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2019年8月9日 「彼らの敵は我々の敵ではない」,大規模な投資の前に屈する


















◆190809 中国への態度に現れる韓国とベトナムの決定的な違い
JBpress-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GZkN3c
川島 博之:ベトナム・ビングループ、Martial Research & Management 主席経済顧問). 陸続きの隣国が大国であった場合、周辺の国々はどのような行動を取るのであろうか。 もしもその大国が、気は優しくて力持ち、災害などで困った時に助けてくれるなら、 ...

◆190809 中国「為替操作国」認定、ついに世界で「中国企業締め出し」が始まる
現代ビジネス-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YyljQl
米国のトランプ政権が中国に制裁関税第4弾を発動し、為替操作国にも認定した。トランプ政権の対中制裁はこれで終わりではない。次は「米国証券市場からの中国企業締め出し」に動くのではないか。 相次ぐ対中制裁を受けて、世界の金融市場は大荒れになっ ...

◆190809 南シナ海に米空母が展開できなくなる日は近い
JBpress-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KmrQ81
南シナ海は、世界の海上輸送量の3分の1が通過する海域であり、戦略的に重要な位置を占めている。 中国は、南シナ海における航行および上空飛行の自由は確保されていると主張している。現実には、中国が本土および南シナ海人工島を起点とする濃密な ...

◆190809 焦点:中国がサモアで港湾計画、太平洋「陣取り合戦」が本格化
ロイター-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yZz7V3
ロイターはこの記事を書くに当たり中国外務省にコメントを求めたが、直接的な回答はなかった。ただ、中国による支援は、太平洋地域で歓迎されていると過去に説明した。習近平・国家首席は昨年開かれた地域フォーラムで、中国からの借款は「罠」ではないと ...

◆190809 ペルシャ湾外に自衛隊検討 政府、米とイラン双方に配慮か
東京新聞-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MLo8GN
中東・ホルムズ海峡を巡る有志連合構想に関連し、政府内にイランに接するペルシャ湾を避け、イランから約二千二百キロ以上離れるアラビア半島南部イエメン沖に自衛隊を派遣する案が浮上した。同海域の近くで海賊対処のため活動する海上自衛隊のP3C ...

◆190809 香港デモ指導者と接触の米外交官を中国がリーク? 米政府「中国は暴力的 ...
Newsweekjapan-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YyDrcV
米国務省のオルタガス報道官は8日の記者会見で、中国本土への容疑者引き渡しを可能にする香港の「逃亡犯条例」改正案への抗議デモに関し、デモの学生指導者と接触した米外交官の写真や個人情報を流出させたとして中国政府を「暴力的な政権」と呼んで ...



◆190809 韓国が日本に“初反撃” 全石炭灰に放射線検査義務
www.fnn.jp-4 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00422145CX/201908090640_CX_CX
韓国環境省は8日、火力発電所から排出され、セメントの材料として使われる石炭灰を輸入する際、従来は一部にしか行わなかった放射線検査を、8月中にも ... 2018年1年間に、日本から韓国に輸出された石炭灰はおよそ126万トン、およそ47億円相当だった。

◆190809 「データは新しい石油である」という発想は、そもそも間違っている
WIRED.jp-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/31tqiyY
データは新しい石油である──。そんな言葉が現代社会においては、まるでお経のように唱えられている。さまざまなメディアにおいて、石油は「データのマネタイズ」を形容するうえでぴったりのメタファーとして使われてきた。誰も手を付けていない資源を探すという ...

◆190809 東京電力が再エネ事業を2020年に分社化、営業利益1000億円を目指す
ITmedia-2019/08/07 https://bit.ly/2KyDHPe

◆190809 新エネルギー市場は「ゴールドラッシュ」、求められるのは「顧客中心の ...
ITmedia-2019/08/07 https://bit.ly/2MNrFnP
分散型エネルギー電源(DER)のマネジメントソリューションを手掛ける米オートグリッドシステムズは、2019年7月18日に日本法人「オートグリッドシステムズジャパン」を設立し、都内ホールで設立記念シンポジウムを開催した。登壇したオートグリッドシステムズ ...

◆190809 原油はダブルボトムを形成する可能性も需給が重しか サンワード貿易の ...
みんなの株式-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/31nQquM
松永さんのブログ「松永総研」では、原油価格の足元の値動きについて、『昨夜のNY原油は、序盤でNYダウが大幅下落したことや米原油在庫の予想外の増加を受けて』下落しましたが、『サウジアラビア当局者コメントなどに反応して』買い戻しの動きが出たと ...

◆190809 若手の「原子力離れ」に業界の危機感 新興国は「日本での学び」に関心
Asahi Shimbun GLOBE-2019/08/07 https://bit.ly/2KAGmbd
東京電力福島第一原発の事故後、若者の原子力産業への人気が落ちている。国内で原発新設や外国への輸出の見通しが立たず、産業の先行きが不透明だからだ。今後も原発のメンテナンスや廃炉のために人材確保は不可欠。業界関係者はこの苦境をどう ...

◆190804 有志で立ち上げた地域電力、大都市で描く未来図
ニュースイッチ Newswitch-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GLD7fZ



◆190809 中国タンカー、イラン原油を「瀬取り」 米が追跡
日本経済新聞-2019/08/06 https://s.nikkei.com/2YwbB0S
トランプ米政権は、中国最大の国有石油企業とつながりを持つタンカーの動きを追っている。米国の対イラン制裁を無視し、イラン産原油を中国に運ぶのに協力しているとみられる。 事情に詳しい関係者と石油の輸送を追跡する調査会社タンカートラッカーズ・ ...

◆190809 中国がメコン川を「支配」へ、ダム建設ラッシュに米が警鐘
AFPBB News-2019/08/02 https://bit.ly/2YsPJUl
【8月2日 AFP】マイク・ポンペオ(Mike Pompeo)米国務長官は7月31日、中国がダム建設ラッシュを通じて、東南アジアで最も重要な ... 有名なメコン川は中国に源を発し、タイとラオス、ミャンマー、カンボジア、ベトナムを流れ、流域に暮らす約6000万人の生活を ...

◆190809 『NYT』が報じるイラン原油取引「中国の制裁違反」への疑問符
新潮社 フォーサイト-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yKt4U9
ニューヨーク・タイムズ』(NYT)は8月3日、米国による「原油禁輸制裁」が本年5月2日に完全に発動された以降も、これまで報道されているよりも多くのイランのタンカーが原油を中国や地中海東部に輸出している、と報じた(「Defying U.S. Sanctions, China and ...

◆190804 ASEAN外相会議で米国務長官指摘「ダム建設でメコン川の流れを支配する ...
Yahoo!ニュース-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/33cdHl4
中国が軍事拠点化を進める南シナ海の問題が主要議題だったが、南シナ海に注ぐメコン川にも注目が集まった。米国のポンペオ国務長官が、7月31日、関連会合で、中国のダム建設を批判したのである。 「中国はダム建設を通じてメコン川の流れを支配しよう ...


◆190807 When It Comes To Oil Prices Today, It's China, China, China
Forbes-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KxgYDi
Today's oil market is being driven by China. More specifically, it is driven by perception of the trade dispute between China and the United States, prospects for China's economic future and forecasts for China's oil imports. The oil market ...

◆190807 Oil price steadies as China stops currency slide
Al Jazeera America-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OIOkUX
Futures added as much as 1.3% in New York as the People's Bank of China on Tuesday set the daily currency fixing stronger than analysts expected. Crude had slumped as much as 1.8% earlier after comments by the U.S. Treasury ...

◆190807 China coal mine approvals surge despite climate pledges
Reuters-2019/08/05 https://reut.rs/2MH6XpB
SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) - Approvals for new coal mine construction in China have surged in 2019, government ... of the commodity to rise in the coming years even as it steps up its fight against smog and greenhouse gas emissions. ... Long-term cuts in coal consumption are a key part of China's energy, environment and climate goals, but the fivefold increase ... Industry groups still expect coal-fired power capacity to increase over the next few years, with investments in nuclear ...

◆190807 US Oil Likely in China's Cross Hairs as Trade War Deepens
Bloomberg-4 時間前 https://bloom.bg/2KiHIbM
Retaliatory levies on U.S. natural gas and soybeans have already choked off China's imports of those commodities. Adding crude oil to the mix disrupts further what should be a mutually beneficial energy relationship between the world's ...

◆190807 China to remove soybean oil, rapeseed oil, palm oil import quotas
Reuters-5 時間前 https://reut.rs/2yL08es
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China plans to remove soybean oil, rapeseed oil and palm oil from its import tariff quota management, its commerce ministry said on Wednesday. The news comes after the ministry said on Tuesday Chinese companies ...

◆190807 China's pollution is so bad it's blocking sunlight from solar panels
World Economic Forum (blog)-2019/08/05 https://bit.ly/2YVNhVO
As the world's largest consumer of solar power, China's energy industry is attempting to move on from its coal-burning past towards ... Researchers forecast that a return to the air-quality levels of the 1960s could result in an increase in solar electricity ... China's solution is to channel new infrastructure investment into renewable energy technologies. ... A recent McKinsey report predicts that fossil fuels such as oil and gas will continue to dominate the world's energy use through to 2050.

◆190807 China May Consider Sending Navy To Protect Oil Tankers In Gulf
OilPrice.com-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M5VkJk
The world's top oil importer China could consider sending navy ships to the Persian Gulf to protect its commercial vessels in ... A week before that, Khalid al-Falih, the energy minister of the world's largest crude oil exporter and OPEC's biggest ...

◆190807 China Warns US Against Sending Missiles to Asia Amid Fears of an ...
The New York Times-11 時間前 https://nyti.ms/2KzTg9d
China warned it would “not stand idly by” if the United States deployed ground-based missiles to Asia, as a bruising trade war and strained ... Together, the United States and Russia hold more than 90 percent of the world's nuclear weapons, according to the Federation of ... On Tuesday, a former energy secretary in the Obama administration, Ernest J. Moniz, and a former Georgia senator, Sam Nunn, ...

◆190807 Three Gorges Has Nothing on China-Backed Dam to Power Africa
Yahoo News-2019/08/05 https://yhoo.it/2KwGg4i
If completed, a Grand Inga Dam could go a long way to addressing one of the most debilitating obstacles to ... The consortia, which include AEE Power Holdings SL and China Three Gorges Corp., also pledged to attract lenders and find buyers of ... About 19% of Congolese have access to electricity, the lowest percentage among African countries after Burundi, ... Two dams built on the same stretch of the Congo River more than three decades ago, Inga I and Inga II, still provide most ...

◆190803 INF nuclear treaty: Trump says new pact should include China
BBC News-8 時間前 https://bbc.in/2T8kQ1u
US President Donald Trump has said he wants a new nuclear pact to be signed by both Russia and China. Mr Trump said he had spoken to the two countries about the idea, and that they were both "very, very excited". His comments came ...



◆190809 東電、アジアで省エネ事業 まずタイに現地法人
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2TfNAVU
東京電力ホールディングスはアジアで省エネルギーサービス事業を始める。まずタイに進出する日系企業に対し、コージェネレーション(熱電併給)システムや蓄電池などを提案する。国内は電力の全面自由化で顧客の奪い合いが激しさを増している。電力需要が ...

◆190809 「共産党関連本排除」で甦るインドネシアの歴史の闇
JBpress-2019/08/07 https://bit.ly/2yMrJMl
(PanAsiaNews:大塚智彦). インドネシアのイスラム教団体が、地方の一般書店で法律により非合法とされている共産主義に関連する書籍の調査を実施し、発見した書籍について、店頭から撤去し発行元へ返送するよう書店側に要求していたことが8月6日まで ...

◆190809 フィリピン2QのGDP、前年同期比5.5%増-1~3月から鈍化
ブルームバーグ-2019/08/07 https://bit.ly/2ZLpogD
フィリピンの今年4-6月(第2四半期)の国内総生産 (GDP)は前年同期比5.5%増加した。予算案の承認が遅れ、政府の予算執行に影響した。 GDP成長率は1-3月(第1四半期)の5.6%から鈍化し、ブルームバーグが調査したエコノミストの予想中央 ...

◆190804 インドネシア西部でM6.9、首都でも揺れ
日本経済新聞-2019/08/02 https://s.nikkei.com/2MAznSg
【ジャカルタ=鈴木淳】米地質調査所(USGS)によると、2日午後7時3分(日本時間午後9時3分)ごろ、インドネシア西部のジャワ島西部沖でマグニチュード(M)6.9 ... 在インドネシア日本国大使館によると、午後8時現在で日本人の被害は確認されていないという。


◆190807 Indonesia lags behind in renewable energy investment
Jakarta Post-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MFkeiF
Four years on from the historic Paris climate conference, Indonesia is still struggling to raise investment to develop renewable energy. Experts say the blame lies partly with government regulations, which stunt the development of renewable ...

◆190807 Drought reveals lost temple in Thailand submerged by dam
Jakarta Post-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M3HJCn
Thousands are flocking to see a Buddhist temple in central Thailand exposed after drought drove water levels to record lows in a dam reservoir where it had been submerged. As the reservoir reaches less than 3 percent of capacity, the ...

◆190807 Indonesia needs electricity reserves: Energy watch
ANTARA-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OSNxkC
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The executive director of Energy Watch, Mamit Setiawan, said that Indonesia needs electricity reserves ... Setiawan explained that the government should evaluate the national energy reserves which are still vulnerable to ...

◆190807 Indonesia Energy Begins US IPO Process
Seeking Alpha-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YNzYGx
Indonesia Energy (INDO) has filed to raise gross proceeds of up to $23 million from a U.S. IPO, according to an F-1 registration statement. The firm operates as an oil and gas exploration and production company focused on Indonesia. ... According to the International Energy Agency [IEA], Indonesia is the third-largest geothermal power producer in the world while the country's Energy Ministry plans to ...

◆190807 Drought reveals lost temple once submerged in Thailand dam
SBS-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZBYZSk
Drought reveals lost temple once submerged in Thailand dam ... Thousands are flocking to see a Buddhist temple in central Thailand exposed after drought drove water levels to record lows in a dam reservoir where it had been submerged.

◆190807 Analysis: Indonesia natural gas exports set to slump to 2-decade low ...
S&P Global-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MFE11f
Singapore — Indonesia's natural gas exports, including both pipeline and LNG, are expected to fall to a two-decade low in 2019, marking the furthest it has dropped since peaking in the late 1990s, on the back of depleting gas fields and the ...

◆190807 Massive Jakarta Blackout Triggers Demand for Alternative Power ...
Voice of America-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YN5IvC
An aerial view of the great mosque of Istiqlal during a major power blackout in Jakarta, Indonesia, Aug. ... "By diversifying our energy sources by adding renewables, we may have a backup plan reducing the potential of a total blackout," Mamit ... Indonesia's 2009 electricity law gives PLN priority rights over the country's electricity supply. ... emissions targets, the high cost of oil-based generation [especially in remote regions] and the regulatory, and physical barriers to gas distribution.".

◆190807 LNG: The power to rise to a brighter future
BusinessWorld Online-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MIuXZz
Liquefied natural gas or LNG is one such energy source that promises to play a large and important role in evolving the energy ... Based on Department of Energy statistics, more than 50% of power generated in the country is made through coal and oil-based resources. ... are sharing in this vision of a more secure energy future for the Philippines by expanding and fortifying LNG operations in the country.

◆190803 Indonesia's 'happy river' so polluted you can't see the water
Extra.ie-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YrwgDu
Government workers and military personnel have been deployed to collect rubbish overflowing from a river in Indonesia. ... Many used only bamboo sticks to corral the estimated 400 tonnes of waste in the 1.5km river and deposit it into rubbish ...



◆190809 ベトナム海域の中国調査船退去 ベトナム報道官
日本経済新聞-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2ZLpAMT

◆190809 1党独裁体制、確立から1年 カンボジア政権の旧野党弾圧続く
東京新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MNuq8F
カンボジアで昨年七月下旬、旧最大野党を排除した総選挙でフン・セン首相率いる与党「カンボジア人民党」が全議席を独占し、事実上の一党独裁が確立して一年以上が経(た)ったが、対立勢力への弾圧は現在も続いている。中国を後ろ盾とするフン・セン政権の ...

◆190809 カンボジア、国内初の高速道は中国整備 政権の傾斜鮮明に
SankeiBiz-2019/08/05 https://bit.ly/2M5RUq5
カンボジアで、首都プノンペンと南部の港湾都市シアヌークビルをつなぐ国内初の高速道路(約190キロ)の建設が始まった。2023年の開通が見込まれ、物流の活性化に大きな期待が集まるが、約20億ドル(約2100億円)の整備費は巨大経済圏構想「一帯 ...

◆190809 ミャンマー特集(5) スー・チー氏は大丈夫か?
Nippon.com-30 分前 https://bit.ly/33os45U
2015年、ミャンマーの総選挙で、上下院の選挙による選出部分でおよそ8割、軍人議員への割り当て(25%)を除けばおよそ6割の議席を獲得して圧勝したのが、スー・チー氏率いる国民民主連盟(NLD)だった。憲法では、外国人の配偶者がいる人物は大統領に ...

◆190809 ラオス~タイ間の鉄道による越境貨物輸送を開始
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-2019/08/06 https://bit.ly/2YSfblm
ラオスとタイ間の鉄道による初の越境貨物輸送が8月1日に開始され、タイのレムチャバン港とタイ・ラオス国境のノンカイ駅を経由した10コンテナがラオスの首都ビエンチャンのタナレーン駅コンテナヤードに到着した。初回の貨物はラオス国内工場で使用する ...

◆190804 ベトナムの高速鉄道計画、受注するのは日本か中国か、それとも・・・=中国 ...
エキサイトニュース-4 時間前 http://exci.to/2MGkBcD
ベトナムの高速鉄道計画の受注を狙うのは日本だけではなく、「一帯一路」構想を進める中国も同様だ。中国メディアの今日頭条は3日、ベトナムは東南アジアでも急激な成長を見せる国の1つであり、そのベトナムの高速鉄道計画は日中が受注を狙っていると ...


◆190807 Mekong River at its lowest in 100 years, threatening food supply
National Geographic-2019/07/31 https://on.natgeo.com/2OyFF7v
At that time, observers say, the situation was made worse by hydropower dam operators upstream, in China and Laos, withholding ... Less water flow could also have a devastating impact on fish reproduction in the Mekong River basin. .... “Richer nations reap more benefits of hydropower dams, including economic benefits and increased energy supply, while ... Asia” by building dozens of hydroelectric dams on the Mekong and its tributaries and selling power to neighboring countries.

◆190807 Damming the Mekong Basin to environmental hell
The Strategist (blog)-2019/08/05 https://bit.ly/2KiCBsb
Major dam construction projects have become a favorite pastime of some autocratic governments, with China leading the way. But, far from protecting against water shortages, as supporters promise, large dams are contributing to river depletion and ... Nowhere is this more apparent than in the basin of the Mekong River, which is running at a historically low level. ... The 11 dams currently in operation have a total electricity-generating capacity of 21,300 megawatts—more than the ...

◆190807 China's Push to Control the Mekong River a “Troubling Trend”
Chiang Rai Times-2019/08/04 https://bit.ly/2Kv7bxB
BANGKOK – The United States has expressed concern over Chinese dam building, dredging and other activities on the Mekong River in Southeast Asia, calling them “troubling trends.” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke with ...

◆190807 Dam in Mekong River not hindering water flow: Lao officials
Xinhua-2019/08/04 https://bit.ly/2yJaR9y
5 (Xinhua) -- Lao government officials have dismissed social media reports that the Xayaboury dam in northern Laos is slowing ... on Monday quoted Somphith Keovichith, Lao director general of the Department of Energy Business under the Ministry of Energy and Mines as saying. ... of its electricity to Thailand's electricity utility, Egat, will be one of the largest run-of-river hydropower dams on the Mekong.

◆190807 China offers to help Manage Water in Mekong River to alleviate Drought
ReliefWeb-2019/08/03 https://bit.ly/2MG7k3T
BANGKOK, 1st August 2019 (NNT) - The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, has confirmed that China has offered to help Thailand manage water in the Mekong River. China has already released more water into the upper Mekong River to ...

◆190807 One Year After Laos Dam Disaster 10000 Survivors Have Returned ...
ReliefWeb-2019/08/03 https://bit.ly/2YQqRVI
One year after a dam collapse in Laos caused a major flooding disaster, 10,000 survivors have returned to their villages, but are still suffering hardship as they try to piece their homes and lives together. The disaster occurred on the night of ...

◆190807 Vietnam mulls importing US coal for power generation
ETEnergyworld.com-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YQSGJm
HANOI: Vietnam is considering importing coal from the United States to meet rising demand for the fuel for power ... week that Vietnam will contend with severe power shortages from 2021 as electricity demand outpaces construction of new power ... Department of Energy would soon sign a memorandum of understanding on imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG). .... in natural gas sector in 8 yrs: Pradhan / Renewable energy contracts renegotiation will jeopardize investments: Pradhan ...

◆190803 Mekong River at its lowest in 100 years, threatening food supply
National Geographic-2019/07/31 https://on.natgeo.com/2OyFF7v
At that time, observers say, the situation was made worse by hydropower dam operators upstream, in China and Laos, withholding ... Less water flow could also have a devastating impact on fish reproduction in the Mekong River basin. .... “Richer nations reap more benefits of hydropower dams, including economic benefits and increased energy supply, while ... Asia” by building dozens of hydroelectric dams on the Mekong and its tributaries and selling power to neighboring countries.



◆190809 カシミールを「テロ」から解放 インド首相が演説
AFPBB News-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YyVNKY
【8月9日 AFP】インドのナレンドラ・モディ(Narendra Modi)首相は8日、インドによるカシミール(Kashmir)地方ジャム・カシミール(Jammu and Kashmir)州の特別自治権剥奪について、パキスタンの助長する「テロと分離主義」から同州を解放するのが目的だと ...

◆190809 パキスタン、インド大使を追放へ カシミール「自治権」剥奪に反発
WEDGE Infinity-2019/08/07 https://bit.ly/33wVSh4
パキスタンは7日、カシミール地方の領有権をめぐり対立が続く隣国インドとの、外交関係を格下げすると発表した。インドの駐パキスタン大使を追放するほか、二国間貿易を停止するという。インドは5日、実効支配するジャンムー・カシミール州に70年間にわたり ...

◆190801 インドとパキスタンの仲裁を申し出たトランプの皮算用は
Newsweekjapan-2019/07/30 https://bit.ly/2yqizVB
核を保有する印パ両国は今年2月、カシミール地方の実効支配線を越えて互いに空爆を行い、全面戦争の危機に陥ったばかりだ。そんな両国の仲裁をトランプが申し出たのは、見返りとしてパキスタンから、隣国アフガニスタンでの戦闘終結への協力を持ち掛け ...


◆190807 India's coal capacity-needs threatens climate change goals
Smart Energy (press release)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KhYBDg
India expects that its coal energy generation will grow by 22% by the end of 2022, putting climate change goals – just ... despite thermal capacity out-performing power consumption in recent years, India would need more coal-fired plants in ...

◆190807 India Could Cut Mega Refinery Oil Capacity As Costs Surge To $60B
OilPrice.com-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MHIQXW
India considers reducing the crude capacity of what would be its largest oil refinery as the country is trying to figure out how to cut swelling costs after strict environmental measures and snags in land acquisition inflated the overall costs to ...

◆190807 Fuel supply contract signed for Bangladeshi plant
World Nuclear News-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KnJjND
A contract for the supply of fuel for the Rooppur nuclear power plant under construction in Bangladesh was signed ... the nuclear fuel manufacturer of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom - and the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC). ... The plant is sited on the eastern bank of the river Ganges in Pabna district about 160 kilometres northwest of Dhaka. ... Bangladesh, which has a population of 160 million, plans to produce 9% of its electricity from nuclear power and ...

◆190807 India's risky Kashmir power grab, explained
Vox-2019/08/05 https://bit.ly/2GOnXq7
India's government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has made a controversial move to usurp power from the nation's only Muslim-majority state, potentially igniting unrest in one of the world's most dangerous nuclear flashpoints.

◆190807 Coal exported from Meghalaya to Bangladesh since ban
Telegraph India-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GRo5Fy
Last month, the Supreme Court had allowed coal mining in Meghalaya under various regulatory provisions ... More than 33 lakh tonnes of coal have been exported from Meghalaya to Bangladesh since the ban on rat-hole coal mining was ... stations on the India-Bhutan border through which coal originating in Bhutan was allowed to enter and transit through India while its destination was Bangladesh.

◆190807 Bangladesh, Russia to ink nuclear fuel supply deal
Dhaka Tribune-2019/08/05 https://bit.ly/2YsxH4l
Bangladesh is set to sign a nuclear fuel supply agreement with Russia on Tuesday for the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant ... Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) will ink the contract with the Russian state-owned nuclear fuel firm ...

◆190807 BP extends partnership with Ambani's Reliance Industries in India
Financial Times-12 時間前 https://on.ft.com/31opJq4
BP and Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries are to jointly form a petrol station network and aviation fuels business in India, as the UK oil and gas major seeks to expand its reach in the one of the world's fastest-growing energy markets.oal)」のストーリーの画像(Business Today)
Business Today

◆190807 India starts fresh round of coal block auctions, alongside preferential ...
Creamer Media's Mining Weekly-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OFkuAG
India starts fresh round of coal block auctions, alongside preferential allotment ... KOLKATA (miningweekly.com) – India's Coal Ministry has announced the auctioning of 27 coal blocks alongside the ... would include five coal blocks identified for allotment to government companies for own consumption for power generation.

◆190807 Experts see space for ample growth in Pakistan's civil nuclear energy ...
The News International-2019/08/05 https://bit.ly/2ZyCYE1
Brigadier Kazmi said Pakistan's nuclear energy sector had contributed to the socio-economic uplift of the county and there ... and consumer- centric power generation, transmission and distribution system that meets the needs of its people and ... of our nuclear plants has been to completely eliminate power loadshedding, reducing the cost of electricity to affordable ... Dr Naeem said Pakistan's nuclear programme was India-compelled as it was India that initiated a nuclear arms race in ...

◆190807 India's 1.2GW tender pits dispatchable renewables as viable ...
Energy Storage News-2019/08/05 https://bit.ly/2YQosKG
India's 1.2GW tender pits dispatchable renewables as viable alternative to conventional power ... According to SECI, while India has already installed 80GW of renewable energy and ambitious policy including the National Solar ... with steep increases in electricity demand at peak times in particular are incurring “significantly higher costs” for Discoms, SECI said. ... Projects will be connected to India's Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) and the SECI Request for Selection, issued ...

◆190803 India, World's No. 2 Coal Buyer, Plans to Cut Imports by a Third
Bloomberg-2019/08/01 https://bloom.bg/2MCzWei
India's coal ministry is preparing a plan to cut imports of the fuel by at least a third over the next five years, counting on an increase ... To meet the import reduction goal, state miner Coal India Ltd. will aim to raise its annual output to 880 million tons by fiscal ... from $2.8 trillion currently, and reducing energy imports and harnessing domestic resources are key to meeting that goal. ... Power stations that are designed to run on higher-quality imported coal would be the other major buyer..




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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