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2018年12月11日 米中は貿易戦争から,既に技術覇権戦争に突入











◆181211 中国通信排除、来年度から 政府方針に携帯3社も同調
東京新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GcikEF
政府は十日、中国情報機関との結び付きを指摘されている中国通信機器大手の華為技術(ファーウェイ)と中興通訊(ZTE)の製品を来年度から事実上、政府調達から排除する方針を決めた。米国が不正な通信傍受などが安全保障上の脅威になりかねないと ...
◆181211 ファーウェイ事件、中国の猛反撃は「この日」に行われる可能性
Yahoo!ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ecd1Co
◆181211 技術移転に中国「海亀族」の影
日経ビジネスオンライン-10 時間前 https://nkbp.jp/2QHiKH7
◆181211 「Appleは出て行け」 ファーウェイめぐり中国で沸騰する“不買運動”
www.fnn.jp-15 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00398900HDK
中国が世界に誇る通信機器最大手・ファーウェイのCFO、孟晩舟容疑者の逮捕をきっかけに、中国国内でアメリカ製品排除の動きが広がっているのだ。 ... 2016年には、南シナ海の領有権問題で仲裁裁判所が中国の主張を全面的に否定する判決を出すと、判決を支持するアメリカのファスト ... 現地メディアによると、カナダの検察は「ファーウェイが香港に設立した子会社・スカイコムを通して、イランへの輸出が禁止されているアメリカ製の ...
◆181211 <チャイナインサイト>中国、来年6.5%成長で韓半島影響力強化に出る ...
Yahoo!ニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BavyvC
韓半島情勢に関連し、中国は今年、南北米3国関係の急進展時に現れうる「チャイナパッシング」を経験した。したがって2019年の中国の関心は、中国の存在感を浮き彫りにし影響力を拡大することに向けられるだろうとシン委員は予想した。韓国としては、その ...
◆181211 中国が無人探査機打ち上げ、月の裏側を調査へ
CNN.co.jp-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QPMdOS
北京(CNN) 中国は8日、四川省の西昌衛星発射センターから、無人の月探査機「嫦娥(じょうが)4号」を打ち上げた。世界各国が宇宙開発競争に挑むなか、中国は世界初となる月の裏側への着陸を目指す。 中国航天科技集団によれば、同探査機は26日後の1 ...
◆181211 中国の著名投資家、米国の「反中感情」激化をCNN取材で話す
Forbes JAPAN-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L8bKhc
米国での反中国的な感情は今後、さらに高まっていくかもしれないと、中国の著名ベンチャー投資家が12月9日、CNNで放送され ... 12月1日に実施された習近平とドナルド・トランプ会談の結果、米国側は2000億ドル相当の対中制裁関税の引き上げを留保した ...
◆181211 The Dangers Of China's Growing Oil Demand
OilPrice.com-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zRxcTh
China's oil thirst continues to grow, despite the impact that U.S. tariffs are starting to have on the world's second largest economy. On Saturday, preliminary data from China's General Administration of Customs showed that China's crude oil ...
◆181211 Incremental Demand From Chilly China Will Support Oil Prices
Forbes-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2B993XZ
Front-month West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures are trading at $51.50 as I write this, as Friday's oil price rally on ... to the section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code that grants authorities the power commit an individual on an ... do not make the mistake of thinking oil prices are an up-to-the minute a reflection of the state of the global energy markets. ... I called the spike in U.S natural gas prices in my Forbes column earlier this winter by simply opening a window and ...
◆181211 China, Japan, & South Korea Lead Global Push To Expand Coal Plants
CleanTechnica-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2End4w5
... their own economies away from coal-fired power and towards large-scale renewable energy sources — sources such as solar ... These are the findings from CoalSwarm's new Global Coal Finance Tracker, an interactive online database which can be ... In terms of the world's leading financier of new coal-fired power plants, the China Development Bank leads the way, ... As to why countries with thriving clean energy industries are supporting overseas coal development, I asked Ted ...
◆181211 Is US Confrontation with China Threatening US Nuclear ...
The National Interest Online-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L8LIuc
U.S. global leadership in civilian nuclear power is crucial for advancing a number of national security goals, including ensuring ... limit nuclear exports to China—particularly next-generation technologies—recognizes that nuclear energy has a strategic and national security ... With limited electricity demand growth and cheap, plentiful natural gas and increasingly competitive renewables, the market in the ...
◆181211 Analysis: Oil and gas traders fret over elevated risks in US-China trade
S&P Global Platts-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2B822GS
Singapore — An unrealistic window for Chinese importers to ramp up purchases of US oil and gas, and unstable relations between the US and China have elevated the risks of US-China trades, according to market participants in China and ...
◆181211 Trump Is Unwilling to Tackle Climate Change. China Must Step Up.
New York Times-5 時間前 https://nyti.ms/2rtUzh7
Every year, China burns as much coal as the rest of world combined, and every year since 2009, more cars have been ... difficult by an American president who believes coal, oil and gas are the fuels that will drive America's return to greatness. ... its effects, including glacier retreat in the Qinghai-Tibet region and drought in the Hai, Yellow and Huai river areas. ... “war on pollution”: shuttering coal power plants, investing hundreds of billions of dollars in renewable energy development, ...
◆181211 Trump admin looks to counter China, Russia's growing power in Africa ...
NBCNews.com-15 時間前 https://nbcnews.to/2L6efk0
Trump admin looks to counter China, Russia's growing power in Africa with new strategy ... The strategy will call for bolstering U.S. ties with countries deemed potentially vulnerable to overtures from China and Russia, as well as seeking to fend off ... statements on Africa and appeared preoccupied with nuclear diplomacy with North Korea, trade disputes with China and reimposing sanctions on Iran.


◆181211 原油反発鈍く、OPEC減産 弱材料山積
日本経済新聞-55 分前 https://s.nikkei.com/2QHVdWq
石油輸出国機構(OPEC)と非加盟の主要産油国が7日に協調減産の継続を決めたものの、原油価格の反発は限られている。減産は需給の引き締めに一役買うが、売りにつながる不透明要素が山積しているからだ。今後も上値の重い相場展開を予想する声が ...
◆181211 ぐいぐい増える中国やインド…主要国の電力消費量をさぐる
Yahoo!ニュース-15 分前 https://bit.ly/2UxUXIz
日常生活に欠かせない電気。その消費量は国によってどのような違いがあるのだろうか。国際エネルギー機関(IEA:International Energy Agency)の公開資料「Key World Energy Statistics」を基に、主要国の実情を確認する。 まずは各国一人あたりの電力 ...
◆181211 MITのエンジニアが再生可能エネルギーを貯蔵・送電するシステムを考案 ...
AXIS-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2C3un2U
太陽が昇っているときや風が強いときだけでなく、いつでも小都市に電力を供給するもので、ソーラーパワーや風力の余剰電力で生成した熱を、白熱溶融シリコンで満たした大型タンクに蓄え、必要なときに白熱金属から光を電気に変換するものだという。 再生可能 ...


◆181211 World Bank Praises India's Renewable Energy Success
NDTV-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EchK73
The World Bank today praised India's success in renewable energy auctions that delivered record-setting low prices for solar power and said the number of countries with strong policy frameworks for sustainable energy more than tripled ...
◆181211 India Test Fires Agni-V Nuclear-Capable ICBM
The Diplomat-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SHi8yw
India has successfully test fired its most advanced nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the Agni-V, the Indian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said in a statement. The missile was fired from a canister on a road mobile launcher at ...
◆181211 India's renewable energy performance hailed in new global report
The New Indian Express-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QnMRUw
KATOWICE, POLAND: India's performance in the renewable energy sector has been hailed in a new global report on climate change but it cautioned against the country's move to build new coal-fired power plants, saying that may pose a risk of ... The costs of electricity from wind and solar have dropped by roughly a third since then, so all countries can increase ambition and pace", said Professor Niklas ...
◆181211 MHPS receives trainees from Vietnam Electricity
World Coal-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2G8yU8j
Vietnam is planning to expand its thermal power generating capacity, and this programme will help support the ... With demand for electricity in Vietnamincreasing, this training programme was developed based on the EVN's desire ... At the same time, demand is increasing for flue-gas desulfurisation and other air quality control systems (AQCS) for installation primarily in existing coal-fired power plants.
◆181211 Geothermal – a sustainability energy solution, case study from the ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EqjKcS
With a commitment not to utilise coal for power generation and a focus on geothermal energy, Philippines-based Energy Development ... The local Business Inquirer is taking geothermal leader and leading renewable energy company Energy ..
◆181211 Karnataka Nuclear Reactor Sets Global Record, "Major Feat," Says ...
NDTV-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zO8rXW
In a major accomplishment for India's Department of Atomic Energy, the 220 MW nuclear reactor at Kaiga in Karnataka ... According to India's Nuclear PowerCorporation of India Limited (NPCIL), "this landmark demonstrates the excellence in ...
◆181211 India has renewable energy projects of 46500 Mw capacity in the ...
ETEnergyworld.com-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PuPChC
New Delhi: India currently has renewable energy projects of 46,500 Megawatt (Mw) capacity in the pipeline for capacity addition. This includes projects which are currently under construction and those likely to be offered for bidding soon.
◆181211 India's energy sector at crossroads
ETEnergyworld.com-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BaAPTQ
If something radical does not happen, oil imports will touch 90 per cent in less than a decade. Coal-based power presents a grim picture, too, with almost a third of the power generation capacity either in operation ... As far as renewable energy goes, we have notionally achieved grid parity, having hit low prices for solar and wind projects through competitive auctions. ... Whether it is power, coal, gas, or renewables, it has become necessary to dismantle current economic structures and ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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