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2020年4月13日 文春の語る武漢感染爆発の瞬間の医師達の人生よ







中国当局に「口封じ」された武漢医師の証言「1人の患者が運び込まれ」 #ldnews






◆200413 中国は米中第1段階貿易合意をなお実行-崔駐米大使
ブルームバーグ-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ediV5X
中国の崔天凱駐米大使は、米中の第1段階貿易合意を中国は依然として実行していると述べた上で、新型コロナウイルスが世界経済に打撃を与えており、両国は状況の変化を検討すべきだと指摘した。 崔大使は、米公共放送PBSの番組「Gゼロ・ワールド」での ...

◆200413 国際的な技術標準での優位性を狙う中国の次の計画
TechCrunch Japan-14 時間前 https://tcrn.ch/2y7Kgpq
China Standards 2035の詳細はまだ発表されていないが、その意図、そして重点分野はすでに明らかだ。中国の国家標準化委員会は、今後1年間の作業を示す予備報告である「2020年の国家標準化作業の要点」を .

◆200413 コロナ感染99人増 中国
時事通信-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/34CvK5d
【北京時事】中国政府は12日、新型コロナウイルスの有症感染者の累計が、同日午前0時(日本時間同1時)時点で前日比99人増の8万2052人になったと発表した。新規感染者のうち97人は海外からの入国者。上海市で10日に同じ航空機でロシアから到着 ...



◆200413 原油価格戦争に終止符、OPECプラスが減産で歴史的合意
ブルームバーグ-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XuQGJT
主要産油国は世界の原油生産を1割近く削減し、サウジアラビアとロシアの壊滅的な価格戦争に終止符を打つ歴史的な合意を成立させた。 各国の石油担当相らによる1週間にわたる2カ国間協議、および4日間に及ぶビデオ会議の末、新型コロナウイルスの ...

◆200413 気候変動と闘うには、化石燃料を巡る「神話」を打ち破ることが必要だ
WIRED.jp-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yTt9YN
化石燃料を絶対悪と見なす考え方や、石油は近く枯渇するといった「ピークオイル」説。いずれも、カナダの経済学者マーク・ジャカードに言わせれば「神話」にすぎない。新著『The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success: Overcoming Myths that Hinder Progress( ...

◆200413 原油相場が下落に転じる-OPECプラス合意でも価格てこ入れ ...
ブルームバーグ-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/34tJbV9
主要産油国が生産量を1割近く削減するという歴史的合意を受け、いったん急伸したが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響で低迷する原油価格のてこ入れにはつながっていない。 ニューヨーク商業取引所(NYMEX)のウェスト・テキサス・インターミディエート(WTI ...

◆200413 発電所 電力供給維持へ運転員の感染対策強化 電力会社
NHK NEWS WEB-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ea8wHY
新型コロナウイルスの感染が全国的に拡大する中、電力会社では発電所が運転停止に陥らないよう、交代の運転員をリストアップするなど、対策を進めています。 続きを読む. 国内の火力発電所の半数を運営する東京電力と中部電力がつくった電力 ...

◆200413 ドバイ原油・13日午前、上昇 25.90ドル前後
日本経済新聞-17 分前 https://s.nikkei.com/2xdJmI1



◆200413 コロナ問題、温暖化対策に影 交渉遅れ、排出量取引も低調
日本経済新聞-5 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/34ypYRX
仮に中国のエネルギー需要が前年並みだったら世界需要はマイナス2.3%に低下していた。エネルギー需要を見ても中国の刺激策の効果がうかがわれるが、今や中国経済は成熟期に入ったし、インフラ需要も減っている ...、

◆200413 中国「消費者物価」食品中心に4.3%上昇の訳
東洋経済オンライン-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2y9PzEZ
一方、生産者物価指数(PPI)は原油などコモディティ相場の下落や産業需要の低迷を受け、前年同期比の下落幅がさらに拡大した。 中国国家統計局が4月10日に発表した3月のCPIは前年同月比4.3%上昇。前月の2月と比べると0.9ポイント低下した。食料と ...

◆200413 国際的な技術標準での優位性を狙う中国の次の計画
TechCrunch Japan-14 時間前 https://tcrn.ch/2VnDILd
北京政府は、国際規格を作成するための産業計画であるChina Standards 2035(中国標準2035)を立ち上げようとしているところ ... 2020年の国家標準化作業の要点」の中では、「国際標準化機構(ISO)および国際電気標準会議(IEC)の中で、中国国家委員会 ...

◆200413 OPEC+、過去最大規模の減産で最終合意
Newsweekjapan-39 分前 https://bit.ly/3eedROt
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で打撃を受けた原油価格を支えるため、世界の原油供給の約10%に当たる過去最大の減産を実施する。 新型コロナウイルスの感染 ... 中国、新型コロナウイルス新規感染者増加 ロシアからの渡航者ら · ・TBSとテレビ東京、新型 ...



◆200410 Why China's state oil company merger looks like an unusual ...
Financial Times-2020/04/07 https://on.ft.com/2JVYVXv
Against this backdrop, the establishment of China Oil & Gas Piping Network Corporation in December deserved more attention ... It is forcing three powerful state oil companies, CNPC, Sinopec and Cnooc, to hand over the valuable pipelines ...

◆200410 Chinese firms struggle to fund renewables projects overseas
chinadialogue-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UYvI4g
Power pricing mechanisms are a crucial factor in bankability. Although a few nations, such as Vietnam, have renewable energy subsidies similar to those in China, which reward renewable energy producers with a premium for their electricity ..

◆200410 On China, COVID-19, and Coal
The Diplomat-2020/04/05 https://bit.ly/39ZDW0k
According to a recent report by Global Energy Monitor, China allowed more permits for new coal plants this February and ... the deployment of new coal projects domestically, it had simultaneously become the largest backer of coal power projects ... It could be emphasized that not only does China have a chance to entrench its global lead in production of renewable energy (for which the EU removed its ...

◆200410 Nearly half of global coal plants will be unprofitable this year ...
The Japan Times-2020/04/08 https://bit.ly/2JVZctv
China has over 1,000 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power, accounting for about 60 percent of the country's total installed ... That will rise to 52 percent by 2030 as renewables and cheaper gas outcompete coal, the think tank said. ... Global coal use in electricity generation must fall by 80 percent below 2010 levels by 2030 to limit global warming, ... risk their assets will become stranded as tougher emissions cut targets discourage their use and renewable energy becomes even cheaper.

◆200410 China's benchmark power coal price falls 11 yuan per tonne
Xinhua-2020/04/08 https://bit.ly/2JVEVEc
Analysts said thermal coal prices continued to fall as the imbalance between supply and demand in the coastal coal market grew. The weak market came amid a series of factors including the consumption elasticity lower than the supply elasticity ...



◆200410 新型コロナウイルス死者急増のインドネシア 厳重梱包での死後4 ...
Newsweekjapan-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UYneKL
インドネシア国内で最も感染者数が多い首都のジャカルタでは州政府によって「感染者埋葬に関するガイドライン」が策定され、コロナウイルスによる死者はこのガイドラインに沿った葬儀、埋葬が義務付けられることになっている。 人口が世界第4位のインドネシアは ...

◆200410 インドネシアとフィリピン、臨時病床で「医療崩壊」防ぐ
日本経済新聞-14 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/34qgqIN
【マニラ=遠藤淳】東南アジアの人口大国であるインドネシア、フィリピンが相次ぎ、病床の確保を急ぎ始めた。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が続き、患者を受け入れる施設を増やす必要に迫られた。先進国に比べ不足 ...

◆200410 【インドネシア】10日から首都の活動制限厳格化、処罰も検討
Yahoo!ニュース-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XlBVZT
インドネシア・ジャカルタ特別州のアニス知事は7日夜、保健相が同日承認した「大規模な社会的制限(PSBB)」を10日に発動すると発表した。期間は23日までの2週間で延長も可能。ジャカルタでは既に3月下旬から休校や在宅勤務の奨励などを実施している ...

◆200410 フィリピン、外出制限を18日間延長 新型コロナ感染抑止
日本経済新聞-2020/04/06 https://s.nikkei.com/2UYW3PT
【マニラ=遠藤淳】フィリピン大統領府は7日、ドゥテルテ大統領が北部ルソン島に敷いた外出・移動制限措置の期限を現在の12日から30日に延長することを決めたと発表した。新型コロナウイルスのまん延を抑える ...

◆200410 【フィリピン】クラーク空港、新ターミナルが96%完成
Yahoo!ニュース-2020/04/08 https://bit.ly/2xhXXSE
上屋はほぼ完成し、機械の搬入や電気・配管工事、消火設備の据え付けなどが最終段階に入っている。6日時点では、ルソン島の封鎖が当初の予定通り14日に解除されれば、7月末までに基地転換庁(BCDA)に引き渡せるとしていた。 メガワイドはインド系GMR ...

◆200410 米原子力空母4隻で新型コロナ感染者 即応態勢に懸念
SankeiBiz-2020/04/07 https://bit.ly/3eerGg6
米原子力空母での新型コロナ感染をめぐっては、3月にフィリピン海で作戦行動をとっていたセオドア・ルーズベルトでこれまでに乗組員150人以上の感染が確認され、3千人近い乗組員が米領グアムで隔離措置を受けている。 また、米海軍横須賀基地(神奈川 ...


◆200410 Indonesia's Pertamina To Boost Oil Production Despite Price ...
OilPrice.com-2020/04/07 https://bit.ly/2UWfSam
Crude oil production stood at 421,000 barrels per day (bpd) and natural gas production was 2,887 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) in Q1, the company said. According to estimates from Rystad Energy from February, Indonesia's oil and gas ...

◆200410 Pertamina to go ahead with higher oil production plan despite ...
Jakarta Post-2020/04/07 https://bit.ly/2XoIYRC
Indonesia's top oil and gas company, state-owned Pertamina, will press on with a plan to increase production by 1.8 percent ... Indonesia's own benchmark Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) reached US$34.23 per barrel in March, down 39.5 percent ... suggesting spending will continue as planned,” writes Gavin Thompson of energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie Asia Pacific in a press note dated March 17.

◆200410 Encouraging geothermal development, Indonesia targets new ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-2020/04/06 https://bit.ly/39TPB0V
“Around the exploration by the government is currently being discussed by the Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) and the Geological Agency. (The target) is this year,” Ida told local news this .

◆200410 The Philippines–US Visiting Forces Agreement and small ...
East Asia Forum-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/3b1m5rs
For this reason, it is important to frame the issues surrounding the VFA in terms of the nuances of 'small power foreign policy' in the Philippines. Mitigating geopolitical vulnerability is a strategic imperative for small states. Unlike great powers, ...

◆200410 The Philippines Moving to Active Middle Power Diplomacy
Pressenza International Press Agency-2020/04/06 https://bit.ly/2VceYpi
Viewpoint by Aileen S P Baviera*. Professor Aileen Baveira died of COVID-19 in Manila on 21 March 2020. MANILA (IDN) — The Philippines was ...

◆200410 Philippines sides with Vietnam after China sinks fishing boat
Nikkei Asian Review-2020/04/08 https://s.nikkei.com/3c0E1SW
MANILA -- The Philippines on Wednesday expressed "deep concern" over the sinking of a Vietnamese fishing boat that was ... Manila's "statement of solidarity" with Vietnam comes despite Chinese aid to the Philippines amid the coronavirus crisis. ... Since his rise to power in 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte had also softened Manila's stance on the South ... also have overlapping claims in the sea, which according to the U.S. contains $2.5 trillion worth of energy resources.



◆200411 プラごみ運ぶメコン川
日本経済新聞-2020/04/07 https://s.nikkei.com/3ec1rGN

◆200411 中国ラオス鉄道バンラダン・メコン川特大橋、接合に成功
AFPBB News-2020/04/04 https://bit.ly/3b2fA7t
【4月5日 Xinhua News】中国ラオス国境のラオス側の町ボーテンと首都ビエンチャンとの間で建設中の中国ラオス鉄道で1日、中国の中鉄八局集団が建設を請け負うバンラダン・メコン川特大橋の主橋間の接合が完了した。同橋の橋脚の高さと径間は、同鉄道 ...

◆200411 パナソニックがタイ本格進出に力を入れる事情
東洋経済オンライン-2020/04/09 https://bit.ly/2RrSM9J
東南アジアの5カ国(タイ、インドネシア、フィリピン、ベトナム、マレーシア)は今後も人口増加が続き、住宅の建築ラッシュも続く。その一方で、2020年以降は高齢化が進み、建設従事者が不足するとみられている。その社会的課題に対して、当社は日本で培った ...

◆200411 新型コロナ、ベトナムの感染者255人―2日で新規感染者4人
VIETJOベトナムニュース-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V1QaSa
ベトナム保健省によると、9日午後に国内で新たに確認された新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の感染者は4人だった。10日午前は新規感染者がいなかった。 (C) tuoitre. これにより、ベトナム国内の感染者は255人となり、10日午前までに128人が完治し ..

◆200411 ミャンマー、外国銀行7行参入へ 外資誘致に期待
日本経済新聞-17 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3b24b7L
【ヤンゴン=新田裕一】ミャンマー中央銀行は9日、中国国有大手の中国銀行やタイ大手のサイアム商業銀行など、外国銀行7行に銀行業への参入を認めると発表した。銀行業の市場開放を進め、外国企業の投資誘致を加 ...

◆200411 国内感染者9人で外出制限発令のラオス、帰国した邦人男性に聞く
エキサイトニュース-6 時間前 http://exci.to/2XpjJ1u
4月6日、ラオス航空はラオスで帰国できない状況になっていた在留邦人のために、首都ビエンチャンから成田への臨時便を運行した。現在、ラオスから日本への直行便はなく、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う各国での水際対策の影響で乗り継ぎ便の利用 ...

◆200411 中国ラオス鉄道の中国区間、レール敷設工事を開始
AFPBB News-2020/04/07 https://bit.ly/3ccAsJI
【4月8日 Xinhua News】中国ラオス鉄道中国国内区間の雲南省(Yunnan)玉渓市(Yuxi)と磨憨鎮間で7日、レール敷設工事が全面的に始まった。線路は2021年4月にラオスで敷設された区間と接続する予定で、開通に向けた基礎となる。


◆200411 China-Laos railway setting beams on cross-Mekong River ...
China.org.cn-13 時間前 https://on.china.cn/3c62kPx
(LCRC), a joint venture based in Lao capital Vientiane in charge of the construction and operation of the railway, told Xinhua on Friday that, beams are set on the Luang Prabang cross-Mekong River super major bridge. On Thursday, as a ...

◆200411 Saline intrusion in Mekong Delta likely to linger on
Viet Nam News-2020/04/06 https://bit.ly/2RvzuA9
HÀ NỘI — Saline intrusion in the Mekong Delta will likely remain at a high level until the end of April or early May, before gradually declining, according to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting. ... if the current absence of rains continues and the use of water on river tributaries and reservoirs keeps increasing, the centre said. ... investment in waste-to-energy (April, 05 2020) · Mekong Delta farmers switch to other crops in response to climate change (April, 04 2020) ...

◆200411 BRIEF-Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower's Q1 On-Grid ...
Yahoo Singapore News-2020/04/07 https://bit.ly/34sqKQt
April 7 (Reuters) - Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Inc : * SAYS Q1 ON-GRID POWER GENERATION DOWN 38% Y/Y AT 13.9 BILLION KWH Source text in Chinese: https://bit.ly/3bW5Mfu Further company coverage: (Reporting by Hong ...

◆200411 Lower Sesan 2 hydropower plant ready in case of power ...
Khmer Times-2020/04/08 https://bit.ly/2VxDUb9
The Hydro plant located in Stung Treng Province. ... The powerplant is under emergent operation mode, effectively guaranteeing normal power supply in the Kingdom. ... the Lower Sesan 2 Hydropower Station is a joint venture of Huneng Lancang River Hydropower, the Royal Group, and ... From the beginning of 2020 until March 31, the plant has generated a total of 120.8794 million KWh of electricity, ...

◆200411 Yuam River dam diverts more than just flow
Bangkok Post-2020/04/06 https://bit.ly/2UYsCgH
Flowing freely along the Salween Basin, the Yuam River has been home to Karen villagers for many generations. From cradle to grave, they live off the land and the river, and for years they have been passing down the wisdom of their ..

◆200411 Thailand aims to become regional LNG hub despite Covid-19 ...
The Star Online-2020/04/06 https://bit.ly/2Xo3gdX
Sontirat has of late assigned Thailand's oil and gas conglomerate, PTT Plc, to take a lead in driving the country towards the goal. ... The Energy Ministry has also revised regulations to liberalise the LNG market in the country. Meanwhile, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) has conducted a trial of importing LNG from the spot market, with a second lot of import totalling 65,000 tonnes to ...

◆200411 Vietnam challenges China's monopoly on virus diplomacy
Asahi Shimbun-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UYYRwj
HANOI--Vietnam is challenging China's dominance of coronavirus diplomacy with the donation of medical supplies to Europe and Southeast ... China is looking to burnish its credentials as a responsible power by sharing expertise and donating masks and other protective ... Vu Duc Dam, a deputy prime minister who has been widely praised for his role in leading the campaign against the coronavirus, .

◆200411 Vietnam finally unveils new FITs for large-scale, rooftop ...
pv magazine International-2020/04/07 https://bit.ly/2JSlqN0
The Vietnamese government has set new feed-in tariff (FIT) rates for utility-scale, rooftop and floating solar installations. The new purchase price for electricity generated by ground-mounted PV plants is $0.0709/kWh over a period of 20 years, ... noted that the new policy does little to clarify uncertainty about the Vietnamese government's template power purchase ... at roughly 5.69 GW at the end of 2019, according to statistics from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

◆200411 Fears as Cambodia grants PM vast powers under Covid-19 ...
The Guardian-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cajlIl
Cambodia's national assembly has passed a state of emergency law granting the country's autocratic leader, Hun Sen, ... were needed to slow the spread of coronavirus, it is feared that many leaders are using the emergency to grab power.

◆200411 Myanmar generates over 3500 megawatts of electricity
Eleven Myanmar-2020/04/08 https://bit.ly/34u05mE
Myanmar will need about 5,000 megawatts of electricity in this summer and the ministry is implementing seven power ... Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy during an opening ceremony of 66-megawatt natural gas fired power plant in ...

◆200411 Myanmar to face power shortages as emergency plants miss ...
Myanmar Times-2020/04/04 https://bit.ly/3c4uKJu
Several VPower-backed power plants designed to reduce Myanmar's power blackouts this summer have missed the ... China National Technical Import and Export Corp (CNTIC), and a gas plant in Ahlone township led by Energy China (CEEC). ... emergency projects are among a total of five power projects tendered by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy last year. ... However, hydro and coal plants have “very long lead time for development given the environment and social impacts, ...

◆200411 Power cuts unlikely despite power project delays, says YESC
Frontier Myanmar-2020/04/07 https://bit.ly/3cbJiHg
Lower than expected power demand due to cooler weather and the impact of COVID-19 means lengthy power cuts are ... cause major power shortages this hot season, a Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation official says, because COVID-19 has forced ... Ministry of Electricity and Energy data shows daily peak production was around 3,700MW in March, but fell to ... When Frontier visited the consortium's Thilawa project site in eastern Yangon – from where liquefied natural gas will be ...



◆200328 新型コロナで封鎖措置、トレッキング客が街へ戻れず立ち往生 ...
CNN.co.jp-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/33TaKa3
ネパール政府は今月、エベレストを含むヒマラヤ山脈での登山を禁止した/Michael Tomordy. (CNN) 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受け、ネパールが全国的な封鎖措置に踏み切る中、同国にあるトレッキングルートを利用していた大勢の旅行客が都市部に

◆200328 全土封鎖のインド 8億人にコメなど配布 新型コロナ
NHK NEWS WEB-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/3bw4CHf
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐため全土が封鎖されているインドでは、政府が人口の6割にあたる8億人にコメか小麦を配布することになりました。 続きを読む. インドのシタラマン財務相が26日、記者会見し、総額で1兆7000億ルピー(日本円で約2 ...

◆200328 パキスタン 感染拡大防止で国際線旅客機の受け入れ一時停止
NHK NEWS WEB-2020/03/21 https://bit.ly/2ULEXna
パキスタン政府は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐため、来月4日までの2週間、国際線の旅客機の受け入れを一時的に停止すると発表しました。 続きを読む. パキスタンでは、これまでに南部シンド州を中心に534人が新型コロナウイルスに感染したことが ...

◆200328 外出禁止令発令、コロンボ含む3県を危険地域に指定し、終了時期 ...
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/2xv5HjU
スリランカ政府は3月24日、コロンボを含む3県(コロンボ、ガンパパ、カルタラ)を新型コロナウイルス感染症の危険地域に指定し、これらの地域はさらなる通知があるまで外出禁止とした(3月24日付政府公式ニュースポータルおよび3月25日付在スリランカ日本 ...


◆200329 The Indus River System Authority (IRSA) Releases 82900 ...
UrduPoint News-2020/03/27 https://bit.ly/2WQ5JgV
The water level in the Jhelum River at Mangla Dam was 1176.00 feet, which was 136.00 feet higher than its dead level of 1040 feet whereas the inflow and outflow of water was recorded as 32,700 cusecs and 25,000 cusecs respectively. The ..

◆200329 India seeks deferment of annual Indus meeting with Pak due ...
ETEnergyworld.com-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/2xwF7ah
Indus Commissioners of India and Pakistan are supposed to hold meeting by March 31 every year, according to the ... representatives of the respective governments for the treaty, which deals with sharing of river waters between the two countries. ... unrestricted rights to develop hydro-electric power projects within the specified parameters of design and operations. ... Because renewable energy has priority in supplying power grids, this has meant wind and solar generation providing a ..

◆200329 $2.9 b in benefits by investing $983m in Teesta Dam project
dailyindustry.news-2020/03/23 https://bit.ly/2xsf8AF
The Teesta River originates in the Himalayas and flows through the Indian states of Sikkim and West Bengal before entering Bangladesh, where it flows into the Brahmaputra. The river is 315 km in length, of which 113 km flow through ...

◆200329 Tibet gets back to work
Daily Pioneer-2020/03/25 https://bit.ly/2UrreD8
“Workers have completed 44 tunnels out of 47 and 119 bridges out of 120 along the route.” Yet another development that should worry India is the Dagu Hydropower Station (HPS) project on the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra in Assam).

◆200329 India's top power generator boosts renewables with acquisitions
Nikkei Asian Review-2020/03/27 https://s.nikkei.com/3dvAIVo
MUMBAI (NewsRise) -- NTPC's acquisition of government's stake in THDC India and North Eastern Electric Power Corp. will help India's largest power-generation utility boost its renewable energy fuel mix and curb the dominance of coal, analysts ... Analysts say the acquisition of NEEPCO and THDC will help NTPC diversify its thermal-based portfolio, as renewable ... has been pushing its power generators to add renewable energy to its electricity grid to curb the pollution enveloping ...

◆200329 The China-Pakistan Nuclear Nexus: How Can India Respond?
The Diplomat-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2wATASv
In the early 1980s, China also provided Pakistan with weapon-grade uranium that could power two nuclear devices. Further, in 1988 China sold components of its M-11 short-range ballistic missiles to Pakistan, which the latter has used to ...

◆200329 India's electricity use falls to lowest in five years due to lockdown
Reuters Africa-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/39q2IGR
The energy hungry nation's power consumption was lower on March 1, 2015 - when the country's total electricity generation capacity was more than 25% lower than the current potential. Barring three eastern states, all regions registered a fall in ...

◆200329 Low power demand exposes risk of blackout
Livemint-2020/03/27 https://bit.ly/3buh6z2
NEW DELHI: The three-week nationwide lockdown has resulted in low electricity demand, but a sudden change in grid ... India's electricity demand was around 100 gigawatts (GW) on Friday morning as compared to the peak electricity demand of ... India faced massive power transmission failures in July 2012, which left around 700 million people without electricity. ... Energy consumption, especially electricity and refinery products, is usually linked to overall demand in the economy.

◆200329 China sends medical aid to Pakistan to combat virus outbreak
The Mainichi-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UKI26V
ISLAMABAD (AP) -- China has sent a plane loaded with medical personnel and supplies to aid Pakistan in the fight ... China is also a key military supplier for nuclear-armed Pakistan, having supplied the country with missiles capable of carrying atomic weapons. ... Authorities in Gaza, which has been under an Israeli and Egyptian blockade since the Hamas militant group seized power there in 2007, ...

◆200329 Dynamics of Escalation in South Asia and Pakistan's Nuclear ...
Modern Diplomacy-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/39uy2nM
This demonstrates India's motives for dominating the escalation in the region with its provocative strategies. All these factors would likely provoke Pakistan revisiting its nuclear threshold level vis-à-vis India's aggressive and provocative policies .

◆200329 Electricity demand slumps drastically
Himalayan Times-2020/03/26 https://bit.ly/2UpCwYp
As per Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), since the government announced the lockdown, the demand for electricity had dropped ... Prior to the lockdown, the peak demand for electricity across the country was estimated at around 1,200 megawatts. ... Power demand in the valley on Tuesday morning stood at 103 MW and 117 MW at night. ... According to Ghising, only about 150 MW of electricity is being imported from the Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur cross-border transmission line at present, ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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