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2019年4月26日 中国の一帯一路,総会開く,債務超過非難に敏感










参考資料 2019年4月26日10時30分


◆190426 金正恩・プーチンの「カラ振り初会談」で見えた、北朝鮮の行く末
現代ビジネス-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IX5pWA

◆190426 中国「一帯一路」国際会議を開催 「借金漬け」批判の払拭狙う
Newsweekjapan-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2voB2QU
中国が掲げる巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」に関する国際会議が、25日から27日まで北京で開かれる。同構想は対象国を「債務の罠(わな)」に陥れるなどとして批判を浴びており、中国は懸念払拭に力を入れそうだ。 会議にはロシアのプーチン大統領、パキスタン ...

◆190426 訪中の二階氏、党側から「一帯一路」協力 経団連・JAが同行
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Dy4KaA
【北京=竹内悠介】中国を訪問中の自民党の二階俊博幹事長は26日、習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席の主導する広域経済圏構想「一帯一路」に関する国際会議に出席する。経団連の中西宏明会長や全国農業協同組合連合会(JA全農)の長沢豊会長が同行し、 ...

◆190426 日本とEU、経済協力強化 中国の「一帯一路」牽制か
朝日新聞-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IIHrPP
日本政府と欧州連合(EU)は25日夕(日本時間26日未明)、ブリュッセルで首脳会議を開き、欧州とアジアを結ぶ地域で、インフラ投資や金融支援などの協力を強化することで合意した。この地域で投資などを通して存在感を高めている中国をけんせいする狙い ...

◆190426 中国、ロ朝関係強化を歓迎=「会談で前向きな成果」
時事通信-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XJmmbm
【北京時事】ロシアと北朝鮮を「友好的隣国」と位置付ける中国はロ朝首脳会談を歓迎している。中国外務省の耿爽・副 ... 中ロは「歴史上、最良の時期」(習近平国家主席)と評される蜜月関係にあり、両国は「後ろ盾」として北朝鮮を支持している。北朝鮮の「段階的 ...


◆190426 ロシアガス大手、北極圏LNGで中国から2割出資で合意
日本経済新聞-5 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2L4WlBW
【モスクワ=小川知世】ロシアのガス大手ノバテクは25日、北極圏で計画する液化天然ガス(LNG)生産事業で中国企業2社から2割の出資を受けることで合意したと発表した。同事業は仏トタルが1割の出資を決め、日本やサウジアラビアも出資を検討する。ロシア ...

◆190426 4月の卸電力市場、異様な高騰の裏に高値買い
日経テクノロジーオンライン-4 時間前 https://nkbp.jp/2Zxkd49
2019年度の幕が開いた4月、卸電力市場はいきなり異様な高値で始まった。 今冬は3月まで荒れることがほとんどなかった東京および東北エリアで、4月1日月曜日、夕刻から深夜にかけて高値が続いた。18時~18時30分に突然30円/kWhに跳ね上がった ...

◆190426 燃料電池×CO2回収で目指す“究極の石炭火力発電”、実証が第3フェーズに
ITmedia-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VpJHkJ
中国電力と電源開発の共同出資会社である大崎クールジェンはNEDO(新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構)と「大崎クールジェンプロジェクト」の第3段階にあたるCO2分離・回収型石炭ガス化複合発電(IGCC)設備に燃料電池を組み込んだ、CO2分離・回収 ...

◆190426 原油相場に火つけるか、中国・イラン要因
Wall Street Journal-19 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2PuFsiu
マイク・ポンペオ米国務長官は22日、イラン原油の大量輸入国(中国は最大級だ)に認めてきた制裁の適用除外措置を延長しないと述べた。だがイラン原油の一部は今後も中国市場に入り込みそうだ。また、中国の成長が緩やかに回復しても、直ちに原油需要の ...

◆190426 ドイツとポーランド、ロシア産原油の輸入を一部停止 品質悪化で
ロイター-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IV6TRn
モスクワ 25日 ロイター] - ポーランドとドイツは主要パイプライン「ドルジバ」を通じたロシア産原油の輸入を停止した。高濃度の有機塩素化合物が混入し、原油の品質が悪化していることが理由。 ポーランドやドイツの製油所への原油供給が滞る可能性がある。

◆190426 終焉を迎えるサウジとロシアの「石油同盟」
JBpress-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IV7Wkh
制裁前のイランの原油輸出量は日量250万バレル超だったが、4月には同100万バレル弱に減少している。米ホワイトハウスは「すべてのイラン産を代替できるよう、同盟国とともに即応する」とし、「サウジアラビアやアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)が世界の原油市場で ...

◆190424 消えた「石炭火力全廃」 有識者懇の座長案に産業界反発
朝日新聞-52 分前 https://bit.ly/2vltu1j
23日に公表された政府の地球温暖化対策の長期戦略案のもとになった有識者懇談会の提言で、当初の座長案に盛り込まれていた石炭火力の長期的な全廃方針が、産業界の委員の反対で撤回されていたことがわかった。石炭火力をどうするかは温暖化対策 ...


◆190426 China promotes 'green' belt and road, but is pressured over coal ...
Climate Home-8 hours ago https://bit.ly/2VxDTGc
However, China's energy investments abroad continue to favour coal, ... with shared coal, oil and gas interests such as Russia, Indonesia and Pakistan. ... “We need a lot of investments in sustainable development, in renewable energy, and a lot ... China is financing 102 gigawatts of coal power capacity outside the country, ...

◆190426 Electricity in China isn't cheap anymore
RenewEconomy-2 hours ago https://bit.ly/2IIRVi8
No due diligence has been done, my last site visit to a China power plant ... shown are about 13% of the China generation market by energy delivered. ... However, to a greater or lesser extent they also have some wind, solar or even gas. ... Nevertheless the great bulk of the business remains coal fired electricity generation.

◆190426 China Enters Global Tech Race For Small Modular Nuclear Reactors
Forbes-7 hours ago https://bit.ly/2GzdcHB
China Enters Global Tech Race For Small Modular Nuclear Reactors ... SMR's are the next evolutionary step of nuclear power: compact, affordable, ... When it comes online, the Nimble Dragon is expected to produce enough electricity to power over ... putting them on par with cheap gas and subsidized renewable energy.

◆190426 Trump admin aiming for major nuclear deal with Russia and China
CNN-2 hours ago https://cnn.it/2GH87Oq
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump has his eyes on a new foreign policy prize: a grand nuclear deal with Russia and China, that he sees as a potential ...

◆190426 Industrial output and investment-led growth buoy Chinese economy
Financial Times-10 hours ago https://on.ft.com/2L2EwmX
Now that Beijing has steadied the economy and is becoming increasingly ... and investment projects highlighted China's reliance on “old-fashioned energy” to ...
China economy critic sees 'turning point' that could level playing field ...

◆190426 Trade war with US could lead to economic 'cold war' for China, Beijing ...
South China Morning Post-18 hours ago https://bit.ly/2PrENOZ
“Without policy intervention, Chinese economy could see stagnation, for example, slowing growth rate and higher consumer price index growth,” they warned.
Why China's rise may call for 'a new world order'

◆190426 How Much Are Yangtze River Port and Logistics Limited (NASDAQ ...
Yahoo Finance-8 hours ago https://yhoo.it/2W6bPGF
We've lost count of how many times insiders have accumulated shares in a company that goes on to improve markedly. The flip side of that is that there are more ...
Silencing the critics: Yangtze River Port and Logistics Limited (YRIV ...

◆190426 China's economy is moving up a gear
MoneyWeek-9 hours ago https://bit.ly/2L0gPLR
“China is the dog and the rest of the world economy is its tail,” says John Authers on Bloomberg. The global economy breathed a sigh of relief when the Chinese ...

◆190424 Here's why China and India will remain defiant amid threat of US ...
CNBC-12 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2GsIGip
Oil and Gas · Renewable Energy · Utilities ... China and India are both unlikely to completely cut off Iranian crude imports, energy analysts have said, despite the ... President Donald Trump's administration announced Monday that buyers of Iranian oil must stop purchases by May 1 or ... India's Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said Tuesday that New Delhi would get additional ...


◆190426 Indonesia electricity chief charged with bribery over coal-fired power ...
Mongabay.com-14 hours ago https://bit.ly/2LipSbx
Indonesia electricity chief charged with bribery over coal-fired power plant ... spur the government to move away from coal and shift toward renewable energy.
Indonesia's state electricity chief suspended over graft allegations ...

◆190426 Economic Focus Ahead for Indonesia in Jokowi's Coming Second Term
The Diplomat-11 hours ago https://bit.ly/2Zwhp7z
Economic Focus Ahead for Indonesia in Jokowi's Coming Second Term ... The focus on the economy is likely to continue on into Jokowi's second term, ... restrictive labor laws, and much needed energy supplies, particularly in the countryside and on islands that do not enjoy the same access to electricity as Java and Bali.

◆190426 Indonesia wants BRI projects to be in line with national development ...
The Straits Times-16 hours ago https://bit.ly/2XLvoo2
JAKARTA - Indonesia has said that projects under China's Belt and Road ... plant in North Kalimantan's Kayan river and an industrial park in North Sumatra. ... has immensely benefited the local economy as exports from the province jumped ...

◆190426 Survey: Less coal, more solar, say citizens of Belt & Road countries
Mongabay.com-10 hours ago https://bit.ly/2UTM2oC
Survey: Less coal, more solar, say citizens of Belt & Road countries ... It found that in six of them — Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey and ... This makes China the world's biggest investor in coal power development ... the majority of respondents selected renewable energy sources when asked which type ...
Philippines open for business with China, but stands firm on insisting ...

◆190426 Indonesia's Pertamina buys first US crude oil cargo
S&P Global Platts-21 hours ago https://bit.ly/2voTVmN
Singapore — Indonesia's Pertamina bought its first cargo of US crude oil, highlighting the company's attempts to diversify its sources of barrels and further ...
Pertamina confirms first import of US crude

◆190426 Oxford Economics: PH to be hardest hit if global oil prices hit $100 per ...
INQUIRER.net-17 hours ago https://bit.ly/2Dy7J2M
MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines would be hardest hit among emerging markets in 2020 if global oil prices reach $100 per barrel by yearend, UK-based ...

◆190424 Indonesia power generation market is expected to reach US$63.6 bn ...
Amazing Newspaper-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PtyBWM
The report, titled “Power Generation Market – Indonesia Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2014 ... Browse the full Power Generation Market by Technology (Coal-fired, Natural Gas-fired, Oil-fired, Geothermal, Hydro, and ... As per findings, the demand for electricity in Indonesia is expected to grow from 206.5 TWh in 2013 to a projected 2022 ... by the government of Indonesia for cutting down greenhouse gas emissions and to use renewable energy sources, ...


◆190426 What's stopping corporates from switching to clean energy in Vietnam?
Eco-Business-19 hours ago https://bit.ly/2L1tcHG
Less than a year after having no large-scale solar farms, Vietnam expects to have more than 4,200 megawatts (MW) of large-scale solar deployed and supplying power to ... energy users - which account for 55-60 per cent of Vietnam's electricity ... conducive market in Vietnam to fulfill their ambitious renewable energy goals ...

◆190426 Illness forces Vietnam president to miss Belt and Road summit
Nikkei Asian Review-6 hours ago https://s.nikkei.com/2GHb5T2
Unlike China's one-party state, in Vietnam power is traditionally divided among the general secretary, the president, the premier and the head of the legislature.
Vietnam leader Nguyen Phu Trong suffering from illness: Sources

◆190426 Regional flood center to also address drought issues, new policies to ...
ReliefWeb-46 minutes ago https://bit.ly/2DAJyAX
Vung Tau City, Viet Nam, 25 April 2019 – The Mekong River Commission (MRC) today announced a new effort to address flood and drought issues in the ...

◆190426 Myanmar economy to rebound | # AsiaNewsNetwork
Eleven Myanmar-20 hours ago https://bit.ly/2V2TZIs
Myanmar economy to rebound | # AsiaNewsNetwork ... DESPITE Myanmar's economic growth having declined to 6.2 per cent last ... spend more on the power sector, due to the rising demand for electricity over the next three to five years, Beck said. ... Highway investor in Vietnam ordered not to close key road without appr.

◆190426 World Bank forecasts Vietnam's economy to grow by 6.6 pct in 2019
http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ (press release)-15 hours ago https://bit.ly/2L0i91h
Hanoi (VNA) – The World Bank predicts Vietnam's economic growth rate would reach 6.6 percent in 2019 in its Managing Headwinds report released on April 24 ...
http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ (press release)-12 hours ago
Phnom Penh (VNA) – Cambodia's economy is projected to expand 7 percent in 2019, lower than ... WB experts said that in the long-term outlook, the Cambodian economy depends on the ... Cheaper energy and logistics costs, availability of skilled workforce, and improved supply ... Cambodia to export crude oil in late 2019.

◆190424 Vietnam Solar Profile: Energy, and an Economy, in Transition
Solar Magazine-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XCaCHA
Solar power accounts for a negligible percentage of electricity generation in Vietnam, around 0.01 percent of national ... and continues to be, Vietnam's primary renewable energy resource, but most of the nation's hydro-power resource potential has been exploited. ... For instance, coal will increase to 53 per cent of its energy mix in 2030, up from 33 per cent in 2016. ... There are 73 power plants—hydro, thermal, gas and renewables—up and running in Vietnam at present, according to ...


◆190426 India's Iran Conundrum Is Back
The Diplomat-6 hours ago https://bit.ly/2UIiR3b
Sanctions on Iranian oil purchases were reimposed in November last year as ... The designation of the IRGC, a veritable power center in Iran's polity under the ... three of the world's great energy producers, along with our friends and allies, are ... interpretation of Iranian compliance with restrictions on its nuclear program.

◆190426 As Modi discovered, India's economy will never look like China's
Washington Post-5 hours ago https://wapo.st/2Dy8atW
When Narendra Modi became India's prime minister in 2014, one hope was that he ... In his first term as chief minister between 2002 and 2007, Gujarat's economy ... overburdened state less money to invest in roads, ports and electricity plants. ... Whenever prime ministers try to concentrate power in Delhi, as Indira Gandhi ...
India is set to take the UK's place as the world's fifth largest economy ...

◆190426 Brahmaputra River Cruise: Journey through Assam
World of Cruising-13 hours ago https://bit.ly/2IFKCYB
I carefully carry the small piece of bamboo cane, topped with an oil-burning wick, ... Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh, it slices through Assam in India's far northeast.

◆190426 India, China step on the gas on oil sourcing plan
Livemint-4 hours ago https://bit.ly/2ITtVYG
New Delhi: China and India, the world's second and third largest oil importers, ... of crude oil, with Li Fanrong, deputy administrator of China's National Energy ... “The question is, as consuming countries, do we have any bargaining power?

◆190426 Belt and Road Forum: Is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor failing?
Deutsche Welle-14 hours ago https://bit.ly/2W7zKWn
China on Tuesday reiterated its faith in the multi-billion dollar China-Pakistan ... ties with China to boost its economy, which constantly needs foreign loans to function. ... oil pipeline links to improve connectivity between China and the Middle East. ... When Khan came to power, his government made its stance on CPEC clear ...

◆190426 India looking at $500 bn investment in renewable energy generation ...
ETEnergyworld.com-15 hours ago https://bit.ly/2UIxNxT
In general, the deadline for commissioning solar and wind power projects is 24 months. ... other renewable sources of Biomass and run-of-river (RoR), IEEFA forecasts India ... This included net new thermal capacity of 3.4 MW – 5.8 Gw of new coal-fired ... New on-grid capacity additions in renewable energy stood at 8.6 GW ...

◆190426 Interview with Sanjeev Sinha, President – IT & Digital Transformation ...
Saurenergy-18 hours ago https://bit.ly/2WbW1m4
Q. Kindly shed some light on India Power Corporation (IPCL) and its efforts towards digital transformation? ... Clearly, the future of renewable energy sector is digital. ... of electricity distribution and transmission grids, enhancing electric power ... As we see it, capacity addition in thermal power generation is expected to slow ...

◆190426 India-Pakistan nuclear WAR fears as Modi threatens Pakistan with ...
Express.co.uk-22 hours ago https://bit.ly/2UIjfyF
During his re-election campaign trail, Mr Modi warned Pakistan of an attack, The Times reported. Mr Modi has national security the forefront of his campaign ...
PM Modi's assertions about nuclear missiles has cost India a place in ...

◆190424 Here's why China and India will remain defiant amid threat of US ...
CNBC-12 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2GsIGip
China and India are both unlikely to completely cut off Iranian crude imports, energy analysts have said, despite the imminent threat of U.S. sanctions. President Donald Trump's administration announced Monday that buyers of Iranian oil must ...

◆190423 India Looks To Add 12 New Nuclear Power Stations
OilPrice.com-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XG2jL3
India will add 12 nuclear power stations to its lineup to shore up its power supply situation, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) ... The “irreplaceable source of clean, pollution-free energy” is expected to be a significant and essential part of India's ... power plant construction plans by two-thirds, an unfortunate reality that was expected to increase its reliance on coal power. ... It is largely dependent—perhaps too much so—on thermal and hydropower plants, both which require water.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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