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2020年4月4日 中国のコロナ海外拡散への配慮が遅れた点も指摘したい














◆200404 大使の「台湾のWHO参加容認」発言翻す中国の迷走
JBpress-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yyjK90
新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)感染症がパンデミック(世界的流行)を引き起こす中、中国の孔鉉佑駐日大使が台湾の世界 ... との仰天スタンスで筆者の抗議を一蹴しており、中国問題研究者らは「北京と在外公館との意識のねじれや、習近平指導部内の ...

◆200404 ついに新型コロナ感染者が出たラオスとミャンマー。習近平「一帯 ...
ハフポスト日本版-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bQoEfY
習近平「一帯一路」ラオスへの「進軍」. 中国と国境を接しているにもかかわらず、ラオスとミャンマーの両国ではASEAN(東南アジア諸国連合)の他の国々と違って感染者ゼロの状態が続いていた。なぜ感染者ゼロが続くのか。首を傾げ続けるしかなかった。

◆200404 「過剰に自己批判する必要ない」中国の初動めぐり
テレビ朝日-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aGJbU5
中国共産党の機関紙「人民日報」は、習近平国家主席が講じた新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止のための施策をまとめて報じました。また、中国中央テレビは「中国は2カ月から4カ月でウイルスを完全にコントロールした。医学の歴史上、未曽有 ...

◆200404 中国・深圳市、食用での犬猫の取引を禁止 国内都市で初
BBCニュース-22 時間前 https://bbc.in/2UZaPVJ
中国の都市がこうした規制を敷くのは初めて。 新型コロナウイルスの流行が野生動物の肉と関連付けられていることから、中国当局は野生動物の取引 ...

◆200404 「中国が情報隠蔽」「米国の政治家は恥知らず」……新型コロナ ...
Yahoo!ニュース-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/347rgDi



◆200404 トランプ氏、原油減産圧力 再選にらみ「口先介入」
日本経済新聞-12 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2X4o7CV
早期に原油価格を引き上げないとエネルギー企業の収益が一段と悪化し、激戦州でトランプ氏の求心力が低下しかねない。 新型コロナウイルスを巡る経済収縮が起こる前は、世界の石油消費が日量1億バレル強で、米、サ ...

◆200404 データセンターが世界の電力を使い果たす? そんな事態を避ける ...
WIRED.jp-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V49EUM
データセンターの需要増に伴い、電力消費も爆発的に増えているのではないか──。そんな疑問に答える研究結果が、このほど発表された。データセンターの作業負荷は2018年の時点で10年と比べて6倍以上に増えていたが、エネルギー消費量はほとんど ..

◆200404 トランプ大統領、米石油大手首脳と会談 原油安打開策協議か
SankeiBiz-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c15m7N
トランプ米大統領は3日、ホワイトハウスで、米石油大手の首脳らと会談した。米石油業界は原油安で苦境に陥っており、打開策を協議したもようだ。米紙ウォールストリート・ジャーナルは、有力産油国のサウジアラビアとロシアが、最大産油国の米国に協調減産 ...

◆200404 米エネルギー業界、価格戦争に悲鳴 シェール企業破綻も
日本経済新聞-2 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2XejIgV
【ニューヨーク=中山修志、宮本岳則】米石油業界がサウジアラビアとロシアが仕掛けた価格戦争にあえいでいる。原油相場の急落でエクソンモービルなど石油メジャーは投資縮小と減産を相次ぎ表明。シェール企業の破 ...



◆200404 中国、国家備蓄原油購入へ 相場の歴史的な低水準受け
SankeiBiz-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/39Dbh1b
国家備蓄をめぐっては、中国政府が構成や規模、使途に関する情報開示に消極的で、原油市場で多くの観測が出る原因にもなっている。関係者によると、中国政府は備蓄の拡大や、現在の安値水準での購入に向けたオプション取引など金融手段の活用 ...

◆200404 トヨタが中国のBYDと電気自動車の研究開発合弁会社
週刊BCN+-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2X5Ja7Z
中国の比亜迪股〓(にんべんに分)(BYD)とトヨタ自動車(トヨタ、豊田章男社長)は4月2日、電気自動車の研究開発合弁会社「BYD TOYOTA EV TECHNOLOGY カンパニー有限会社(BTET)」を設立すると発表した。 BYDとトヨタは、19年11月7日に電気 ...

◆200404 原油価格を巡る三國志(米・ロシア・サウジ)に新たな動き、トランプ ...
Yahoo!ニュース-20 分前 https://bit.ly/2yxPz1G
供給面での圧力が強まるなか、新型コロナウイルスの世界的な拡大により、世界経済の停滞が危惧され、最も原油輸入量の多い中国などを中心に石油需要の後退も意識された。 供給面と需要面の双方から原油価格には低下圧力が掛かり、原油価格の ...

◆200404 中国、「燃える氷」2度目の試掘に成功…商業化へ「重要な一歩」
読売新聞-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JEQ3oQ
天然ガスの主成分であるメタンと水が固体化したメタンハイドレートは「燃える氷」とも呼ばれ、次世代エネルギーとして日本や韓国なども注目している。 中国は17年5月、南シナ海北部の海域で初の試験採掘に成功した。人民日報によると、中国の海域では1000 ...



◆200331 Mongolia resumes coal exports to China after short suspension
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ymxPpV
Mongolia has gradually resumed coal exports to China by reopening its border with the neighbour, which has made visible progress in containing COVID-19, authorities said Monday. Mongolia opened its Shiveekhuren border point on ...

◆200331 Coal power generation is booming in China and Japan
ESI Africa-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/39BbFgI
Japan and China are becoming the drivers of new coal-fired capacity worldwide, even as the US and Europe continue their ... The report is a joint effort by the Sierra Club, Global Energy Monitor, Greenpeace and the Centre for Energy and Clean Air. ... somewhat, as it competes with historically cheap natural gas and falling prices in renewables such as wind and solar. ... (minus 24%), the US (-16%) and even a three-per cent drop in relatively coal-friendly and electricity-deficient India.

◆200331 China is Willing to Negotiate on Nuclear Arms, But Not on ...
Defense One-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WXbh9E
For example, they have asked what China would do during a war if the United States did something like blow up the Three Gorges Dam, destroy Chinese nuclear power plants, or take out China's nuclear weapons with high-tech conventional ..

◆200331 China sends medical aid to Pakistan to combat virus outbreak
The Mainichi-2020/03/28 https://bit.ly/39wXPeY
ISLAMABAD (AP) -- China has sent a plane loaded with medical personnel and supplies to aid Pakistan in the fight against ... China has sought to portray itself as a global leader in the fight against the outbreak, which began a few months ago in its ... China is also a key military supplier for nuclear-armed Pakistan, having supplied the country with missiles capable of ... which has been under an Israeli and Egyptian blockade since the Hamas militant group seized power there in 2007, ...



◆200402 インドネシア、外国人入国禁止 乗り継ぎも不可―新型コロナで
時事通信-2020/03/31 https://bit.ly/2UWN4gH

◆200402 中国景気底入れの兆し、民間指標示す-インドネシア成長予想 ...
ブルームバーグ-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R4lWva
中国景気底入れの兆し、民間指標示す-インドネシア成長予想引き下げ. Michelle Jamrisko、Enda Curran. 2020年4月1日 13:47 JST.

◆200402 フィリピン・都市封鎖への抗議に「射殺」警告
TBS News-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UTVYf5
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は1日、新型コロナウイルス対策として実施されている移動制限への抗議活動を念頭に、「過激な行動を取れば射殺する」と警告しました。 「私からの警察と軍への指令は、射殺しても構わないということです」(フィリピン ドゥテルテ ..


◆200402 Jokowi announces free electricity, discounts for households ...
Jakarta Post-2020/03/31 https://bit.ly/2URwmzz
Jokowi announces free electricity, discounts for households hardest hit by COVID-19 impacts ... President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has announced that Indonesia's poorest households will receive free electricity and ... PLN spokesman Dwi Suryo Abdullah said Tuesday evening that the electricity company was waiting for an Energy and ... IESR's recommendation assumes that 450 VA and 900 VA households consume 30-80 kWh and 50-80 kWh of power each month, respectively.

◆200402 Indonesian coal producers consider output cuts
Argus Media-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2X8tZLc
A number of Indonesian coal mining firms are considering cutting production amid expectations that Asia-Pacific demand ... Indonesia's energy ministry said it has not received any reports of coal mining companies completely shutting their operations ... Thermal coal accounted for 428.83mn t of last year's exports, up by 35.2mn t from 2018. ... Given recent steep falls in crude and gas prices the Indonesian government is unlikely to want to lose additional royalties from the coal sector, ...

◆200402 Drilling commences at Ijen geothermal project, East Java ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w6HfoF
Medco Cahaya Geothermal, a joint venture by PT Medco Power and Ormat Technologies, has commenced drilling of exploration wells for the planned 110 MW Ijen geothermal power project in East Java, Indonesia. ... Medco Cahaya Geothermal is a joint venture between Medco Power Indonesia and Ormat Geothermal Power which has an Electricity Sales and Purchase ... In addition to Ijen, Medco Power is developing the Riau (natural gas project) project with a capacity of 275 MW.

◆200402 Philippines makes move into offshore wind energy
REVE (press release)-2020/03/30 https://bit.ly/39CBEnU
The joint venture is already advancing 500 MW of onshore wind power projects and plans to bring the first wind farm online by 2022. The Philippines – which has a population of more than 100 million, and currently leans heavily on fossil fuels ..

◆200402 Philippines awards 1.2GW offshore rights
Windpower Monthly-2020/03/31 https://bit.ly/2ymFhBf
A consortium of international groups claims to have been awarded the rights to develop The Philippines' first two offshore wind projects. ... The report also found the Philippines' major islands are well-served by a transmission grid, but the more remote locations ... The Philippines is largely dependent on imported diesel, oil and coal to meet its energy needs. ... half of its energy needs by 2030, including output from 2,378MW of wind power under its national renewable energy program, ...



◆200404 東南アジア干ばつ 米の国際相場が急騰
日本農業新聞-2020/03/28 https://bit.ly/2RbVmAn
メコン川の水位低下で、ベトナムでは2万ヘクタール近い塩害が生じている。 世界銀行によると、くず米含有量5%の米のタイ・バンコクの1月の平均輸出価格(FOB=本船渡し ..

◆200404 ついに新型コロナ感染者が出たラオスとミャンマー。習近平「一帯 ...
ハフポスト日本版-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JF10GY
「一帯一路」を持ち出す“鈍感力”. 2月20日、ヴィエンチャンで開催された「瀾滄江=メコン川流域協力外相会議」(第5回)に出席した ..

◆200404 ついに新型コロナ感染者が出たラオスとミャンマー。習近平「一帯 ...
ハフポスト日本版-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aFZkcc
「一帯一路」を持ち出す“鈍感力”. 2月20日、ヴィエンチャンで開催された「瀾滄江=メコン川流域協力外相会議」(第5回)に出席した ..

◆200404 南シナ海 中国海警局船 ベトナム漁船を沈没させる
NHK NEWS WEB-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dSN2PQ
ベトナム政府は、領有権を主張する南シナ海の海域で中国海警局の船が操業中のベトナムの漁船を沈没させたと発表し、中国に抗議したことを明らかにしました。 続きを読む. これはベトナム外務省が3日、発表しました。 それによりますと、南シナ海の西沙 ...

◆200404 テロより深刻な米空母のコロナ感染…たかなみは即刻帰還を
日刊ゲンダイ-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wbu59W
セオドア・ルーズベルト=2020年3月5日撮影、ベトナム(ロイター=共同). 米海軍の原子力空母「セオドア・ルーズベルト」で、乗組員の新型コロナウイルスの感染が確認され、感染者は3月31日現在で150人から200人が拡大しているという。同様に、横須賀 ...

◆200404 米国務省、ミャンマー政府に抗議
TRT 日本語-2020/04/02 https://bit.ly/39J0GBC
アメリカは、ここ数か月間ミャンマーのラカイン州とチン州で続く暴力事件に抗議し、ミャンマー政権に攻撃を停止し、人道支援を阻止しないよう呼びかけた。 03.04.2020 ~ 03.04.2020. 1390249. 米国務省 ...

◆200404 「コロナ禍」の虚を衝く習近平「一帯一路」ラオスへの「進軍」
新潮社 フォーサイト-2020/04/02 https://bit.ly/2JE7oP2
ラオスが発表した初の感染者. 事実の持つ重みを改めて痛感するばかりだ。 「新型コロナウイルス感染マップ」の確認を日課にするようになっ ...


◆200404 Thailand reopens 4 ports at Mekong River to allow essential ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wTAKpQ
The four ports, including cargo terminals and border crossing, were closed since March 21 to curb the virus outbreak, leaving only two bridges over the Mekong River in Chiang Kong and Mae Sai districts to remain open. However Chiang Rai ...

◆200404 Cambodia Halts Hydropower Construction on Mekong River ...
Voice of America-2020/04/01 https://bit.ly/2UHvuP0
But Courtney Weatherby, a research analyst at the Stimson Center who focuses on energy, sustainability and water, said that coal was not an immediate answer to Cambodia's electricity needs, as it often took years to build the plants. Compared .

◆200404 Thailand reopens four Mekong River ports to allow shipment ...
The Star Online-2020/04/02 https://bit.ly/2Rafkf4
The four ports, including cargo terminals and border crossing, were closed since March 21 to curb the virus outbreak, leaving only two bridges over the Mekong River in Chiang Kong and Mae Sai districts to remain open. However Chiang Rai ..

◆200404 2 China-Laos Railway bridges complete closure over Mekong ...
Macau Business-2020/04/02 https://bit.ly/39EwKXy
The Ban Ladhan Mekong River Super Major Bridge on Wednesday achieved its main section closure over the Mekong River, and thus, both the cross-Mekong bridges along the railway have completed its major engineering work. According to ..

◆200404 Community responsible for subregional interests in Mekong ...
Khmer Times-2020/03/30 https://bit.ly/346GgBA
The Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Mlmcechanism (MLC) is a cooperation mechanism in line with the current trend of ... The severe drought in the Mekong River Basin requires relevant countries to take drastic action to ensure the river's ..

◆200404 Water of 3 major rivers in China is of good quality for 12 years
CGTN-2020/04/01 https://bit.ly/3dVbujq
In 2019, the water quality of the Yangtze River, Yellow River and Lancang River reached the highest standard in China, with 100 percent of each river's main stream and tributaries being classified between first-class and third-class, according ...

◆200404 NO TO DAM BUILDING: Loud call to leave rivers in peace
Burma News International-2020/03/31 https://bit.ly/2JDlShY
The Salween is the last free-flowing river in Asia and currently threatened by numerous plans to build dams on the ... “Not only the dams in Kawthoolei (Karen State) shouldn't be built, we also don't want any dam in Burma,” said a Karen demonstrator. ... “Currently, Burma's Energy Master Plan includes over 50 planned dams, mainly on the Salween and Irrawaddy rivers ... Even more important is the point that the electricity which would be produce at the expense of the ethnic people in ...

◆200404 Super Energy Corp to buy into 750 MW of Vietnamese solar
Renewables Now-2020/03/30 https://bit.ly/2UTEZta
March 30 (Renewables Now) - Thailand-based Super Energy Corporation's (BKK:SUPER) board of directors has given its nod to a plan entailing investment in 750 MW of solar projects in Vietnam. The value of the ... It will be distributed under a power purchase agreement with state-owned utility Vietnam Electricity (EVN) from June 2019. ... About. Renewables Now is an independent one-stop shop for business news and market intelligence for the global renewable energy industry.

◆200404 Will the COVID-19 Crisis Spell the End of Cambodia's Hun Sen?
The Diplomat-2020/04/02 https://bit.ly/2JIMHRH
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen is set to gain an unprecedented amount of power through the passing of a new “state of emergency” draft law, ostensibly designed to help the government tackle the coronavirus crisis. Rather ironically, at ...

◆200404 Royal Group's 700 mW coal-fired power station gets Senate nod
Khmer Times-2020/04/02 https://bit.ly/3aHWJP5
The mega 700 Megawatt (mW) power plant owned by the Royal Group one was the main ticket in a Senate session which ... The $1.5 billion investment in the Independent Power Producer (IPP) plant is a venture by Cambodian tycoon Okhna Kith ... The third power project approved is a power line transmission development connecting a coal-fired power plant in ... of Energy at the Ministry of Mines and Energy, told Khmer Times this week that construction of the three power projects ...

◆200404 Almost all of Yangon set to experience blackout
Myanmar Times-2020/03/31 https://bit.ly/2yt1OfL
Most areas in Yangon will experience blackouts from 9am to noon on April 2, the Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation (YESC) said. “We haven't had any blackouts yet, until yesterday when the lights went out in the afternoon until the evening ...

◆200404 Japan to provide ¥47 billion for two infrastructure projects
Myanmar Times-2020/04/01 https://bit.ly/3dVcvYM
The infrastructure development in Thilawa is to strengthen the electricity supply capacity of Myanmar by additionally installing combined cycle facilities at the Thilawa Thermal Power Plant in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone, thereby ...

◆200404 China faces Belt and Road course correction after coronavirus
Nikkei Asian Review-2020/04/02 https://s.nikkei.com/2XeQzlo
... for an $800,000 dam in Cambodia, a $22.4 million business park in Myanmar and a large solar energy farm in Laos. ... ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute found China is perceived as the most influential economic and geopolitical power in the ...



◆200328 新型コロナで封鎖措置、トレッキング客が街へ戻れず立ち往生 ...
CNN.co.jp-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/33TaKa3
ネパール政府は今月、エベレストを含むヒマラヤ山脈での登山を禁止した/Michael Tomordy. (CNN) 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受け、ネパールが全国的な封鎖措置に踏み切る中、同国にあるトレッキングルートを利用していた大勢の旅行客が都市部に

◆200328 全土封鎖のインド 8億人にコメなど配布 新型コロナ
NHK NEWS WEB-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/3bw4CHf
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐため全土が封鎖されているインドでは、政府が人口の6割にあたる8億人にコメか小麦を配布することになりました。 続きを読む. インドのシタラマン財務相が26日、記者会見し、総額で1兆7000億ルピー(日本円で約2 ...

◆200328 パキスタン 感染拡大防止で国際線旅客機の受け入れ一時停止
NHK NEWS WEB-2020/03/21 https://bit.ly/2ULEXna
パキスタン政府は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐため、来月4日までの2週間、国際線の旅客機の受け入れを一時的に停止すると発表しました。 続きを読む. パキスタンでは、これまでに南部シンド州を中心に534人が新型コロナウイルスに感染したことが ...

◆200328 外出禁止令発令、コロンボ含む3県を危険地域に指定し、終了時期 ...
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/2xv5HjU
スリランカ政府は3月24日、コロンボを含む3県(コロンボ、ガンパパ、カルタラ)を新型コロナウイルス感染症の危険地域に指定し、これらの地域はさらなる通知があるまで外出禁止とした(3月24日付政府公式ニュースポータルおよび3月25日付在スリランカ日本 ...


◆200329 The Indus River System Authority (IRSA) Releases 82900 ...
UrduPoint News-2020/03/27 https://bit.ly/2WQ5JgV
The water level in the Jhelum River at Mangla Dam was 1176.00 feet, which was 136.00 feet higher than its dead level of 1040 feet whereas the inflow and outflow of water was recorded as 32,700 cusecs and 25,000 cusecs respectively. The ..

◆200329 India seeks deferment of annual Indus meeting with Pak due ...
ETEnergyworld.com-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/2xwF7ah
Indus Commissioners of India and Pakistan are supposed to hold meeting by March 31 every year, according to the ... representatives of the respective governments for the treaty, which deals with sharing of river waters between the two countries. ... unrestricted rights to develop hydro-electric power projects within the specified parameters of design and operations. ... Because renewable energy has priority in supplying power grids, this has meant wind and solar generation providing a ..

◆200329 $2.9 b in benefits by investing $983m in Teesta Dam project
dailyindustry.news-2020/03/23 https://bit.ly/2xsf8AF
The Teesta River originates in the Himalayas and flows through the Indian states of Sikkim and West Bengal before entering Bangladesh, where it flows into the Brahmaputra. The river is 315 km in length, of which 113 km flow through ...

◆200329 Tibet gets back to work
Daily Pioneer-2020/03/25 https://bit.ly/2UrreD8
“Workers have completed 44 tunnels out of 47 and 119 bridges out of 120 along the route.” Yet another development that should worry India is the Dagu Hydropower Station (HPS) project on the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra in Assam).

◆200329 India's top power generator boosts renewables with acquisitions
Nikkei Asian Review-2020/03/27 https://s.nikkei.com/3dvAIVo
MUMBAI (NewsRise) -- NTPC's acquisition of government's stake in THDC India and North Eastern Electric Power Corp. will help India's largest power-generation utility boost its renewable energy fuel mix and curb the dominance of coal, analysts ... Analysts say the acquisition of NEEPCO and THDC will help NTPC diversify its thermal-based portfolio, as renewable ... has been pushing its power generators to add renewable energy to its electricity grid to curb the pollution enveloping ...

◆200329 The China-Pakistan Nuclear Nexus: How Can India Respond?
The Diplomat-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wATASv
In the early 1980s, China also provided Pakistan with weapon-grade uranium that could power two nuclear devices. Further, in 1988 China sold components of its M-11 short-range ballistic missiles to Pakistan, which the latter has used to ...

◆200329 India's electricity use falls to lowest in five years due to lockdown
Reuters Africa-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/39q2IGR
The energy hungry nation's power consumption was lower on March 1, 2015 - when the country's total electricity generation capacity was more than 25% lower than the current potential. Barring three eastern states, all regions registered a fall in ...

◆200329 Low power demand exposes risk of blackout
Livemint-2020/03/27 https://bit.ly/3buh6z2
NEW DELHI: The three-week nationwide lockdown has resulted in low electricity demand, but a sudden change in grid ... India's electricity demand was around 100 gigawatts (GW) on Friday morning as compared to the peak electricity demand of ... India faced massive power transmission failures in July 2012, which left around 700 million people without electricity. ... Energy consumption, especially electricity and refinery products, is usually linked to overall demand in the economy.

◆200329 China sends medical aid to Pakistan to combat virus outbreak
The Mainichi-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UKI26V
ISLAMABAD (AP) -- China has sent a plane loaded with medical personnel and supplies to aid Pakistan in the fight ... China is also a key military supplier for nuclear-armed Pakistan, having supplied the country with missiles capable of carrying atomic weapons. ... Authorities in Gaza, which has been under an Israeli and Egyptian blockade since the Hamas militant group seized power there in 2007, ...

◆200329 Dynamics of Escalation in South Asia and Pakistan's Nuclear ...
Modern Diplomacy-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/39uy2nM
This demonstrates India's motives for dominating the escalation in the region with its provocative strategies. All these factors would likely provoke Pakistan revisiting its nuclear threshold level vis-à-vis India's aggressive and provocative policies .

◆200329 Electricity demand slumps drastically
Himalayan Times-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/2UpCwYp
As per Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), since the government announced the lockdown, the demand for electricity had dropped ... Prior to the lockdown, the peak demand for electricity across the country was estimated at around 1,200 megawatts. ... Power demand in the valley on Tuesday morning stood at 103 MW and 117 MW at night. ... According to Ghising, only about 150 MW of electricity is being imported from the Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur cross-border transmission line at present, ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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