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2019年4月29日 一帯一路閉幕,ド比大統領の断崖,宮古島の地対艦ミサイル





宮崎正広さんの今日のブログは,フィリッピン国内でのある種の混乱を伝えている,ド大統領の余りの中国よりの姿勢に,連日の抗議集会が開かれ,大統領はこの反対運動に, 「あの莫迦ども,戦争でもやらかすつもりか,中国の戦闘機は十四分でマニラに到達する,大虐殺が展開される」






◆190429 地対艦ミサイル射程、2倍へ改良 尖閣・宮古、対中抑止
産経ニュース-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V3SnxK
防衛省は、南西地域に配備する陸上自衛隊の地対艦誘導ミサイル(SSM)を改良し、射程を現在の約2倍に延伸する検討に入った。艦艇の能力増強を図る中国軍への対処能力と抑止力を高める狙いがある。改良した同型のミサイルを海上 ...

◆190429 「宮古島 地対艦ミサイル」のストーリーの画像(朝日新聞)
進むミサイル長射程化、中国に対抗 専守防衛と整合性は
朝日新聞-2019/04/08 https://bit.ly/2PBLded
いずれも射程は百数十キロだが、地対艦ミサイル(12式地対艦誘導弾)は改良し、300キロ程度まで射程を伸ばす。 ... 訓示で宮古島を「我が国防衛の最前線」と訴え、中国についても「軍事力を広範かつ急速に強化しつつ、我が国周辺の海 ...

参考資料 2019年4月297日10時13分


◆190429 東欧・バルカンで各国攻防=一帯一路の要所、首脳会議相次ぐ
時事通信-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DCvdUC
特にこのルートの途上にあるセルビアは、首都ベオグラードからブダペストまでの鉄道路線整備で巨額融資を受けることに合意するなど、中国と急接近。ブチッチ大統領は25日から北京で開かれた一帯一路の国際会議で習近平国家主席と会談し「西側からは ...

◆190429 [社説]一帯一路は国際基準順守を
日本経済新聞-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2DCOYvk
中国が広域経済圏構想「一帯一路」の軌道修正を迫られている。習近平国家主席は北京で開いた2回目の一帯一路首脳会議で相手国の財政的な持続可能性にも配慮する姿勢を見せた。中国は、事業実施にあたり国際基準を順守する方向へ明確にカジを切る ...

◆190429 二階氏、中国の胡春華副首相と会談
日本経済新聞-16 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2ZGIa9n
胡氏は二階氏の参加に関して「日本の一帯一路フォーラムへの重視を表し称賛したい」と話した。日中関係については「これからもよりよい発展を促していきたい」と語った。 胡氏は25人いる中国共産党指導部の政治局員で、ポスト習世代の一人とされる。二階氏 ...

◆190429 「一帯一路」国際会議が閉幕、7兆円超の事業で参加国が合意 中国
AFPBB News-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UMCQxk
【4月28日 AFP】中国が主導する大経済圏構想「一帯一路(One Belt One Road)」に関する国際会議は27日、習近平(Xi Jinping)国家主席と世界37か国首脳らによる首脳級会議が共同声明を採択し、3日間の日程を終えて北京で閉幕した。 習氏は閉幕後の ...

◆190429 トランプの原油政策が中国を「バブル膨張」へ追いやっている可能性
現代ビジネス-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V27Izb
中国の経済・財政悪化とともに、一帯一路戦略がかえって中国の首を絞めるかもしれないという微妙な位置づけになってきている。 中国の全人代(全国人民代表大会)が3月に開催されたが、世界が注目している中国経済の不安を払拭することは出来なかっ た。

◆190427 「借金漬け外交」批判浴びる中国 一帯一路戦略立て直し
朝日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IZt5d5
中国の習近平(シーチンピン)指導部が掲げる巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」の国際フォーラムが開幕した。2年ぶり2回目で、前回を超える150余りの国と90余りの国際機関が参加。「借金漬け外交」といった国際社会の批判を踏まえ、中国は透明性の向上を ...


◆190429 首相「状況を注視」 米のイラン産原油禁輸で
日本経済新聞-7 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2ZGbfl8

◆190429 日サウジ外相会談 脱・石油経済改革で協力
日本経済新聞-12 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2XWOUOP
【リヤド=木寺もも子】河野太郎外相は28日午後(日本時間同日夜)、訪問先のサウジアラビアでアッサーフ外相らと会談した。サウジが進める脱・石油の経済構造改革へ協力の強化を確認したほか、日本が2019年、サウジが20年のホスト国を務める20カ国・ ...

◆190427 2018年度冬季の電力需給実績の振り返り及び2019年度夏季の電力需給 ...
経済産業省 (プレスリリース)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IUjowy
本日開催した総合資源エネルギー調査会電力・ガス事業分科会電力・ガス基本政策小委員会において、2018年度冬季の電力需給実績及び2019年度夏季の電力需給見通し・対策を取りまとめました。 安定供給に最低限必要とされる予備率3%を確保できる ...


◆190429 China's quest for clean, limitless energy heats up
The Japan Times-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IXGaUl
China is also aiming to build a separate fusion reactor that could begin generating commercially viable fusion power by ... massive amounts of energy — the opposite of the fission process used in atomic weapons and nuclear power plants, ...

◆190429 China promotes 'green' belt and road, but pressured over coal ...
Asia Pacific Report-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VvD9kS
However, China's energy investments abroad – it is a major investment and aid donor in the Pacific – continue to favour ... More than 30 heads of state were due at the summit, including from countries with shared coal, oil and gas interests such as ... in renewable energy, and a lot of investments in infrastructure that respect the future,” he said, as reported by Xinhua. ... the Indonesian government for seeking investment in four coal power plants instead of cleaner hydroelectric projects.

◆190429 India, China set to form a working group on energy
Livemint-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PBAJvi
The two nations wield enormous buying power on the global energy stage with China and India being the world's second and fourth largest importers of ... China and India are the world's second and third largest oil importers as well, respectively. ... We have decided to set up a joint working group on the oil and gas sector.

◆190429 New missile gap leaves US scrambling to counter China, in shift that ...
The Japan Times-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GH8Yh7
China's military is now making giant strides toward replacing the United States as the supreme power in Asia. ... Under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a Cold War-era agreement aimed at reducing the threat of nuclear conflict, ...

◆190429 New START talks cannot include China
Global Times-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vx87tX
Nuclear power is still the most fundamental strategic tool. China's strategic nuclear power remains at the lowest level possible to maintain the country's national security. Once weakened, the country's strategic security will be undermined.

◆190429 US sanctions on Iran, Venezuela set up crunch for heavier oil
Reuters-2 時間前 https://reut.rs/2GLn4xJ
LONDON (Reuters) - Tighter U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil planned for May are adding to a wealth of factors curbing global supply of ... This month Iraq's SOMO sold 2 million barrels of Basra Heavy crude to China's Unipec at a premium of over $2 a barrel to its official ... be loath to sanction Chinese companies importing Iranian crude which are at the same time key buyers of U.S. oil and liquid natural gas.

◆190427 No wind-down for China on stopping its Iran oil buys: Trump officials
Reuters-5 時間前 https://reut.rs/2VwbvUO
The administration has been clear to China, Iran's top oil consumer, about no additional waivers to the sanctions after the ones granted last ... President Donald Trump left the Iran nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers last May.


◆190429 Documents Show Indonesia Released Banned N. Korean Coal
Voice of America-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2We8tS7
VOA's Indonesian service contributed to this report, which originated in VOA's Korean service. Indonesia has released seized North Korean coal in apparent violation of U.N. sanctions, posing a challenge to U.S.-led international efforts to ...

◆190429 Two geothermal service contracts of Basic Energy terminated in the ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZHBS9p
The Philippines Department of Energy has terminated two geothermal service contracts by Basic Energy. The company has filed for reconsideration for the two contracts of East Mankayan and West Bulusan.

◆190429 Solar Philippines opens 150-MW plant in Tarlac
manilastandard.net-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VvDsw2
Renewable energy developer Solar Philippines said over the weekend its 150-megawatt Tarlac solar power project started ... These plant outages are also expected to push up electricity rates. ... the solar project would be “the first in the Philippines at a lower cost than coal, the first with battery storage for 24-hour power, ...

◆190429 Angat Dam dips below critical level
Philippine Star-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZGtffp
MANILA, Philippines — The water level in Angat Dam, Metro Manila's water source, has dipped to critical as El Niño continues to persist in the country. The latest update from state weather bureau Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and ...

◆190429 Indonesia's March palm output, exports seen higher
The Star Online-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DB1prC
JAKARTA: Indonesia's palm oil output in March likely rose from a month earlier, while inventories were seen lower on the ... Domestic consumption of palm oil likely increased to 1.51 million tonnes last month from 1.26 million tonnes a month ...

◆190429 AC Energy, BIM launch 330-MW solar farm
The Manila Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IMTwn2
NINH THUAN PROVINCE, VIETNAM: Ayala-led AC Energy Inc. and its Vietnamese partner BIM Group inaugurated ... s power arm is expected to generate 545 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of renewable energy (RE) from the farm ... Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, Ninth Thuan Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Duc Thanh, Ninh ... AC Energy has over $1 billion of invested and committed equity in renewable and thermal energy in the Philippines and across the region.

◆190429 Penalties for erring power plant operators sought
Philippine Star-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VCDNga
MANILA, Philippines — Operators of power plants that conk out, especially when they are most needed, should have ... power from the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) when supply from power plants is short, Gatchalian said. ... is focusing on at least six operators of power plants, including the Pagbilao plant; South Luzon Thermal Energy Corp.; ... Water in the Angat Dam dipped to 179.97 meters, below the 180-meter minimum operating water level early Sunday morning.

◆190427 Blockchain is bringing together largest bank and oil sector in Thailand
Cryptopolitan-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PubCuo
The chief of Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) of Thailand and the national oil company recently executed a fruitful trial of employing Blockchain technology in their transnational business disbursements. The bank has lately publicized the fruitful ...


◆190429 AC Energy begins solar operation in Vietnam
INQUIRER.net-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V2rR7X
Energy (Oil, Electricity, Coal) ... NINH THUAN, VIETNAM— The Ayala group's AC Energy and its Vietnamese partner BIM Group have switched on their ... the BIM\AC Renewables joint venture is expected to generate at least 545 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy yearly. ... He added that the power complex was now delivering electricity to Vietnam's national grid and would produce about 600 ...

◆190429 Growing environmental awareness in Vietnam
Asia Times-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DGpUDM
Too many Vietnamese continue to litter in public and waste electricity, though most wear protective masks while riding their ... The development of renewable energy, however, has lagged behind that of other Southeast Asian nations because of low ... While laudable efforts are now under way to increase investment in renewables, particularly solar, Vietnam continues to favor coal-fired power plants.

◆190429 The Chinese mega-dam in Myanmar that is hampering the peace ...
ASEAN TODAY-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VF6DNj
The government of Myanmar is working to restart the controversial Myitsone dam project in Kachin State. ... Myitsone is a Chinese-backed dam proposed for the Irrawaddy River that was suspended in September 2011 due to popular opposition. ... Though only 44% of people in Myanmar have access to electricity, 90% of the electricity produced by the dam would be ... The Tatmadaw has worked with the developer of the dam, China Power Investment Corporation (CPIC), to secure the ...

◆190429 Cambodia charges 3 Chinese with money laundering
CityNews Calgary-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vtBhdM
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — A Cambodian court on Sunday charged three Chinese nationals with money laundering after the men were ... CALGARY – As an expected 10-20 centimetres of snow falls in Calgary, the city is dealing with a number of traffic and power issues. ... The electricity company says the power could continue to come and go through the evening as a result of the winter storm. To see ...

◆190429 Cambodia morning news for April 29
AEC News Today-59 分前 https://bit.ly/2UKhgtE
The Mekong River Commission yesterday announced new efforts to address natural disasters in the region, including a decision to upgrade and rename the Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Centre to the Regional Flood and ...

◆190429 Lawyer: US man had Myanmar's permission to grow cannabis
The Japan News-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GR4CFt
The Associated Press YANGON (AP) — The arrest of an American man in Myanmar for growing 20 acres of cannabis plants ... 5,200 seedlings, 380 kilograms of marijuana seeds, 1,804 grams of marijuana oil, and chemicals and equipment for ...

◆190429 Would a nuclear war erupt over South China Sea dispute?
gulfnews.com-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VCElTg
Claimant states are interested in retaining or acquiring the rights to fishing areas, the strategic control of important shipping lanes — and the exploration and potential exploitation of crude oil and natural gas in the seabed of various parts of the ...

◆190427 81st joint patrol on Mekong River concludes
Xinhua-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L446YI
KUNMING, April 26 (Xinhua) -- The 81st Mekong River joint patrol led by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand ... River in China, is a vital waterway for cross-border shipping among China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.


◆190429 India to install 54.7 GW wind energy capacity by 2022
REVE (press release)-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UKhmBw
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Wind Energy, Fitch SolutionsIndia is likely to install 54.7 GW of wind capacity ... which includes 100 GW from solar, 60 GW from wind, 10 GW from bio-power and 5 GW from small hydro-power. “We remain cautious on India meeting its ambitious 2022 targets for wind power capacity growth, as land acquisition ... “In addition, should the facility not be able to sell electricity, the project's loan interest could start to pile up and alter project economics.

◆190429 High crude oil prices just one worry for India; let's not ignore the other ...
Livemint-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IMdpuz
MUMBAI: For a country that imports the lion's share of its oil requirements, high prices are never good news. So, when Brent crude prices rose to over $75 a barrel, there was some worry on the Street. NSE's volatility index (India VIX), often ...

◆190429 India, China set to form a working group on energy
Livemint-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PBAJvi
The two nations wield enormous buying power on the global energy stage with China and India being the world's second and fourth ... China and India are the world's second and third largest oil importers as well, respectively. ... India imports more than 80% of its oil requirements and around 18% of the natural gas it needs.

◆190429 Coal India's supply to power sector up 7.4% at 488 million tonne in FY19
Business Today-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PDskrl
Share. Home · SECTORS · Energy. Story ... Public sector mining giant Coal India Ltd supplied 488 million tonne (MT) of fuel to the power sector in the 2018-19 fiscal, registering ... The world's largest coal miner had dispatched 454.2 MT of coal to the power sector in 2017-18, as per the latest ... The minister had also claimed that none of the thermal power plants have reported any loss of generation due to ...

◆190429 Military movement under Brahmaputra on drawing board
Economic Times-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VvEgky
NEW DELHI: The government is exploring the option of constructing a strategic tunnel under the Brahmaputra river in ... of the Brahmaputra near Tezpur in Assam, connecting north and south banks of the river, top government officials said.

◆190427 At $44 bn foreign interest, oil could be India's next geopolitical currency
Business Standard-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Dz0BTU
Saudi Arabia's Aramco last week made headlines for reportedly being in discussions to pick a stake in Reliance Industries' core business. The deal, if successful, may take overall foreign interest in Indian's oil and related assets to $44.46 ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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