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2019年12月7日 土曜日


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2019年12月7日 米朝間の緊張,分からないのはトランプ政権の思惑













◆191207 北朝鮮のミサイル発射 安保理が結束して非難声明を発表か
NHK NEWS WEB-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rZk11n
国連安全保障理事会で今月の議長を務めるアメリカのクラフト国連大使が記者会見を開き、北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル発射について「ある時点で公表することがあるだろう」と述べて、安保理が結束して非難声明を発表する可能性に言及しました。 続きを読む.

◆191207 米国と北朝鮮、年明けに軍事衝突の可能性高まる…北、日本への ...
Business Journal-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RtwxB5

◆191207 北朝鮮のミサイル発射試験への懸念で安保理は結束-米国連大使
ブルームバーグ-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/38jRwwf
米国のクラフト国連大使は6日、北朝鮮が繰り返すミサイル発射実験への懸念で国連安全保障理事会が結束していると述べた。 ... 5日撮影された新たな衛星写真によると、北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長が以前、トランプ大統領に譲歩する形で解体したと ...

◆191207 イランの反政府デモ弾圧 国連が強い懸念
NHK NEWS WEB-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RtL6UY
先月起きたイランの反政府デモについて、国連は治安部隊による弾圧で少なくとも200人以上が死亡したと指摘し、独立した公平な調査が必要だという考えを示しました。 続きを読む. イランでは先月、政府がガソリン価格を引き上げたのをきっかけに各地で反政府 ...

◆191207 北朝鮮 “軽水炉稼働させる可能性” 米専門家指摘
NHK NEWS WEB-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/365OB8e

◆191207 北朝鮮と「対話維持」必要 米韓首脳が電話協議
時事通信-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qsC7Za
【ソウル時事】韓国の文在寅大統領は7日、トランプ米大統領と電話協議し、北朝鮮問題について意見交換した。韓国大統領府によると、両首脳は「最近の朝鮮半島情勢が厳しいという認識」を共有。非核化交渉で早期に成果を出すために「対話の勢いが維持され ...


◆191206 北朝鮮「非常に危険な挑戦になる」米をけん制
NHK NEWS WEB-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RpxAC4
アメリカのトランプ大統領が北朝鮮との非核化交渉をめぐり軍事力の行使も示唆して北朝鮮をけん制したことについて、北朝鮮外務省が談話を発表し、「2年前、海を越えて舌戦が行き交っていた時を連想させる表現を意図的に再び登場させたならば非常に危険な ...

◆191206 ウイグル人権法案可決に激怒、「アメリカも先住民を虐殺した」と ...
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3551Jut
中国外務省の華春瑩(ホア・チュンイン)報道官は4日に開かれた定例記者会見で、米議会が可決したウイグル人権法案に触れ、中国政府は「激しい怒りを覚え、毅然として ... 参考記事>ウイグルを弾圧する習近平の父親が、少数民族への寛容を貫いていた皮肉

◆191206 北朝鮮、トランプ氏が金委員長に付けた「あだ名」に抗議-KCNA
ブルームバーグ-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YobKA1
北朝鮮、トランプ氏が金委員長に付けた「あだ名」に抗議-KCNA ... 北朝鮮外務省は、金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長を指してトランプ米大統領が用いる表現に抗議した。国営朝鮮中央 ... 関連記事: トランプ氏、北朝鮮の「ロケットマン」に対する武力行使の警告再開.

◆191206 中国経済の強みと弱み SWOT分析と今後の展開
Newsweekjapan-2019/12/04 https://bit.ly/2YiQNXs
しかし、中国経済はその都度困難を克服し、改革開放から40年間の経済成長率は年平均9.5%と10%近い高成長を実現することとなった1。2008年の ... ところが、習近平氏が中国共産党トップに就任した2012年以降、経済成長率は緩やかに低下してきている。

◆191206 北朝鮮のミサイル発射場で活動、衛星写真が示す-CNN
ブルームバーグ-46 分前 https://bit.ly/2PgcyDe
北朝鮮のミサイル発射場で活動、衛星写真が示す-CNN. Shinhye Kang. 2019年12月6日 9:32 JST. 北朝鮮がミサイル発射場でエンジンテストの再開を準備している可能性があることが新たな衛星写真で示された、とCNNが伝えた。CNNが衛星写真を入手 ...

◆191206 韓国・文政権、中国に頭上がらず“平身低頭”ぶり際立つ 韓国外相 ...
ZAKZAK-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/34WsYXJ
【ソウル=桜井紀雄】韓国を4年ぶりに訪れた中国の王毅国務委員兼外相は、露骨に米国の「一国主義」を批判し、韓国の文在寅( ... 官は4日の国際会議で「北朝鮮の非核化が行われずに在韓米軍が撤退したら、中国が韓国に核の傘を提供し、北朝鮮と交渉する ...

◆191206 核搭載可能なミサイル開発 イランを英仏独が非難
時事通信-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qv0sha

◆191204 米下院、ウイグル人権法案可決-中国政府当局者を制裁対象に
ブルームバーグ-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ONkrB2
米下院本会議は3日、中国・新疆ウイグル自治区の少数派イスラム教徒に対する人権侵害を巡り中国政府当局者に制裁を科す法案を賛成407、反対1の圧倒的多数で可決した。これを受け、中国外務省はさらなる対抗措置を講じるとの声明を発表した。詳細は ...



◆191206 石炭火力発電廃止を日本などに求めるシンポジウム スペイン
NHK NEWS WEB-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PjPrY9
地球温暖化対策を話し合う国連の会議、「COP25」が開かれているスペインでは対策の強化に向けて、石炭火力発電の廃止を日本などに求めるシンポジウムや抗議活動が行われました。 続きを読む. COP25の会場では5日、アメリカや東南アジアの環境団体 ...

◆191206 もしかして受賞狙ってる? 経産相の石炭火力維持発言でまた ...
東京新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Pi7xKf
地球温暖化対策に後ろ向きだとして、世界の環境団体でつくる「気候行動ネットワーク」が日本に「化石賞」を贈った。梶山弘志経済産業相が、温暖化を悪化させる石炭火力発電の利用を続ける方針を示したのが受賞理由だが、日本は過去に何度もこの賞を受けて ...

◆191206 欧州の一部大手銀、石炭火力発電への融資止まらず=環境NGO
ロイター-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YtNvkg
ロンドン 5日 ロイター] - 非政府組織(NGO)で環境問題を扱うウルゲバルトと、銀行の融資活動などを調べるバンクトラックはこのほど、欧州の一部大手銀行が、新規の石炭火力発電所をなおも開発している電力会社への資金融資を間接的に続けているとの ...

◆191206 【政界徒然草】気候変動対策に大鉈ふるえぬ小泉環境相のジレンマ ...
産経ニュース-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/38dXpL0
小泉進次郎環境相が気候変動対策をめぐるジレンマに悩んでいる。小泉氏は温室効果ガスの排出削減目標をより高く設定できないか思案するが、そのためには二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量が特に多い石炭火力発電の稼働を控える必要がある。ただ、将来の電源 ...

◆191206 パイプライン大爆発 住宅地騒然 “石油ドロ”が原因か
www.fnn.jp-2 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00428485CX/201912061221_CX_CX
アフリカ西部ナイジェリアのラゴスで、5日、石油のパイプラインが爆発し、火災が発生した。 地元メディアは、死傷者が出ていると伝えている。 爆発の原因はわかっていないが、住民は、何者かがパイプラインから石油を抜き出そうとしたことが原因だと訴えている ...

◆191206 アラムコIPO、史上最大の2.7兆円調達 原油安影響
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Lucf6v
【ドバイ=岐部秀光】サウジアラビアの国営石油会社サウジアラムコは5日、新規株式公開(IPO)の公開価格を32リヤル(約930円)に設定したと発表した。調達額は256億ドル(約2兆7900億円)と史上最大になる見通しだ。だが株式時価総額は当初想定を下回り、 .



◆191207 欧米の思惑・中国の情勢に翻弄される、日本のエネルギー政策
幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YvRvAD
日本の電力システムの要である石炭火力は、欧米から投資回収できない「座礁資産」と位置づけられ、原子力発は世界的に持続懸念があり、LNGは中国需要に翻弄されるリスクが心配されます。今、日本のエネルギーセキュリティが直面する問題について解説し ...

◆191207 露中ガスパイプラインは米国から中国へのガス供給の障害になる
Sputnik 日本-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RuUPdM
ロシアから中国へ天然ガスを輸送するガスパイプライン「シベリアの力」が2日、稼働した。同パイプラインは、エネルギーインフラの観点からは大きな成果であり、米国から中国への液化天然ガスの供給にとっては障害となる。2日、米経済紙「ウォール・ストリート・ ...

◆191207 中東リスクをさらに高めるイスラエルのエネルギー自立
JBpress-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LxCqJs
OPECプラスの協調減産を尻目に原油生産を拡大させてきた米国の生産量は、日量1290万バレルと過去最高を更新している。 ... 次に需要サイドだが、世界最大の原油輸入国である中国の11月の製造業購買担当者景気指数(PMI)が、拡大・縮小の目安と ...

◆191207 ロシアのエネルギー外交:新しい側面
Sputnik 日本-31 分前 https://bit.ly/2qqh8Gm
ロシアのエネルギー外交でのもうひとつの大きなイベントは、10月18日に「トルコストリーム」の海底区間の第1ラインにガスが通っ ... 最後の大きなニュースは、10月29日にガスプロムが、ガスパイプライン「シベリアの力」のパイプライン部分が中国へのロシア産 ...


◆191207 And the prize for global nuclear security goes to… China
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OXmLp7
As a result, China is poised to play a leading role in global nuclear risk reduction efforts in the coming decades, ... Chinese participation in the Nuclear Security Summits has played into China's long-standing self-perception as the ... And at the same time, China is also increasingly willing to spread technologies for the peaceful use of nuclear energy around the world, ... concern as countries within East, Southeast, and Central Asia focus on expanding their nuclear power programs.

◆191207 China to launch new state oil and gas pipeline group next ...
Reuters-16 時間前 https://reut.rs/2PkUwjd
(Reuters) - China plans to launch its long-awaited national oil and gas pipeline company on Monday, part of a sector-wide reform ... is controlled by energy giant PetroChina, CNPC's listed arm, and small, non state-owned oil and gas producers and distributors often don't ... plans early this year, spurred by a national campaign to boost consumption of the cleaner burning natural gas and curb dirtier coal.

◆191207 Climate Change Hangs on China's Embrace of Markets
Washington Post-37 分前 https://wapo.st/2rYVR7b
Yet China's headlong development of renewables has also helped make wind and in particular solar power the ... On the other hand, Premier Li Keqiang went out of his way to sing the praises of coal power in a recent meeting of energy bureaucrats. ... where the price of electricity is determined by supply and demand and generators compete to provide the lowest cost. ... In such places, the most profitable option for utilities could be to switch off thermal power stations and replace them ...

◆191207 Coal Is Dead, But China Is Reviving It
Nasdaq-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LKYqkv
But coal is widely available and cheap, so it will power the industrialization of these countries with China's financial help. ... It has also become, because of its abundance and low price, the biggest source of electricity generation in one of the biggest polluters, the United States. ... We have extensive coverage of all energy sectors from crude oil and natural gas to solar energy and environmental issues.

◆191207 China to Launch Reform of National Oil Pipelines Next Week
Bloomberg-20 時間前 https://bloom.bg/36aFCCH
China will announce the creation of its long-planned national oil and gas pipeline company on Dec. 9, according to people familiar with the matter, as it seals one of its biggest reforms aimed at helping energy supply keep pace with swelling ...

◆191207 Oil: More production cuts and possible US-China deal to ...
FXStreet-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qu9pqZ
The recent announcement of deeper cuts by the OPEC+ members should also provide a tailwind for oil prices going into 2020 especially if the USChina come to an agreement on phase one of the larger trade deal being discussed.”.nd Shanghai to jointly set up investment funds for ... The focus will be on big data, artificial intelligence, new-energy vehicles and the internet of things, according to the ...



◆191207 インドネシア土木工事の泥沼、危機に瀕する三井E&S
週刊東洋経済プラス-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OWix0Q
今年度も多額の損失を計上することになり、深くお詫びする」(岡良一社長兼COO〈最高執行責任者〉). 造船、重機大手の三井E&Sホールディングスは11月1日、インドネシアで進めていた火力発電所の土木工事案件で、713億円の追加損失を計上すると発表 ...

◆191207 フィリピン北部で洪水、6万6000人避難 過去数十年で最悪の規模
AFPBB News-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PjMpmZ
【12月7日 AFP】フィリピン北部は過去数十年で最悪の規模の洪水に見舞われている。6万6000人が避難を余儀なくされ、取り残された人たちの救助が急がれている。当局が6日明らかにした。 今週フィリピンを通過した台風28号(アジア名:カンムリ、Kammuri) ...


◆191206 Indonesia coal benchmark price set at $66.30/T for Dec ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DO9toj
The Indonesian government set the coal benchmark price (HBA) for December at $66.30 per tonne, barely changed from $66.27 per tonne a month earlier, an energy ministry document showed on Thursday. In October the benchmark price ...

◆191206 Indonesia calls CNN report on palm oil-driven deforestation ...
Jakarta Post-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LtzsWB
The Indonesian government has criticized a CNN International special report that said the world's demand for palm oil ignited a climate bomb not only in the country but also in the world. In response to the report, published last month titled ...

◆191206 Flores Island, Indonesia developing geothermal capacity of ...
Industry Global News 24-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sQ1Yew
By adding electricity power in the area, State utility PT PLN supports construction on Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia. ... We are also planning interconnection transmission in addition to the power plant that will link the entire Flores Island, "said ... In the future, Flores will rely on geothermal power plants (PLPT) as the main source of energy. ... The six are the Sokoria geothermal plant with a total capacity of 30 MW joining the electricity system in 2020 (with 5 MW) to ...

◆191206 Neptune joins Eni in Merakes gas project offshore Indonesia
Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3897M2R
Eni and Neptune were already partners in various upstream projects in Indonesia such as the Muara Bakau area off East ... The produced gas will be shipped to the Bontang LNG plant using existing facilities at the Jangkrik field and the East ...

◆191206 Mitsubishi Is First in JD Power 2019 Indonesia CSI Study
The News Wheel-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/366uWVO
Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia, a sales and marketing subsidiary of Mitsubishi, earned the number one spot of two major studies. It received the top ranking in both the J.D. Power 2019 Indonesia Sales Satisfaction Index ...

◆191206 AC Energy plans to focus on renewables, peaking plants
BusinessWorld Online-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qv7kLu
By Victor V. Saulon, Sub-editor. AC Energy Philippines, Inc. targets to build around 1,300 megawatts (MW) of power generation plants by end-2020, or about three times the size of the company's installed capacity before the Ayalas' energy ...

◆191206 Philippine national power grid IPO can guard against China ...
South China Morning Post-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DMToiO
The Philippine government is investigating China's part ownership of the national grid amid claims Beijing can plunge the country ... That's the view of Sherwin Gatchalian, chairperson of the Philippine Senate's energy committee, who used a televised ... But Matibag, of the National Transmission Corporation or TransCo, agreed with Gatchalian that an IPO was in the ... An electricity post in Quiapo city, metro Manila, Philippines. ..... Duterte 'wants to learn more' about nuclear energy.

◆191206 US investor bids to keep China out of Philippine shipyard
Nikkei Asian Review-17 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2rmQjU7
MANILA -- U.S. private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management and Australian shipbuilder Austal have made a formal bid for the Philippines' largest shipyard in Subic Bay, which has also attracted Chinese interest. Executives close to the ...

◆191206 Ayala firms up 3 new PH power projects
Manila Bulletin-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/33VFBRy
The diesel-fed power facility had been designed to have two units and will eventually be ramped up to 300MW capacity – when the second unit of 150MW will be advanced to ... AC Energy has been pursuing various projects domestically and offshore – and by far, it was noted that at least 25-percent of next year's investment line-up will be those that are up for development in the Philippines. For the Pililla ...

◆191206 The Kalinga Geothermal Project (KGP) is on track to complete ...
Industry Global News 24-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sQ9sya
The Kalinga Geothermal Project (KGP) is on track to complete the excavation phase with two slim hole wells drilling, as confirmed before the weekend. The Renewable Energy Geothermal Service Contract was awarded by the Department of ...



◆191207 〔ミャンマー〕三菱重工がヤンゴンに現地事務所
USフロントライン-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RsygGF
三菱重工業のシンガポール現地法人、三菱重工アジア・パシフィックは2日、ミャンマーの最大都市ヤンゴンに駐在員事務所を開設したと発表した。この先の事業拡大に向け、有望市場の情報収集や顧客との案件形成などを進める。 ミャンマーでの事務所開設 ...


◆191207 MHPS ships JAC turbines for CCGT plant in Thailand
Power Engineering Magazine-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Rt2ERp
A new combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) project in Thailand has received the first shipment of eight gas-fired units needed for the plants under construction. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems has completed a shipment of its JAC (J-Series Air ...

◆191207 Mekong river's new aquamarine color may be sign of trouble
Asahi Shimbun-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LxsnnP
BANGKOK--The Mekong river has recently acquired an aquamarine color that may beguile tourists but also indicates a ... The river usually has a yellowish-brown shade due to the sediment it normally carries downstream. ... The experts and people living along the river blame a large hydroelectric dam upstream in Laos that began operating in ... With less sediment, the water also has more stream power, a phenomenon known as "hungry water," said Chainarong Setthachau of the ...

◆191207 New Military Vehicles Put China-Thailand Defense Relations ...
The Diplomat-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/36etpgC
As I have noted before in these pages, while China-Thailand military cooperation is not new, it noticeably deepened ... coup in Thailand in May 2014, which bought a military junta to power and caused an initial downturn in U.S.-Thai relations ...

◆191207 Mekong River dying a slow but certain death
Asia Times-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2P1m5PD
Laos' Don Sahong, the newest of dozens of Mekong dam projects, began generating electricity close to the Laos-Cambodia border in November. ... Countries across Asia are building dozens of new coal-fired power plants to meet the rising demand while at the same time sparking ... and Peace and an ex-energy minister, at a recent Mekong River discussion held at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.

◆191207 SOCAR Trading to export 5 mln barrels of oil to Vietnam
AzerNews-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/36dG0QO
Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical Co (BSR), which is a part of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group Petrovietnam signed a contract with SOCAR Trading on November 29, 2019 for supplying oil to the Dung Quat refinery in Hanoi. Under the terms of ...

◆191207 Vietnam Draws Lines in the Sea
Foreign Policy-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/38bjSZk
Defense is serious business in Vietnam, a country that has a history of fighting off foreign aggressors. ... “New developments in the East Sea, including unilateral actions, power-based coercion, violation of international law, militarization, change in the ... resulting in some withdrawal of oil and gas exploration projects, including demanding that the exploration operation with Repsol cease in 2017 and the ...

◆191207 Vietnam's Nghi Son refinery restarting, to be fully operational ...
Reuters Africa-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/38aVYNL
HANOI, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Vietnam's $9-billion Nghi Son refinery will restart on Thursday after a shutdown late in October for major maintenance work, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said. Vietnam's second oil refinery, Nghi Son ...

◆191207 Finnish electricity generator installed in Cambodia
ScandAsia.com-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/343w5w4
“I am optimistic that the supply of electricity will be better in next year's dry season than the previous one, when we ... Plan 2019-2023 in November 2019 “the shortages were due to unprecedented low water levels in the Mekong River, which led to ... Mr. Jona said that the coal-fired Cambodian Energy II Co Ltd (CEL II) power station in Preah Sihanouk province is expected to be operational this month.

◆191207 What's Next for Kem Sokha's Trial in Cambodia?
The Diplomat-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/38crwTe
On December 3, the investigating judge in the case of Kem Sokha, the Cambodian opposition leader arrested on ... he now has “adequate evidence” to convict the detained politician of “conspiracy with a foreign power,” under Article 443 of the ...

◆191207 Over 50% of Myanmar to have access to electricity by December
Eleven Myanmar-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ls4pu8
More than 50 percent of the whole country will have access to electricity by December this year, and efforts are being made to further develop power supply sector as a budget of over ... In Myanmar, 3.7 million households (37 percent) had access to electricity in 2015-2016 while the number will have reached 5.448 million (50.09 percent) by December 2019. ... The Ministry of Energy and Electricity is spending State budgets as well as foreign loans for national electrification project.

◆191207 Peace and war in Myanmar
Brookings Institution (blog)-9 時間前 https://brook.gs/2RuaBFK
The Myanmar military retained much power independent of the elected government under the constitution it had drafted and got adopted in a rigged referendum in 2008. It resisted the political reforms Aung San Suu Kyi sought, including ...

◆191207 Myanmar attracts US$1.39 B foreign investments in two months
Eleven Myanmar-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rmESf8
Myanmar attracted US$1.39 billion worth of foreign investments within two months of this fiscal year, according to the Myanmar ... The six businesses are two in the electricity sector, one each in housing and transportation and communications sectors and two in industrial sector. ... Foreign investors invested mostly in oil and natural gas, energy, production, transportation and communications, real estate, ...

◆191207 Hydro Electric Dams Starving Mekong River of Vital Sediment
Chiang Rai Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PqyjA2
The Mighty Mekong River has recently acquired an aquamarine colour that may beguile tourists but also indicates a problem caused by ... The experts and people living along the river blame a large hydroelectric dam upstream in Laos. It began ... With less sediment, the water also has more stream power, a phenomenon known as “hungry water,” said Chainarong Setthachau of the Faculty of ... “The current has less sediment, which unleashes energy onto the river banks downstream.



◆191207 IEA、インドと連携強化へ 戦略国に格上げ―閣僚理事会
時事通信-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/36a1CgZ
IEA、インドと連携強化へ 戦略国に格上げ―閣僚理事会 ... 会合に出席した松本洋平経済産業副大臣は記者団に対し、今後インドでのエネルギー消費増が見込まれるとした上で「国際社会の中で責任を果たそうとしているのは、わが国にとっても大変重要な事柄 ...

◆191207 インドの産業支援へ RCEP交渉離脱の示唆受け 梶山経産相
NHK NEWS WEB-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sP5hT3
梶山経済産業大臣は今月10日からインドを訪問し、インド産業の競争力強化に向けたデジタル分野の支援策を伝える方針です。RCEP=東アジア地域包括的経済連携からの離脱も示唆するインドから柔軟な姿勢を引き出したい考えです。 続きを読む. 梶山経済 ...

◆191207 アフガンに寄り添った中村哲医師の素顔
論座-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DQHVPp
中村さんは1984年にパキスタンに赴任して現地の人々の医療にあたり、86年にはアフガニスタンでも活動を開始。大干ばつに襲われた土地で、命を救うための水と食糧を確保するために、井戸掘りや用水路造りなどに取り組んできた。会が掘った井戸は約1600 ...

◆191204 安倍首相、23日から中国訪問 インドは15日から
時事通信-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YaZVgK
安倍晋三首相は3日の政府・与党連絡会議で、15~17日にインドを、23~25日に中国をそれぞれ訪問する予定だと報告した。首相は中国で日中韓3カ国首脳会談に出席するほか、日中、日韓の各首脳会談も調整していると説明した。韓国の文在寅大統領との ...


◆191206 New IAEA Collaborating Centre in Pakistan to assist in ...
International Atomic Energy Agency-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/38fpvG6
“I cannot emphasize enough the importance of education and training for building the capacity of Member States in this field,” said IAEA Deputy Director General Mikhail Chudakov, Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy, at the signing ...

◆191206 Analysis: Petronas' India growth roadmap looks beyond oil ...
S&P Global-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/38fpGBg
Analysis: Petronas' India growth roadmap looks beyond oil, toward renewables, LNG ... of Amplus Energy Solutions, which will provide end-to-end solutions for rooftop and ground-mounted solar power projects, and serves the Indian market. ... "Cleaner fuels such as LNG and renewable energy have a huge potential in India as the country continues to grow and ... national and international oil and gas companies, Jeff Moore, manager for Asian LNG Analytics at S&P Global Platts, said.

◆191206 India okays allocation of 5 coal mines; allows part output sale ...
S&P Global-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/389rbkd
Singapore — The Indian government has approved the allocation of five coal mines with a combined capacity of about 5.2 million mt/year, allowing successful bidders the flexibility to sell a portion of the production in the open market, ...

◆191206 Pakistan Has Over 100 Nuclear Weapons Pointed At India ...
Yahoo News-19 時間前 https://yhoo.it/2YqIs3R
Pakistan Has Over 100 Nuclear Weapons Pointed At India (And Millions Live At Risk) ... A nuclear power for decades, Pakistan is now attempting to construct a nuclear triad of its own, making its nuclear ... the country's 1971 defeat at the hands of India, which caused East Pakistan to break away and become Bangladesh.

◆191206 Pakistan's moderates threatening nuclear war over Kashmir is ...
ThePrint-2019/12/04 https://bit.ly/2RmWMJ8
And this time even a moderate in the Pakistani establishment, Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, is threatening nuclear war in support of Kashmir's secessionists. ... Partition,' after four wars with India (including 1971 that led to the breakup of Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh) and after ... As a revisionist power, Pakistan developed its military nuclear programme primarily to advance its claim of parity with India ...

◆191206 JICA Mentors Young Leaders of India in Renewable Energy ...
Business Wire India (press release)-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s40Sex
JICA Mentors Young Leaders of India in Renewable Energy Development Through Its Knowledge Co-Creation ... visits of each renewable energy technology for solar power generation, solar heat utilization, wind power generation, ... JICA has extended concessional loans to Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) to cover over 36 sub-projects in wind, solar and small hydro sectors.

◆191206 Pakistan's case stronger than India's for elite N-club ...
DAWN.com-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PnoqDc
Pakistan's case stronger than India's for elite N-club membership: ex-envoy ... Strategic Vision Institute holds conference on 'Peaceful uses of nuclear technology — Pakistan's achievements' ... Dr Cheema observed that Pakistan's elaborate programme for harnessing peaceful uses of nuclear energy includes power plants, research reactors, ... Sri Lanka hire Mickey Arthur as head coach for two years ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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