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2019年4月24日 政府長期戦略,石炭火力全廃案を否定,原発は活用








参考資料 2019年4月24日10時08分


◆190424 中国「プロパガンダ」の次なるターゲットは大豆農家?
WEDGE Infinity-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IZgqXN
ある朝、いつもの新聞に「チャイナ・ウォッチ」と大きく書かれた折り込み新聞らしきものが入っていたとしよう。「らしき」と表現するのは、それが本当は広告だからだ。その一面トップには、中国の政治・経済・文化に関する一般的なの新聞記事らしき「広告」が掲載 ...

◆190424 北朝鮮が正恩氏訪露を公式報道 ウラジオで25日に会談
産経ニュース-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W20RlN
【ソウル=桜井紀雄、ウラジオストク=小野田雄一】北朝鮮の朝鮮中央通信など国営メディアは23日、金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長がロシアのプーチン大統領の招請で間もなくロシアを訪問し、首脳会談を行うと一斉に報じた。金正恩、プーチン両 ...

◆190424 中国「海洋強国」建設を加速 新型軍艦披露
産経ニュース-13 時間前
中国が中国・青島沖で開催した国際観艦式には日本やインド、ベトナムなど中国独自の領有権主張をめぐって火種を抱える国々の艦艇も参加し、習近平国家主席は「海洋運命共同体の建設」をアピールした。ただ一方で、空母打撃群を形成する新型艦艇を披露 ...

◆190424 中国のGDP6.4%増、3つの特徴 第1四半期
AFPBB News-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZqM7Pv
【4月23日 東方新報】中国国家統計局は17日、2019年第1四半期(1~3月)の国内総生産(GDP)が前年同期比6.4%増の21兆3433億元(約357兆円)だったと発表した。伸び率は前年第4四半期(10~12月)の水準を維持。同時に発表された雇用、物価、収入 ...

◆190423 米、イラン原油全面禁輸へ 日本などへの適用除外を5月に撤廃
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UPAvqC
ワシントン 22日 ロイター] - 米政府は22日、イラン産原油の禁輸措置について、日本を含む8カ国・地域に対する適用除外措置を ... ただ、日本、中国、韓国、インド、台湾、トルコ、イタリア、ギリシャの8カ国・地域については6カ月間、制裁の適用除外を認めてい ...

◆190423 日本の静かな「一帯一路」、中国を上回る成果
Wall Street Journal-1 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2IPucMw
――WSJの人気コラム「ハード・オン・ザ・ストリート」. ***. 中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」に関する報道は絶え間なく伝えられている。しかし、中国政府の対外投資戦略の中核を成す同構想は幾つかの点で、日本の静かな取り組みに後れを取っている。

◆190423 習近平が毛沢東を全面的に否定できない理由
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZvklB4
進路問題こそ党の事業の盛衰に関わる第一義的な問題である。進路こそが党の生命線なのだ」. 前回コラム(習近平が「中国の特色ある社会主義」を魯迅の言葉で解説した理由)でも扱った、党機関紙『求是』に寄稿された一本の論考にて、習近平共産党総書記 ...


◆190424 消えた「石炭火力全廃」 有識者懇の座長案に産業界反発
朝日新聞-52 分前 https://bit.ly/2vltu1j
23日に公表された政府の地球温暖化対策の長期戦略案のもとになった有識者懇談会の提言で、当初の座長案に盛り込まれていた石炭火力の長期的な全廃方針が、産業界の委員の反対で撤回されていたことがわかった。石炭火力をどうするかは温暖化対策 ...

◆190424 クリーンエネルギー「100%義務付け」へ、米カリフォルニア州に見る商機
ビジネス+IT-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IXxIEF
2018年9月、米国のカリフォルニア州において、同州内で使用される電気に関して、2030年までに電力の60%を再生可能エネルギーで、2045年までに100%を再生可能エネルギーなどのクリーンエネルギーで賄うよう、電気事業者に対して義務付ける ...

◆190424 トランプが煽る中東の混乱、原油供給不安を醸成
日経テクノロジーオンライン-3 時間前 https://nkbp.jp/2Uvv6zT

◆190424 原油、半年ぶり高値、イラン産禁輸で供給懸念
日本経済新聞-11 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2UvwoL7
原油価格が上昇している。米国のイラン産原油の禁輸措置を受け、ニューヨーク原油先物は約半年ぶりの高値を付けた。ベネズエラなど政情不安の産油国の供給減も重なり、価格上昇を見越した投機マネーが流入する。トランプ政権は原油高を抑えたい考え ...

◆190424 太陽光発電所で“ヤギ”を飼うのは効果的? 農薬選びのポイントは――雑草 ...
ITmedia-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UybfAa
今回の連載では特別編として、読者の皆さまにご投稿いただいた、太陽光発電所の雑草対策に関する質問・疑問にお答えしたいと思います。 Q1.発電所の敷地内でヤギを飼育することは、雑草対策に有効か? A:ヤギの飼育は有効とは思えません。その理由は ...

◆190424 日立、ブラックアウト防ぐ電力変換装置 ABBと共同で
日本経済新聞-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Wb7Vw8
日立製作所は23日、中部電力の変電所で使う電力変換システムを受注したと発表した。中部電は同装置を利用し、東京電力ホールディングス(HD)の管内に電力を送る能力を現在の30万キロワットから90万キロワットに増強する。日立は買収を決めたスイスの ...

◆190424 電力小売り、規制料金の経過措置存続へ 4月以降
日本経済新聞-10 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2IRtka4
経済産業相直属の電力・ガス取引監視等委員会は23日に開いた有識者会合で、2020年3月末まで残すとしていた電気の小売り規制料金の経過措置を同年4月以降も存続することを決めた。小売り自由化で新規参入した事業者の中で、大手電力への有力な ...

◆190423 米、イラン原油全面禁輸へ 日本などへの適用除外を5月に撤廃
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UPAvqC
ワシントン 22日 ロイター] - 米政府は22日、イラン産原油の禁輸措置について、日本を含む8カ国・地域に対する適用除外措置を打ち切ると発表し、5月1日までに輸入を全面停止するよう求めた。撤廃後にイランから原油を輸入すれば米国の制裁措置の対象と ...

◆190423 OPEC対シェール、原油価格の主導権どちらに
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GBaSRq
原油価格は年初来高値に近い水準にある。減産という手段を行使したOPECが今は優位に立つ印象があるかもしれない。だが米シェールオイル生産者は5年前に比べて生産量を倍増させており、今年さらに供給を拡大すれば、市場で再び原油がだぶつく状況に ...


◆190424 China's CGN and Huaneng enhance cooperation
World Nuclear News-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UybpYi
China General Nuclear and China Huaneng are to cooperate in nuclear power, fuel and technology through a newly signed framework agreement. ... The agreement was signed in Beijing on 17 April by CGN Deputy General Manager Pang Songtao and China Huaneng ... stake in EDF Energy's Hinkley Point C project in Somerset, UK, as well as jointly develop new nuclear power plants at Sizewell in ...

◆190424 China's Industrial Power Rates: A Helpful Guide for Investors
China Briefing-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W1pdvX
China's industrial power rates differ according to the category of industry, type of electricity usage, and region where it is ... of production for businesses in the industrial sector, especially in high energy-consuming industries, such as iron, steel, ...

◆190424 Here's why China and India will remain defiant amid threat of US ...
CNBC-12 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2GsIGip
Oil and Gas · Renewable Energy · Utilities ... China and India are both unlikely to completely cut off Iranian crude imports, energy analysts have said, despite the ... President Donald Trump's administration announced Monday that buyers of Iranian oil must stop purchases by May 1 or ... India's Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said Tuesday that New Delhi would get additional ...

◆190424 US Oil Is Flowing Freely to China Again After Slowing to Trickle
Bloomberg-2 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2Gu11vv
While refiners in China shunned U.S. oil imports as the nations imposed tit-for-tat tariffs in an escalating trade war, buying interest has resurfaced on optimism that the world's top-two economies are nearing a resolution to their dispute.

◆190424 Biggest power plants under China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
Power Technology-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2viYqPI
Eight of the ten biggest power projects under China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as of 2019 are in Pakistan, within the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The combined capacity of the ten biggest BRI power projects is ...

◆190424 China shows off its new destroyer during massive display of naval power
Business Insider-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vltVIZ
China shows off its new destroyer during massive display of naval power ... China celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army Navy in Qingdao on Tuesday, showing off some ... Among the other vessels on display was an apparently modified version of China's Jin-class nuclear-powered ...
ChaguanChina's maritime ambitions are becoming more evident

◆190424 Planning can save the planet: China chooses renewable energy
Workers World-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GFEywZ
Carbon emissions from the burning of oil, gas and methane are heating the planet, creating a crisis of rising sea levels, droughts, ... 11 headline in Forbes business magazine put it, “China is set to become the world's renewable energy superpower. ... Wall Street: “As the U.S. owned the advent of the oil age, so China is shaping up to be unrivalled in clean power leadership today.” ... The British-controlled colony of Hong Kong sits at the tip of the Pearl River Delta just south of China.

◆190424 China using US-built satellites to increase police, military power
Fox News-4 時間前 https://fxn.ws/2XHEG4F
Nine of these satellites have been part of efforts to connect Chinese soldiers on contested outposts in the South China Sea, strengthen police forces against social unrest and make sure state messaging penetrates far and wide, according to ...

◆190424 ExxonMobil agrees 20-year LNG deal with China's Zhejiang Energy
Reuters-22 時間前 https://reut.rs/2GBnPcG
Exxon Mobil said last year it would deliver the LNG starting in the early 2020s, while LNG supplies to China would come from ... Zhejiang Energy is building a 9 billion yuan ($1.34 billion) receiving terminal for the fuel in Wenzhou, in the eastern province of ... Chinese state oil and gas major Sinopec will be a partner in the terminal. ... Thunderstorms strike U.S. East Coast, leave thousands without power.

◆190423 China buys a lot of Iranian oil, and it's not happy at all with US sanctions
CNN-3 時間前 https://cnn.it/2VfER9R
"China opposes the unilateral sanctions and so-called 'long-arm jurisdictions' imposed by the US," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson ... China wasn't the only one of those countries to rebuke the Trump administration's latest decision.


◆190424 Indonesia's PLN chief named suspect in power project graft case
Reuters-12 時間前 https://reut.rs/2ZuRYmH
Indonesia's PLN chief named suspect in power project graft case ... Rida Mulyana, director general for electricity at the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry, said the legal process should be respected and the ministry would continue to ...

◆190424 Earthquake damages five dams in Philippines' Central Luzon region
HydroWorld-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IDsWwI
Five dams in three provinces in the Philippines were damaged during the earthquake that occurred on April 22, ... The Republic of the Philippines Department of Energy said no damages were reported by the power plants located in the Visayas area. ... Other damaged dams listed are Mangindong Dam in Bataan, P10 million (US$192,000) to repair; Balsik Dam in ... Bureau of Reclamation is preparing to begin dam safety work at Boca Dam, on the Little Truckee River in California, ...

◆190424 Indonesia power generation market is expected to reach US$63.6 bn ...
Amazing Newspaper-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PtyBWM
The report, titled “Power Generation Market – Indonesia Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2014 ... Browse the full Power Generation Market by Technology (Coal-fired, Natural Gas-fired, Oil-fired, Geothermal, Hydro, and ... As per findings, the demand for electricity in Indonesia is expected to grow from 206.5 TWh in 2013 to a projected 2022 ... by the government of Indonesia for cutting down greenhouse gas emissions and to use renewable energy sources, ...

◆190424 EDC allocates around $111 million for work on geothermal plants ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UAAamm
As reported locally yesterday, Energy Development Corp (EDC) has allocated over P 7 billion in capital expenditure for 2019 to improve the reliability of its geothermal power plants in the Philippines. The funding will support operations and ...

◆190424 Indonesia's PLN secured $1.2 bn worth of loan for power projects
ETEnergyworld.com-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VkiZdw
JAKARTA: * Indonesia's state electricity utility Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) signed a 16.75 trillion rupiah ($1.19 billion) ... The loan will be used to help finance PLN's power projects, part of its 35 gigawatt power development programme

◆190424 Report finds World Bank's coal divestment pledge not stringent enough
Mongabay.com-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Gyivqw
Indonesia provides a litmus test for the World Bank's commitment to divest from coal, with a recent report revealing its continued ... Collectively, these companies dug up 227 million tons of coal in 2017; if all of it were fed into power plants, it would generate ... purposes, such as loans for small businesses and renewable energy, which would effectively exclude coal. .... Leading Amazon dam rights activist, spouse and friend murdered in Brazil · Madeira River dams may spell doom for ...

◆190424 Philippines 6.1-magnitude earthquake leaves 11 dead, 30 feared ...
CNN-17 時間前 https://cnn.it/2Xy1ymY
The magnitude 6.3 earthquake with a depth of 53.6 miles (83.3km) was registered on the island of Samar in central Philippines on Tuesday afternoon local time, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). There is no tsunami ...

◆190423 Luzon earthquake triggers power outages
Rappler-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GAmnZh
MANILA, Philippines – Several areas in Luzon experienced power outages, as the island region was hit by a magnitude 6.1 ... The TFER focuses on disaster resilience in the energy sector for strengthening energy systems and facilities, quick ...


◆190424 Vietnam Solar Profile: Energy, and an Economy, in Transition
Solar Magazine-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XCaCHA
Solar power accounts for a negligible percentage of electricity generation in Vietnam, around 0.01 percent of national ... and continues to be, Vietnam's primary renewable energy resource, but most of the nation's hydro-power resource potential has been exploited. ... For instance, coal will increase to 53 per cent of its energy mix in 2030, up from 33 per cent in 2016. ... There are 73 power plants—hydro, thermal, gas and renewables—up and running in Vietnam at present, according to ...

◆190424 Myanmar cardinal steps up fight to stop dam
UCA News-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UQ5Hpz
In a video message marking Myanmar's New Year on April 17, he appealed to Myanmar and Chinese leaders not to ... There are signs that extreme pressure is being brought on our leaders to restart the Myitsone Dam,” Cardinal Bo said.

◆190424 Sand mining threatens ways of life, from Cambodia to Nigeria
National Geographic-14 時間前 https://on.natgeo.com/2PtTwsz
The bad news is that environmentally destructive sand mining continues in other parts of Cambodia, throughout ... In Vietnam, river dredging is also exacerbating the erosion of the Mekong Delta; starved of replenishing sediment by sand ...

◆190424 Vietnam - solar power - final draft decision on solar power feed-in ...
Lexology-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PrYzcQ
By 16 April 2019, Electricity and Renewable Energy Agency of MOIT (“EREA”) coordinated with VBF Power and Energy Working Group to arrange a seminar for discussion of the final draft FIT2 of EREA (the “Final FIT2 Draft”). The Head of ...

◆190424 81st Mekong River joint patrol begins
Xinhua-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Zwe1t5
KUNMING, April 23 (Xinhua) -- The 81st Mekong River joint patrol led by China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand started on Tuesday from Guanlei Port in southwest China's Yunnan Province. Three vessels from the Chinese side participated in ...

◆190424 Asian countries cooperate to assess potential of shale oil and gas ...
http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ (press release)-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GviJ1D
He cited the latest update of the shale oil and gas reserves in Asian countries as follows: Malaysia 8.19 trillion cubic feet ... shale oil and gas in sedimentary basins on the continental shelf of Vietnam, and coal-bed methane in Hanoi, Thanh ...

◆190423 Thousands protest China-backed mega-dam in Myanmar
FRANCE 24-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GCOPdk
Thousands of people in northern Myanmar took to the streets on Monday to protest against the proposed ... If the 6,000 megawatt dam were built on the country's famed Ayeyarwaddy River, it would flood an area the size of ... Suu Kyi was also an opponent of the dam before her party swept to power in 2015 elections.


◆190424 Here's why China and India will remain defiant amid threat of US ...
CNBC-12 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2GsIGip
China and India are both unlikely to completely cut off Iranian crude imports, energy analysts have said, despite the imminent threat of U.S. sanctions. President Donald Trump's administration announced Monday that buyers of Iranian oil must ...

◆190424 Higher Oil Erases India Equity Gain on Economy, Earnings Concern
Bloomberg-15 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2ZmHoy2
Indian equities reversed gains as oil continued rising for a third day, stoking concerns about an impact on the economy and profits at some companies. The third-biggest economy in Asia imports almost 80 percent of its oil requirement.

◆190424 US to India: Helping you on Masood Azhar, so end Iran oil imports
The Indian Express-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZqNMVb
Delhi, which relies on US support at the UNSC, has a tough choice given Iran accounts for about 13% of its oil imports ... With the White House announcing the end of the waiver to buy Iranian oil, Washington has conveyed to Delhi that it has stood by India ... will continue to work with partner nations, including with the US, to find all possible ways to protect India's energy and economic security interests.

◆190424 Biggest power plants under China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
Power Technology-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2viYqPI
Eight of the ten biggest power projects under China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as of 2019 are in Pakistan, within the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The combined capacity of the ten biggest BRI power projects is ...)

◆190424 Pakistan's Navy Test Fires Indigenous Anti-Ship/Land-Attack Cruise ...
The Diplomat-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IQwCdD
The Pakistan Navy has successfully test fired an indigenously developed unidentified anti-ship/land-attack cruise missile from a fast attack craft in the North Arabian Sea on Tuesday, Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the media arm of the ...

◆190424 UPDATE 1-Pakistan's PSO issues first fuel oil import tender for 2019 ...
Reuters Africa-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GtW7Pb
SINGAPORE, April 23 (Reuters) - Pakistan State Oil (PSO) issued this week its first fuel oil import tenders for 2019 as the ... for electricity during summer and the month of holy Ramazan, government of Pakistan has temporarily allowed the import of 6 ... PSO, which uses fuel oil in power generation, is seeking up to 420,000 tonnes of summer grade 180-centistoke (cst) ... its fuel oil imports since the end of 2017 as the country turned to liquefied natural gas (LNG) to fuel its power sector.

◆190424 ADNOC signs new long-term agreement for base oil sales into India
Khaleej Times-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ICAU9e
The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, ADNOC, today (April 23) announced that it has signed another significant long-term sales ... IndianOil will use the ADbase oils to manufacture high end engine oils for India's growing automotive sector.

◆190423 India Looks To Add 12 New Nuclear Power Stations
OilPrice.com-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XG2jL3
India will add 12 nuclear power stations to its lineup to shore up its power supply situation, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) ... The “irreplaceable source of clean, pollution-free energy” is expected to be a significant and essential part of India's ... power plant construction plans by two-thirds, an unfortunate reality that was expected to increase its reliance on coal power. ... It is largely dependent—perhaps too much so—on thermal and hydropower plants, both which require water.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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