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2019年1月6日 トランプ大統領は1月末にダボスで王岐山副主席と会談か









参考資料 (2019年1月6日9時51分)


◆190106 中国・習主席「軍事闘争の準備を着実に」 米国を牽制
朝日新聞-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FbcxwJ
中国習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席は4日の中央軍事委員会の会議で演説し、「我が国は発展の重要なチャンスを迎えているが、 ... 中国の専門家らの間では今後、「核心的利益」である台湾や南シナ海などの問題でも衝突するのではないかとの見通しが ...
◆190106 中国の無人探査機が見た「月の裏側」の現在:今週の宇宙ギャラリー
WIRED.jp-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CTPO73
中国の無人探査機が2019年1月3日、月の裏側に世界で初めて着陸した。着陸の様子は生中継されなかったものの、探査機は地表に到着してまもなく画像を数枚送信し、探査車も送り出している。これまで誰も間近で見たことがなかった月の裏側の様子を、写真 ..
◆190106 制裁固執なら迷宮脱せず 北朝鮮が米国務省に反発
産経ニュース-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s9Qwa3
北朝鮮の対外宣伝サイト「わが民族同士」は5日、米国務省が昨年末に発表した戦略報告書で北朝鮮が非核化するまで「最大限の圧力」を維持するとの方針を明記したことに反発、制裁を継続するなら米朝交渉は「いつまでも過去の迷宮から抜け出せない」と ..
◆190106 宣伝、観光、不法移民......ロシアで高まる中国警戒論
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GUqGkj
名門大学には孔子学院が常駐し、観光地には中国語の警告文――ロシア訪問で感じた極東発「中ロ激突」の予兆>. 18年12月初め、厳冬のロシアを訪問した。厳寒の下、中国に対する警戒感が立ち込めているのを肌で実感する旅でもあった。
◆190106 トランプ氏、中国副主席とダボス会談か 香港紙報道
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Rx8GAF
昨年12月、トランプ氏は中国習近平国家主席と南米アルゼンチンで会談。米国が中国からの輸入品2千億ドル(約22兆円)分への追加関税の税率引き上げを猶予する代わりに、知的財産権侵害や貿易不均衡で具体的な対策を90日間の交渉期限内に ..
◆190106 中国が港奪う」=債務急増に危機感-ケニア
時事通信-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ax44AR
しかし、巨額の対中債務を抱える国の一つであるケニアでは「中国に最大の港が奪われる」という危機感が高まっている。 ... 昨年9月、習近平国家主席は北京にアフリカ53カ国の首脳らを招き、3年間で600億ドル(約6兆5000億円)の支援を約束した。
◆190106 Oil rises to $57 on OPEC cuts, China-US trade talks
The Nation-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GW1VV5
LONDON - Oil rose to around $57 a barrel on Friday after China said it would hold trade talks with the United States and a ... China's services sector extended its solid expansion in December, a private survey showed on Friday, bucking a trend of ... The Reuters survey on Thursday found OPEC supply fell by 460,000 bpd in December, following assessments by Bloomberg and JBC Energy also showing a sizeable decline. ... Powerminister apologizes for frequent load shedding.
◆190106 Canadians accused of breaking Chinese law that gives authorities ...
CBC.ca-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LQOzbD
The two Canadian citizens detained in China following the Vancouver arrest of a top Chinese technology company executive are being held under an "all-encompassing" law with a broad definition of national security violations. It's been ...
◆190106 'Mother of all bombs': China tests its most powerful non-nuclear ...
Daily Pakistan-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CQk7vg
BEIJING – China has tested its most powerful non-nuclear weapon, dubbed the “Mother Of All Bombs” by official media in a ... the “Mother of All Bombs” due to its huge destructive potential that is claimed to be only second to nuclear weapons, the daily said. ... of All Bombs” which is both bigger and thermobaric, meaning it uses gas to create a huge fireball rather than a shockwave. ... Dawood distances himself from business ventures as Mohmand dam ground breaking set for Jan 13 ...
◆190106 The Yangtze River Economic Belt: A helpful pattern for China's overall ...
CGTN (press release)-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FfRHMC
Editor's note: The article is based on an interview with Shen Yiyang, a senior energyconsultant of Asian Development Bank (ADB). The article reflects the expert's opinion, and not necessarily the views of CGTN. It's the third year since the ...
◆190106 The week in energy: A look ahead to 2019
Financial Times-9 時間前 https://on.ft.com/2scLDx2
China, which accounts for about half of the world's coal consumption, has been at the heart of global demand reductions as a ... With global oil and gas consumption continuing to grow, flat coal use implies that total world greenhouse gas ... The decline in the costs of electricity from renewable sources has not always been smooth. The database kept by Irena, the International Renewable Energy Agency, shows that the global average cost of power from onshore wind levelled off in ..


◆190106 住宅の屋根も束ねて発電所 近未来の電力「脱・一方向型」
中日新聞-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FbFJnk
高度化する情報通信網を活用した近未来社会の研究が進む中、大学や産業界では「インフラ・エネルギー」分野の革新が注目を集めている。地域の小規模な発電・蓄電設備を既存の電力網につなぎ、社会全体で電力を最適に活用する「分散協調型制御技術」の ...


◆190106 India's Coal Paradox
OilPrice.com-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SFM12G
Few would have predicted this five years ago, but India is facing a real dilemma. It is exacerbated by the country's predilection for subsidies and set against the backdrop of a chronic power generation landscape. As any regular traveler to India ..
◆190106 Wind Energy Tenders Back In India, 1.2 Gigawatts Offered
CleanTechnica-55 分前 https://bit.ly/2SGlfXO
Lack of transmission infrastructure, increasing concerns over liquidity and financial health of power producers, and insufficient interest ... The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) finally issued the sixth edition of its national-level wind energy tender offerings. ... Also last year, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) approved transmission projects worth $56 million to support development and ... Saurabh An avid follower of latest developments in the Indian renewable energy sector.
◆190106 India Announces 7.5 Gigawatt Solar Tenders In Jammu & Kashmir
CleanTechnica-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AwNcdH
The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) recently issued a global tender to set up 2.5 gigawatts of solar power ... lack of solar power generation infrastructure in the state is its mountainous terrain, and limited transmission infrastructure to ...
◆190106 In Indonesia, cleaning up the Citarum, 'the world's dirtiest river', is now ...
South China Morning Post-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sb06JC
In Indonesia, cleaning up the Citarum, 'the world's dirtiest river', is now a military operation ... Dam site is the only known habitat of orangutan species that numbers about 800 ○ ... streets are prone to flooding and farmers plough forlorn patches of land that sit between roads and factories, the air thick with smoke from nearby coalfurnaces. ... Colonel Purwadi, who oversees an area with many textile factories, has used this powerliberally, and tells Post Magazine that, having had their ...
◆190106 OVL makes oil discovery in Colombia
Times of India-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2se4Tdu
New Delhi, Jan 5 () ONGC Videsh Ltd, the overseas arm of state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC), Saturday ... a stake in 6 exploratory blocks in addition to a producing 50:50 joint venture, Mansarovar Energy Colombia Ltd (MECL).




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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