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2019年5月17日 米中の狭間,日本の立場は危ない,安倍政権は大丈夫か










参考資料 2019年5月17日10時03分


◆190517 米中交渉決裂、追い込まれた習近平
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hm9Uce
中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席は、中国共産党を通じて世論を統制し、批判を封殺できるが、世論の動向を気にしていないわけではない。その逆だ。中国政府が国営メディアでプロパガンダを流し、ソーシャルメディアを厳しく検閲して、世論操作に励んで ...

◆190517 着実に拡大する「一帯一路」
WEDGE Infinity-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JHmJ2e
3日間のフォーラムを終えて、習近平国家主席は、成果を誇らしげに語った。国家間等で ... 中国にとっては、「一帯一路」の重要なインフラ整備の一環であった鉄道プロジェクトを推進出来、ほっとしたことだろう。 ... 特に、フィリピンとは南シナ海で領有権を争いながらも、人権問題で西側諸国がドゥテルテ大統領を批判している隙に、フィリピンを支援して仲良くなってしまおうとの思惑がある。 ... 北朝鮮をほうふつとさせるトランプの自作…

◆190517 トランプ大統領のファーウェイ排除、中国台頭阻止の非常手段か
ブルームバーグ-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W8AFsL
ホワイトハウスは15日、中国に対する両面攻撃を仕掛けた。すなわち、米国家安全保障上の脅威と見なされる企業による米企業への製品販売を大統領令で事実上禁止するとともに、中国最大のテクノロジー企業、華為技術( ファーウェイ・テクノロジーズ)を ...

◆190517 トランプ氏、中国のハイテク覇権阻止を明確に打ち出し
詳細-産経ニュース-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Q5Urje

◆190517 中国の北極海戦略に米が警戒 第3の一帯一路「氷上のシルクロード」
NewSphere-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LRBlyM
米国のポンペオ国務長官は6日、訪問先のフィンランドで北極海をめぐる情勢について演説し、「北極海は新たな戦略空間となっているが、関係各国は共通のルールに基づいて行動するべきだ」との認識を示し、また、「北極海を新たな南シナ海にしてはならない」と ...

◆190517 侮るなかれ、北朝鮮の「飛翔体」 新型短距離ミサイルはICBM超える脅威
Newsweekjapan-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HrEzFf
5月13日、1週間で2度目となった北朝鮮による9日のミサイル発射実験は、北朝鮮が韓国や米国と戦争になった場合に、迅速かつ効果的に使える短距離 ... 北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長は4日、これまで試したことのない兵器のテストに立ち会った。専門家 ...

◆190517 トランプ氏、拉致で「顕著な進展ない」と金正恩氏追及
産経ニュース-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Q96Z9A
ベトナムのハノイで2月下旬に行われた2回目の米朝首脳会談の席上、米国のトランプ大統領が北朝鮮の金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長に対し、拉致問題への取り組みについて「顕著な進展を見せていない」と迫り、金委員長が言い逃れを繰り返す ...

◆190517 北朝鮮をほうふつとさせるトランプの自作自演外交
WEDGE Infinity-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Jp6NCI
今回のテーマは、「米中関税戦争と北朝鮮の新たな挑発」です。ドナルド・トランプ米大統領は、2020年米大統領選挙における選挙戦略の中心に、中国、北朝鮮、イラン及びベネズエラの4カ国を位置づけています。 言うまでもなく、中国との貿易摩擦は支持基盤 ...

◆190517 金正恩氏を圧迫する「秘密資金」と「春窮」
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2YzOHkC

◆190517 【コラム】困るのは米消費者より中国、対中関税は効果的
ブルームバーグ-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JKQzmC
米中の通商交渉が進展していない。トランプ米大統領による対中制裁関税が続き、さらに強化されそうな状況を踏まえれば、こうした関税の効果を検証してみる価値はある。 よく聞くのは対中関税の敗者は米国の消費者だという主張で、すなわち大統領批判でも ...

◆190514 中国が対米報復関税、600億ドル分に最大25% 摩擦激化の様相
ロイター-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hg3vhi
ワシントン/北京 13日 ロイター] - 中国は13日、米国からの600億ドル相当の輸入品に対する追加関税を最大25%に ... さらに、習近平中国国家主席らに、通商協議で合意しなければ「中国に悪影響が及ぶ」ことを明確に伝えたとし、「素晴らしい合意に近づい ...

◆190514 【中国ウオッチ】「空母打撃群」誇示も 中国経済の減速で開発に遅れ
産経ニュース-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YuuH33
中国海軍は創設70周年を迎えた4月23日、山東省青島市沖で国際観艦式を行い、中国初の空母「遼寧」に加えて空母打撃群を形成する最新鋭の大型駆逐艦や攻撃型原潜を公開し、中国海軍の急速な発展ぶりを誇示した。ただ中国経済の減速に伴う予算の ...

◆190512 中国副首相「原則的な問題、譲歩せぬ」 交渉決裂は否定
産経ニュース-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VwL95O
【北京=西見由章】中国の劉鶴副首相は10日に米ワシントンで行われた閣僚級貿易協議に出席後、「交渉は決して決裂していない」と述べ、今後北京で協議を再開することで双方が一致したと明らかにした。一方で「原則的な問題については絶対に譲歩しない」と ...


◆190517 電気代に上乗せ!?送電網増強で電力大手が費用分担
テレビ朝日-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hwdnnv
経済産業省は、再生可能エネルギーが増えれば北海道や九州から本州に余った電力を送るなど連系線の利用が広がるとして、増強費用を電力大手で分担する案を有識者会議で提示しました。会議では、北海道と東北を結ぶ線など2本を増強する費用約2000億 ...

◆190517 北海道初の蓄電池併設型の風力発電所、年間3万世帯分を発電
ITmedia-59 分前 https://bit.ly/2M2Vh23
東急不動産と日本風力開発(東京都港区)が、北海道松前町で開発を進めていた「リエネ松前風力発電所」が2019年4月3日に運転を開始した。同発電所は蓄電池併設型風力発電所として運転を開始。北海道電力の「風力発電設備の出力変動緩和対策 ...

◆190517 NY商品、原油が3日続伸 サウジによるシーア派空爆で
日本経済新聞-5 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2JHxTEg
【NQNニューヨーク=戸部実華】16日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は3日続伸した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の6月物は前日比0.85ドル高の1バレル62.87ドルで取引を終えた。サウジアラビア主導の ...

◆190517 「電力危機」中西流の直言 あえて波風、世論喚起
日本経済新聞-5 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2LNEgIK
経団連が電力政策の提言をまとめた。原子力発電所や再生可能エネルギーの活用拡大と、そのための送電網整備を訴える内容は、思考停止が続くエネルギーの議論に一石を投じた。主導した中西宏明会長(日立製作所会長)があえて波風を起こす狙いは何な ...

◆190517 海洋油田開発 日本企業が国際石油資本と技術研究へ
NHK NEWS WEB-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/30p38tN
世界で開発が進む海洋油田は、将来性が高いとされながら、日本企業にとっては実績や資金力で参入が難しかった分野ですが、このほど9つの日本企業が、メジャーと呼ばれる欧米などの国際石油資本と共同で、主に油田施設に関する技術の研究開発に ...

◆190517 世界の原子力発電、中国が日本抜き3位に
電気新聞-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VtZzif
日本原子力産業協会が4月11日に刊行した「世界の原子力発電開発動向(2019年版)」によると、中国で運転中の原子力発電所は今年1月1日時点で44基・4463万キロワットに達し、出力規模で初めて世界3位となった。18年中に7基・884万キロワットが ...

◆190517 環境ビジネスフォーラム『再生可能エネルギー活用』と『企業の価値』に協賛 ...
時事通信-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LPGibA
太陽光発電事業を中核とした再生可能エネルギーの普及促進を展開している株式会社エコスタイル(代表取締役社長:木下公貴、本社:大阪市中央区)は、2019年5月17日に開催される 【環境ビジネスフォーラム『再生可能エネルギー活用』と『企業の価値』】 に ...

◆190512 経団連の電力提言 説得力欠く原発利用拡大
西日本新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W0FDaZ
経団連が電力システムの再構築を求める提言を公表した。 日本の電力システムは、化石燃料依存度の高止まり、再生可能エネルギー活用のための送電線網不足、原子力発電所の再稼働問題、国際的に割高な電力料金-の「四つの危機」に直面している ...


◆190516 China and the Nuclear Debate
The Diplomat-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YqvZvY
The North Korean nuclear issue has become very prominent in the last few years since Kim Jong Un came to power and ... For example, the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan affected attitudes about nuclear energy all across the globe, ...

◆190516 Exclusive: Tanker unloads Iranian fuel oil at China port after near five ...
Reuters-7 時間前 https://reut.rs/2w2ClWg
SINGAPORE/BEIJING (Reuters) - A tanker carrying Iranian fuel oil in violation of U.S. sanctions has unloaded the cargo ... Refined products like fuel oil, mainly used to power ship engines and generate electricity, were not covered by the temporary waivers granted on the sanctions reintroduced in November 2018 as Washington seeks to pressure Iran into abandoning its nuclear and missile programs.

◆190516 Trump's Huawei Threat Is the Nuclear Option to Halt China's Rise
Bloomberg-2 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2VGXq7D
The White House on Wednesday initiated a two-pronged assault on China: barring companies deemed a national security threat from selling to the U.S., and threatening to blacklist Huawei Technologies Co. from buying essential components.

◆190516 China sets renewables consumption target
Kallanish Energy-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/30lruER
China has set an annual target for the amount of energy generated from renewable sources, Kallanish Energy reports. The National Energy Administration (Nea) said in a document released Wednesday local grid operators will have to ...

◆190516 China caps capacity at coal mines at risk for 'bumps'
Reuters-6 時間前 https://reut.rs/2JmIIfA
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's National Coal Mine Safety Administration said it has set a production cap of 8 million tonnes of coal a year for each mine deemed to be at risk from so-called “bumps”. As part of the measure to improve safety, ...

◆190516 China, Russia to sign deal for nuke reactors
Asia Times-2019/05/15 https://bit.ly/2QfwQwN
China is about to sign a US$1.7-billion deal with Russia for the transfer of technology, as nuclear reactors at a massive new ... sustainable energy – to clean up the region's filthy air due to the burning of coal for heating and power generation.

◆190516 China May Regulate Energy Imports from US Amid Trade Row
Sputnik International-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YAs4Nk
He announced six initiatives in 2017 — including reviving nuclear energy — as part of his administration's efforts to usher in a "golden age" of US "energy ... Total energy consumed in China in 2018 reached 4.64 billion tons of standard coal, 7.7 times higher than in 1978. Growth in ... As China's dependence on foreign oil and gas rises, efforts to secure access to multiple sources of imports are necessary.

◆190516 Energy investment insufficient to meet demand, says IEA
World Nuclear News-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LIXvmH
"Energy investments now face unprecedented uncertainties, with shifts in markets, policies and technologies," Fatih Birol, the ... on oil, gas and coal supply bounced back while investment stalled for energy efficiency and renewables, according to the report. ... For the third year in a row, the power sector attracted more investment than the oil and gas industry. ... of renewable power spending, more investment in nuclear and a rising level of spending on electricity networks," it says.

◆190511 China's New Carrier Shows Beijing Is Done Playing Defense
Foreign Policy-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YjhEkX
China got the blueprints for the ship from the Ukraine, too, but it didn't just finish the ship as the old Soviet Navy intended—it ... Soviet carriers of the late 1980s were not built for the same purpose as U.S. carriers, gigantic floating airfields that allow power to be pushed far overseas. ... similar to the U.S. Navy's E-2 Hawkeye (more copying and adaptation)—and eventually a nuclear-powered carrier.

東南アジア主要国のエネルギー (2019年5月16日21時04分更新)

◆190516 With Even Fewer Checks on His Power, Where Will Duterte Take the ...
World Politics Review-2019/05/15 https://bit.ly/2JJuR2i
Although divisive internationally, President Rodrigo Duterte has remained popular at home in the Philippines despite a deeply illiberal streak. And with this week's midterm elections, he has amassed even more political power—probably more ...

◆190516 Leaving Paris Agreement: Indonesia's loss or the world's?
Jakarta Post-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LJ3LLk
Angry comments have greeted the announcement of the European Union that Indonesia's palm oil would be banned as the industry had aggravated deforestation, thus it was not renewable energy. Palm oil is the only commodity dropped out ...

◆190511 Indonesia opens 2019's second license round
Oil & Gas Journal-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VWvJqO
The government of Indonesia has opened the year's second oil and gas licensing round, in which two of four blocks on offer ... The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources opened the round the day after announcing license awards for two ...

◆190511 Indonesia's Pertamina has signed oil block contract -regulator
Reuters-2019/05/10 https://reut.rs/2vSQmpk
JAKARTA, May 10 (Reuters) - Indonesian state energy firm PT Pertamina has signed a production sharing contract with the government for the country's second-largest crude producing field, said the head of the nation's upstream oil and gas ...

メコン諸国のエネルギー, 2019年5月16日21時15分更新

◆190516 Japan's Shikoku Elec, Chugoku to buy stake in Myanmar power plant
Reuters-1 時間前 https://reut.rs/2JLifHR
Japan's Shikoku Elec, Chugoku to buy stake in Myanmar power plant ... Power and Chugoku Electric Power said on Thursday they would buy 28.5% stake each in Myanmar's Ahlone thermal ... The 121 megawatt(MW) gas-fired combined-cycle power station in Yangon had launched commercial operations in April 2013.

◆190516 Laos Dam Collapse Blamed on Substandard Construction
Radio Free Asia-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w36NiO
Poor construction methods, with soil used in place of concrete, are now being blamed for a fatal hydropower dam collapse last year in Laos in what has been called the country's worst flooding in decades. The disaster occurred on July 23, ...

Geographical-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W6sc9s
John Keay's Mad About the Mekong, for instance, told a rhapsodic tale of the history and geography of this river. ... Mekong, while Dead in the Water zooms in on one particular project – the infamous Nam Theun 2 hydropower dam in Laos. ... Eyler's intimate knowledge of China and therefore his realistic sense of the hard reality behind soft power, should put a ... in the languages and cultures of the region, both books are essential reading for those who still think large hydro is a good ...

◆190516 Rolling blackout to continue until end of May: minister
Myanmar Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M1kp9p
The frequent power outages happening across Myanmar currently are due to electricity load reduction and the Ministry of Electricity and ... other regions and states, said Union Minister of Electricity and Energy U Win Khine during a meeting held at the Yangon Electricity Supply ... As of this year, new power plants fed by natural gas capable of producing 353MW have been completed, the minister said.

◆190516 Hanoi pays consumers selling rooftop solar power to grid
VnExpress International-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/30rMLMO
The Hanoi Power Corporation has begun net metering and is issuing registration forms to consumers seeking to sell solar power to it. In Saigon, which began net ... Vietnam relies largely on hydropower and thermal power for its electricity needs, but its hydropower potential is almost fully exploited and oil and gas reserves are running low. ... The development of clean energy will be crucial as Vietnam is expected to grow at 6.5 – 7.5 percent a year on average. More Saigonese start ...

◆190516 Electricity imports to drop, exports to drive growth in Laos
Xinhua-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VsEnJp
VIENTIANE, May 16 (Xinhua) -- The amount of electricity imported by Laos is likely to drop in 2019 as the country witnesses a surge in ... In 2019, Laos plans to spend about 12.1 million U.S. dollars on electricity imports, mostly from China and Vietnam. ... According to the Lao Ministry of Energy and Mines, Laos has operational power plants with a total installed capacity of 7,207 MW and electricity ...

◆190516 Phoenix Petroleum expands in Vietnam
Philippine Star-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hm8zCk
Listed independent oil firm Phoenix Petroleum Philippines Inc. said it acquired 75 percent of what was formerly called Origin LPG Vietnam ... PNX Vietnam is a subsidiary of Singapore-based unit Phoenix Energy International Holdings Pte. ... After acquiring Origin LPG Vietnam, it was renamed Phoenix Gas Vietnam LLC (PGV LLC), which is engaged in LPG business operating based in Ho Chi Minh City.

◆190511 Kachin appeal to save the Irrawaddy
Asia Times-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/30dUpKE
The impact on downstream countries – Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam – has been disastrous and irreversible. ... Building a dam near the confluence site, or the Myitsone Dam Project as it is called, poses irreparable cultural, ... We the peoples of Myanmar, with roots in different parts of the country, may differ in ethnicity, language and faith systems, but ... Launching a public fundraising campaign to repay what is “owed” to the China Power Investment Corporation is a good way ...

南アジアのエネルギー ,019年5月16日21時25分更新

◆190516 Project Developers Continue To Avoid Renewable Energy Auctions In ...
CleanTechnica-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Q3vmFw
Project developers in India are unwilling to bid for large-scale solar and wind energy tenders, sounding alarms across government circles. ... These included Tata Power Renewable Energy, Engie, and two government-owned companies.

◆190516 Treaty Under Cloud, Nuclear Test Ban Agency Asks India To Turn ...
NDTV-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/30lm0ty
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) has invited India to become an "Observer" with access to International Monitoring System data ... Ten nuclear tests have been conducted ever since the CTBT opened for signature in 1996. ... This system can detect even small nuclear explosions using seismology, hydro-acoustics, infrasound and radionuclide technologies. ... "A few years ago, a delegation was sent to Pakistan and India to offer them Observer status.

◆190516 Tehran Comes Calling: India's Iran Dilemma Grows Acute
The Diplomat-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JpV5aT
India was the second largest buyer of oil from Iran after China and Iranian oil exports have come down to less than 1 million ... Washington has ratcheted up economic sanctions on Iran and is trying to push its oil exports to zero to force Tehran to give ... The Iranians, however, recognize that there is very little they have to gain by getting out of the nuclear deal because it ... Iran is an important part of India's energy security matrix, supplying around 10 percent of its total oil requirements.

◆190516 Nuclear electricity has potential to meet India's increasing
Business Standard-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WM8iOg
Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu Thursday said nuclear electricity could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions ... he said nuclear power was one of the reliable and safe energy options and commended India's record of operating its ...

◆190516 Pakistan outdone India, Canada in newly installed hydro power capacity
Business Recorder-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W7g203
Electricity generation from hydropower projects achieved a record estimated 4,200 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2018, the highest ever contribution from a renewable energy source, as worldwide installed hydropower capacity climbed to 1,292 GW.

◆190516 Good news regarding oil discovery expected soon: minister
Dunya News-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HmqzfD
Earlier, it surfaced on media that offshore drilling near Karachi coast on Indus G-Block (Kekra-1) has been completed after ... Currently, ExxonMobil, ENI, Oil and Gas Development Company, and Pakistan Petroleum Limited are conducting the ...

◆190516 Panasonic India aims Rs 700 cr revenue from energy biz by 2021
ETEnergyworld.com-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VGPpzJ
New Delhi: Diversified technology firm Panasonic India is betting big on its energy-related business and expecting to clock around Rs 700 crore in revenue by 2021 from this vertical, said a top company official. The company has divided its ...

◆190511 India's power sector hit by regulatory challenge
Asia Times-33 分前 https://bit.ly/2ViUTLS
A recent order from India's top regulatory authority for the energy sector threatens to impose costs that run into trillions of rupees on several states and undermine the sanctity of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) across the country. It could ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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