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英保守派,中国との「価値の戦争」に備えよ 日本やインドとも連携を


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2020年11月4日 英保守派,中国との「価値の戦争」に備えよ 日本やインドとも連携を




中国との「価値の戦争」に備えよ 日本やインドとも連携を





◆201104 JBpress https://bit.ly/3mR8gkC
習近平主席は、中国最高指導者としては江沢民前主席以来20年ぶりに出席し、中国人民支援軍が参戦した朝鮮戦争を「帝国主義侵略に対抗した正義の戦争」と力説した。 朝鮮戦争は、1950年6月25日の日曜日未明4時頃、北朝鮮の奇襲南侵で ...

◆201104 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/34SNRFS
中国との「価値の戦争」に備えよ 日本やインドとも連携を 英保守党強硬派が報告書
「対策が遅れれば、国家安全保障と長期的な利益、そして価値観の"聖三位一体"を守りながら対中協力を最大化するのはさらに困難になる」とパートン氏は指摘する。 習近平主席の「7つの言わざる」. 2013年に出された中国共産党の「第9文書」 ...

◆201104 ロイター https://bit.ly/3k2F20E
[北京 3日 ロイター] - 中国の習近平国家主席は3日、中国共産党が示した次期5カ年計画について、中国が直面するリスクが大幅に増すとの見方を示した。 中国の習近平国家主席は ...

◆201104 TBS News https://bit.ly/3p2VwJV
具体的な内容は不明ですが、中国共産党系の国際紙「環球時報」の英語版は専門家の話として「西太平洋地域での覇権主義国家による安全保障上の脅威に対抗できる能力を持つ軍」の実現を目指していると指摘。台湾や南シナ海をめぐって対立 ...

◆201104 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2I67JMU
経済などの運営方針を巡る中国共産党の会議は来年からの「5カ年計画」に加え2035年までの長期目標の草案を示した。 ... 沿線国との)「一帯一路」共同建設を後押しし、グローバル経済の枠組みの改革に積極的に参 ...

◆201104 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/36060AV
習近平が、毛沢東のような個人独裁に移行する可能性は皆無. 第1は、習近平(シー・ジンピン)体制が落ち着いてきたことだ。 習近平は権限において前任の国家主席で ...

◆201104 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3kYDcip
特集:中国ダムは時限爆弾なのか. 繰り返される長江・三峡ダムの決壊騒ぎ ── 世界が注目する巨大インフラに潜む本当の危機.



◆201104 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3oOwQV8
NY商品、原油が続伸 OPECとロシアの減産強化の思惑で 金は ...
その前には、ロシアのエネルギー相と同国の石油会社幹部が21年1~3月期までの減産協議をしているとも伝わっていた。 原油相場は前週に軟調に推移したが、米大統領選を控えて持ち高調整の買いも入ったようだ。3 ...

◆201104 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2HZ8G9J
原油相場が上げ幅縮小、金は下落-開票動向は米大統領選の ...
原油相場が上げ幅縮小、金は下落-開票動向は米大統領選の接戦示す. Dan Murtaugh、Serene Cheong、Saket Sundria. 2020年11月4日 12:20 JST. ニューヨーク原油先物相場はアジア時間4日の取引で上げ幅を縮小し、金相場は下落した。

◆201104 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/38aXktZ
ドバイ原油・4日午前、上昇 39.80ドル前後
原油でアジア市場の指標となる中東産ドバイ原油のスポット価格は4日午前、上昇した。取引の ...



◆201104 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/32sseL5
中国新聞社によると、国家航天(宇宙)局月探査・宇宙プロジェクトセンター副主任で中国第1回火星探査任務報道官の劉○(とう)傑氏はこのほど、中国新聞社の単独インタビューを受け、火星探査機「天問1号」が来年5月に火星に着陸 ...

◆201104 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3669W2W
人工知能(AI)や半導体、航空宇宙などを国家にとって重大な科学技術プロジェクトに位置付ける。企業の研究開発を奨励し、基礎研究に優遇税制を設ける。製造強国、ネット強国、デジタル中国を揺るぎなく築く。 産 ...

◆201104 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3eqENeE
進む「人工太陽」計画 核融合実験炉に中国の技術が貢献
原子力発電のエネルギー源は核分裂だ。核分裂は、ウランやトリウムなどの重い原子核が複数の原子核に分裂して大量の熱エネルギーを放出する。これに対し核 ...


◆201103 112 International https://bit.ly/3ekMEtQ
Beijing rejects any involvement in nuclear arms limitation talks
The People's Republic of China (PRC), assessed to be the world's third-largest nuclear weapons power (Arms Control Association, August 2020), has remained carefully aloof from nuclear arms control regimes of the sort negotiated between ...

◆201103 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3ej86zD
China announces full completion of Three Gorges Project ...
It's situated in the middle reaches of the Yangtze, China's longest river. The project consists of a 2,309-m-long and 185-m-high dam, a five-tier ship lock & 34 hydropower turbo- ...

◆201103 besacenter.org https://bit.ly/329GQyu
The Quadruple Threat: North Korea, China, Pakistan, and Iran
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The vast, uninterrupted territory that contains North Korea, China, Pakistan, and Iran has ... official recently said that “Iran and North Korea have resumed cooperation in the framework of a project on long-range missiles that includes the transfer of core components.” ... It managed to avoid any agreement with the US regarding its development of ballistic and nuclear capabilities ...

◆201103 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3kVw1Yc
Women are leading Taiwan's public relations war against China
Hsiao “has quickly established a presence in the U.S. and is effectively communicating Taiwan's policies despite the challenges posed by COVID-19,” said Bonnie Glaser, director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and ...

◆201103 Balkan Green Energy News https://bit.ly/383UPts
China to build Europe's biggest onshore wind park in Ukraine
WindFarm signed a contract with PowerChina for the joint wind park project with a capacity of 800 MW in Ukraine, ... the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest power plant, is a subsidiary of state-owned Power Construction Corp. of China.

◆201103 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/387lMg6
China's use of digital currency accelerates in trial program
HONG KONG -- China's digital currency pilot program has picked up pace, with transaction volumes doubling over the past month, according to the country's central bank governor, who said the trial has so far been smooth. There have been ...

◆201103 Deccan Herald https://bit.ly/2TMeINB
China is getting ready for a world without Donald Trump
In less than a month, two unusual things happened at the People's Bank of China. First, it no longer required banks to set aside cash if clients wanted to short the yuan. This makes betting against the currency cheaper, and allows room for the ...

◆201103 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/2TU4fPT
Vietnam Is Losing Its Best Friends to China
Outspent by BRI, Hanoi is almost certainly concerned that it can no longer count on Cambodia and Laos to make decisions aligned with its national security. China's strengthening ties to Cambodia and Laos in recent years have real effects on ...

◆201103 Global Times https://bit.ly/3oTLuuf
China to modernize military, arsenal in next 5 years
By Liu Xuanzun and Leng Shumei Source: Global Times Published: 2020/11/2 20:12:14. China's J-20 stealth fighter jet displays its new coating of stealth material and flies over the exhibition hall at Airshow China 2018 on Tuesday. Photo: Cui ...

◆201104 China.org.cn https://on.china.cn/3p2SaGP
Three Gorges project certified as complete, fully ...
The Three Gorges project, which manages the flow of water on China's Yangtze River, has been officially certified as ... is a multi-functional water-control system, consisting of a 2,309-meter-long and 185-meter-high dam, five-tier ship locks on ...

◆201104 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3kXcVkH
China likely to deploy third aircraft carrier by 2025: report
The H-20, said to resemble the U.S. B-2 stealth bomber, is thought capable of carrying nuclear weapons with a range of 8,500 km -- putting U.S. military bases in Hawaii at risk. mobile-email-icon Stay ahead with our exclusives on Asia. Sign up ...

◆201104 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2HYVBNE
New era for Japan's defense sector? Mitsubishi Heavy leads ...
There is speculation the entire project could be worth over 5 trillion yen, which could help Mitsubishi Heavy offset the 1 ... risks ranging from China's maritime expansion and North Korea's nuclear development, to an inward-focused U.S. Still, ...

◆201104 Valdai Discussion Club https://bit.ly/3eAGuGt
US-China Competition Won't Produce a New Bipolar World
First is the role of the US-Soviet nuclear relationship. During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in an intense nuclear arms race that drove the two countries to build massive nuclear arsenals.

◆201104 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/34Vje2r
China to halt key Australian imports in sweeping retaliation
Wine is also under an anti-dumping investigation, while Chinese power stations and steel mills have been told to stop using Australian coal. Cotton purchases have also been suspended. China's relevant departments conducted inspection and ...

◆201104 Bloomberg https://bloom.bg/38a6JlC
China Is Planning a Bigger Ant Crackdown With Bank Funding Curbs
The shock suspension of Ant Group Co.'s $35 billion initial public offering is just the beginning of a renewed campaign by China to rein in the fintech empire controlled by Jack Ma, Bloomberg reports. Authorities are now setting their sights on ...

◆201104 Foreign Policy https://bit.ly/38dBpT5
Chinese Love Trump Because They Think He Helps China
Chinese have a clear opinion on the likely electoral victor in the United States: President Donald Trump. When China's Phoenix New Media covers the election on Weibo (a Chinese version of Twitter), the most liked comment is always “Chuan ...



◆201104 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/2HZC3IQ
地熱発電の外資規制撤廃、100%出資認める(フィリピン ...
フィリピンエネルギー省(DOE)は10月27日、初期投資額が5,000万ドル以上の地熱発電事業に対する外資規制を撤廃し、 ... スタッツ・レポート」では、地熱発電設備容量の国別ランキングで、米国、インドネシアに次ぐ3位となっている。

◆201104 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/34Vexpl
米大統領選、比への影響注視 国際協調なら安全保障改善も ...
中国 · 香港 · 台湾 · 韓国 · タイ · ベトナム · ミャンマー · カンボジア · ラオス · マレーシア · シンガポール · インドネシア · フィリピン · オーストラリアオセアニア · インド. マーケット. NNA景気指数. マーケット. マーケット. NNA景気指数. ベトナム.

◆201104 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3kZFM7R
インドサットと華為技術、5G対応で協力 インドネシア ...
インドネシアの通信サービス大手インドサット・オーレドゥは1日、中国通信機器大手の華為技術(ファーウェイ)現地法人と、第5世代(5G)移動通信システムに対応した技術の開発で協力すると発表した。5Gに適したさまざまな機能を ...


◆201104 Voice of America https://bit.ly/360BtCZ
Aid Groups Urge Assistance After Super Typhoon Goni Hits Philippines
Goni, which made landfall Monday, has barreled across the Philippines, leaving a massive trail of destruction in its wake. IFRS spokesman Matthew Cochrane told VOA the typhoon has destroyed whole villages, damaged or demolished 90% of ...

◆201104 The Strategist https://bit.ly/34WuRpK
Pompeo hits some bum notes in Indonesia | The Strategist
High-level visits to and from Indonesia in recent weeks have highlighted how differently major powers are playing the instruments of diplomacy to Southeast Asia's largest and most consequential audience. Whether they have charmed or not ...

◆201104 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3kXgs2q
Red Pill? Behind China's COVID-19 vaccine diplomacy
China's President Xi Jinping describes Chinese made vaccines as a "global public good." © Reuters ... Many countries awaiting vaccine doses, like Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia, are anxious to avoid antagonizing Beijing. And this is ...

◆201104 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/32bt9iA
BMKG warns of severe weather as Typhoon Goni inches toward South China Sea - The Jakarta Post
... for severe weather as Typhoon Goni, which recently lashed neighboring Philippines, moves toward the South China Sea. BMKG deputy for climatology, Herizal, said Indonesia could be impacted by strong winds and thunderstorms in the ...

◆201104 The Strategist https://bit.ly/3601GSd
Pompeo hits some bum notes in Indonesia | The Strategist
He also pitched to his hosts by applauding Indonesia's 'courageous leadership on the subject [of China's assertiveness in the South China Sea] within ASEAN and at the United Nations', and conceding that, 'It's a cause worth pursuing in ...

◆201104 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/3n30eWf
Romualdez: US to continue backing PH arbitral victory vs China under Biden presidency
MANILA, Philippines — The United States will continue supporting Manila's victory against China in the South China Sea arbitration case under the presidency of Democrat Joe Biden should he win the elections, Philippine Ambassador to the ...

◆201104 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/3kXc9UD
Esperon: PH not at war with China so imminent threats are insurgency, pandemic
MANILA, Philippines—The pandemic and the insurgency presented more imminent security threats to the Philippines than that being foisted by China's aggressive behavior in the West Philippine Sea, according to National Security Adviser ...

◆201104 Fitch Ratings https://bit.ly/3mPZN15
Fitch Assigns Star Energy Geothermal (Salak Darajat) RG's ...
However, due to regulatory restrictions in Indonesia, project contracts such as the ESCs and joint operation contracts (JOCs), ... Star Energy Group operates three of the five largest geothermal plants in Indonesia at Wayang Windu, Salak, and ...

◆201104 The Asset https://bit.ly/3eoIyRs
Japanese-led consortium wins Philippines bypass contract
The contract for Phase 1 of the Davao City Bypass project in the Philippines has been awarded to a consortium led by Shimizu-Ulticon-Takenaka of Japan. The civil works contract for the 10.7-kilometre stretch is one of six packages that form ...



◆201104 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3kZkl6M
ラオスとタイ結ぶ送電線、来年架設開始へ カンボジア・電力 ...
カンボジアで、ラオスとタイを結ぶ2本の送電線の架設工事が来年から始まる見通しとなっている。 ... 国内での発電量の約半分を水力が占めるカンボジアでは、川などの水位が下がる乾期に電力不足に陥る恐れがあるとされる。 ... カンボジア電力公社(EDC)は19年9月、ラオスの石炭火力発電所から2,400メガワット(MW)の電力を購入する ... イオンモールは2日、ベトナムの首都ハノイで記者会見し、同国北部ハイフォン市のショッピングモール「イオ… ... ミャンマー・タイ…

◆201104 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/2HZqNMz
昨年の対米黒字額は約470億ドルであり、米国から見ると、中国、メキシコ、日本、ドイツに次ぐ5番目に赤字額の多い国である。米越関係は日米関係と同様に政治・安全保障分野では多くの戦略的利益を共有するが、貿易ではベトナムは米国 ...

◆201104 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3291Pl4
【インサイト】米中分断で笑う中国、地域貿易協定でアジアに ...
また、日本とベトナムを含む11の経済圏を結ぶ環太平洋パートナーシップに関する包括的および先進的な協定(CPTPP)は、米国をこの地域の貿易に再統合するための手段で完全に無くなった訳ではない。 ブルームバーグ・エコノミクス ...


◆201104 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2I1V9OE
Thailand protesters refuse to compromise after king speaks
BANGKOK -- King Maha Vajiralongkorn's rare message to his people on Sunday night hinting at possible compromise was heard widely, but pro-democracy leaders say they will continue their protests and maintain their key demands ...

◆201104 Anadolu Agency https://bit.ly/3jV57i6
Thailand to provide lifeline for ailing tourism sector
JAKARTA. The Thai government on Tuesday will plan rescue packages for southern businesses severely affected by the novel coronavirus, local media reported. Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said the government would ask ...

◆201104 The New Indian Express https://bit.ly/3oU2gcG
Is Cambodia the weakest link in ASEAN Chain?
The inability of Cambodia and Laos to apply individual agency on regional matters while supporting China's larger interests have caused concerns in the grouping ... ASEAN's position reiterated the illegality of Vietnam's intervention in Cambodia, asserting the rights of all political ... So while individual ASEAN countries had different views and threat perceptions, the 'front state' was Thailand and its own ...

◆201104 VnExpress International https://bit.ly/34T9SnN
Prioritize ASEAN-China cooperation on equal, humane treatment of fishermen: Vietnam
Vietnam urged greater understanding of and compassion for distressed fishermen's situation in the East Sea at a workshop held in Hanoi Tuesday. The workshop aimed at getting ASEAN and China to work together on ensuring equal and ...

◆201104 The Asset https://bit.ly/2HYP4CC
China and Thailand sign high-speed railway deal
Have you read? CRRC shortlisted for Mexico City metro modernization · Japanese-led consortium wins Philippines bypass contract · ADB approves US$483.8 million loan for Myanmar road ...

◆201104 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/2JweJTL
Are Southeast Asia's Anti-China Nationalists Democrats?
In Vietnam, anti-China nationalism has a much longer history, with the neighbor to the north considered the county's bête noire for ... Indeed, the so-called Milk Tea Alliance united democrats in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand explicitly commingles ... Ahead of Myanmar's 2015 general election, it was well-known that Beijing preferred the military junta that had run the ... Even the ruling parties in Laos and Cambodia, China's two closest allies, have to publicly distance themselves from ...

◆201104 indiablooms https://bit.ly/2TQWPgv
Vietnam is losing best friends to China: Derek Grossman
Hanoi: Defence analyst Derek Grossman has said China has increasingly challenged Vietnam's dominance in Cambodia and Laos, primarily by leveraging Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects to raise its influence in the region. "Outspent by ...

◆201104 Yahoo Finance https://yhoo.it/2HVBQa6
ExxonMobil Eyes Vietnam LNG Project
ExxonMobil Hai Phong Energy Pte Ltd (EMPHE), Hai Phong People's Committee and Japan power generation firm JERA have signed a memorandum of understanding to work together on a potential integrated LNG-to-power project, JERA ...

◆201104 Smart Energy https://bit.ly/3jWwQyA
Siemens Energy commissions substation for solar plant in ...
In Thuan Nam district of Ninh Thuan province, Vietnam, households and businesses now receive a boost in power ... a remarkable feat by the local Siemens Energy project team having accomplished it within an extremely tight timeline in order ...

◆201104 Myanmar Times https://bit.ly/3oVpWh6
Construction of Bago-Kyaik Hto Expressway to commence in ...
The project falls under the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) East West Economic Corridor (EWEC) from Bago to Kyaik Hto, The 4-lane asphalt ... The EWEC connects Thailand with Thilawa SEZ, and onwards to Pathein in Ayeyarwaddy.

◆201104 Greentech Lead https://bit.ly/2HXsv10
Renewable energy business forecast on Cambodia
Cambodia, which relies heavily on hydropower, has witnessed power shortages due to reduced hydropower ... The Mekong river provides a strong potential for the development of hydropower in the country. ... projects, including a 150MW hydro project, 265MW coal-fired plant and three transmission lines, clearly draws the line for lower ... Vestas secures 50 MW order from Ia Bang Wind Power Vietnam.

◆201104 United News of India https://bit.ly/3elr1K8
New anthology of movies on Mekong river highlights need for ...
Screened at the ongoing 33rd Tokyo International Film Festival, 'Mekong 2030' is a film project in which five directors from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam come together to raise awareness about conserving one of the most ...



◆201103 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3kTgGHQ
<1000万人規模の巨大都市が各地にあり、経済成長と中間層の拡大が見込まれるインドは、6億人がトイレのない生活を送り、毎年20万人が汚染された水によって死亡する国でもある。しかもそれは、農村部だけの話ではない。共同通信社 ...

◆201103 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/3oQaK4x
中国がチベット-四川線を​​インド国境まで支出| 中国はアルナーチャルへの直接アクセスを得ようとしています、この陰謀は続いています
ネパールの権力闘争、共産党は崩壊するかもしれません。 オリ不規則な対面. 11月 2, 2020.


◆201103 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2HQ7upv
Pakistan alarmed by US-India information sharing pact
KARACHI -- Pakistan is alarmed by the U.S.-India intelligence pact signed during a visit by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper to India last week. The agreement could give India an advantage in any future ...

◆201103 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3mPfsh4
China gained ground on India during bloody summer in ...
At stake for both sides is control over strategic outposts like the Karakoram Pass, which runs from India into China's Xinjiang region. A hold on the ancient Silk Road route could potentially give China easier road access to Pakistan, a long-time ...

◆201103 The Guardian https://bit.ly/2TJTgJ3
Pakistan's plan to make disputed region a fifth province angers India
Pakistan and India have been drawn into a fresh dispute following an announcement by the Pakistani prime minister, Imran Khan, that he will provisionally declare the border territory of Gilgit-Baltistan the country's fifth province. The strategic ...

◆201103 Asia Times https://bit.ly/3emRRBn
Why manufacturers are not rushing from China to India
Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave an exclusive interview to Economic Times, an Indian English-language business daily, last Thursday in which he claimed that India will be a manufacturing hub on its own strength in the future. “We saw how ...

◆201103 India Today https://bit.ly/3oSq7JJ
Ladakh standoff: China confirms 8th Corps Commander-level meet with India will take place soon
After a gap of over three weeks, China has confirmed that it will hold the eighth Corps Commander-level talks with India for which the two sides would soon be finalising the mutually convenient dates. “The Chinese have confirmed that they ...

◆201103 Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/3jW8kxz
India, US sign key military deal, symbolising closer ties
India and the US signed a key defence deal late last month in a move seen as a last-ditch push by the Trump administration to score a foreign ... But India's military standoff in June on its western border with China seems to have pushed New Delhi towards the US, which has been trying to bolster ... Moreover, Pal believes the growing partnership will upset India's regional rivals – Pakistan and China.
詳細 · 6時間前

◆201103 besacenter.org https://bit.ly/2I0LEPr
The Quadruple Threat: North Korea, China, Pakistan, and Iran
Two outcomes are the remarkable support lent by China to North Korea and Iran (essentially against the US) and to Pakistan (essentially against India). China shares a 592 km land border with Pakistan. Pakistan. Pakistan is: In possession of ...

◆201103 The Hindu https://bit.ly/35WbWuB
Pakistan PM Imran Khan to launch ‘CPEC City’ project in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province
India has objected to the CPEC as it is being laid through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. A letter from the Editor. Dear reader,. We have been keeping you up-to-date with information ...

◆201103 Global Village space https://bit.ly/361qFVh
ExxonMobil scraps project to build LNG terminal in Pakistan
Her skeleton make-up complimented her skeleton outfit.The politician posted her pictures... israel palestine · How India is planning to erase Kashmir as Israel erases Palestine. November 2, ...

◆201103 BCFocus https://bit.ly/34QLWl6
China creates world's largest aerial launch missile, may pose ...
China has put the world's largest air-launch missile into service amid mounting tensions from India and the United States. China has deployed ... It is also claimed that the missile is capable of carrying nuclear warheads with it. This missile is ...

◆201103 India Today https://bit.ly/2JvQuVT
Unearthing China’s communication efforts to assist long-distance nuclear submarines
The field of communicating with submarines especially nuclear ones which do not surface for months together are highly ... India Today OSINT team tries to capture the Chinese efforts at very low frequency (VLF) communications that could assist ... The PLAN after Sino-Soviet split Mao Zedong personally approved the new Project 6984 for establishing a VLF ... two decades indicate that the facility would possibly have been constructed after the commissioning of Jiangya Dam in 1998.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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