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◆200229 習近平氏の国賓訪日、「秋以降」に延期か 日中が協議
朝日新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2I5LhjA
中国外交トップの楊潔篪(ヤンチエチー)共産党政治局員が28日、安倍晋三首相や茂木敏充外相、北村滋国家安全保障局長と会談し、4月上旬で調整してきた習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席の国賓訪日について協議した。この日は最終結論は出なかったが、 ...

◆200229 中国、新型コロナ危機脱却を強調 楊氏が予定通り来日
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/387Mvpc
中国外交担当トップの楊潔篪(ヤン・ジエチー)中国共産党政治局員が28日、来日した。1月に新型コロナウイルスの感染が急拡大した中国は、2月に入って事態収拾への自信を示し始めている。習近平(シー・ジンピ ...

◆200229 未知のコロナ、政府がサンプル廃棄指示か 中国誌報道
朝日新聞-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VHZA67
独自の調査報道で知られる中国メディア「財新」は、昨年末、中国の複数の検査機関が未知のコロナウイルスの存在を確認しながら、中国政府が情報を公開しないよう命じていたと伝えた。感染が始まった当初に情報統制をしていた疑いを指摘するもので、 ...

◆200229 アフリカ浸透 米の先行く中国 J・スタブリディス氏
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3aiP5Kb
中国が、1兆ドル(約110兆円)規模とされる広域経済圏構想「一帯一路」で焦点を合わせている地域のひとつは、アフリカだ。中国は、アフリカでは若い人口が増加し、天然資源に恵まれ面積が膨大であることを認識 ...



◆200229 温暖化防止とコスト低減 原子力発電で両立 次世代炉開発と運転 ...
産経ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/398Nvuh
地球温暖化を防止しながら増え続ける電力需要に対応する切り札として、発電時に二酸化炭素(CO2)を排出せず、発電コストが低い原子力発電への期待が世界的に高まっている。米国では、この2つの問題解決を目指し、マイクロソフトの創業者であるビル・ ..

◆200229 NY商品、原油が大幅続落 一時1年2カ月ぶり安値 金も大幅安
日本経済新聞-5 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/395wJfE
【NQNニューヨーク=横内理恵】28日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は大幅に続落した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の4月物は前日比2. ...



◆200229 チベットの湘河ダム工事順調,仮締切り成功
新华网-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TnZP3k
中电建成都院与中国水电九局等参建单位科学提出采用施工支洞方案,为导流泄洪洞洞挖创造多个独立工作面提供有利条件。同时,这一工程以“冬季不停工,春节不放假”的保截流措施,自春节至今,参建各方紧抓工期,一手抓疫情防控、一手抓工程 ...

◆200229 国家経済は,主要な国家プロジェクトが仕事を再開:経済的活力を示し、中国の信
中国经济网-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TqACoJ
在中国全面建成小康社会和“十三五”规划收官之年,重大工程、重点项目也迎来关键节点。 ... 春节期间连续施工、节后全面复工,换来的是接二连三的好消息:继1月中旬如期下闸蓄水后,2月8日,世界在建第二大水电工程——乌东德水电站工程再传 ..

◆200229 中国のエネルギー消費、石炭の割合が低下 石炭消費自体はなお ...
ロイター-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/395xwgC
北京 28日 ロイター] - 中国国家統計局は28日、2019年の中国の一次エネルギー消費に石炭が占める割合が前年から1.5%ポイント低下して57.7%となり、58%未満に減らすという政府の目標を1年前倒しで達成したと発表した。 国家統計局が公表 ...

◆200229 中国=天然ガス需要、2020年の伸びに大きな鈍化なし
リム情報開発-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2uKktT2
中国石油化工(Sinopec)の専門家によると、新型肺炎の拡大の影響で需要は一時的には落ち込むものの、その後底入れし、夏から ... 現在の下流部門におけるガス需要低迷の影響で、中国国内のLNG(液化天然ガス)ターミナルおよび貯蔵施設からの出荷量は ...

◆200229 WHOエイルワード事務局長補「私が新型肺炎に感染したら中国で ...
people.com.cn-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2we0Xi8
エイルワード事務局長補は、「中国の病院を視察し、中国がそこに膨大なエネルギーを投入していることが、印象深かった。人工呼吸器は何台あるのかという質問には、50、60台という答えが返ってきた。そして、ECMO(体外式膜型人工肺装置)は何台あるのか ...

◆200229 「北極シルクロード」をめぐる覇権争い 米中間で加熱
大紀元-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wXhJCu
中国は、2018年1月に「北極政策」を公表し、「海洋ルートの利用および北極の資源の探索・開発は中国のエネルギー政策と経済発展に多大な影響を与える」としています。また、4,000マイル(約6,400㎞)におよぶ「極地シルクロード」がおよぼす影響力の大きさを ...


◆200229 How China Could Ignite An Oil Price Rebound
OilPrice.com-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wfcE86
U.S. West Texas Intermediate and international-benchmark Brent crude oil futures hit multi-year lows on Friday and were set for their steepest weekly decline in more than four years as the spread of the coronavirus raised fears of a global

◆200229 The History of China's Green Energy Revolution
The Maritime Executive-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T6Fqkh
China accounts for 30 per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, of which a large share comes from coal power. ... “China is now a world leader in renewable energy, both in terms of producing and using renewable power. ... Korsnes emphasizes that the Chinese authorities are focused on ensuring that people have good access to electricity. ... This situation amplified the problems of power transmission. ... “It's similar to the Norwegian investment in the oil industry in the 70s.

◆200229 Restarting China's Economy
OilPrice.com-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Vye6NE
China has begun to clear a backlog of container ships in an effort to jumpstart an idled economy. - China processes about 30 percent of total global container traffic, and the coronavirus, and the subsequent shutdown of parts of the Chinese ..

◆200229 How China Became the World's Leader in Green Energy
Foreign Affairs-15 時間前 https://fam.ag/2Tlzens
In little more than a decade, China has made itself a world leader in electric vehicles, renewable energy, and energy storage. ... energy supplies and the dirtiness of its coal-dominated domestic energy industry, then began to cultivate a domestic market for solar power. ... One way to store solar or wind power is to use it to pump water up a dam: when energy is needed, the water flows back downward.

◆200229 Trump pushing for three-way arms control with Russia, China
Associated Press-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VwcJPp
“Russia wants to make a deal very much on arms control and nuclear. And that's smart. And so do we. We think it would be a good thing,” Trump said at a news conference in December in London with NATO Secretary-General Jens .

◆200229 China-Central Asia gas pipeline transports over 300 bln cubic ...
Xinhua-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ciwZdq
28 (Xinhua) -- The China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline has delivered more than 300 billion cubic meters of natural gas to China since the pipeline was put into operation, the PetroChina West Pipeline Company said Thursday. ... With a total length of 1,833 km and a designed annual gas transmission capacity of 60 billion cubic meters per year, the pipeline has been operating stably and safely since it was ...

◆200229 China's Coronavirus Crisis Hits Russian Energy Sector
The Union Journal (blog)-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Vv9is7
While China's economic climate battles to recuperate from the coronavirus epidemic, the Russian energy sector is ... The repercussions of the crisis are accumulating for China's second-largest oil vendor with both straight as well as ... Energy experts alerted months ago that China had actually reduced its program for transforming heater from coal to gas after 2 years ... well as developing a gas path to China, Russia opened its 3,000- kilometer (1,854- mile) Power of Siberia pipe in very .



◆200229 インドネシアの首都移転 大統領がソフトバンク孫氏に協力要請
NHK NEWS WEB-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3869JMd
インドネシアのジョコ大統領は、現在ジャワ島のジャカルタにある首都をカリマンタン島に移転させる計画について、ソフトバンクグループの孫正義社長らと会談し、計画の実現に向けて協力を求めました。 続きを読む. インドネシア政府は、現在ジャワ島の ...

◆200229 米軍地位協定を破棄したフィリピンの民主的自意識の高さ/古谷経衡
ニコニコニュース-29 分前 https://bit.ly/2TtDzoA
フィリピン政府が訪問米軍との間に取り決められた米軍地位協定を破棄した。報道によると同国大統領のロドリゴ・ロア・ドゥテルテ大統領の指示であるという。「もはや我々はアメリカの植民地ではない」と公言してきたドゥテルテ大統領のこの決定は、特段驚くには ...



◆200227 Jokowi's bid to centralize power stirs Suharto memories
Nikkei Asian Review-1 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/396u5pZ
The 2009 mining law reads, "Controls over minerals and coal by the state... are carried out by the government and/or local administrations. ... A clause in the 2001 law on oil and gas says, "Working areas to be offered to companies or permanent business entities are decided by the [energy] minister after consultations with local administrations. ... Arthur Simatupang, chairman of the Indonesian Private Electricity Producer Association, said members often grumble about having to submit ...

◆200227 More companies turn to solar energy to reduce rising ...
Jakarta Post-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/32vxDQ4
The managing director of rooftop solar panel leasing company PT Xurya Daya Indonesia (Xurya), Eka Himawan, said in ... that used solar energy had increased sharply because solar energy helped reduce electricity costs by up to 20 percent. ... Meanwhile, the ministry's renewable energy technical subdirectorate head, Martha Sibarani, said the government ... solar energy is expected to support the government's efforts to achieve 23 percent renewable power production energy mix by ...

◆200227 New normal of Indonesia-Thailand relations
Jakarta Post-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cbMB2b
Celebrating the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year will be more meaningful if Thailand and Indonesia can establish their new normal of ... Indonesia shipped oil to Thailand during the oil crisis in 1970 and supported Thailand during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. ... Indonesia is at its best when looking at the digital economy, agriculture, creative economy, energy and diverse resources.

◆200227 The Philippines Post-VFA: No Easy Choices
The Diplomat-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PJ1eR9
The abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) will hollow out the septuagenarian Philippines-United States ... This time around, recent failures of the alliance to deter China, the risk of getting caught in great power rivalry, and the ...

◆200227 AC Energy to invest P2.5B in Giga Ace 1
GMA News-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2T0Hvye
Ayala-led AC Energy Philippines Inc. is set to invest more than P2.573 billion in its wholly-owned subsidiary Giga Ace 1 Inc, to be used for the acquisition of ownership interest in Philippine Wind Holdings Corp. In a regulatory filing, AC Energy ...

◆200227 GE Renewable Energy va réhabiliter une centrale ...
Les Smart Grids-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VqOAd6
GE Renewable Energy a signé un contrat avec Angat Hydropower Corporation pour la réhabilitation de la centrale hydroélectrique d'Angat de 218 MW située aux Philippines. Cette centrale hydroélectrique d'Angat, âgée de 53 ans, fournit ...

◆200227 Philippines' first world-class energy institute to rise soon ...
Politiko (blog)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w7eE2c
The Senate on Wednesday approved on third and final reading a bill creating the Philippine Energy Research and ... of the PERPI at the University of the Philippines (UP) and will be composed of scholars and energy sector professionals

◆200227 The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines: Embattled?
INQUIRER.net-2020/02/26 https://bit.ly/32umu25
(Editor's note: This Paper is part of the national conversations on power and energy. ... More specifically, the transmission business was spun off to government-owned National Transmission Corporation (TransCo) in ... Prospectively for the NGCP and the electricity market players, the following will happen in the next two to three decades. ... baseload, greenfield power plant project, say, deploying Clean-Coal Technology (CCT), or even a Combined-cycle gas-turbine plant fed by LNG.



◆200227 タイ)軍事演習「コブラゴールド」開催!パタヤにも米海軍が(動画付き)
PJA NEWS-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aa6O6J
在日米海軍から横須賀の米海軍第七艦隊の旗艦であるUSS Blue Ridge、また佐世保からは最新鋭の実質空母USS America、そしてUSS GreenBayがタイを訪れて、合同軍事演習「コブラゴールド」に参加しています。 その到着の様子が前回記事でした。

◆200227 エネ規制委、BグリムのLNG輸入認可へ
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/32tG8eq
タイのエネルギー規制委員会(ERC)のコムクリット事務局長は、ドイツ系財閥Bグリム傘下のタイの発電会社Bグリム・パワーが申請している液化天然ガス(LNG)の輸入販売許可を認めるかどうかを3月中に決定する方針を示した。26日付プーチャッカーンが ..

◆200227 投資環境改善に向けた政策提言書をフンセン首相宛てに提出
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/39ffg4J
提言は、日系企業が抱える投資環境に関する課題を21項目に取りまとめたもので、(1)電力、(2)環境保全合意(注)、(3)最低 ... なお、会議では、優先重点案件として「タイ国境に建設中のストゥン・ボット国境ゲートの早期開通」「適格投資プロジェクト(QIP)認可 ..

◆200227 ベトナムの2019年の貿易、黒字幅が過去最高に
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/395shgS
ベトナム税関総局によると、2019年の輸出は2,641億8,937万ドル(前年比8.4%増)、輸入は2,530億7,092万ドル(6.8%増)だった。貿易収支は111億1,845万ドルと4年連続の黒字になるとともに、過去最高の黒字幅を記録した。 主要国・地域別では、輸出相手 ...

◆200227 ニントゥアン、450MWの太陽光発電を計画
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cf1gJO
ベトナム中南部ニントゥアン省が、出力450メガワット(MW)の太陽光発電所と変電所や送電線の建設など、総額12兆ドン(5億1,400万米ドル、約570億円)の事業を計画している。入札書類の受け付けは3月14日に締め切られる。25日付ダウトゥ電子版が報じ ..

◆200227 北部ハナム省、投資誘致に施策アピール
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PnWuQD
ベトナム北部ハナム省が、国内外からの投資誘致に積極的な姿勢を打ち出している。日本や韓国などからの製造業呼び込みで実績があり、インフラも整っていると主張している。ベトナム政府ポータル(VGP)が25日に伝えた。 ハナム省当局は、電力や水道、 ...

◆200227 石炭火力、輸出厳格化へ 温暖化対策、政府内で議論
毎日新聞-2020/02/25 https://bit.ly/2w8aIyk
温室効果ガスである二酸化炭素(CO2)の排出量が多い石炭火力発電所の輸出支援政策について、小泉進次郎環境相は25日、 ... しかし1月には、ベトナムで日本企業が進める石炭火力「ブンアン2」の新設計画について、実際の建設は米国企業などが担当し ...

◆200227 EU制裁でも中国に投資継続呼び掛け、首相
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w8b3RC
同首相は会見で、カンボジアの縫製産業への投資額で、中国は全体の約7割を占める重要な存在であることを強調。その上で、「EUの貿易優遇措置が一部停止されようとしている中、中国の関係者の1人は中国政府に対し、中国系の縫製工場がカンボジアから ...

◆200227 電力供給量を拡大、年央まで1千MW追加
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ccIPpd
ミャンマー電力・エネルギー省のキン・マウン・ウィン副相(電力担当)は、今年半ばまでに電力供給量を1,000メガワット(MW)追加する計画を明らかにした。地元各紙(電子版)が25日に伝えた。 キン・マウン・ウィン副相によると、外資系企業6社によるガス火力 ...


◆200227 40 of the most exciting river cruises for 2020
Telegraph.co.uk-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HZPyFc
This itinerary tacks on a Red River cruise in northern Vietnam to a journey along the upper Mekong through Laos, ... Wendy Wu's 22-day trip that visits Xian for the Terracotta Warriors, the Three Gorges dam and Chengdu for an evening at the ...

◆200227 Northeastern folk voice fears over new Mekong dam
AEC News Today-5 時間前 — Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2Ti5OGW
Unseasonal drought, floods and the negative impact of hydropower projects on the Mekong River’s ecology were major concerns raised by residents of northeastern provinces at a public hearing on the Luang Prabang Dam on Tuesday.

◆200227 Vietnam puts the Mekong’s fate on ASEAN’s agenda
AEC News Today-5 時間前 — Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/394oUqv
In a nod to green diplomacy, Vietnam is raising the geopolitical stakes over the Mekong River, Southeast Asia’s largest body of water, which has dropped to record lows due to a severe drought and construction of large dams.

◆200227 Turbulence on the horizon in the South China Sea?
AEC News Today-5 時間前 — East Asia Forum https://bit.ly/2VmhGKC
The South China Sea remains a focal concern within the international community, grabbing headlines and placed firmly on the agendas of many bilateral and multilateral political and academic summits.

◆200227 Conflict prevention in the South China Sea depends on China abiding by the existing rules of navigation
AEC News Today-5 時間前 — South China Morning Post https://bit.ly/2uviZvA
If China truly wants to coexist and compete peacefully in the Indo-Pacific, it must comply with international treaties and agreements.

◆200227 South China Sea: Philippines deploys military aircraft to secure ‘territorial sovereignty’
AEC News Today-5 時間前 — Express.co.uk https://bit.ly/2Vqd4Dd
THE Philippines has increased its presence in the South China Sea as tensions continue to escalate in the region.

◆200227 Global Food and Water Security Alerts
Future Directions International (press release)-2020/02/25 https://bit.ly/2wSM0SX
China Says Will Help Manage Mekong as Report Warns of Dam Danger. China has released water from its dams on the Mekong River to assist downstream countries with low water levels. ... The 11 Chinese dams on the river have been blamed for exacerbating the dry conditions, but Chinese officials have reiterated that a ...

◆200227 New normal of Indonesia-Thailand relations
Jakarta Post-54 分前 https://bit.ly/2vjK6dz
Indonesia shipped oil to Thailand during the oil crisis in 1970 and supported Thailand during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. ... are the fastest growing economies of mainland ASEAN, to formulate the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy Development ... Indonesia is at its best when looking at the digital economy, agriculture, creative economy, energy and diverse resources.

◆200227 Key North-South Expressway bridge begins construction
VnExpress International-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VsIokW
... 350 meters upstream from existing My Thuan Bridge on Tien River, one of two main Mekong branches in Vietnam. ... of 80 km per hour, the bridge is expected to improve connection between Ho Chi Minh City and Mekong Delta provinces.

◆200227 Behind China's Energy Transition-Huanghe Hydro's Solar Shift
Saurenergy-2020/02/25 https://bit.ly/32uNRch
Be it India's thermal giant NTPC with its plan to add 10 GW renewables generation capacity by 2024, or even the Adani Group, which ... Among China's top 5 electricity producers, SPIC has used one of its many subsidiaries, HHDC, or the Huanghe ... rivers in the country (Yangtze, Lancang, and Yellow river), the province was a natural fit for generating the energy, ... Now, with its new thrust into renewable energy, especially solar power, the Chairman of HHDC,Xie Xiaoping is not joking ...

◆200227 2020年の世界水の日へ:汚染されたメコンデルタ...
Hướng tới Ngày Nước Thế Giới 2020: Một ĐBSCL ô nhiễm ...
Người Việt (lời tuyên bố phát cho các báo) (Blog)-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HY9U1z
Tận dụng nguồn nước cũng dẫn tới sự suy thoái các hồ chứa carbon thiên nhiên – carbon sinks từ các vùng đất đầm lầy. ... Chưa kể tới khả năng nước lớn Trung Quốc sử dụng con sông Lancang-Mekong như một thứ vũ khí trong cuộc chiến tranh môi sinh – ecological ... sẽ cung cấp một dụng cụ rất giá trị để nhận rõ những hậu quả của biến đổi khí hậu và cách quản lý dòng sông/river management.

◆200227 New energy strategy backs private sector investment
Viet Nam News-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VqvnrL
Minister of Industry and Trade Trần Tuấn Anh speaks to Vietnam News Agency about the important implications of the new strategy involving ... For example, 28 per cent of total electricity generation comes from the private sector under various and effective forms of investment ... and use of domestic primary and fossil energy sources; at the same time, continue priortising renewable energy and gas power.

◆200227 China Huadian Ensures Power Supplies at its Overseas ...
EnerCom Inc. (press release) (blog)-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c8yMBL
China Huadian Ensures Power Supplies at its Overseas Projects with All Hands on Deck ... In Cambodia, turbines at the Lower Stung Russei Chrum Hydroelectric Power Project, with an installed capacity of 338 MW, are ... Russia, managed to produce 300 million kilowatt hours of electricity, or 101 percent of the projected output, even when one of the ... In Sihanoukville, Cambodia, construction of 2x350-MW coal-fired power plants, billed to be the largest in the country, continues even ...

◆200227 Cambodia inaugurates China-funded national road in ...
Xinhua-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vo0wBJ
26 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia on Wednesday inaugurated the China-funded National Road 58, which is a crucial road for economic and tourism ... Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen and Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Wang Wentian presided over the ... infrastructure development, saying that to date, China has built more than 3,000 km of roads and eight river bridges in Cambodia.

◆200227 Posco Int'l shares, bottom-line expect benefit from new gas ...
Pulse News-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cbHvTB
A drilling test at the Mahar exploration well at the Block A-3 offshore gas field, west of Myanmar, showed that prospective gas reserve amounts to 660 billion cubic feet (18.7 billion cubic meters), the company confirmed Tuesday in a regulatory ..

◆200227 Myanmar, India give better ties a fighting chance
Asia Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ptsq6i
YANGON – Myanmar President Win Myint's February 26-29 state visit to India may appear on the diplomatic surface to be little more than a ... But the leader's trip comes as India-Myanmar relations are on a decided upswing as the two sides' security forces cooperate in ... aid deals and as Naypyidaw looks to another big power to hedge and contain its exposure to China's economic might and influence.

◆200227 Five in race for PTTEP's Myanmar platforms job
Upstream Online-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/3a7m2ta
At least five leading engineering, procurement and construction contractors or consortia are battling it out for a key offshore contract from Thailand's national upstream oil company PTTEP ...



◆200226 CAAのドナルド・トランプは言った-これはインドの内部問題、PM ...
おもちゃ屋パーク-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c2aMzY
カシミールについてのモディ首相との会話で、米国大統領は「私は彼について何も言わなかった(調停人である)」と言った。カシミールは明らかにインドとパキスタンの間の大きな問題であり、彼らは彼らの問題を解決しようとしています。彼らはこれを長い間行ってき ...

◆200226 そこまでやるか インドのトランプ大歓迎!襲うと危ないと野性サル ...
J-CASTニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w9JeIk
アメリカのトランプ大統領は24日(2020年2月)、就任後初めてインドを訪問し、熱烈な歓迎を受けた。とにかく、尋常なヨイショではない。大統領歓迎のために費やした金は12億円。道路の美化費用4億6000万円、捕獲したサルの数60匹。野生のサルが人を襲う ...

◆200226 中国浸透阻止へ関係誇示 海洋進出に警戒感―インド
時事通信-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ah7wPN
【ニューデリー時事】インドはトランプ米大統領の初の訪印で、中国けん制を念頭に置き、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」戦略を共有する米国との密接な関係を誇示したい考えだ。背景には、対印融和を演出しつつ、インド周辺国や周辺海域への浸透を着々と進める ...

◆200226 米・インド貿易交渉、関税・5Gが火種 懸案先送り
日本経済新聞-20 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2wQNHAp
【ニューデリー=河浪武史】トランプ米大統領は25日、訪問先のインドでモディ首相と会談し、液化天然ガス(LNG)の新規供給や30億ドル規模の武器輸出などで合意した。トランプ氏は記者会見で「貿易協定の締 ...

◆200226 インド訪問のトランプ氏、歓迎行事に続き首脳会談
Yahoo!ニュース-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c9tkOP
ニューデリー(CNN) トランプ米大統領は24日からインドを訪問している。一連の歓迎行事に続き、25日はモディ首相との会談に臨んだ。 インドに到着したトランプ氏は初日に西部グジャラート州での演説会で聴衆の歓声を浴び、世界遺産のタージマハルを訪問 ...

◆200226 大気汚染、インドの都市圏は依然として最悪-北京など中国では ...
ブルームバーグ-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ThwhEh
中国ではトップダウンで強権的に新たな対策が包括的に実施できるが、インドの状況は大きく異なる。政治家が経済成長を重視している北部各都市の大気環境は依然としてひどい。健康被害について認識の薄い住民もまだ多く、行政によるスモッグ抑制措置の ...

◆200226 日本企業に投資呼び掛け=インド鉄鋼省
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Thwkjr
インドのプラダン鉄鋼相は24日、日本政府の協力で開催した鉄鋼技術の普及に向けたワークショップで、日本企業にインド鉄鋼業界への投資を呼び掛けた。 プラダン氏は、インド政府が2022年までに2,000万戸の住宅整備を目指す貧困層への住宅供給政策「 ...

◆200226 米・インド貿易交渉、関税・5Gが火種 懸案先送り
日本経済新聞-20 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2wQOf9r
【ニューデリー=河浪武史】トランプ米大統領は25日、訪問先のインドでモディ首相と会談し、液化天然ガス(LNG)の新規供給や30億ドル規模の武器輸出などで合意した。トランプ氏は記者会見で「貿易協定の締 ...

◆200226 印パでもバッタ大量発生 低リスク予測も飛来警戒
SankeiBiz-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TdL0jP
過去の飛来経路から、今年アフリカで大量発生したバッタは5~6月にパキスタンとインド一帯に飛来し、同地域で孵化したバッタと合流してインド全域、バングラデシュ、ミャンマーに広がる可能性がある。中国は季節風(モンスーン)の時期に当たるため、雲南省に ...

◆200226 【福島香織】習近平の大誤算…新型コロナ流行が「一帯一路戦略 ...
livedoor-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/386ekhG
中央アジアでも同様の状況で、パキスタンでは「中国・パキスタン経済回廊」(CEPEC)建設という620億ドル相当の計画が進んで ... イランでは2月22日までに新型コロナ肺炎での死者が6人出ており、これを一帯一路プロジェクトでクムの太陽光発電所工事の ...

◆200226 中国浸透阻止へ関係誇示 海洋進出に警戒感―インド
時事通信-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PmoK64
【ニューデリー時事】インドはトランプ米大統領の初の訪印で、中国けん制を念頭に置き、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」戦略を共有する米国との密接な関係を誇示したい考えだ。背景には、対印融和を演出しつつ、インド周辺国や周辺海域への浸透を着々と進める ...


◆200226 The Indus River System Authority (IRSA) Releases 101500 ...
UrduPoint News-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/32r5b1O
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1447.67 feet, which was 61.67 feet higher than its dead level 1380 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 23,200 cusecs and outflow as 40,000 ..

◆200226 Donald Trump in India: Key deals signed on defence but not ...
BBC News-19 時間前 https://bbc.in/3c28dxQ
India and the US have signed defence, energy and telecoms deals but failed to reach a much-talked about trade accord. ... US firm Exxon Mobil and Indian Oil have signed an agreement to help India import more Liquefied Natural Gas (LPG).

◆200226 Oil minister Pradhan says India not responsible for global ...
ETEnergyworld.com-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/380KomW
New Delhi: Reasserting the importance of coal as an energy source for India, oil minister Dharmendra Pradhan today said ... We are not responsible for global warming,” he said while replying to a question at the event The India-US Business ... He also informed India is likely to witness investment of $100 billion in the oil and gas sector by 2024 which will lead to a ... potential for wind energy generation: NIWE / Experts discuss interconnected electricity grid to boost renewable energy ..

◆200226 How to lower renewable energy costs in India
Livemint-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HXcHIg
... of renewable energy sector in India, the ambitious target of installing 175 GW of renewable-based power capacity by 2022 could be unrealistic, according to experts. New research suggests that the key to meeting this target will be to further decrease wind and solar energy tariffs. ... Changes in financing costs will more crucial in bringing down renewable energy tariffs. ... Similarly, stricter enforcement of contractual provisions by state electricity regulators can minimize risks related to ...

◆200226 US & India strike oil and arms deals
Deutsche Welle-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ah57Vh
President Trump says the US and India have signed "wonderful deals" during his visit to the country. They include a $3 billion arms agreement and a contract between India's oil company and ExxonMobil. But a trade deal between the two ..

◆200226 Timeline: The India-Pakistan conflict over Kashmir
Axios-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w3RI3S
The dispute over Jammu and Kashmir, which lies between India and Pakistan and is partially controlled by both countries, dates back seven decades. It has sparked three wars and sporadic threats of nuclear conflict. India is now attempting to ...

◆200226 Pakistan offering $100bn investment opportunities in energy ...
Gulf Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HTxOeA
This included about $45bn in power generation, $20bn in transmission and $15bn-20bn in distribution. ... science and technology and renewable energy and hydro power that would give a new momentum to the future development of Pakistan's economy. ... we are talking about transportation of coal outside of Thar for blending with other coal projects for affordable ¬electricity generation”, he said.

◆200226 Experts call for regional grid connecting BIMSTEC nations
Dhaka Tribune-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HYKilk
Governments of the member countries of the regional block must focus on renewable energy to ensure sustainable development in the ... For instance, the country could export electricity to Nepal during winter when the demand for power drops significantly, he said, adding: ... Raj Adhikari of Nepal's Energy Ministry, Sri Lankan Additional Energy Secretary Merrille Goonetilleke, and Myanmar Oil and Gas ...

◆200226 Designated routes of Solu Corridor won't be reviewed: NEA
Himalayan Times-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wGvbdE
Kathmandu, February 24. Managing Director of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Kul Man Ghising has clarified that the designated route of the 132Kv high-voltage double-circuit Solu Corridor (transmission line project) will not be reviewed.

◆200226 インドネパール間を流れるカリ川で......
भारत-नेपाल के मध्य बहने वाली काली नदी में ...
दैनिक जागरण-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2v5KGeZ
पिथौरागढ़, जेएनएन : 55वीं वाहिनी एसएसबी के तत्वावधान में जवानों में जोश भरने के लिए भारत नेपाल के मध्य बहने वाली काली नदी में जौलजीवी से बूम तक 150 किमी तक होने वाले रीवर ...

◆200226 Unplanned power cuts resulted due to stoppage of fuel supply ...
Colombo Page-16 分前 https://bit.ly/2HWPJkx
Feb 26, Colombo: The state-owned electricity supplier Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) says the interruptions to fuel supply ... to the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL), electricity sector regulator on the unannounced power cuts on 3rd ... 2019 and Norochcholai Coal Power Plant-Unit 1 (270 MW) from 14th Oct. 2019 due to major repairs was considerably ... the day time and the Recorded generation from renewable sources; Solar, Wind and Mini Hydro was around 30 MW.

◆200226 CEB forced to cut power after CPC suspended fuel supply
Colombo Gazette (press release)-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ccdyCL
The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) says it was forced to cut power in some areas earlier this month after the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation suspended fuel to some power stations. In a report submitted to the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL), the CEB said that it had to shut down the West Coast Power Plant, ACE Power in Matara and all small thermal power plants in Thulhiriya, .




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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