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2019年12月1日 「幸福な監視社会」を追求する中国,それで揺れる周辺国













◆191201 北朝鮮、「本当の弾道ミサイル」で日本を脅す
BBCニュース-11 時間前 https://bbc.in/34y0fsa
北朝鮮が超大型放射砲(ロケット砲)だと発表した28日の発射実験を、日本政府が「弾道ミサイル」と批判したことに反発したもの。 ... ドナルド・トランプ米大統領と金正恩・朝鮮労働党委員長は今年6月、韓国と北朝鮮の間の非武装地帯で急きょ会談し、実務者 ...

◆191201 北朝鮮が安倍首相を名指し批判、超大型ロケット砲巡り-朝鮮中央 ...
ブルームバーグ-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2syMYBB
北朝鮮が最近実施した超大型ロケット砲の試射を日本政府が弾道ミサイル発射と説明したことに関連し、北朝鮮外務省当局者は、 ... 北朝鮮国営の朝鮮中央通信(KCNA)が伝えたところでは、北朝鮮外務省当局者は声明で、安倍首相のコメントについて、「多 ...

◆191201 スリランカが社会分断を克服して中国依存から脱出する道
Newsweekjapan-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/37QZBrP
イデオロギー、民族、言語、宗教......幾重にも分断された元優等生国家の修繕が新大統領に託された>. インド洋の島国スリランカは大きな政治的変化を迎え、マクロ経済が不安定化するリスクが高まっている。そのリスクを減らすために最も重要なのは、11月18 ...

◆191201 サウジ攻撃の内幕 イランはなぜアラムコを狙ったのか
Newsweekjapan-2019/11/29 https://bit.ly/2R7bvI1
サウジアラビアの国営石油会社サウジアラムコの施設がミサイルとドローンで攻撃される4カ月前、イランの首都テヘランでは革命防衛隊の将官を交えて会議が開かれた。写真はバハレスタン広場に展示されたミサイルとイラン最高指導者ホメイニ氏の ...

◆191201 米司法省、イーサリアムの研究員を逮捕 北朝鮮へのブロック ...
ITmedia-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/33BTAMm
米司法省は11月29日(現地時間)、Ethereum財団のリサーチサイエンティスト、バージル・グリフィス氏(36)を逮捕したと発表した。北朝鮮に暗号通貨とブロックチェーンに関する技術アドバイスを提供したことが、米政府の国際緊急経済権限法(IEEPA)に違反 ...


◆191130 北朝鮮「弾道ミサイル近くで見ることに」新たな発射を示唆
NHK NEWS WEB-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/35Pnz4K
辛いとき、支えてくれた曲は・・・ · 1からわかる!ブレグジット · いないなら育てよう! イラン 「反米感情」のリアル · 私は犯罪者、ゆるされたのか · ローマ法王訪日~被爆地へのメッセージ~ · ラグビーワールドカップ2019日本大会 · スペシャルコンテンツ一覧を見る ...

◆191130 イラン各地のデモ、流血の鎮圧 映像流出でネット遮断
BBCニュース-21 時間前 https://bbc.in/35Rjwoz
アムネスティーはツイッターで、「イランによるインターネット遮断ほどロジスティック的に複雑な対応はかつてなかったと、デジタル技術の専門家たちは言う。どうやらイラン当局は、自分たちがこうやって政府庁舎の屋根から丸腰の抗議者を狙撃している様子を、私 ...

◆191130 香港情勢を甘く見た中国、巻き返しに出る可能性も
JBpress-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R4yOCz
舛添 要一:国際政治学者). 11月24日に投票が行われた香港の区議会議員選挙は、民主派の圧勝という予想外の結果となり、世界中に大きな衝撃を与えた。とくに、親中派の勝利を信じていた習近平政権には、大きな誤算となった。 さらに、19日に米議会を ...

◆191130 <最新写真報告>北朝鮮―中国国境を行く(1) 鴨緑江を遡上して ...
Yahoo!ニュース-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/34zji5v
初秋、北朝鮮と中国の国境地帯を訪れた。1993年夏以来、毎年取材しているエリアだ。遼寧省の丹東市から鴨緑江を ... した中国の携帯電話を使っている。外国ジャーナリストが北朝鮮に入国してできる取材では、寝ている時以外は案内員という名の監視がつく。

◆191130 北朝鮮KN-25超大型ロケット弾の蓋の謎
Yahoo!ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R085XL
11月28日に北朝鮮が発射した2発の超大型ロケット弾(アメリカ軍コードネーム:KN-25)について、11月29日の朝と夕に北朝鮮が公式 ... 北朝鮮の発射時の公開写真を見る限り、4本ある発射筒(キャニスター)の左上を先に発射し、次に右上を発射していることが ...

◆191130 北朝鮮ミサイル 発射間隔は約30秒 連射能力向上か
NHK NEWS WEB-2019/11/28 https://bit.ly/33tobM0
北朝鮮が28日発射した2発の弾道ミサイルについて、韓国軍の関係者は発射の間隔がおよそ30秒だったことを明らかにし、北朝鮮が連射能力の向上を図っているとの見方が出ています。 続きを読む. 北朝鮮は28日、東部のハムギョン(咸鏡)南道リョンポ(連浦) ...

◆191130 北朝鮮のロケット砲発射は戦略的 発射間隔、飛距離とも韓米への ...
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/33BvQrE
北朝鮮の超大型多連装ロケット砲の発射を巡り、専門家の間ではシステムと部隊のパフォーマンス向上を指摘する声が上がっている。 ... 専門家の分析によると、迅速な発射能力は、北朝鮮のロケット部隊が有事の際、韓国軍や米軍の攻撃対象になる前に迅速に ...

◆191130 ウイグル弾圧、とまらぬ中国 米欧諸国が批判強める
東京新聞-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DGR3Gl
【北京=中沢穣】中国政府が新疆(しんきょう)ウイグル自治区で少数民族ウイグル族を弾圧しているとの批判が、国際社会で高まっている。中国政府 ... 容赦するな」。習近平国家主席は当局者にこう命じ、イスラム過激分子との「対テロ闘争」の徹底を求めた。

◆191130 中曽根元首相死去 中国は高評価、ODA支援に交流推進「遠大な ...
産経ニュース-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OWC9AH
【北京=西見由章】中国において中曽根康弘元首相は1980年代に日中関係の土台を固めた政治家として認識されており、「国交正常化を実現した田中角栄元首相につぐ評価を受けている」(メディア関係者)との声もある。一方、中曽根氏が中国政府の反発を ...



◆191130 米国、70年ぶり石油純輸出国に 9月統計
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/34JqTi5
【ニューヨーク=大島有美子】米エネルギー情報局(EIA)が29日に発表した統計によると、9月の原油・石油関連製品で輸出量が輸入量を1日当たり8万9千バレル上回った。ブルームバーグ通信によると輸出が輸入を上回るのは70年ぶり。米国が石油の「純輸出 ...

◆191130 九電、米LNG火力に参画 12.5%出資、11.8万キロワット分
日本経済新聞-16 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2XYVPrK
九州電力は29日、米国での液化天然ガス(LNG)火力発電事業に参画したと発表した。三菱商事やJパワーなどと共同で出資し、事業権益の12.5%を取得した。持ち分出力は11.8万キロワットとなる。出資額は明らかにしていない。米国での発電事業は九電として ...

◆191130 トクヤマ、大規模再エネ電力の出力変動を水素製造で調整 開発 ...
環境ビジネスオンライン-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2q8BiES
化学メーカーのトクヤマ(東京都千代田区)は11月27日、大規模な再生可能エネルギー電力(再エネ電力)の出力変動の調整にも対応できる、大規模水素製造設備の開発・実証実験を行うと発表した。 これは、再エネ電力と水素製造技術を活用し、化学工場から ...



◆191130 フィリピンの電力網、中国により遮断可能の指摘…米CNN
読売新聞-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2P0hfk7
フィリピンでは、2009年に操業を開始した合弁電力企業NGCPが、全世帯の約78%に電力を供給している。NGCPの株式の40%は中国国有の電力大手「国家電網」が保有しており、CNNなどによると、中国人技術者だけが基幹システムにアクセスできる状況 ...

◆191130 中国の気候変動対策に顕著な成果、温室効果ガス排出量の急増 ...
ニコニコニュース-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2q3jgnh
中国の気候変動対応に関する政策・行動2019年度報告書」が27日、正式に発表された。国務院新聞弁公室が開いた記者会見にて、生態環境部の趙英民(ジャオ・インミン)副部長は「中国は気候変動への対応で顕著な成果・効果を上げた。中国は引き続き建設 ...

◆191130 動画:長江三峡ダム地区、土壌流失面積が20年で47%減
AFPBB News-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/34B4Tpl
【11月29日 Xinhua News】中国重慶市(Chongqing)がこのほど発表した「2018年度重慶市水土保全公報」によると、2018年に同市全域で流失した土壌面積は2万5800平方キロメートルだった。うち、長江(揚子江、Yangtze River)三峡ダム(Three Gorges ...

◆191130 大幅続落、中国が対米報復措置検討で崩落=NY原油概況
みんなの株式-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Y2eqn6

◆191130 米国はすでに離脱…パリ協定、各国が掲げる高い目標の現実味
幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sqyDa9
インドは、中国同様、石炭火力発電への依存度が高く深刻な微小粒子状物質(PM2.5)の問題を抱えているが、2017年5月に大規模太陽光発電のコストが1kWhあたり2.5ルピー(約4円)を割り込むまで低下したことで太陽光発電への傾斜を強めている。巨大な ...


◆191130 How smart ideas are helping to accommodate China's ...
CNBC-15 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2LabGyK
While China's renewable energy expansion is large-scale, it also presents challenges, including the curtailment of sources such as wind power thanks to a lack of flexibility in the power system. The development and integration of multi-energy ... “However, gas and heating systems (are)… significantly cheaper than storing electricity,” he added. “We can use it to indirectly store electricity so that we can ...

◆191130 Landmark Siberian gas to test CNPC's marketing mettle in ...
Reuters-18 時間前 https://reut.rs/35NCFYy
HARBIN, China/SINGAPORE/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Across China's coal-burning northeastern provinces, pipelines are being laid, ... 2, will pipe natural gas around 3,000 km (1,865 miles) from Russia's Siberian fields to the fading industrial region, which has lagged the ... the potential to transform northeast China's energy landscape and even slow the country's surging imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG). ... (GRAPHIC: Map of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline through China - here).

◆191130 China's Renewed Coal Boom
Pressenza, International Press Agency (press release)-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rFpBpk
Additionally, powerful coal and electricity interests in China are pushing for a much bigger increase in overall coal power capacity. After all, communism is not adverse to influence by big money, rich fossil fuel interests. And, unremarkably ...

◆191130 300 MW of new solar for China's 800 kV UHV transmission ...
pv magazine International-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/37Ojqjv
JinkoSolar has announced that it will supply 300 MW of its Tiger solar panels for what it describes as an ultra-high voltage demonstration plant in China's Qinghai's province. The project will be connected to an ultra-high voltage power line that ...

◆191130 Can Chinese aid steer Asia toward clean energy?
chinadialogue-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/34urNPb
China's Energy Research Institute has proposed a “2C Asia” initiative to survey energy supply and demand in Asian nations, ... feed-in tariffs, which have driven spectacular growth in China's renewables sector, to promote renewable energy across Asia. ... “To manage risks, strict control of China's overseas coal power investments is needed, and Chinese firms should sell off any .... Many Chinese cities can also produce power from solar cheaper than or equal to electricity from coal.

◆191130 Why Would Russia Ever Help China Build a Nuclear Aircraft ...
Yahoo News-20 時間前 https://yhoo.it/2R0YlfP
Key point: Both China and Russia are eager to match the United States' nuclear powered fleet. ... ship NS Savannah) provided proof-of-concept regarding nuclear propulsion, the USN began to evaluate nuclear power for surface warships.

◆191130 China helps Kazakhstan build solar and wind power plants
REVE (press release)-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OYA5Ip
China has help implement two renewable energy projects in the Almaty region, southern Kazakhstan – the construction of a 5 MW wind farm and a 1 MW solar power station (SES), the Kazakh Energy Ministry said on 29 November. Following an ... The projected electricity generation is 17 million kWh per year. The solar ...

◆191130 China's experimental nuclear fusion reactor to go live in 2020
Siliconrepublic.com-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/33tWeDH
This week in future tech, China's plans to be the first to achieve stable nuclear fusion are given a boost with the launch of a new reactor. The race is on among the world's nations to create an 'artificial sun', and now China is staking its claim as ...

◆191130 Trump hedges Hong Kong bill with wording to save China ...
Nikkei Asian Review-3 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2DwOre0
After signing the bill on Wednesday, Trump said he did so "out of respect for" Xi, China and the people of Hong Kong. ... Bonnie Glaser, director of the China Power Project at Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Trump's handling ...

◆191130 Russia and China deepen ties with River Amur bridge
Euronews-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/37UZ7kH
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia and China have finished building the first road bridge linking their two countries, Russian ... The bridge across the River Amur will connect the cities of ...



◆191130 インドネシア銀買収、「SMBCが真剣に検討」 規制当局幹部
日本経済新聞-16 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/37PF07k
【ジャカルタ=鈴木淳】インドネシア金融庁幹部は29日、三井住友銀行がインドネシアの有力銀行、プルマタ銀行の買収を検討していると明らかにした。インドネシアでは当局が銀行の合併などを通じた金融再編を進めている。三菱UFJ銀行が4月に地場大手の ...

◆191130 フィリピンの電力網、中国により遮断可能の指摘…米CNN<br>
読売新聞-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2P0hfk7
フィリピンでは、2009年に操業を開始した合弁電力企業NGCPが、全世帯の約78%に電力を供給している。NGCPの株式の40%は中国国有の電力大手「国家電網」が保有しており、CNNなどによると、中国人技術者だけが基幹システムにアクセスできる状況 ...

◆191130 フィリピン麻薬問題担当副大統領解任
Japan In-depth-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/35NHnpc
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は24日、麻薬問題を担当する組織の共同議長に任命したレニー・ロブレド副大統領の解任を明らかにした。11月6日に就任したばかりのロブレド副大統領は2週間余でその職務を解かれたことになり、背景に一体何があったのか観測 ...


◆191130 Indonesia coal miner Arutmin seeks contract extension, says ...
Creamer Media's Mining Weekly-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R4LSri
JAKARTA - Indonesian coal miner PT Arutmin Indonesia, a unit of PT Bumi Resources, has proposed extending its contract and converting it to new licensing system, the energy ministry said. According to a 2009 mining law, coal miners in ...

◆191130 Can Chinese aid steer Asia toward clean energy?
chinadialogue-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2r0nfS1
China's Energy Research Institute has proposed a “2C Asia” initiative to survey energy supply and demand in Asian nations, ... tariffs, which have driven spectacular growth in China's renewables sector, to promote renewable energy across Asia. ... “To manage risks, strict control of China's overseas coal power investments is needed, and Chinese firms should sell off ... University in Indonesia said disagreements within government are hampering the implementation of climate policies.

◆191130 China Can Switch Off Philippines' Power Grid, Official Says
The Epoch Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/37U9yF8
A Philippine senator have urged for a probe into the implications of China's part-ownership of the national grid after an energy official said China could remotely switch off the country's power supply. ... trespasser and aggressor in our seas and territories, controlling our national electricity grid,” Hontiveros said in a statement, the outlet reported. ... The move came less than a week after the head of the Philippines' state-run National Transmission Corporation (TransCo) confirmed that ...

◆191130 Accusation of China's control over Philippines' power grid ...
ASEAN Economist-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2q2YofW
China has dismissed fears that it can allegedly control the Philippines' power grid, saying that the latter's accusations were “baseless. ... country's only transmission service tasked to operate the country's power grid where electricity flows from generating plants to distribution ... Earlier, the Philippines' Department of Energy (DoE) expressed support for a planned Senate inquiry on NGCP's operations amid ...

◆191130 Why is the Philippines so focused on coal?
Mindanao Examiner-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/33A0jWY
ALTHOUGH FOSSIL fuels are the single biggest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, coal continues to be ... But burdened by the high cost of electricity, regular power interruptions and an unreliable transmission system, coal remains a viable energy option for the ... percent share in gross power generation as of December 2018, followed by renewable energy sources (geothermal, hydro, solar, ...

◆191130 Adoption of renewable energy gaining ground in PH, Taiwan
Philippine Canadian Inquirer-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OYyX7D
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Renewable energy's (RE) contribution on Philippines' total energy mix remains small, thus, it is ... officials of Linkou Thermal Power Plant, which is part of the government-owned Taiwan Power Company (Taipower), said ... and combined-cycle power plants at 38 percent each, while the balance of 14 percent is accounted for by nuclear power. ... set a 30-30-30-10 share for coal, natural gas, renewables, and other sources like oil-based power generation plants.

◆191130 PH on par with other counties on power plant technology
Philippine Canadian Inquirer-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XXyx5K
(SBPL) supercritical coal-fired power plant in Mauban, Quezon that was inaugurated last October. (File Photo: Power Philippines/Facebook). TAIPEI, Taiwan — The Philippines is not behind other countries in terms of the adoption of latest technology for power plants, ... Affairs Litz Santana said what they learned from the operations of Linkou Power Plant reaffirms MGen's belief of securing energy for the ...



◆191130 東南ア車産業、強まる逆風 タイ部品25工場閉鎖
日本経済新聞-12 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2DtJv9x

◆191130 経済成長が国民に公平に裨益をもたらした、と経済財政省[経済]
カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/37TpC9R
経済財政省次官のパン・パラー氏は昨日28日の記者会見で、カンボジアにおける過去数十年の堅調な経済成長が、国民に多様な機会や裨益をもたらしたと述べた。クメールタイムズが報じた。 カンボジアは過去20年に渡り平均7%の経済成長を遂げ、今年 ...

◆191130 ミャンマー国軍、タイ国境近くのモン州で反政府勢力と武力衝突
ミャンマーニュース-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DwTnj2
国軍が予告なしに侵入. タイとの国境に近いミャンマー・モン州で11月27日、ミャンマー国軍と新モン州党(New Mon State Party:NMSP)の武装勢力であるモン民族解放軍(Mon National Liberation Army:MNLA)が武力衝突した。


◆191128 Overreliance On Hydropower Is Causing A Crisis In Southeast ...
OilPrice.com-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/35HJTxj
While Chinese hydropower expansion attracts most attention, Thailand has also played a role in building dams and the Lao ... Wetlands expert Nguyen Thu Thien predicts dire consequences, suggesting hydro electric energy could instigate regional ... Obstacles: Hydroelectric dams are weakening the mighty Mekong River (Source: Mekong River Commission Strategic ... The Xayaburi dam was not driven by China but Thailand's commitment to buy 95 percent of the electricity. Analysts ...

◆191128 Mekong Nations Promise Cooperation But Skip Disputes Over ...
Forbes-38 分前 https://bit.ly/35La6Lh
Mekong Nations Promise Cooperation But Skip Disputes Over Damming The River ... South Korea embraced the five Southeast Asian nations on the Mekong River in a seemingly bold plan for developing the river in the ... by the failure of any of the participants to mention their concerns about China, whose power and influence deeply affects all of them. ... documentary, “Killing the Mekong Dam by Dam,” goes on to quote Chainarong Setthachua, natural resources expert at Thailand's ...

◆191128 Mubadala quick but dry in Thailand
Upstream Online-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/35I7Cxy
Mubadala Petroleum's first of three planned exploration wells near the Manora oilfield off Thailand is a dry hole, according to joint venture partner Tap Oil. The Inthanin-1 well spudded on ...

◆191128 GS Energy to build LNG plant in Vietnam
The Investor-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rz9aLc
GS Energy, a unit of energy and retail conglomerate GS Group, said Nov. 28 it has partnered with a Vietnamese asset management firm to build a power plant fired by liquefied natural gas there to tap into the local electricity market.

◆191128 Deputy PM lauds Australian state's cooperation with ...
Nhan Dan Online-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/33qaHk7
Deputy PM Dung asked local authorities to continue to create favourable condition for the Vietnamese community of more than ... PM Dung welcomed Australian firms' further investment in Vietnam's energy sector, especially renewable energy. ... voicing their hope to strengthen cooperation and investment in wind power in the sea, solar power and liquefied gas projects in the Southeast Asian nation.

◆191128 Myanmar slips by slowly on its riverboats
TTR Weekly-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OPlQ8V
YANGON, 28 November 2019: If you are planning a trip to Myanmar cruising on the iconic Irrawaddy and Chindwin rivers percolates ... Myanmar was the home of the original river cruises in Southeast Asia due to its long heritage of riverboat transport dating back to 1865. ... In the 1920s at the height of the riverboat era, the country's enormous fleet of paddle steamers and later oil-powered riverboats plied ...

◆191128 Investing in Myanmar? Do due diligence
The Business Times-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OuptCm
In August this year, the UN's Independent International Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar released an 111-page report ... The UN report calls for reducing the economic power of both groups in order to drive greater corporate transparency in ...

◆191128 Dams and climate change are killing the Mekong River
TODAYonline-14 分前 https://bit.ly/2Dn3I0L
China embarked on a massive dam programme with 11 dams already operating on the Upper Mekong. A recent study ... The Xayaburi dam was not driven by China but Thailand's commitment to buy 95 per cent of the electricity. Analysts ... The first step would be to push Laos to phase out hydropower and adopt solar and other forms of renewable energy, already highly competitive and faster to install.

◆191128 Laos democrats fight a lonely losing struggle
Asia Times-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QU8Bqd
A small demonstration of a few dozen people advocating for human rights was set to take place in the Lao capital of Vientiane ... “Second, they wanted to ask the government to prevent land grabs, dam-building, deforestation and unfair relocation of ... The mutilated bodies of two – Kraidej Luelert and Chatchan Buphawan – were found shortly afterwards in the Mekong River, their faces disfigured and their ... His predecessors, analysts note, have stayed in power for at least two terms.



◆191130 インド経済、農村発の減速 7~9月GDP6年半ぶり低水準
日本経済新聞-13 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2svayzb
【ニューデリー=馬場燃】インド経済が農村発の消費不振で減速している。人口の過半を占める農業従事者の収入が異常気象で減り、ほかの産業にも悪影響が波及している。29日発表の7~9月期の国内総生産(GDP)は実質で前年同期比4.5%増と6年半ぶりの ...

◆191130 スリランカ新大統領、初外遊でインドと友好演出
日本経済新聞-14 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/33z5VAW
【ムンバイ=早川麗】スリランカのラジャパクサ大統領は29日、隣国のインドを訪れてモディ首相と初めて会談した。18日に就任したラジャパクサ氏は中国との関係を強めるとの見方が多い。こうしたなかで中国と領有権問題などを抱えて新政権の出方を警戒する ..

◆191130 知らないと損する世界史の新常識・新解釈
週刊東洋経済プラス-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sq4dF2
エジプトのナイル川流域、メソポタミアのチグリス・ユーフラテス川流域、インドのインダス川流域、中国の黄河流域に成立した文明を「四大文明」と呼ぶ。4つの地域は気候が温暖で、大河の流域にあって農耕に適していたため、ほかの地域に先駆けて文明が ...

◆191126 「インド市場は難しい」は本当か
日経ビジネス電子版-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/35y93hL
インド市場の攻略は難しい」。そんな嘆きにも似た声をよく耳にする。中国や東南アジアなど他の新興国の市場に目を向けると、大企業のみならず中堅・中小企業から個人事業まで、様々なビジネスの成功事例が積み重なっているが、インドは違う。「スズキ( ...

◆191126 JBICなど、バングラデシュ化学公社に1103億円協調融資
newsclip.be-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OkoLaF
【バングラデシュ】国際協力銀行(JBIC)は21日、バングラデシュの化学公社BCICと協調融資総額約1103億円を限度とする ... BCICはバングラデシュ北東部のダッカ管区ナルシンディ県ゴラサール地区の既設肥料工場敷地内に肥料プラントを新設する計画で、

◆191126 スリランカ新大統領、民族融和呼び掛け 就任演説 中国寄り政策 ...
SankeiBiz-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Dt0VmZ
16日のスリランカ大統領選で勝利したゴタバヤ・ラジャパクサ元国防次官が、正式に大統領に就任した。世界遺産の仏教都市、中部アヌラーダプラで開かれた式典で演説し、少数派タミル人やイスラム教徒に「一つのスリランカのために協力してほしい」と ...


◆191130 New $250 million ADB loan to accelerate energy efficiency in ...
Smart Energy (press release)-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qWPFMI
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to provide India's Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) with a ... EESL will leverage the loan to fund emerging energy services such as smart meters, distributed solar photovoltaic ... India is in desperate need of accelerating energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies following carbon ... “The project will adopt proven energy-efficient technologies to reduce electricity network losses and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

◆191130 India-Russia ties deepen as energy partnerships grow
Nikkei Asian Review-22 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2R1zh8i
MOSCOW -- Russia and India are enhancing partnerships in the energy sector, as the South Asian nation seeks new suppliers to meet ... On Russia's part, state atomic energy giant Rosatom is working on building six nuclear power plants in India. ... a five-year road map to establish a "Far Eastern Energy Corridor" that would boost Russian oil, gas and coal exports to India. ... and difficult since it would likely have to pass through either the Himalaya mountains or Pakistan," he added.

◆191130 Turkey's ties with Pakistan may bring it nuclear weapons
Ahval-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Oz2yFS
Turkey's burgeoning strategic relationship with Pakistan raises nuclear concerns since Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke openly in ... TR-1 and TR-2 Research Reactors maintained by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority – the daily said, adding that obtaining fuel remains as the greatest challenge. But Turkey's first nuclear power plant is now being built in partnership with Russia's Rosatom.

◆191130 India reaches electricity generation capacity of 365 GW ...
ELE Times (press release)-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OVdnB7
India's installed power generation capacity has reached 364.9 gigawatts, which is sufficient to meet the country's electric ... of States for Power and New and Renewable Energy R K Singh said in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha. ... in the country such as constraints in sub-transmission and distribution network, financial constraints of state power utilities to ... The coal supply has also improved, as the coal stock in power plants as on November 21 stood at 23.1 million tonnes ...

◆191130 ADB Provides $250 Million to Expand Energy Efficiency ...
Modern Diplomacy-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/35Xc4bV
“India's energy efficiency potential is largely untapped—amounting to possible energy savings of about 17% of the country's total power generated in financial year 2019,” said ADB Principal Energy Specialist Mr. Jiwan Acharya. “The project will adopt proven energy efficient technologies to reduce electricity network losses and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” India has seen strong ... The country is still largely dependent on fossil fuels, particularly coal power. The government has ...

◆191130 Why India's Falling Electricity Demand is a Worrisome Trend ...
News18-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XZOVCJ
Come 2019, India's coal story has found its mention within these two worlds: electricity demand growth has dropped for ... “This year had extended rains (lowering coal demand and raising hydro output) and higher renewable energy ... At the same time, thermal power generation fell by 2%. ... 35 per cent of India's electricity comes from renewables, 55 per cent from coal and 2 per cent from nuclear power.

◆191130 India must start work on replacing coal plants with renewable ...
Business Standard-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LmkGB1
Over sushi, Munjal tells Shreya Jai and Jyoti Mukul why it is important for India to start a discussion on sustainable ... Hero MotoCorp, the junior Munjal moved to London in 2018 with the dream of building a global green energy business.

◆191130 India needs energy-efficient cold chain: expert
The Hindu BusinessLine-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2q8AkbI
India badly needs an energy-efficient cold chain to cover all, or at least most, parts of the country to make agriculture more remunerative and sustainable by maximising the return for the farmer, according to Vikram Murthy, the president of the ...

◆191130 Critical test for submarine-launched nuclear missile this ...
Economic Times-2019/11/28 https://bit.ly/2OwVJ7Q
NEW DELHI: India is set to test fire its most potent nuclear deterrence missile over this weekend in the Bay of Bengal, which will demonstrate a survivable second strike capability to target all potential adversaries. The test of the K4 ...

◆191130 Spotlight: How AIIB is electrifying rural Bangladesh, India
Xinhua-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qXxDKp
Spotlight: How AIIB is electrifying rural Bangladesh, India ... "In the past, our village did not have electricity," Khatun said. ... The village gained access to electricity in 2018 when power was delivered there under a Bangladeshi project ... Next to the building's staircase is a new energy meter installed last year, a game changer for about 150 students studying here. ... to bid farewell to frequent power outages thanks to the Transmission System Strengthening Project sponsored by the AIIB.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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