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2019年4月23日 習近平政権が護る共産主義路線,実現は数十世代後と









参考資料 2019年4月23日10時20分


◆190423 米、イラン原油全面禁輸へ 日本などへの適用除外を5月に撤廃
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UPAvqC
ワシントン 22日 ロイター] - 米政府は22日、イラン産原油の禁輸措置について、日本を含む8カ国・地域に対する適用除外措置を ... ただ、日本、中国、韓国、インド、台湾、トルコ、イタリア、ギリシャの8カ国・地域については6カ月間、制裁の適用除外を認めてい ...

◆190423 日本の静かな「一帯一路」、中国を上回る成果
Wall Street Journal-1 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2IPucMw
――WSJの人気コラム「ハード・オン・ザ・ストリート」. ***. 中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」に関する報道は絶え間なく伝えられている。しかし、中国政府の対外投資戦略の中核を成す同構想は幾つかの点で、日本の静かな取り組みに後れを取っている。

◆190423 習近平が毛沢東を全面的に否定できない理由
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZvklB4
進路問題こそ党の事業の盛衰に関わる第一義的な問題である。進路こそが党の生命線なのだ」. 前回コラム(習近平が「中国の特色ある社会主義」を魯迅の言葉で解説した理由)でも扱った、党機関紙『求是』に寄稿された一本の論考にて、習近平共産党総書記 ...

◆190423 北朝鮮の金委員長、ロシア訪問しプーチン大統領と会談へ=KCNA
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UxG5J5
ソウル 22日 ロイター] - 北朝鮮国営の朝鮮中央通信(KCNA)は、金正恩・朝鮮労働党委員長がロシアを訪問しプーチン ... 2月にベトナムで行われた2回目の米朝首脳会談が物別れに終わり、北朝鮮が求めていた制裁緩和に向けた米政府との協議が停滞し ... 同教授は「金委員長は米国、中国、韓国に過度に依存しているとみられたくない」と指摘。

◆190423 正恩氏近く訪ロと北朝鮮 初報道、きょう平壌出発か
Yahoo!ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UxwxO8
正恩氏近く訪ロと北朝鮮 初報道、きょう平壌出発か. 共同通信166. 【ウラジオストク共同】北朝鮮の朝鮮中央通信は23日、金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長がロシアのプーチン大統領の招きにより近くロシアを ... 北朝鮮国営メディアが訪ロ計画を伝えるのは初めて。

◆190423 対北朝鮮「最大限の圧力」文言削除 拉致にらみ軟化か 19年版外交青書
日本経済新聞-18 分前 https://s.nikkei.com/2UPU9ml
河野太郎外相は23日の閣議で、2019年版の外交青書を報告した。北朝鮮に関する記述では、18年版にあった「あらゆる手段を通じて圧力を最大限まで高めていく」との文言を削除した。安倍政権が最重要課題と位置づける日本人拉致問題の解決に向け、一定 ...

◆190423 中国が世界でばらまく「広告」の正体
WEDGE Infinity-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UNHekA
中国のプロパガンダなのである。中国政府が発行するもので、米国等の有力新聞社に資金を投じることで、彼らが発行する新聞の中に紛れ込ませて購読者の手に渡るよう、計算されて作られている。「チャイナ・ウォッチ」は、各国からプロパガンダ・キャンペーンと ...

◆190423 中国は2020年に米国と並ぶAI大国になる? トップクラスの研究で高まる ...
WIRED.jp-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VjgEzh
この一件は、AIに賭ける中国の野望と、この分野における中国の台頭を端的に示している。中国政府は17年に「次世代AI発展計画」を発表し、極めて重要な技術分野において20年までに米国と肩を並べると宣言した。米国と中国のAI研究動向に関する最新データ ...

◆190423 中国・一帯一路「貧困対策に軸足を」 パキスタン外相
日本経済新聞-14 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2KZ1ds7
パキスタンのクレシ外相は22日、中国の広域経済圏構想「一帯一路」の一部をなす「中国・パキスタン経済回廊(CPEC)」について「産業振興による雇用創出や貧困対策に軸足を移すべきだ」との考えを示した。発電所建設などハード面のインフラ整備から、ソフト ...

◆190422 シベリア鉄道vs一帯一路、日本企業が選ぶのは?
東洋経済オンライン-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IuXVuA
ユーラシア大陸を横断する鉄道貨物輸送といえばシベリア鉄道を利用したコンテナ輸送が広く知られているが、近年では中国の注目度がにわかに高まっている。中国西部、中央アジア、欧州を結ぶ陸路は、絹などを運ぶ交易路「シルクロード」としてはるか昔から ...


◆190423 米、イラン原油全面禁輸へ 日本などへの適用除外を5月に撤廃
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UPAvqC
ワシントン 22日 ロイター] - 米政府は22日、イラン産原油の禁輸措置について、日本を含む8カ国・地域に対する適用除外措置を打ち切ると発表し、5月1日までに輸入を全面停止するよう求めた。撤廃後にイランから原油を輸入すれば米国の制裁措置の対象と ...

◆190423 OPEC対シェール、原油価格の主導権どちらに
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GBaSRq
原油価格は年初来高値に近い水準にある。減産という手段を行使したOPECが今は優位に立つ印象があるかもしれない。だが米シェールオイル生産者は5年前に比べて生産量を倍増させており、今年さらに供給を拡大すれば、市場で再び原油がだぶつく状況に ...

◆190423 JERAの小野田社長「アジアで調達から発電まで」。LNG調達世界最大 ...
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2PpkOAv
4月に東京電力ホールディングスと中部電力の火力事業を完全統合したJERA(東京・中央)が、アジアで液化天然ガス(LNG)事業を拡大する。小野田聡社長は「ベトナムやタイでLNG受け入れ基地を手掛けたい」と述べ、LNGの調達から発電まで一貫して ...

◆190423 太陽光発電、大手と新電力で争奪戦 買い取り終了控えて
朝日新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Gw4utq
固定価格買い取り制度(FIT〈フィット〉)による高額の買い取りが終わる家庭用の太陽光発電をめぐり、争奪戦が本格化してきた。関西電力と四国電力が22日、大手電力で初めて新たな買い取り価格を発表した。新電力の中には高値を掲げて、対抗するところも ...

◆190423 電力自由化3年 家庭向けは値上がり
日本経済新聞-7 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Zs4FP3
2016年4月の電力小売りの全面自由化から3年たち、政府統計をもとに分析したところ家庭向けの料金が19年1月時点で6.9%値上がりしていることが分かった。発電に必要な原油などの価格が上がっているためだが、工場などの法人向けは競争が激しく ...

◆190423 原油先物が約3%上昇、米がイラン産原油制裁で免除終了へ
ロイター-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W8Xb1i
シンガポール 22日 ロイター] - 22日のアジア時間の取引で、原油先物価格は約3%上昇。米原油先物とブレント原油先物はともに2018年終盤以来の高値を付けた。 米国が22日にイラン産原油を輸入している全ての国に対し、近く輸入を停止するよう求め、 ...

◆190422 太陽光普及に「価格の崖」 売電価格が電気代を下回る
日本経済新聞-6 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2IxOTgw
企業による太陽光発電が岐路を迎えた。作った電気を電力会社が高価格で買い取る仕組みが普及を支えてきたが、4月から買い取り価格が通常の電気料金を下回ることになった。電気を「売る」から自社で「使う」への転換が進まないと、再生可能エネルギーの ...


◆190423 China buys a lot of Iranian oil, and it's not happy at all with US sanctions
CNN-3 時間前 https://cnn.it/2VfER9R
"China opposes the unilateral sanctions and so-called 'long-arm jurisdictions' imposed by the US," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson ... China wasn't the only one of those countries to rebuke the Trump administration's latest decision.

◆190423 Exxon is helping China move away from coal
CNN-4 時間前 https://cnn.it/2GtLMmp
The deal calls for China's Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group to purchase 1 million metric tons of LNG per year from Exxon, America's largest energy company. Exxon did not say whether the LNG, which is super-cooled natural gas that can be ...

◆190423 Thousands protest China-backed mega-dam in Myanmar
FRANCE 24-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GCOPdk
The protest came just days ahead of a trip by civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi to Beijing for a summit on China's Belt and Road Initiative. Myanmar's ... If the 6,000 megawatt dam were built on the country's famed Ayeyarwaddy River, it would flood an area the size of Singapore, displacing tens of thousands. ... Suu Kyi was also an opponent of the dam before her party swept to power in 2015 elections.

◆190423 Are China's Crude Reserves Quietly Dwindling?
OilPrice.com-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UzjlIG
When it comes to its strategic petroleum reserves--and most other things, for that matter--China keeps its cards close to ... a new crude oil futures contract and exchange called the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) with the aim of ...

◆190423 Now China is joining the rush for Arctic riches
The Japan Times-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VkXCZo
This may seem counterintuitive — last time I looked at a map, China did not have any Arctic waterfront. ... of Russia (which operates the world's largest fleet of icebreakers, including several huge nuclear-powered models), and will join a fleet of six conventionally powered ships. ... Icebreakers open the logistics paths for placement of the necessary oil and gas rigs. ... must work together of course, but also the Department of Energy (hydrocarbon development), the EPA (environmental ...

◆190423 Urban Gas Market 2019 – China Resources Gas, Beijing Gas Group ...
The Market Research News-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GwoQD7
Urban Gas Market 2019 – China Resources Gas, Beijing Gas Group Company Limited, China Gas Holdings Ltd, ENN Energy Holdings Limited, ... Report provides inclusive analysis of Urban Gas market size development forecast from 2018-2025. ... Tianjin Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd ... China Oil And Gas Group

◆190423 China's Solar Installations Down 46% In First Quarter
CleanTechnica-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UMD5NQ
China's National Renewable Energy Center announced last week that the country's solar PV installations for the first quarter reached only 5.2 gigawatts (GW), down 46% over the same quarter a year earlier, highlighting the significant ...

◆190423 China's electricity consumption up 7.5 pct in March
CGTN (press release)-2019/04/21 https://bit.ly/2PokL7X
China's electricity consumption hit 573.2 billion kWh last month, up 7.5 percent year-on-year, according to the National Energy Administration (NEA). Power use by the agricultural industry, the manufacturing industry and the service industry ...

◆190422 Report: China No. 3 in online nuclear reactors
NHK WORLD-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DmQKjR
A Japanese nuclear industry association report shows China had the third-largest number of reactors in operation as of January 2019. ... or has plans to build 38 more reactors as it expands its nuclear-generation capacity to meet growing electricity demand and deal with air pollution. ... Germany is phasing out nuclear power, and France has announced it will reduce its dependence on atomic power.


◆190423 Luzon earthquake triggers power outages
Rappler-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GAmnZh
MANILA, Philippines – Several areas in Luzon experienced power outages, as the island region was hit by a magnitude 6.1 ... The TFER focuses on disaster resilience in the energy sector for strengthening energy systems and facilities, quick ...

◆190423 Magnitude 6.3 Quake Hits Philippines, at Least Eight People Dead
Bloomberg-11 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2XHeyHh
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the Philippines late Monday afternoon, killing at least eight people and prompting ... Several areas in Luzon island including Metro Manila suffered power outages as the quake affected several power plants, the Department of Energy said. Petron Corp., the larger of the nation's two oil refiners, said the earthquake triggered the protective tripping of some units at its ...

◆190423 Bangkok's electricity consumption hits new record high
Thailand Business News-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Vi4vKV
Bangkok's electricity consumption surged to a new high of 29,680.3 megawatts on Saturday night due mainly to ... for transmission system of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand attributed the surge in power consumption to ... Oil consumption rises 4-5% during Songkran festival ... The global green bond market has ballooned as more renewable energy companies in the United States, Europe, ...

◆190423 Thailand's EGAT considers 12 firms for LNG imports
ETEnergyworld.com-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UPXOjV
BANGKOK: State-owned Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand has narrowed its list of potential liquefied natural gas ... to 1.5 million metric tonnes per annum for the first time as the government liberalizes the energy sector to boost competition. ... power producer, EGAT, expects to finalize purchasing agreements by June and begin liquefied natural gas (LNG) .... India's mega west coast refinery on the back-burner / Global renewable energy industry will grow ten folds over seven ...

◆190422 Film exposes Indonesia's coal industry abuses
Asia Times-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Dog4Gk
A new documentary that shows the links between Indonesian coal and energy companies and the country's political elite was ... The sheer scale of the mining industry has had an indelible impact: the Mahakam River, into which much of the ... “Sexy Killers” shows how PT Toba Bara Sejahtra operates several coal-fired power plants in Java. ... PT Rakabu Sejahtera has interests in construction, land acquisition, timber processing, and production of goods made from timber and palm oil.


◆190423 Thousands protest China-backed mega-dam in Myanmar
FRANCE 24-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GCOPdk
Thousands of people in northern Myanmar took to the streets on Monday to protest against the proposed ... If the 6,000 megawatt dam were built on the country's famed Ayeyarwaddy River, it would flood an area the size of ... Suu Kyi was also an opponent of the dam before her party swept to power in 2015 elections.

◆190423 PetroChina、海外企業としてミャンマーで最初のガソリンスタンドを開設
ミャンマーニュース-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PoiBFf
SPC)と、ミャンマーの財閥シュー・タウン・グループの子会社であるShwe Taung Energy Co. ... シェルが、シェルブランドのガソリンスタンドを展開することに合意しており、また、シンガポールのPuma Energyは、10年以内にフランチャイズのサービスステーション ...

◆190423 Vietnam to Encourage Environmentally Friendly Building Design
Voice of America-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Uv6Qh7
And as construction is also a major source of greenhouse gas emissions around the world, Vietnam has the chance to adopt a sustainable ... of wind tunnels, which bring natural ventilation in the humid climate, or to soak up sun rays to generate the most solar power possible. ... toll of the fast-growing construction industry, which consumes a lot of sand for cement, electricity, and other building supplies.

◆190423 Aboitiz Power eyes Vietnam wind projects
manilastandard.net-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Xu12GC
Aboitiz Power Corp. is looking at investment opportunities in Vietnam as a part of an international expansion, an executive said Monday. ... They are in the RE [renewable energy] space, although we are still evaluating it. ... 26, 2018 for the acquisition of the Ayala Group's coal assets valued at $579.2 million (P31.4 billion).

◆190423 Japan's JBIC signs financing for Van Phong coal station in Vietnam
Nasdaq-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GAmYdt
Japanese banks and investors are starting to restrict financing of coal but are still finding ways to support projects. ... year that keeping the earth's temperature rise to a 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) target would require "unprecedented" changes to how society consumes energy, travels and builds. Coal will account for 53 percent of the power generated in Vietnam by 2030, according to its trade ministry.

◆190423 New China-Laos joint project to power up electricity distribution in ...
Xinhua-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GCQgbI
VIENTIANE, April 22 (Xinhua) -- The new 500 kV and 230 kV transmission lines to be installed in Laos' capital Vientiane, a joint project ... The new power lines will transmit electricity from hydropower dams for use in Vientiane as well as for sale to other countries, local ... in the south of Laos' capital Vientiane, and is essential for agriculture, industry, services and other areas," Minister of Energy and Mines ...

◆190423 Cambodia and Thailand reconnected by rail after 45 years
White River Post-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GArRDk
Poipet (Cambodia) (AFP) |. Cambodian premier Hun Sen and his Thai counterpart Prayut Chan-O-Cha witnessed a signing ceremony at a Thai border post before riding together to the Cambodian town of Poipet on a train donated by Thailand ...

◆190423 US, China Face Off Online Over Trade Deficit in Cambodia
VOA Khmer-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VWbGpq
Recently, the US embassy posted a comment on its Facebook about a trade deficit between China and Cambodia, ... China helped to build all the hydropower stations in Cambodia (with 80% of Cambodia's installed electricity production capacity). ... “Small states in Southeast Asia are most vulnerable to major power competition. ... How Vietnam Quietly Built up 10 Islands in Asia's Most Disputed Sea. 2 ...

◆190422 Myanmar: Impressive Display Of Power By UWSA, China Should Be ...
Eurasia Review-2019/04/20 https://bit.ly/2UK7cFM
By S. Chandrasekharan. The UWSA is perhaps the biggest Non State Ethnic Insurgent Unit in Myanmar with over 30,000 soldiers and another 10,000 Auxiliary members. The UWSA was formed after the collapse of Communist Party of Burma ...


◆190423 India Looks To Add 12 New Nuclear Power Stations
OilPrice.com-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XG2jL3
India will add 12 nuclear power stations to its lineup to shore up its power supply situation, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) ... The “irreplaceable source of clean, pollution-free energy” is expected to be a significant and essential part of India's ... power plant construction plans by two-thirds, an unfortunate reality that was expected to increase its reliance on coal power. ... It is largely dependent—perhaps too much so—on thermal and hydropower plants, both which require water.

◆190423 India PM Outrageously Warns Pakistan of Nuclear War after Shocking ...
CCN-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UPZk5B
Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Hacked.com. Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: "CCN+Hacked". Sign up here.

◆190423 US Moves to Stop All Nations From Buying Iranian Oil, but China Is ...
The New York Times-1 時間前 https://nyti.ms/2ZvaFXF
The order was also aimed at India, Japan, South Korea and Turkey, all countries that trade robustly with the United States. ... By withdrawing from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and phasing in sanctions, the Trump administration has sought to cripple the Iranian government and weaken the power of its ruling clerics. ... By retracting its oil exemptions, the Trump administration is encroaching on China's energy security even as Washington is trying to strike an all-important trade deal with ...

◆190423 India Stocks Drop Most in Four Months as Oil Jump Dents Optimism
Bloomberg-14 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2W5ju8s
India's benchmark stock index posted its biggest drop in four months on concern that the spike in the price of oil, the nation's biggest import, may dampen the outlook for Asia's third-biggest economy. The rupee and sovereign bonds also ...

◆190423 New Delhi's Indian Ocean security dilemma
Asia Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UTtXHh
For years the US, Russia, Britain, France and China were the only powers that possessed the ability to project nuclear weapons power with submarines in the Indian Ocean region, but on on March 31, 2016, India joined the fray with its first ...

◆190423 Can India or Pakistan Break Deterrence?
The National Interest Online (blog)-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vjr1V8
In the case of Kashmir, however, Pakistan has cleverly combined its conventional and nuclear capabilities in a way that makes ... Pakistan's Kashmir strategy leaves India with two unpalatable options: live with the insurgency and terrorism that ...

◆190423 Meghalaya village seeks power from Bangladesh
The Hindu-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UME5BA
Fed up with frequent power outage, residents of a Meghalaya border village have sought electricity from adjoining ... E.W. Nongrum, chairman-cum-managing director of the Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited, did not respond to calls or ...

◆190423 Iran offers Pakistan electricity, oil and gas
The News International-54 分前 https://bit.ly/2UxwTnR
TEHRAN: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Monday that Iran was ready to increase export of electricity, gas and oil to Pakistan. He said import and export balance could be ensured as both the sides had agreed to set up a Barter ...

◆190423 Pakistan FM: Ready to talk with India on Kashmir
NHK WORLD-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Vi1muJ
Pakistani Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi has expressed his willingness to meet with India to ... In an interview with NHK in Tokyo on Monday, Qureshi said Pakistan wants to resolve the territorial dispute for the sake of peace ... to power last year, is taking a different path from its predecessor, which focused on the infrastructure and energy sectors. ... Tankan: Sentiment worsens at big manufacturers · Japan moves ahead with oversight of IT giants · Oil wholesalers ...

◆190422 India And Australia Vote With A Coal Clash Possible After The Twin ...
Forbes-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IwrjAM
India And Australia Vote With A Coal Clash Possible After The Twin Elections ... The Carmichael mine, while not a campaign issue in India is certainly an issue in Australia where it is seen as a ... India, on the other hand, is a major consumer of coal and is keen to obtain supplies for electricity generation from ... Tim Treadgold has been writing about the mining and oil industries for more than 40 years.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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