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参考資料 2019年4月21日10時21分


◆190421 米朝対話で狭まる北朝鮮の選択肢
Newsweekjapan-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VcOjuG
最高人民会議で読み解く北朝鮮の「次の一手」――金正恩は長期戦覚悟で外交解決を目指すつもりだ>. 今年2月末、ベトナムの首都ハノイでの第2回米朝首脳会談が合意ゼロに終わったことで、北朝鮮は対米戦略の練り直しを迫られていた。沈黙を保ってきた ...

◆190421 経済「脱中国」 16~20年戦略に明記 対露強化
毎日新聞-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IvdJgX

◆190421 北朝鮮高官「間抜け」 米ボルトン補佐官を批判
テレビ朝日-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IvYww5
朝鮮中央通信は20日、ボルトン氏が「3回目の米朝首脳会談は北朝鮮が核兵器を放棄する真の兆候が必要だ」と述べたことに対する崔善姫(チェ・ソンヒ)第1外務次官のコメントを伝えました。「朝米両首脳への無理解かユーモアか分からないが間抜けだ」と指摘 ...

◆190421 南シナ海「海上の長城」に対峙する台湾を、守るアメリカ、逃げる日本
Yahoo!ニュース-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Pn7Zqf
アメリカ駆逐と中国覇権の第一歩となる危機を前に、緊密化する米台と親密化する日中関係の落差>. 中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席が1月2日に「祖国の統一」を強調する講話を発表して以来、人民解放軍による無謀な挑発行為がエスカレートしている。

◆190421 日米首脳、対北朝鮮で方針共有へ
ロイター-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GpERdL
【ワシントン共同】日米両政府は20日、外務・防衛担当閣僚による一連の協議結果を受け、今月下旬から3カ月連続で毎月開く予定の安倍晋三首相とトランプ大統領による首脳会談へ準備を加速させた。米朝交渉再開をにらんだ駆け引きが続く中、日米首脳間でも ...

◆190420 北朝鮮、ポンペオ米国務長官は「無鉄砲」 交渉から排除求める
BBCニュース-22 時間前 https://bbc.in/2GniJkl
北朝鮮が、アメリカとの非核化交渉の場から、マイク・ポンペオ米国務長官を排除するよう求めていることが18日、明らかになった。 ... KCNAによると、北朝鮮外務省のアメリカ担当局長が、今後の米朝の非核化交渉にポンペオ氏が関わると「交渉の場は再び ...

◆190420 中国「一帯一路」首脳級会議開催へ 37か国参加、北朝鮮も招待
AFPBB News-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Dmq4Qw
【4月19日 AFP】中国は19日、来週25~27日に大経済圏構想「一帯一路(One Belt One Road)」に関する首脳級会議を開き、37か国の首脳らに加え、北朝鮮の代表も参加すると発表した。 習近平(Xi Jinping)国家主席が推進するこの「一帯一路」構想は、 ...


◆190421 電気自動車の価格はバッテリーコストが下がり2022年までにエンジン車に ...
EVsmartブログ-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PozoIf
ブルームバーグ・ニュー・エナジー・ファイナンス(BNEF)が「2022年には電気自動車はエンジン車と競争できる価格になる」とするレポートを発表したことを、アメリカのメディア『Clean Technica』が伝えています。バッテリーの調達コストが劇的に下がっていること ...

◆190421 コラム:気候変動問題、中銀が強力な助っ人に
ロイター-17 分前 https://bit.ly/2XBmFoL
ニューヨーク 18日 ロイター BREAKINGVIEWS] - 世界の主要中央銀行や国際機関など34の組織が参加する「NGFS(気候変動リスクに係る金融当局ネットワーク)」は17日、地球温暖化を金融安定への脅威として扱い、その脅威を監督体制に組み込む計画の ...

◆190421 クリミアの放置された原子力発電所の姿【動画】
Sputnik 日本-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XvFbhY
クリミアのショルキノ原子力発電所は、1975年に建設が始まったが、1986年にチェルノブイリ原発事故が発生した後、1号機の建設作業が8割まで進んだ時点で建設が中止となり、それ以来、完全に放置されている。 スプートニク日本. 同原発はクリミア半島 ...

◆190421 10月に廃止 関西電力 /奈良
毎日新聞-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IHNuTO
関西電力は18日、宇陀市室生大野の水力発電所、室生発電所(出力200キロワット)を10月に廃止すると発表した。売却などを検討するという。同発電所は1920年に運転を開始。近くの室生ダムの建設に伴って73年12月以降は年間5カ月間しか発電でき ...

◆190420 OPEC対シェール、原油価格の主導権どちらに
Wall Street Journal-17 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2XtG7DK
産油業界の二大勢力が主導権争いをしている。一方は急成長する米国のシェールオイル生産者、もう一方は石油輸出国機構(OPEC)だ。投資家はどちらの支配力が強まるかを見極めようとしている。 原油価格は年初来高値に近い水準にある。減産という手段を ...


◆190421 China to show off new nuclear subs, destroyers for first time at fleet ...
The Japan Times-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IvPMpZ
China will show off some of its new warships — including nuclear submarines and destroyers — for the first time during a massive maritime parade marking the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Navy on Tuesday. A total of 32 Chinese vessels ...

◆190421 China locked in a power game with the US
Asia Times-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UwyLxg
From Harry Truman to Donald Trump, US presidents have seen their mission in Asia to change China. ... These policies were always based on a misreading of the CCP's acute sense of insecurity in power, coupled with throbbing nationalist ...

◆190421 Bitcoin [BTC] mining could go nuclear; Belarus emerges as China ...
AMBCrypto-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PkEzZM
Belarus has emerged as a contender to take the cryptocurrency mining mantle for China, following the latter's proposed ban that looks to outlaw the domestic mining industry. Aleksandr Lukashenko, the President of the eastern European ...

◆190421 University of Montana conference forecasts trouble for China
Fairfield Sun Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IMQj6i
China will celebrate its recent history in ways that could be felt around the world, according to a Montana-based ... May 4 Movement commemorating Chinese student demonstrations against the outcome of World War I colonial power shifts, ...

◆190421 China joins the race for Arctic dominance as ice caps melt
The Independent-9 時間前 https://ind.pn/2veRQd7
But there is another element to the maritime “Great Game” China is playing: the Arctic Ocean. ... exception of Russia (which operates the world's largest fleet of icebreakers, including several huge nuclear-powered models), and will join a fleet of six conventionally powered ships. ... Icebreakers open the logistics paths for placement of the necessary oil and gas rigs. ... must work together of course, but also the Department of Energy (hydrocarbon development), the EPA (environmental ...

◆190421 Malaysia to revive 2nd major China-linked project
The Mainichi-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ut4L5A
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who is traveling to China next week to attend the second Belt and Road forum, said Friday the ... It comes a week after Malaysia resumed a China-backed rail link project after the Chinese contractor agreed to cut the ... The estimated $1 trillion-plus plan aims to weave a network of ports, bridges and power plants linking China with Africa, ... Fukushima & Nuclear Power.

◆190420 Apple expects cooperation with China on clean energy
Livemint-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DmNDII
Apple is expecting more cooperation with China on clean energy as it released its 2019 Environment Report that outlines its ... Apple said 44 of its suppliers have committed to 100% renewable energy for their production of Apple products, ...

◆190420 China's Far From Done With Coal as Regulator Eases New Plant Ban
Bloomberg-15 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2IJYi3Q
China allowed 11 provinces and regions to resume building coal power plants, in another sign that the world's largest energy user is far ... still is, even as it invests hundreds of billions of dollars in cleaner energy sources such as natural gas, wind turbines and solar panels. ... Shanxi Xishan Coal & Electricity Power Co. gained as much as 9 percent, the biggest intraday advance since December 2017.


◆190421 Philippines improves transmission of policy action, says HSBC
Philippine Star-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GsPWL6
MANILA, Philippines — British banking giant HSBC said reforms undertaken by authorities in the Philippines have improved the transmission of monetary action of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Joseph Incalcaterra, chief economist for ...

◆190421 Developing nuclear weapons not the way to proceed on sea row ...
CNN Philippines-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UO1WRk
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 20 ) — Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana on Saturday said developing the Philippines' nuclear arsenal is not the way to enforce the victory it has over China in an international tribunal. “Develop our ...

◆190421 Rules out on trading of natural gas
Philippine Star-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XsmpZ1
MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Energy (DOE) has issued rules to regulate the importation, trading, supply and distribution of natural gas in the country with an aim to become a liquefied natural gas (LNG) hub in the region.

◆190421 A formula for the Philippines, China, and Vietnam in the West ...
Manila Bulletin-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Gy5EWz
A formula for the Philippines, China, and Vietnam in the West Philippine Sea-South China Sea and other participants ... in the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea will have to sit down and agree on a seismic and oil exploration program to ... a unit in the Philippines to train future Filipino geologists, drilling technicians in hydro-carbons-related work who can be ... be invited to join the Philippines, China, and Vietnam strategraphic oil/gas drilling in other areas of the South China Sea.

◆190421 Commerce Ministry emphasizes benefit of palm oil for power generation
ThaiVisa News-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IN9JHZ
BANGKOK, 20 April 2019 (NNT) - While the government has promoted the use of palm oil to produce power, the latest ... being used for electricity production, the Ministry of Energy has also produced high speed diesel oil B20 from palm oil.

◆190421 Thailand marijuana festival has visitors on a high
White River Post-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Uri8De
Buriram (Thailand) (AFP) |. Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to legalise marijuana for medical purposes last year, joining a growing list of governments including Canada, Australia, Israel and more than half the US states.

◆190420 Indonesia's presidential election puts SE Asia's democracy to the test
Nikkei Asian Review-21 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2UQmQj7
Thailand's March 24 election marked the country's first step toward civilian rule since the 2014 military coup. India's general election kicked off on April 11 and the Philippines will hold midterm elections on May 13. Myanmar and Singapore will ...


◆190421 Myanmar: Impressive Display Of Power By UWSA, China Should Be ...
Eurasia Review-52 分前 https://bit.ly/2UK7cFM
By S. Chandrasekharan. The UWSA is perhaps the biggest Non State Ethnic Insurgent Unit in Myanmar with over 30,000 soldiers and another 10,000 Auxiliary members. The UWSA was formed after the collapse of Communist Party of Burma ...

◆190421 Spotlight: China-built hydropower project in Cambodia Guarantees the ...
Xinhua-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PiM0AC
The 400-megawatt dam is the largest and the seventh one built by China in Cambodia. The Lower Sesan II dam, 56.5 meters tall, covers a 36,000-hectare plot. Yan Xiang, deputy general manager of Hydro Power Lower Sesan 2 Co. Ltd., who ...

◆190421 China-built hydropower project in Cambodia Guarantees the way ...
The Cambodia Daily-57 分前 https://bit.ly/2ZphKbT
The 781-million-U.S. dollars project is a joint venture among China's Huaneng Hydrolancang International Energy holding 51 percent of the stake, Cambodia's Royal Group owning 39 percent and Vietnamese EVN International Joint Stock ...

◆190421 Now I Know Why the F-105 Fighter Was the Vietnam War's F-35
The National Interest Online (blog)-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PkF3z4
“Insufficient pitch rate,” the F-35 flier complained about his stealthy fighter-bomber. In a turning fight, “energy deficit to the bandit would increase over time.” But while the F-105 enjoyed a straight-line speed advantage over most rivals, the F-35 ...

◆190421 Red Bull burn rubber in Hanoi
Grand Prix 247 (satire) (press release) (blog)-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UKyZ90
Red Bull report from their show run in downtown Hanoi, beginning the countdown to next year's Vietnam Grand Prix with their former ... Thanks to our good friends at Heineken and the Vietnam Grand Prix Corporation, we unleashed a double dose of F1 power, with grand ... “It's great to have the opportunity to drive the RB7 again and to see the energy of the crowd,” smiled DC, who added that the sound ...

◆190421 Illegal charcoal trade threatens Myanmar's remaining mangroves
Frontier Myanmar-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UvWTjJ
The eastern side of the warehouse faces an inlet of the Andaman Sea. Workers hoist bags of charcoal off a long wooden boat powered by a small gas engine, which just arrived from Myanmar this morning. Others repackage charcoal into bags ...

◆190420 Myanmar Religious Leaders Call For Cancellation of Myitsone Dam ...
Radio Free Asia-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V9lmzJ
... the chorus of opposition to the Myitsone Dam, a Chinese-backed hydropower project on the Irrawaddy River, as Aung San ... She and her ministers have been tightlipped on the fate of the dam in Kachin State, which was suspended in 2011, ... detrimental environmental impact, as well as anger over the fact that 90 percent of its electricity would be exported to China. ... Al-Haji U Nyunt Maung Shein, president of Burma's Islamic Religious Affairs Council, told RFA's Myanmar Service ...


◆190421 India And Australia Vote With A Coal Clash Possible After The Twin ...
Forbes-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IwrjAM
India And Australia Vote With A Coal Clash Possible After The Twin Elections ... The Carmichael mine, while not a campaign issue in India is certainly an issue in Australia where it is seen as a ... India, on the other hand, is a major consumer of coal and is keen to obtain supplies for electricity generation from ... Tim Treadgold has been writing about the mining and oil industries for more than 40 years.

◆190421 Bangladesh increases rural access to electricity five-fold in two decades
Dhaka Tribune-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KQVzYW
While the richest quintiles in rural Bangladesh enjoy 82.2 percent electricity connectivity, the percentage of electricity connection is as low as 37.1 among the poorest quintiles, reflecting an uneven distribution of power among people ...

◆190421 India can cut costs by switching kerosene subsidies to solar energy ...
Business Standard-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VdnUwF
India to attract investments worth $80 bn in renewable energy: Report ... The report says that off-grid solar energy could be made directly to households, through manufacturers or as ... ALSO READ: GST favours coal power over solar generation: Study ... The Government of India spent over Rs 46,000 crore in FY19 on subsidies for cooking gas and kerosene- this ... The continuation of the kerosene subsidy risks high and unpredictable costs in periods when oil prices escalate..

◆190420 India still not a power-surplus nation
Deccan Herald-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Xmcyno
In its load generation balancing report (LGBR) for 2018-19, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) had pegged overall energy and peak power surpluses at 4.6 per cent and 2.5 per cent, respectively, indicating that India would be a .....




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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