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2020年2月9日 コロナウイルス問題は,微妙な国際関係を浮き彫りにした







◆200209 中国で新型肺炎の死者803人に SARSの死者774人を上回る
NHK NEWS WEB-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UBfHld
中国で新型のコロナウイルスに感染して死亡した人の数が2003年に流行した新型肺炎、「SARS」の世界全体の死者の数を上回りました。 続きを読む. 中国で感染拡大が最も深刻な湖北省の保健当局は、8日、新たに81人が死亡したと発表し、中国での死者の ...

◆200209 新型ウイルス 日本企業影響深まる 中国工場再開も先延ばし
NHK NEWS WEB-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H6jqPJ
感染の拡大が続く新型のコロナウイルスによる日本企業への影響が深まっています。企業の中には10日から工場の再開を予定しているところがありますが、部品の確保などに懸念の声も強く、早期に正常化できる見通しは立っていません。 続きを読む.

◆200209 新型ウイルス 中国 10日から企業活動再開予定も…
NHK NEWS WEB-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/39ig3RH
中国では、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響で停止されていた企業活動が10日から多くの地域で再開されるのを前に、上海や広東省など、各地の政府が企業への支援策を相次いで打ち出し、感染拡大が経済に及ぼす影響を最小限にしたいとする姿勢を ...

◆200209 新型肺炎、LCCに打撃 中国頼みあだに
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2UDIYMi
新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎の拡大で、アジアや日本の格安航空会社(LCC)が打撃を受けている。シンガポール航空の子会社スクートや全日空(ANA)系国内最大手ピーチ・アビエーションは中国便を全面的に運 ...

◆200209 増え続ける感染者、ピークはいつ? 中国の医師が予測
朝日新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/38cFVhW
この通りなら、ピークは「2月4~7日ごろ」となるが、まだ中国本土の感染者数の伸びが鈍化する気配は見えていない。 8日に中国政府が発表した全土の感染者数は3万4546人。前日からの増加人数は、5日連続で3千人を超えた。感染の「疑い例」も右肩上がり ...

◆200209 中国、出稼ぎ労働者の復帰に遅れ 業務再開に影響も
時事通信-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H9LOAG
【北京時事】中国では週明け10日から湖北省など一部地域を除き、全土で企業の業務が本格的に再開される。ただ、新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎拡大の影響で、春節(旧正月)連休をふるさとで過ごした出稼ぎ労働者の復帰は遅れており、大都市を中心に人手 ...



◆200209 異議あり「石炭悪玉論」 今は資源の総動員を
Yahoo!ニュース-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/39hrhGf
間もなく東京電力の福島第一原発事故から丸9年になるが、再稼働にこぎ着けた原発はわずか9基に留まり、全電力の約6%。80%は化石燃料による火力発電で、天然ガス、石炭、石油は全量海外からの輸入。しかも原油の90%は中東からの輸入で、 ..

◆200209 雨や曇りでも太陽光エネルギーを活用するなら、宇宙から送れば ...
WIRED.jp-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/31HQRS7
今回のブロジェクトの主体である米海軍研究試験所(NRL)は、このシステムを利用して飛行中のドローンに電力を供給したいと考えている。だが、NRLの電子技術者であるポール・ジャッフェは、さらに大胆な構想を視野に入れている。太陽光のエネルギーを、 ...

◆200209 気候変動の最前線で先進的な取り組み モルディブ
ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版-5 時間前 https://nkbp.jp/2H9rSO4
行くべき理由:気候変動の最前線にいる島を探索しよう。 知っておきたいこと:モルディブは、1987年の国連総会において、気候変動に取り組む必要性を初めて提唱した国。環境保護の先駆者だ。 インド洋に浮かぶ1200の島々からなるこの国は、2020年までに ...

◆200209 原油価格はどこまで下落するのか
Yahoo!ニュース-52 分前 https://bit.ly/2UE1GmO
原油先物価格が今年に入って下落している。1月初めに65ドル台をつけていたのニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所のWTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)は、その後、じりじりと下落し、2月3日に一時50ドルを割り込んだ。 1月3日に、米国はイラクの ...

◆200209 2つの石炭火力発電所開発プロジェクトが承認された カンボジア ...
カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2S903Mm
CEL1は、50メガワットを発電する石炭火力発電ユニット2機で構成され、総発電量は100メガワット。CIIDG Erdos Hongjun Electric Powerは、135メガワットを発電する石炭火力発電ユニット3機で構成され、総発電量は405メガワット。 同州では、700メガワット ...



◆200209 贵州金沙:全力保障疫情防控期间电力可靠供应
中国新闻网-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/38exqmC
中新网贵州新闻2月8日电(记者石小杰通讯员李朝举 陈亮)日前,记者从位于金沙县境内的国电投贵州金元茶园发电有限公司和黔北发电厂两家企业了解到:自今年春节以来,两家企业克服不利影响,在做好疫情防控的同时,按照保发电保稳定保民生的 ...

◆200209 全球核电融资“钱”景如何?
国际能源网-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/38eguMT
法国电力公司通过参股、收购等,获取国外核电厂址及建设运营权,进而推广自身技术,克服自身短板,形成了技术、装备、运营等优势。通过与中方 ... 韩国通过固定的超低融资利率,成为继美国、法国、俄罗斯、加拿大和中国后第6个出口核电站的国家。

◆200209 IEA:未来5年,煤电增速或不到1%
国际能源网-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Sbfvre
亚太地区正在成为煤炭市场的主导,中国、印度、日本、韩国和东南亚地区燃煤消费占比显著。 ... 今年1—9月间,受到工业用电需求大幅降低影响,印度电力需求降低,同时,印度可再生能源,尤其是水电,及其他非燃煤发电领域的发电量也较去年同期 ...

◆200209 中国の沿岸部 主要産業抱える都市多く
日本経済新聞-2 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2vdpjrR
中国の沿岸部には主要な産業を抱える都市が多く点在する。直轄市である北京市と上海市は政治と経済の中心地だ。ヒト・モノ・カネの集まる北京は技術革新でも中心的な役割を果たし、ユニコーン企業(企業価値が10 ...

◆200209 【萬物相】10日で病院を建設する中国
朝鮮日報-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SnIeYA

◆200209 新型肺炎拡大でロシアも減産同意 原油価格下落懸念強まる
SankeiBiz-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SsBR6E
サウジアラビアをはじめとした石油輸出国機構(OPEC)加盟国は、追加の協調減産を模索。難色を示していたロシア ... そもそも、中国経済の減速見通しで、原油の需要は弱含んでおり、原油価格の大幅な上昇は見込めないとの見方が強い。 SMBC日興証券の ...

◆200209 ミャンマーへの圧倒的存在感を強める中国
Yahoo!ニュース-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vkfLeI
最近の例ではチャウピューの深海港湾プロジェクトで、当初中国が73億ドルのプロジェクトとしていたものを、再交渉して13億ドルにまで規模を縮小している。また今回の習近平のミャンマー訪問時に中国側が合意を希望していたカチン州の36億ドルの水力発電 ...


◆200208 Oil Set For Fifth Consecutive Weekly Drop As Coronavirus Hits ...
OilPrice.com-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OA5bHe
Oil prices were on track for a fifth weekly decline early on Friday, weighed down by the loss of demand in China amid the coronavirus outbreak while OPEC and Russia scramble to come up with a unified position on how to contain the price ...

◆200208 Coronavirus triggers turmoil in global gas market
Financial Times-18 時間前 https://on.ft.com/2SvYkPU
The coronavirus outbreak has thrown the global gas market into turmoil with Chinese importers threatening to cancel up to 70 per cent ... Oil demand in China is also estimated to have fallen by as much as a quarter in February, as big cities ...

◆200208 China stumps up loan for Rwandan hydropower
Energy Voice-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w3lx4N
The Chinese government signed the deal with Rwanda to provide a loan, worth up to $214 million, for the Nyabarongo II facility. This will have three parts: a 43.5 MW power plant, a substation and a 110 Kv transmission line. The power line will .

◆200208 US Energy Secretary: Impact of Coronavirus on Energy ...
OilPrice.com-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/39orDuV
The novel coronavirus has not had a dramatic effect on energy markets, US Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said on Friday ... Earlier this week, anonymous Chinese officials said that China's oil demand had fallen by 20% compared to what is ..

◆200208 Support for nuclear energy growing in Australian government
China.org.cn-1 時間前 https://on.china.cn/2UDPdPZ
8 (Xinhua) -- Members of Australia's governing coalition has called for a re-think of the nation's ban on nuclear energy. ... seats if it does not tackle climate change, wrote that nuclear power could be the solution to reducing emissions without harming the economy. ... new economic opportunities, particularly for technologies that provide storage and back-up to the electricity, industry and transport sector," she said. ... Follow China.org.cn on Twitter and Facebook to join the conversation.

◆200208 China ensures power supply for companies to resume ...
Xinhua-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/39f05rJ
The State Grid Corporation of China will restore full-scale construction of key projects underway including high-voltage direct current transmission lines traversing provinces like Qinghai, Henan and Jiangxi in support of companies to resume ..



◆200209 新型ウイルス 中国以外の感染者 27の国と地域で336人
NHK NEWS WEB-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OEZ5p3
... インドとフィリピン、イギリス、それにイタリアがそれぞれ3人▽ロシアが2人▽ネパール、カンボジア、スリランカ、フィンランド、スウェーデン、スペイン、それにベルギーが、それぞれ1人となっています。 このうち、フィリピンと香港でそれぞれ1人、死亡しています。

◆200209 新型肺炎、本当の敵はウイルスなのに… アジア人排除の風潮 ...
毎日新聞-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UALFy3
米西部シアトルの大型スーパー「コストコ」では1月下旬、マスクを着けた子供を連れたフィリピン系の家族が試食を拒否された。 ... 東京電力福島第1原発事故で避難した児童・生徒へのいじめ問題などに取り組む「東京災害支援ネット」事務局長、山川幸生 ...


◆200209 Indonesia to stop gas exports to Singapore in 2023
Jakarta Post-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2um0EkP
The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has decided to stop gas shipments to Singapore in the next three years to cater to domestic demand. "Gas exports to Singapore will stop in 2023 and we will use the gas for the domestic market,” Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory ... The gas supply will be channeled into the Dumai Duri transmission pipeline to be distributed to industrial estates in Sumatra, ..

◆200209 Could This Be The Decade Of Green Hydrogen?
Yahoo Finance-8 時間前 https://yhoo.it/31AzNh0
Of those alternatives, renewable energy is already making steady progress in electricity generation capacity, while another ... There's the so-called 'grey' hydrogen made from coal and natural gas, and this is nearly all the hydrogen currently ... from natural gas emits CO2 every year equivalent to the CO2 emissions of the United Kingdom and Indonesia combined. ... Oil and gas supermajor BP says that blue hydrogen is currently the lowest-cost source of low carbon hydrogen at scale.

◆200209 Climate, immunity, incompetence? Indonesia's zero recorded ...
Jakarta Post-2020/02/07 https://bit.ly/2UAf2jR
Indonesia's zero recorded coronavirus cases raise questions ... 13 and amid the virus's subsequent spread to a number of other countries, Indonesia seems to remain free of the fast-spreading illness. ... cases are detected if occurring and avoid the emergence of self-sustained transmission," researchers said in the study.

◆200209 Leaving Jakarta: What happens if Indonesia moves a capital?
Sustainability Times-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H5P8wm
The Indonesian city of Jakarta flooded again Friday night, with many parts of the city still under water on Saturday. ... Air quality adds to the environmental crisis because it's compromised by vehicle emissions from the ever-increasing traffic, pollution from coal-fired energy plants and ... Oil palm plantations, logging, mining and other economic pursuits have taken their toll: the threatened species also include ... Professor Joshua Goldstein's nuclear-powered vision for a “Bright Future”.

◆200209 Bloc asks government to bare dam details
manilastandard.net-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SaxaiR
The Makabayan bloc in Congress has dared the government to prove that Filipinos won't lose in the contract it entered with Chinese for the construction of the Kaliwa Dam and Chico River Pump irrigation which will run from Quezon to Tanay, .



◆200208 意外!産業革命より西欧経済の成長を後押ししたもの
Yahoo!ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Uz491L
【写真】流域住民が困惑、中国のダムで激変「母なるメコン」。昨年7月、ラオス・ターケークから見たメコン川。対岸はタイになる。 もちろん現実にそんな世界はありませんが、経済の原理を学ぶため、学生はこのような世界を前提として経済学に触れていきます。

◆200208 タイ予算案を再採決へ 憲法裁、投票不正を認定
西日本新聞-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/379t5zN

◆200208 ベトナム首都トップ、事実上更迭 不正行為で
日本経済新聞-14 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2H6xngw
【ハノイ=大西智也】ベトナムの最高意思決定機関である共産党政治局は7日、首都ハノイ市トップのホアン・チュン・ハイ市党委員会書記の交代を決めた。副首相在任中の不正行為を問われ、事実上更迭された。後任に .

◆200208 コラム:新型ウイルスが警鐘、経済より優先すべき開発秩序とは
ロイター-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UvTDsh
経済活動の落ち込みに伴って下落することの多い原油価格は、年初から大幅に下落している。 感染拡大を迅速に ... タイやカンボジアといった一部発展途上国の政府も、公衆衛生を脇に置いて、中国人向けの観光産業開発にはるかに力を注いできた。新型コロナ ...

◆200208 【国連調査】ミャンマーのアヘン用ケシ栽培が前年より11%減少
ミャンマーニュース-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UvTNzT
ケシ栽培の減少が再び顕著に. 国連麻薬犯罪事務所(UNODC)は2月5日、2019年のミャンマーのアヘンに関する調査結果を報告し、同国のアヘン用ケシ栽培の総面積が前年より11%減少していることを明らかにした。


◆200208 Amid hydropower boom, Laos streams ahead on latest ...
The Straits Times-2020/02/06 https://bit.ly/2S7Itbm
Amid hydropower boom, Laos streams ahead on latest Mekong dam ... LUANG PRABANG, LAOS (REUTERS) - On a wide bank of the Mekong River, yellow markers and visits by surveyors ... "Maybe sometimes we should be training the fish how to use the lift," quipped Vithounlabandish Thommabout, deputy director of Laos' Ministry of Energy and Mines, drawing only ... A Xayaburi power company representative said it was too early to share information on how the fish pass-throughs ...

◆200208 Laos's latest dam project sets of alarm bells about the ...
AsiaNews-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H3RGuW
The government is aiming for a dam that can produce 1,460 megawatts of electricity for export to Thailand and Vietnam. ... The imposing dam Laos wants to build in the northern province of Luang Prabang threatens the Mekong River and the ...

◆200208 Laos moves ahead with latest Mekong dam
台北時報-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/387YVxW
On a wide bank of the Mekong River, yellow markers and visits by surveyors show preparations underway to build Laos' third and largest dam on Southeast Asia's most vital waterway. About an hour downstream, in the laid-back tourist center ..

◆200208 Thai cabinet halts rapids blasting project on Upper Mekong
Asia Times-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ukic0H
The cabinet decision is the culmination of decades of campaigning by Thai Mekong communities and civil-society groups ... The project aims to remove rapids from stretches of the Mekong River through dredging and blasting, enabling ... At least 11 dams have been completed on the Lancang or upper Mekong, with the Jinghong Dam – the closest one to the Thai border – only about 340 kilometers away.

◆200208 Preventing the Death of the World's Rivers
The Maritime Executive-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vbGav8
Its dam-building frenzy and overexploitation of rivers are wreaking environmental havoc on Asia, destroying forests, ... The Mekong River is running at a historically low level, owing largely to a series of Chinese-built mega-dams near the border of ... the only one; other countries, from Asia to Latin America, have also been tapping long rivers for electricity generation. ... According to consultancy Rystad Energy, China's LNG imports fell by about 10 percent year-on-year in January, pulled ...

◆200208 Drought disasters plague the nation
The Thaiger-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/372kv5K
The government has officially abandoned a controversial plan to blast rapids on the Mekong river in Chiang Mai province. The Chinese-led dredging and blasting plan, initiated in 2001, met with fierce opposition from locals and environmental .

◆200208 Drought Disaster Claimed in Chiang Rai and 19 other Provinces
Chiang Rai Times-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vdSydV
Meanwhile, The Mekong River Commission has also announced it will join with China to uncover the reason behind ... River levels in Thailand's Chiang Rai Province hit 2.1 meters against the average 3.02 meters measured over the past 57 ...

◆200208 China to assist Mekong authorities to investigate record-low ...
VnExpress International-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2S8hkVI
Mekong River Commission will join with China to uncover the reason behind local water levels dropping below previous records. ... Dam in southwestern Yunnan Province, established as part of a hydro-electric power drive to help wean it off coal, in for ... Jinhong is one of eight Chinese hydropower projects upstream of the Mekong, called Lancang in China. ... meters of water for use in electricity generation and irrigation, affecting the livelihoods of those residing along the Mekong.

◆200208 China and Mekong Authorities to Investigate Record-Low ...
Chiang Rai Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SqjMWE
The Mekong River Commission has announced it will join with China to uncover the reason behind lower Mekong water ... water at Jinghong Dam in southwestern Yunnan Province, established as part of a hydro-electric power drive to help wean it off coal, ... Jinhong is one of eight Chinese hydropower projects upstream of the Mekong, called Lancang in China. ... dams have blocked a combined total of over 40 billion cubic meters of water for use in electricity generation and irrigation.

◆200208 Hydropower and the worsening water crisis for Myanmar and ...
Mizzima News-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Srdlm9
Hydropower and dams are touted by people in the industry as an answer to power and also a way to control rivers that tend ... Myanmar's large gas and oil reserves are being piped for export to China and Thailand so an obvious solution is to tap its vast potential hydro resources – particularly on the Irrawaddy and the Salween rivers that flow down from the Myanmar ... When the United States government built the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River back in the 1930s it helped spark a ...

◆200208 The Irrawaddy Business Roundup
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/38a0WtD
The 28 members of the delegation represented prominent French international companies in energy, water, ... The UMFCCI said that French investors are eyeing investments in the energy, railway and transportation sectors and the ..

◆200208 Kachin Leaders Demand Charter Reform to Establish Peace
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-2020/02/06 https://bit.ly/2ODuFDl
Power sharing must be done over time. ... While many of the politicians interviewed by The Irrawaddy questioned the NLD's plan to amend the entire Constitution, U Zarni Min said the ... Kachin participants at the National Convention told The Irrawaddy that they submitted research papers and recommendations with the .

◆200208 Thailand tackles worst drought in 40 years
Bangkok Post-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ODDzRs
Thailand has been hit with what may be its worst drought in 40 years, pummelling sugar production in one of the world's biggest exporters of the sweetener. ... Meanwhile, Gulf Energy Development Plc is confident that its power plants will be able to meet the 10% water reduction ... with government agencies such as the Royal Irrigation Department and the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand.

◆200208 Smart-grid plan aims to make Thailand the electricity hub of ...
The Star Online-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2S6tmyW
BANGKOK (The Nation/ANN): The Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) is continuing with the phased smart-grid plan from 2017-21, aiming to make Thailand the electricity hub of Asean and creating new business for energy producers. ... “Other benefits of these projects are to reduce power outages and malfunctions, as well as increase the production of renewable energy by at least 15 per cent. ... Industrial goods, oil, gas get slammed as China coronavirus slashes demand.

◆200208 Citibank, ING to arrange funds for LNG-fired power units in ...
Reuters-22 時間前 https://reut.rs/31yLAfN
HANOI (Reuters) - PetroVietnam Power Corp has signed a deal to allow a consortium of Citibank and ING Bank [INGBK.UL] to arrange funds for its project to expand a gas-fired power complex in southern Vietnam with two new units, the ..

◆200208 Vietnam working on corporate PPA platform with 1-GW target
Renewables Now-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Uyx3iv
February 7 (Renewables Now) - Vietnam is preparing to launch a pilot programme that will facilitate the signing of synthetic power purchase agreements (PPAs) between private power buyers and renewable energy producers, targeting ...

◆200208 Cambodian gov't approves construction of 2 coal-fired power ...
Xinhua-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tKrkeI
7 (Xinhua) -- The Cambodian government on Friday approved the construction of two coal-fired power plants with a ... "These projects are vital to meet the growing need of electricity, and to ensure energy safety and security in Cambodia from ..

◆200208 Myanmar orders fast-track gas engine plants to beat blackouts
Power Engineering Magazine-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bvxAbg
The government of Myanmar has ordered two fast-track power plants to try to put an end to large-scale blackouts. Last summer, the Yangon area of the country was subjected to power cuts of up to six hours a day. Now the government has ...

◆200208 Laos' preparations underway to build largest dam on ...
Prothom Alo English-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/39lSDv1
Laos' preparations underway to build largest dam on Southeast Asia's most vital waterway Mekong ... of the Mekong River, yellow markers and visits by surveyors show preparations underway to build Laos' third and largest dam on ... training the fish how to use the lift,” quipped Vithounlabandish Thommabout, deputy director of Laos' Ministry of Energy and Mines, ... A Xayaburi power company representative said it was too early to share information on how the fish pass-throughs were ...



◆200208 インド初の高速鉄道、5年延期も 新幹線方式、日本に痛手
Yahoo!ニュース-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/31zunCZ
【ニューデリー共同】日本の新幹線方式を採用したインド初の高速鉄道計画を巡り、日印両政府が2023年の開業予定を5年程度延期する方向で協議していることが7日、分かった。日印の政府関係者が明らかにした。土地収用や工事が遅れているため。インフラ ...

◆200208 火山もないのに…火を噴く地割れ 中国シルクロードで見つかる
ハザードラボ-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bncaNe
その結果、地下深くの石炭層が自然発火し、上部の岩盤が崩れて、煙突のように熱と炎を噴き出していることが明らかになった ... 燃えるクレーター」と呼ばれる現象は、インド東部のジャリア(Jharia)という石炭資源が豊富な街でも有名で、1916年以来、100年 ...

◆200208 「見捨てないで…」武漢の留学生、母国は「帰還させぬ」
朝日新聞-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Uv46nM


◆200208 Preventing the Death of the World's Rivers
The Maritime Executive-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SwvwH6
From the Tigris to the Indus and the Yangtze to the Nile, rivers were essential to the emergence of human civilization. ... And yet we are rapidly destroying the planet's river systems, with serious implications for our economies, societies and even our ... Its dam-building frenzy and overexploitation of rivers are wreaking environmental havoc on Asia, destroying forests, ... the only one; other countries, from Asia to Latin America, have also been tapping long rivers for electricity generation.

◆200208 Indus River System Authority (IRSA) Releases 62700 Cusecs ...
UrduPoint News-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/39lmaFc
The Indus River System Authority (IRSA) Friday released 62,700 cusecs water from various rim stations with inflow of 45,600 ... According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1474.97 feet, which was ...

◆200208 India Accuses Pakistan Of Gross Mismanagement Of Indus ...
EurAsian Times-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/39khDm2
“The reports of India's attempt of violation of Indus Waters Treaty has been discarded as false and far from reality,” Saxena told PTI, noting that Pakistan wastes roughly twice the amount of water allocated to India under the accord, which he ...

◆200208 Russia pulls India closer with oil and weapons
Nikkei Asian Review-19 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2S8WxS4
MOSCOW -- Russia is bolstering cooperation with India in oil and defense, hoping to use its ties to the key Asian partner to its advantage in its rivalry with Washington. Indian oil companies will join the $157 billion Vostok Oil development project in the Arctic, Russian state energy major ... Nuclear talks with Washington have stalled as well, while the new coronavirus outbreak threatens the economy of ...

◆200208 India needs nearly 30 times more solar power to phase out ...
Quartz-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2S8rDcv
The study evaluated the local solar and wind capacity required in each coal mining area and the scale of renewable energy deployment required to enable all coal miners to transition to solar or wind jobs. It focused mainly on solar and wind ...

◆200208 Wind energy in India, Siemens Gamesa and Suzlon ...
REVE (press release)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UyHClH
Siemens Gamesa, Suzlon grab 49% of India's wind turbine market share in 2019. Vestas, Inox Wind, GE Renewable Energy, and Envision Energy together took 47 per cent of wind power market share and the ... BNEF said that problems over land acquisition and transmission connectivity in the last year would trouble wind ..

◆200208 India Makes Clean Energy Strides, With Renewables Set to ...
Karma-1 分前 https://bit.ly/31DnMXT
Renewables will soon be responsible for more than a fifth of India's electricity generation, Power Minister R. K. Singh said ... India is setting up renewable energy parks to provide land and transmission connections to investors, and will give ...

◆200208 Why India's Thermal Woes Cast A Shadow Over Renewable ...
Saurenergy-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bnLA6z
By now, it is well known that one of the biggest impediments to India's ambitious renewable energy goals is the state of its ... A request to relinquish (highlighted) or surrender their long term allocation on the transmission networks, for which they ... The situation is so dire, that close to 50 GW of thermal power capacity, besides another 25 GW of gas fired plants, are ... to fresh thermal capacity of close to 220 GW, along with projections that coal production would touch 1.5 billion tonnes, ...

◆200208 Pakistan, emerging as US LNG export market, looks to ...
Houston Chronicle-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/39gfmIM
Pakistan, emerging as U.S. LNG export market, looks to Houston to help jump start economy ... Pakistan is emerging as a potentially huge market for U.S. energy exports, particularly liquefied natural gas, as it attempts to stabilize ... Around 52 million Pakistanis did not have access to electricity in 2017, and more than half of the population uses biomass, ... And while Pakistan has increased its generation of power in recent years, transmission and distribution remain an issue, meaning ...

◆200208 Don't take Pak nuclear capability as a bluff: General Kidwai
The News International-46 分前 https://bit.ly/2vgQOk0
LONDON: A retired senior Pakistani general has told India that it shouldn't take Pakistan's nuclear capability as a bluff since ... This workshop was titled “South Asian Strategic Stability: Deterrence, Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control”.

◆200208 After 15 years: Pakistan may have found largest gas reserves
The Express Tribune-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OAK9Iv
ISLAMABAD: Amid a growing energy crisis which has forced the country to rely on imported gas, Pakistan may have found ... to exploiting the domestic oil and gas reserves and instead liquefied natural gas (LNG) import contracts were signed.

◆200208 Lt Gen (r) Kidwai warns India not to take Pakistan's nuclear ...
The News International-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/37aQzEo
LONDON: Pakistan Army's former officer, Lt Gen (r) Khalid Kidwai, on Friday warned India not to take Islamabad's "nuclear capability as a bluff" and said that the country reserved its right to exercise all options to protect territorial and ...

◆200208 PPL plans to export 400000 barrels of crude condensate
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3blvpXK
Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) plans to export up to 400,000 barrels of crude condensate produced from its Gambat South ... Later, the company farmed out 10 percent of its working interest in the block to Asia Resources Oil Limited and 25 percent to ... The PPL, the pioneer of the natural gas industry in the country, exported crude condensate worth Rs1.24 billion for the year ended June 30, 2019. ... Pakistan is an energy deficient country and relies heavily on hydrocarbons imports.

◆200208 Financial closure for SJVNL's hydro project in Nepal
ETEnergyworld.com-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/39j5gqG
Shimla: The financial closure of the 900 MW Arun-III hydro power project in Nepal was achieved on Thursday, the ... The SJVNL Chairman Nand Lal Sharma said the company would be investing approximately Rs 6,959 crore in Nepal in five ...

◆200208 Regional energy trade, cooperation sought
Himalayan Times-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UAjcbq
For instance, electricity supply is irregular and has been unable to keep up with the demand. Inefficient, costly and pollution intensive power sources have also increased the transmission losses, the participants said, adding that effectively addressing ... Ashish Garg, general secretary of Independent Power Producers' Association – Nepal (IPPAN), informed that the concerned stakeholders agreed on the ...

◆200208 Nepal's largest Hydro Power Project- Arun-III Financial ...
India TV-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SwZDhA
India and Nepal inked financial closure of Arun-III, the largest hydropower project in the Himalayan nation. Built by the financial assistance from India, the 900 MW hydropower project is under construction at Sankhuwasabha District of Nepal.

◆200208 Sri Lanka utility regulator asks CEB to give reasons for recent ...
Colombo Page-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ss3IUl
Feb 07, Colombo: Sri Lanka's electricity sector regulator, Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) has asked the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), to submit the investigation report on the recent power outage on or before 12th February ...

◆200208 Special committee to probe unannounced power cuts
Colombo Page-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/31zi0GM
The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) had carried out a two-hour power cut in some parts of the island on the 3rd February. ... Minister of Power and Energy Mahinda Amaraweera has ordered the Secretary to the Ministry of Power and Energy ... The state utility regulator, Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) has also asked the CEB to submit a report on the unannounced power cuts before the ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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