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2020年5月19日 WHO総会,習主席調査団受け入れも,趙立堅報道官否定





コロナ問題速報5月188日朝更新,日本の累積感染者は,今日は16,331人,累積感染者数曲線が一定の漸近線を示してきた,16000を超えても,緩やかに上がり続けている,収まったか,昨日の回復者222人,なお中国の回復曲線を日本の人口規模に合わせて縮小,時間軸は48日遅れ https://pic.twitter.com/8PElBecFdd

「中国の圧力で台湾招かず」米国務長官 WHOと中国を非難

ポンペイオ長官は「テドロス事務局長は台湾を総会に参加させるあらゆる法的な権限がありがそうせず、中国政府の圧力を受けて台湾を招かないことを選択した,事務局長が独立性を欠いたためWHOの信頼性と有効性を損なった」として、WHOの対応を批判,台湾に重要な情報を与えず,中国政府を非難 https://bit.ly/2ZsHffd


始まったWHO総会について,NHKが詳しく報道している,冒頭の習近平主席の要点は,「中国は透明性をもって責任ある態度でWHOや関係国に情報を提供してきた」と言うもので,WHO主導による調査は同意している,台湾参加問題は次の総会に先送りされた,中国外務省の趙立堅報道官は調査先送り https://bit.ly/3g1sCVI



◆200519 WHO総会 中国 習主席「透明性もって情報提供してきた」
NHK NEWS WEB-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3g1sCVI

◆200519 習主席、中国のコロナワクチンは世界の公共財になる-WHO総会
ブルームバーグ-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yYTjKh
中国は、新型コロナウイルスのワクチンが同国で開発され利用可能になれば世界の公共財にすると、習近平国家主席が18日、世界保健機関(WHO)の年次総会である世界保健総会でのスピーチで述べた。新型コロナ感染拡大への中国政府の対応を巡る批判 ...

◆200519 「中国の圧力で台湾招かず」米国務長官 WHOと中国を非難
NHK NEWS WEB-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZsHffd
アメリカのポンペイオ国務長官は、18日から開かれているWHO=世界保健機関の年次総会で、台湾のオブザーバー参加が認められなかったことについて非難する声明を発表しました。 続きを読む. この中でポンペイオ長官は「テドロス事務局長は台湾を総会に .

◆200519 中国にモノ申す豪州、浮かぶ「コロナ後」の新秩序
日本経済新聞-6 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Ti7GjH
まさに絵に描いたような「意趣返し」が繰り広げられている。 5月12日、中国は突如としてオーストラリアからの食肉輸入の4割近くを停止した。18日にはビールなどの原料となる大麦にも80%もの高関税を適用す .

◆200519 コロナ第2波の懸念高まる韓国と中国、日本は危機を回避し成長 ...
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/36bZh6w
4月、韓国では、いったん新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が一服したかに見えた。総選挙に勝利し左派政権の基盤強化を達成できた文在寅(ムン・ジェイン)大統領は、「自らの感染対策は世界標準であり、同国が世界をリードする」と強調した。それに伴い韓国 ..

◆200519 中国東北部、1億人余りに再び移動制限-感染者増加で第2波警戒
ブルームバーグ-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bLlE3X
新型コロナウイルス感染のクラスターが再び発生・拡大し、平常への復帰の動きは後戻りした。 中国では全土にわたって活動再開の動きが突如反転している。東北部の吉林省では、複数の都市 ...

◆200519 特別リポート:批判覚悟で中国称賛、WHOテドロス氏の苦悩と思惑
ロイター-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/369ddhK
習近平国家主席らと会談したテドロス氏は、インフルエンザに似た感染症に関する彼らの知識や、封じ込めに向けた取り組みに感銘を受けた。 ... しかし、事務局長は譲らなかった。1つには、感染拡大への対処において中国側の協力を確保したいとの思惑があった。 ... テドロス氏は、韓国、イタリア、イラン、日本など、新型コロナウイルスと闘う複数の国の政府を称賛。3月30日には、トランプ氏の娘で大統領補佐官のイバンカ氏が米国の ...



◆200519 ニントゥアン省:国内最大級の太陽光発電所が着工
VIETJOベトナムニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/3g1MV5A
同案件では太陽光発電所のほか、220/500kVの変電所、同発電所からの送電に利用される全長17kmの500kVと220kVの送電線を整備する。 投資総額は12兆VND(約550億円)。工期は102日の予定で、9月中の国家電力網への ..

◆200519 新型コロナが早めた巨大石油企業が雇用を失う日
WEDGE Infinity-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WLiol0
大手石油会社は、軒並み今年予定されていた資本支出、投資額削減を発表したが、再生可能エネルギーに力を入れるシェルとBPは再エネ投資を原則維持する意向だ。価格が大きく乱高下することによりリスクの高くなった原油への投資を避け、リスクが低く相対的 ...

◆200519 温暖化と政治家 二酸化炭素排出抑制に必要な経済政策
日経ビジネス電子版-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yiZhVY
発展途上国で、調達金利が高いため再生可能エネルギーを導入するのをためらっているのであれば、先進国が多少、援助する価値はあるであろう。 また、石炭火力導入に対する融資を市民団体と協力して非難するなどして、社会的コストを高めることもできる。

◆200519 伊藤忠・関電など、米天然ガス火力が運開/100万kW、PJM ...
電気新聞-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dWNlYV
伊藤忠商事、関西電力は18日、米国ペンシルベニア州で建設を進めていたヒッコリーラン発電所(天然ガス火力、100万キロワット)が商業運転を開始したと発表した。両社と独シーメンスグループが出資した事業会社が2017年8月に着工していた。発電した電力 .

◆200519 中国の石油需要、新型コロナ前の水準をほぼ回復-関係者
ブルームバーグ-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AB9Bt2
同国エネルギー業界の内部事情を知る複数の関係者が明らかにした。 中国は米国に次ぐ世界第2の石油消費国で、同国の需要回復は供給過剰の縮小に寄与 .



◆200519 中国が建設した中東初のクリーン石炭火力発電所が発電開始
people.com.cn-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Zdr7xX
哈爾浜(ハルビン)電気集団有限公司によると、ドバイ現地時間18日午後1時45分(北京時間18日午後5時45分)、同社が請け負う「一帯一路」(the Belt and Road)重大プロジェクト、アラブ首長国連邦ドバイのハシヤン4×600MWクリーン石炭火力発電所 ...

◆200519 作業水深が中国最大のFPSOが引き渡し
people.com.cn-2020/05/17 https://bit.ly/2LLb0zr
海洋石油119は南中国海に位置する中国初の独自経営・開発の深海油田群「流花16-2」で使用される。稼働後は原油を1日当たり2万1000立方メートル、天然ガスを54万立方メートル処理できる見通し。敷地面積30万平方メートルの陸上原油 ..

◆200519 大型LNG船、中国で開発相次ぐ。恵生海工、20万立方メートル型 ...
日本海事新聞-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zLRLDk
中国で20万立方メートルを超える大型LNG(液化天然ガス)船の開発が相次いでいる。同国エンジニアリング企業の恵生海洋工程(WOM)は先月末、欧州船級協会DNV-GLから20万立方メートル型LNG船の設計について基本設計承認(AIP)を取得したことを .


◆200519 China's Oil Demand Rebounds To Pre-Coronavirus Levels
OilPrice.com-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LGDElC
Oil demand in the world's top oil importer, China, has rebounded to pre-coronavirus levels, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing sources with inside knowledge of China's energy sector. China was the first to go into lockdown after the ...

◆200519 Nuclear numbers game: What's on China's mind?
Deccan Herald-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ydmWqD
Of the defence allocations that it can afford, India would be well advised to focus on nuclear forces survivability than on number additions. (The writer is Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi). Deccan Herald News now .

◆200519 Kazakhstan boosts oil exports to China in May
New Europe-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zSsYgJ
NUR-SULTAN, Kazakhstan – Kazakhstan will increase its oil exports to neighbouring China almost four times this month, Kazakhstan' Deputy Energy Minister Aset Magauov said on May 18. “According to our forecasts, the volume of ...

◆200519 Column: China targets Australian barley, but what matters is ...
Reuters-49 分前 https://reut.rs/3g41bus
Column: China targets Australian barley, but what matters is coal, LNG, iron ore - Russell ... LAUNCESTON, Australia (Reuters) - If China was looking to send a political message to Australia by effectively banning the ... Top of mind is liquefied natural gas (LNG), of which Australia is the world's top producer, accounting for 9.7 million tonnes of China's imports of 19.8 ... Coal is another area where Australia is vulnerable to Chinese action, especially on thermal coal where there are ..

◆200519 Russian Plans To Move Ahead On Second Gas Pipeline To ...
Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WK3U4w
Gazprom CEO Aleksei Miller said on May 18 that a Power of Siberia 2 pipeline might carry up to 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year to energy-hungry China. The pipeline might pass through Mongolia, Miller said, without mentioning .

◆200519 Coal sector in China posts steady expansion in 2019
MENAFN.COM-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TgDHZe
(MENAFN) An industrial report showed that the coal industry in China saw a stable expansion in the earlier year of 2019, as it posted an improvement in the indsutrial structre and enjoyed a rise in demand and supply. A report published by the ..



◆200519 中国漁船がインドネシア人乗組員の遺体を海に遺棄、韓国 ...
Newsweekjapan-2020/05/17 https://bit.ly/2TjIyZR
乗組員らが隠し撮りした遺体遺棄の瞬間の映像も放映した。3人には同じ症状があり、感染症で亡くなったとみられるが、病院に運ばれることはなかったという。 MBCのサイトで紹介された映像は、YouTubeでも拡散。韓国のユーチューバーがインドネシア語に翻訳 ...

◆200519 三井物産、インドネシアのパイトンエナジー持ち分売却を検討 ...
ブルームバーグ-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cLAp82
三井物産はインドネシアの発電大手、パイトンエナジーの持ち分を売却する方向で検討している。事情に詳しい関係者が明らかにした。 情報が非公開だとして匿名を条件に述べた同関係者によると、三井物産はパイトンの株式45.5%を保有しており、アドバイザー .


◆200518 Indonesia's IPO fever cannot hide worsening economy
Nikkei Asian Review-12 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2yXGL5V
He has recommended an unproven herbal remedy, while his health minister trumpeted the power of prayer. Perhaps it is ... This predicament makes for quite a juxtaposition with the IPO fever garnering headlines at the Indonesia Stock Exchange. ... Nor has he boldly tackled laws on land, energy or the judicial system.

◆200518 Indonesian govt plans $8.6 bln coronavirus bailout for state firms
Reuters-22 時間前 https://reut.rs/3cTemwB
JAKARTA, May 17 (Reuters) - Indonesia is planning an $8.6 billion bailout for 12 state-owned firms, to reduce the impact of the ... Power utility Perusahaan Listrik Negara would receive cash compensation of 35.42 trillion rupiah this year, while oil and gas firm Pertamina would get 43.91 trillion rupiah paid in instalments through to 2022, the documents showed. Both companies have previously said sales of electricity and fuel declined because of curbs on travel and work to control the .

◆200518 Siemens Gamesa to develop hybrid clean energy plant in the ...
Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LCqh5N
Siemens Gamesa is developing a hybrid energy plant in the Philippines. ... Siemens Gamesa is to develop an additional wind facility in the region that would increase the total wind power generation ... “Hybrid solutions such as these, reduce the intermittency of renewable energy and as such provide huge growth potential.” ... The wind project is forecast to provide clean electricity to 240,000 people.

◆200518 DOE to push for development of oil, gas sector
Philippine Star-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cKfhz2
MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Energy (DOE) will continue to push for the development of the country's oil and gas sector through its Philippine Conventional Energy Contracting Program (PCECP) to build energy security.

◆200518 Rains from 'Ambo' hike Angat Dam's water level
INQUIRER.net-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2z8bFZ5
MANILA, Philippines — The water level in Angat Dam continues to rise, days after tropical cyclone “Ambo” (international name: Vongfong) dumped moderate to heavy rains over Luzon last week. On Sunday morning, the elevation at Angat's ..



◆200518 ベトナム、成長の影 コロナ抑え込み、経済減速は不可避 来年党 ...
毎日新聞-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AF1BHF
韓国サムスン電子のスマートフォン生産を支える工場=ベトナム北部バクニン省で2019年2月、西脇真一撮影. 近年、年7%前後の高い実質国内総生産(GDP)成長率を維持してきたベトナム。政府は新型コロナウイルスの流行を抑え込み、ハノイなどでの外出 ...

◆200518 ベトナム、成長の影 コロナ抑え込み、経済減速は不可避 国内産業 ...
毎日新聞-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LB5vDo
東京大学名誉教授で、日本政府の協力で2014年にハノイに設立された日越大学の古田元夫学長(ベトナム現代史)にベトナム経済の課題や海外への出稼ぎ問題について聞いた。 ◇. ベトナム経済は今後しばらくは順調な成長を続けるだろう。民間企業が育ち、

◆200518 シアヌークビルの道路復旧・拡張プロジェクト 9割方完了 カンボジア ...
カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2z9y601
公共事業運輸省によると、昨年11月から2億9400万ドルを投じて行われていたプレアシアヌーク州の道路復旧・拡張プロジェクトが9割方完了した。クメールタイムズが報じた。 このプロジェクトは過去の洪水で劣化した道路の修復、観光事業と投資のハブとなる ...


◆200518 Environmentalists urge Laos to scrap 'destructive' Mekong ...
Telegraph.co.uk-2020/05/17 https://bit.ly/3cHRMGT
Environmentalists have urged Laos not to proceed with the construction of another “destructive” dam on the Mekong River, a vital ... There are several cheaper, less destructive and faster ways to meet the Mekong region's energy needs,” Paiporn ... In March Cambodia decided not to develop new hydropower dams on the Mekong River for the next decade, after years ... is expected to export its power to Thailand despite exceeding the neighbouring country's needs, argued Ms Deetes.

◆200518 Asian Development Bank signs US$7.2m loan for Thailand ...
Energy Storage News-24 分前 https://bit.ly/3dTPcxD
The ADB told Energy-Storage.news this morning that it will lend THB235.55 million (US$7.2 million) for the construction of the Southern Thailand Wind Power and Battery Energy Storage Project, which will add an ... Limited, a subsidiary of Thailand-headquartered renewable energy development company BCPG Public Company Limited (BCPG). ... draft to exclude two coal-fired power plants and is targeting sourcing around 18% of its power from renewables, mostly solar, by 2037

◆200518 ADB Asian Development Bank : Finances First Wind Power ...
marketscreener.com-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2z74dO0
ADB Asian Development Bank : Finances First Wind Power and Battery Storage Project in Thailand ... an integrated 1.88-megawatt-hour (MWh) pilot battery energy storage system to increase the amount of renewable energy delivered to the grid. ... 'This will enhance the resilience of the region's electricity grid, provide energy security for communities, and support ... BCPG focuses on investments in renewable energy, including solar, geothermal, wind, hydro, biogas, and biomass.

◆200518 Environmentalists urge Laos to scrap 'destructive' Mekong ...
Telegraph.co.uk-2020/05/17 https://bit.ly/2TdCUIw
Environmentalists have urged Laos not to proceed with the construction of another “destructive” dam on the Mekong River, ... and faster ways to meet the Mekong region's energy needs,” Paiporn Deetes, Thailand and Burma campaigns director at ... In March Cambodia decided not to develop new hydropower dams on the Mekong River for the next decade, after years ... is expected to export its power to Thailand despite exceeding the neighbouring country's needs, argued Ms Deetes.

◆200518 Sweltering heat, 30 stages and big mountains: Inside ...
Cycling Weekly-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/36ks4WR
It's been nearly a month since its last community transmission and therefore the country is starting to open up again. Usually scheduled for April, the HTV Cup was pushed back by coronavirus, but as many aspects of normal life return to Vietnam,

◆200518 China-constructed hydroelectric station powers Cambodia's ...
The Cambodia Daily-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2z75apy
With a total installed capacity of 338 megawatts and a designed annual output of 1.2 billion kilowatt-hours, the hydroelectric station, built by giant power company China Huadian Corporation LTD, has generated more than 6.2 billion kilowatt- ..

◆200518 Laos attracts US$37bil in investment since opening up
The Star Online-2020/05/17 https://bit.ly/2ZdKZB2
The most popular investment sector in Laos from 1989 to 2019 was electricity generation, which attracted investment of about US$14 billion. The second sector attracting a significant amount of funding during this period was mining, with total ..



◆200519 医療危機を乗り越えろ、アイデア百出するインド
日経ビジネス電子版-20 時間前
新型コロナウイルスが世界中で感染を拡大させる中、インドは世界でも類を見ない大規模な封鎖に踏み切り、世界の注目を集めている。ただインドが取る方策はこれだけにとどまらない。厳しい状況に追い詰められても、この国はただでは転ばない。むしろ逆境を ...

◆200519 中国の科学者、域外カラコルム山脈氷床コアを初めて取得
people.com.cn-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2X6XbAV
中国・パキスタン経済回廊北側に位置する科学調査地域は、地形が高く険しく、深い河谷のあるパミール高原とカラコルム山脈が交わる地域であり、西風と季節風が交わる地域でもある。 これまでの研究によると、同地域では90年代中期以降に大きな気候変動が ...


◆200519 Chinese built dam to submerge engraved heritage rocks of ...
The Statesman-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/3e2HAJd
Such engraved rocks are of great heritage importance and the Buddhist spiritual and temporal leader Dalai Lama during a recent visit to Leh had called for preserving these ancient rocks scattered along the Indus River and other places in the ..

◆200519 The Indus failure
DAWN.com-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dVZXzE
After 1947, water disputes emerged between Pakistan and India. Foreign outfits quickly moved in, motivated by business and Cold War interests, and conceived yet more mega projects for the Indus Basin. The power to make ..

◆200519 VIEW: Pakistan finds a funder for Diamer-Bhasha dam
CNBCTV18-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WInH4r
Oil prices climb more than $1 ahead of WTI June contract expiry ... Coal India 140.70(+1.22%) ... In 2028, the tallest roller compact concrete dam in the world will become the main storage dam for Pakistan, alleviating water shortages, and reducing floods. ... The World Bank agreed to finance the Dassu Hydel Project on the Indus river but refused to provide financing unless ... The current agreement allows for the China Power (a Chinese State-owned enterprise) to hold 70 percent.

◆200519 Heads of three IRSA members may roll today for blocking ...
The News International-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bIwtDX
ISLAMABAD: Heads of three members of IRSA (Indus River System Authority) are most likely to be rolled as rifts between the water regulator and Ministry of Water Resources have reached a point of no return for blocking the project of ..

◆200519 Super cyclone to sweep over Bangladesh and India
TRT World-59 分前 https://bit.ly/2zTNVrC
Amphan is the strongest tropical cyclone to occur in the Bay of Bengal and its probable landfall around the Ganges River Delta will threaten millions in northeast India and Bangladesh. Sun sets behind a patterned cloud formed over the city in ..

◆200519 What Analysts Have To Say About India's Coal Sector Reforms
BloombergQuint-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2za12Fi
Investment of Rs 50,000 crore on augmentation of evacuation infrastructure. Relief of Rs 5,000 crore for Coal India customers—by offering concession in commercial terms in two ways: reduced reserve price in auction for non-power

◆200519 No question about privatization of Coal India: Pralhad Joshi
Economic Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LBCB6e
New Delhi, May 19 (ANI): Union Minister of Coal and Mines, Pralhad Joshi said that there is no question about the privatization of Coal India. He said, "Coal India will achieve 1 billion tonnes coal production by 2023-24. I also assure my ..

◆200519 Coal India begins process of developing Rs 2474 crore CBM ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3fV90ma
State-owned CIL has initiated the process of development of coal bed methane projects with an estimated investment of ... Coal India Ltd (CIL) arm Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL), “announces the offer of Jharia CBM Block-I for ... Methane has also an energy value and is an important constituent of natural gas. ... Oil & Energy. Oil & Companies News · General Energy News · Bunker Prices Worldwide ..

◆200519 Pakistan's top nuclear scientist breaks silence on mounting ...
Express.co.uk-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2X5cslE
TENSIONS between India and Pakistan have reached boiling point but a top nuclear scientist said chances of a nuclear war between the ... Now Samar Mubarakmand, a former chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), has sought to ease mounting ... India became a nuclear power in 1974 and Pakistan quietly developed its own nuclear capability in the 1980s, when it was an ally of the ...

◆200519 Pakistan Discovers the High Cost of Chinese Investment
The Diplomat-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zRlQkK
But a Committee formed by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan to examine the causes for the high cost of electricity to Pakistani ... Ruyi (Pak) Energy (HSR) or the Sahiwal and the Port Qasim Electric Power Company Limited (PQEPCL) coal plants under CPEC inflated their set-up costs. ... China's consistent strategic support, including help with Pakistan's nuclear program, is often held out by Pakistan's ...

◆200519 Nepal Cabinet Approves New Map Showing Land Disputed ...
The Wire-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bJpjPF
The cabinet meeting held here on Monday endorsed the updated political map that includes a slive of land at the border with India near the Mahakali river as part of Nepal. At the cabinet meeting, the minister for land management, Padma Aryal,

◆200519 Nepal approves new map incorporating Kalapani ...
Business Standard-53 分前 https://bit.ly/2zP9n14
Nepal has said it has "consistently maintained" that as per the Sugauli Treaty (1816), "all the territories east of Kali (Mahakali) river, including Limpiyadhura, Kalapani and Lipu Lekh, belong to Nepal." The Lipulekh Pass is claimed by Nepal ..

◆200519 Country's power generation to be restored fully after curfew ends
Ceylon Daily News-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bIxWKt
A 50 percent reduction of Sri Lanka's power generation is currently being carried out by the Ministry of Power and Energy after a careful study on the usage of electricity by the country's small, medium and large scale goods and food ..

◆200519 The Belt and Road Initiative: Economic Development for All or ...
RUSI Analysis-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/36e8pHH
Proliferation and Nuclear Policy ... The Belt and Road Initiative: Economic Development for All or a Geopolitical Power Play? ... wanting to exercise its hard power, concerns have been raised regarding China's 'acquisition' of Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka on a 99 year lease, ... a strategic Chinese weakness – where approximately 80% of China's oil supplies currently pass to reach the Chinese mainland.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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