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2019年2月12日 中国政府は急増する全国の債務水準を抑える取り組みに躍起











参考資料 (2019年2月12日9時58分)


◆190212 ベトナム副首相が北朝鮮訪問へ 米朝会談控え準備か
朝日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2I75F6S
ベトナム政府は11日、ファム・ビン・ミン副首相兼外相が北朝鮮の李容浩(リヨンホ)外相の招きに応じ、12~14日の日程で現地を公式訪問すると発表した。ベトナムの首都ハノイでは今月27~28日に、トランプ米大統領と金正恩(キムジョンウン)朝鮮労働党 ...

◆190212 最重要の年を迎えた習近平主席<下> 中国は再び困難に直面か
CNN.co.jp-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TMkQDK
習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席は今年、国内でさまざまな問題や困難に直面しているが、習氏に最も重くのしかかるのは外的要因だ ... 中国政府と対立するトランプ政権は、貿易問題以外にも南シナ海で増す中国の存在感や中国の経済スパイ行為に対する反発 ...

◆190212 米軍、南沙諸島近くで駆逐艦航行 中国「強烈な不満」
朝日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WSPNbv
米海軍第7艦隊のクレイトン・ドス報道官によると、米ミサイル駆逐艦2隻は、中国が領有権を主張する南シナ海の南沙(スプラトリー)諸島の12カイリ(約22キロ)以内を航行。ドス報道官は声明で、「米軍は日常的に南シナ海を含むインド太平洋地域で作戦を展開 ...

◆190212 中国で大型の支払い遅延、今月2件発生-関係者
ブルームバーグ-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SBuGv1
再生可能エネルギーと不動産を対象に投資を手がける中国民生投資(CMIG)は、債券保有者に約束していた2月1日の返済を怠った。事情に詳しい複数の関係者が明らかにした。一方、昨年デフォルト(債務不履行)に陥った永泰能源は、債務再編計画の一環で ...

2019年2月11日16時30分 速報

◆190211 China's Oil-Backed Loans to Venezuela Appear Headed for a Haircut
The National Interest Online (blog)-2019/02/10 https://bit.ly/2DqXn4b
In theory, Venezuela's massive oil resources offer ample support for the at least $50 billion in loans that China has provided ... creditors—particularly Chinese and Russian ones—appear headed for a haircut if Maduro relinquishes power.

◆190211 CHALLENGE to Trump! China building four NUCLEAR aircraft carriers ...
Express.co.uk-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2thtyhO
Currently China has only one aircraft carrier in service, versus 20 for the US. Beijing is attempting to build a navy which can match the US according to experts. According to former Chinese naval officer Wang Yunfei the new carriers will enter ...

◆190211 Dam advocated to stop desertification in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
China.org.cn-1 時間前 https://on.china.cn/2RVYluc
Chinese environmentalists are advocating a dam to prevent the desertification in the frozen soil area in Hoh Xil National ... in the northwestern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and an UNESCO World Heritage, China Daily reported Monday.

◆190211 A new generation of coal power in belt and road countries would be ...
South China Morning Post-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2thZD98
At the first ever “Belt and Road” forum hosted in Beijing in 2017, President Xi Jinping pledged the US$900 billion infrastructure project would “seize new opportunities … and achieve green and low-carbon development.” Yet as analysis last ...

◆190211 The Maldives counts the cost of its debts to China
Financial Times-2 時間前 https://on.ft.com/2tfeq4f
Crowned with a soaring blue archway, the four-lane China-Maldives Friendship Bridge loops over 2km of the Indian ... But while China has portrayed its Maldivian projects as an example of how its Belt and Road Initiative can drive ... in a section of the Indian Ocean that touches the main shipping route between China, the oil suppliers of the Middle East, and Europe. ... On a state visit to Beijing soon after his return to power last year, Mr Mohamad had pointedly warned about the risk of ...


◆190211 中国が会議場つくってくれたが…島国「電気代払えない」
朝日新聞-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SCxyaZ

◆190211 国際原油価格が下落 米国産油増への懸念から
Sputnik 日本-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SoDu81
11日、投資家らは、ベーカーヒューズ(BHGE)の発表で、先週1週間での米国内の稼働リグ台数が7台増え、合計854台になったことに対して反応している。トレーダーらは現在、記録的に高いレベルに達している米国内の石油採掘量がさらに増え、国際市場が ...

◆190211 人工知能は原子力発電所のスペシャリストを代替できるか?
Sputnik 日本-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TJtsuI
日本の電力会社である「中国電力」が島根原子力発電所の監視に人工知能を導入することを検討している。NHKが伝えた。AIの導入を考えた最大の動機は人材問題である。福島第1原子力発電所の事故から8年が経ち、その間にベテランのオペレーターは歳を ...


◆190211 India asks companies to expedite efforts to establish shale oil and gas ...
Business Today-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TD9m5r
India is looking to expedite discovery efforts to establish the country's shale oil and gas potential and has asked companies to submit a plan, ... In January, India's oil and gas regulator Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) held a meeting with ... Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants India to be a gas-based economy and increase the share of gas in the country's energy mix to 15 ... All coal bed methane (CBM) developers were invited to the meeting in January, the executive said.

◆190211 India Set to Hold Third Oil, Gas Block Auction Under New Policy
Bloomberg-7 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2BszkSg
The South Asian nation is offering 23 oil and gas blocks, including 5 coal-bed methane areas, under the Open Acreage Licensing Program, according to an oil ministry statement on Sunday. Bidding for blocks in the latest auction will start from ...

◆190211 Analysis: India eyes modest inflow of Iranian oil amid optimism on ...
S&P Global Platts-7 分前 https://bit.ly/2Dv4Q1Z
Indian refiners are increasingly optimistic on winning another round of waiver to continue buying Iranian oil, at reduced levels, as New Delhi has put forward a strong case to Washington that it will not be able to afford zero Iranian crude, ...

◆190211 India's oil demand is growing by 5 percent annually - PM Modi
FXStreet-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2I65AQT
India's oil demand is rising 5 percent annually and is expected to double by 2040, Prime Minister Modi said on ... Need responsible oil prices that balance the needs of buyers and producers. ... Gas pipelines of 11,000 KM under construction.

◆190211 AC Energy to focus on existing expansion projects in Vietnam, Australia
Philippine Star-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SnA9Gm
MANILA, Philippines — AC Energy Inc., the energy platform of the Ayala conglomerate, is focusing on its over 700-megawatts (MW) renewable energy developments in Vietnam and Australia before finding its fifth market for its regional expansion. The Ayala firm ... Ltd. (TBC), a Singapore-based firm with assets across Southeast Asia, primarily Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Cambodia. ... For now, AC Energy's existing markets are Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.

◆190211 Death and disease in India's Yamuna River
Aljazeera.com-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MZma3E
Parts of India's Yamuna River, which flows through the capital New Delhi, are so polluted environmentalists say no marine life can survive. Millions of litres of sewage are dumped into the river every single day. Al Jazeera's Laura ...

◆190211 India pushing for energy justice on a global platform: Pradhan
The Hindu BusinessLine-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GlqWYL
India is pushing for energy justice on a global platform, similar to the efforts that have been made within the country, said Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Dharmendra Pradhan. Speaking at the first ministerial at Petrotech 2019, ...

◆190211 Engineers India bags Mongolian oil refinery deal
The Hindu BusinessLine-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tj5bQS
Engineers India Ltd (EIL) will provide consultation services to the Mongolian government for setting up a crude oil refinery ... greenfield crude oil refinery through Mongol Refinery State Owned LLC under a line of credit (LoC) extended by India.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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