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2020年2月12日 クルーズ船はインドネシア近海に停泊すれば蔓延しない


















◆200211 新型ウイルス、死者1000人を突破 中国で新たに103人死亡
BBCニュース-6 時間前 https://bbc.in/2OKzNWB
中国・湖北省で新型コロナウイルスによって新たに103人が死亡したと、同省の衛生健康委員会が11日に発表した。これで新型 ... 新型ウイルスのアウトブレイク(大流行)の最中、中国の習近平国家主席は10日、マスク姿で珍しく公の場に登場した。習主席は ...

◆200211 「新型肺炎防止策は行き過ぎ」、中国主席が当局者に抑制指示
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SyfM6I
北京 11日 ロイター] - 関係筋によると、中国の習近平国家主席は先週、地方当局の高官に対し、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐ取り組みは行き過ぎており、国内経済に悪影響をもたらしていると警告した。その数日後に中国政府は経済への影響を軽減 ...

◆200211 中国・習主席、マスク姿で指示「情勢は依然として厳しい」
TBS News-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/31J7eOk
中国の習近平国家主席は、10日、北京の新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎の感染予防施設などを視察し、「情勢は、依然として極めて厳しい」「予防抑制の人民戦争に、断固として勝つ」と強調しました。 国営メディアによりますと、習主席は10日、北京の新型コロナ ...

◆200211 そんな場合か、WHO会合に台湾の出席を拒む中国
JBpress-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/37kcNE6
譚 璐美:作家). NHKニュース速報(2月9日付)によると、WHO(世界保健機関)は、新型コロナウイルスをめぐって今月11日からスイス・ジュネーブで開かれる緊急会合に、台湾からの専門家の参加を認めることを明らかにした。 今回の緊急会合には、世界各地 ...



◆200211 NY商品、原油続落し再び50ドル割れ 新型肺炎の影響を警戒 金は ...
日本経済新聞-11 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Skd6e5
【NQNニューヨーク=張間正義】10日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は続落した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の3月物は前週末比0.75ド ...

◆200211 原油先物、約1年ぶり安値 中国需要減やロシアの減産決定待ち
Yahoo!ニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tQEkiW
ニューヨーク 10日 ロイター] - 10日の取引で原油先物が下落し、約1年ぶりの安値を付けた。新型コロナウイルス感染拡大による中国の需要減退への警戒感が圧迫した。また、ロシアが石油輸出国機構(OPEC)などとの協調減産の拡大に参画するかが注目 ...

◆200211 NY原油、1年ぶり安値 49ドル台、肺炎で需要減懸念
Yahoo!ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vly9Uj
【ニューヨーク共同】週明け10日のニューヨーク原油先物相場は続落し、指標の米国産標準油種(WTI)の3月渡しが前週末比0.75 ... 肺炎を引き起こす新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う世界経済の減速で、エネルギー需要が落ち込むとの警戒感から売り注文 ..



◆200211 “十四五”电力规划的核心是什么?难在哪?
国际能源网-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/38iUdO7
中国电力企业联合会专职副理事长王志轩表示。 “涉及电力的约束条件甚多,物理约束有电力平衡、调峰平衡、电量平衡,资源约束有风电和水电等技术可开发量、核电和抽蓄的站址资源等,均需合理研究。”有知情人士向记者透露。 以前电力规划主要面

◆200211 山东省全力保障疫情期间电力安全可靠供应
国际能源网-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/31QtJkE
新冠肺炎疫情发生后,按照省委省政府部署要求,山东省各级电力主管部门及单位积极行动,强化措施,稳发稳供,全力保障疫情 ... 自1月29日起,全省电力调度系统共计1369人全部封闭值班,有效切断病患传播途径,为全省电网安全稳定运行提供有效 ...

◆200211 河北2座水电站成为国家绿色小水电示范电站
中国质量报-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OKQilf
河北2座水电站成为国家绿色小水电示范电站. 至此,全省5座水电站获此殊荣. 近日,水利部公布173座2019年度绿色小水电示范电站名单,我省的十里坪水电站和秘家会水电站榜上有名。至此,全省5座水电站获此殊荣。 按照要求,创建绿色小水电示范 ..

◆200211 095核潜艇有哪些黑科技?电力系统领先美10年超安静
新浪网-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/37iLsSE

◆200211 “十四五”电力规划的核心是什么?难在哪?
国际能源网-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SD1od4
中国电力企业联合会专职副理事长王志轩表示。 “涉及电力的约束条件甚多,物理约束有电力平衡、调峰平衡、电量平衡,资源约束有风电和水电等技术可开发量、核电和抽蓄的站址资源等,均需合理研究。”有知情人士向记者透露。 以前电力规划主要面 ...

◆200211 原油先物、約1年ぶり安値 中国需要減やロシアの減産決定待ち
Yahoo!ニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bqPqvT
ニューヨーク 10日 ロイター] - 10日の取引で原油先物が下落し、約1年ぶりの安値を付けた。新型コロナウイルス感染拡大による中国の需要減退への警戒感が圧迫した。また、ロシアが石油輸出国機構(OPEC)などとの協調減産の拡大に参画するかが注目 ...

◆200211 中国支援の発電所、住民らが運転開始に反対
NNA.ASIA-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OJoRs6
インドネシアのスマトラ島南西部ブンクル州のバアイ島に中国の支援で完成した石炭火力発電所に対して地元住民や環境団体が運転停止を求めている。昨年9月に試験運転が開始されてからは、大気や海の汚染など環境の悪化が著しくなり、反対運動は一層 ...

◆200211 中国 フル操業遠く
日本経済新聞-10 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2SeyYay
新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎の感染拡大が続く中国で10日、各地の企業が半月ぶりに操業を再開した。だが春節(旧正月)休暇前 ... 中国電気自動車(EV)大手の比亜迪(BYD)は深圳市のスマートフォン部品の工場を制限付きで再開した。春節休みで地方に .


◆200211 The growth of 'Made in China' energy
Houston Chronicle-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/31K7Xz1
In oil fields across Texas, drillers are looking to China, with its massive population and juggernaut growth, to drive ... Liquefied natural gas and crude export terminals, sprawling petrochemical plants and miles of pipelines have all been built, in part, ... The Chinese are constructing nuclear power plants, building expertise in the technology and advancing it as Europe ... gray and murky yellow, a relic of a coal-dominated economy and a government that was slow to regulate air pollution.

◆200211 Oil drops back to 1-year low as coronavirus takes toll on China ...
MarketWatch-11 時間前 https://on.mktw.net/38fj0Te
Oil futures fell on Monday to their lowest settlement in more than a year, undercut by the hit to Chinese demand for crude in the wake of the coronavirus ... “Energy traders are focused on the coronavirus right now, trying to gauge how it has, and will, affect demand in China, supply internationally, and ... March natural gas NGH20, +0.74% dropped about 5% to $1.766 per million British thermal units.

◆200211 China's No.2 Refiner Cuts Fuel Output, Could Defer Oil Cargoes
OilPrice.com-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SxZXgk
As the coronavirus continues to batter fuel demand in China, the country's second-largest refiner, state-held PetroChina, is cutting refinery runs and is talking to key suppliers in the Middle East about possibly deferring some crude oil loadings ...

◆200211 Coronavirus live updates: Chinese officials emphasize need ...
CNBC-32 分前 https://cnb.cx/2HfvAWF
More than half of China delayed the resumption of work after the Lunar New Year holiday by at least a week, in an effort to limit the spread of the virus. Many businesses are slowly restoring operations, but some have encountered challenges ..



◆200211 新型コロナウイルス、特別病院の建設検討
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SeUFaw
インドネシアのマフド調整相(政治・法務・治安担当)は7日、中国を中心に新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が懸念される中、国内に感染症専門の特別病院の建設を検討していると明らかにした。今後国内で感染者が確認された場合などに備えた長期的な対応策 ...

◆200211 豪インドネシア、経済連携の行動プラン発表
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SfOPFJ
インドネシアのジョコ・ウィドド大統領が10日、訪問中のオーストラリアの国会で演説を行い、モリソン首相と共に両国間の包括的経済連携協定(CEPA)を実行するための「100デー・アクションプラン」を発表した。経済・開発連携の拡大、海軍協力、インド・太平洋 ...

◆200211 発電所のLNG転換、事業費は22兆ルピア
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SyW2jl

◆200211 中国支援の発電所、住民らが運転開始に反対
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hf1NNC
インドネシアのスマトラ島南西部ブンクル州のバアイ島に中国の支援で完成した石炭火力発電所に対して地元住民や環境団体が運転停止を求めている。昨年9月に試験運転が開始されてからは、大気や海の汚染など環境の悪化が著しくなり、反対運動は一層 ...

◆200211 フィリピンが台湾を入国禁止の対象に「一つの中国政策に基づく ...
中央社フォーカス台湾-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2He3rz6
マニラ、台北中央社)フィリピンの航空当局は10日夜、新型コロナウイルスの感染防止策として中国全土からの外国人に対して実施している入国禁止措置の対象地域に、台湾を含めると発表した。「一つの中国政策に基づくもの」だと説明している。外交部(外務 ...

◆200211 米軍地位協定を破棄 フィリピン、大統領指示で
時事通信-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UJj2hZ
【マニラ時事】フィリピンのパネロ大統領報道官は11日、「訪問米軍に関する地位協定」を破棄したと発表した。ドゥテルテ大統領の指示による措置で、ロクシン外相も、在フィリピン米大使館に通知を送ったと明かした。両国関係に加え、南シナ海への中国進出を ...

◆200211 地場2社、バタンガスでLNG発電所
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/37jIGfY
フィリピンの発電会社2社が、バタンガス州で液化天然ガス(LNG)を燃料に使う発電所の建設を計画している。周辺でLNG輸入受入基地の整備計画があるためだ。複数の地元紙が伝えた。 発電会社ミレニアム・エナジー(MEI)傘下のパンアジア・エナジーは、 ..

◆200211 LNG基地整備計画に遅れ 建設着手まだ、迫るガス田枯渇
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UNs3XH
フィリピンで液化天然ガス(LNG)受入基地の整備計画に遅れが生じている。日系を含む複数企業が事業に名乗りを上げているが、土地造成以外の本格的な着工に至った企業はまだない。国内で唯一天然ガスが産出されるマランパヤガス田の枯渇が懸念される ...

◆200211 電力規制委、再生エネ価格でエネ省案却下
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UCX2pf
フィリピンのエネルギー統制委員会(ERC)が、再生可能エネルギーによる電力の価格を決めるメカニズムについて、エネルギー省が通達案に盛り込んだ内容に否定的な見方を示している。9日付マニラスタンダードが伝えた。 エネ省は太陽光、風力、バイオマス、


◆200211 Indonesia Energy to Present at NobleCon16 on February 17 ...
EnerCom Inc. (press release) (blog)-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/38gkjkB
JAKARTA, INDONESIA and DANVILLE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / February 10, 2020 / Indonesia Energy Corporation Limited (NYSE American:INDO) (IEC), an oil and gas exploration and production company focused on Indonesia, today ...

◆200211 The climate and equity dilemma: Bending the coal curve in ...
Atlantic Council (blog)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/39tKhl3
Growing energy demand is leading to increased dependence on imported oil, gas, and coal. ... Although the two largest electricity consumers in these sub-regions, India and Indonesia, have long been dependent on coal for power (74 ... Although Southeast Asian countries have decided in the past not to pursue nuclear, there are signs that some countries may be reconsidering (e.g., the Philippines).

◆200211 Coro Energy Awaits Approval on Duyung
OE Digital-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OKmrth
Southeast Asian focused upstream company Coro Energy Plc said that Duyung PSC partners have agreed to a six-month ... into an agreement to buy a 15 percent share in the Duyung offshore block in Indonesia, containing the Mako gas field.

◆200211 Indonesia seeks greater market access, investment from ...
Jakarta Post-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2uE081o
From automotives and textiles to education and energy services, Indonesia seeks to expand market access and attract investment from Australia through the new Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement ..

◆200211 GE Renewable Energy to support the clean energy growth in ...
REVE (press release)-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OGFfJJ
GE Renewable Energy's hydro teams in Europe and the Americas will be responsible for the supply of two new 50 MW Francis ... to limit a power outage of the plant as much as possible, a crucial pre-requisite for Angat Hydropower Corporation as the dam ... This rehabilitated plant will provide an additional and reliable source of electricity in the Philippines and secure water needs for the population.

◆200211 Asia's Rising Scientists: Aristotle Ubando
Asian Scientist Magazine-21 分前 https://bit.ly/38jT4pp
In his home country of the Philippines, a small but populous archipelago in Southeast Asia, Ubando's work is unquestionably ... The Philippines, however, remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels like coal for its energy needs. ... While doing my Master's in Mechanical Engineering, I discovered a calling to help the nation develop its renewable energy research. ... If you had the power and resources to eradicate any world problem using your research, which one would you solve?

◆200211 Philippines notifies US of intent to end major security pact
Powell River Peak-17 分前 https://bit.ly/2OLDRFT
MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines on Tuesday notified the United States of its intent to terminate a major security pact allowing American forces to train in the country in the most serious threat to the countries' treaty alliance under ...

◆200211 Philippines Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025- Planned ...
TechNews.mobi-2020/02/09 https://bit.ly/37fbXZs
Philippines Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025- Planned Power Plants, Emerging Trends, Infrastructure, Investments, New ... The latest research “2018 Philippines Hydro Power Market Outlook to 2025” from Analysis is a comprehensive report on ... The Philippines electricity operators including power generation companies, power transmission companies, ... Expected Massive Growth in Waste to Energy Market 2020-2027 by Top Key Players like AEandE Group Gmbh, Arrow ..

◆200211 OPINION: Is the Philippine national grid vulnerable to cyber ...
ABS-CBN News (blog)-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/38h3yFT
The Department of Energy (DOE) and National Transmission Corporation (TransCo) have been demanding the ... “Cyber-attacks on a power grid is becoming a reality,” Senator Sherwin Gatchalian warned during the hearing, in light of the ...

◆200211 Global Super Critical Boiler Market Share, Size, Current Trend ...
GuruFocus.com-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/38l3CVa
Thermal power plants are one of the major sources of electricity in developing economies, and are under immense pressure, ... of ASEAN countries is expected to increase at an average of 4.7% per year, to reach 1,685 million metric ton of oil ... In 2019, coal-based energy accounted for 40% of the global electricity production, and it is estimated that coal-based power plants ... 7.1 Gas-based 7.2 Coal-based 7.3 Oil-based 8. Global Supercritical Boiler Market Analysis, by Component

◆200211 Philippines moves to shut down top broadcaster
The Asean Post-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UGS7DK
Philippine government lawyers moved Monday to strip the nation's biggest media group of its operating franchise in what campaigners branded a fresh attack on press freedom under President Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte has repeatedly pledged ..



◆200211 ルアンパバーン発電所、事前協議を実施
NNA.ASIA-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/31GYeJu
ラオス政府は、北部ルアンパバーン県のメコン川本流にルアンパバーン水力発電所を建設する計画について、メコン川の流域4カ国で構成する水資源管理の国際機関、メコン川委員会(MRC)との事前協議を実施した。ビエンチャン・タイムズ(電子版)が10日伝え ...

◆200211 新型肺炎以来、なぜ李克強が習近平より目立つのか?
Newsweekjapan-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/31GZ8Wo
習近平は早くから1月17日~18日にミャンマーを公式訪問し、19日~21日は雲南省を視察すると決まっていた。外国訪問となるとよほどのことがない限り直前のキャンセルは困難だろうし、また雲南行きも護衛や列車の保衛などがあり、ルートを変えるのは「 ...

◆200211 タイ入港目指した香港クルーズ船に保健相「許可しない」 日本で ...
産経ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2urh9w0
新型コロナウイルス感染の疑いを巡り日本政府から入港しないよう要請された香港発のクルーズ船「ウエステルダム」の運航会社は10日、タイ中部レムチャバン港で13日に乗客を下船させる予定だと発表した。一方、タイのアヌティン保健相は「許可しない」と ...

◆200211 PTT、タイ湾からの天然ガス購入量を削減
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/39pPc6k
タイの国営石油PTTのチャンシン社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は、タイ湾およびミャンマーからの天然ガスの購入削減に向けて生産業者と交渉を進めていることを明らかにした。スポット市場(現物市場)の液化天然ガス(LNG)が値下がりしているため、一部を ..

◆200211 EGAT、太陽光発電の相対取引を試験
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w7nbSR
タイ発電公団(EGAT)は、屋根置き型の太陽光発電の相対(PtoP、ピア・ツー・ピア)取引を試験的に運用している。電力取引の自由化に備えてモデルケースを作り上げる計画。10日付バンコクポストが報じた。 ウィブーン総裁によると、EGATはバンコク北郊 ...

◆200211 中国の新型肺炎拡大、縫製工場への影響必至
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vpNuDy

◆200211 発電事業など3件、閣僚評議会で承認
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SDzoGB
カンボジア閣僚評議会(内閣に相当)は7日、石炭火力発電所の建設事業2件と、送電線の架設事業1件を承認した。3件の合計投資額は約17億米ドル(約1,870億円)。地元各紙(電子版)が伝えた。 石炭火力発電所の設置場所は南西部コッコン州と北西部 ...

◆200211 経済成長で制度整備が急務 三上大使インタビュー(下)
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/39AACcz

◆200211 ミャンマー 憲法改正案が議会に提出
NHK NEWS WEB-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Szt96n
ミャンマーでは、軍に強い権限を与えている憲法が民主化を進める足かせになっているとして改正を目指す案が議会に提出されました。アウン・サン・スー・チー国家顧問が率いる与党の主導で提出された改正案は、軍人に割り当てられている議会の議席を減らす ...

◆200211 ヤンゴン南部、新たな変電所が開所
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UJljd8
ミャンマーの最大都市を管轄するヤンゴン管区南部で9日、ヤンゴン電力供給公社(YESC)が33/11キロボルト(kV)の変電所を開所した。ヤンゴン南部に電力を供給する。国営紙グローバル・ニュー・ライト・オブ・ミャンマーが10日伝えた。 変電所はトゥワンテ郡区 ...


◆200211 Weekly Dry Season Situation Report for the Mekong River ...
ReliefWeb-16 分前 https://bit.ly/2Sh3EIk
Weekly Dry Season Situation Report for the Mekong River Basin - Prepared on: 11/02/2020, covering the week from 04 to 10 ... However, water level at Luang Prabang and Chiang Khan are likely impacted by hydropower dam at Xayaburi and ...

◆200211 Laos presents details for other Mekong countries on proposed ...
Xinhua-2020/02/09 https://bit.ly/2UJ9Z0G
10 (Xinhua) -- The Mekong River Commission (MRC) held a forum last week in Laos to discuss with other Mekong nations before going ahead with construction of a Luang Prabang hydropower project on Mekong River. ... They also wanted the Lao government to address the potential impact of the Luang Prabang dam on downstream Mekong countries. ... the town of Luang Prabang and 2,036 km from Vietnam's Mekong Delta, the power plant will generate electricity mainly for sale to ...

◆200211 Thailand Touted for Rare Move to Drop Chinese Plan for ...
VOA Khmer-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/38hkvjJ
Thailand Touted for Rare Move to Drop Chinese Plan for Mekong River ... The move is a rare victory for groups and communities fighting to save southeast Asia's most important river from ... In Myanmar, China's bid to build the Myitsone hydropower dam has met strong resistance from locals and has been on hold since the ...

◆200211 Mekong Delta takes measures to reduce saltwater intrusion
ReliefWeb-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UCekCS
Though saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta was predicted to come earlier and with higher level of salinity than that ... of 3-11 kilometres against the same period in 2016, according to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorology Forecasting.

◆200211 HARNESSING SALWEEN RIVER: Settlement through ...
Burma News International-2020/02/09 https://bit.ly/39osN9t
But what is less prominent is the controversy over the projects to dam or harness the power of the Salween River. ... Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand International EGATi (Thailand), Ministry of Electricity and Energy MOEE ... Moreover, the discussion which has turned to the use of natural gas for domestic electricity generation might suggest that the need to build dams on Salween River could ...

◆200211 စက်မှုဇုန်တည်ထောင်ရေး KNU စီးပွားရေး ...
ဧရာဝတီ-2020/02/09 https://bit.ly/37d43Q5
... နှင့် တရုတ်အစိုးရပိုင် Power China ကုမဏီတို့အကြား ၂၀၁၆ ခုနှစ် ဒီဇင်ဘာလက လက်မှတ်ရေးထိုးခဲ့သော နားလည်မှု စာချွန်လွှာတွင်ပါဝင်နေသော သဘောတူညီချက်တခုဖြစ်သည်။

◆200211 New oil pipeline in northern Thailand may worsen flooding
chinadialogue-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OE9ql1
The 342km pipeline will run two metres underground and link Thailand's north-eastern province of Khon Kaen to an existing pipeline in the central province of Saraburi. Energy Minister Sonthirat Sonthijirawong attended a ceremony on 5 ...

◆200211 Thai power firm confident of coping with drought
The Phnom Penh Post-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OIdnFm
B Grimm Power Plc (BGRIM), a leading private power producer in Thailand, is confident of coping with the problems of drought by embracing international standards for water supply management in its electricity production. The company did ...

◆200211 Thai firm eyes power sector
The News International-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bpiiEJ
ISLAMABAD: Thailand-based energy company, Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC), is interested in ... had prequalified 12 companies for the privatisation of two RLNG (regasified liquefied natural gas) based power plants ..

◆200211 Gunkul Engineering acquires 60 MW of solar in Vietnam
Renewables Now-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OJzATA
The Tri Viet 1 Solar Power Plant and Bach Khoa A Chau 1 Solar Power Plant, each with a capacity of 30 MWp, are operational since May 2019 and produce electricity under 20-year power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Vietnam Electricity.

◆200211 Vietnam Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025- Planned Power ...
TechNews.mobi-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2urRPGd
Vietnam Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025- Planned Power Plants, Emerging Trends, Infrastructure, Investments, New ... The latest research “2018 Vietnam Hydro Power Market Outlook to 2025” from Analysis is a comprehensive report on ... The Vietnam electricity operators including power generation companies, power transmission companies, regulators and ... Expected Massive Growth in Waste to Energy Market 2020-2027 by Top Key Players like AEandE Group Gmbh, Arrow ...

◆200211 Cambodia plans 2 coal-fired plants worth US$1.7bil
The Star Online-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H956Ga
Han Seng Coal Mine Co Ltd (HSCMC) will invest in a 265MW coal power plant located in Oddar Meanchey province's Trapaing ... HSCMC also received government approval for the construction of a 230kW power transmission line connecting ... look to renewable energy to meet its growing electricity demands instead, such as wind energy, solar power or biomass. ... “Cambodia is a signatory to the agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce global warming, ” he said ...

◆200211 Prime Minister vows to hit back if EU revokes EBA trade status
Khmer Times-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UHA8gw
“The biggest challenge to Cambodia is Europe's decision on the EBA that it will issue on February 12,” Mr Hun Sen said. ... The EBA scheme allows Cambodian goods to enter the EU market 99 percent tariff-free. ... over the clearing of forests to plant oil palms, Myanmar over the Rohingya issue and Cambodia over the perceived setback to human rights and democracy. ... Yes, we are talking about volunteerism, or in other words the act of providing our time and energy for the benefit of ..

◆200211 VPower, CNTIC forms JV to operate Myanmar emergency ...
Myanmar Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vj6WSm
VPower, CNTIC forms JV to operate Myanmar emergency power plants ... jointly develop and operate liquefied natural gas power plants in Rakhine's Kyaukphyu and Yangon's Thanlyin and Thaketa townships, totalling 900 megawatts. ... The Ministry of Electricity and Energy's Electric Power Generation Enterprise initiated a tender of five power projects, amounting to 1040MW, last June. ... Rakhine refugees seen at the Dam Mar Yar Ma Monastery temporary camp in Sittwe, Rakhine.

◆200211 VPower Group partners CNTIC to boost 900MW Generation ...
Yahoo Finance-19 時間前 https://yhoo.it/2UGhmWE
Since our entry in Myanmar in 2015 with a self-invested and operated distributed power station, we are pleased to ... for power projects as called by Electric Power Generation Enterprise of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy of Myanmar, won ..

◆200211 Laos trade deficit hits $137M despite reaching export target
The Phnom Penh Post-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SfVekb
Laos recorded a trade deficit of $137 million last year even though the value of exports exceeded the yearly plan, according to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Exports were ... Electricity continues to be Laos' major revenue-generating export totalling more than $1 billion. Laos currently exports electricity to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, with Thailand being the largest importer of energy.



◆200211 インドにおける下水処理プロジェクトの受注について
産経ニュース-2020/02/09 https://bit.ly/38ikT1g
東芝インフラシステムズ株式会社. -ガンジス川浄化計画に貢献-. 東芝ウォーターソリューションズ社は、ビハール州都市インフラ開発公社からインド・ビハール州の二つの下水処理場建設および運転・維持管理プロジェクトを受注しました。なお、本プロジェクトは ...

◆200211 米大統領、今月インド訪問 戦略関係強化など協議へ
時事通信-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vl8NWM

◆200211 インド経済大失速 失望招いたモディ政権の景気対策
Newsweekjapan-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hd9PGR
アジア第3位の規模を誇るインド経済は、ここ10年以上で最悪の減速に見舞われている。モディ政権がまとめた新たな連邦予算では、その停滞から脱するのは難しそうだ。 エコノミストらは、政府が約束する財政出動は控えめで、個人所得税の減税も小幅に ...

◆200211 KGD6鉱区で産出のガス、月内に入札実施
NNA.ASIA-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bCewrU
インドの石油化学大手リライアンス・インダストリーズ(RIL)と英石油大手BPが、インド南部アンドラプラデシュ州沖のクリシュナ・ゴダバリ海盆D6(KGD6)鉱区で産出する天然ガスについて、今月中に再び入札を実施する方針であることが、消息筋の話で分かっ ..

◆200211 高級毛織物「パシュミナ」の産地、人と産業に降り掛かる気候変動 ...
Yahoo!ニュース-48 分前 https://bit.ly/2UG8foX
【2月11日 AFP】インド北部から中国チベット自治区(Tibet Autonomous Region)にまたがる地域で暮らすチャンパ(Changpa)と呼ばれる人々は数世紀にわたり、絹のように柔らかい最高級の毛織物「パシュミナ」の原毛を産出するヤギを飼育してきた。


◆200211 Experts warn of water issues in Sindh
The News International-38 分前 https://bit.ly/3bvaEIS
SUKKUR: Experts haverevealed the number of migrants affected by the floods in the Indus River exceeded 13 million, while millions of acres of land were also turning to be barren. Speaking at a session of the Fifth Literature Festival in ...

◆200211 Arsenic: Lurking in the shadows across Ganga, Brahmaputra ...
Down To Earth Magazine-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hdygny
The states along the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river basin — Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal ... The presence of arsenic contamination, as specified by diverse sources for each of the affected states in the GBM river ...

◆200211 Materialize Profit B'putra project: Brahmaputra Management ...
The Sentinel Assam-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/37jnhUe
GUWAHATI: The Brahmaputra Management and Development, Assam (BMDA) central committee claimed on Sunday ... Assam is currently dealing with can be resolved by creating an environment based on the river Brahmaputra which will ...

◆200211 NGP has improved Ganga water quality: Govt
Daijiworld.com-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OKWh9E
New Delhi, Feb 10 (IANS): Various pollution abatement initiatives taken up under the Namami Gange Programme (NGP) have resulted in improvement of Ganga river water quality in 2019 as compared to 2014, the Rajya Sabha was informed ...

◆200211 Industrial revolution detected in Himalaya glacier
ZME Science-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/37eJhQi
But mankind had been leaving signs in the Himalaya for far longer than that, they were just harder to see. According to a new study, coal combustion from the Industrial Revolution can be detected in glaciers on one of the highest peaks in the ...

◆200211 India coal imports rise in Nov after three months of decline
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bsdv5o
Imports of thermal coal – used mainly for electricity generation – rose 12.3% from a year ago to 17.65 million tonnes, whereas coking coal shipments to India fell 5% from a year earlier to 4.18 million tonnes, data from the Ministry of Coal ...

◆200211 India's solar power output climbs 27% Y/Y in 2019
Renewables Now-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/39uZL8t
February 11 (Renewables Now) - India's solar photovoltaic (PV) parks boosted their output by 27% year-on-year in 2019, producing a combined 46,033 MWh, shows new data by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA). In spite of the overall ...

◆200211 Pakistan touts its nuclear security measures
Anadolu Agency-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tPWam8
The conference is being organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria through Thursday. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a booklet on 'Pakistan's Nuclear Security Regime',” said a ministry ...

◆200211 Canada looks Pak energy sector as 'great potential' market: HC
The Nation-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SunlLy
ISLAMABAD - Canadian HC to Pakistan Wendy Gilmour Monday called on SAPM on Petroleum Nadeem Babar and said her ... of Pakistan, erected from plains to mountainous terrain, and said Canada could learn from the transmission network, ... on the ease of doing business in the energy sector and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) infrastructure development there. ... The SAPM also invited Canadian companies to actively participate in the auction of new oil and gas blocks that would ...

◆200211 India-Pakistan Nuclear War Would Harm The Oceans, Claims ...
Mashable India-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tMnrpz
A nuclear war between India and Pakistan would do no good to anyone. Needless to say, the effects will be experienced globally and will be more widespread than any man-made disaster in history. A previous study has shown that a nuclear .

◆200211 Nepal lawmakers seek to legalize growing, using marijuana
Powell River Peak-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2OLfMyZ
KATHMANDU, Nepal — Ruling party lawmakers have proposed legalizing marijuana in Nepal, where it has been used for generations and was famed during the counterculture '60s. Forty-six members of the ruling Communist Party of Nepal ...

◆200211 The thirst for emergency power (and blackouts)
ft.lk-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/37ie4LO
Expanding solar PV would have reduced the amount of hydro used during daytime allowing us to retain water till May, as the ... The electricity generation capacity in Sri Lanka has not grown along with the increasing demand. ... The CEB is yet to tender most of the plants in the Board Minutes from 2017, including oil-fired plants. ... From 2016, CEB has refused to provide Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for small (less than 10MW) renewable energy projects citing an opinion of the ...

◆200211 Recent developments in the power sector in SL is credit ...
adaderana.lk-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2tQ1eaa
This is a credit positive for the mini-hydro producers as they would benefit from the increased power generations (in the absence of ... In Sri Lanka, the state-run Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) controls the electricity sector-value chain and is authorized to ... Since 2016, the government has introduced competitive tendering process for renewable energy projects. ... We also expect the increase in cost of thermal energy production to be reflected for the remaining PPAs that are under the ...

◆200211 CEB cautions public to use electricity sparingly
Daily Mirror-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vjjNUu
Ceylon Electricity Board urges consumers to exercise care in using electricity sparingly a month- long drought ... of water for the generation of hydro-electricity by the Laxapana, New Laxapana, Canyon,Wimalasurendra and Polpitiya Power ...

◆200211 Sri Lanka Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025- Planned ...
TechNews.mobi-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UN0UUN
Sri Lanka Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025- Planned Power Plants, Emerging Trends, Infrastructure, Investments, ... The latest research “2018 Sri Lanka Hydro Power Market Outlook to 2025” from Analysis is a comprehensive report on Sri ... The Sri Lanka electricity operators including power generation companies, power transmission companies, regulators ... Expected Massive Growth in Waste to Energy Market 2020-2027 by Top Key Players like AEandE Group Gmbh, Arrow .




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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