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中国・習主席「領土分裂には痛撃を与える」 台湾への武力行使を念頭


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2020年10月25日 中国・習主席「領土分裂には痛撃を与える」 台湾への武力行使を念頭




中国・習主席「領土分裂には痛撃を与える」 台湾への武力行使を念頭


二重苦の中国「世界の工場」異変 ファーウェイも内向き





◆201025 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2Tng2pL
米紙北京支局長、最後のリポート「習近平の恐怖政治はもはや ...
ここは中国ではなく北朝鮮か. 中国・新疆ウイグル自治区の空港に降り立った私たち外国人記者3人を待ち構えていたのは、2人の公安 ...

◆201025 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3jpL1fC
【主張】中国の「抗米援朝」 平和への脅威はどちらだ
中国の朝鮮戦争参戦70周年を機に、習近平政権が、米国を敵に回して戦った当時のスローガン「抗米援朝」を大々的に宣伝している。 米国に対抗し、北朝鮮を支援する-との掛け声だが、今も似た光景を呈している点を憂慮せざるを得ない ...

◆201025 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/31HvVvP
制裁、コロナ、自然災害でも最新兵器を量産できる――恐る ...
北朝鮮は1960年代、ソ連(当時)や中国との確執から、自力で国防費を調達する方針に切り換え、経済建設と国防建設の並進政策を始めた。 筆者はかつて、指導部に近い関係者から次のような説明を聞いたことがある。 「70年代終盤、 ...

◆201025 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/31G13f5
ドイツが他の国と共同で中国に人権尊重を要求、これに対してキューバなど中国擁護の国々が共同声明を表明>. 少数民族ウイグル人に対する中国政府の強引な同化政策をめぐっては国際社会の対応が割れており、昨年夏には国連の場で、 ...

◆201025 ZAKZAK https://bit.ly/35t057i
中国・習主席「領土分裂には痛撃を与える」 台湾への武力行使を念頭に強硬発言 日米は共同訓練で牽制
習近平の誇大妄想と品性が手下の北朝鮮指導者と見分けつかなくなってきたな。 日本学術会議の「提言」って一度でも中共の軍拡に触れたこと在あるの?

◆201025 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/31Ia1bY
アメリカの対中感情の悪化は不変なので、バイデンが当選すれば国際社会の信用を得て対中包囲網は強化されるが、トランプ再選ならアメリカ国内の分裂が進み国際社会におけるアメリカの信用失墜が加速するので中国に有利だと中国は思って ...

◆201025 朝日新聞デジタル版 https://bit.ly/31F4xi4
二重苦の中国「世界の工場」異変 ファーウェイも内向き
1978年に始まった中国の改革開放政策が、コロナ禍と米中対立という二つの重圧の下で大きな曲がり角を迎えようとしている。 中国広東省東莞(トンコワン)市には、大小14万の製造業の会社が集まる。改革開放の先頭に立ち、「世界の ...

CNN.co.jp https://bit.ly/3olozI6
中国の習主席、朝鮮戦争参戦70年で演説 米国をけん制
中国政府は朝鮮戦争を「抗米援朝(米国に対抗して北朝鮮を支援した)戦争」と形容している。 習氏の演説と時を同じくして、米国では、大統領選前最後となる討論会がテネシー州ナッシュビルで行 ...

◆201025 TechCrunch Japan https://tcrn.ch/3mlxEyU
同社は2014年に清華大学、北京大学、中国科学院といったトップ校やMicrosoft(マイクロソフト)と、AI研究所ならびにテックラボを設立。そうした研究機関の洞察をアプリに取り込むことが目的だ。Yuanfudaoは、生徒の弱点がどこにある ...



◆201025 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/31IaXNw
天然ガス火力発電所(手前)と石炭火力発電所(奥)=横浜市磯子区. 電力の健全な市場競争と安定供給を両立させるために、発電所への投資の回収見通しを立てられるようにする仕組みは不可欠だ。今回の結果を検証し ...

◆201025 ロイター https://bit.ly/3mnX8f5
[23日 ロイター] - エネルギーサービス会社ベーカー・ヒューズが発表した23日までの週の米国内石油・天然ガス掘削リグ稼働数は、前週比5基増の287基と5月以来の高水準だった。2018年6月以来の6週連続増加。 原油価格 ...

◆201025 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/31EQokK
燃料別では石油が約8%減、石炭が約7%減、天然ガスが約3%減と予想している。 IEAは、CO2排出量の削減には消費構造の変革が必要だと強調している。ファティ・ビロル事務局長は ...

◆201025 西日本新聞 https://bit.ly/3ksNO96
「川まで奪わないで」人吉市ではダム反対多数 熊本知事の意見聴取会
ダムへの拒否反応も強い。「ヘドロが増えた」「臭い」などとやり玉に挙がったのは球磨川上流の県営市房ダムだ。7月豪雨時には防災効果を発揮したが「今回の水害は市房ダムの放流が原因という声が多い」との意見も出た。「川辺川ダムが ...



◆201025 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3dUCvUu
決壊説」が繰り返されてきたが、専門家によれば、中国の河川管理・洪水管理の技術は決して劣ってはいない。だが、問題は他にある。汚職と環境破壊、三峡ダムの相反する「致命的な欠陥」も明らかになった>. (本記事は2020年10月13日 ...

◆201025 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/31F3xL0
中国の大気がきれいになると地球温暖化が進む!? 研究結果が明らかにした環境対策のジレンマ
中国が石炭火力発電所に由来する汚染物質排出を減らすと、地球温暖化が進む--。そんなジレンマを感じさせる研究結果が、このほど米中の研究チームのシミュレーションで示された。2060年までにCO2排出を「実質ゼロ」にすると宣言 ...

◆201025 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/34tkjP0
“中国事業に関与”証言も出たバイデン氏は“人格”で勝てるのか ...
バイデン氏としては、すぐに石油産業を排除するのではなく、石油産業からじょじょに代替エネルギー産業に移行することを意味したのだ。 また、“外交”という論点については、50%がバイデン氏、48%がトランプ氏をそれぞれ評価し、 ...

◆201025 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3mlDb8x
ファーウェイの次を狙うOPPOと中国「BBKグループ」の野望 ...
ファーウェイは、半導体の在庫が尽きつつあり、スマートフォンの売上は激減する見込みだ。 これは、アップルとサムスンにとって大きなチャンスに見えるが、中国では第2、第3のファーウェイが台頭してきている。その筆頭が「シャオミ( ...

◆201025 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3kqTJLK
処理水放出「国際基準内」 政府、周辺国への影響否定
政府は東京電力福島第1原子力発電所にたまる処理水の海洋放出の決定に向け最終調整に入った。中国や韓国で放射性物質の影響を懸念する声もある。政府は国際基準に基づき処理しており問題はないと訴える。国際原子 ...


◆201025 China.org.cn https://on.china.cn/2HvCn1K
China's power generation up in September_china.org.cn
According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the growth rate was 1.5 percentage points lower than that of August. Thermal power production edged up 0.2 percent year on year in September, while power generated by nuclear plants and ...

◆201025 NHK WORLD https://bit.ly/2Hsfqwp
UN nuclear ban treaty to go into effect in 90 days
It will go into effect on January 22, 2021, 90 days after the 50th ratification. The five major nuclear powers, including the US, Russia and China, and countries such as Japan that fall under the US nuclear umbrella have not joined ...

◆201025 India Today https://bit.ly/2Hw3QRj
How China has been upping its nuclear arsenal while preaching peace to the world
So does China really want a world without nuclear arms? India Today OSINT team tries to get the answer to this pertinent question. Conventional missile power. The US Department of Defence (DoD) Report on Chinese Military Power 2020 ...

◆201025 NBC News https://nbcnews.to/2HvHSgT
Tiny Taiwan caught in the middle as U.S. and China battle for supremacy
TAIPEI, Taiwan — As China challenges the global dominance of the United States, tiny Taiwan finds itself stuck, rather ... "We don't want to be manipulated or caught in a great power competition." ... supply chains away from China to Taiwan, and has announced an economic dialogue focused on technology, energy and ...

◆201025 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/31CFGeA
China's ambition to involve Hong Kong in economic zone ...
The leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping has apparently been “aiming to achieve growth while strengthening the power of the Communist Party, with economic tensions with the United States escalating,” a diplomatic source said. Beijing ...

◆201025 The Sunday Guardian https://bit.ly/2IYnxBv
Middle East is benefitting from China-US tensions
All six GCC countries are playing a careful diplomatic game with the US and China, believing that they could be uniquely ... China is already the largest direct investor in the region, the largest purchaser of regional oil and the largest trading ... Most of the world's power in technology and finance emanated from America at the time, but nowadays China has plenty of ... treating Iran as a pariah following America's unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal, a more subtle China is ...



◆201025 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/35uyl26
その数、812両。2013年から2020年にかけて、JR東日本からインドネシア通勤鉄道(KCI)に譲渡された205系電車の数である。 去る10月21日、「ジャカルタ行き」最後の1本となる805~812両目の205系が京葉車両センター(千葉市)を ...

◆201025 ニコニコニュース https://bit.ly/3joewOV
各国で対中感情が悪化。菅首相の外遊デビューも中国けん制の ...
比較的親中の文政権である韓国や、中国が核心的利益とみなす台湾がこの構想に初めから加わることは現実的ではない。まず南シナ海問題で悩むフィリピンとベトナム、インドネシアとマレーシア、そして価値観を共有するニュージーランドを ...


◆201025 Anadolu Agency https://bit.ly/3ks59id
Indonesia maintains both support for Palestine, ties with UAE
An Indonesian expert on international relations has said despite its close relationship with the UAE, Indonesia, should not let this affect its ... worth 314.9 trillion Indonesian rupiah ($22.89 billion), which will be realized for various sectors, such as energy, oil and gas, petrochemicals, ... "If our country follows the UAE's step, then Indonesia's bargaining power to Israel will decrease," Shofwan explained.

◆201025 Rappler https://bit.ly/37KcFSp
Lifting of West Philippine Sea moratorium tests Duterte's ...
The South China Sea is estimated to hold 11 billion barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in proved and probable reserves, according to United States Energy Information Administration (EIA). It's not certain how much of these ...

◆201025 Rappler https://bit.ly/3orrAXh
Duterte 'government is afraid of the truth' – veteran journalists
Sheila Coronel, co-founder of the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism and the director at the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism at ... “This government is afraid it would be held to account when there's a new government that is in power that is not friendly to [them],” she said. ... The case of ABS-CBN has seen the whole gamut of disinformation, gas lighting, demonization, etc,” Reyes said.



◆201025 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/34pnqHp
これはメコン川などでも大きな課題となってきており、広域的な課題解決のための連携が必要だ。 一方、上智大学大学院地球環境学研究科の黄光偉教授は、三峡ダムの問題点について「重慶市にもっと着目すべき」と指摘する。 「重慶は ...

◆201025 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/34rB2Ck
社説:混迷深めるタイ情勢 若者の声に耳を傾けねば
タイの反政府デモが収まらない。プラユット政権は早期収拾をめざすが、簡単ではなさそうだ。 デモの主体は若者たちである。豊かになった社会に育ち、インターネットによって外国事情にも通じている。 政治の混乱が10年以上も続き、 ...

◆201025 ZAKZAK https://bit.ly/3jAdteV
【日本の解き方】菅首相外交デビューの意味 安倍外交の継承と中国包囲 ベトナムは有望な投資先に
ベトナムも日本からの新規投資の受け入れは歓迎だろう。 筆者の周りでは中国からベトナムへ投資先の変更は以前からかなりあったが、今回のコロナ騒ぎで一層、加速され ...


◆201025 The Star Online https://bit.ly/37Bow52
Laos completes 98th joint patrol on Mekong River as many in ...
VIENTIANE, Oct 24, (Vientiane Times/ANN): The 98th Mekong River joint patrol by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand concluded on Friday (Oct 23), with three Chinese law-enforcement vessels returning home to port. A total of 115 law ...

◆201025 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3miapFQ
Thai PM repeats calls for calm ahead of protesters' deadline
BANGKOK (AP) -- Thailand's government and the country's pro-democracy movement appeared no closer to resolving ... The protesters charge that Prayuth, who as then-army commander led a 2014 coup, was returned to power unfairly in last ...

◆201025 The New York Times https://nyti.ms/35zPkzQ
Bangkok Is Engulfed by Protests. What’s Driving Them?
BANGKOK — Protests in Thailand that began as a student-led revolt against the military's influence on the classroom ... the overhaul of a Constitution he pushed through that took power from citizens and created an appointed Senate; and ...
詳細 · 19時間前

◆201025 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2HvAja0
Chao Phraya River set to rise, but Bangkok flooding 'risk is low ...
The Royal Irrigation Department (RID) has warned of rising water levels in the Chao Phraya River but played down flooding risks in ... The Chao Phraya barrage dam, meanwhile, has continued to receive more water from the Chao Phraya and Sakae Krang rivers. ... The Thai Meteorological Department yesterday reported a high-pressure system from China in the central and eastern regions, causing the ...

◆201025 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/2TmXkhZ
Yoshihide Suga's Official Trip: What Does He Expect from ...
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's certainly understands the political importance of continuity, especially in Southeast Asia. Suga making a first stop in Hanoi, Vietnam and his second visit in Jakarta, Indonesia. Southeast Asian countries as key ...

◆201025 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/2HBZMig
Vietnam's Coastline Urgently Needs New Resilience ...
The coastline of Vietnam is increasingly exposed to natural disasters, resulting in significant human and economic losses, but current risk management measures prove inadequate. A new resilience development strategy is urgently needed ...

◆201025 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/2ToCeji
Power consumption rises as economy recovers from pandemic
Hanoi (VNS/VNA) — Power consumption increased significantly in September as the economy started to find its feet after COVID-19 was successfully contained in Vietnam, according to a recent report by Electricity of Vietnam (EVN). ... falling 16.56 percent, coal-fired power plants accounted for 97.29 billion kWh, an increase of 10.5 percent, and oil-fired power produced ... It has broken ground on 107 power projects this year and put into operation 100 110-500kV transmission lines./.

◆201025 Tasnim News Agency https://bit.ly/3e6D7H3
US to Base Coast Guard Ships in Western Pacific to Tackle China
Describing the US as a Pacific power, the statement added that China's “illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, and ... accusing the Chinese military of having sunk a Vietnamese fishing boat, harassing Malaysian oil and gas vessels and ...

◆201025 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/2FVtSwr
Cabinet approves Stung Tatai Leu hydropower dam ...
The 150-megawatt Stung Tatai Leu hydropower dam development project was endorsed during the plenary Cabinet ... At the same time, the Cabinet Ministers approved the 500-kilovolt transmission line development projects from Phnom Penh to Cambodia-Laos border and from ... of Mines and Energy, previously said that the 150-megawatt hydropower dam is located upstream of the Tatay River or ...

◆201025 thenortheasttoday.com https://bit.ly/2TkL9lZ
Northeast India: From 'fractured frontier' to 'prosperous frontiers'
Northeast is land-surplus and water-surplus, but it continues to be power deficient and food deficient. ... fruit and vegetables not only to the Southern and eastern states of India but also to Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan and even Nepal. ... The hydrocarbon reserves in Nagaland may increase India's on-shore oil and natural gas production potential by 75 per cent. ... potential deposits of Platinum Group of Elements (PGE), quartzite deposits, granite, limestone and renewable energy.

◆201025 Global Voices Kenya https://bit.ly/2Tn11nV
Myanmar 2020 election: ‘A critical moment in the consolidation of democratic transition’
Sean Dunne (SD): The 2015 elections were really a watershed moment for Myanmar's democratic transition with the opening of space for political competition and the peaceful transfer of power to the main opposition party. As is often the case ...

◆201025 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/3kt5y43
Irrawaddy Business Roundup
This week, Myanmar's government investment agency inked an agreement with the European Chamber of Commerce ... Moreover, investors from Hong Kong said they are interested in investing in Myanmar despite coronavirus. ... The ministry said Hong Kong investors are seeking new opportunities to invest in various sectors in Myanmar, particularly energy, transport, banking and finance, retail and ...



◆201024 BBCニュース https://bbc.in/37APgTa
トランプ氏、インドの空気は「不潔」と インド国内の反応様々
トランプ大統領は大統領候補討論会で、気候変動への国際的な取り組みを決めた「パリ協定」からの脱退に言及。その際、「中国を見てみろ。どれだけ不潔か、ロシアもインドも、不潔だ。空気が汚れている。私がパリ協定から脱退したのは、 ...

◆201024 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/34mXHPU
米国防長官、インド訪問へ 2プラス2
インドでは首都ニューデリーで開かれる外務・防衛閣僚協議(2プラス2)にポンペオ国務長官とともに出席し、インド太平洋地域の安定と繁栄に向けた両国の協力強化について議論する。 国防総省はインド以外の具体的な訪問先は明らかにし ...

◆201024 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan https://bit.ly/34pPPNS
10月23日、午後3時50分から20分間、茂木敏充外務大臣は、訪日中のフィリップ・デービッドソン米インド太平洋軍司令官(Admiral Philip S. Davidson, Commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command)の表敬を受けたところ、概要は以下のとおり ...

◆201024 ロイター https://bit.ly/2Tletsv
[北京/ワシントン 23日 ロイター] - 中国外務省の趙立堅報道官は23日の記者会見で、米国は中国との関係を巡り各国を脅迫しているが、そうした行為は成功しないと述べた。 ポンペオ米国務長官は来週スリランカを訪れるほか、インド、 ...


◆201024 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/34rBRel
India Has Good Reason to Give Up Its No-First-Strike Nuclear Doctrine. But the State of Its Arsenal Suggests That It Won't.
Ever since 1998, when the country went nuclear, New Delhi has rejected the idea of initiating the use of such weapons in any conflict scenario. ... power and Beijing's, publicly adopting a first-use doctrine would communicate both power and resolve on India's part. ... But under P.N. Haksar, the principal secretary to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the Department of Atomic Energy stood firm against the idea.

◆201024 Business Standard https://bit.ly/37yrWpf
Indias air quality filthy despite decline in energy consumption
The burning of fossil fuel, including coal for power generation and use of petroleum products in transport, is a major source of air pollution in India. Consumption..... TO READ THE FULL STORY, SUBSCRIBE NOW AT JUST Rs 1499 A YEAR ...

◆201024 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/3okYMzK
India - US relations is independent of political parties in power: Tharoor
India and the United States will give extraordinary importance to their relations despite the fact that which political party is in power in both the nations, said Congress MP Shashi Tharoor. Speaking at the Public Affair Forum of India's (PAFI) ...

◆201024 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3oj556W
Power Politics and Democracy in Pakistan
The agenda of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) was set to overthrow the “selected” but not “elected” government of PTI's government under the leadership of Imran khan. PDM comprises of different activities like Parties corner meetings, ...

◆201024 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/3ojSJeN
PM likely to announce energy relief for industrial sector
The PM has assured the business community of a “good news” regarding power tariff, said industrialists who met with the ... Imran Khan noted that expensive electricity was a major hurdle in industrial growth, making Pakistan uncompetitive in the regional market. ... To facilitate this industry, the government must ensure ease of doing business, reduce the cost of inputs like raw material, electricity and gas, ...

◆201024 Khabarhub https://bit.ly/2HtVtVZ
Energy minister directs to ensure regular, reliable and effective electricity
KATHMANDU: Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Barsha Man Pun has directed the Nepal Electricity Authorities to ensure that power supply is regular, reliable and effective during the Bada Dashain festival. In a meeting today ...

◆201024 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3ojSVL3
Do not panic, we are Chinese: China's response to the ...
Economy · Energy · Science & Technology · Tourism · Reports ... the number of sick people, the Government has decided to delegate to the Regions' Governors the power to implement measures to limit individual ... image source: Chinese Embassy in Nepal ... oppose India's membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and block India's efforts to get Pakistan-based terrorist Masood Azhar admitted ...

◆201024 Defence Aviation Post https://bit.ly/3kpDfnj
New Delhi must warn Oli govt. Allowing China to use Nepal for ...
Another media report says that China has occupied six hectares of land near Bhagdare Khola (river) area and substantial land in a relatively less inhabited Liho area in Karnali in Humla district. Besides, there are reports that Chinese soldiers ...

◆201024 International Water Power and Dam Construction https://bit.ly/3dRg02M
Mangdechhu project wins the Brunel Medal - International ...
The run-of-the-river Mangdechhu hydroelectric project has a capacity of 720MW and is located on on Mangdechhu river in Bhutan. It is one of the ten hydroelectric projects being developed as part of the Royal Government of Bhutan's initiative ...

◆201024 India Legal https://bit.ly/2Hlwpkt
Ending China's days of expansionism with the Quad
This was followed in 2017 by the Doklam incident in the Bhutan controlled area on the Sino-Bhutan border. ... The Chinese have since April 2020 continued intruding into the area controlled by India especially on the west bank of the Galwan river. ... be it in common passages for shipping, sharing common bounties of the region, such as fishery or oil or exploration of ... Further, the US has condemned Beijing's bullying tactics to control international energy rich waters for its own gains ...

◆201024 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3krXKj0
Sri Lanka Parliament votes to strengthen presidential power
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) -- Sri Lanka's Parliament by a large majority has approved a constitutional amendment concentrating powers under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and reversing reforms a previous government had made to curb ...

◆201024 The Guardian https://bit.ly/3krasyC
Sri Lanka president tightens grip with constitutional changes
Sri Lanka's parliament has approved constitutional changes that give more power to the president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, leading to fears the authoritarian leader will strengthen his hold on the country. The constitutional amendment, which ...

◆201024 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/3mfWYpV
Norway to increase development assistance to Sri Lanka
Norfund prioritizes investments in four investment areas that includes, clean energy, financial Institutions, green ... But also he revealed that Norfund will target for investing in small scale hydro power projects in Sri Lanka in the near future.

◆201024 Reuters https://reut.rs/2TnNYTo
In Asia next week, Pompeo expected to bolster allies against China
As part of an intensifying pushback against China's economic and military power in the region, Pompeo will also travel to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, two key Indian Ocean countries that are struggling with a mountain of Chinese debt incurred ...

◆201024 Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/2HlxLM5
China says US bullying countries to pick sides
In 2017, Sri Lanka signed over control of a Chinese-financed port and land around it to Beijing after incurring heavy losses, to the alarm of the US and regional power, India. Source : News Agencies. More from News. US to base Coast Guard ...




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Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

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(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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