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2020年5月10日 大阪も日本も自粛解除は近いが,第2波は必ず来ると思う










◆200510 「金正恩は減量トレーニングでケガしたか」北朝鮮国内でウワサ
Yahoo!ニュース-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/35XdTXz
先月、各国で飛び交った金正恩党委員長の「死亡説」や「重体説」は、中国との国境を越えて北朝鮮にも流れ込んだ。 金正恩氏が順川(スンチョン)燐酸肥料工場の竣工式(1日)に姿を現したことで「死亡説」は消えたものの、このときのニュース映像で同氏の歩き ...

◆200510 中国でコロナ禍をきっかけに「絶交・絶縁」が急増している殺伐事情
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/35SngHN
中国では、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大のピークが過ぎて、経済活動も徐々に回復しつつある。その一方で、コロナ禍をきっかけに、友人や同僚、夫婦、親戚、親子などの多くの人間関係が急速に悪化するケースが目立つ。米中問題をはじめ、コロナ関係の話題 ...

◆200510 米の中国たたき、アジアの脅威
日本経済新聞-6 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2LeaGZM



◆200509 ダムの洪水対策が進むの? 「利水」用でも事前放流 国が ...
毎日新聞-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3biNW5J
なるほドリ そろそろ雨の季節だね。2019年にはたくさんの川で洪水(こうずい)が起きたから、ダムの機能が強化されるって聞いたよ。 記者 日本には1500基(き)近くのダムがありますが、洪水を防ぐ「治水(ちすい)」機能を持つのは全体の4割にとどまります。6 .

◆200509 世界規模の食糧危機 危険少も気候変動など途上国で食糧不足か
NHK NEWS WEB-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Lce5Zf
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大による食糧供給網への影響について、専門家は世界規模での食糧危機に陥る可能性は低いものの、気候変動の影響を受けるアフリカなどの途上国で、食糧不足が深刻化するおそれがあると指摘し、国際社会の対応を呼びかけ ...

◆200509 気候変動によりアフリカは水不足 少女らに暴力や虐待の危険も
livedoor-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YNN7PO
国連によると、気候変動によって移住を余儀なくされている人の8割は女性だ。ケッサールさんの母親のムサカ・フェルナンダ(Mousaka Fernanda)さん(47)は何とか同じ村にとどまって、できる限りのことをして子どもたちを養おうとしている。夫は昨年、約20キロ ..



◆200509 ファーウェイ、BYDなどと提携
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Wi1PwL

◆200509 ファーウェイ、車載用システムの開発加速 年内実用化
日本経済新聞-2020/05/07 https://s.nikkei.com/2LfzcKm
中国電気自動車(EV)大手の比亜迪(BYD)や独アウディなどの自動車メーカーと提携し、スマートフォン向けの高性能な地図や音声案内などの機能を自動車でも使える新システムを年内に本格的に実用化する。主力 .

◆200509 中国が海洋進出を活発化 米空母はコロナ感染で活動縮小…隙を ...
西日本新聞-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WfuZfJ
新型コロナウイルスの感染が米原子力空母の艦内で拡大し、米軍が活動を縮小せざるを得ない隙を突くかのように、一足先に国内感染を封じ込めたとされる中国が、日本周辺の東シナ海や南シナ海における活動を活発化させている。米軍は、空母の代わりに米 .



◆200508 With oil prices depressed, China presides over a buyer's market
The Economist-14 時間前 https://econ.st/2LgdZj7
Companies and petrostates have worked to secure their share of China's market: Russia's Power of Siberia gas pipeline opened in December; ExxonMobil's efforts include a 20-year deal to supply LNG to Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group. As ..

◆200508 China's energy storage boom falters
Eco-Business-20 分前 https://bit.ly/3ceXhN9
According to industry group China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA), newly installed battery-powered storage capacity ... Most energy storage in China operates this way, chiefly in the form of pumped hydro, where water is pumped into an artificial ... Because much of China's renewable energy is won in the country's sunny and windswept north and northwest, ... Electricity from wind and solar is not as uniform as that from coal-fired power plants and therefore harder for the grid to use, .

◆200508 As US-China rivalry heightens, the pandemic could tilt global ...
CNBC-1 時間前 https://cnb.cx/3cfn5J3
The coronavirus pandemic will fuel the already-bad rivalry between the U.S. and China, and could even tilt the balance of global power in Beijing's favor, analysts say. Tensions have already flared on a few fronts since the pandemic started.

◆200508 The future of China's nuclear-powered ballistic missile ...
The Strategist (blog)-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cgTcrH
China finally achieved an operational underwater nuclear capability in recent years, almost six decades after it first launched its nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) program in the late 1950s. The deployment of the Jin-class ...

◆200508 China's benchmark power coal price drops slightly
Xinhua-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3djh3aq
Analysts said there have been many negotiations on coal trading of the Bohai-rim ports recently, with some positive signals appearing in the thermal coal market, which has slightly improved the market sentiment. However, the actual demand in .

◆200508 Caution: China's nuclear strategy may be 'nuclear ...
The Hill-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zivyfR
A clear-eyed reassessment of China as a nuclear power is timely now because Beijing's forces are expected to double in size over the next decade. China is shifting to a full-blown triad of ICBMs, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and .



◆200504 インドネシア 高喫煙率が医療崩壊招く?
SankeiBiz-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c5SFsA
この背景の一つとして、インドネシアの人口の9割近くを占めるイスラム教徒は飲酒が禁じられており、代わりにたばこを好むことが挙げられる。さらに、オランダ植民地時代から根付くたばこ産業は、多くの労働者を抱えるとともに財政面でもたばこ税が貴重な財源と ...


◆200505 President urges close monitoring of COVID-19 transmission ...
ANTARA-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YxpY3S
Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has laid emphasis on closely monitoring COVID-19 transmission clusters in various regions in Indonesia to prevent the disease from being transmitted to wider areas. "We must closely .

◆200505 Indonesian government to delay auction of geothermal ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dktT8u
The Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) had planned to offer five ... well as improving regulations, especially regarding governance and electricity price schemes for Geothermal Power Plants ...

◆200505 Demand for photovoltaic panels plummets in Indonesia amid ...
Jakarta Post-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L1NMEY
Indonesia's photovoltaic (PV) providers face a bleak business outlook at least in the next six months as the government ... consumption in the Asia Pacific region but is the fastest-growing renewable energy source worldwide alongside wind power. ... percent of the electricity business through electrification projects, according to an Indonesian Solar Panel Producers Association (APAMSI) representative.

◆200505 Indonesians Fear Democracy Is the Next Pandemic Victim
Foreign Policy-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WtmAEl
The bill is a stark contrast to the Regional Autonomy Act, passed in 2014 as a part of the reform agenda pushed by civil groups after more than three decades under the Suharto dictatorship. “Our legal system has been messed up. The power ..

◆200505 IAEA Updates Tool for Economic Assessment of Electricity ...
International Atomic Energy Agency-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SCqJET
“NEST also allows the comparison of economic characteristics of nuclear power plants with other sources, such as fossil fuel plants ... NEST was developed as part of IAEA nuclear energy system sustainability assessments (NESA) to enable an ... Later China, India, Indonesia, Romania, Russia and Ukraine applied the tool in assessing the sustainability of their existing or planned nuclear energy systems.

◆200505 Philippines Hikes Oil Duties by 10% for Virus Aid as Prices Fall
Financial Post-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c6e4BY
The new rates, which will take effect immediately, shall be reverted when international oil prices increase and hit triggers set by the Department of Energy, according to President Rodrigo Duterte's May 2 order. The Southeast Asian nation imports ...

◆200505 Energy players seek ₱55-billion share
Manila Bulletin-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/35vfHGO
This was formally proposed by the Philippine Energy Efficiency Alliance (PE2) to the House body chaired by Albay Representative Joey Salceda, which is spearheading deliberations of the proposed Economic Stimulus Response Package ...

◆200505 More Asian banks seen avoiding coal projects
Business Mirror-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WqubUd
More financial institutions in Asia are likely to end their support for coal power projects after Japan's two largest institutional banks recently announced that they would stop financing new coal-fired power plants, the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) said. ... China, and the Philippines Augur Well,” said a domino effect across other coal lending financiers in Asia is likely. ... As coal becomes more unpopular, renewable energy is fast becoming the new choice.



◆200505 日・ベトナム首脳電話会談
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (プレスリリース)-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yjvQmM
フック首相からは,感染拡大防止のための日本の努力及び国際連携に向けた日本の取組への評価を述べました。 また,安倍総理大臣より,二国間及び国際機関を通じて,ベトナムへの医療技術支援や機材供与等を実施して ..

◆200505 水力発電事業、水不足で収益に打撃も
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dfJDJz
ベトナム国内の水力発電事業の多くが、今年の第1四半期(1~3月)決算で減収減益を計上している。水不足によって発電量が低迷したためで、通年目標の達成は困難な状況だ。ベトナム・ニュース(VNS)電子版が3日に伝えた。 ベトナムは今年、全国的な ...

◆200505 コロナに便乗 アジアに言論統制の脅威 SNS書き込みで逮捕の例も
SankeiBiz-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L2nRNy
フン・セン首相による強権支配が続くカンボジアでは、非常事態宣言発令を可能にするための法整備が進む。公衆衛生上の危機のほか、戦争や災害を想定し、政府は報道規制や通信傍受もできるようになると明記した。「この法律を使う確率は0.1%だが、予期 ...


◆200510 Cruise Line Offering Free River Cruises to Frontline Heroes
Cruise Fever-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YLwnIR
“There are none more deserving of a river cruise vacation than today's frontline heroes — the doctors, nurses, paramedics, police ... A family-owned cruise line celebrating 18 years on the river, AmaWaterways offers unforgettable river cruises with 25 ships sailing Europe's ... Dutch and Belgian Waterways and Douro Rivers, Southeast Asia's Mekong, Africa's Chobe River and Egypt's Nile River (2021).

◆200510 Mekong nations face growing threat to food security amid ...
South China Morning Post-22 分前 https://bit.ly/2yHSo0w
Fishermen in northeast Thailand say they have seen catches in the Mekong River plunge, while some farmers in Vietnam and Cambodia are leaving for jobs in cities as harvests of rice and other crops shrink. The common thread driving these ...

◆200510 Ousted Thai PM pleads not guilty as trial begins
The Tribune-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Af45MF
BANGKOK: Thailand's ousted premier Yingluck Shinawatra was today banned from travelling abroad even as she ... scheme that could jail her for 10 years, in the latest legal tangle seen as a bid to keep her powerful family out of power.

◆200510 US Moves to Pull Chinese Equipment From Its Power Grid ...
Voice of America-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dvYaRx
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on May 1 prohibiting bulk power system equipment from foreign companies in ... U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette said that it is imperative that “the bulk-power system be secured against ... “So if you think about our dependency on electricity, it's not only that immediate structure, it transcends to all of our critical ... A Twitter spat with Chinese nationalists has forged a new 'Milk Tea Alliance' among social media users in Thailand, .

◆200510 PM calls for thrifty power use as shortfall looms
VnExpress International-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WFR6uR
PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc has called on all sections of society to reduce power consumption to save at least 2 percent annually. ... of water due to lack of rainfall attributed to climate change, while many thermal power projects have been behind the schedule. ... but merely urged them to save as much energy as they could and opt for renewable energy wherever possible. The national power distribution monopoly, Vietnam Electricity, has estimated demand will rise by 9.2 percent to 262 ...

◆200510 China builds Digital and Medical Silk Roads
Technology Times Pakistan (press release)-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bk44ns
The development of Cambodia's Sihanoukville SEZ is hit by similar supply chain and labour-related issues. ... restart the Physical BRI to build transportation networks, industrial parks and power plants across the Asia, Europe, and Africa.

◆200510 Accelerating drilling activities for hydrocarbon
The Financial Express BD-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3duMRJu
The country should go for unconventional way of drilling utilising the latest technology to explore new gas from old and dried up ... Chinese energy exploration firm Sinopec has found onshore natural gas prospect at Shariatpur after a 2D seismic survey. ... So far, the country is dependent on the international oil companies (IOCs) for hydrocarbon exploration. ... Two of the Daewoo-operated blocks -- A-1 & A-3 -- in Myanmar are currently producing around 500,000 mmcfd of natural gas.

◆200510 Resisting risks from Covid-19, China-Laos railway keeps ...
The Star Online-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WBT67u
So far, the railway's off-line bridges, tunnels, roadbeds and other civil engineering work have entered the final stage, and the on-line track, power, communication signal, mechanical and electrical engineering, and station building have been fully ..

◆200510 Feature: Resisting risks from COVID-19, China-Laos railway ...
Xinhua-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/35NmVpQ
by Zhang Jianhua, Chanthaphaphone Mixayboua. VIENTIANE, May 9 (Xinhua) -- Resisting risks from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese and Lao engineers and workers are working around the clock to extend the China-Laos railway north ..



◆200510 パキスタンは「水」を誤って非難し、インドは発言をやめた
おもちゃ屋パーク-2020/05/08 https://bit.ly/3bidYWJ
水曜日にインダス川問題プラディープクマールのインド委員会に送られた手紙で、彼のパキスタンのカウンターパートはこれを主張しましたが、クマールは問題が調査されたとパキスタンの主張は根拠のないもう一つのことであると述べました。 ) 川の流れは正常で .

◆200510 諸外国の軍事費・対GDP動向をさぐる(2020年公開版)
Yahoo!ニュース-32 分前 https://bit.ly/2WG56F4
直近分の公開値となる2019年分においては、世界最大の軍事支出を行った国はアメリカ合衆国、次いで中国、インドの順となる。無論これはSIPRIが把握できる範囲での公開値による値であり、また国内調達分においてはそれぞれの国の相場で調達維持 ...

◆200510 「国民苦しい」と制限緩和 終息見通せないままパキスタン
沖縄タイムス-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AcpPIV
【イスラマバード共同】パキスタン政府は9日、新型コロナウイルス対策で実施していた経済活動制限を緩和し、多くの商店の営業が許可された。感染終息は見通せないが、政府は「国民は貧しく生活は苦しい」として緩和に踏み切った。 9 ..


◆200510 Bhutan Journal: Chant, Read, Sleep
Outlook India-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cmV9CU
Reached after crossing a suspension bridge, over an undulant Mo Chhu River, the flat clearing in the ridge overlooks neighbouring ... Outside, close by, a river coiled in white and blue current; in upland forest, bears have been spotted. ... especially difficult geniuses, and then leads into larger questions of empathy across the lines of gender, race and power. ... On the flight back to India, as we flew over the Himalaya—their majesty is breathtaking—I was listening to a song by Sufjan .

◆200510 'Baseless narrative': India rejects Pakistan's claim on reduced ...
Hindustan Times-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/35Lc9QV
Pakistan has said that water discharge in Chenab river has come down significantly, a claim that has been termed by ... The Indian Commissioner for Indus Waters termed the claim as “another baseless narrative” by Pakistan and said the matter has been examined ... domestic use and also the unrestricted rights to develop hydroelectric power projects within the specified parameters of design and operations ... Andhra gas leak victims seek closure of LG plant, minister promises justice ...

◆200510 Ferry boat services resume in Brahmaputra
ANI News-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cjXVJh
ANI | Updated: May 09, 2020 20:21 IST. Guwahati (Assam) [India], May 9 (ANI): The ferry boat services have re-started from May 7 at the Brahmaputra river in Guwahati even as the coronavirus-induced lockdown continues. The boat services .

◆200510 Planned diversion of North India's Betwa river will displace ...
Scroll.in-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/35N0Fwr
Planned diversion of North India's Betwa river will displace residents of 4,000 villages ... The Rajghat dam on the Betwa river, a tributary of the Yamuna, is an inter-state project of the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. ... The village, which was promised a supply of electricity as part of the rehabilitation, now largely sits in darkness despite being ... fish daily to barely four to five kg after the construction of a barrage nearly a decade ago to supply water to an oil refinery.

◆200510 India rejects Pakistan's claim on reduced water flow in ...
Zee News-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dt9LB1
India rejects Pakistan's claim on reduced water flow in Chenab river, terms it 'baseless narrative' ... New Delhi: Pakistan has said that water discharge in Chenab river has come down significantly, a claim that has been termed by India as "baseless narrative". ... domestic use and also the unrestricted rights to develop hydroelectric power projects within the specified parameters of design and operations.

◆200510 The failure of Pakistan's power policies
Business Recorder-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z0wzEn
The recently released report on IPPs by a government sanctioned commission brought not only the power producers into the ... The California 'energy miracle' is a much talked about topic. ... of thermal based power plants was seen as a panacea to the shortages as a result of lower hydro power generation, especially in winters. ... We see something similar in Pakistan, where both the government and the courts have treated electricity and access to it as a right, ... opacity Vegetable Oil.

◆200510 Coronavirus Fallout Will Test the China-Pakistan Relationship ...
The National Interest Online-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2xNW2Wa
With the launch of the Belt and Road-linked China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in 2015, the relationship between ... China bolstered Pakistan's deterrence, by aiding its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles programs in the 1980s and 1990s. ... The PML-N neglected the external sector as it ramped up energy and electric-power sector imports. ... The Pakistani government report claims that a high-voltage transmission line being built by a Chinese state-owned company was ..

◆200510 These top 5 Pakistani-Chinese weapons make India jealous
Global Village space-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LiZw60
It worries India as Pakistan possess the military technology from China, Russia and US which makes a deadly combination. ... Nonetheless, Dr. A.Q. Khan played a significant role in its developed, yet, it is widely said that China provided significant assistance to the Pakistani nuclear weapons program. ... Production tanks have thermal gunner's sights, a panoramic commander's sight, and a 125mm gun.

◆200510 Power cut in these places of Kathmandu on Sunday, Monday
Khabarhub-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/35K8uTz
KATHMANDU: The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has stated that there will be no electricity throughout the day in some places of Kathmandu on Sunday and Monday. NEA stated that there will be power cut as necessary works needed to be .

◆200510 How the Global Appetite for Sand Is Fuelling a Crisis
The Wire-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YOji1f
In Nepal, labour-intensive sand mines may employ hundreds of people. And, in Myanmar, households living along rivers may be involved in informal river sand collection. Sand mining can be dangerous. Miners may drown as they harvest ..

◆200510 White House Steps in to Make Sri Lanka a 'US Real Estate'?
Asian Tribune-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cjf1H3
“Sri Lanka occupies some very important real estate in the Indo-Pacific region, and it's a country of increasing strategic importance in the Indian Ocean region”. ... On May 06, President Trump's National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien called Sri Lanka's president Gotabaya ... He said: “China seeks international prestige and a power projection capacity in the Pacific and Indian Ocean sea lanes by ..




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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