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2019年12月11日 水曜日


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2019年12月11日 COP25,世界の年排出は320億トン,日本は3.5%










北朝鮮 統一戦線部長の金英哲氏,「トランプ氏は非常に無謀で一貫性のない老人であるため,彼を再び『老いぼれ』と呼ぶしかない時代が来るかもしれない」,金正恩委員長が言ったわけではないので,トランプ大統領の反応次第だが,どう持って行けば選挙に役立つのか,よく分からない,









◆191211 米長官、北朝鮮に自制要求 「正恩氏は約束」と強調
産経ニュース-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/34aFYYK
ポンペオ米国務長官は10日、北朝鮮が大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)発射再開も示唆して対米批判を強めていることに関し、金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長がトランプ大統領との会談で「長距離弾道ミサイルの発射や核実験をしないと約束した」と強調し、約束を守る ...

◆191211 米、北朝鮮が非核化へのコミットメント堅持と楽観=国務長官
ロイター-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qGJa0B
ワシントン 10日 ロイター] - ポンペオ米国務長官は10日、トランプ政権は北朝鮮が非核化に向けたコミットメントを堅持し、長距離 ... 北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長は、非核化を巡る対米交渉の期限を年末に設定し、米国が一方的な非核化要求を撤回し ...

◆191211 まるで米国への挑発、習近平「国賓招待」の危うさ
JBpress-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YDxlEW
古森 義久:産経新聞ワシントン駐在客員特派員、麗澤大学特別教授). 安倍政権が来年(2020年)春、中国の習近平国家主席を国賓として日本へ招待する計画を進めている。この計画が国際的に反発を買う見通しが強くなってきた。日本の対中融和政策が民主 ...

◆191211 米は追加関税発動を延期と中国当局者が予想-ナバロ氏からは異論
ブルームバーグ-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qCucsi
米は追加関税発動を延期と中国当局者が予想-ナバロ氏からは異論 ... 中国の当局者は、米国が15日に予定する対中関税引き上げについて、両国の第1段階の貿易合意に向けた交渉にさらなる時間を確保するため、発動を先送りするとみている。事情に詳しい ...

◆191211 米ロ外相、核軍縮・北朝鮮めぐり溝埋まらず
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2EaghwE
【ワシントン=中村亮】ポンペオ米国務長官は10日、ワシントンでロシアのラブロフ外相と会談した。ラブロフ氏は新戦略兵器削減条約(新START)の単純延長を求めたが、ポンペオ氏は中国の参加が望ましいとの立場を堅持して溝が埋まらなかった。北朝鮮の非核 ...

◆191211 中国発行体のデフォルト増加、オフショア市場に波及し始める
ブルームバーグ-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RGhEvl
中国経済が減速し流動性が低下する中で、体力の弱い中国企業は債務返済に苦しんでいる。これがオフショア市場にも影響しつつある。中国人投資家のドル建て債市場への参入拡大がリスク集中を招き、ちょっとしたトラブルの兆しで買い入れた債券を投げ売り ...

◆191211 【国際情勢分析】世論調査に表れた日本人の中国不信 「良い印象 ...
産経ニュース-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/35axMsV
15%-。9月に実施された世論調査で、中国に「良い」印象を持つと答えた日本人の割合だ。 ... て友好事業に力を入れてきた上、来年春に予定される習近平国家主席の「国賓」としての訪日を前に、もう少し数値が改善するのでは-という期待があったためだ。

◆191211 中国への追加関税 先送り案も検討 トランプ大統領の判断に注目
NHK NEWS WEB-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PxBLsW
アメリカによる中国への追加関税措置の発動日が迫る中、アメリカの有力紙は、双方の交渉団が貿易協議を続けられるように全面的な発動を先送りする案が検討されていると伝えました。トランプ大統領が近くどのような判断を下すか注目されます。 続きを読む.

◆191211 イラン大統領、19日来日へ 安倍首相と中東情勢協議
時事通信-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PBWSKn


◆191210 安保理、北朝鮮公開会合へ 米が提案、姿勢硬化か
産経ニュース-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/36jSeHJ
国連安全保障理事会は、北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発について協議する公開会合を11日午後(日本時間12日午前)に開くことを決めた。今月の安保理議長国である米国が自ら会合開催を提案した。安保理外交筋が9日明らかにした。これまで北朝鮮非難に一線を ...

◆191210 北朝鮮、突然の「重大な実験」が意味すること
東洋経済オンライン-2019/12/08 https://bit.ly/2YyiMlQ
12月7日、北朝鮮は西部の西海(ソヘ)衛星発射場で、おそらく新しいタイプの大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)用固体燃料エンジンの ... ミサイル打ち上げの再開は、金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長が2018年4月20日に交わした約束を守り、中国政府を過度に警戒させ ...

◆191210 北朝鮮 「安全への脅威大きくなる」と米をけん制
NHK NEWS WEB-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s7HRrP
アメリカのトランプ大統領は、北朝鮮のキム・ジョンウン(金正恩)朝鮮労働党委員長に対して、「アメリカに敵意を示したらすべてを失う」と述べました。これについて北朝鮮は談話を発表し、われわれはこれ以上失うものはないと反発したうえで、アメリカに対して「 ...

◆191210 北朝鮮、トランプ氏を厳しく個人批判-「無謀で一貫性ない老人」
ブルームバーグ-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YzGyOy

◆191210 ICBMちらつかせる北朝鮮 迫る米朝交渉期限に圧力か
朝日新聞-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/36uUbBx
北朝鮮の非核化をめぐる米朝の交渉が停滞するなか、交渉期限を年内だと主張する北朝鮮が挑発的な行動を重ねている。8日には国防科学院の報道官が、北西部の平安北道(ピョンアンブクト)東倉里(トンチャンリ)の西海衛星発射場で「非常に重大な実験」を ...

◆191210 中国、政府機関から外国製コンピューターを排除へ 英紙報道
CNN.co.jp-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/36mVW3g
香港(CNN Business) 中国当局は全ての政府機関や公共施設に、外国製のコンピューター機器とソフトウエアを3年以内に撤去 ... 中国のソーシャルメディアには「こんな命令を出した当局者はどうかしている」「我が国は北朝鮮になりつつある」など、批判的な ...

◆191210 国連でも影響力拡大図る中国(The Economist)
日本経済新聞-16 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2P4EOtq
中国は国連安全保障理事会で拒否権を持つが、それを単独で行使して批判を招くことは長年避けてきた。 ... もう一つは国連の様々な文書に習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席の思想を反映する文言を入れることだ。 ... 氏が「ウィンウィン」のグローバルなインフラ建設構想として推進する「一帯一路」への好意的な文言を挿入させることに成功している。

◆191210 香港デモ半年、主役は若者 背景に「通識」中国は警戒感
朝日新聞-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2t2QQeq



◆191211 COP25閣僚級会合始まる 日本の石炭火力発電に批判
www.fnn.jp-14 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00428720CX/201912110031_CX_CX
小泉環境相「まず石炭(火力発電)の批判から逃げないということですね。いくら前向きな取り組みをPRしても、覆われて ... 現地では、日本が温室効果ガスを多く出す石炭火力発電を推進していることに批判が出ている。 小泉環境相は、日本の取り組みをアピール ...


◆191210 石炭火力 なぜ“卒業”できないか
東京新聞-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/38ko8pn
ところが「石炭火力などは選択肢として残したい」という経済産業相発言を受けて日本は、COP25開幕早々、環境団体の国際ネットワークから、温暖化対策に後ろ向きな国が選ばれる「化石賞」を贈られた。「パリ協定(温暖化対策の新たな国際ルール)を軽視して ...

◆191210 「卒FIT」電気争奪戦 太陽光発電の先進地では低調?
朝日新聞-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/359dAHJ
住宅用の太陽光発電で、余った電気の買い取り競争が11月から始まるなか、太陽光の「先進地」と言われる九州で争奪戦が盛り上がっていない。環境にやさしい電源を手に入れようと電力会社が取り合うと想定されたが、買い取り価格の相場はほかの地域より ...

◆191210 送電網の中国支配を懸念し上院が監査要求、送電企業は受け入れへ
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YzdBCd
送電企業のフィリピン国家送電会社(NGCP)は11月27日、送電網が中国企業に支配されているとする懸念に基づいて安全監査を求める上院の決議案に関して、懸念は杞憂(きゆう)であり、安全監査も受け入れると発表した。11月28日でジーエムネットワーク ...



◆191211 COP25にブルームバーグ氏、気候変動対策で中国との協力訴え
ロイター-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/36sK7IT
マドリード 10日 ロイター] - 2020年の米大統領選で民主党候補の指名争いに出馬表明したブルームバーグ前ニューヨーク市長は10日、気候変動対策への世界的な取り組みにおいて米国は中国との関係を改善する必要があるとの認識を示した。気候変動 ...

◆191211 中国自動車販売、11月は17カ月連続の前年割れ NEVも減少
朝日新聞社-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/38m1JYZ
北京/上海 10日 ロイター] - 中国汽車工業協会(CAAM)が集計した11月の自動車販売台数は17カ月連続の前年割れとなった。プラグイン・ハイブリッド(PHV)、電気自動車、燃料電池車などの新エネルギー車(NEV)の販売も5カ月連続で減少した。

◆191211 岱山4号洋上風力発電所、220kV海底ケーブルが敷設完了―中国
ニコニコニュース-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/38rf1U2
同海底ケーブルのメインケーブルは、魚山島グリーン石油化学工業基地と洋上風力発電所ブースターステーションを結ぶ。総延長12キロ、中国内最大直径(25.2センチ)の220kV光電複合送電海底ケーブルで、中国内最先端の海底ケーブル施工船「啓帆9号」 ...


◆191211 China Quietly Ramps Up Oil Production In Iran
OilPrice.com-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/36mRku1
The supergiant Azadegan oil field, comprising major north and south sites, is as important to Iran's overall strategic plan to survive the current sanctions environment and to prosper when they are lifted as the flagship South Pars supergiant gas ...

◆191211 Why Does China Say It Won't Use Nuclear Weapons First in ...
Yahoo News-14 時間前 https://yhoo.it/2qEWnqz
China has reaffirmed its policy of never being the first in a conflict to use nuclear weapons. ... July 2019 strategic white paper, surprised some observers who expected a more expansive and aggressive nuclear posture from the rising power.

◆191211 Why China's Putting All Its Oil Pipes in One Company
Washington Post-2019/12/09 https://wapo.st/348IuPf
Chinese President Xi Jinping has a plan to help meet the country's growing energy needs and clear its dirty air: Spin off the tens of thousands of miles of pipelines held by three state-owned oil and gas giants and merge them into one new company. ... China has moved millions of homes and businesses from coal to cleaner-burning natural gas as part of Xi's pledge to protect the environment. But the ...

◆191211 China is winning the offshore oil game
RT-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LJtXmH
China's international presence in the offshore oil sector is quickly growing as its oil majors are willing to invest in places ... All of that has led to a massive Chinese footprint offshore, which will eventually translate into formidable geopolitical power, ... CNOOC is exploring other offshore areas as well, in both oil and gas, including in the Republic of Congo, in the Haute ... From 2000-2018, China funded $34.8 billion in African energy projects, $8.9 billion of which went to Angola, and $6.6 ...

◆191211 As growth slows, China looks to coal for quick-fire stimulus
The Business Times-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RE2dUk
It has added a total of 42.9 GW in the past 18 months, even as 30 countries have cut their coal fleets ... A coal-fired power plant built by Chinese state-owned Zhenhua Oil sits in the countryside amid corn fields, 40 km from Tangshan, the steel ...

◆191211 Oil rises but US-China trade war weighs on demand outlook
CNBC-19 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2Pb7Wzt
Oil prices inched up on Tuesday as OPEC's deal with associated producers last week to deepen output cuts in 2020 continued to provide a floor for prices, but U.S.-China trade tensions clouded the demand outlook. ... “Now that the producers announced a production cut last week, the market is holding just below three-month highs,” said Gene McGillian, director of market research at Tradition Energy.

◆191211 China Plans Energy Exchange for Oil and Gas Trade Expansion
FinanceSecond (blog)-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/35cQcZV
To that end, China has decided to establish a new oil and gas trade exchange known as the Greater Bay Area ... be able to trade in a wide range of products starting from crude oil, energy derivatives, and electricity, ethane, and carbon credits.

◆191211 China goes green in power generation
ecns-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/35buFkq
... percent from 2013, thanks to the exploitation of clean energy and the construction of power transmission channels, said the report. In breakdown, thermal power generation increased 20 percent from 2013 to 5.1 trillion kwh, much lower than the ... Hydropower output reached 1.23 trillion kwh in 2018, reporting the largest output in clean energy generation, up 6 ... Nuclear power production had maintained a growth rate of over 15 percent for five consecutive years by the end of 2018, ...



◆191211 フィリピン南部ミンダナオ島などの戒厳令 ことし末に解除へ
NHK NEWS WEB-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ryorfG
フィリピンの大統領府は、イスラム武装勢力の掃討作戦のために2年前から南部ミンダナオ島などに出していた戒厳令について、ドゥテルテ大統領が延長しないことを決めたと明らかにしました。治安が回復したことを受けてドゥテルテ大統領としては、ミンダナオ島 ...

◆191207 インドネシア土木工事の泥沼、危機に瀕する三井E&S
週刊東洋経済プラス-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OWix0Q
今年度も多額の損失を計上することになり、深くお詫びする」(岡良一社長兼COO〈最高執行責任者〉). 造船、重機大手の三井E&Sホールディングスは11月1日、インドネシアで進めていた火力発電所の土木工事案件で、713億円の追加損失を計上すると発表 ...


◆191211 Indonesia to further edge up bio-content proportion for bio-diesel
Xinhua-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/36lAxYq
10 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia, the world's largest palm oil producer, will drift up further the percentage of bio-content used in bio-diesel, starting ... Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said on Tuesday that the government is ... Minister Pandjaitan said at the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs, which also oversees the energy sector.

◆191211 Asian palm oil futures hit near 2-year high on supply fears
Nikkei Asian Review-1 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2LI3RAl
TOKYO -- Asian palm oil prices hit a near two-year high early in December, as Malaysian supply is expected to fall while demand in China and Indonesia is surging. Benchmark near-term palm oil futures traded at around 2,630 ringgit ($632) ...

◆191211 Options for oil contractors
Jakarta Post-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/359qhlL
Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif's recent statement at the House of Representatives that oil companies would be ... Only by increasing proven oil and gas reserves will Indonesia be able to make its production sustainable and sufficient to meet its ... will also help, but it will take five to seven years to make this renewable energy a significant component of the country's energy mix..

◆191211 Philippines-Based AC Energy Launches $400 Million Green ...
Mercom India-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LJfBmm
AC Energy, the energy platform of Philippines-based Ayala Corporation, has launched its non-deferrable green bonds. ... AC Energy is planning to use the funds for the expansion of renewable energy across the Asia Pacific region, which ...

◆191211 Japan offers Southeast Asia way out of US-China rivalry
Nikkei Asian Review-11 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2YzAplx
Asian geopolitics is often reduced to great-power rivalry between the U.S. and China. This is especially the case in Southeast Asia, where regional leaders have repeatedly expressed their unwillingness to choose between the two. What is ...

◆191211 DENR orders Pasig River cleared of idle barges
INQUIRER.net-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LKkZ8C
MANILA, Philippines — A day after the relaunching of the Pasig River Ferry Service, Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso on Tuesday led an inspection of moored barges as the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) issued a ...

◆191211 ADB meets commitment to double annual climate financing to ...
Smart Energy (press release)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sfhm3T
New $250 million ADB loan to accelerate energy efficiency in India ... new financing instruments such as the contingent disaster risk financing for financial resilience while enhancing investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, .



◆191211 ベトナム縦断「統一鉄道」の旅 来年3月出発
産経ニュース-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2E3TClO
ベトナムの首都ハノイとホーチミンのサイゴン駅を結ぶ“統一鉄道”に乗車、約1700キロを縦断するツアーを来年3月1日から5日間の日程で開催します。産経新聞社が企画しました。 “統一鉄道”とは南北に分断されていたベトナムを縦断する列車で、車両の ...

◆191211 シアヌークビルの運河、洪水対策で修復開始
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/358mBRu
カンボジア公共事業・運輸省は9日、南部シアヌークビル州で運河5本の修復工事に着手した。工事費用は250万米ドル(約2億7,200万円)。来年3月の完工を目指す。クメール・タイムズ(電子版)が10日伝えた。 スン・チャントル公共事業・運輸相によると、雨期 ..

◆191211 ロヒンギャ虐殺めぐる国際裁判始まる、スーチー氏も出廷
BBCニュース-3 時間前 https://bbc.in/36nPtVR
仏教徒が多数を占めるミャンマーでは2017年、軍部主導のロヒンギャ掃討によって、数千人が死亡し、70万人以上が隣国 ... 国連の事実調査団も数々の明白な証拠を見つけ、ラカイン州でのロヒンギャに対するジェノサイドについて、ミャンマー軍を調査すべきだと ...

◆191211 ラート、ラオスの水力発電所が商業運転開始
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2t6O7AG
タイの発電会社RATCH(ラート)グループは6日、合弁会社を通じてラオス南部に建設したセピアン・セナムノイ水力発電所が商業運転を開始したと発表した。出力は41万キロワット(kW)で、同日から電力供給を開始した。 タイ証券取引所(SET)への報告による ...


◆191211 Mekong River turns aquamarine due to low flows
VnExpress International-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2E8gAbE
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) said in a statement released on Monday that another reason could also be because ... The river flows through China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and the region is experiencing one of its ... The MRC's monitoring of flows shows that dry season flows have increased in the past few years due to water release at reservoirs to produce electricity.

◆191211 ASEAN to take immediate steps to combat drought in SE Asia
Viet Nam News-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ec83Eh
“Regional co-operation, especially among nations benefiting from the Mekong River, is needed to support national efforts to manage ... The Mekong River levels in June and July significantly fell compared to previous years, raising concern of ... number of dam constructions in the Mekong River were “posing a great burden on the 4,700-kilometre Mekong River basin, especially on the Mekong Delta”.

◆191211 Chinese satellites contribute to pollution control of plateau lakes
Xinhua-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LFhqjZ
It belongs to the Lancang-Mekong River water system. The drainage area is 2,565 square km. "Previously, we used traditional physical and chemical methods, as well as foreign satellite data to monitor the water quality of Erhai Lake.

◆191211 Oil & Gas Firm Provides Update on Exploration Well
Streetwise Reports-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sevWZh
Pan Orient stated it will concentrate on compiling the year-end 2019 Thailand reserves report, advancing the January 2020 multi-well exploration and appraisal drilling program in Thailand and figuring out how to best maximize the value of its ...

◆191211 Will Thailand's Future Forward party survive a Prayuth ...
South China Morning Post-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2t8Ev8F
in November in which the scion of auto-parts maker Thai Summit Group was disqualified from serving as a parliamentarian because of a ... If they continue on in power, Thailand will become a mess,” organiser Tanawat Wongchai said.

◆191211 Japan to keep pushing coal in developing world despite criticism
The Japan Times-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/36sl0WV
“There is a need for coal-fired power generation, mainly from developing Asian countries where demand for energy is surging,” the source said. ... The government maintains that renewable energy sources remain too unreliable and expensive, despite their ... sealed an accord to offer a loan of up to $1.2 billion to fund a Vietnamese coal-fired power generation project. ... Japan's reliance on fossil fuels for power generation has increased as most of its nuclear power plants remain idle, ...

◆191211 Vietnam struggles to stay a trade war winner
Asia Times-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/35e1BZm
Vietnam, widely regarded as one of the US-China trade war's biggest winners, is stepping up efforts to prevent ... Whether US trade officials are convinced that effort is genuine and effective will likely determine if Vietnam's trade war win becomes ... Virginia-based AES, an energy giant, signed an MOU with the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade to help build the ... Gas Turbine Power Plant, while Vietnam Airlines signed a $1 billion engine repair deal with another American firm.

◆191211 Countering Beijing's South China Sea strategy
The Japan Times-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/36lm9zp
For the littoral nations of the South China Sea — Vietnam and the Philippines in particular — China's robust military capabilities and its many controversial and militarized/fortified artificial islands have been casting much darker clouds over ...

◆191211 Cambodia dismayed over US sanctions for corruption, logging
Chicago Tribune-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/38ktnW6
The Cambodian government expressed "strong dismay" Tuesday over a U.S. Treasury decision to sanction two businessmen suspected of corruption and illegal logging. ... The companies engage in various businesses including tourism, real estate development and energy. ... impunity, their incentive to help him cling to power has increased," Patrick Alley, director of Global Witness, said in a statement.

◆191211 KrisEnergy starts oil platform development
Khmer Times-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PtMULe
KrisEnergy, an independent upstream oil and gas company, has started the development of facilities for a wellhead ... secretary of state at the Ministry of Mines and Energy, who attended the ceremony, said it was to show that Cambodia is .

◆191211 Ayala and Yoma team up to close Myanmar's infrastructure gap
Nikkei Asian Review-21 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/34cRnaq
"There is no more important thing for Myanmar than to bridge the infrastructure gap," he added. ... Since 2017, Yoma has been installing electricity generating equipment that combines solar and diesel power in rural villages without grid ...

◆191211 In Myanmar Army's Corner, Aung San Suu Kyi Will Defend It in ...
The New York Times-15 時間前 https://nyti.ms/36u8G8F
From Tuesday to Thursday, Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi will represent Myanmar in public hearings at the International Court of Justice, ... opposition leader to apologist for some of this century's worst ethnic pogroms is a cautionary tale of how power corrupts. ... In Myanmar, the international effort to punish those responsible is viewed by many as a plot by oil-rich sheikhs to upend a peaceful Buddhist nation.

◆191211 US slaps sanctions on Myanmar military chief over Rohingya ...
Aljazeera.com-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2P8hWsY
The sanctions targeted military chief Min Aung Hlaing on the same day that Myanmar's civilian leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, attended the first ... A 2017 military crackdown in Myanmar drove more than 730,000 mostly Muslim Rohingya to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh. ... a transition towards democracy in Myanmar, where Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi came to power after landmark elections in 2015.

◆191211 Myanmar makes a comeback for 2020 – here's what's on offer
River Cruise Passenger-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/34ahxL0
The Irrawaddy is springing back to life in 2020 with river cruise lines re-entering Myanmar for the first time in years. One of the lines lifting the veil again is APT, with a range of exciting new itineraries that celebrate the best this destination has ...

◆191211 A deep dive into growth projections
Myanmar Times-57 分前 https://bit.ly/2REKw72
Despite rising costs, teething problems as a result of economic reforms and a slower flow of foreign capital into the country, government officials and institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have issued lofty growth ...

◆191211 Nearly 1700 villages in Arakan State do not have electricity
Burma News International-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Px4r57
Nearly all townships in Arakan State have access to electricity, said U Nyi Pu, Chief Minister of Arakan State at an ... with electricity from the national grid while 1,499 villages have been supplied with electricity from solar, diesel-fired power ... Yangon Region consumes nearly 50 percent of the country's total electricity while Mandalay Region uses about 18 percent of electricity that's generated in Myanmar.

◆191211 Wang Yi's Myanmar visit deepens China-Myanmar's 'Pauk ...
CGTN-2019/12/09 https://bit.ly/38wc2d9
On December 7, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Myanmar and lent strong support to ... of Sino-Myanmar oil pipeline and the agreement on constructing the Kyaukpyu deep-sea port and the industrial park.

◆191211 Vietnam-Laos trade in first 10 months reaches US$940 million
New Straits Times Online-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RFVSYE
HANOI: Trade between Vietnam and Laos in the first 10 months of this year hit US$940 million. ... It is aimed at helping the neighbouring country implement infrastructure projects in transport, energy, personnel training and social welfare.

◆191211 Can Laos profit from China rail link despite being US$1.5 ...
South China Morning Post-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PzGfit
The 420km line cuts through northern and central Laos, starting at Boten on the Laos-China border, passing through Luang Namtha, ... It will have 10 stations in Laos, including one at the former royal capital of Luang Prabang, allowing for both domestic passenger and freight use. ..... to complete a project started more than 25 years ago to bring drinking water from a river north of Kathmandu to the capital.



◆191211 インド、日本に貿易黒字の削減要請 首相の訪印控え
ロイター-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qEEPuI
ニューデリー 10日 ロイター] - インド政府は10日、来週の安倍晋三首相の訪印を前に声明を発表し、日本に対して貿易黒字を削減するための措置を取るよう求めた。 インドのモディ首相と安倍氏は、15─16日に東部のゴウハティで会談する。昨年モディ氏が ...

◆191211 梶山経産相、インド商工相と会談「RCEP交渉継続を確認」
NHK NEWS WEB-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YzmCLK
梶山経済産業大臣は訪問先のインドでRCEP=東アジア地域包括的経済連携を担当する閣僚と会談し、インドの産業競争力の強化に日本が協力することで合意したうえで、インドがRCEPの交渉を継続していくことを確認しました。 続きを読む. インドの首都 ...

◆191211 途上国に発電所、援助継続 政府方針、世界と逆行
中日新聞-2019/12/09 https://bit.ly/2P8HJkY
国際協力機構(JICA)は今年六月、バングラデシュの石炭火力発電事業に対する千四百三十一億円余りを限度とする円借款貸し付け契約を同国と調印した。国際協力銀行(JBIC)も四月、ベトナムの石炭火力建設事業に、十一億九千九百万ドル(約千三百億 ...

◆191207 IEA、インドと連携強化へ 戦略国に格上げ―閣僚理事会
時事通信-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/36a1CgZ
IEA、インドと連携強化へ 戦略国に格上げ―閣僚理事会 ... 会合に出席した松本洋平経済産業副大臣は記者団に対し、今後インドでのエネルギー消費増が見込まれるとした上で「国際社会の中で責任を果たそうとしているのは、わが国にとっても大変重要な事柄 ...


◆191211 Tender: India seeks 923MW of solar capacity
Smart Energy (press release)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RHO88m
India's National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) has invited bids for the development of 923MW of grid-connected solar PV capacity projects under the Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) Scheme Phase II (Tranche II). Bidders may ...

◆191211 How to Fix Pakistan's Crashing Economy
The New York Times-9 時間前 https://nyti.ms/2PuCj2C
During the 1980s, in per capita terms Pakistan was richer than India, China and Bangladesh by 15, 38 and 46 percent. ... Pakistan's most famous cricketer, Imran Khan, and his relatively new party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, into power in ...

◆191211 Asia's crude oil buyers pivot towards US crude
S&P Global-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PxQZht
Crude oil buyers in Asia dialed up their efforts to diversify supply this year, after Iranian barrels became off limits and ... This is the third article in a series examining key energy sector trends, ahead of the S&P Global Platts Global Energy Awards. Major energy consumers including India, South Korea and Japan, as well as multiple Southeast Asian buyers, are .... and manufacturing processes bring down the cost of renewables to below the cost of thermal (oil, gas or coal) power ...

◆191211 India's electricity demand falls for fourth straight month, here's ...
India Today-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qFhGZ7
India's power demand fell 4.3 per cent in November from a year ago, representing the fourth straight month of decline, government data ... For the eight months ending November 30, India's electricity demand was up 1.2 per cent, the CEA said. ... Energy requirement fell across all regions in the country, the data showed.

◆191211 India assures renewable developers of pro-business policies
Economic Times-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/36nlvkP
"Government is committed to managing curtailments to enhance the ease of doing business for developers in the renewable energy sector," New and Renewable Energy Secretary Anand Kumar said on the sidelines of the ongoing Madrid ...

◆191211 Pradhan seeks Japanese investment in energy, steel sectors
Business Insider India-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2P9dTg3
"Invited Japan to partner in growth of hydrocarbons and steel sectors as India is working on building a USD 5 trillion economy ... Also invited Japanese companies to participate in massive investments of USD 160 billion by 2024 in oil and gas ...

◆191211 Indian government leading by example in renewable energy ...
pv magazine India-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/38B4DJw
In October 2019, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy asked all state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to prioritise renewable projects in their ... “India's coal-based assets are running into huge losses and are a drag on the financial and banking industries. ... electric vehicles, natural gas provider GAIL India has installed India's second largest rooftop solar power plant, and Indian Oil Corporation plans to ...

◆191211 INOX India commissions India's first LNG station
gasworld-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/35cbZRl
gasworld revealed in September that the company had commissioned India's first liquid to compressed natural gas (LCNG) dispensing station for Rawmatt in Nagpur, Maharashtra. INOX comissions India's first LCNG station. The LNG .




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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