◆201009 CNA https://bit.ly/33FGKzZ
Commentary: Indonesia's clean energy ambitions hit fresh ...
Acquiring land for energy project development is a lengthy and complicated process in Indonesia, says an observer. ... Illinois: The world's fourth-highest emitter of greenhouse gases, Indonesia, is heavily reliant on coal to generate electricity. ... To minimise its future greenhouse gas emissions, Indonesia is gearing up to develop its vast renewable energy ... solar PV to meet Indonesia's 2050 target of 1,500 gigawatt (GW) of solar PV power plants will require at least 8,000 sq km or ...

◆201009 ThinkGeoEnergy https://bit.ly/3nwkPD3
What would help push geothermal development in Indonesia ...
As part of an article published by Ruang Energi in Indonesia, Riki F. Ibrahim, CEO of PT Geo Dipa Energi gave an ... Second, affordability, which is the ability to buy, namely purchasing power that is correlated with national per capita income, “he said. ... progressive steps by extending the period of tariff incentives for renewable energy, including geothermal energy of US ... “In the Electricity sector, there is always a polemic whether electricity is built in accordance with demand growth or ...

◆201009 ThinkGeoEnergy https://bit.ly/30MXljs
Star Energy Geothermal launching green bond issuance of up ...
Incentives for geothermal as part of renewable energy support regulation Fer2 are back in Italy ... Indonesian energy company Star Energy Geothermal is to issue two green bonds valued at a total of $1.1 billion to be used for capital expenditures, working capital and other needs related to geothermal operations at the plants of Darajat and Salak in Indonesia. ... Kontan.co.id also previously reported that BRPT is targeting Star Energy's electricity capacity to be increased to 1,200 MW ...

◆201009 Power Engineering International https://bit.ly/30IQB6f
Indonesia's power sector is open for business
The final episode in Enlit Asia's digital series Indonesia's New Energy Paradigm did not disappoint, as the expert ... Mallo explained that the availlability of capital for renewable energy has remained available throughout the pandemic ... Mallo also highlighted that geothermal and hydro are big in the area and will provide a great source of investment opportunities. ... Lessons learned from the pandemic and the unexpected up-side to the event;; How the movement away from coal and ...

◆201009 Philippine Canadian Inquirer https://bit.ly/2SE45vz
DOE urged to build foundations for sound nuclear power ...
Gatchalian said the Philippines has yet to ratify the Convention on Nuclear Safety, the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel ... steps in the adoption of a national nuclear energy policy before working on the possible use of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP). ... na ilalagay mo, tumataas yung presyo, tulad ng naging karanasan ng Vietnam (It's not true that price [of electricity] will go down.

◆201009 Argus Media https://bit.ly/33IptX1
Petron threatens to close Philippine refinery: Update
Philippine private-sector firm Petron has raised the prospect of shutting its 180,000 b/d Bataan refinery as it pushes for more government support, in a move that would leave the country entirely dependent on oil product imports. ... But Australia's Viva Energy is considering closing its 128,000 b/d Geelong refinery near Melbourne because of a challenging ... Pakistan's state-owned marketer PSO is back in the spot market seeking fuel oil on a shortage of domestic natural gas supplies in ...

◆201009 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/2SGSTOF
Duterte warns he'll intercede if House squabble risks budget
MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- The Philippine president warned Thursday he will intercede and resolve a leadership row in the ... Velasco said he should assume the speakership by Oct. 14 under a power-sharing deal brokered by Duterte.

◆201009 Electrek https://bit.ly/36OiZrA
EGEB: The world’s most widely used green energy? Hydropower
China is home to the world's largest hydroelectric gravity dam, the Three Gorges Dam, and the country produces over a quarter of the world's ... But geothermal power is the least popular source of energy — it's the main renewable source for only the Philippines, Kenya, and Nicaragua. ... Smith brings more than 18 years of experience in the natural gas and oil industries to Dandelion's drilling operations. ... We need more pumped hydro in California, we have the transmission lines.



◆201009 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3iCIgXS
タイ 14日に最大規模の反政府デモ 主導する若者グループ表明
反政府デモが続くタイで、デモを主導する若者たちは、プラユット政権の打倒を目指し、来週14日に、これまでで最大規模のデモを首都バンコクで行うと表明し、タイ全土に参加を呼びかけました。 続きを読む. タイで、反政府デモを続けて ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/34DAnMP
【BCG経済】トヨタ、再生エネの使用促進 タイ初の ...
タイ国トヨタ自動車(TMT)は8日、再生可能エネルギーにより発電された電力を調達したとみなす「再生可能エネルギー証書(REC)」をタイ発電公団(EGAT)から取得することを明らかにした。TMTは工場の屋根に太陽光発電 ...

◆201009 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/30Ob3T5
タイ発電公社が再生エネ証書 購入第1号はトヨタ
【バンコク=村松洋兵】国営のタイ発電公社(EGAT)は8日、再生可能エネルギーで発電したことを示す「グリーン電力証書」の発行を始めると明らかにした。再生エネで作った電力は通常より割高だが、証書があれば購入企業は電力使用に伴う ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2GS3fbL
首都圏高速道路2本、22年に入札実施見通し タイ・運輸
タイ運輸省国道局は、バンコク東部シーナカリン―東郊サムットプラカン県スワンナプーム国際空港間およびバンコク・ ... タイ国トヨタ自動車(TMT)は8日、再生可能エネルギーにより発電された電力を調達したとみなす「再生可…

◆201009 Japan In-depth https://bit.ly/3iDbIwQ
カンボジア、米関与軍施設解体 中国と密約?
・中国、海上交通路整備を目指し「真珠の首飾り」戦略も。 カンボジアが南部タイ湾に面する沿岸部に所在する米国が改修に協力して設備を供与したカンボジア海軍基地の ...

◆201009 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/33EG5Pg
東部経済回廊(EEC)政策委、3つの新規事業の実現可能性 ...
... バーツ=約3.3円)。3つの事業はドライポート事業、ランドブリッジ事業、タイブリッジ事業で、その概要は以下のとおり。 (1)ドライポート(内陸港)事業:レムチャバン港と、ラオス、カンボジア、ミャンマー、ベトナム、中国の各国 ...

◆201009 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3dnwtfb
これを受けて、グエン・スアン・フック首相は、新型コロナウイルス予防対策を徹底した上で、菅首相率いる日本政府代表団を受け入れるべく、最善の準備を行うよう関連機関に指導した。 7日午後には、山田滝雄駐ベトナム日本国特命全権大使 ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2SKYfZb
カインホア省、石油貯蔵施設の投資案件却下 ベトナム・天然 ...
ベトナム中南部カインホア省人民委員会はこのほど、バンフォン経済区で計画されていた石油貯蔵施設などの建設案件について、「基本計画に適合しない」との理由で却下した。7日付VNエクスプレスが報じた。 同経済区管理委員会の ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3dbGBY1
ブンアン発電所、サムスンが参画を正式表明 ベトナム・電力 ...
ベトナム北中部ハティン省におけるブンアン第2石炭火力発電所建設プロジェクトについて、韓国電力公社に続きサムスン物産もEPC(大型プラントなどの設計・調達・建設)事業者として参画することを表明した。同社オ・セチョル副社長 ...

◆201009 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/2I8wfNb
フィリピンは原子力発電の実行可能性を調査、逆に電気価格が ...
フィリピンのロドリゴ・ドゥテルテ大統領は、原子力発電に関しての実行可能性調査を行うように関係当局に指示を出 ... 電気料金の引き下げが保証されるものではなく、多くの安全手順と技術を導入する必要があるため、ベトナムの場合の ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3ddH1NJ
風力発電、第7次基本計画への事業追加停止 ベトナム・電力 ...
ベトナム商工省は各省市に対し、「2021~30年の国家電力開発基本計画および45年までの展望」(第8次国家電力開発基本計画)に登載を希望する風力電力事業のリストを提出するよう指示した。これに伴い、第7次国家電力開発基本 ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33FNA8u
越英FTA、年内の交渉完了を目指す=高官 ベトナム ...
ベトナムと英国が、2国間の自由貿易協定(FTA、VUFTA)の交渉を年内に完了させることを目指す方針だ。駐ベトナム英国大使と商工省の高官が ... ベトナムでは近く、中国系、韓国系、日系の生活雑貨店が出そろう。同国では中国 ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2SGETo6
「中国の衛星国」批判、首相が反論 カンボジア・政治

◆201009 Daily Sun New York https://bit.ly/3jHIVZu
カンボジアのフン・セン首相は7日、カンボジアは中国の「衛星国」ではないと強調した。中国からインフラ整… Read More · RIZAP · creativeref. Daily Sun 人気記事ランキング. NYニュース, トランプ大統領のつぶやき, コラム · 「討論会を ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3jEqG74
中国系の大型娯楽施設、カンダル州で開業 カンボジア・観光
カンボジアの首都プノンペンに隣接する南部カンダル州で7日、大型の娯楽施設「プリンス・マナー・リゾート」が正式開業した。不動産開発などを手掛ける中国系プリンス・ホールディングス・グループが8,500万米ドル(約90億円)を投資 ...

◆201009 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/3iGA34L
ミャンマーの貧困率が上昇する可能性、世界銀行が指摘 – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
世界銀行は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大による経済の落ち込みが、ミャンマーの貧困率を上昇させると指摘した。「アジア・太平洋地域経済レポート」で明らかにしたもの。MYANMAR TIMESが伝えた。 レポートでは、新型コロナ ...

◆201009 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/2GTM21F
2019年度にミャンマーへ外国投資が55億米ドル流入 – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
発表によると、9月29日に行われたミャンマー投資委員会の会議で新たに外国投資案件7件、投資額3億7千万米ドル分が許可された。これにより、2019 ... 2019年度の外国投資でもっとも多かったのは電力・エネルギー分野で、次... この記事は ...

◆201009 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3iGWXt2
今年の電力消費量は94億kWh、政府が予測 ラオス・電力 ...
ラオス・タイムズ(電子版)が7日に伝えた。 ラオスでは現在、電力消費量のうち47%を工業部門が占めている。家庭への電力普及率は95%となっ ...


◆201009 Voice of America https://bit.ly/33HbArL
New US Aid for Southeast Asia Takes Aim at Chinese Influence
A vendor, foreground, stands on a ferry together with his goods before crossing the Mekong river in Dei Edth village at the outskirt of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, July 22, 2020. ... Expect “high-quality energy infrastructure” along with steps to help prevent the illegal trade in wildlife, and measures to control ... China uses releases of water from the dams as “bargaining power” in Southeast Asia, Thitinan said.

◆201009 Eurasia Review https://bit.ly/3djtrsg
Biden 'Re-Pivot' To Asia Cannot Be Obama 2.0 - OpEd
He will have to bring tangible economic and political options to the table, and harness the intrinsic power of America's ... Trump's backing of Southeast Asian countries in the South China Sea and Mekong River, like George W. Bush and ...

◆201009 Youth Ki Awaaz https://bit.ly/3nuxsi5
Why India Needs A Plan To Counter China’s Water Hegemony
In January 2013, China approved mega-dam projects on the Brahmaputra River as part of its 12th Five-Year Plan. ... On the western front, this year, the Chinese state-run firm China Power and Frontier Works Organisation (FWO), ... The government is working on various fronts to provide hydropower energy and efficient use of water-ways. ... In the absence of any international treaty between China and lower riparian states, China could use these dams to control the flow of Mekong.

◆201009 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/30Pq3Ab
Chinese Firms Dominate Myanmar Solar Power Project Bids
Yangon — Six Chinese firms won the tender to implement 16 out of 30 solar power projects across Myanmar, according to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. The ministry in May invited bids for the construction of 30 ground-mounted solar ...

◆201009 BloombergQuint https://bit.ly/30NKIoc
Thai Petrochemicals Giant to Add Green Power to Cut Carbon Print
“We will also buy more clean energy from other developers to demonstrate our effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” Thai power producers including Gulf Energy Development Pcl, and B. Grimm Power Pcl are also accelerating investments in renewable energy as climate-change concerns prompt governments to turn to cleaner sources. Southeast Asia's second-biggest economy plans to add at least 56,000 megawatts of new electricity capacity by 2037, with almost four-fifths of ...

◆201009 Vietnam Briefing https://bit.ly/33HFb4m
Vietnam, UK Look to Strengthen Economic Ties, Potential ...
Following the ratification of the EVFTA, the UK and Vietnam are working on a bilateral free trade agreement to further ... The UK is also looking to Vietnam for goods and services such as education, renewable energy, technology, ... Vietnam continues to rely on coal as it is cheap but technological progress and environmental concerns make renewables more attractive. ... In particular, an agreement was reached to cooperate in the strategic oil sector – this was paired with a call for ...

◆201009 Seatrade Maritime News https://bit.ly/2IdhWXN
Vietnam approves ExxonMobil's plan to build a $5.09bn LNG ...
Vietnam has given the green light for US-based ExxonMobil to develop a $5.09bn liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in the port city of ... Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said that the government welcomed ExxonMobil's plans to invest in the country's oil sector. ... The Institute of Energy of Vietnam is drafting a new master power development plan and has compiled a list of 22 LNG power plants ...

◆201009 Voice of America https://bit.ly/2GSef93
New US Aid for Southeast Asia Takes Aim at Chinese Influence
A vendor, foreground, stands on a ferry together with his goods before crossing the Mekong river in Dei Edth village at the outskirt ... In Southeast Asia, the United States backs Vietnam in resisting Chinese expansion in the South China Sea where the two ... Expect “high-quality energy infrastructure” along with steps to help prevent the illegal trade in wildlife, and measures to control ... China uses releases of water from the dams as “bargaining power” in Southeast Asia, Thitinan said.

◆201009 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3lFfOGT
How Japan's Labor Trainee Program Hurts Relations With ...
If Japan intends to keep relations warm with Vietnam, the government needs to scrap the program. ... a particularly morbid case emerged in 2018, involving four Vietnamese TITP trainees who were made to clean up nuclear contamination in ...

◆201009 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/2GMinrt
China's Military Ambitions in Southeast Asia: Much Bigger ...
China's Military Ambitions in Southeast Asia: Much Bigger than Cambodian Bases ... This week, we saw another round of headlines regarding China's basing plans in Cambodia, with the country's ... basing rights in Cambodia, and this alone has significant implications for the balance of power in mainland Southeast Asia ...

◆201009 Voice of America https://bit.ly/2Fd8r9O
New US Aid for Southeast Asia Takes Aim at Chinese Influence
A vendor, foreground, stands on a ferry together with his goods before crossing the Mekong river in Dei Edth village at the outskirt of ... The Mekong-U.S. Partnership, formed September 11, will give Washington more clout in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, ... Expect “high-quality energy infrastructure” along with steps to help prevent the illegal trade in wildlife, and measures to control ... China uses releases of water from the dams as “bargaining power” in Southeast Asia, Thitinan said.

◆201009 Myanmar Times https://bit.ly/2SLa15P
India proposes oil refinery to expand presence in Myanmar ...
India wants to build a US$6 billion oil refinery in Thanlyin, Yangon, to rival China's investments in Myanmar's energy sector, according to ... U Min Min Oo, deputy permanent secretary from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE), said the two governments are discussing possibilities to cooperate in the downstream oil and gas sector in Myanmar. The MOEE is now also negotiating terms to purchase power from India via cross border transmission following a bilateral meeting held ...

◆201009 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/36NPfuK
Chinese Firms Dominate Myanmar Solar Power Project Bids
Chinese Firms Dominate Myanmar Solar Power Project Bids ... won the tender to implement 16 out of 30 solar power projects across Myanmar, according to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. ... Sungrow Power Supply Co. won the tender to implement eight projects, the maximum number of projects among the tender winners. ... Topics: China, Electricity, Environment, Renewable Energy, Solar Power.

◆201009 The Wire https://bit.ly/36KPdDM
Chinese Companies Dominate Myanmar's Billion-Dollar Solar ...
A senior official at the Department of Electricity Power Planning confirmed the selection process had been “a headache” compared to previous tenders for gas-fired projects. A woman cooks dinner by candlelight in her home in Dala ...

◆201009 The Interpreter https://bit.ly/3lxbyJn
Bangladesh's balancing act between great powers
China has already “invested $10 billion in in power and infrastructure projects” in Bangladesh, and it is the largest arms exporter ... theory also point out that Bangladesh recently sought US$1 billion from China to better manage the water of the Teesta river. ... China is already a friend of Myanmar, meaning access to gas fields in the Bay of Bengal and possibly a Belt and Road ... And it is a nuclear power.

◆201009 Arab News https://bit.ly/3nxOoUY
Time for EU to stop looking the other way in Myanmar
One of the most striking aspects of the evolution of relations between Myanmar and other global players in light of its genocide against the Rohingya is the ... After the mishandling of Cyclone Nargis in 2008, the old military junta governing Myanmar lost all traces of legitimacy and was forced to open up the ... Suu Kyi's government came to power in earnest in 2016. ... OPEC doesn't see peak oil demand ...


2020年10月8日12時40分更新 大阪は雨

◆201008 livedoor https://bit.ly/36GvDbN
ネパール奥ドルポで幾多の峠を越え、ついに辿り着いたヒマラヤ最奥の集落・ティンギュー(90世帯 約500人)。標高4150メートルに位置し、酸素濃度は60%と生活するに決して便利とは言えない場所だ。そんな中で取材を行っているナスD ...

◆201008 大紀元 https://bit.ly/34ALN3R
チベットにも、新疆同様の強制労働施設が設置されているとの報告がある。 中国は最近、自国に批判的な国に執拗な脅迫と威嚇を行っている。国際人権団体ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ...

◆201008 JBpress https://bit.ly/2SAioBt
香港デモに対する弾圧、内モンゴルの語学教育政策への抵抗、チベットなどでの人権問題、そして新型コロナウイルス感染症の隠蔽など、この2年の間の中国の行動は国際社会に強い不信感をもたらした。西側各国の不信感は、2022年の北京 ...

◆201008 ニコニコニュース https://bit.ly/30JvlNQ
武漢、チベットへの旅行者増. ニューノーマルの旅行にはいくつかの特徴がある。1つ目は前述したように、オンライン予約・決済の浸透だ。中国は生活のさまざまなシーンで事前の段取りや調整がされない傾向にあるが、3密回避で事前予約が ...

◆201008 TechCrunch Japan https://tcrn.ch/3iFiEd0
Samsung(サムスン)と、Apple(アップル)の主要な受託製造パートナー3社は、今後5年間でスマートフォン生産を強化するというインド政府の計画で66億5000万ドル(約7050億円)の奨励金を受け取る16社の中に含まれている。これら ...

◆201008 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/34xluvC
インド政府によると今後5年間に16社合計で10兆5千億ルピー(約15兆円)相当の携帯電話や電子部品をインド国内で製造する見通し。 2018年にインドに携帯工場を新設したサムスン電子は補助金活用で増産 ...

◆201008 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/33JTwxz
インド政府が6日、新たな補助金を活用して両社を含む16社が同国内に投資する計画だと発表した。インド政府によると今後5年間に16社合計で10兆5千億ルピー(約15兆円)相当の携帯電話や電子 ...

◆201008 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2GNgVEW
ロールスロイス、ダムラLNGで発電所整備 インド・電力 ...
英航空機エンジン大手のロールス・ロイスは6日、インド東部オディシャ(オリッサ)州ダムラの液化天然ガス(LNG)ターミナルの整備でガス火力発電所の建設を受注したと発表した。 事業主体のダムラLNGターミナル(DLTPL) ...

◆201008 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/30Ihd7n
石炭公社、上半期の設備投資は502億ルピー インド・天然資源
インド石炭公社(CIL)は、本年度上半期(2020年4~9月)に502億3,000万ルピー(約722億8,000万円)の設備投資を実施した。前年同期の146億7,000万ルピーから約3.4倍の増加を示している。ビジネス・ライン(電子版)が6日に ...

◆201008 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2I2AFVL
小型モジュール式原子炉(SMR)の需要は、廃止された石炭火力発電所の代わりにブラウンフィールドサイトに配備されたこと ... 現在、インド(PHWR-220)、中国(CNP-300)、およびロシア(Siberia- EGP-6)には、アクティブな小型 ...

◆201008 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/2I85h8x
一方、パキスタンなどは声明で、中国が自治区内で人権を守り、法律に従ってテロ対策を行ってきたなどとして、中国擁護論を展開した。 中国の張軍国連大使は討議後、記者団に対し、米英独などの「少数グループ」が「人権問題を ...

◆201008 Record China https://bit.ly/3jGe9zT
パキスタンは多くの点で中国に依存している」とした。 バダウリア参謀長は、「衝突が発生した場合、中国がインドに勝利できる理由はない。私たちはすべての関連 ...


◆201008 Telegraph.co.uk https://bit.ly/36FUXyM
It is time for Britain to impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on China
The appalling state-sponsored human rights abuses being perpetrated in Tibet and Xinjiang demand a far tougher response ... Church was detained in December 2018 and sentenced to 9 years in prison for "inciting to subvert state power".

◆201008 Fair Observer https://bit.ly/2F9XyWg
China-India Clash Wakes Up Tibet’s Ghost of Independence
... supported Tibetan independence or autonomy. In contrast, China has allied with Pakistan and opposed India's interests in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. Since Modi came to power in 2014, he has met Chinese President Xi Jinping 18 times.

◆201008 Telegraph.co.uk https://bit.ly/34vs4ma
Democracies are still falling for China's lies
In the first six months of this year, Beijing approved more coal-fired power plants than the last two years combined. ... and the South China Sea arbitration, or halt the cultural and human destruction wrought in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet.

◆201008 Eurasia Review https://bit.ly/33D1bxi
Quad Should Accord Taiwan's Recognition - OpEd
While China has made spectacular progress in industrial and economic growth and military power, this “progress” has only ... China's occupation of Tibet is now total and the massacre of thousands of innocent Tibetans by China has been ...

◆201008 Kashmir Observer https://bit.ly/33E5KHD
Promise to Make J&K A Hub of Solar Power Remains A Hoax
The successive central and state governments over the past few years promised to make J&K a hub of solar energy ... proposed many mega solar power projects in few districts of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), but the completion of ... Experts suggest that such projects may help in boosting job opportunities and electricity production that ultimately will ... Notably, ever since Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy launched the Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission in ...

◆201008 The News International https://bit.ly/3iF8TLG
Violations of river rights not letting Indus reach its delta: experts
HYDERABAD: Researchers, environmentalists, and water activists on Tuesday raised a voice to ensure the rights of River Indus by letting it flow smoothly to its ultimate end, the delta, which was not only vital to the survival of ...

◆201008 The Indian Express https://bit.ly/3d5IBRK
Indus Water Treaty at 60: why there is a need to give it a fresh look
September 19 marks the 60th anniversary of the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) between India and Pakistan, a treaty that ... It was vital, therefore, to get the waters of the 'eastern rivers' for the proposed Rajasthan canal and the Bhakra Dam without which both ... Canals in 1963, described it as “a gigantic achievement and a symbol of the nation's energy and enterprise”. ... Further, out of the total estimated capacity of 11406 MW electricity that can be harnessed from the three ...

◆201008 The Nation https://bit.ly/2GAXsHZ
High flood at Dadu-Moro Bridge in Indus inundates over 50 villages
Flooding in the river has forced a large number of people to leave their homes for safer places. According to water records, River Indus is in medium flood at Guddu and Sukkur barrages, while the water level is falling. There ...
3週間前 October 01 – A view of boats parked at banks of Indus River. APP photo by Farhan Khan. Thu, 1 Oct 2020, 4:37 PM. Facebook · Twitter · Pinterest · WhatsApp · Linkedin · Email. HYDERABAD: October 01 – A view of boats ...

◆201008 The Wire https://bit.ly/3iKAzyF
Sixty Years of the Indus Waters Treaty and How It Survived Many a Fraught Moment
A little over 60 years ago, on September 19, 1960, the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) was signed between India and ... (1987, 2001-02, 2008, 2016 and 2019) and several other episodes of political friction between the South Asian nuclear rivals. ... The second one was over Baglihar dam which they settled in 2007 with the help of World Bank appointed Neutral ... More complex than Salal and Baglihar dams is the dispute over Kishanganga Hydro Electricity Project (KHEP).

◆201008 The Citizen https://bit.ly/3d6Y8AR
Time to Recast the Indus Water Treaty
September 19 was the date in 1960, when the Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan was signed at Karachi by then ... where India gave Pakistan 80.52 per cent of the waters of six rivers ( Indus and five rivers of Punjab) keeping just over ... The Salal dam on Chenab, near Ryasi, which was originally built as a storage dam, had to be converted to run off the ... For India, hydel power projects based on run of the river dams cannot fully exploit the flow of water, because during ...

◆201008 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/33GBpIC
India to replace coal fired power plants with renewables: R K Singh
NEW DELHI: India is planning to replace retiring coal-fired power plants with renewable generating capacity in a bid ... already retired, and about 29 more plants are going to retire, and all that space will be occupied by renewable energy. ... duty on solar inverters, which are connected to solar panels to convert the direct-current power into usable electricity. ... the expansion of renewable energy, the build-up of a hydrogen market and the future use of coal, gas and oil.

◆201008 Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide https://bit.ly/30MA6pQ
India’s gas imports set to rise, demand reaches pre-pandemic level
India's gas imports are set to rise as GAIL (India) Ltd has reopened its western India imports facility after months of ... India meets about half of its daily 160-170 million standard cubic meters (mmscm) of gas demand through imports. ... Ranganathan said most fertiliser and power plants, key consumers of gas, were operating at a normal rate. ... and import facilities as Prime Minister Narendra Modi is keen to boost the share of cleaner fuel in the energy mix to 15% by ...

◆201008 ET Now https://bit.ly/3iAjQ16
India mulls closing dirtiest coal plants: Why the nation's coal fleet is in dire need of transformation
India's coal power plants dragging their heels. In India, thermal power generation accounts for approximately 80 per cent of industrial emissions including dangerous particulate matter, sulphur, nitrous oxide and other ...

◆201008 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/3iFbFAA
Near-term headwinds to weigh on India's power and renewables growth: Fitch
Despite shift, energy giants fall short of UN climate goals: study. TPI's analysis of 59 major oil, gas and coal companies said that seven European firms - Glencore , Anglo American , Shell, Repsol , Total , ...

◆201008 Middle East Monitor https://bit.ly/3lowYYV
A China-Iran deal could provide Pakistan with windows of ...
In return, added Zarif, China will get a guaranteed supply of Iranian oil at a premium price for the next quarter of a century. ... to rebuild its ties with Iran, something that Prime Minister Imran Khan's government has been trying to forge since it came to power in 2018. ... There is no doubt that Iran's formal incorporation into the BRI will be instrumental in easing Pakistan's energy crisis. The former has the capacity to export 3000 MW of electricity to Pakistan at low rates.

◆201008 Kallanish Energy https://bit.ly/36ETdpv
Pakistan LNG seeks 6 LNG spot cargoes for December ...
Pakistan LNG Ltd has launched a tender for six liquefied natural gas (LNG) spot cargoes for delivery in December, Kallanish Energy reports. The government-owned company is seeking 840,000 cubic meters of LNG ...

◆201008 World Nuclear News https://bit.ly/3npNvh8
Pakistan's Chashma 4 officially accepted : New Nuclear
CNNC said China and Pakistan have maintained a strong partnership in the nuclear power sector since the two ... and full-service services, and commit to providing clean, efficient and safe energy to the Pakistani people.".

◆201008 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/2GMyntv
Pakistan Making Shift to Clean Power Production and Lower ...
Today, the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved $450 million in financing to support Pakistan's transition to renewable energy resources that reduce its reliance on fossil fuel imports and lower costs of electricity ...

◆201008 ReliefWeb https://bit.ly/34DBkor
ADB Approves $50 Million Assistance to Address Flooding in ...
The Priority River Basins Flood Risk Management Project supports the Government of Nepal's National Water Plan, 2002–2027, in reducing personal, social, and economic losses from water-induced disasters by blending ...

◆201008 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/3lmCBqC
Nepal will never experience load-shedding again: Kulman Ghising
Energy Minister Barshaman Pun has urged the people not to worry about the current power cuts as 'that is just a ... the 'light man' Kulman Ghising, the erstwhile managing director of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), said such ...

◆201008 The Kathmandu Post https://bit.ly/3ntDYG0
Micro hydro plants destined for oblivion in rural Nepal
The micro hydro plants that typically produce 5 kW to 100 kW of electricity do not require a dam and reservoir ... Locals had built a 12 kW plant on the Rumdi River in Manebhanjyang Rural Municipality-5 a decade ago which is still in operation ... to the Nepal Electricity Authority, which will use the electricity poles and transmission lines, but not the power ... Electric power had reached 94 percent of Nepal's population as of 2018, according to the Energy Progress Report ...

◆201008 US Embassy in Nepal https://bit.ly/2SCIyTW
Proven partnership: US and Nepal
It is a simple fact of geography and economics that means India. If Nepal wants to sell power to Bangladesh, it will require an agreement with India. The reason why the MCC Compact requires a cross-border transmission line ...

◆201008 pv magazine International https://bit.ly/3llWyhe
Bhutan launches ground-mounted PV tender – pv magazine ...
According to the latest statistics from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Bhutan had not ... IRENA is pushing the government to update its energy policies to take advantage of falling solar and wind power costs. The nation already has achieved almost universal access to electricity, but it often has to import electricity from neighboring countries, especially in the winter.

◆201008 Saurenergy https://bit.ly/33F905J
MNRE Shares Solar Tender Issued in Bhutan for Participation ...
MNRE has asked SPDA and NSEFI to circulate the tender amongst solar power developers for possible participation in the bid. The Renewable Energy Division (RED), Distribution Construction Department (DCD) of BPC has ...

◆201008 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3ntEROQ
Is Bhutan slowly turning tides against India because of India ...
Bhutanese citizens are blaming IMTRAT (Indian Military Training Team), responsible for training the Bhutanese Army, “Royal Army of Bhutan”. The citizens of Bhutan believe that COVID transmission is happening via IMTRAT ...

◆201008 Guwahati Plus https://bit.ly/30Jhxmo
Bhutan's Gain is Assam's Loss
Notably, by 2020 both India and Bhutan have agreed to 11,000 MW of hydropower and many Indian energy major ... on Bhutan overlooking the northeastern states which have capacity in abundance to generate hydro power. ... dampener for potential investors opting for Bhutan as the country has maintained the cheapest electricity rates in South Asia. ... economic development must not take place.what nonesense,assam is providing tea and oil to india.it is.better ...

◆201008 Newsfirst.lk https://bit.ly/36LNTk6
Sri Lanka hit by billion-worth losses over coal purchase
The investigation revealed that the losses had been caused since the required quantity of coal had not been mentioned when Lanka Coal Company had called for tenders to procure coal. During a meeting of the Committee on ...

◆201008 Asahi Shimbun https://bit.ly/34GS12q
Ships, aircraft fight new fire on oil tanker off Sri Lanka : The ...
The MT New Diamond is carrying nearly 2 million barrels of crude oil and Sri Lankan officials have warned of possible massive environmental damage to Sri Lanka's coast if the ship leaks or explodes. The navy had said the ...

◆201008 Daily Mirror https://bit.ly/33GTZjG
Sri Lanka has gas resources sufficient for 30 years: Energy ...
Energy Minister Udaya Gammanpila spoke to Daily Mirror about the oil and gas policy of Sri Lanka and the potential for offshore gas extraction. The minister is confident that Sri Lanka will become an oil and gas-producing ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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