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2019年3月21日 中国経済の老化と,一帯一路でイタリアに賭ける習近平政権










2019年3月21日10時38分 速報

◆190321 【富坂聰 真・人民日報】中国経済にかつての勢いなし…進行する「老化と ...
ZAKZAK-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TNXEch
この政策から逆算して中国政府が何をどうしようとしているのかを考えてみよう。 いま、中国が直面する問題を誤解を恐れずに人間にたとえて言うのならば、「老化とメタボ」に集約される。メタボなどといえば軽い響きだが、これは「万病の元」としてのメタボなので ...

参考資料 2019年3月20日17時11分


◆190320 焦点:中国「一帯一路」参加をめざすイタリアの前途多難
ロイター-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CvHklY
それから2000年の時を経て、イタリアは今、中国の習近平国家主席が生み出した「新シルクロード」において重要な役割を果たし ... これによってイタリアは、中国の通商網の改善を意図した数十億ドル規模の巨大プロジェクト「一帯一路」に参加することになる。

◆190320 北朝鮮が駐中国、ロシア、国連の大使を急きょ帰国させる…なぜ?
Yahoo!ニュース-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FnbxVT
2回目の米朝首脳会談が決裂してから、北朝鮮が「朝米交渉中断の可能性」に言及する中、北朝鮮が中国とロシア、国連に駐在していた大使を急きょ帰国させたことが伝えられた。19日、北京消息筋などによると、池在竜(チ・ジェリョン)駐中北朝鮮大使と ...

◆190320 中国が通商協議で積極姿勢を後退、米当局者が懸念
ブルームバーグ-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W6xlKY
米中貿易協議で中国側が米国の要求に抵抗しているとの懸念を、複数の米当局者が抱いている。事情に詳しい関係者が明らかにした。合意に向けた協議の進展は鈍いという。一方で、トランプ大統領は再選の可能性を高め得る米中合意の実現に楽観的な見解 ...

◆190320 中国の経常黒字消失、変化へ好機(The Economist)
日本経済新聞-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2HKcPfd
中国のオンライン旅行最大手、携程旅行網(シートリップ)の本社の管理室には、大きなデジタル世界地図がかかっている。その地図を横切るように毎秒、十数本の線が光る。同社のシステムを通じて国際航空券が売れるたびに光る仕組みだ。筆者が訪問した3 ..

◆190320 中国の台頭が楽園にもたらすトラブル
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Y2U10y
米国と中国の覇権争いが激化するのに伴い、オセアニア地域に散在するこの人口密度が低い島々は今後、地政学上の火種になるだろう。両国の ... さらに中国は経済圏構想「一帯一路」への参加を望む国に大規模なインフラ支援措置を提示している。トンガの ...

2019年3月20日10時0分 速報

◆190320 Chinese nuclear modernisation programme is destabilising: US
Livemint-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HvUlQq
China's ongoing nuclear weapons modernisation programme, which lacks transparency, is destabilising in nature, the US said ... and becoming a military power capable of competing on the global stage," he said in his address to the 2019 Session of Conference on Disarmament, Geneva. ... for space arms control when China continues to pursue military capabilities such as jammers and directed energy ...

◆190320 MWSS insists China-funded Kaliwa Dam better than Japanese proposal
ABS-CBN News-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Fg7w4q
The dam, which costs P12.2 billion, is funded by official development assistance from China. MWSS wants to ... GUDC said it submitted a proposal for a weir or a low dam, under the Kaliwa Intake Weir project, a decade ago. The company ... “The Kaliwa weir intake is only a runoff river diversion,” he said. He said the 600 ...

◆190320 Nuclear shares soar after China plans to invest US$12 billion in new ...
South China Morning Post-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TolPsY
Nuclear shares soar after China plans to invest US$12 billion in new reactors for first time since 2016 ... Nuclear power related shares soared across the board on Tuesday in Hong Kong and China after Beijing announced plans to invest 81.2 ... Last year, about 3.9 per cent of electricity generated in China came from nuclear power. ... Energy · Stocks. READ/POST COMMENTS (0). Read more. China nuclear deals irk US · Read more. China nuclear plant delay raises safety concern.

◆190320 Venezuela may divert US-bound oil to Russia & China
RT-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TNqJ7D
Venezuela's oil minister and president of state-run oil company PDVSA, Manuel Quevedo, told a meeting of OPEC and ... and China are seen as the main destinations because of the suspension of oil exports to India,” the Azerbaijani Energy ...

◆190320 China and Saudi Arabia: The Global Ambitions of Mohammad bin ...
The Diplomat-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JpVz1l
How does China fit into the worldview of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS)?. China is Saudi Arabia's largest oil client. ... Ultimately, China's relationship with Iran is much older than China's relations with Saudi Arabia. ... MBS could not have been affected by the Khashoggi killing in one of two ways: he either realizes that power is not absolute and must ... Specifically, Saudi Arabia must manage the geopolitics of energy with Russia trying to manipulate energy markets, ...

◆190320 Is There Now An Opportunity In China Energy Engineering ...
Simply Wall St-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FnRc35
China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited (HKG:3996), which is in the construction business, and is based in China, saw a double-digit share price rise of over 10% in the past couple of months on the SEHK. As a mid-cap stock with high ...

◆190320 China Faulted For Cutting Power Prices – Analysis
Eurasia Review-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2udPT0d
On March 9, China's central electric utility, State Grid Corp., announced a 10-percent reduction in average electricity charges ... large rate cuts are also likely to be counterproductive, since cheaper power prices encourage energy consumption.

◆190320 China state investment giant drops coal
The Australian Financial Review-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HCaJ27
Shanghai | One of China's biggest state-owned investment companies has exited the coal industry three years earlier than ... no longer invest in thermal power plants and had quit coal altogether to focus on new energy sources such as wind power. ... "We have totally quit the coal business and will no longer invest in thermal power plants in China," Mr Wang was quoted saying in Chinese newspapers. ... "Huaneng will continue to increase its proportion of renewable energy capacity.


◆190320 ブロックチェーンで電力を個人間で売買、大阪ガスが集合住宅で実証
ITmedia-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HIfRkn
現在、太陽光発電の分散型エネルギーシステムが生み出した余剰電力は、電力小売事業者へ販売することとなっている。一方、将来的に再生可能エネルギー発電を中心とした分散型エネルギーシステムを保有した需要家が、発電した電力を自由に売買できる ...

◆190320 再生可能エネルギーの可能性と導入拡大の課題
日本経済新聞-16 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2HxipST
世界的に見ると、太陽光発電と風力発電のコストが大幅に低下し、もう補助金なしでも導入が進むとの報道がなされている。確かに国土が広い米国や中国、あるいは砂漠地が多くある中東諸国などでは、導入の余地は今後も大きい。しかし、土地価格が高い ...

◆190320 水を電気分解し続けるマンガン触媒の動作条件を発見
理化学研究所-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hww9NI
理化学研究所(理研)環境資源科学研究センター生体機能触媒研究チームの中村龍平チームリーダー、李愛龍(リ・アイロン)国際プログラム・アソシエイト、大岡英史特別研究員らの国際共同研究チーム※は、11カ月以上にわたり安定して水を電気分解(電解) ...

◆190320 水力発電、新設は困難 IoTで賢く
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2OfYqZq
太陽光や風力よりはるか以前から活躍している再生可能エネルギーは水力発電だ。発電時に温暖化ガスを排出せず、日本では水の資源も豊富にある。だが新たにダムを造れる場所はほとんどなく、大規模な増設は難しい。IT(情報技術)を活用し既存の設備を ...

◆190320 中国石油「シェール倍増」 家電の格力は半導体重視
日本経済新聞-10 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2udQOhb
中国企業に逆風が吹いている。米国との摩擦が激化し、国内消費も勢いを失って、新たな成長戦略の確立が急務になった。中国石油天然気集団(CNPC)は天然ガス需要の拡大に対応してシェールガスの国内生産を倍増させ、珠海格力電器は半導体の自主 ...

◆190320 欧州のエネルギー業界は電力データをどう生かしているのか?
電気新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ct82f3
インダストリー4.0の動きは、欧州のエネルギー産業においても進んでいる。時を同じくしてエネルギー産業で起こった、再生可能エネルギーの急増と電力系統への接続拡大という「De-Carbonization (脱炭素化)」「Decentralization(分散化)」を、従来型 ...


◆190320 India deployed nuclear subs and carrier group amid soaring tensions ...
The Japan Times-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FnNAhu
India was conducting large-scale military exercises off its coast when a paramilitary convoy was attacked in the disputed state of Kashmir on Feb. 14, prompting the navy to 'swiftly' shift its ships to an operational deployment, the force said in a ...

◆190320 Venezuela Halts Oil Exports To India
OilPrice.com-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hxj2fd
Venezuela has suspended crude oil exports to India, one of its key markets until very recently, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing a statement from the energy ministry of Azerbaijan, where Venezuela's Oil Minister Manuel Quevedo is on a ...

◆190320 General Electric sees turnkey opportunity in India's renewable power ...
Business Standard-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FeDnTi
American energy giant General Electric (GE) is increasing its footprint in India's power sector by integrating its renewable and grid offerings. ... senior vice-president, GE, and chief executive officer, GE Renewable Energy, said, “Within GE, the grid business has been put in ... In India, we see most activity is in the renewable sector and also in transmission and distribution. ... Also, the company sees the market moving towards a combination of renewable sources wind, solar and hydro to ...

◆190320 Youth group says no to coal-fired power plants in Philippines island ...
Eco-Business-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HNChjY
The announcement immediately impacts—and writes out—plans to build coal-fired power plants in the province, ... in renewable energy, especially solar power, most of Negros Occidental's electricity comes from coal-fired power plants from ...

◆190320 India needs to change the thermal power story to survival of the fittest ...
Brookings Institution-14 時間前 https://brook.gs/2ugCdl3
India needs to change the thermal power story to survival of the fittest, not luckiest ... For all its prospects, Renewable Energy (RE) is less than 10% of generation, so it cannot be blamed for the stranded thermal power assets that have mounted. In an effort to overcome the deficits, we have added much more thermal (coal) capacity over the last decade than what ... Nevertheless, our analysis also shows that thermal power will continue to command a dominant share in electricity ...

◆190320 Indonesia deregulates palm oil exports
Jakarta Post-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JpY6J7
The new regulation on the export of palm crude oil (CPO) and its derivative products has taken effect and is part of the government's plan to simplify the export procedures of the country's major commodity. On Monday, the Trade Ministry ...

◆190320 Philippines Power Rental Market 2018-2024: Market Forecast by ...
Associated Press-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TWATSD
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar 19, 2019--The “Philippines Power Rental Market (2018-2024): Market Forecast By Power Rating, By Applications, By Regions, and Competitive Landscape” report has been added to ...

◆190320 Solar Park Scheme changes set to drive up India solar power prices
pv magazine India-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HsXMaw
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has addressed complaints by solar developers about a lack of power evacuation infrastructure ... (MNRE) to its policy for encouraging renewable energy developers into dedicated solar parks appear set to drive up solar electricity tariffs. ... Mode 7's emphasis on transmission networks comes as India's growing renewable energy capacity is outgrowing the grid.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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