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2019年11月8日 習近平主席の国賓招待について異論が起こっている











◆191108 船内で同僚16人殺害か 北朝鮮人漁師を強制送還=韓国
BBCニュース-2 時間前 https://bbc.in/2p2Adhi
北朝鮮人のほとんどは、約1400キロも国境を接する中国を経由して亡命する。厳重な警備が敷かれた南北軍事境界線沿いの非武装地帯(DMZ)よりも越境しやすいからだ。 一方、中国は脱北者を難民ではなく不法移民とみなしており、強制送還することが多い。

◆191108 日本上空通過の飛しょう体発射を示唆 北朝鮮外務省
NHK NEWS WEB-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/32raigV
スペシャルコンテンツ. イラン 「反米感情」のリアル · 私は犯罪者、ゆるされたのか · 教えて先輩! バラ農家 田中綾華さん · ローマ法王訪日~被爆地へのメッセージ~ · ラグビーワールドカップ2019日本大会 · 1からわかる!ブレグジット · ネット急上昇現場行って ...

◆191108 中国の習国家主席の国賓訪日 自民議員から疑問の声
NHK NEWS WEB-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NtDe3F
北海道大学の教授が中国国内で拘束された問題などを受けて、国会では自民党議員から、習近平国家主席を来年春に国賓として迎えることに疑問の声が出されました。茂木外務大臣は、課題解決のためにもさまざまなレベルで会談を重ねることが必要だとして ...

◆191108 日朝戦争なら韓国は北朝鮮の味方、日本はいつの間にか四面楚歌?
Newsweekjapan-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Cp8zOz
もしも北朝鮮と日本が戦争をしたら、多くの韓国人は北朝鮮側につくことが、韓国の政府系シンクタンクの世論調査で分かった。 ... 北朝鮮の独裁体制と目に余る人権抑圧は今なお国際社会の批判を浴びているが、金正恩は中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家 ...

◆191108 「北朝鮮=飢餓の国」という図式を疑うべきこれだけの理由
現代ビジネス-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PXHmKU
10月に北朝鮮(朝鮮民主主義人民共和国)取材に行った。昨年に続き、今年も年3回の訪朝となった。10日の朝鮮労働党創建74年の祝賀行事と、15日のサッカーW杯アジア2次予選の北朝鮮と韓国との試合を取材するため13日間の滞在となった。 ちなみに、 ...

◆191108 中国、ビットコイン・マイニング“排除”を撤回へ
コインデスク・ジャパン-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/33uamhh
2011年に公表された現行版に代わるこの最終版において、NDRCはビットコインやその他の仮想通貨マイニング行為を当初分類していた「中国から締め出すべき業界」のカテゴリーの中から移動させた。仮想通貨あるいはビットコイン・マイニングに関連した記述 ...

◆191108 河野防衛相 北朝鮮弾道ミサイル発射「国際社会に対する挑戦」
NHK NEWS WEB-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NqrtLh
北朝鮮外務省のソン・イルホ日朝国交正常化担当大使が、日本の上空を通過する飛しょう体の発射を示唆したことに関連して、河野防衛大臣は、「弾道ミサイルの発射は、国連の安保理決議違反で、国際社会に対する挑戦だ」と指摘しました。 続きを読む. 北朝鮮 ...

◆191108 米韓軍事演習、近く実施へ 北朝鮮反発必至
www.fnn.jp-1 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00426913CX/201911081242_CX_CX
アメリカ国防総省は、韓国軍と合同で冬に行う定例の軍事演習を、近く実施すると発表した。 北朝鮮の反発は確実。 国防総省は、例年12月に行う韓国軍との大規模軍事演習について、規模を小さくして、近く実施すると発表した。 2018年12月の演習は、米朝 ...



◆191108 米のLNG輸出、アジアへ攻勢
日本経済新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KfNTwX
米エネルギー業界がアジア向けに液化天然ガス(LNG)の輸出攻勢をかけている。主な購入先は中国を除く日本やシンガポールなどだ。アジア向け航路の要衝であるパナマ運河の通航増加を見込み、パナマ運河庁はLNG船の通航枠を年内にも1日4隻に倍増 ...

◆191108 最新火力発電所、トラブルで停止
朝日新聞社-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PY0ngk
北海道電力は7日、液化天然ガス(LNG)を燃料とする石狩湾新港発電所1号機(北海道小樽市、56・94万キロワット)が設備トラブルで停止したと発表した。排熱回収ボイラーから排ガスが漏れているのを確認し、同日午後5時46分に停止した。ボイラー外壁の ...

◆191108 今冬の電力需給見通し、予備率6%以上、東北電力
日本経済新聞-16 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2NK7aao
東北電力は今冬の電力需給見通しをまとめた。12月~2月の電力供給の余力となる予備率は6.6~10.8%。2カ所の原子力発電所の再稼働は前提としていないが、最低限必要となる3%を上回る見込みとなった。 直近10年間で最も厳寒となった2012年12月 ...

◆191108 迫られる温暖化対策、石炭火力に潜む「座礁資産」リスク
朝日新聞-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NOAAnW
昨年決まった国のエネルギー基本計画は、発電に使う非効率な石炭を「フェードアウト(Fade Out)」するとした。何か変だ。フランスが2021年、英国とイタリアが25年、ドイツが38年に「石炭ゼロ」という時に使うのは、「フェーズアウト(Phase Out)」だ。

◆191108 天然ガス、米で上昇
日本経済新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/33EOKi0
米国で天然ガスの先物価格が上昇している。指標となるニューヨーク市場のヘンリーハブ価格(期近)は100万BTU(英国熱量単位)あたり2.8ドル台と、この1カ月で2割超上がり、ほぼ5カ月ぶりの高値圏にある。寒波襲来で気温が平年を下回るとの予想が ...



◆191108 トヨタ 中国「BYD」と合弁会社設立へ 電気自動車の研究開発
NHK NEWS WEB-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/36ITdSX
トヨタ自動車」は、中国での電気自動車の開発を加速させるため、中国最大手のメーカー「BYD」と共同で電気自動車の研究や開発を行う合弁会社を設立すると発表しました。 続きを読む. 発表によりますと、トヨタとBYDはそれぞれ50%ずつ出資して電気自動車 ...

◆191108 中国とブルネイの合弁石油精製事業が稼働
AFPBB News-2019/11/06 https://bit.ly/33wq7Ec
【11月7日 Xinhua News】ブルネイにおける中国最大の投資事業となる恒逸石化プラウ・ムアラ・ベサール(PMB)石油精製プロジェクトが3日、全生産工程でフル稼働に入り、ガソリンや軽油、ジェット燃料、ベンゼンなどの製品の生産を順調に開始、試験生産は ...

◆191108 ブラジルの沖合油田入札、2日連続で期待外れ 入札制度見直し ...
ロイター-30 分前 https://bit.ly/32oUivL
外国企業の応札意欲の鈍さが浮き彫りになり、政府は国営石油会社ペトロブラス(PETR4.SA)を優遇する現在の入札制度の見直しを迫られている。 入札ではペトロブラスが1鉱区を、中国石油天然気集団(CNPC)傘下の中国石油天然気勘探開発(CNODC) ...

◆191108 三峡ダム、10連続で試験貯水目標の175メートル達成 中国・湖北省
AFPBB News-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/33sJqhZ
【11月7日 Xinhua News】中国湖北省(Hubei)宜昌市(Yichang)夷陵区(Yiling)三斗坪(Sandouping)にある三峡ダム(Three Gorges Dam)の水位が10月31日午前8時(日本時間同9時)時点で175メートルになり、2019年の試験貯水目標に到達した。

◆191108 ロシア・中国投資基金、アラムコIPOで中国投資家の呼び込み目指す
朝日新聞社-3 分前 https://bit.ly/2X43qFj
モスクワ 7日 ロイター] - ロシア・中国投資基金(RCIF)は、サウジアラビア国営石油会社サウジアラムコが計画中の新規株式公開(IPO)への中国投資家の呼び込みに動いている。ロシア直接投資基金(RDIF)のドミトリエフ代表が7日、明らかにした。 アラムコ ...


◆191108 Aramco IPO: China considers up to $10bn stake in Saudi oil firm
Al Jazeera America-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/32qNgGZ
Chinese oil firm Sinopec, sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corp and Silk Road Fund reportedly in talks for stake. ... An investment in Aramco would cement ties with Saudi Arabia as well as provide China a way to profit from rising oil ...

◆191108 Oil ends higher as US and China agree to phase out some ...
MarketWatch-6 時間前 https://on.mktw.net/2X3InTj
“The news that tariffs are to be rolled back under a Phase One trade deal” have given oil a boost Thursday, despite U.S. government data Wednesday that revealed a hefty weekly climb in domestic crude supplies, said Marshall Steeves, energy markets analyst at IHS Markit. ... December natural gas NGZ19, +0.40% settled at $2.772 per million British thermal units, down 5.6 cents, or 2%, giving up the ...

◆191108 China struggles to shake its coal addiction
Sustainability Times-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2pVsVwf
China's energy sector is booming and renewables are fast gaining ground in the world's most populous country, thanks in ... In the first half of this year alone, the country's renewable power capacity increased by 9.5% to the tune of 750 ... Thus, in a bid to wean its energy sector off the highly pollutive fossil fuel Beijing is investing heavily in nuclear newbuild. ... Hydro electric power can be another, but hydro's current capacity is only 400 gigawatt. ... Indeed, on some oil palm plantations.

◆191108 China's nuclear developments reflect its growing ambition
The Hill-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WUgs81
Discerning China's ambition in the international arena is difficult because there are few empirical clues. ... Robert Ashley, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), has termed the recent growth of China's nuclear weapons “the most rapid ... It focuses on building a world-class force by mid-21st century, while casting China's military power in a benign light as a “staunch force for world peace, ...

◆191108 Endless Economic Wars: A Major Threat For US Oil Exports
OilPrice.com-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PTjnwp
The 5-percent tariffs China imposed on U.S. crude oil imports two months ago could challenge the growth prospects of overall exports, ... of Phillips 66, Horace Hobbs, as quoted by S&P Global Platts, during the US Association for Energy Economics conference. ... Liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas have also suffered the fallout of the war. ... China's economy is 28% bigger based on purchasing power parity (PPP) and far more integrated into the global trade system than ...

◆191108 Europeans look to China as global partner, shun Trump's US
Asahi Shimbun-2019/11/06 https://bit.ly/34HkR0Y
PARIS--When France's president wants to carry European concerns to the world stage to find solutions for climate change, trade tensions or Iran's nuclear ambitions, he no longer calls Washington. He flies to Beijing. President Emmanuel ...

◆191108 Climate goals at risk as global energy demand rises ...
Smart Energy (press release)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2K1uS0X
Despite the continuing growth and falling cost of renewable energy sources, coal, oil and gas remain the cornerstone of ... GHG emissions were up in China by 2.3%, in the US by 3.4% and in India by 6.4%. ... including in France to cease coal-fired power generation by 2022 and generate 50% of electricity from nuclear by ...
The World's Biggest Economies Experienced A Rise In ...

◆191108 What does the US want from China? What is its endgame?
BBC News-2 時間前 https://bbc.in/2p2e1E0
There are increasing hopes in Washington and Beijing that an agreement to help resolve the US-China trade war could ... on BBC News about the contest for supremacy between the US and China across trade, tech, defence and soft power.



◆191108 副大統領、挑発受けて立つ フィリピンの麻薬戦争を批判
朝日新聞-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PXU5NJ
麻薬犯罪撲滅を掲げるドゥテルテ氏の下、フィリピンでは密売などに関わったとされる5500人以上が警官に殺害されている。無実の人や貧困層が殺害される例も多く、ロブレド氏は先月もメディアに「麻薬戦争は失敗。調整が必要だ」と語っていた。 これに対し、 .


◆191108 Total palm oil output of Indonesia, Malaysia seen flat in 2020 ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/34HgJ0Y
Total palm oil production in Indonesia and Malaysia is expected be flat next year, due to dry weather and low fertiliser application in the world's top two producers of the vegetable oil, according to industry analyst Dorab Mistry. Indonesian ...

◆191108 Indonesia Power Tools Markets, Analysis 2013-2018 ...
PRNewswire (press release)-11 時間前 https://prn.to/34KvJet
DUBLIN, Nov. 7, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Indonesia Power Tools Market Outlook to 2023 - By Type of Technology (Electric Power Tools, Pneumatic Power Tools and Hydraulic Power Tools); By Channel of Distribution (Dealer Network, ...

◆191108 Investors ready US$20 Million for off-grid solar projects in the ...
pv magazine Australia-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/32sCzU4
The Philippines is desperately hungry for rooftop solar PV as it seeks to alleviate itself of energy poverty. ... The projects are modelled on the Philippines' Sabang Renewable Energy Microgrid (SREC) Project in Cabayugan, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, ... (1.2 MW) and 2.4 MWh battery storage to delivery hybridised electricity to 700 consumers throughout a 14-km distribution network. The Philippines has been struggling with insufficient power supply and shoddy transmission for years.

◆191108 Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves at 20-month high in ...
Jakarta Post-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rh485Y
Indonesia's foreign exchange (forex) reserves rose to US$126.7 billion in October, the highest level in 20 months, driven by the government's global bonds issuance and forex records from the oil and gas sector, Bank Indonesia (BI) ...



◆191108 加速度的に経済発展する「ベトナム」…不動産市場の見通しは?
幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NQzCHP
近年のベトナムは順調な経済発展だけでなく、豊富な若手人材や恵まれた天然資源等が注目され、海外から多くの企業や人が集まっています。本記事では、現地で不動産ビジネスを展開する筆者が、加速度的に発展するベトナムの現況とともに、ベトナム不動産 ...

◆191108 カンボジア最大野党前党首 帰国困難に 野党への締めつけ強める
NHK NEWS WEB-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2oTMUe6
国外で活動しているカンボジアの最大野党の前の党首が、帰国のため、フランスの空港で飛行機に乗ろうとしたところ、タイの航空会社に拒否されました。カンボジアのフン・セン首相は野党への締めつけを強めており、今回の搭乗拒否は周辺国への働きかけが ...

◆191108 タイ・ミャンマー間の陸路物流環境が大幅改善、第2タイ・ミャンマー ...
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/32tVP3A
中国南部2省区(雲南省、広西チワン族自治区)を含むメコン地域では、CBTAが2015年に全加盟国で発効したが、これまでミャンマーの制度未整備により、ミャンマー国内は対象外となっていた。今回の通達は、2019年3月にタイ・ミャンマー間で署名され ...

◆191108 印・タイ・ミャンマー、高速道延伸を確認
NNA.ASIA-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NthzZg


◆191108 Troubles on the Mekong
Foreign Affairs-11 時間前 https://fam.ag/2qxurEG
The 1.3-gigawatt Xayaburi dam sits on the Mekong River, which flows the length of the country. ... and support from China—in a bid to become “the battery of Asia,” exporting two-thirds of the energy it will generate from hydropower. ... Since 1995, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam have cooperated in managing the river and its resources through an ... opposed to large dams to development agencies and private enterprises—offer alternatives to large, centralized power projects.

◆191108 Asean and the dammed Mekong
New Straits Times Online-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2K2iOMV
The Asean Mekong River Basin Development Cooperation (AMBDC) was established in 1996, but in the almost two and a half ... At the same time, it was Thai investors who had funded the Xayaburi Dam, and it is the Electricity Generating Authority of ... Ministry of Energy — that will be buying over 90 per cent of power generated from the recently operational dam. ... Simply put, if the maritime Southeast Asian states expect landlocked Laos, or non-claimants Cambodia and Thailand to ...

◆191108 People's Power: Anti-Dam Movements in Southeast Asia
The Diplomat-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NPLDxl
While Laos is being used as the “Battery of Asia,” hydropower dominates their national development agenda and selling electricity to the neighboring ... Myanmar is catching up with trends, with coal mines and dams both listed in national development agendas. ... The coalition and network of anti-dam movements across Thailand and ASEAN have been on the rise. ... The dam is justified by the Thai government to boost electricity imports to Thailand and sustain energy security.

◆191108 Norway proposed LNG as clean energy option for Vietnam
ScandAsia.com-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Q3T06K
The Norwegian Embassy, together with Norwegian Energy Partners and Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock ... of the current energy transition in Vietnam and regionally, LNG represents an excellent alternative to coal thermal power in terms ... in Hanoi, Norway and Vietnam share similarities in terms of size and long coastlines, and both countries have oil and ... participants representing Vietnam's LNG sector including the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Electricity of Vietnam VN, ...

◆191108 Seaborne thermal coal trade to hit 1 bil mt in 2019 as new ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/32tjCkr
Seaborne trade for thermal coal, the most widely used fuel for generating electricity, is expected to hit the 1 billion mt mark ... S&P Global Platts Analytics has forecast the seaborne trade for thermal coal for 2019 at 994 million mt and for 2020 at 1.015 ... demand in 2020 is expected to be slightly better due to the planned maintenance of several nuclear power plants. ... mt in 2019 and should exceed 50 million mt in 2020,” said Andy Bui, vice-president at Vietnam's An Viet Phat Energy.

◆191108 Hyundai Oilbank leases oil terminal in Vietnam
Splash 247-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WSr0oc
Hyundai Oilbank, the refinery arm of Hyundai Heavy Industries, has leased an oil terminal in the southern Vietnamese ... hub for Southeast Asia, as it aims to explore markets in countries in the region including Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

◆191108 Can Vietnam Be America's New Ally Against China?
The National Interest Online-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Nu1GSc
The region of the dispute, around three Vietnam-occupied islets at Vanguard Bank, is closer to Vietnam than any ... It should, in addition, seek to degrade China's relative economic and military power, including through denial of Chinese access to new sources of oil, gas, ... Elements of a new strategy for Vietnam should include: 1) allying with countries that can deter China at the upper nuclear reaches of ...

◆191108 'Increasing Access to Renewable Energy Project' gets ADB ...
Smart Energy (press release)-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/36K3yhp
The grant will fund the country's Increasing Access to Renewable Energy Project, which is designed to build a ... Cambodia project provides Asia's lowest energy tariff · Vietnam's 1st, Southeast Asia's largest floating solar project secures funding ... The grant will also be used to train staff of Tuvalu Electricity Corporation on renewable energy development and ... the utilization of renewable energy in the country and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the country's power subsector.”.

◆191108 Cambodian exiled opposition leader wants a peaceful ...
RFI-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PUzHNc
He is an arch rival of Hun Sen, Cambodia's authoritarian leader in power since 1985. Rainsy and his deputy Mu Sochua had planned to meet up with other opposition supporters to mark Cambodia's Independence Day on Saturday. But Hun ...



◆191108 インド格付け見通し、ネガティブに引き下げ=ムーディーズ
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/32taGeN
[7日 ロイター] - 格付け会社ムーディーズ・インベスターズ・サービスは7日、インドの格付け見通しを「安定的」から「ネガティブ」に引き下げた。同国の経済成長率が歴史的な低水準にとどまるリスクが高まっていると指摘した。 ムーディーズによると、景気の弱さに ...


◆191108 Sri Lankan Clan With Close China Ties Plots Political Comeback
Wall Street Journal-13 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/32tyFdG
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka—A controversial political dynasty that made Sri Lanka a centerpiece of China's efforts to expand its influence in Asia and defeated an insurgency is aiming to reclaim power in this island nation. ... Washington, along with allies such as India, is seeking to counter Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific and, as the U.S. sees it, keep ... hopes to begin within months if they win, including power plants, highways, clean drinking water infrastructure and renewable energy.

◆191108 Challenges of financing and low renewables still plague ...
Energy Storage News-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PVxj96
The energy storage industry still faces many challenges, particularly in emerging markets, but the opportunity is huge too, ... During the event, there were representatives from India, the Maldives and DNV GL's Department for Energy Storage in ... as it “hitched a ride on the back of the EV revolution,” said Rory McCarthy from Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables. ... Storage Technologies, and one that utilises the storage side of CSP that is hoping to retrofit coal plants in Germany, ...

◆191108 Fuji Electric targets Rs 1500crore revenue by 2023
Times of India-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/34HII0p
The company said it would also focus on emerging applications like Energy Storage, megawatt scale solar power plants and smart city solutions and services. Sriram Ramakrishnan, MD, Fuji Electric India, said the company would be able to double its current revenue of Rs 660 crore and ... “Our markets are Sri Lanka, Africa, SE Asia and other ASEAN countries. ... The targeted markets in India for FE products represent a market opportunity in excess of Rs 10,000 crore,” Sugai said.

◆191108 Call for greater cooperation between BIMSTEC nations
The Hindu-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WRwpfl
He said India would be of great use to the other six member-nations in BIMSTEC – Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Nepal. There was great potential for improving maritime cooperation, trade and commerce among the ...

◆191108 Need for global unity
Ceylon Daily News-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2K07nFk
The economy of the Maldives has been greatly affected by the 2004 tsunami caused by the Indian Ocean earthquake; ... the high-speed build-up of waves crashing intensely onto its shores as it did in neighbouring India, Sri Lanka and elsewhere. ... investing money in capturing carbon with a bio-charge project and putting more money into renewable energy plants .... the global rise in greenhouse gas emissions if we are to avoid catastrophic consequences for people and the planet.”.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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