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2019年10月6日 香港市民は覆面禁止令を無視,香港経済と「死なばもろとも」












◆191006 非核化協議、すれ違い 北朝鮮「決裂」、米「良い議論」
朝日新聞-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AJQ0DJ
北朝鮮の非核化をめぐる米朝実務者協議に出席した北朝鮮の金明吉(キムミョンギル)首席代表は5日、ストックホルムの北朝鮮大使館前で会見し、「協議は我々の期待にそぐわず、決裂した」と語った。ロイター通信などが報じた。金氏の発言を受けて米国務省 ...

◆191006 北朝鮮の新型SLBM、日本全土が核攻撃の標的に
JBpress-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Io0Svm
10月2日、北朝鮮がSLBM(潜水艦発射弾道ミサイル)を発射した模様です。SLBMは北朝鮮にとって、核兵器の投射手段として当面の最終開発目標と考えられており、北朝鮮は、これ(と核)さえ手に入れれば、アメリカを抑止し、攻撃されることを防ぐことができる ...

◆191006 警察発砲&マスク禁止法―― 混迷の香港デモを指揮する“謎の ...
文春オンライン-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Vf9SZ5
香港の抗議運動は発生から約4ヶ月目を迎えた。10月1日に警官が18歳のデモ参加者に実弾を発砲、10月4日に林鄭月娥( ... 香港デモは(日本人や欧米・中国メディアを含めて)支持派・反対派のいずれかに強烈な思い入れや政治的動機を持つ人が多く、両派 ...

◆191006 中国は「長い長い停滞」の後、いかにして大転換を遂げたか
Yahoo!ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/332vPgo
自由貿易を求めて中国に赴任したイギリス大使ジョージ・マカートニーは、やっとのことで1793年、乾隆帝への謁見を許された。ところが、清朝は彼を従属国の朝貢使節として扱い、三跪九叩頭(三回跪き、九回頭を下げる)の礼を要求した。「中国には何でもある ...


◆191005 香港政府、デモ参加者のマスク禁止へ 緊急条例を発動
BBCニュース-33 分前 https://bbc.in/2VdwZDn
林鄭行政長官は、こうした暴力が「香港の街を破壊」していると主張。当局は「悪化し続ける状況を放っておくことはできない」と述べた。 緊急条例の発動により、立法会(議会)の手続きを飛ばし、「覆面禁止法」を制定。5日午前0時に発効する。 しかし、実際に従わ ...

◆191005 【正論11月号】香港デモが収束しない理由 産経新聞外信部次長 ...
産経ニュース-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/336kaNW
デモシスト」と呼ばれる若者による抗議活動が盛り上がりを見せ、習近平政権や香港政府の出方が大いに注目されている。一九九七年に ... 逃亡犯条例とは罪を犯した容疑者の身柄引き渡しについて定めたもので、香港は中国や台湾、マカオとはそうした取り決めを結んでいなかった。中国で罪を ... スクープ「金正恩のベンツ」不正輸出事件 韓国が隠蔽する黒幕 元国連安保理北朝鮮制裁委員会専門家パネル委員 古川勝久. 【特集 香港 ...

◆191005 香港の自由を奪う中国の魂胆は見え透いている
PRESIDENT Online-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/30MGM4l
中国の軍事パレードは北朝鮮のそれとよく似ている。いや、北朝鮮が中国をまねて軍事パレードを繰り返しているのだ。北朝鮮の金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長と中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席。2人が目指す政治は息子とその父のように似 ...

◆191005 中国、「建国70年」終え強気 「緊急条例」相次ぎ速報
日本経済新聞-19 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2IoMMKb
【北京=高橋哲史】中国政府は国威発揚をねらった建国70周年の式典を1日に終え、香港の抗議活動に対して強気の策を取りやすくなっている。習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席は式典で「一国二制度」の堅持を宣言しており、何も手を打たなければ「対応が ...


◆191004 それでも中国が香港を必要とするワケ。深センでは「国際金融 ...
BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AJJnBz
香港で続くデモの最中に、警官が男子高校生の胸を実弾で撃った事件は、中国建国70周年(10月1日)の祝賀ムードを ... 銃撃への香港市民の反発は一層強まり、米中対立も巻き込みながら出口の見えない混乱が続く。 .... 大陸の学者・研究者の論文や文学・小説は香港と台湾で出版するケースが多い。大陸で ... 習近平・国家主席は建国70周年の演説で「いかなる勢力も偉大な祖国の地位を揺るがし、中国人民の前進を妨げることは ...

◆191004 【香港デモ】 富裕層が「ゴールデン・ビザ」取得 海外移住視野に
BBCニュース-4 時間前 https://bbc.in/34Zcizk
反政府デモが長期化して将来に暗い影を落とす中、香港の富裕層の間で、他国の居住権や市民権を取得しようとする動きが広まって ... 今年6月、 刑事事件の容疑者を香港から中国本土へ引き渡せるようにする「逃亡犯条例」改定案をめぐり、抗議が始まった。

◆191004 香港デモで中国共産党が強硬策を採らないワケ
PRESIDENT Online-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OhfTTo
香港の大規模な抗議運動のきっかけになった中国本土への容疑者引き渡しを可能にする逃亡犯条例改正案が、とうとう撤回される ... 2019年9月4日、香港政府のトップ、林鄭月娥行政長官はテレビ演説で「香港政府は正式に条例改正案を撤回し、市民の懸念を ...

◆191004 香港の自由を奪う中国の魂胆は見え透いている
PRESIDENT Online-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/30MGM4l
中国の軍事パレードは北朝鮮のそれとよく似ている。いや、北朝鮮が中国をまねて軍事パレードを繰り返しているのだ。北朝鮮の金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長と中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席。2人が目指す政治は息子とその父のように似 ...

◆191004 「仮面の笑顔」中国・習近平の本音
Yahoo!ニュース-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LNeNgF

◆191004 中国、「建国70年」終え強気 「緊急条例」相次ぎ速報
日本経済新聞-2 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2IoMMKb
【北京=高橋哲史】中国政府は国威発揚をねらった建国70周年の式典を1日に終え、香港の抗議活動に対して強気の策を取りやすくなっている。習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席は式典で「一国二制度」の堅持を宣言しており、何も手を打たなければ「対応が ...

◆191004 トランプ大統領、中国国家主席はバイデン親子の調査開始を
ブルームバーグ-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AE0FA5
トランプ米大統領は3日、ホワイトハウスで記者団に対し、ジョー・バイデン前副大統領と息子のハンター・バイデン氏に関する調査を中国の習近平国家主席が「開始すべきだ」と語った。「中国で起きたことは、ウクライナで起きたことと同じくらい悪質だからだ」と主張 ...



◆191005 気候変動対策は止められない 国連事務総長が寄稿
朝日新聞-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2o3XuyZ
国連のグテーレス事務総長が今月、「気候変動対策は、止められない」と題した記事を、朝日新聞などに寄せた。自身が開催を呼びかけ、先月、米ニューヨークで開かれた気候行動サミットについて、「世界にショックを与え、(気候変動対策で)幅広い行動を加速 ...

◆191005 大手電力会社などでつくる協議会が地球温暖化対策に本腰 長期 ...
環境ビジネスオンライン-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AFLqXn
電気事業低炭素社会協議会は10月2日、地球温暖化対策に関する長期ビジョンとして、「低炭素社会の実現に向けた我が国の電気事業者の貢献について」を策定した。 同協議会は、地球規模でのCO2排出削減による低炭素社会の実現に向けて、「低炭素社会 ...

◆191005 原発の電源を確保せよ! 大停電から手探りの復旧
朝日新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/33aoNXj

◆191005 “腐蝕企業”関西電力…公益企業を私物化した歴代経営陣の「飽く ...
Business Journal-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2oeu0hG
関西電力という会社を知る意味で拙著を読んでいただきたい。『社長解任 権力抗争の内幕』(さくら舎、2016年2月刊)である。「第二章 公私混同」で関西電力の二・二六事件、ドン・芦原義重が追い落とされたクーデターの顚末を取り上げている。長くなるが、今回 ...



◆191005 動画:中国石油タリム油田で新たに1兆立方メートル級の大型ガス ...
AFPBB News-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/356WTgv
【10月4日 Xinhua News】中国石油天然気集団公司(CNPC)傘下のタリム油田公司は3日、新疆ウイグル自治区(Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region)南部のタリム盆地に位置する「ボズ9号井」の試掘に成功したと発表した。天然ガス日産量41万8200 ...

◆191005 2019年度中国・国家石油備蓄センター(NORC)との石油備蓄の ...
時事通信-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/30OsgZK
JOGMEC(本部:東京都港区、理事長:細野 哲弘)は、9月1日(日)から9月14日(土)の間、JOGMEC東京本部および北海道石油共同備蓄(株)北海道事業所において、中国・国家石油備蓄センター(以下、NORC:National Oil Reserve Center)と石油備蓄の ...

◆191005 バイデン親子と中国の関係、その実態は?
Wall Street Journal-6 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2OmLNOC
およそ9億ドル相当の中国石油化工(シノペック)の非石油資産スピンオフ(分離・独立)、新規株式公開(IPO)直前のタイミングでの1000万ドル相当の中国広核集団(CGN)系列会社の株式取得、他の投資グループとともに大連万達集団(ワンダ・グループ)が ...

◆191005 中国で大型のガス田発見
Sputnik 日本-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Mg4q3V
中国石油天然気集団公司(CNPC)の専門家は中国北西部・新疆ウイグル自治区で大型の天然ガス田を発見した。同国政府が4日、発表した。 今回ガス田が発見されたのはタリム盆地。同社による評価では、1日で採取できるガスの量は41万8000立方メートル ...


◆191005 Russia is helping China to build a missile defense system ...
CNBC-14 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2pFooxl
Military ties between China and Russia appear to have taken a leap forward after Russian President Vladimir Putin said his ... the U.S. dollar; and nuclear energy, where Russian state-owned nuclear firms are to build power plants in China.

◆191005 What We Know About Hunter Biden's Dealings in China
Wall Street Journal-17 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2pFos03
President Trump has alleged that Hunter Biden benefited from Chinese government largess and “walked out of China with $1.5 billion in a fund. ... from China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. ; a $10 million holding in China General Nuclear Power Corp., just before an ... Mr. Biden has had other ties in China, including with top executives of a now-collapsed Shanghai oil company, CEFC China Energy Co., ...

◆191005 China discovers 115 billion m3 gas field in Xinjiang
Anadolu Agency-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/31Op7dU
Politics · Sports · Infographics · Analysis · Energy · Photo · Video · Anadolu Post · Anadolu Post · World, Asia - Pacific ... China has said that it discovered new gas reserves of over 115 billion cubic meters in its southern Xinjiang province. State-run PetroChina's Tarim oilfield has claimed that it discovered a huge gas field with an estimated reserve of 115.3 billion cubic meters in Xinjiang's Tarim Basin, Xinhua news reported on ... PetroChina is country's largest oil and gas producer.

◆191005 First wind energy order for 200 MW in China for the Siemens ...
REVE (press release)-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2o467JT
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) continues to grow its business in China with the first contract to supply the ... for five years at a 200 MW wind power project developed by local independent power producer Xinjiang TBEA Group.

◆191005 Not just Ukraine: Trump now calls for China to probe Bidens
Asahi Shimbun-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/331ZC96
WASHINGTON--U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday publicly encouraged China to investigate Democratic ... Trump, who has defended his contact with Ukraine as “perfect,” went further in expanding his request to China, a communist world power that has much at stake in its ... Hunter Biden served on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, at the same time that his father was leading the ...

◆191005 Three Gorges MOU could see Sempra LNG head upriver in ...
Interfax Global Energy-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MaqL2U
A tentative agreement for United States-based Sempra Energy to supply LNG to China Three Gorges (CTG) could mark an early ... in supplying LNG to support demand growth in China, including the growth of natural gas power generation”.

◆191005 China Yangtze Power to Extend Reach in South America With ...
Caixin Global-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LM0k4q
Ltd. has tied up a $3.59 billion deal with Sempra Energy for the U.S.-based firm's interests in Peru, as the state-owned Chinese utility ... The all-cash deal will be made through a subsidiary, China Yangtze Power International (Hong Kong) Co.

◆191005 China's ballyhooed new hypersonic missile isn't exactly a ...
Washington Post-14 時間前 https://wapo.st/31JNCZE
James Acton is co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In the show of military might Tuesday to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, one of the highlights ...

◆191002 New alliances not a silver bullet for energy security in China ...
Nikkei Asian Review-13 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2ollAVz
Energy-hungry and import-reliant Asian economic giants China and India are weakening some of their decades-old ... Meanwhile, the shale-driven U.S. oil and gas production and export boom is offering succor to consumers just as they ...



◆191005 インドネシア 多様性の確保を エンディ・バユニ氏
日本経済新聞-11 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2MiFGIr
インドネシアの4月の大統領選挙から約半年がたち、20日、再選されたジョコ大統領の2期目の就任式が実施される。ジョコ氏は既に、ジャカルタからの首都移転を打ち出し、自らの歴史的な遺産に磨きをかけようとしている。 4月の選挙で約55.5%の票を獲得した ...

◆191005 フィリピンCPI、9月は前年比+0.9% 3年超ぶりの低い伸び
ロイター-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/31OPEb5
マニラ 4日 ロイター] - フィリピン政府統計局が発表した9月の消費者物価指数(CPI)は前年同月比0.9%上昇し、3年超ぶりの低い伸びとなった。 ロイターがまとめた市場予想(1.1%上昇)を下回った。中銀の予想レンジは0.6─1.4%だった。 食品と電力 ...

◆191003 インドネシア大統領、労働法と投資ルールの改革実現させると表明
ブルームバーグ-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2napqAM
インドネシアのジョコ大統領は、年内に労働基準を抜本的に改革する法改正を提案し、経済のより多くの部門を外資に開放する方針 ... 改正の適用範囲を新規雇用のみに限定することで、大統領はインドネシア国内で拠点開設や事業拡大を目指す企業を引きつけ ...


◆191005 Russia, Philippines to study building nuclear power plant: report
Xinhua-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MeqsUS
MOSCOW, Oct. 4 (Xinhua) -- Russia's state nuclear corporation Rosatom and the Department of Energy of the Philippines on Friday sign an agreement to study the possibility of building a nuclear power plant in the Philippines, RIA Novosti ...

◆191005 Burning issue: Indonesia fires put palm oil under scrutiny
The Japan Times-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/31MrSw9
Singapore-listed Wilmar International, the world's biggest palm oil trader, committed in 2013 to a no-deforestation ... A government official said Wednesday that Indonesia had sealed off palm oil plantations operated by 64 companies over ...

◆191005 EDC plans 50-60 MW geothermal expansion in the ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ol3RZf
(EDC) aims to add up to 50-60 MW in geothermal power generation capacity in the Philippines. ... of renewable energy projects in the Philippines with a total installed capacity of 1,472 MW, including geothermal, hydro, wind, and solar. In 2016 ...

◆191005 Small-scale projects seen as key to further geothermal growth ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OndG9k
The Philippines' Department of Energy sees small-scale geothermal projects as an opportunity to keep the ... since the introduction of the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 and Indonesia has surpassed the Philippines in the rankings of the ... areas are already developed and aside from the Nasulo geothermal power plant and Maibarara geothermal project, there ... due to their proximity to transmission lines and communities, unlike conventional geothermal projects that are expensive, ...

◆191005 NGAP continues to champion geothermal development in the ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VeO9QK
At the National Geothermal Association of the Philippines (NGAP) General Assembly, which happened at the close of the 1st ... to actively lobby in the Senate and the Congress for programs that will incentivize renewable energy development.

◆191005 Conrad spuds at Mako gas field off Indonesia
Upstream Online-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Mer9gW
... 7:47 GMT Updated 4 October 2019 8:28 GMT. by Anamaria Deduleasa. Singapore-based Conrad Petroleum and London-listed partner Empyrean Energy have started drilling at the Mako gas field in the West Natuna basin off Indonesia.

◆191005 Indonesia adds value to mining industry, invests in ...
World Coal-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/30M0I7v
Creating mining and minerals processing infrastructure to increase Indonesia's mineral value while strengthening ... Black & Veatch provides engineering solutions to power sector clients in Indonesia through PT Bina Viktori Indonesia (PT BVI). ... As the consortium leader, Black & Veatch will perform design review, equipment inspections, and provide power and coal gasification subject matter expertise.

◆191003 Indonesia risks palm oil exports if progress not made on ...
Jakarta Post-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2o24Vq9
The snail-like pace at which Indonesia is improving the sustainability of its palm oil agriculture in the face of mounting pressure from global trade players could jeopardize the commodity's future, experts have warned. Among the critics of ...



◆191005 サイバー攻撃被害、ベトナムは世界ワースト10
VIETJOベトナムニュース-2019/10/03 https://bit.ly/2OpnLCr

◆191005 ミャンマー政府とカレン族勢力、運動家逮捕で関係泥沼 全土停戦 ...
ニフティニュース-55 分前 https://bit.ly/33eNaTN
2019年10月5日、すべての少数民族武装勢力との内戦終結を目指すミャンマー政府と、すでに停戦に応じているカレン族勢力との関係が悪化している。ミャンマー当局がカレン族の民族運動家を逮捕したことがきっかけで抗議運動が起こり、その抗議に対して ...

◆191003 ADB、ミャンマーの2019年度経済成長を6.6%予想で据え置き
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2o5gnkO
アジア開発銀行(ADB)は9月25日に発表した「アジア経済見通し2019年改訂版」(Asian Development Outlook 2019 Update)で、ミャンマーの2019年度(2018年10月~2019年9月)のGDP成長率を6.6%とする4月時点での予測を維持した。アジア新興国( ...

◆191003 ラオス首相が訪越、2国間協力の強化を確認
NNA.ASIA-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2n5k8X2
ラオスのトンルン首相は1日、訪問中のベトナムの首都ハノイで同国のグエン・スアン・フック首相と会談し、両国間の協力を強化することを確認した。ビエンチャン・タイムズ(電子版)が2日伝えた。 両首相は、経済や文化、科学技術分野で、両国の潜在力を ...


◆191005 Funds approved for floating solar project at hydro plant in ...
International Water Power and Dam Construction-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/31OSRaD
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to loan Da Nhim–Ham Thuan–Da Mi Hydro Power Joint Stock Company (DHD) $37 million to install a ... “This project will help to boost the share of renewable energy in Vietnam's overall energy mix and decrease the dependence on imported fossil fuels such as coal,” said ADB Private Sector ... DHD, a subsidiary of the Viet Nam Electricity (EVN) Power Generation Corporation 1, currently owns and operates four hydropower plants: Da ...

◆191005 Vietnam Solar Supporters Plan a 'Million Green Homes ...
Voice of America-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2oYngo7
HO CHI MINH CITY - Vietnamese advocates of solar power have begun a "Million Green Homes" project, aimed at spreading the use of solar power in the country instead of coal and other fossil fuels. ... Despite the "homes" in the project name, it is aimed at any small electricity consumers, especially those that can't afford the cost of converting to solar power on their ... Environmentalists are pushing ahead with the effort, even though renewable energy discussions here have largely ...

◆191005 US firm gets nod for $5bln power plant in Vietnam
VnExpress International-51 分前 https://bit.ly/31MumdX
Vietnam has given U.S. firm AES the go ahead to build a $5 billion liquefied natural gas power plant in central Binh Thuan Province. ... In Vietnam, AES has invested in developing the 1,240 MW Mong Duong 2 Thermal Power Plant in the northern ... of Electricity and Renewable Energy under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, power generated from natural gas will ... HAGL opts out of Myanmar project ...

◆191005 Vietnam accuses Chinese ships of ramping up South China ...
South China Morning Post-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/30P5uRs
Vietnam demands Chinese oil exploration ship immediately leave its waters in South China Sea ... Tensions between China and Vietnam have been on the rise since July, when the Chinese state-owned surveyor first ... which is nearing a deal with the Philippines for joint energy exploration in a contested area of the sea and just set up one-on-one talks with Malaysia to settle disputes in the waters. ..... Oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea is a highly fraught issue in both.

◆191005 Vietnam anxious to attract US exports before catching Trump's ...
theloadstar.com-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/351eI0m
With a ballooning US trade deficit and fearful of potential Trump tariffs, Vietnam is scrambling to import more products that are ... Boosted in part by the US-China trade war, Vietnam's exports to the US jumped 33% year on year, to $36bn, in the first ... down on fake 'Made in Vietnam' labels on Chinese goods, Hanoi has fast-tracked a $5bn liquefied natural gas project in ... imports from US states that are home to President Trump's election base, including coal, pork and aircraft engines.

◆191005 UK and Vietnam commit to further strengthen trade ties
GOV.UK-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LPiUZD
The 11th meeting of the UK-Vietnam Joint Economic and Trade Commission (JETCO) was held in Ha Long Bay today. ... Sections of Vietnam's renewable energy sector not being aligned with internationally recognised standards, increasing ...

◆191005 South China Sea outrage: Vietnam launches stunning attack ...
Express.co.uk-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/31JWa2G
Hanoi said the vessel and its coastguard escorts had widened its activities by entering Vietnam's exclusive economic zone. On Friday, Beijing's Haiyang Dizhi 8 made numerous passes through the disputed waters, according to Marine Traffic ...

◆191005 Gore says Japan's coal embrace risks letting down world efforts
The Japan News-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/331YhiD
In Vietnam, for example, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Sumitomo Corp., and a number of Japanese ... of the United States, where fossil fuel-burning utilities influence regulators to put up roadblocks to renewable energy, Gore said. ... Japan will add 10 gigawatts of coal-fired electricity over the next five years, with the fuel's contribution to the country's ... Gore said Koizumi may be able to leverage his media appeal to have a greater influence on Japan's energy mix and ...

◆191005 Thailand and Myanmar Agree to Push Ahead With Dawei ...
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LN12yD
YANGON – Myanmar and Thailand have published their nine-point agreement to push through the implementation of the long-delayed ... Myanmar's deputy minister for electricity and energy, Dr. Tun Naing, said the meeting had made progress and the ground ... The initial phase, including an industrial estate, power plants, a small port and an LNG terminal, was granted to a consortium led by ITD in ...

◆191005 'Massive policy failure' if Japan follows through with global ...
The Japan Times-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/358MeSr
'Massive policy failure' if Japan follows through with global coal plans, warns Al Gore ... The government's development strategy abroad aims to boost infrastructure projects in key industries, including coal and gas. In Vietnam, for example, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Sumitomo Corp., and a number of Japanese banks have provided ... parts of the United States where fossil fuel-burning utilities influence regulators to put up roadblocks to renewable energy, Gore said.

◆191003 Vietnam Government approves AES CCGT-LNG project
Power Engineering International-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2prrJzY
Son My 2 complements AES' investment plans in gas infrastructure in the country with its previously announced 450 TBtu Son ... energy mix with imported LNG, as well as meeting the country's increasing demand for sustainable and affordable electricity. “AES is committed to the country's economic growth and energy transition through the development of gas and ... Vietnam has significant coal and hydropower resources for power generation, but has lower production of natural gas, ...



◆191005 インド5会合連続利下げ 年5.15%、景気テコ入れ
日本経済新聞-19 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2IppSTc
【ニューデリー=早川麗】インド準備銀行(中央銀行)は4日の金融政策決定会合で0.25%の利下げを決め、政策金利を年5.15%とした。利下げは5会合連続。インドの経済成長は急減速しており、金融緩和を拡大して個人消費や企業の投資を促す。8月下旬から ...

◆191005 「信頼築くため」米とタリバン、和平協議再開へ初の会談
読売新聞-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2pIMnM5
【テヘラン=水野翔太】ロイター通信は4日、米政府のハリルザド・アフガニスタン和平担当特別代表とアフガンの旧支配勢力タリバンの代表団が3日にパキスタンの首都イスラマバードで会談したと報じた。会談は、9月7日にトランプ米大統領がタリバンとの和平 ...


◆191005 India-Pakistan Nuclear War Could Destroy the Ozone Layer ...
Yahoo News-17 時間前 https://yhoo.it/2MaANkA
Key Point: Unfortunately, the recent escalation between India and Pakistan is no fluke, but part of a long-simmering pattern likely to continue escalating unless New Delhi and Islamabad work together to change the nature of their relationship.

◆191005 Misery of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan would be ...
Ars Technica-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/30R2zaV
There are few things humans have committed to as whole-heartedly as the art of killing. The culmination of this effort (so far) is nuclear bombs. Not only do these weapons have an almost impossible ability to take lives around the targeted ...

◆191005 Russia Could Help India Cut Its Huge Oil Dependence
OilPrice.com-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2oR593w
Working with Russia could help India reduce its over-reliance on oil imports, India's Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan told CNBC on Friday. “Today, India is sourcing its energy requirement from a different part [of the] world, Russia is ...

◆191005 Showcase India's nuclear reactors
Economic Times (blog)-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ALR4XX
It is ironic that a decade after the Indo-US nuclear deal that ended India's nuclear isolation, our indigenous, reliably lowcost nuclear power technology languishes. PM Narendra Modi said, while in New York recently, that while India is not a ...

◆191005 Shell boosts solar interests in India, seeks HOD to steer ...
Smart Energy (press release)-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OlMNCA
Shell Energy Solutions has bought a stake in Indian renewables business Orb Energy, acquiring just less-than 20% of the solar ... The company is also looking for a new head of power to manage its growing interests in the region, and is one of the ... said: “This is a vital and growing sector, with great potential to contribute to the country's renewable energy ambitions. ... country and will identify new opportunities “that could be standalone gas, or integrated gas and renewable prospects.

◆191005 Securing affordable & sustainable energy is top priority for ...
Doordarshan-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IoWJqS
Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has said that securing affordable and sustainable energy is a top priority for India. ... countries vulnerable given the fact that India, along with most South Asian countries, have a major dependency on crude oil and gas imports. ... Pradhan said that India will increase the share of non-fossil fuels, by increasing renewable energy capacity to much beyond 175 GW by ...

◆191005 UAE to invest $5 billion in Pakistan oil refinery project, says ...
The Hindu-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2o73RSa
The United Arab Emirates will invest a whopping $5 billion in an oil refinery project in cash-strapped Pakistan by the end of the ... “This project will show the strength of UAE-Pakistan relations and how the UAE is focusing on investment in and ...

◆190930 India-Pakistan nuclear war could kill 100 million, cause ...
The Japan Times-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2oGYlp4
They currently each have about 150 nuclear warheads at their disposal, with the number expected to climb to more than 200 by 2025. “Unfortunately it's timely because India and Pakistan remain in conflict over Kashmir, and every month or so ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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