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2020年10月13日 中国が修正主義的な行動に投ずるコストは莫大,永遠には続かない

北朝鮮 軍事パレードで新型ミサイル登場 米高官「失望」,失望だけか




中国の高圧外交、世界身構え 130カ国「最大貿易相手」





◆201013 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3jP20J8
北朝鮮の「モンスター」級ICBM、米国の防衛網圧倒も可能 ...
北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長が10日披露した大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)は、複数の核弾頭を装備できる多弾頭型で、米国の都市を攻撃する能力を向上させたものだった。 映像を分析した専門家らは、ミサイルのサイズと見込まれる ...

◆201013 BBCニュース https://bbc.in/2GXouZV
【解説】 北朝鮮の大型最新ICBM、分かっている3つのこと
北朝鮮は10日未明、異例の夜間軍事パレードで新型の大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)を公開した。その「とてつもなく巨大」な ... 2010年、北朝鮮は中国から大型トラック「WS51200」6台を不法に輸入。油圧装置を改造して移動式発射 ...

◆201013 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/2SLXQG4
北朝鮮が10月10日未明、朝鮮労働党の創立75年を祝う軍事パレードを挙行した。朝鮮半島の動向に詳しい武貞秀士・拓殖大学大学院客員教授はここから、 核放置のままで米朝関係が進展する可能性を読み取る。隠れたキーワードは中国だ。

◆201013 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3jTJ2RJ
中国の静かな2週間の実験-ネット開放拡大容認し、国民監視 ...
中国で禁じられている「ユーチューブ」や「インスタグラム」など外国のウェブサイトに本土からのアクセスが2週間だけ可能だった。 ... 中国 政府も関係しているサイバーセキュリティー大手、 三六零安全科技(360セキュリティー・テクノロジー)が支援するモバイル ... 中国語で習近平国家主席の名前を検索すると上海と天津、マカオのテレビ局だとする3つのアカウントによって投稿されたビデオ ...

◆201013 現代ビジネス https://bit.ly/2GX7ZwY
海上保安庁のHPに掲載されている「尖閣諸島周辺海域における中国公船の動向」というグラフだ。 ... 朝鮮戦争のときに毛沢東は、「義勇兵」と称して人民解放軍150万人を北朝鮮に送り込んだが、習近平はこれを成功体験として学んでいる ...

◆201013 ロイター https://bit.ly/33TpaZf
[クアラルンプール 13日 ロイター] - マレーシアを訪問中の中国の王毅外相は13日、中国と東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)は南シナ海における「外部からの障害」を排除するため協調すべきと述べた。詳細には触れなかった。 一方、 ...

◆201013 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3k06cWM
中国の高圧外交、世界身構え 130カ国「最大貿易相手」
朝焼けのなか戦略爆撃機「H6K」が飛び立つ。標的をとらえたパイロットが空対地ミサイルを発射すると海岸沿いの滑走路に命中し、キノコ雲が立ち上がる――。 中国 ...



◆201011 ロイター https://bit.ly/30Tk5OF
[9日 ロイター] - エネルギーサービス会社ベーカー・ヒューズが発表した9日までの週の米国内石油・天然ガス掘削リグ稼働数は、2018年6月以降で初めて4週連続で増加した。 原油価格が過去数カ月間1バレル=40ドル付近で推移 ...

◆201011 Business Journal https://bit.ly/33OSd06
政府の新しい「エネルギー基本計画(2018年決定)」によると、2030年目標で再エネの電源構成比率は22~24%となっている。現在の比率が16%超なので、ほとんど増やそうという意図が感じられない。しかも、化石燃料(石油・石炭・天然 ...

◆201011 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3di8Owo
政府、LNG調達網を脱炭素化 豪・東南アジアと連携
政府は日本が輸入する重要なエネルギー資源である液化天然ガス(LNG)について開発から輸送、供給までバリューチェーン全体で環境負荷を低減する。オーストラリアや東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)と組んで脱 ...

◆201011 山陽新聞 https://bit.ly/36SUAB9
石炭火力発電所削減へ 「脱炭素」向け政府方針:山陽新聞 ...
特集|知るほどなるほど ニュース解説. 政府は二酸化炭素(CO2)を多く排出する非効率な石炭火力発電所を2030年度までに段階的に減らす方... この記事は会員限定です。 電子版にご利用登録後、 ログインして全文をご覧頂けます。

◆201011 チャイナネット https://on.china.cn/3lDjyIz
第14次五カ年計画期間(2021−25年)に、送電網及び関連産業の投資額が6兆元以上の規模にのぼる見通しだ」と述べた。 同時に国家電網は各種措置によりクリーンエネルギーの発展を促進し、通年の水力・風力・太陽光発電利用率を ...



◆201011 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2SJ6Dsf
ファーウェイ製5G基地局、米製部品が3割 本社調査
中国製の部品は1割に届かず、米の強硬措置が続けば業界での競争力を失う可能性が高い。 米政府は9月15日、米国の技術を使った半導体の ...

◆201011 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3jOoha3
... 李克強国務院総理が発表したのがハイテク国家戦略「中国製造2025」である。 それまでの組み立てプラットフォーム国家から抜け出して、半導体製造や宇宙開発あるいは5GやAIによる軍事技術も含めた「スマート化」を図ることなどが ...

◆201011 時事通信 https://bit.ly/36UuT3c
【中国ウォッチ】共産党、民営企業への統制強化 ~「愛国主義」「産業報国」求める~
社会主義市場経済体制では国有企業が金融、エネルギー、通信などの重要分野を抑えているが、改革・開放が進むにつれて市場経済への適応能力が高い民営企業が急速に発展した。 その影響力の大きさは「56789」といわれる。民営企業の ...

◆201011 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2GRN8es
コロナ禍でプラスチック業界に激震 廃棄増がリサイクル圧迫
中国廃塑料協会のスティーブ・ウォン会長はロイターのインタビューで「本当にたくさんの人が困っている。 ... ほぼすべてのプラスチックは化石燃料から生成されるが、石油はコロナ禍による景気減速で需要が落ち込んで価格が下落。新品の ...


◆201011 Reuters https://reut.rs/2FhTi79
China to invest nearly $900 billion in power grids: state media
The investments will centre on areas such as ultra high voltage power transmission, electric vehicle chargers and new digital infrastructure, Mao said. Reporting by Ryan Woo; editing by Clelia Oziel. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust ...

◆201011 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3dgcbE9
China's friends are few and unreliable - Nikkei Asia
Automobiles · Consumer Industries · Energy · Finance · Health Care & Pharma · Industrials · Property & Services · Startups ... Amid escalating competition, China and the United States are actively shoring up their diplomatic relationships in the ... Since Chinese President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, he and Russian President Vladimir Putin have met dozens of times. Xi even ... Xi likely finds Kim too reckless with nuclear and ballistic missile tests and ungrateful of Chinese support.

◆201011 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3iNni8E
Japan sends three vessels to South China Sea in anti ...
Nearly all of the energy-rich waters of the South China Sea are claimed by China, which has established military ... South China Sea and trying to intimidate Asian neighbors who might want to exploit the area's extensive oil and gas reserves.

◆201011 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/34K3ga3
Emerging Economies Are Playing A Pivotal Role In The Energy Transition
But as emerging economies like China, India, and Brazil develop, urbanize, and grow at a truly unprecedented pace, the world ... to reach carbon neutrality by 2060, an extremely lofty goal based in the scaling up of nuclear and renewable energies. ... emissions reduction, and has pledged to replace much of its coal consumption with cleaner energy alternatives. ... than 40 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity each year – roughly enough to power 37 million average Indian households or ...

◆201011 Global Village space https://bit.ly/3dffWcQ
US ousts China from Romania nuclear project
Washington's energy ministry said Friday that the US would dislodge China as financier for two new reactors at ... Bucharest in June broke off its agreement with China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) on the two new reactors, ... The power plant's two existing reactors together provide around 17 percent of Romania's electricity supply. ... Pakistan's K2 nuclear reactor using Chinese technology completes thermal testing · power plant · Are Arab oil reserves depleting? UAE to ...

◆201011 Eurasia Review
Wave Power: China Uses Offshore Renewable Energy For ...
By Drake Long. New satellite imagery spotted by BenarNews shows an experimental wave power generator off Woody Island, China's main military base and settlement in the Paracel archipelago at the northern end of the South China Sea.

◆201011 Voice of America https://bit.ly/30WSXi2
Chinese 5G Not Living Up to Its Hype
FILE - Visitors wearing mask to protect from the coronavirus walk past a 5G sign at the China Beijing International High Tech Expo in ... The cost of the energy needed to power 5G has proved to be one of the biggest headaches for Chinese telecommunication companies. ... station's annual electricity bill will approach $29 billion, according to a report by the China Post and Telecommunications News, ...

◆201011 The Atlantic https://bit.ly/30UHkYH
Taiwan Is the Next Front in the US-China Standoff
The dispute over the island's fate has had the potential to erupt into conflict between China and the United States for decades. ... overshadowed by seemingly more-pressing concerns, such as North Korea's nuclear ambitions and inflamed tensions between ... The biggest shifts have come in China, where President Xi Jinping has refashioned the Communist government by accumulating more power than ...

◆201011 South China Morning Post https://bit.ly/2GZ1qtF
China promotes new-energy vehicles in drive to get economy back on track
That would include the construction of more charging facilities and filling stations for electricity- and hydrogen-powered cars, as well as the wider use of new-energy vehicles by government agencies, it said. Also, by next year, at least 80 per cent ...



◆201010 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/3iMskSX
インドネシア、デモで3900人拘束 雇用創出オムニバス法に抗議、一部が暴徒化 - 毎日新聞

◆201010 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/36PaiNu
デモで3900人拘束 インドネシア、施設破壊も
【ジャカルタ=共同】インドネシア国家警察は9日、国会で5日に可決された雇用創出に関する制度一括改正(オムニバス)法に抗議する大規模デモで、全土で約3900人を拘束したと明らかにした。デモは6日に始ま ...

◆201010 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2GLYyk6
王外交部長は「今年は中国とインドネシアの国交樹立70年の年である。両国がこれを契機に新型コロナウイルスの感染予防・抑制と経済回復をメインに据えながら政治上の相互信頼を固め、 ...

◆201010 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3jNCbt5
ルソン島の陸稲 気候変動・農薬の影響、ここにも
北西部はちょうど乾期に入った時期にあたり、干上がった田んぼが多く見られた。 山あいに入ると乾いた田んぼが特に多かった。フィリピンでは灌漑(かんがい)可能な農地のうち、灌漑施設が整備済みなのは4割ほどで ...


◆201010 re:Jerusalem https://bit.ly/33LKxf1
Indonesia Geothermal Power Market Report- Rapidly Growing with Huge Application Scope & Opportunities | PT. Indonesia Power,PT Pertamina
Indonesia Geothermal Power Market Report- Rapidly Growing with Huge Application Scope & Opportunities | PT. ... The research details renewable power market outlook in the Indonesia (includes geothermal, small hydro, wind, biopower and solar ... A detailed coverage of renewable energy policy framework governing the market with specific policies pertaining to geothermal is provided in the report.

◆201010 re:Jerusalem https://bit.ly/3dd7Bqj
2020 Indonesia Hydropower Market Report- Size, Share, Statistics, Demand and Revenue | PT. Indonesia Power,PT Poso Energy
The report highlights installed capacity and power generation trends from 2010 to 2030 in the Indonesia Hydro market. A detailed coverage of renewable energy policy framework governing the market with specific policies pertaining to ...

◆201010 LNG Industry https://bit.ly/2IhcrHB
Tokyo Gas signs JCA with First Gen Corporation
Tokyo Gas will take a 20% participating interest in the construction and operation of the project. The Department of Energy of the Republic of the Philippines granted a permit to construct the Interim Offshore LNG Terminal on 23 September ...

◆201010 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3lwlEdj
Japan sends three vessels to South China Sea in anti ...
Nearly all of the energy-rich waters of the South China Sea are claimed by China, which has established military outposts on artificial islands in the area. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims to parts of the sea. ... China of militarizing the South China Sea and trying to intimidate Asian neighbors who might want to exploit the area's extensive oil and gas reserves.

◆201010 ThinkGeoEnergy https://bit.ly/3jMfsgN
Careful optimism on expected increase in demand for drilling ...
Based on reporting on expected geothermal development and demand for drilling by Rystad Energy, we did our own ... The company basis this on its estimates of an increase in geothermal power generation from 16,000 MW at the end of 2020 to ... Yet, how much this really is a relief given a drop in drilling activities for oil and gas of completely different proportions will ... put it at around 93% of capacity, while a total of 29 countries today generate electricity with geothermal energy.

◆201010 IR INSIDER https://bit.ly/3djoJun
Philippine President Duterte Criticizes Facebook After Purge ...
Duterte, along with many other populists throughout the world, claimed power by using Facebook, a popular online social networking site. During his 2016 campaign, he seamlessly shared his messages by taking advantage of Facebook's ...



◆201011 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3jSaLCf
王毅外交部長 イラン核問題の政治的解決を強調
王毅外交部長は10日、雲南省騰沖市で、中国を訪問中のイランのザリーフ外相と会談しました。 王部長は「世界は新たな脅威と挑戦にさらされている。国際社会は従来よりさらなる多国間主義の堅持、公平主義の擁護、開放協力の促進が求め ...

◆201011 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3jPVBxs
王外交部長 フィリピンと「南海行動準則」協議促進を強調
王毅国務院兼外交部長は10日、雲南省騰沖市で、中国を訪問中のフィリピンのテオドロ・ロクシン外相と会談しました。 王部長は、ロクシン外相の中国訪問に歓迎の意を表したうえで、「国際情勢がいかに変化しようと、両国は永遠に友人 ...

◆201011 47NEWS https://bit.ly/3iT6g93
バスと列車衝突20人死亡、タイ 30人以上が負傷、寺院参拝途中
【バンコク共同】タイ東部チャチュンサオ県で11日朝、バスが貨物列車と衝突した。地元当局によると、バスの乗客ら20人が死亡、30人以上が負傷した。事故当時は雨が降っており、 ...

◆201011 livedoor https://bit.ly/3lvV7gn

◆201011 NHK NEWS WEB https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20201010/k10012657551000.html
海上自衛隊の派遣部隊 ベトナム寄港 中国念頭に連携強化ねらい
日本とベトナムは南シナ海での海洋進出を強める中国を念頭に、連携を強化するねらいがあるとみられます。 続きを読む.

◆201011 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3lM2ErF
【北京=共同】中国外務省は9日、王毅国務委員兼外相が11~15日、カンボジア、マレーシア、ラオス、タイを公式訪問すると発表した。経由地とし ...

◆201011 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/3lzb70Z
10月12日(月)からの18週「戦場の歌」では、裕一が太平洋戦争史上、「最も無謀」と言われたインパール作戦の行われるビルマ(現ミャンマー)に慰問に向かう。そこでは、かつて裕一を音楽の道に導いた恩師・藤堂(森山直太朗)が部隊 ...

◆201011 地震NEWS(合同会社イイチロ) https://bit.ly/3lCik0a
今回の震源周辺では09月20日に約150km南側のミャンマーでM5.0の地震が起きていた。 インドにおける今回の地震について. 日本時間2020年10月11日02:38 M5.4 インド(深さ約 ...

◆201011 中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ https://bit.ly/34RsnYS
裕一(窪田正孝)は、慰問でビルマ(現ミャンマー)を訪れる。そこはインパール作戦が展開される激戦地だった。 福島では母・まさ(菊池桃子)が倒れ、弟の浩二(佐久本宝)から知らせを受けた音(二階堂ふみ)は駆けつけた。

◆201011 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3nLN3Kv
2018年12月6日、ラオスの首都ビエンチャン。弁護士の入江克典(40)は政府施設の一室で祈るような思いで、その瞬間を待っていた。同国初の民法典は2日にわたる国会審議を経て、9割の支持を集めて無事成立した。入った連絡に入江は ...


◆201011 VnExpress International https://bit.ly/3lC5pf4
Mekong Delta braces for dry season with water storage arrangements
People living in the Mekong Delta are installing tanks to store water for the dreaded dry season, and authorities are ... In February it was made into a dam at a cost of VND11 billion, but that has since been dismantled. ... said late last month his province relies on rainwater and groundwater since it does not get water from the Mekong River. ... The Mekong basin is experiencing rain now, but it is forecast to be below normal by the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.

◆201011 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/3dfAbY5
Room for the river: Mitigating flood risk in South and Southeast Asia
As the waters of the flooded Kosi river swirled closer, Rohit Kumar started to pull down his new home in the village of ... In the Ganga, Brahmaputra, Ayeyarwady, Salween and Mekong basins, the contribution of rainfall to the total flow is very high ... views rivers not just as water carriers but also carriers of diverse dissolved materials, as well as energy and sediments, ... Neighbourhood Studies · Nuclear and Space Studies · Political Reform and Governance · Public Health · Urban Policy ...

◆201011 VnExpress International https://bit.ly/2GZn019
7 expressway projects expected to boost Mekong Delta connectivity
A 155-kilometer expressway will run along the Hau River from Chau Doc Town in An Giang near the Cambodian border, passing through Can Tho and the provinces of Hau Giang and Soc Trang. Estimated to cost around VND30 trillion ($1.3 ...

◆201011 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3nGQD8i
China's friends are few and unreliable - Nikkei Asia
Since Chinese President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, he and Russian President Vladimir Putin have met dozens of times. Xi even ... Xi likely finds Kim too reckless with nuclear and ballistic missile tests and ungrateful of Chinese support.

◆201011 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/30XlEvg
Project expands national grid to island commune of Binh Dinh
Between 2013 and 2019, EVN worked to supply power for nine island districts and 74 communes with more than ... Ambassador Giorgio Aliberti, head of the EU Delegation to Vietnam, highly valued the country's breakthrough ... He also took this occasion to call on islanders to consume electricity efficiently and consider using renewable energy by ... PetroVietnam's oil output reaches 8.64 million tonnes ...

◆201011 Macau Business https://bit.ly/3diutVe
East China province launches rail freight service to Vietnam |
Goods aboard the train include spare parts for electronic products, color-coated steel sheets, and plastics products made in the Yangtze River Delta. In the future, once the supply of goods has been scaled up, the train is scheduled to make a ...

◆201011 bdnews24.com https://bit.ly/3iTaD3X
Myanmar-born 'dreamer' snaps up US drilling leases amid industry malaise
Myanmar-born 'dreamer' snaps up US drilling leases amid industry malaise ... A Myanmar-born perfume entrepreneur and missionary has snapped up nearly half of the oil and gas leases offered by the ... Kathleen Sgamma, president of the trade group Western Energy Alliance, said Thang's approach “didn't seem to have ...

◆201011 The Sunday Guardian https://bit.ly/2SMiExi
India needs integration
Coordination between instruments of power also needs to be institutionalised rather than left to be sorted out by the force of personalities and leadership. ... The Army Chief and Foreign Secretary visited Myanmar on a two-day official visit last weekend. ... Even the other instruments of power like economic sanctions, technical sanctions, energy security and so on were leveraged in concert with each other.

◆201011 Eurasia Review https://bit.ly/30RwbrS
India's Future Oriented Strategy For A Post-Poll Myanmar ...
Weeks before Myanmar elects its new parliament and provincial assemblies on 8 November, India's Army Chief, Gen MM ... On the power sector, the two sides discussed the possibility of High Capacity High Voltage Grid Interconnection.

◆201011 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3lAL0Ha
Laos: Savannakhet region suffers heavy flash flooding, more ...
... and Tourism, over 869 families in 21 villages in the district have been affected by floods, with some 1,973 hectares of farmland underwater. Residents are also suffering from power outages. Villagers have been warned to remain on standby, ...

◆201011 Pledge Times https://bit.ly/3iP7NNt
China is entrapping poor countries in its network of debt
China has loaned billions of rupees to many countries like Sri Lanka, Zambia, Laos, Maldives, Republic of Congo, Tonga, ... The development of ports, roads, railways, airports and power plants was included in the BRI project only after it was ...

◆201011 Middle East Headlines https://bit.ly/30Ued89
Dozens of trees are dying due to climate change in Thailand.
The essential oil, with a musky aroma, is one of the most expensive of its kind in the world – it varies in price based on purity ... In Sakon Nakhon, a province that flanks the border with neighbouring Laos, agarwood – also known as the wood of ...



◆201012 ニコニコニュース https://bit.ly/2GTtij8
四川省アバ・チベット族チャン族自治州松潘県黄竜風景名勝区でこのほど、この秋冬シーズン初の降雪が観測された。 降雪後、あたり一面の木々は純白の雪で覆い尽くされ、人々を魅了する雪景色が広がっている。(提供/人民網日本語版・ ...

◆201012 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/30WGKKi
インドの感染700万人突破 世界最多近づく
インド政府は11日、新型コロナウイルスの感染が確認された人が計705万3806人、死者は10万8334人となったと発表した。700万人を超えるのは米国に次ぎ2カ国目。新規感染者は減り始めているが、累計感染者が世界最多に ...

◆201012 auone.jp https://bit.ly/3jRHAPR
欧州は、新型コロナウイルスによって受けた経済の打撃を回復する道筋に「気候変動対策」や「脱炭素」を中心に ... で協力協定を締結、イランにも2基の原子炉を提供することが決定されたほか、パキスタンではすでに建設工事が進んでいる。

◆201012 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/33MZ6PE
中国とスリランカが「一帯一路」協力強化で合意(テレビ朝日 ...
中国の外交トップ・楊潔チ政治局委員はスリランカの大統領と会談し、中国が主導する巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」で協力を強化することで合意しました。 中国国営の新華社通信によりますと、楊潔チ政治局委員はラジャパクサ大統領と会談 ...

◆201012 中央日報 https://bit.ly/3jVwUQ8

◆201012 FlyTeam https://bit.ly/3jQJrEh
「かが」と「いかづち」は9月7日(月)に出港後、洋上で緊急着艦、立入検査・不測事態対処などの訓練や、オーストラリア海軍、スリランカ海軍、インド海軍、インドネシア海軍との共同訓練を重ねています。また、10月10日(土)と10月11日(日) ...


◆201012 The Wire https://bit.ly/30Ycz5b
How Does the Indian Army's Winter Deployment in Ladakh ...
Costing over $1.1 billion this arterial link line connected China's national power grid to the Ngari prefecture in Tibet's ... It sourced a majority of its requirements, including food, fuel, oil and lubricants from the plains, transporting them via an ...

◆201012 Daily Times https://bit.ly/3lu42yS
Diamer-Bhasha Dam to help end power outages, boost agriculture
Hydropower is considered the cheapest, safest and most environment friendly power generation system in the world. ... Diamer Bhasha dam project is vital for energy irrigation and food security of Pakistan, which is being constructed on River Indus, 315km upstream of ... Diamer-Bhasha Dam (DBD) Project would produce 4800 megawatts of electricity through hydro-power generation, store an extra 10.5 cubic kilometers ... TAPI gas pipeline project: a catalyst for regional connectivity.

◆201012 Associated Press of Pakistan https://bit.ly/2SPLnkw
Ensuring water security: Diamer-Bhasha Dam to help ...
Ensuring water security: Diamer-Bhasha Dam to help overcome power outages, boost agriculture ... Diamer Bhasha dam project is vital for energy irrigation and food security of Pakistan, which is being constructed on River Indus, 315km upstream of ... Diamer-Bhasha Dam (DBD) Project would produce 4800 megawatts of electricity through hydro-power generation, store an extra 10.5 cubic kilometers ...

◆201012 Business Insider India https://bit.ly/3iOljRx
Massive power cut across Mumbai due to grid failure, trains come to a standstill— electricity expected to resu
People across the financial capital of India, Mumbai, are reporting a massive power cut. According to Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) Electricity, the power cut is a result of “TATA's incoming electric supply failure.” ...

◆201012 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/2SIMgM1
Private sector set to import LNG before peak winter
ISLAMABAD: A private sector company, which secured gas sales and marketing licence from Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA), is all set to start importing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in October and ... hopefully be removed at the earliest as the government believed in opening up the energy sector for private sector players. ... to implementation on the legal framework,” Paracha, who is also All Pakistan Compressed Natural Gas Association's (APCNGA) central chairman, said.

◆201012 Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/33MSEIh
Darkest city
There are some areas of Pakistan which are facing shortage of electricity like Awaran and now Karachi is one of them. ... because of power breakdown after heavy rain and some areas 's power was restored but still some are without electricity.

◆201012 The News International https://bit.ly/34U7yMq
IMF engaged with Pakistan to conclude $6b program review
KARACHI: Pakistan and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are 'closely engaged' to bring the second review of a ... Pakistan signed the $6 billion three-year EFF with the IMF last year and has so far secured $1.44 billion under the loan program since July 2019. ... People familiar with the development say the tax rationalization and energy prices' surge for elimination of circular ... “The funds call for tax rationalization... and power tariff hike,” said Muzamil Aslam, a senior economist.

◆201012 Daily Times https://bit.ly/3iYWrH3
TAPI gas pipeline project: a catalyst for regional connectivity
The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project has been planned to bring natural gas from ... An ancillary project of TAPI is Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP500) is a 500 KV power transmission network that ... TAP500 would initially supply 1700 megawatt electricity to Pakistan that would be subsequently raised to 4000 megawatt. ... Therefore, TAPI gas pipeline project is part of Turkmenistan strategy to diversify export routes for energy supply to the ...

◆201012 OpIndia https://bit.ly/2SIAjG6
China occupying Nepal land in Humla district, has heavy military presence: Says Nepalese Lawmaker
Shahi asserted that a team of experts should be sent to Nepal-China border to confirm and estimate what China had done. Chinese security personnel pelted stones on Nepal's armed forces and fired tear gas. According to Shahi, when the ...

◆201012 Asahi Shimbun https://bit.ly/3lD4DOC
China grants $90 million to Sri Lanka after visit by top official ...
The projects include a seaport, airport, port-city, highways and power stations. Critics say that the Chinese-funded projects are not financially viable and that Sri Lanka will face difficulties in repaying the loans. In 2017, Sri ...

◆201012 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3jTj00R
Sri Lanka turns to China rather than IMF to avoid default
Automobiles · Consumer Industries · Energy · Finance · Health Care & Pharma · Industrials · Property & Services · Startups · Telecoms ... COLOMBO -- Sri Lanka's ultranationalist government looks set to receive a financial lifeline from China rather than an ... Sri Lanka last went to the IMF in 2016 during the right-of-center coalition government that preceded the incumbent ... The Rajapaksa government was voted into power on the back of ultranationalist sentiments, and needs dollars to ...

◆201012 Arab News https://bit.ly/33NpgSa
China grants $90m to Sri Lanka for rural development projects
The projects include a seaport, airport, port city, highways and power stations. In 2017, Sri Lanka leased out a Chinese-built port located near busy shipping routes to a Chinese company for 99 years to recover from the heavy ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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