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2018年11月17日 土曜日


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2018年11月17日 入管法動かず,シンガポール首相が米中どちらかを選ぶ事態と











◆181117 習主席、島嶼国に「一帯一路」開発トップセールス
産経ニュース-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QOIFtb
◆181117 中国が対米貿易改善案 142項目、トランプ氏明かす
日本経済新聞-3 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2TitLgk
【ワシントン=河浪武史】トランプ米大統領は16日、中国との貿易戦争を巡って「中国は142項目の行動計画を提出してきた」と記者 ... 米中両国は11月30日~12月1日にアルゼンチンで開く20カ国・地域(G20)首脳会議に合わせて、トランプ大統領と習近平(シー・ ...
◆181117 「習主席訪朝のうわさ」に中国が沈黙する理由
東洋経済オンライン-48 分前 https://bit.ly/2RZ3a6y
9月9日に行われた北朝鮮の建国70周年記念式典には、中国習近平国家主席が出席するとみられていた。しかし、式典を数日後に控えたタイミングで中国政府が中国共産党を代表して出席すると発表したのは、栗戦書(リツ・センショ)全国人民代表大会常務 ...
◆181117 中国・習主席、太平洋諸国と首脳会談 台湾の影響力抑止狙う
AFPBB News-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qRaIN3
【11月16日 AFP】中国習近平(Xi Jinping)国家主席は16日、パプアニューギニアの首都ポートモレスビーで、太平洋諸島諸国との首脳会談に臨んだ。中国のこの動きについては、これらの島しょ国のより多くが台湾との外交関係を断ち切るよう、中国が気を ...
◆181117 北朝鮮が「ハイテク戦術兵器」の実験 金委員長が視察=国営メディア
BBCニュース-13 時間前 https://bbc.in/2BdkSOi
北朝鮮の国営メディアは16日、最高指導者の金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長が新たな「ハイテク」戦術兵器の実験を視察したと ... 一方で、北朝鮮はこれまで兵器開発の停止もミサイル基地の閉鎖も、一切約束していないという指摘が相次いでいる。
◆181117 中国、西側の「干渉」に怒りあらわ ウイグル問題の説明要求で
CNN.co.jp-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Tk95Vq
北京(CNN) 中国の少数民族ウイグル族に対する人権侵害が報告されている問題をめぐり、同国政府は15日、西側諸国の外交 ... 中国外務省の華春瑩副報道局長は同日の記者会見で、依然として続く新疆ウイグル自治区での人権侵害の説明を求めた上記の ...
◆181117 リー首相「アジアはもうすぐアメリカか中国を選ばなければならなくなる」
Newsweekjapan-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RVkBF5
だがASEAN加盟国のなかには南シナ海の領有権を中国と争っている国もあり、関係は複雑だ。 米中関係では、 ... 中国習近平国家主席とトランプは、11月末にアルゼンチンで開催されるG20で会談し、貿易摩擦についても接議論する予定だ。トランプは習との ...
◆181117 Coal price drops one third as China shuts door on Australian imports ...
ABC News-18 時間前 https://ab.co/2DGT9Ie
China has shut the door on coal imports until at least next year, creating uncertainty in the Australian market, according to ... "China has produced so much coal for the winter period the power companies have 30 days worth of consumption on their ... China takes about 25 per cent of Australia's thermal coal from the Newcastle port and Mr Cooper said finding a home for ... Its World Energy Outlook (WEO) forecast strong growth in Asian demand through to 2040 with substantial growth in ...
◆181117 China's 'artificial sun' galaxies away from solving Earth's energy needs ...
South China Morning Post-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ft7o50
Nuclear fusion reactor achieves temperatures of 100 million degrees Celsius, but that is just a milestone, observer says in state ... Fusion power has the potential to solve the world's energy problems as it creates massive amounts with only a small impact on the environment. ... China, India, Japan, Russia and South Korea that involves the construction of a prototype fusion reactor to generate electricity.
◆181117 ABB delivers control system for China's concentrated solar power plant
Power Technology-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PzEULm
ABB's Ability Symphony Plus DCS acts as the brain of the concentrated solar powerplant and combines all the plant's production processes, which ... Located at Delingha in central China, the 50MW concentrated solar power plant is operated by China General Nuclear Power Group. ... plant is expected to further strengthen China's efforts to meet the 2030 target of producing 20% of its overall energy from renewable sources. ... Munters Reference List: Pre-Coolers for Gas Turbines ..
◆181117 China and the EU Are Growing Sick of US Financial Power
Foreign Policy-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DsjSqL
Less publicized trends, however, are already eroding U.S. financial power and may make aggressive U.S. sanctions policies untenable. ... Trump announced in May that he would reimpose sanctions on Iran lifted under the 2015 nuclear deal, the effect was swift. ... French energy giant Total made this calculation explicit when it decided over the summer to stop operating in Iran. ... China has signaled that it will continue importing Iranian oil, only partially complying with U.S. sanctions.
◆181117 Iran: How US sanctions are strengthening China's global power
Reaction-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PXknA7
While Chinese imports of Iranian oil have initially experienced a slight decline, it is possible that this is one of Beijing's ploys to see whether deals serving China'sinterests are offered by an increasingly isolated Iran. For while Iran has been ...
◆181117 Power play: China wants to boost trade & energy cooperation with ...
RT-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qMgYWy
China is ready to boost energy, innovation, finance and trade cooperation with Russia,” Li Keqiang said during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the ASEAN ... Russia is also China's top energy supplier, surpassing Saudi Arabia in oil exports to the country. Demand for Russian gas supplies is also on the rise in China, and by 2035 could reach 80 – 100 billion cubic meters a year.
◆181117 Global Wind Power Forecast: China Key To Global Wind Sector ...
Fitch Solutions (press release)-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TiUxoV
We forecast the total capacity in the global wind power sector to expand by more than 90% between end-2017 and 2027, ... China will make up more than 45% of the 465 gigawatt (GW) of capacity additions we forecast for the sector over this .... That said, we expect the wind sector's share of total non-hydropower renewable energycapacity to decrease from 50% to .... that facilitated the transmission of electricityto coastal electricity demand hubs, large volumes of wind power supplies ...
◆181117 The tussle with China in the Mekong Basin
The Straits Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QOJcLH
Countries in the Mekong Basin, notably those located in the lower part of the river - Asia's seventh longest - are in need of ... Hydro-power construction and operation in the Mekong mainstream in Chinaand Laos' territories have also caused severe impact to the downstream countries. ... its members' decisions, Laos has decided to redesign its Xayaburi project to be a more environmentally friendly dam.


◆181117 トランプ大統領のイラン制裁でも原油下落のなぜ
日経テクノロジーオンライン-16 時間前 https://nkbp.jp/2Fr9KBg
◆181117 【いまエネルギー・環境を問う 竹内純子の一筆両断】今は不可欠、再エネ ...
産経ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Fqo90H
10月は晴天に恵まれた週末が続きましたね。穏やかな気候に誘われ、秋の行楽を楽しんだ方も多いかもしれません。そんなときに、電力をめぐってまた大きなニュースが報道されました。再エネ大国・九州で、再生可能エネルギーの発電を抑制するというニュース ...
◆181117 電力の4割まかなう「風力大国」デンマークの発想に学ぶ
朝日新聞-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zfuuqi
当時、私は石炭火力発電所に関わっていた。効率のいい石炭火力があるのに、たくさんの風力を受け入れるという国の決定はクレージーだと思った。出力が変動する風力は、最大でも3~5%程度しか入らないと当時の業界では言われていた。従来の業界の ...
◆181117 アングル:原油が記録的供給過剰に、生産増とアジア景気減速で
ロイター-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Kargsu
シンガポール 14日 ロイター] - アジア主要国の景気見通しに陰りが出たタイミングで、過去最大級の石油供給が同地域に押し寄せているとの見方 ... それどころか、世界3大生産国である米国、ロシア、サウジアラビア産を中心に世界の石油供給は急増した。


◆181117 India Looks To Sell $2 Billion Stake In State Held Oil Majors
OilPrice.com-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RZvg1l
India Looks To Sell $2 Billion Stake In State Held Oil Majors ... A much better time to list would be in 2022, when a couple of big gas fields in Iran and Mozambique begin production, the Economic Times quoted a company executive as saying ...
◆181117 Activists urge end to South Korean funding of Indonesia coal plants
Mongabay.com-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Q19qgF
Activists urge end to South Korean funding of Indonesia coal plants ... The Suralaya power complex, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) west of the capital, Jakarta, already has eight coal-fired plants ... Greenpeace Indonesia energy campaigner Didit Haryo said the group had sent an open letter appealing to the South Korean institutions to “immediately withdraw” their funding for the project. ... “We're urging them to think about investing their money in renewable energy projects instead.”.
◆181117 Power generation stresses an already water-starved India
Down To Earth Magazine-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TlzSAo
A report says that power generation will account for nearly 9 per cent of the water consumed in India by 2050 ... While India is already looking at another season of drought, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has said that ... in freshwater-intensive thermal power generation can contribute to water stress in the areas where plants are located.” ... and renewable energy technologies could help the country lessen the intensity of fresh water use for electricity generation.
◆181117 Philippines suspends fuel excise tax hike on oil products for 2019 ...
S&P Global Platts-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A21Ic8
Singapore — Philippines will halt the second round of excise fuel tax on refined products, which was due to come into effect January 1, 2019 after President Duterte formally approved the suspension, in a bid to grapple with high inflation, local ...
◆181117India's top gas utility is said to mull buying IL&FS wind assets
Economic Times-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DIHdW9
India's biggest gas utility is considering acquiring all of the wind energy assets held by a subsidiary of a troubled shadow ... company an opportunity to add to its existing renewable energy portfolio of 129 megawatts and help offset emissions.
◆181117 India: October's wide trade deficit ignores fall in oil prices – Nomura
FXStreet-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DIHyrT
India's export growth accelerated to 17.9% y-o-y in October from a 2.3% contraction in September, because of favourable ... “We continue to believe that the weak rupee, slowing growth and low oil prices will keep the current account in control.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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