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2020年4月30日 中国のコロナ征服宣言に,米欧など損害賠償要求の構え














◆200430 新型コロナに乗じて香港攻略を目論む中国政府の手口
JBpress-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YkIdt1
福島 香織:ジャーナリスト). 香香港では、4月29日で4日連続、新型コロナウイルスの新たな感染確診者が出ておらず、そろそろ感染防止目的の「集会禁止令」が解除される頃かと市民の間に期待が高まっている。 1月に新型コロナ肺炎が中国から持ち込まれて .

◆200430 南シナ海の緊張 中国は感染症危機に乗じるな
読売新聞-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zBHZU6
中国が周辺国と領有権を争う南シナ海で緊張を高めている。各国がウイルス対策に追われる隙を突き、権益や軍事的影響力の拡大を図ることは看過できない。 南シナ海は石油資源などを輸送する際の重要なシーレーン(海上交通路)だ。中国はほぼ全域の領有 ...

◆200430 中国の「勝利」 世界は違和感
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2KI35Tj
厳しい言論統制がもたらした初動の遅れを棚上げし、一党支配の優位を訴える中国に、世界は厳しい視線を注ぐ。 中国の習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席は27日夜、立て続けに2カ国の首脳と電話で協議した。イランのロウハニ大統領とネパールのバンダリ ..

◆200430 米国務長官 中国に感染拡大の責任問う考え
NHK NEWS WEB-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cSEQxI
魔法の言葉「恐れ入ります」 · アメリカと中国 パンデミック下の暗闘② · 内戦とパンデミック コーヒー産地に迫る危機 · NHK 教育サイト 子どもたちの「いま」 · 1からわかる!中国「一帯一路」って何? そこは「3密」国会が危ない! スペシャルコンテンツ一覧を見る ...



◆200430 NY商品、原油が大幅反発、米国在庫が予想ほど増えず
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3d6Rw4h
米株式相場が大幅に反発したのも、株式と同様にリスク資産とされる原油先物の買いを後押しした。 米エネルギー情報局(EIA)が29日に発表した週間の石油在庫統計で米原油在庫の増加幅は市場予想より ...

◆200430 トランプ大統領、米石油会社への融資計画発表へ-関係者
ブルームバーグ-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/35hWvvZ
トランプ米政権は30日にも、苦境に立つ石油業界向けに融資を提供する計画を発表する可能性がある。ムニューシン財務長官とブルイエット・エネルギー長官はすでに、歴史的な原油相場急落で打撃を受けた石油掘削業者を資金面で支援する計画をトランプ氏に .

◆200430 【主張】コロナとパリ協定 自前のエネルギー確保を
産経ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W4CrJi
新型コロナウイルスの世界的な感染拡大で、多くの国々での産業活動が縮小した結果、二酸化炭素(CO2)の排出量が減少している。 原油価格も需要の急減少を受けて初のマイナス価格に転じるなどコロナ禍の余波は、地球環境問題とエネルギー問題も絡め ...



◆200430 中国石油大手2社が赤字転落、20年1~3月期
日本経済新聞-17 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Wclc95
【北京=多部田俊輔】中国の国有石油大手3社の香港上場子会社の収益が悪化している。原油価格の下落や新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大による需要減が原因だ。中国石油天然気(ペトロチャイナ)と中国石油化工 ...

◆200430 中国・新興EV、テスラの技術窃盗疑惑で猛反発
東洋経済オンライン-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/35k13C1
アメリカのEV(電気自動車)大手のテスラが、中国籍の元社員が技術を盗んだとしてカリフォルニア州の裁判所に提訴している問題で、この元社員が転職した中国の新興EVメーカー「小鵬汽車」に対して自動運転システムのソースコード(プログラムの設計図)の ...

◆200430 南シナ海の緊張 中国は感染症危機に乗じるな
読売新聞-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VPke3R
南シナ海は石油資源などを輸送する際の重要なシーレーン(海上交通路)だ。中国はほぼ全域の領有権を主張し、人工島を造成して軍事拠点化している。今月に入り、その動きをさらに加速させた。 域内の島々を管轄する行政機関として、中国は海南省三沙市の ..

◆200430 三重の危機が同時に世界経済に衝撃―中国メディア
Record China-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bL30Kl
中国紙・環球時報は29日、「三重の危機が同時に世界経済に衝撃を与えている」とする記事を配信した。 記事はまず、「原油価格急落による石油企業の倒産増加や、一部の国の穀物輸出規制、バッタなどが農作物を食べつくす蝗害(こうがい)による穀物価格で、



◆200429 With Kim Jong Un Mysteriously Gone, China Is Likely to Make ...
Foreign Policy-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SitpaH
With North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile sites potentially falling into the hands of whoever acts most quickly, Asia could ... Coming to power in late 2011 after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il, Kim ruthlessly consolidated his position.

◆200429 China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus ...
CNN International-2 時間前 https://cnn.it/2VJinxc
It's safe to say that China's brand has taken a hit due to the virus. According to Pew Research, Americans' opinion of China is at its lowest point in 15 years, and 62% of those surveyed said they viewed China's power and influence as a "major ...

◆200429 Insight from Shanghai: Can shale gas secure China's energy ...
S&P Global-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bNMrxq
The major's efforts had little impact on production at China's aging oil fields, which are structurally in decline. ... With China having even larger shale gas resources than the US according to some estimates, the question is whether shale gas holds the key to ... regime for unconventional gas from one where producers received a fixed subsidy per cubic meter of shale and coal bed methane gas produced, ...

◆200429 1 Cent per Kilowatt-Hour: China's Sichuan Province ...
Bitcoin News (press release)-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zGab8x
1 Cent per Kilowatt-Hour: China's Sichuan Province Encourages Hydro-Powered Bitcoin Mining ... “For blockchain companies that use electricity privately generated from power plants (without integration to the State Grid) should be rectified in ..

◆200429 China's electricity consumption slumps 6.5% in Q1
Pineville-38 分前 https://bit.ly/2KI04Cf
The downward streak was in line with China's first-quarter GDP, which contracted 6.8 percent year-on-year, its first decline since 1992 when China started publishing quarterly economic data. Economic activities gradually rebounded in March.

◆200429 Generosity Is an Easy Win for China After the Coronavirus ...
Foreign Policy-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zIRdOJ
As ground zero of the coronavirus pandemic, China owes the rest of the world more than a few planeloads of masks and ... It now has a golden opportunity to do so, one that plays to its existing strengths in the renewable energy sector: ... fact that 500 million people across rural Africa and Asia are still served by health clinics that are off the grid and have no electricity. ... China to shift its overseas aid strategy away from big-grid infrastructure like hydropower dams and coal-fired power .



◆200429 新型コロナウイルス院内感染で医療関係者24人が死亡 ...
Newsweekjapan-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2xhS1sV
一方、インドネシアは死者が765人、そして死亡率8.4%と域内最悪の状況となっている。 またASEAN加盟国全てが医療関係者の死者数を明らかにしている訳ではないものの、インドネシアは24人が ..

◆200429 フィリピン・ルソン島カビテ市(Cavite city)『強力な自宅待機と移動 ...
ニコニコニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bOWHW5
フィリピン・ルソン島カビテ市(Cavite city)『強力な自宅待機と移動制限』5月1日から. 2020/04/29 06:30 Global News Asia. 0. 新型コロナウィルス ...


◆200427 Covid-19 situation delaying renewable energy development in ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yNGvpk
How could geothermal energy be derived from oil wells? ... Indonesia is facing some delays in renewable energy deployment with construction being hampered by the covid-19 situation. ... Media Discussion via Zoom on the topic of the Covid Pandemic Impact -19 in the Electricity and Renewable Energy Sector in Indonesia this week. ... One of the projects that is threatened by delay is the Sokoria Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) of 5 MW in Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

◆200427 Indonesia pushes coal in West Papua despite conflict and ...
ASEAN TODAY-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2xePC28
Indonesia is bringing coal mining to West Papua despite an independence movement that has contested Jakarta's claims to the region's ... The region also has a track record of destructive mining and gas projects that have brought few benefits to most local residents. ... In addition to exports, the country has plans to build dozens of new coal-fired power plants, deepening its dependence on coal despite .

◆200427 Energy efficiency could help avoid the need to build up to 50 ...
EconoTimes-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/35fO3O4
Based on the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources statisctics, daily peak electricity demand is also increasing rapidly. ... Indonesia plans to build 87GW of additional power – the equivalent of 175 medium-size (500 megawatt) power plants – by 2030. ... carbon emissions (decarbonisation) of Indonesia's energy sector, along with deployment of renewable energy. ... Even with low coal prices, energy efficiency is the cheapest way to provide electricity to the Indonesian people.

◆200427 Tunnel 3 of Indonesia's Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway ...
Xinhua-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zyQcZo
... Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway (JBHSR) project was drilled through on Sunday, which is the third drilled-through tunnel after the Walini Tunnel and Tunnel 5. Tunnel 3 project has been undertaken by Power Construction Corporation ..

◆200427 Duterte cannot build his way out of Philippines' economic ...
Nikkei Asian Review-10 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3aJiahM
As the coronavirus fallout hits global demand, the Philippines is turning to President Rodrigo Duterte's favorite growth ... Though economic hardware -- better roads, ports and power grids -- is plenty important, Duterte has not upgraded the .



◆200428 意外と冷静?非常事態宣言下のタイ
日テレNEWS24-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KE1fCX
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で、3月末から非常事態宣言が出されているタイ。首都バンコクでは人の姿は少なくなったものの、市民生活は落ち着いているといいます。バンコク支局の杉道生特派員の報告です。 バンコクの中でも日本人が多く住むエリアとして .

◆200428 タイのTPP参加に暗雲 連立2党が反対
newsclip.be-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SaIHOv

◆200428 いまだ死者ゼロの国 隔離を強制、厳しすぎだと思ったが
朝日新聞デジタル版 (プレスリリース)-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aGp4Er
ベトナムの新型コロナウイルス対策について議論していた時、ある日本人駐在員が嘆いた。日本とは違う社会主義国のやり方は参考にならないと思われているのかもしれない。私も当初は政府の発表 ...

◆200428 ベトナムはすでに規制緩和の動き カンボジア[社会]
カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aIHV1J
また小規模な集会(20人以下)の制限を解除し、バスやタクシー、国内線の定期便運航を再開している。 カンボジアでは12日以降新たな死者は確認されておらず、失業者や大幅な減収を ...

◆200428 中国人民解放軍の医療チーム、ラオスとミャンマーに到着 新型 ...
AFPBB News-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yLdU4i
【4月27日 Xinhua News】中国人民解放軍(PLA)の医療チームが24日、ラオスの首都ビエンチャンとミャンマーのヤンゴンに到着した。チームは両国で、新型コロナウイルス対策を支援する。本社記者のビエンチャンとヤンゴンからの報道。 同軍の新型コロナ .

◆200428 ミャンマー開発計画にコロナの暗雲 中国からの資材停滞、建設遅れ
SankeiBiz-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KE2ySn
中国雲南省徳宏タイ族チンポー族自治州瑞麗市と地続きのミャンマーの街ムセから中部マンダレーを経由し、西部ラカイン州チャオピューに至る巨大経済圏構想「中国・ミャンマー経済回廊」。アウン・サン・スー・チー国家顧問が国家の威信をかけて開発への .

◆200428 インド洋東部で日米共同軍事訓練 なぜ米大使館までプッシュ ...
ニコニコニュース-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aKBLyi
中国が海洋進出を強める理由のひとつは、原油に代表される天然資源を運ぶ海上交通路「シーレーン」を防衛することです。 ... そこで現在、中国はこのシーレーンが通過するミャンマー、バングラデシュ、スリランカ、パキスタンに次々と港湾設備を整備し、いざと ...


◆200428 China could have choked off the Mekong and aggravated a ...
CNBC-5 時間前 https://cnb.cx/3aMgeVM
A study released recently found that China is holding back large amounts of water upstream on the Mekong River, contributing to drought ... The Mekong River runs through six countries starting from China, before flowing past countries like Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar, and Vietnam. ... China built its first dam on the upper Mekong in the 1990s and currently runs 11 dams along the river. ... Economic transformation of the river will change power relations around the Mekong.

◆200428 Mekong dams destroy Tonle Sap Lake
thethirdpole.net-2020/04/27 https://bit.ly/2Y9YIrR
The Tonle Sap River – pronounced Ton-lay Sap – reverses flow when the Mekong floods in summer. ... The northernmost of the dams is Yunnan's 990-megawatt Wunonglong Dam high in the Himalayas of the Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, which was completed in 2019. ... Laos and Cambodia have also been keen to use hydropower to meet their growing power needs. ... It's not binding, it's peer pressure, it's voluntary,” says former Cambodian energy minister Pou Sothirak.

◆200428 China's dams did not cause our drought, Mekong nations say ...
South China Morning Post-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yMQCuI
No proof region's worst drought in 50 years was result of Chinese dam-building, but China provided inadequate water data, neighbours say; Southeast Asian countries show backing for China as they balance the matter against economic ...

◆200428 Ministry keen to build LNG stockpile while prices low
Bangkok Post-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2y4LCBH
The Energy Ministry has thrown full support behind a plan by state-owned energy firms to import additional liquefied natural gas (LNG) ... National oil and gas conglomerate PTT and state-run Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) reported they are purchasing LNG ... Gas makes up 60% of Thailand's power generation, followed by coal at 20%. ... PTT has a contract to import four shipments of LNG at an average price of US$3 per British thermal unit, with the first shipment ...

◆200428 PTTEP pledges to continue gas production work in Myanmar
Myanmar Times-2020/04/27 https://bit.ly/2Y9A3ng
Thai oil and gas company PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) will continue to execute its 2020 Economic Plan, which includes work in Myanmar, said Mr Piya Sukhumpanumet, general manager from PTTEP Myanmar Asset.

◆200428 Vietnam power struggle enters critical stretch after virus victory
Nikkei Asian Review-12 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2yLugdd
HANOI -- Dressed in a white shirt with no tie and no face mask, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc looked confident and relieved when he addressed his cabinet last Wednesday. He had reason to be: It had been days since the ..

◆200428 Vestas delivering Vietnam's tallest turbines in Mekong Delta ...
Power Engineering Magazine-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YdI0bc
Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas is elevating its status in Vietnam's energy market. ... over the last few months, I am confident that we will be playing a big part in the future development of Vietnam's renewable energy market. ... Many entities, including the U.S. Department of Energy, are exploring the benefits and challenges of high-altitude wind power. ... These include renewables and gas-fired projects that could be fueled from import sites taking in U.S. liquefied natural gas.

◆200428 2 Japan firms to launch biomass, solar power generation in ...
The Mainichi-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/35c2DWE
2 Japan firms to launch biomass, solar power generation in Cambodia ... Aura Green Energy and solar panel system provider WWB Corp. plan to build a plant for power generation using rice husk ... under the Joint Crediting Mechanism, a greenhouse gas emission reduction plan to exchange reduced carbon dioxide emissions. ... The renewable energy producer is undertaking biomass and hydropower generation projects in Indonesia, with both operations scheduled to start in 2021.

◆200428 China calls for stronger ties with Cambodia after COVID-19 ...
China.org.cn-2 時間前 https://on.china.cn/2W1JKBC
Wang made the remarks during his phone call on Monday with Cambodia's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn. Since the outbreak, said Wang, China and Cambodia have helped each other in the spirit of brotherhood and weathered ... Cambodia has upheld justice in defiance of power politics, a testament to its strength of character as an independent sovereignty, Wang added.

◆200428 Ministry keen to build LNG stockpile while prices low
Bangkok Post-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cONlcU
The Energy Ministry has thrown full support behind a plan by state-owned energy firms to import additional liquefied natural gas (LNG) ... National oil and gas conglomerate PTT and state-run Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) reported they are purchasing LNG ... Gas makes up 60% of Thailand's power generation, followed by coal at 20%. ... PTT has a contract to import four shipments of LNG at an average price of US$3 per British thermal unit, with the first shipment ...



◆200430 【当世インド事情】都市封鎖で大気汚染が改善「ヒマラヤが見えた」
産経ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/3aP4CS3
産業が止まったことや、都市封鎖で電力需要が急落したため、ニューデリーから半径300キロ以内にある12の火力発電所のうち11が操業を停止したことも影響したようだ。 ツイッターでは、北部パンジャブ州で、これまでスモッグでかすんでいたヒマラヤ山脈が「 ...

◆200430 インドに対するパキスタンの大きな陰謀、ソーシャルメディア「インド ...
おもちゃ屋パーク-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Skb6C4
ニューデリー:世界中のコロナウイルスそれは広まり、政府はそれを擁護することに取り組んでいますが、その一方でパキスタンはまだインドに対する陰謀に取り組んでいます。絶え間ないテロリストがカシミールに派遣されており、そのため私たちの軍隊は取引に .


◆200425 India's air pollution plummets in battle against coronavirus
CGTN-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VALWRH
A nationwide lockdown enforced to control the coronavirus transmission in India has plummeted air pollution levels to a historic low, ... The pollutant, which originates from coal-fired plants, transportation and farm waste burning, has massively reduced because of the restrictions. ... (Cover: Snowcapped Dhauladhar range of the Himalaya are clearly visible during lockdown to control the spread of the ...

◆200425 Reservoirs of Mangla, Tarbela, Chashma are better than ...
BOL News-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VyJoU1
Resultantly, WAPDA hydel power stations have been generating electricity exactly in accordance with the water outflows permitted by the IRSA. The peak hydel generation yesterday recorded 6510 megawatt (MW), which is 3000 MW more ..

◆200425 China's weaponisation of water
Economic Times (blog)-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eVnFgX
About 94,000 hectares of rice fields are expected to be affected because of saltwater intrusion across the Mekong river basin. ... With its dam-building exercise, which has led to excess power production from the Mekong itself, China is depriving the river system of its ... In 2018, water in the Siang River, which is one of the tributaries of the Brahmaputra, turned blackish grey just before it entered India.

◆200425 SECI reschedules pre-bid meeting for 2000-MW ISTS ...
ETEnergyworld.com-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2KvkZs3
New Delhi: The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) on Friday said it has rescheduled the pre-bid meeting date for setting up of 2,000-MW interstate transmission-connected wind power projects to 30 April, 2020. It added that the meeting .

◆200425 Within 10 days of the lockdown, India was consuming 20 ...
Quartz-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VXiJiH
According to a data tracker developed by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, India's electricity ... It emphasised that there has been a “reduction in overall power demand and associated coal consumption by the power ..

◆200425 Imran Khan's Nuclear Rhetoric
Asian Tribune-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2S5zHu1
Yet both countries have been exchanging a list of their nuclear installations on the first day of every New Year for the past 29 years. ... bombs, the Land of the Pure, as Pakistan styles itself, can quickly become the third-largest nuclear power in the world. ... Based on the size of the cooling towers, experts aver that the power of Khushab V will be, like Khushab IV - about 90 megawatts-thermal (MWth). ... None of them is under the safeguards of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

◆200425 Pakistan power generation capacity stands at 36499 MW
Technology Times Pakistan (press release)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zmKwkW
As indicated by the information, under the 1994 force strategy, upwards of 17 undertakings were introduced with an aggregate limit of 5759 MW which was reduced to 4977 MW. Two projects of power generation with 165 MW production capacity ...

◆200425 US Suspects Pakistan Of Black-Marketing Nuclear Assets ...
EurAsian Times-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eJy9zP
The nuclear black market is flourishing after Nuclear Scientist — AQ Khan stole technology to build Pakistan's nuclear bomb and ... defence and security of the US and is consistent with the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act”, Pakistan's questionable ... The announcement came after US President Donald Trump and his Pakistani counterpart Imran Khan had a ... try to use its geopolitical position to assert its status as a vital country in the region and maintain the power balance in Asia.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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