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2020年10月23日 中国はもはや我慢の限界,米大統領選後、台湾で起こる最悪のシナリ









◆201024 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3ox29DY
【北京=羽田野主】中国の習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席は23日、朝鮮戦争への義勇軍派遣70年を記念する大会で演説 ... 習氏は米国と戦い、北朝鮮を助けたとする政治スローガン「抗米援朝」を約20回くり返し ...

◆201024 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3mbBZo6
中国はトランプ再選を願っている(遠藤誉) - Yahoo!ニュース
しかしトランプ大統領の出現によって、中国人民、特に若者のアメリカに対する憧れと幻想を潰してしまった。 ... 習近平政権はそうでなくとも「人類運命共同体」を外交的スローガンとして打ち出し、何とかして一国でも多く中国側に引き付けて国際社会 ... そのような中、TPP脱退、パリ協定脱退、イラン核合意脱退、WHO脱退・・・と、アメリカが自ら国際社会の組織から次から次へと脱退していって ... 義兄弟の契り」北朝鮮強盗団と“すご腕”刑事部長の対決高英起10/23(金) 5:02.

◆201024 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2HtXbXq
制裁、コロナ、自然災害でも最新兵器を量産できる――恐る ...
北朝鮮は1960年代、ソ連(当時)や中国との確執から、自力で国防費を調達する方針に切り換え、経済建設と国防建設の並進政策を始めた。 筆者はかつて、指導部に近い関係者から次のような説明を聞いたことがある。 「70年代終盤、 ...

◆201024 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3jwSz0c
ドイツが他の国と共同で中国に人権尊重を要求、これに対してキューバなど中国擁護の国々が共同声明を表明>. 少数民族ウイグル人に対する中国政府の強引な同化政策をめぐっては国際社会の対応が割れており、昨年夏には国連の場で、 ...

◆201024 現代ビジネス https://bit.ly/34mIKNV
今なぜ、台湾周辺で中台間の緊張が高まり、それに伴い米中間は一触即発状態までエスカレートしたのか。1国2制度による台湾統一を目指す中国の習近平指導部とって、この間のトランプ政権の対中強硬政策は我慢の限界を超えてしまったの ...

◆201024 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2J2fYde
筆者が「米国を論評する『バカの壁』」を上梓した同じ日に、「バイデン息子スキャンダルの裏に『中国の仕掛け説』」という論考がJBpressで配信された。その内容は、米国での報道とほぼ一致するどころか、結構なコストをかけて調べない ...



◆201024 ロイター https://bit.ly/35x1I3N
リビア国営石油会社(NOC)は主要港からの原油輸出に関する不可抗力条項を解除すると発表。産油量は4週間以内に日量100万バレルに達するとした。 みずほのエネルギー先物担当責任者、ボブ・イエガー氏 ...

◆201024 西日本新聞 https://bit.ly/31DRBZN
ダムでの治水態度保留 熊本・相良村長「民意は千差万別」
7月豪雨で氾濫した熊本県南部の球磨川流域の治水策を巡り、蒲島郁夫知事は23日、相良村で意見聴取会を開いた。村は、12年前に蒲島氏が「白紙撤回」した川辺川ダムの建設予定地。かつて「脱ダム」の先陣を切った村には強硬な反対論も ...

◆201024 時事通信 https://bit.ly/31yW9AA
気候変動に立ち向かおう「チャレンジ・ゼロ~CO2削減 ...
TBSラジオでは2018年12月から基幹送信所である「戸田送信所」で使用する電力を「みんな電力株式会社」から供給される100%再生可能エネルギーに切り替え、年間でおよそ600トンのCO2削減を実現していますが、放送局として、この ...

◆201024 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/34pvUP5
リビア国営石油会社(NOC)は主要港からの原油輸出に関する不可抗力条項を解除すると発表。産油量は4週間以内に日量100万バレルに達するとした。 みずほのエネルギー先物担当責任者、ボブ・イエガー氏 ...



◆201024 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/37DUTQG
YouTubeには「三峡ダムの決壊シミュレーション」まで登場し、もし決壊すれば、約30億立方メートルの濁流が下流を襲い、武漢、南京が水没し、上海付近の原子力発電所や軍事基地まで甚大な被害を受けるだろうと危機感をあおった。4億人 ...

◆201024 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3dXcN1J
“中国事業に関与”証言も出たバイデン氏は“人格”で勝てるのか ...
バイデン氏としては、すぐに石油産業を排除するのではなく、石油産業からじょじょに代替エネルギー産業に移行することを意味したのだ。 また、“外交”という論点については、50%がバイデン氏、48%がトランプ氏をそれぞれ評価し、 ...

◆201024 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/37FqG3w
アメリカ政府が中国の半導体産業に対する輸出規制を強めるなか、オランダ企業であるASMLが中国の顧客に引き続き製品を供給できるかに注目が集まっていたのだ。 ダッセン氏はSMICの社名には言及しなかったものの、冒頭の発言がアメリカ ...

◆201024 DIME https://bit.ly/2FYqUYc
そんな中、三井住友DSアセットマネジメントが中国の台頭が目立ってきた「次世代通信規格(5G)」についてのマーケットレポートを公開したので紹介しよう。 『5G』技術・通信基地では中国優勢. 高速、低遅延性、多数同時接続を特徴とする ...


◆201024 S&P Global https://bit.ly/35rN3qx
Analysis: China's import halt of Australian met coal could ...
Singapore — Seaborne metallurgical coal prices have fallen sharply since China moved to temporarily halt Australian coal imports in early October as the implied surplus weighing on the global market in the fourth quarter is priced in.

◆201024 PreventionWeb https://bit.ly/3jshphz
China provides the Mekong River Commission with year ...
“This agreement is a landmark in the history of China-MRC cooperation,” Dr An Pich Hatda, the MRC Secretariat Chief Executive Officer, said at the signing ceremony. He added that as water infrastructure operations in the basin and tributaries ...

◆201024 NHK WORLD https://bit.ly/3dRsZBA
Nuclear treaty now 1 short of 50 members
The treaty, which is designed to take effect 90 days after gaining a 50th ratification, would be the first to prohibit nuclear weapons. Nuclear powers including the United States, Russia and China have not joined. Japan, which relies on the US ...

◆201024 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/3jpffza
India Has Good Reason to Give Up Its No-First-Strike Nuclear Doctrine. But the State of Its Arsenal Suggests That It Won't.
Ever since 1998, when the country went nuclear, New Delhi has rejected the idea of initiating the use of such weapons in any ... Second, China and India are embroiled in military scuffling in the Western Himalayas, where the Chinese army has ... power and Beijing's, publicly adopting a first-use doctrine would communicate both power and resolve on India's part. ... But under P.N. Haksar, the principal secretary to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the Department of Atomic Energy stood ...

◆201024 Offshore Technology https://bit.ly/2Htq9a3
CNOOC starts production from Bozhong 19-6 gas field ...
China's state-owned offshore oil and gas major CNOOC has started production from the offshore Bozhong 19-6 condensate gas field pilot area ... The wellhead platform will fully use the existing processing facilities of the Bozhong 13-1 oil field. ... area development project has laid a solid foundation for the overall development later on and will provide low-carbon and safe energy for Bohai Rim Region.



◆201024 ロイター https://bit.ly/3opseEC
ジャカルタ 23日 ロイター] - インドネシアのジョコ大統領は23日、加工されていない石炭の輸出を削減し、燃料加工産業を発展させるための目標設定を閣僚に指示した。 インドネシアは世界最大の一般炭輸出国。ジョコ大統領は、 ...

◆201024 Record China https://bit.ly/3jrxPqk
中国に負け焦り? 日本がインドネシアに500億円の円借款も、日本国民は不満―中国メディア
記事は、菅首相が20日に、インドネシアで同国のジョコ大統領と会談し、会談後の記者発表会で新型コロナウイルスによって受けた大きな経済的打撃を踏まえ、500億円の円借款を供与することを表明したと伝えた。 そして、このニュースに ...

◆201024 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/2J2c5oE
「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」へ協力 日・フィリピン防衛相
岸信夫防衛相は23日、フィリピンのロレンザーナ国防相とテレビ会議形式で会談した。中国を念頭にした東・南シナ海での一方的な現状変更の試みや、緊張を高める行為に強く反対することを確認。「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」の維持、 ...

◆201024 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3ol4hhS
ワクチンを制する者が世界を制す 中国が世界16カ国で新型 ...
ドイツのメルカトル中国研究センター(Merics)によると、中国はマレーシア、タイ、カンボジア、ラオス、フィリピン、インドネシア、UAE、セルビア、パキスタン、バングラデシュ、ブラジルなどアフリカ、南米、カリブ海、中東、南 ...


◆201024 ThinkGeoEnergy https://bit.ly/2TiOG46
State-owned enterprises still dominating geothermal ...
State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) continue to dominate geothermal energy development in Indonesia. However, this does not mean that BUMN companies do not face obstacles in developing geothermal-based power plants. ... sector was initially the result of government policies and preferences, although in the 1980s foreign private oil and gas companies also entered the geothermal business.

◆201024 The Business Times https://bit.ly/34mB2TT
Indonesia president orders ministers to target lower exports of raw coal
Energy & Commodities ... [JAKARTA] Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Friday ordered his Cabinet ministers to set a target to reduce ... Indonesia, the world's biggest thermal coal exporter, should quickly develop a domestic industry to upgrade, liquefy and gasify its coal, the president said. ... The president asked ministers to determine how much of Indonesia's coal should be processed into gas, ...

◆201024 manilastandard.net https://bit.ly/3mlK9KT
'Unilateral' lifting of moratorium
"It seems the Philippines is complicating our joint venture agreement to our disadvantage." Last week, President Duterte announced he would be lifting the moratorium to explore oil and gas in the disputed areas of the South China Sea (SCS).

◆201024 The Manila Times https://bit.ly/31DQidl
Why the Nationally Determined Contribution is key to PH development – The Manila Times
In October 2015, the Philippines communicated its intended NDC to the United Nations Framework Convention on ... Plan, National Framework Strategy on Climate Change, National Climate Change Action Plan, Philippine Energy Plan, and ...

◆201024 Rappler https://bit.ly/3jodUIX
Duterte 'government is afraid of the truth' – veteran journalists
Sheila Coronel, co-founder of the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism and the director at the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism at ... “This government is afraid it would be held to account when there's a new government that is in power that is not friendly to [them],” she said. ... The case of ABS-CBN has seen the whole gamut of disinformation, gas lighting, demonization, etc,” Reyes said.

◆201024 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/31CTG8k
Fitch: Shell refinery shutdown spells gloom for vulnerable PH
The shutdown of the Shell refinery took out about two-fifths of oil refining capacity in the Philippines. ... on energy imports will leave the Philippine economy more tied to fluctuations in global energy prices,” Fitch Solutions said. ... The think tank is referring to Shell's plan to divest from the Malampaya natural gas project.



◆201023 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3dOvMLQ
タイ バンコク 非常事態宣言解除もデモ収束の見通し立たず
タイ政府は、反政府デモが続く首都バンコクに出していた非常事態宣言を22日、解除しました。宣言に反発するデモ隊を鎮めるねらいがあるとみられますが、デモ隊側は、プラユット首相の辞任を求めていて、事態が収束する見通しは立っ ...

◆201023 TBS News https://bit.ly/3dS6KeX

◆201023 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/31wujoM
ベトナムヨーロッパ企業委員会が設立、EVFTAの恩恵活用 ...
在ベトナムヨーロッパ商工会議所(ユーロチャム=EuroCham)およびベトナム商工会議所(VCCI)は22日、ベトナムヨーロッパ企業委員会(EVBC)の設立記念式典を開催した。 (C) VOV. EVBCの設立は、ベトナムEU自由貿易協定(EVFTA)を最大限 ...

◆201023 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3dRgRAA
カインホア省、小水力発電計画4件を白紙化 ベトナム・電力 ...
ベトナム中南部カインホア省人民委員会は、電力開発計画から小水力発電所4件を白紙化することを決めた。4件の総設備容量は29メガワット(MW)。収益性や環境への悪影響を考慮し、計画を取りやめた。 計画から削除するのは◇ ...

◆201023 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3kB10cd
日本、コロナ支援で250億円の借款を約束 カンボジア・政治
日本の外務省は21日、同日に茂木敏充外相とカンボジアのプラク・ソコン外相が電話会談したと発表した。茂木外相は会談で、新型コロナウイルス感染症の大流行で経済的打撃を受けたカンボジアを支援するため、250億円の借款を供与すると ...

◆201023 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/37uTKe9
カンボジア王国の北西地域では、10月初旬に発生した洪水により甚大な人的・物的被害が発生している。カンボジア当局の発表によると、10月21日の時点で111人が死亡し、20人が行方不明となっており、 ...

◆201023 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/34jET45
韓国支援のダラ大橋、工事再開へ査察実施 ミャンマー・建設 ...
ミャンマー政府は、最大都市ヤンゴンの中心部とヤンゴン川西岸のダラ郡区を結ぶ「ダラ大橋(韓国・ミャンマー友好橋)」の建設工事再開に向けた査察を行ったもようだ。同工事は先月に現場技師の新型コロナウイルス感染が分かり、中断 ...

◆201023 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2Th6A7c
電力公社、EV分野で中国企業と協力へ ラオス・自動車 ...
ラオス電力公社(EDL)は20日、中国の吉利科技集団とラオスの電気自動車(EV)分野の発展に向けて協力することで合意した。吉利科技集団は、中国自動車大手の浙江吉利控股集団(浙江省杭州市)の傘下企業。ラオス・タイムズ( ...


◆201023 Reuters https://reut.rs/2Hwhwv3
China signs pact to share year-round water data with Mekong River Commission
BANGKOK (Reuters) - China on Thursday signed an agreement with the Mekong River Commission (MRC) to share year-round data on the flow of its portion of the vital waterway amid concern that Chinese dams may be causing drought ...

◆201023 The Tribune https://bit.ly/31uxdKD
LAC to be on the table during Pompeo-Esper visit to India: US
The US side mentioned global cooperation, challenges in the Indo-Pacific, economic, space and energy collaboration, ... Washington's backing to Mekong River basin countries, they claimed, led to China agreeing to share water information, ...

◆201023 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/31AKWzA
Renewable scheme poised for delay until January
A plan to invite investors to join the Energy for All renewable power scheme will likely face another delay until January because a revision of ... Pilot plant projects being prepared for development by the state-run Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand and Provincial ... Natee Sithiprasasana, a representative of the Federation of Thai Industries' renewable energy club, said earlier many communities ...

◆201023 BBC News https://bbc.in/2Hu7pY2
Thailand protests: State of emergency lifted after days of rallies
Thailand has revoked an emergency decree it imposed a week ago as it tried to end months of protests against the prime minister and the monarchy. ... The student-led movement is demanding the resignation of Mr Prayuth, a former general who seized power in a 2014 coup and ... major force for the first time in this renewed wave of protest, deploying water cannons and tear gas to break up the rallies.

◆201023 JAPAN Forward https://bit.ly/2FQWIxZ
Prime Minister Suga’s Maiden Foreign Visit: Why is Vietnam So Important for Japan?
Interestingly, this visit saw Japan's Marubeni Corporation committing to invest $1.3 billion in a power plant in Vietnam, while the Tokyo Gas Company Ltd and the Vietnamese PetroVietnam Power Corp will partner to develop a $1.9 billion ...

◆201023 The Phnom Penh Post https://bit.ly/34oNS4d
Chinese company mulls setting up oil refinery plant in the ...
... interest in investing in an oil refinery plant in Cambodia, according to a Ministry of Mines and Energy senior official. This comes amid Singaporean oil company KrisEnergy Ltd's plans to extract the first drop of oil from the Apsara oilfield in Cambodia's offshore ... Chemical had paid a visit to minister Suy Sem on Wednesday to discuss the untapped investment potential of the oil and gas sector. “The company has shown an interest in setting up a petroleum refinery plant in Cambodia.

◆201023 The Phnom Penh Post https://bit.ly/3jkU29t
Cabinet reviews 150MW hydropower projectPhnom Penh Post
... a proposed 150MW hydropower project on the upper reaches of the Tatai River in Koh Kong province's northern Thma Bang district. Proposals for a 500kV transmission line connecting Phnom Penh to the Cambodia-Lao border and another one ... Victor Jona, the director-general of the Ministry of Mines and Energy's General Department of Energy, told The Post that ... He said one of the transmission lines would deliver electricity from a coal-fired power plant in Laos, as outlined in a ...

◆201023 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/2TksVAQ
Government to deliberate on 150-megawatt hydro project ...
Cambodia has a high dependency on hydropower representing about 48 percent of its domestic electricity production, ... The Royal Government of Cambodia will discuss a new 150-megawatt hydropower dam project, located in Koh Kong ... transmission line from Phnom Penh to Cambodia-Laos border and from Battambang province to Cambodia-Thailand border. ... Ministry of Mines and Energy, previously said that the 150-megawatt power dam is located upstream of the Tatay River ...

◆201023 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2Hqll5w
With an eye on China, India gifts submarine to Myanmar
"By providing such a critical defense arsenal to Myanmar, India is clearly trying to augment the naval capability of its eastern neighbor to achieve a balance of power against China." Amid a tense, monthslong border standoff between India and ...

◆201023 CNA https://bit.ly/2IYUz4H
Commentary: Can Aung San Suu Kyi's NLD win again despite ...
There are four major issues on the minds of voters in this election - the Rohingya crisis, peace with ethnic minorities, a constitutional amendment and the economy, say Dr Nehginpao Kipgen. Myanmar's political leader Aung San Suu Kyi is ...

◆201023 ASEAN Briefing https://bit.ly/2HqlOVk
Five Belt & Road Projects in ASEAN that SME Investors ...
Not all, such as power plants, will be accessible for any additional foreign investment as future management and operation of these ... electric-powered railway under construction in Laos, between the capital Vientiane and the small town of Boten on the border with China ... It is accessible to the Shwe gas field in the Bay of Bengal and possesses oil and gas terminals and pipelines for natural gas and oil.



◆201024 BBCニュース https://bbc.in/37APgTa
トランプ氏、インドの空気は「不潔」と インド国内の反応様々
トランプ大統領は大統領候補討論会で、気候変動への国際的な取り組みを決めた「パリ協定」からの脱退に言及。その際、「中国を見てみろ。どれだけ不潔か、ロシアもインドも、不潔だ。空気が汚れている。私がパリ協定から脱退したのは、 ...

◆201024 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/34mXHPU
米国防長官、インド訪問へ 2プラス2
インドでは首都ニューデリーで開かれる外務・防衛閣僚協議(2プラス2)にポンペオ国務長官とともに出席し、インド太平洋地域の安定と繁栄に向けた両国の協力強化について議論する。 国防総省はインド以外の具体的な訪問先は明らかにし ...

◆201024 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan https://bit.ly/34pPPNS
10月23日、午後3時50分から20分間、茂木敏充外務大臣は、訪日中のフィリップ・デービッドソン米インド太平洋軍司令官(Admiral Philip S. Davidson, Commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command)の表敬を受けたところ、概要は以下のとおり ...

◆201024 ロイター https://bit.ly/2Tletsv
[北京/ワシントン 23日 ロイター] - 中国外務省の趙立堅報道官は23日の記者会見で、米国は中国との関係を巡り各国を脅迫しているが、そうした行為は成功しないと述べた。 ポンペオ米国務長官は来週スリランカを訪れるほか、インド、 ...


◆201024 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/34rBRel
India Has Good Reason to Give Up Its No-First-Strike Nuclear Doctrine. But the State of Its Arsenal Suggests That It Won't.
Ever since 1998, when the country went nuclear, New Delhi has rejected the idea of initiating the use of such weapons in any conflict scenario. ... power and Beijing's, publicly adopting a first-use doctrine would communicate both power and resolve on India's part. ... But under P.N. Haksar, the principal secretary to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the Department of Atomic Energy stood firm against the idea.

◆201024 Business Standard https://bit.ly/37yrWpf
Indias air quality filthy despite decline in energy consumption
The burning of fossil fuel, including coal for power generation and use of petroleum products in transport, is a major source of air pollution in India. Consumption..... TO READ THE FULL STORY, SUBSCRIBE NOW AT JUST Rs 1499 A YEAR ...

◆201024 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/3okYMzK
India - US relations is independent of political parties in power: Tharoor
India and the United States will give extraordinary importance to their relations despite the fact that which political party is in power in both the nations, said Congress MP Shashi Tharoor. Speaking at the Public Affair Forum of India's (PAFI) ...

◆201024 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3oj556W
Power Politics and Democracy in Pakistan
The agenda of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) was set to overthrow the “selected” but not “elected” government of PTI's government under the leadership of Imran khan. PDM comprises of different activities like Parties corner meetings, ...

◆201024 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/3ojSJeN
PM likely to announce energy relief for industrial sector
The PM has assured the business community of a “good news” regarding power tariff, said industrialists who met with the ... Imran Khan noted that expensive electricity was a major hurdle in industrial growth, making Pakistan uncompetitive in the regional market. ... To facilitate this industry, the government must ensure ease of doing business, reduce the cost of inputs like raw material, electricity and gas, ...

◆201024 Khabarhub https://bit.ly/2HtVtVZ
Energy minister directs to ensure regular, reliable and effective electricity
KATHMANDU: Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Barsha Man Pun has directed the Nepal Electricity Authorities to ensure that power supply is regular, reliable and effective during the Bada Dashain festival. In a meeting today ...

◆201024 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3ojSVL3
Do not panic, we are Chinese: China's response to the ...
Economy · Energy · Science & Technology · Tourism · Reports ... the number of sick people, the Government has decided to delegate to the Regions' Governors the power to implement measures to limit individual ... image source: Chinese Embassy in Nepal ... oppose India's membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and block India's efforts to get Pakistan-based terrorist Masood Azhar admitted ...

◆201024 Defence Aviation Post https://bit.ly/3kpDfnj
New Delhi must warn Oli govt. Allowing China to use Nepal for ...
Another media report says that China has occupied six hectares of land near Bhagdare Khola (river) area and substantial land in a relatively less inhabited Liho area in Karnali in Humla district. Besides, there are reports that Chinese soldiers ...

◆201024 International Water Power and Dam Construction https://bit.ly/3dRg02M
Mangdechhu project wins the Brunel Medal - International ...
The run-of-the-river Mangdechhu hydroelectric project has a capacity of 720MW and is located on on Mangdechhu river in Bhutan. It is one of the ten hydroelectric projects being developed as part of the Royal Government of Bhutan's initiative ...

◆201024 India Legal https://bit.ly/2Hlwpkt
Ending China's days of expansionism with the Quad
This was followed in 2017 by the Doklam incident in the Bhutan controlled area on the Sino-Bhutan border. ... The Chinese have since April 2020 continued intruding into the area controlled by India especially on the west bank of the Galwan river. ... be it in common passages for shipping, sharing common bounties of the region, such as fishery or oil or exploration of ... Further, the US has condemned Beijing's bullying tactics to control international energy rich waters for its own gains ...

◆201024 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3krXKj0
Sri Lanka Parliament votes to strengthen presidential power
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) -- Sri Lanka's Parliament by a large majority has approved a constitutional amendment concentrating powers under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and reversing reforms a previous government had made to curb ...

◆201024 The Guardian https://bit.ly/3krasyC
Sri Lanka president tightens grip with constitutional changes
Sri Lanka's parliament has approved constitutional changes that give more power to the president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, leading to fears the authoritarian leader will strengthen his hold on the country. The constitutional amendment, which ...

◆201024 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/3mfWYpV
Norway to increase development assistance to Sri Lanka
Norfund prioritizes investments in four investment areas that includes, clean energy, financial Institutions, green ... But also he revealed that Norfund will target for investing in small scale hydro power projects in Sri Lanka in the near future.

◆201024 Reuters https://reut.rs/2TnNYTo
In Asia next week, Pompeo expected to bolster allies against China
As part of an intensifying pushback against China's economic and military power in the region, Pompeo will also travel to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, two key Indian Ocean countries that are struggling with a mountain of Chinese debt incurred ...

◆201024 Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/2HlxLM5
China says US bullying countries to pick sides
In 2017, Sri Lanka signed over control of a Chinese-financed port and land around it to Beijing after incurring heavy losses, to the alarm of the US and regional power, India. Source : News Agencies. More from News. US to base Coast Guard ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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