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2019年12月14日 土曜日


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2019年12月14日 人類にとって,地球の石炭の包蔵は余りにも莫大である
















◆191214 北朝鮮、発射場で活動継続
産経ニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LR1z1Y
米国拠点の北朝鮮分析サイト「38ノース」は13日までに、最新の衛星写真に基づき、北朝鮮が「重大実験」を実施した7日以降も、北西部東倉里の西海衛星発射場で活動を継続しているとの分析結果を公表した。 エスパー国防長官は13日、ニューヨークで講演 ...

◆191214 「交渉期限」の年末に向けて、北朝鮮はICBM実験に踏み切るか
Newsweekjapan-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YJstOH
北朝鮮の非核化に向けた米朝間の交渉は、10月のストックホルムでの実務者協議が決裂したとされて以来、進展がみられない。年末の「交渉期限」が迫るなか、ドナルド・トランプ米大統領と北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長の駆け引きは緊迫の度を増している ...

◆191214 中国、太平洋「米同盟」切り崩し ミクロネシア接近
日本経済新聞-13 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2rMky6Z
【北京=羽田野主】中国の習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席は13日、北京市でミクロネシア連邦のパニュエロ大統領と会談した。同国は広域経済圏「一帯一路」構想に参加しており、習氏は会談でインフラ建設など経済支援を表明した。中国は太平洋地域で米国を ...

◆191214 習近平を国賓として招聘すべきではない――尖閣諸島問題
Newsweekjapan-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EiA0uu
安倍首相は9日の記者会見で、習近平を国賓として招聘することに関し、尖閣問題など「習主席に直接、提示している」として、国賓招聘の意思は ... 日本人の拘束問題や尖閣諸島周辺海域での中国公船の行動を受けて、自民党内からも反対する声があります。

◆191214 共産党国家に捧げるジョーク:変装した習近平に1人の老人が言っ ...
Newsweekjapan-14 分前 https://bit.ly/2ROqzuE
習近平(シー・チンピン)が中国人民の生活の実態を知ろうと、変装して街の視察に出た。 習近平は公園のベンチに座っていた一人の老人に話しかけた。 「最近の暮らし向きはいかがですか?」 「ええ、とてもよくなっています」. 習近平はうれしくなって、さらに聞い ...

◆191214 【速報】米中貿易協議「第1段階 合意」 中国政府が緊急会見
www.fnn.jp-9 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00428912CX/201912140039_CX_CX
空自F-35戦闘機はこうして北朝鮮弾道ミサイルを撃墜する?:米MDR報告書. ワールド. 2019年1月20日. PostContent PostContent-program. 【中国トンデモ事件簿】鉄道で相次ぐ迷惑行為 国営紙「国民性ではない」. ワールド. 2018年10月19日. PostContent ...

◆191214 米特別代表 15日から韓国訪問 北朝鮮への対応を協議か
NHK NEWS WEB-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/38ChQS6
北朝鮮が非核化交渉の期限を一方的に年末と区切り、挑発の度合いを高める中、アメリカの交渉担当、ビーガン特別代表が15日から韓国を訪問することになり、対応を協議するとみられます。 続きを読む. これは韓国外務省が13日発表しました。 それによります ...



◆191214 石炭火力は温暖化対策の本命 国際社会にセクシーだと説明せよ!
Yahoo!ニュース-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qOu0q0
小泉環境大臣が石炭火力発電脱却について具体的に説明しなかったことを受けて、COP25で、国際NGOのグループが日本に2つめの「化石賞」を授与した。 これは世界各地の約1300の環境NGOグループが、COPの会期中、温暖化対策に消極的だと判断した ...

◆191214 COP25、CO2排出量首位の中国をスルーで日本叩きの「謎 ...
ZAKZAK-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/38yxYEd
国連気候変動枠組み条約第25回締約国会議(COP25)では、二酸化炭素(CO2)を多く排出するとされる石炭火力発電を続ける日本への風当たりが強かった。ただ、CO2排出量で世界首位の中国がスルーされ、「日本だけ非難されるのはおかしい」との指摘も ...

◆191214 電事連会長 “技術開発でCO2排出抑制” 石炭火力批判受け
NHK NEWS WEB-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/38Eznck
地球温暖化対策について話し合う国連の会議、「COP25」で石炭火力発電が批判されていることについて、大手電力会社で作る電気事業連合会の勝野会長は13日の記者会見で、技術開発によって二酸化炭素の排出を抑えていく考えを示しました。 続きを読む.

◆191214 未来なき石炭、脱却を EU、日本に訴え
東京新聞-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/38BZsck
【マドリード=共同】欧州連合(EU)欧州委員会のティメルマンス執行副委員長(気候変動担当)は十二日、二酸化炭素(CO2)を多く排出する石炭火力発電を日本が推進していることについて「石炭に未来はない。世界で温室効果ガス排出の実質ゼロを本当に実現 ...

◆191214 ダム「事前放流」ルール作り始まる 福島
NHK NEWS WEB-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PL6OkW
全国で豪雨災害が相次ぐ中、台風19号の際にダムの下流域で氾濫のおそれが出る「緊急放流」が行われた福島県で、大雨の前にあらかじめ放流しておく「事前放流」のルール作りが始まったことが分かりました。 続きを読む. ダムの「事前放流」は、大雨が降る前 ...



◆191214 米中が「第一段階」通商合意、関税発動猶予 米農産物購入拡大へ
ロイター-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/38DjaV5
一方、中国は2017年の購入実績額である240億ドルを基準とし、向こう2年間で米国産の農産物を320億ドル追加購入する方向で合意。さらに製造業製品やエネルギー、サービスの購入も増やす。ライトハイザー米通商代表部(USTR)代表は、中国が年500 ...

◆191214 反中色強める米国、中国BYDの電動バスを公共交通から排除
Forbes JAPAN-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/34iULR6
中国の電気自動車メーカー最大手のBYDは、米カリフォルニア州ランカスターの工場で、EV(電動)バスの生産を行っている。ウォーレン・バフェットのバークシャー・ハサウェイも出資するBYDは、現地で年間1500台を製造し、米国の交通セクターに革新をもたらす ...

◆191214 「中国5G経済報告2020」発表、5Gが経済成長に新エネルギー
中国国際放送-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PiABTc
中国国際経済交流センターなどによる「中国5G経済報告2020」が13日北京で発表されました。報告は、「汎用技術としての5Gは、経済と社会がデジタル化へとモデルチェンジする際の重要なインフラだ」と示しました。オンラインからオフラインへ、生産から消費 ...

◆191214 トランプ氏、関税第4弾撤回 「中国と大型合意実現」
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2LQZqTS
【ワシントン=河浪武史】トランプ米大統領は13日、中国との貿易交渉で「極めて大型の取引が実現した、15日に予定していた関税 ... トランプ氏は「中国との合意には多くの構造改革と、農産物やエネルギー、工業製品の大規模購入などが含まれる」と指摘した。


◆191214 US defense chief prepares for 'great power competition' with ...
Nikkei Asian Review-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2tgUAZT
NEW YORK -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said on Friday that China and Russia were the Pentagon's top two priorities, as they pose a challenge to the world order through their rising military power and various tools of influence, ...

◆191214 China gives a dam about improving its green energy ...
The New Economy-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PNdRcQ
China's Three Gorges Dam, a project so large it has affected the speed of the Earth's rotation, is capable of ... of the Grand Inga Dam, which would use the power of the Congo River to generate 40,000MW of electricity – more than twice the ...

◆191214 US-China trade deal swaps tariff rollbacks for farm, energy ...
Reuters-10 時間前 https://reut.rs/2RWFdzQ
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States and China cooled their trade war on Friday, announcing a “Phase one” ... China would also ramp-up purchases of U.S. manufactured goods, energy, and services. ... The agreement was announced as the U.S. House Judiciary Committee voted in Washington to charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction during an impeachment inquiry.

◆191214 Czech Republic becomes unlikely front line in China's soft ...
South China Morning Post-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PM8af9
Czech Republic becomes unlikely front line in China's soft power war. Local news report alleging Czech-owned consumer finance giant Home Credit is behind campaign to promote Beijing is touching raw nerves; Eastern European country ...

◆191214 Kenya hosts forum on China-Africa energy cooperation
Xinhua-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EdKXxe
NAIROBI, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- Kenya on Friday held a forum to discuss China-Africa cooperation in the energy sector under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The forum, the first of its kind, was organized by Nairobi-based Pan-African think-tank ...



◆191214 4万4000年前の洞窟壁画を発見、人類史上最古か インドネシア
CNN.co.jp-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/38CpX1a
(CNN) インドネシア・スラウェシ島の洞窟でこのほど、狩猟の場面を描いた4万4000年前の壁画が見つかった。人類の手による洞窟壁画としては最古のものとみられる。 壁画には半人半獣の生き物の一団が、やりとロープを使ってイノシシやスイギュウを狩る ...

◆191214 ミンダナオ島の戒厳令、2019年末で2年半ぶりに解除へ
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2thaRhs
フィリピン大統領府は12月10日、2017年5月に布告したフィリピン南部ミンダナオ島の戒厳令を2019年末で解除すると発表した。 ミンダナオ島マラウィ市で2017年5月23日に発生したイスラム系反政府勢力との戦闘を受け、フィリピン政府は当初は60日間の期限 ..


◆191214 Indonesian fires could cost palm oil companies up to $15bn
Unearthed-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YKLHDz
Palm oil companies would have faced increased costs of 15 billion US dollars if a carbon tax had been levied on fires in ... set aside for palm oil released 200 megatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, equivalent to the amount 52 coal plants emit in a ... According to the OECD, only 17% of carbon emissions from energy use in Indonesia are taxed, and even then at a comparatively low rate. ... It has stated publicly that it is seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its supply chain.

◆191214 Indonesia Power Generation Market Boosted by High ...
News Description (press release)-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/36wak9C
Browse the full Power Generation Market by Technology (Coal-fired, Natural Gas-fired, Oil-fired, Geothermal, Hydro, ... As per findings, the demand for electricity in Indonesia is expected to grow from 206.5 TWh in 2013 to a projected ... The report also provides details on the initiatives taken by the government of Indonesia for cutting down greenhouse gas emissions and to use renewable energy sources, ...

◆191214 Indonesia's fires burned mostly abandoned and degraded ...
Mongabay.com-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PGQqSw
More than three-quarters of the area burned during this year's fire season in Indonesia were idle or abandoned lands, and not ... As a result, fires that start from industrial plantations, including oil palm and pulpwood, can easily spread beyond the ... oil and pulpwood — were responsible for 41.5 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of peatlands in ... from 110 coal-fired power plants or 91 million cars, and more than half the annual emissions of the whole of Germany.

◆191214 Indonesia's Java-Bali electricity gains more supply as PLTU ...
China.org.cn-11 時間前 https://on.china.cn/34nbfYu
13 (Xinhua) -- Unit 1 of Indonesia's coal-fired power plant PLTU Java 7 developed by a consortium of Chinese and ... operated by PT Shenhua Guohua Pembangkitan Jawa Bali which is a joint venture between China Shenhua Energy Co.

◆191214 COLUMN-Electricity access and climate change: Kemp
Reuters-10 時間前 https://reut.rs/2LQBDUo
LONDON, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Ensuring everyone in developing countries has the same access to modern energy services ... India averaged 805 kWh and Indonesia averaged 812 kWh, according to data from the World Bank (tmsnrt.rs/2Ph2efa). ... from CO2-emitting fossil fuels to cleaner electricity generated from zero-emission wind, solar and nuclear sources. ... to replace existing coal, gas and diesel-fired power plants or provide a few hours of electricity each day to communities that ...

◆191214 Thai oil firm races ahead with expansion in PH
Manila Bulletin-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/35ilgYo
By Myrna M. Velasco. Thai firm subsidiary PTT Philippines is racing ahead with its investment expansion in the country – with more retail stations targeted for completion next year, thus, further beefing up its current portfolio of 170 gasoline ...

◆191214 DOE drafts circular policies for Net-Metering Program ...
Philippine Information Agency-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PjxtpZ
DOE drafts circular policies for Net-Metering Program enhancement, ensuring energy security ... ERC is one with the Department of Energy (DOE) in pushing for the continued growth of the country's renewable energy (RE) sector. ... of the situation and to promptly establish measures that would encourage greater participation of electricity end-users in the RE NMP, ... Clean Power Asia Program, on “Distributed Photovoltaic Economic and Technical Impact Analysis in the Philippines”.

◆191214 To Boost Its Economy, the Philippines Can't Forgo Human ...
The Diplomat-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/36JdBTl
The downward spiral involving failure to protect both human rights and contractual rights is something the Philippines has seen before ... Instead the focus should be on infrastructure, high power costs, red tape (also known as the lack of “ease of doing business”), and ... Presumably, some progress is being made on infrastructure and energy (notwithstanding severe delays). And in .... Tourism could help drive Timor-Leste's economy forward long after oil and gas have run their courses.

◆191214 Why declaring a climate emergency is timely and necessary
The Manila Times-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PMaEtZ
In Germanwatch's Global Climate Risk Index 2020 released during the recent COP25, the Philippines was identified as the second most ... The Philippines, one of the least contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, continues to bear the piling costs of the damaging ... It also called for an urgent reduction of our use of fossil fuels, especially coal, and a rapid development of cleaner renewable energy.



◆191214 海上幕僚長 ベトナム国防省高官と会談 中国念頭に連携強化へ
NHK NEWS WEB-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LW9A5Y
海上自衛隊トップの海上幕僚長が6年ぶりにベトナムを訪れて、ベトナム海軍とのワークショップに参加し、日越の防衛協力の強化を訴えました。日本としては、中国が南シナ海などへの海洋進出を活発化させていることを念頭にベトナムと連携を強化するねらいが ...

◆191214 スー・チー氏が棄却要求、ロヒンギャ国際法廷
NNA.ASIA-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/36sHKWC
【ヤンゴン共同】ミャンマー国軍などによるイスラム教徒少数民族ロヒンギャ迫害はジェノサイド(民族大量虐殺)条約違反だとして、迫害停止の仮処分などを求めた訴訟の3日目の審理が12日、国際司法裁判所(ICJ、オランダ・ハーグ)で行われた。ミャンマーの ..


◆191212 Mekong Delta set to grapple with devastating water shortage
VnExpress International-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/38tBBvb
With water levels in the Mekong River expected to plummet in the next three months, a severe shortage looms in the delta, ... Vietnam's Mekong Delta, home to 20 million people and a major rice producer, will see a 30-45 percent decrease in ...

◆191212 Lao morning news for December 12
AEC News Today-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PFAz6z
The extremely low flow, slow drop in the river sediments, and presence of algae on the sand and bedrock river bottom are some of the possible causes why the Mekong River has recently acquired an aquamarine color, says the Mekong River ...

◆191212 Southeast Asia's rivers under threat
The Asean Post-41 分前 https://bit.ly/2qIXgOW
From rivulets to regionwide river channels, the Southeast Asian region hosts dozens of rivers. The most well-known river in Southeast Asia is the Mekong River – spanning five countries in the region itself. ... River is an important resource which aids in agriculture, water supply, industry, fishery, and production of electricity. ... The other rivers in the region facing pollution include the Irrawady River in Myanmar, Chao Phraya in Thailand and the ... Oil and Gas · Renewables · Power ...

◆191212 Energy Drilling rig gains Arthit work
Upstream Online-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RK3Ekg
Energy Drilling has secured a long-term rig contract with Thailand's state-owned PTT Exploration & Production (PTTEP) for development drilling work at the Arthit field in the Gulf of Thailand. The Singapore-based ...

◆191212 New draft document on solar power projects to be filed
Viet Nam News-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/34aNDGA
HÀ NỘI — A draft document on solar power development will be filed to the Prime Minister for approval on December 15, local ... According to the State-owned power group Vietnam Electricity(EVN), there are two solar projects with commercial ...

◆191212 Global Hydropower Market 2019 SJVN Limited, Sarawak ...
Industry News Hour (press release) (blog)-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/36qx6j7
Global Hydropower Market 2019 SJVN Limited, Sarawak Energy Berhad, NHDC Limited, Aboitiz Power, Tenaga Nasional Berhad ... Senoko Energy Pte Ltd, NHPC Limited, Butwal Power Company, First Philippine Holdings Corporation, Orissa Hydro Power Corporation, ... Energy Limited, Vietnam Electricity, Vinacomin, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Electricity ....

◆191212 Cambodia PM Dismisses EU Sanctions Threat, Says Brexit ...
The New York Times-22 時間前 https://nyti.ms/2LOloqH
PHNOM PENH — Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday dismissed a threat from the European Union (EU) to ... in power for more than 34 years said he believes Britain's exit from the EU will ease sanction pressure on Cambodia ...

◆191212 Trial of Cambodian opposition party chief set for next month
Hartford Courant-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PHxvH8
A Cambodian court announced Monday that the trial on treason charges of opposition leader Kem Sokha will begin next month, more than two ... Hun Sen has been in power for 34 years and has vowed to serve two more 5-year terms in office.

◆191212 Myanmar Solar: Lots of Potential, But a Cloudy Outlook for ...
Solar Magazine-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EcdT8V
... of natural gas, an important export and the source of hard, foreign currency export revenues, as well as domestic power generation. ... Solar could play a big role in achieving Myanmar's energy access, renewable energy and climate change goals, as well as go a ... Rising electricity demand, rapid demographic growth and rapid growth of installed solar power capacity in ... It's difficult to compete with hydro or fossil fuel projects,” Smart Power Myanmar's Harrison said in an interview.

◆191212 Aung San Suu Kyi: Accusations of Genocide Against Myanmar ...
Voice of America-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qIHdAD
Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi addresses judges of the International Court of Justice for the second day of three days of ... Myanmar's military launched a scorched earth campaign in response to the attacks, forcing more than 700,000 Rohingyas to flee into neighboring Bangladesh. A U.N. ... It shows that you don't have to have military power or economic power to stand for justice," Tambadou said.

◆191212 HAGL divests from hydropower for farming reroute
VnExpress International-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RKWTyC
Agriculture giant HAGL sets sights on farming after agreeing to divest ownership from two hydropower plants in Laos. ... The unfinished projects cost a total of VND3.4 trillion ($146.84 million) by the end of last year, with Laotian energy ...

◆191212 Luxury cruise ship opens Can Tho-Phnom Penh route
Vietnamnet.vn-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2E8A67L
The 4,800km-long Mekong River flows through China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Its basin ... Some cruise vessels embark on trips in Tien Giang province and cruise along the Mekong River and sail into Cambodia.

◆191212 China struggles to fend off allegations of debt trap diplomacy
WION-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2sj2YHT
The centre said eight countries — Tajikistan, the Maldives, Pakistan, Djibouti, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, and Montenegro — were particularly at risk. ... Arabian Sea port of Gwadar in the south, a crown jewel in China's infrastructure- and energy driven Belt and Road initiative. ... of military power beyond its borders, particularly in regions adjacent to its troubled north-western province of Xinjiang.



◆191214 【ビジネス解読】インド初の新幹線計画に暗雲 地元反対やコストで ...
産経ニュース-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ROwxf2
インド初の高速鉄道計画に採用が決まっている日本の新幹線方式の事業化に、暗雲が立ちこめている。反対運動で土地収用が難航。車両システムの受注が有力視される日立製作所や川崎重工業は、インドが現地生産にこだわる中、採算性を危ぶむ。こうした ...

◆191214 安倍首相がインド訪問取りやめを検討、現地治安情勢悪化で-報道
ブルームバーグ-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/38Ek1EY
菅義偉官房長官は13日午前の会見で、安倍首相のインド訪問が予定通りかとの質問に対して、「現地情勢を見極める必要がある」と述べていた。安倍首相は同日午後の内外情勢調査会での講演で、「来週インドに向かう予定」といったん語ったものの、その後「 ...

◆191214 安倍首相の「歴史的」インド訪問延期の背景にあった宗教差別と ...
BuzzFeed Japan-40 分前 https://bzfd.it/2PkSnVW
これは、2014年末までにインドに不法入国したバングラデシュ、パキスタン、アフガニスタンの出身者のうち、ヒンドゥー教、シク教、仏教、キリスト教など6つの宗教の信者にインド国籍を与える、というものだ。 インドの与党・インド人民党は改正の理由を「3ヵ国で ...

◆191214 茂木外相 開かれたインド太平洋実現でスリランカ外相と一致
NHK NEWS WEB-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/38LYgDg
スリランカを訪れている茂木外務大臣は、グナワルダナ外相と会談し、海上交通路の要衝にあるスリランカとの関係を重視する考えを伝え、自由で開かれたインド太平洋の実現に向けて協力していくことで一致しました。 続きを読む. 茂木外務大臣は、新政権が ...


◆191212 GAIL, Oil India & Power Grid caught off guard on AGR dues
Economic Times-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/34hoo5b
The AGR liability is the highest for GAIL at around Rs 1.2 lakh crore, followed by Rs 40,000 crore for Oil India, according ... In case of GAIL, gas transmission, gas marketing, LPG and petrochemicals segment form a major chunk of the revenue.

◆191212 India's coal power usage set to shrink for first time in 14 Years
Independent Online-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/36uGToe
When demand is down, utilities end up reducing offtake from costlier coal plants, and buy more from other sources such as hydro, renewables and nuclear, said Sambitosh Mohapatra, partner for power and utilities at PricewaterhouseCoopers ...

◆191212 Mini hydro plants power local businesses in Nepal's mountains
Deutsche Welle-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2qLcxPp
Project aim: Renewable energy to support rural livelihoods and local businesses in Nepal. Project implementation: Installing mini hydropower plans to provide off-grid electricity for villages in the Nepalese mountains. So far, 500 micro power ...

◆191212 Rain, industrial slowdown are helping India kick its coal habit
Economic Times-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/35g4t86
When demand is down, utilities end up reducing offtake from costlier coal plants, and buy more from other sources such as hydro, renewables and nuclear, said Sambitosh Mohapatra, partner for power and utilities at PricewaterhouseCoopers ...

◆191212 RPT-COLUMN-India's economic recovery critical for oil in ...
Reuters-6 時間前 https://reut.rs/2ru40AQ
LONDON, Dec 11 (Reuters) - India's economy is suffering its worst cyclical downturn for more than a decade, which is weighing ... Between 2008 and 2018, India's oil consumption increased at an annual average rate of just over 5% or an extra ... Electricity generation, another real-time proxy for economic growth, is also falling at the fastest rate for well over ten ... Power consumption was down more than 7% in the three months between September and November compared with the ...

◆191212 ReNew Power, GS E&C to develop 300MW PV project in India
PV-Tech-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/38zrKUS
ReNew Power, India's largest renewable energy independent power producer, has signed off on joint venture partnership ... This 300MW installation is part of the PV capacity auctioned by Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) under its ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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