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2019年8月5日 中国の「北戴河会議」,始まる,米中関係と香港が主題か



















◆190805 日本に大被害の危険性、北朝鮮の新型ミサイル
JBpress-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YCx4Ve
米国のドナルド・トランプ大統領は、北朝鮮が5月以降短距離弾道ミサイルを発射したことについて、「腹を立ててはいない」「一部の者達を不安にさせたが、私は違う」と発言している。 トランプ流の交渉術で、米国に向かわないものであればよいという意図だろう。

◆190805 日本と韓国が共に見習った中国の悪しき外交術
Newsweekjapan-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MILUTT
最近は中国だけでなく、同様の手法が北東アジア全体に広がり、地域情勢を不安定化させている。 7月4日、日本政府は韓国への ... それらの物資が韓国から北朝鮮に転売されている懸念があるからだと、日本政府は説明している。半導体は韓国にとって極めて ...

◆190805 米韓合同訓練始まる 北朝鮮「重大な結果招く」と警告
朝日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GJ0DKn
朝鮮半島の有事を想定した米韓合同軍事演習が5日、韓国周辺で始まった。鄭景斗(チョンギョンドゥ)国防相が明らかにした。7月25日と31日、8月2日と1週間あまりに飛翔(ひしょう)体を3度発射した北朝鮮は演習の中止を強く求めており、追加発射の可能性 ...

◆190805 イラン、また「外国の石油タンカーを拿捕」 か 国営メディア報じる
BBCニュース-2 時間前 https://bbc.in/31kjHqu
イラン国営メディアは5日、イラン政府がペルシャ湾でイラク船籍の石油タンカーを拿捕(だほ)したと報じた。「アラブ諸国に石油を密輸」してい ... トランプ政権は昨年、2015年のイラン核合意から離脱しイランへの経済制裁を再開。これを受けた米・イランの緊張は ...

◆190805 韓国が「中国には従順、日本には攻撃的」な理由
JBpress-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T7rEwe
武藤 正敏:元在韓国特命全権大使). 私は、今の日韓関係を悪くしているのは文在寅政権で、韓国の一般の人々は日本に対し決して悪い感情は抱いていないと思っている。だからこそこれまで、文在寅氏批判は繰り返しても、韓国や韓国人に対する対応は別物 ...

◆190805 「国家最大級」の京都再現プロジェクト、中国で進行中。度肝を抜かれる全貌 ...
ハフポスト日本版-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZwAF4f
国家最大級」の京都再現プロジェクト、中国で進行中。度肝を抜かれる全貌とは? 京都を再現した「別荘地」と「温泉ホテル」2つの成功例が、東京ドーム13個分の更地を改造する計画へ... 高橋史弥(Fumiya Takahashi). 「日本をそのまま持ってくるイメージです ...

◆190805 対米方針が焦点=習氏・長老が重要会議-中国
時事通信-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/338gAn3
【北京時事】中国の習近平国家主席ら最高指導部メンバーや引退した長老らが河北省の避暑地、北戴河に集まり討議する非公式な重要会議「北戴河会議」が始まったもようだ。米国との貿易戦争が続く中、トランプ政権にどのように対処していくかが焦点。混乱が ...

◆190805 中国が国有企業に米国産農産物輸入の停止を要請
ブルームバーグ-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/31o5Sr3
中国国有企業は現在、米国産農産物の輸入を停止し、貿易交渉の進展を見守っていると、関係者が述べた。 ... 大統領は、大阪での20カ国・地域(G20)首脳会議の機をとらえて米中首脳が会談した際に習近平国家主席が大量輸入を約束したと主張している。

◆190805 漂流する米の対イラン「有志連合」構想
WEDGE Infinity-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Kh9e9F
トランプ政権が主要国に呼びかけてきた対イラン「有志連合」構想について、ポンペオ国務長官が「時間がかかる」と述べ、結成が難航していることを公式に認めた。中国、ロシアの反対に加え、日本はじめ欧州同盟諸国も参加に消極または慎重姿勢を取り続けて ...

◆190801 中国が握りたい「海底ケーブル」覇権 “ファーウェイ撤退”の本当の狙い (1/5)
ITmedia-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Znewp6
最近、中国の通信機器大手、華為技術(ファーウェイ)がまたニュースになっている。 米ワシントン・ポスト紙は7月22日、「ドナルド・トランプ大統領の対中貿易戦争で反目し、安全保障の脅威であるとブラックリストに入れられた大手のファーウェイが、北朝鮮政府が ....



◆190804 有志で立ち上げた地域電力、大都市で描く未来図
ニュースイッチ Newswitch-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GLD7fZ

◆190804 アングル:格段に暑い未来が到来、気候変動この18カ月が正念場
ロイター-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T273JP

◆190804 廃水処理した水と海水を混ぜてエネルギーを生み出す手法を米 ...
ニコニコニュース-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/336z1c1

◆190731 気候変動で多くの種が絶滅する? 地球上の生物は、あまりに急速な環境 ...
WIRED.jp-55 分前 https://bit.ly/2ZpbMYq
わたしたちの美しい地球は、気候変動のせいで混沌とした状態に陥りつつある。海や森林の変化が生態系に ... 何らかの進化が見られる種でも、その速度は気候変動のスピードに追いついておらず、結局は絶滅してしまう恐れが高いという。 環境の変化への適応 ...



◆190804 ASEAN外相会議で米国務長官指摘「ダム建設でメコン川の流れを支配する ...
Yahoo!ニュース-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/33cdHl4
中国が軍事拠点化を進める南シナ海の問題が主要議題だったが、南シナ海に注ぐメコン川にも注目が集まった。米国のポンペオ国務長官が、7月31日、関連会合で、中国のダム建設を批判したのである。 「中国はダム建設を通じてメコン川の流れを支配しよう ...

◆190804 米国人にとって「なくなると生活がつらくなる」中国製品11品目とは?―米 ...
エキサイトニュース-14 時間前 http://exci.to/2YH3aLs
2019年8月1日、環球時報は、米経済メディア・クオーツ(Quartz)の報道を引用し、「この中国製品がないと米国人の生活はつらいものに ... 電気カーペット。中国からの輸入額は1億1800万ドル(約129億円)で、米国のこの種の商品輸入に占める割合は99%。

◆190804 草原の「天眼」、太陽フレアの前兆の研究に進展―中国メディア
エキサイトニュース-14 時間前 http://exci.to/2KlF97w
中国科学院国家天文台明安図観測基地が7月30日に明らかにしたところによると、科学研究者は太陽フレアの前兆の研究で新たな ... 太陽フレアの過程におけるエネルギー放出は通常、フレア源以外の場所の熱活動とは関係がないとされていたが、科学研究者 ...

◆190804 【CRI時評】約束を守らずして良き結果は望むべくもない
ニコニコニュース-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MzhzqF
中米双方は2018年2月、中国側の米国からの農産物とエネルギー関連品の輸入拡大という議題で、初歩的な合意に達した。思いもよらないことに米国は3月、いわゆる対中「301条調査」のリポートを臆面もなく持ち出し、同リポートにもとづき中国からの輸入 ...

◆190731 中国最大のダム(三峡ダム)の歪みを「弾力性」と弁明した北京政府【澁谷司 ...
The Liberty Web-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KeT0wl
しかし同社は「ダムは1000年に1度の大洪水にも耐える」(07年)、「ダムは100年に1度大洪水にも耐える」(08年)と、どんどんトーンダウンさせていった。さらに2010年7月、中国中央電視台(CCTV)は「三峡ダムの治水能力は限られていて、ダムに全面的には期待 ...


◆190803 INF nuclear treaty: Trump says new pact should include China
BBC News-8 時間前 https://bbc.in/2T8kQ1u
US President Donald Trump has said he wants a new nuclear pact to be signed by both Russia and China. Mr Trump said he had spoken to the two countries about the idea, and that they were both "very, very excited". His comments came ...

◆190803 China's Power to Boost Global Economy Is Fading
Wall Street Journal-21 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2SZiKAR
China's Power to Boost Global Economy Is Fading ... Americans have gotten used to worrying about China's power. ... But all along, China has played a bigger role: Whenever global growth faltered, Beijing splurged on roads, airports and housing developments that fed companies and their .... This is partly due to the shale revolution, which has made the U.S. far less dependent on foreign energy.

◆190803 Global Energy Transition at Risk From US-China Trade War
Greentech Media-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T2DM1F
But with 2 billion people lacking reliable electricity access, and the population still growing, total energy demand will continue ... The ETO stands behind its previous prediction of a peak in oil demand in 2036, despite growth in the electric vehicle market. ... Credit: Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables' Energy Transition Outlook 2019 ... Put together, coal, gas and oil will account for 85 percent of the world's primary energy supply in 2040, down only modestly from 90 percent today.

◆190803 China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline transports 5.59 mln tonnes in H1
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YzbT6x
The China-Kazakhstan pipeline has not only helped expand China's crude oil import channels but also diversified Kazakhstan's crude oil exports, and strengthened energy cooperation between China and the countries along the Belt and ...

◆190803 Saudi Arabia Is Steering Ever More Oil to China, Draining the US
Yahoo Finance-7 時間前 https://yhoo.it/2T1SJAL
Saudi Arabia's observed exports to China soared to 1.74 million barrels a day in July, the highest since Bloomberg ... “East is where their focus is,” said Amrita Sen, chief oil analyst at Energy Aspects Ltd. in London, noting that China has ...

◆190803 China Just Easy On Foreign Gas And Oil Exploration
Business Times-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/31aZNOs
Chinese energy companies, not threatened with foreign investors, welcomed the Chinese government's decision to attract capital and advance the country's reform on its energy systems by having a no joint venture agreement. Citing this move ...

◆190803 Fresh US tariffs on China likely to weaken oil demand further: BofA
Reuters-15 時間前 https://reut.rs/2SZyNhW
(Reuters) - The latest round of U.S. tariffs on China could weaken global oil demand and could also push Beijing to buy Iranian oil as a retaliation and lower global benchmark Brent crude prices by as much as $20-$30 per barrel, Bank Of ...

◆190803 Naval protection of oil tankers in the Gulf a risky business
China.org.cn-6 時間前 https://on.china.cn/2OCzy26
Following several attacks against oil tankers in May and June, a British-flagged ship was seized by Iran for allegedly ... China, Britain and France – plus Germany) under which Iran agreed to freeze its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions against it. ... with the knock-on effect of undermining the influence and status of the U.S., for so long the preeminent power in the region.

◆190803 Damming the Mekong Basin to Environmental Hell
Project Syndicate-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/31dSMws
Dam construction on the Mekong River poses a serious threat to the region's economies and ecosystems. .... Although smaller than China's upstream mega-dams, the Xayaburi Dam is already having an impact. ... effect is pronounced enough that the Thai government – which has agreed to purchase 95% of the electricity the dam generates – has asked Laos to suspend its test run until the drought eases.

◆190731 China nuclear capacity rises 9% in H1 as 2 new units built - industry
Reuters-6 時間前 https://reut.rs/2K4sN4C
SHANGHAI, July 31 (Reuters) - China's total nuclear capacity rose 9% in the first six months of the year to 48.7 gigawatts (GW) following the ... Nuclear power accounted for 4.75% of China's total electricity output for the half-year, generating 160 billion kilowatt-hours of power, up 23% on the same period last year, the China Nuclear Energy Association said in its half-year report published on Tuesday.



◆190804 インドネシア西部でM6.9、首都でも揺れ
日本経済新聞-2019/08/02 https://s.nikkei.com/2MAznSg
【ジャカルタ=鈴木淳】米地質調査所(USGS)によると、2日午後7時3分(日本時間午後9時3分)ごろ、インドネシア西部のジャワ島西部沖でマグニチュード(M)6.9 ... 在インドネシア日本国大使館によると、午後8時現在で日本人の被害は確認されていないという。

◆190804 フィリピン経済における中国のプレゼンスが拡大 インフラから消費市場まで ...
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-2019/08/01 https://bit.ly/2yyko34
フィリピン経済における、中国のプレゼンスが増してきている。2018年11月に中国から習近平国家主席が初めてフィリピンを訪問し、2019年4月にはドゥテルテ大統領が中国を訪問するなど、両国間で官民ハイレベルでの交流が活発化している。これらの首脳 ...


◆190803 Indonesia's 'happy river' so polluted you can't see the water
Extra.ie-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YrwgDu
Government workers and military personnel have been deployed to collect rubbish overflowing from a river in Indonesia. ... Many used only bamboo sticks to corral the estimated 400 tonnes of waste in the 1.5km river and deposit it into rubbish ...

◆190803 Indonesia expects palm oil concession from Putin
Jakarta Post-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Kf0PDB
Indonesia is expecting Russian President Vladimir Putin to continue providing favorable treatment when it comes to palm oil exports by dropping a plan to impose a higher import tariff for the key commodity. The Russian parliament, Duma, ...

◆190803 Indonesia is unlikely to begin natural gas imports in 2025: minister
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MAjNpK
Indonesian Energy Minister Ignasius Jonan told reporters on Wednesday the country is unlikely to begin natural gas ... Indonesia upstream oil and gas regulator SKK Migas said projects such as Sakakemang and the Tangguh Train 3, among others, are expected to start operating before 2025. ... Coal is the country's biggest source of energy for electricity, providing about 60% of Indonesia's power.

◆190803 China, Philippines Bolster Ties In Joint Oil Exploration Project
Business Times-2019/08/01 https://bit.ly/33bM3Fc
Locsin said he "accepted China's terms of reference on the 'perfect' memorandum of understanding on oil and gas ... remarks made earlier by Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi that China and Philippines are considering a November deadline.

◆190731 The First Country To Abandon IMO 2020
OilPrice.com-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YhA2yY
Indonesia announced last week that it would not enforce the upcoming IMO 2020 rule requiring marine vessels to burn bunker fuels containing no more than 0.5 percent sulfur on its domestic shipping fleet. The country thereby became the first ....



◆190804 ベトナムの高速鉄道計画、受注するのは日本か中国か、それとも・・・=中国 ...
エキサイトニュース-4 時間前 http://exci.to/2MGkBcD
ベトナムの高速鉄道計画の受注を狙うのは日本だけではなく、「一帯一路」構想を進める中国も同様だ。中国メディアの今日頭条は3日、ベトナムは東南アジアでも急激な成長を見せる国の1つであり、そのベトナムの高速鉄道計画は日中が受注を狙っていると ...

◆190804 カンボジア変貌 東南アへの警鐘 キムコン・ヘン氏
日本経済新聞-2019/08/02 https://s.nikkei.com/31fsD0b
カンボジアは最近、中国資本が流入し、中国人観光客が押し寄せるようになった。中国の投資は、カンボジアの独裁的な統治を容易にするような手法で、内政と外交に影響を及ぼしている。社会・文化や環境の面にも変化を引き起こしているようだ。政府や社会は ...

◆190804 カンボジア、中国から武器「数万点」を購入 首相が明らかに
AFPBB News-2019/07/29 https://bit.ly/2ZvWelF
【7月29日 AFP】カンボジアのフン・セン(Hun Sen)首相は29日、中国から「数万点」もの武器を購入したことを明らかにした。中国との武器取引の詳細を公表するのはまれ。数日前に同首相は、中国軍艦が同国の海軍基地を使用することを許可する密約が結ばれ ...

◆190801 日・ベトナム外相ワーキングディナー
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (プレスリリース)-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OtEPc1
7月31日,19時25分(現地時間)から約50分間,ASEAN関連外相会合のためタイを訪問中の河野太郎外務大臣は,ファム・ビン・ミン・ベトナム社会主義共和国副首相兼外務大臣(H.E. Mr. Pham Binh Minh,Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign ...


◆190803 Mekong River at its lowest in 100 years, threatening food supply
National Geographic-2019/07/31 https://on.natgeo.com/2OyFF7v
At that time, observers say, the situation was made worse by hydropower dam operators upstream, in China and Laos, withholding ... Less water flow could also have a devastating impact on fish reproduction in the Mekong River basin. .... “Richer nations reap more benefits of hydropower dams, including economic benefits and increased energy supply, while ... Asia” by building dozens of hydroelectric dams on the Mekong and its tributaries and selling power to neighboring countries.

◆190803 Dams threaten way of life in Mekong countries
Nikkei Asian Review-2019/07/29 https://s.nikkei.com/2GByEfH
BANGKOK -- The operation of dams along the Mekong River is exacerbating conditions in a particularly dry year and choking off a ... The 1,285 megawatt Xayaburi dam in Laos coincidentally began on July 15 a test run of power production for the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ... At the recent "Energy Vision" conference in Phnom Penh organized by the American Chamber of Commerce, Keo ...

◆190803 US warns dams give China 'control' of Mekong river
Yahoo News-2019/08/01 https://yhoo.it/334wfDT
Bangkok (AFP) - China is taking control of the flow of Southeast Asia's most important river through a dam-building "spree", US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Wednesday, as water levels along the Mekong reach ... The Mekong has garnered little attention next to the US-China trade spat or the stalled negotiations over North Korea's nuclear program. ... Trade War: Is $40 Oil on the Horizon?

◆190803 US decries Chinese disruption of Mekong River
abc7amarillo.com-2019/08/01 https://bit.ly/2T4Nalh
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attends a meeting with foreign ministers of the Lower Mekong countries, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam on the sidelines of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bangkok, Thursday, Aug.

◆190803 Damming the Mekong Basin to Environmental Hell
Project Syndicate-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/31dSMws
Dam construction on the Mekong River poses a serious threat to the region's economies and ecosystems. The only ... The 11 dams currently in operation have a total electricity-generating capacity of 21,300 megawatts – more than the installed ...

◆190803 中国がメコン川を「支配」へ、ダム建設ラッシュに米が警鐘
AFPBB News-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YsPJUl
有名なメコン川は中国に源を発し、タイとラオス、ミャンマー、カンボジア、ベトナムを流れ、流域に暮らす約6000万人の生活を支え ... 間グループ「メコン川委員会(Mekong River Commission、MRC)」を弱体化させかねない新ルールを押しつけていると非難した。

◆190803 Vietnam will face severe power shortages from 2021: ministry
Reuters-2019/07/31 https://reut.rs/2YdSfNY
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam will contend with severe power shortages from 2021 as electricity demand outpaces ... In addition to the shortfall, many energy projects in Vietnam have been facing long delays, the ministry told Reuters. ... Vietnam is increasingly reliant on coal, which makes up 38.1% of the country's generating capacity, the ministry said, adding that ... It will also have to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) for its power plants, the ministry said, and the power shortage is ...

◆190803 One Year After Laos Dam Disaster 10000 Survivors Have Returned ...
Radio Free Asia-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GHH0Cy
One year after a dam collapse in Laos caused a major flooding disaster, 10,000 survivors have returned to their villages, but are still suffering hardship as they try to piece their homes and lives together. The disaster occurred on the night of ...

◆190803 Pompeo reverts to China criticism after meeting top diplomat, hits out ...
The Straits Times-2019/08/01 https://bit.ly/31cllKE
In Bangkok, Pompeo said he had urged regional allies to speak out against Chinese coercion in the South China Sea and earlier said Chinese dam-building upstream on the Mekong River had caused decade-low levels on the vital waterway.

◆190803 Vietnam's Strange Ally in Its Fight With China
Foreign Policy-2019/08/01 https://bit.ly/2LX5hJe
As heavily armed Vietnamese and Chinese coast guard ships stare each other down in the South China Sea near the ... Unlike in the past two years, when Vietnam quietly scrapped a pair of drilling ventures with the Spanish energy firm ... demanding that China withdraw its survey ship, Haiyang Dizhi 8, and its escorts from the vicinity of the oil and gas blocks. ... little geopolitical clout, Russia can be expected to play old-fashioned great-power politics to defend cash flows to the state.

◆190730 Dams threaten way of life in Mekong countries
Nikkei Asian Review-3 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2GByEfH
BANGKOK -- The operation of dams along the Mekong River is exacerbating conditions in a particularly dry year and choking off a ... The 1,285 megawatt Xayaburi dam in Laos coincidentally began on July 15 a test run of power production for the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ... At the recent "Energy Vision" conference in Phnom Penh organized by the American Chamber of Commerce, Keo ...

◆190730 Worrying days for the Mekong
The Asean Post-2019/07/29 https://bit.ly/2YAYkDk
Water levels at Southeast Asia's lar gest river may be at its lowest levels in a century. Low rainfall, high temperatures and poor dam regulations are contributing to a historic low at the Mekong, affecting the region's agriculture and fishing ...



Newsweekjapan-2019/07/30 https://bit.ly/2yqizVB
核を保有する印パ両国は今年2月、カシミール地方の実効支配線を越えて互いに空爆を行い、全面戦争の危機に陥ったばかりだ。そんな両国の仲裁をトランプが申し出たのは、見返りとしてパキスタンから、隣国アフガニスタンでの戦闘終結への協力を持ち掛け ...

◆190801 インド経済に関する、驚くべき9つの事実
BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN-2019/07/30 https://bit.ly/335bhoD
一方、政府の汚職やまん延する暴力が、インドの急速な経済成長の妨げになっている。実際、この2つの問題がなければ、インド経済はもっと繁栄していただろう —— エコノミストたちは、暴力が原因でインド経済は2017年だけで1兆ドル(約110兆円)以上を失っ ...


◆190803 India, World's No. 2 Coal Buyer, Plans to Cut Imports by a Third
Bloomberg-2019/08/01 https://bloom.bg/2MCzWei
India's coal ministry is preparing a plan to cut imports of the fuel by at least a third over the next five years, counting on an increase ... To meet the import reduction goal, state miner Coal India Ltd. will aim to raise its annual output to 880 million tons by fiscal ... from $2.8 trillion currently, and reducing energy imports and harnessing domestic resources are key to meeting that goal. ... Power stations that are designed to run on higher-quality imported coal would be the other major buyer.

◆190803 Indian Oil Companies Should Borrow More Internationally: Minister
OilPrice.com-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KoB1n4
“India's growing energy sector is attractive for foreign investment,” Pradhan said at an industry event organized by BNEF in ... to India's energy companies, but most of the flows have been into private businesses, notably renewable energy companies. State-owned oil and gas players have been slow, it seems, to take the opportunity to replenish their finances with ... To date, most of the country's energy is produced by coal, but crude oil is replacing that much faster than renewables.

◆190803 Coal India's supplies dip 2.9% in July
Economic Times-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OCqjif
Kolkata: Coal India's production and despatches dipped 5.1% and 2.9% respectively in July 2019 against last year's ... Coal India's production dipped 1.1% against the previous corresponding period while supplies declined 0.8% against the ...

◆190803 Renewable energy firms are knocking on all doors to rein in one of ...
Quartz-2019/07/30 https://bit.ly/3389hMb
The tussle between renewable energy developers and the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh is intensifying. ... India's electricity regulations mandate that utilities must buy power from approved renewable energy projects on a priority ...

◆190803 Share of Fossil Fuel In Indian Power Mix Drops For 14th Consecutive ...
CleanTechnica-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YE9TpB
Despite the recent slowdown in capacity addition in the renewable energy capacity in India, and doubts related to ... At the end of Q2 2019, the share of power generation capacity based on coal, diesel, natural gas, and naphtha had fallen to 63.05%. ... Over the last few years, India has virtually completely neglected the nuclear and large hydropower sectors due to ... Tags: Cleantechnica Research, India, India Fossil Fuels, india renewable energy, India Solar Power, India Thermal ...

◆190730 India's renewable power generation cost the lowest in Asia Pacific
pv magazine International-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZhOFip
The cost of solar power generation in India has fallen to half the level seen in many other markets in the region due to ... with an installed generation capacity of 421 GW – has emerged as the lowest-cost producer of renewable energy in the area. ... Solar is expected to break through the coal-fired electricity price barrier next year, when its cost falls to US$48/MWh. Significantly, Australia's rising volume of gas exports is pushing domestic prices for the fossil fuel higher at the same time ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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