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2020年5月21日 木曜日


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2020年5月21日 ポンペオ国務長官,中国の「悪辣な独裁政権」と強く批判





コロナ問題速報5月21日朝更新,日本の累積感染者は,今日は16,396人,累積感染者数曲線が一定の漸近線を示してきた,16000を超えても,緩やかに上がり続けている,昨日の回復者273人,なお中国の回復曲線を日本の人口規模に合わせて縮小,時間軸は48日遅れ, https://pic.twitter.com/9WnBwHCFUv










◆200521 中国への怒りを煽るトランプの再選戦略の危うさ
Newsweekjapan-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LRjW6p
米国内の感染爆発は、中国ではなく欧州から来たものである可能性が高い。にもかかわらず、中国をスケープゴートに仕立て上げ、ファーウェイ潰しにかかるトランプは世界に更なる災いと混乱しかもたらさない>. アメリカの新型コロナウイルスへの感染者数 .

◆200521 習主席に迫る大きな政治リスク-全人代控え中国で失業の波
ブルームバーグ-2020/05/19 https://bit.ly/2zjVPLd
国民の幅広い経済的苦境は、習近平国家主席にとって大きな政治問題になるリスクがある。共産党総書記でもある習氏は共産党統治の正統性を示す重要な要素として所得水準に照準を定めているだけになおさら ..

◆200521 中国 延期されていた全人代 22日開幕 感染抑え込みアピールか
NHK NEWS WEB-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/36fq0iL

◆200521 トランプ氏、中国の無能さが「世界中で大量殺りく」を起こしたと ...
ブルームバーグ-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZoGvHG
トランプ米大統領は20日、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID19)で多くの死者が出ていることについて、「世界中で大量殺りくを起こしたのは『中国の無能さ』であり、それ以外の何ものでもない!」と、ツイッターに投稿した。 原題:

◆200521 中国の欧米協調派、「トゥキディデスの罠を避けよ」
日経ビジネス電子版-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Zpv96m
マクロ経済や世界金融に関する論文や著書を多数発表している。 中国の習近平(シー・ジンピン)国家主席(左)と米国のトランプ大統領。新型 ...

◆200521 米国務長官「中国、悪辣な独裁政権」…習主席にも真っ向から批判
Yahoo!ニュース-9 分前 https://bit.ly/3cRGPCC
ポンペオ長官は習近平中国国家主席の世界保健機構(WHO)の演説を批判し、中国が懸念している香港と台湾問題も取り上げて論じた。米国が中国を非難する過程で習主席を直接取り上げたことはかなり異例なことである。 ロイター通信による ...



◆200521 原油先物の6月限のマイナス化は回避、原油先物価格は安定を ...
Yahoo!ニュース-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bMvEtT
原油価格が下落した理由としては、新型コロナウイルスの世界的な感染拡大を抑制するためとしてのロックダウンなどによる経済活動の低下があった。これを受けて飛行機はそれほど飛ばない、人は移動しなくなるなどしたことで、原油そのものの需要が大きく後退 ...

◆200521 ブロックチェーンやCO2排出削減量表示システムを活用した再エネ ...
TechCrunch Japan-5 時間前 https://tcrn.ch/36iCi9Q
リフューチャーズは5月21日、再生可能エネルギー100%を使え、故郷を選んで地産地消を実現する電力小売サービス「EARTH ENERGY」(アースエナジー)のサービスを開始した。温暖化・気候変動の問題の解決に取り組みたい、法人・行政・自治体向けと家庭 ...

◆200521 世界エネルギー貿易の脱炭素化
時事通信-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cQvMJT
多くの国々では経済成長の維持には石油、石炭、天然ガスの輸入が不可欠ですが、世界各国は同時に非炭素化へ向けた取り組みを強化し、再生可能エネルギーの採用増加に動いています。ただし、太陽光や風力資源には根本的な制約がある国も多く、このような .

◆200521 中国石油需要ほぼ回復、アラスカとカナダから石油タンカーが週末 ...
ブルームバーグ-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zigM99
通常なら米西海岸に向かうカナダ産とアラスカ産の石油が、新型コロナウイルスのパンデミック(世界的大流行)前の水準に需要がほぼ回復した中国に市場を見いだしている。 ブルームバーグが集計したデータによると、アラスカ産石油を積載したタンカー、ソフィア ...



◆200521 パンデミックの影響で「CO2排出量が17%減」という結果は、気候 ...
WIRED.jp-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LLBUHF
中国の石炭生産活動は30〜40パーセント減少し、米国では鉄鋼生産が同規模の落ち込みを見せた。米国はまた、人々が在宅で勤務できる大きなサーヴィス産業を育んでおり、ある意味では電力使用をオフィスから家庭へと移行させている。こうして家庭における ...

◆200521 日印戦略的パートナーシップと「中国要因」:まだ定まらない「地域 ...
Nippon.com-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zflBA4
中国を「競争相手」と位置付けたブッシュ政権の下で米国は、「民主主義の価値を共有する」インドに「戦略的パートナー」の資格を与えた〔QDR 2006〕。2008年に成立した米印原子力協定は、インドに「事実上の核保有ステータス」を承認し、兵器、先端技術供与を .

◆200521 青海-チベット交直流送電事業「電力天路」で年次点検
AFPBB News-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zflKDC
【5月21日 Xinhua News】中国の国有送電大手、国家電網傘下の国家電網青海検修は、青海省(Qinghai)とチベット自治区(Tibet Autonomous Region)の電力の安定送電を確保するため、青海-チベット交直流送電網接続プロジェクトに対する年に1度の ..


◆200519 China's Oil Demand Rebounds To Pre-Coronavirus Levels
OilPrice.com-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LGDElC
Oil demand in the world's top oil importer, China, has rebounded to pre-coronavirus levels, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing sources with inside knowledge of China's energy sector. China was the first to go into lockdown after the ...

◆200519 Nuclear numbers game: What's on China's mind?
Deccan Herald-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ydmWqD
Of the defence allocations that it can afford, India would be well advised to focus on nuclear forces survivability than on number additions. (The writer is Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi). Deccan Herald News now .

◆200519 Kazakhstan boosts oil exports to China in May
New Europe-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zSsYgJ
NUR-SULTAN, Kazakhstan – Kazakhstan will increase its oil exports to neighbouring China almost four times this month, Kazakhstan' Deputy Energy Minister Aset Magauov said on May 18. “According to our forecasts, the volume of ...

◆200519 Column: China targets Australian barley, but what matters is ...
Reuters-49 分前 https://reut.rs/3g41bus
Column: China targets Australian barley, but what matters is coal, LNG, iron ore - Russell ... LAUNCESTON, Australia (Reuters) - If China was looking to send a political message to Australia by effectively banning the ... Top of mind is liquefied natural gas (LNG), of which Australia is the world's top producer, accounting for 9.7 million tonnes of China's imports of 19.8 ... Coal is another area where Australia is vulnerable to Chinese action, especially on thermal coal where there are ..

◆200519 Russian Plans To Move Ahead On Second Gas Pipeline To ...
Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WK3U4w
Gazprom CEO Aleksei Miller said on May 18 that a Power of Siberia 2 pipeline might carry up to 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year to energy-hungry China. The pipeline might pass through Mongolia, Miller said, without mentioning .

◆200519 Coal sector in China posts steady expansion in 2019
MENAFN.COM-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TgDHZe
(MENAFN) An industrial report showed that the coal industry in China saw a stable expansion in the earlier year of 2019, as it posted an improvement in the indsutrial structre and enjoyed a rise in demand and supply. A report published by the ..



◆200519 中国漁船がインドネシア人乗組員の遺体を海に遺棄、韓国 ...
Newsweekjapan-2020/05/17 https://bit.ly/2TjIyZR
乗組員らが隠し撮りした遺体遺棄の瞬間の映像も放映した。3人には同じ症状があり、感染症で亡くなったとみられるが、病院に運ばれることはなかったという。 MBCのサイトで紹介された映像は、YouTubeでも拡散。韓国のユーチューバーがインドネシア語に翻訳 ...

◆200519 三井物産、インドネシアのパイトンエナジー持ち分売却を検討 ...
ブルームバーグ-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cLAp82
三井物産はインドネシアの発電大手、パイトンエナジーの持ち分を売却する方向で検討している。事情に詳しい関係者が明らかにした。 情報が非公開だとして匿名を条件に述べた同関係者によると、三井物産はパイトンの株式45.5%を保有しており、アドバイザー .


◆200519 Invitation For Bids - Indonesia Dam Operational Improvement ...
The Netherlands and You-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bQ8Jhm
News item | 19-05-2020 | 07:38. The Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing, through the Directorate General of Water Resources, invites eligible suppliers to participate in the bidding of Operational Improvement of Central Dam ...

◆200519 US $2bn coal-to-methanol plant to be constructed in Bengalon ...
Construction Review (press release) (blog)-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/3g0Yuda
power plant. A US $2bn coal-to-methanol plant is set be constructed in Bengalon, East Kalimantan, Indonesia by Air Products. ... According to Seifi Ghasemi, Air Products' chairman, president and chief executive officer, as Southeast Asia's largest economy, Indonesia is committed to reduce its energy imports and efficiently convert abundant coal resources ... This is another example of our long-term strategy to deploy capital into high-return strategic industrial gas projects,” he asserted.

◆200519 Lehigh Valley Air Products to invest $2B for coal-to-methanol ...
Pennsylvania Business Report-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LCb1G9
The contract will fund a world-scale coal-to-methanol facility in Bengalon, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. ... “As Southeast Asia's largest economy, Indonesia is committed to reduce its energy imports and efficiently convert abundant coal resources into high-value products,” Sefi Ghasemi, ... This is another example of our long-term strategy to deploy capital into high-return strategic industrial gas projects.”

◆200519 Mitsui Considers Stake Sale in Indonesia's Paiton Energy
Yahoo Canada Finance-6 時間前 https://yhoo.it/369YgvI
Paiton Energy, founded in 1994, owns three coal-fired power plants and generates about 13,500 gigawatt hours of electricity per year, contributing about 10% of the electricity used annually by the Indonesian island of Java, according to its

◆200519 ERC asks Meralco to show proof of power bill computation
Manila Bulletin-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2X6MXjS
The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) is the latest government authority to require Manila Electric Company ... of the Philippines (NGCP) for the transmission charges; and (4) the uniform reportorial requirement for the said billing period.

◆200519 Philippines, Vietnam united vs. Chinese security threats
manilastandard.net-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zacwsq
Similar experiences of Chinese vessels ramming and sinking Philippine and Vietnamese fishing boats in separate incidents have ... Anti-Chinese sentiment in the Philippines is critical industries serving consumers from power–National Grid ... State of China's control of infrastructure has greater impact as it is natural resources-based: the Kaliwa Dam, the ... the Philippines to withdraw its arbitration victory over the WPS in exchange for a joint venture funding of an oil exploration project.



◆200520 ラオス、中国企業が環境汚染
Japan In-depth-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Zr2Ft7
ラオス北西部にありタイとメコン川を隔てるボーケーオ県の支流河川流域に住む住民の間で最近、皮膚病などの健康被害が急増している。流域のある地点を境にしてそこから下流域の住民に健康被害が出ているものの、その地点から上流に住む人々には同様の .

◆200520 タイの感染者数は1人増加で3034人、2888人回復、56人死亡 ...
タイランドハイパーリンクス-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZmfFQG
タイ保健省は2020年5月20日午前、毎日恒例になっている新型コロナウイルス感染者に関する最新状況の発表を行いました。 発表によると、新たに確認された感染者数は1人で、これまでの合計は3,034人。死亡者は増加なしで、これまでの合計は56人。90人 ...

◆200520 タイ国際航空が事実上の経営破たん 新型コロナウイルスの影響
NHK NEWS WEB-2020/05/18 https://bit.ly/3cNOkL3
タイ政府は経営が一段と悪化していたタイ国際航空について、会社更生の手続きに入ることを決めました。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響で、事実上、経営破たんし、裁判所の監督のもと経営再建を進めることになりました。 続きを読む. タイを代表する航空 ...

◆200520 最強勢力のサイクロン、インド・バングラ国境付近に迫る
MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン)-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cLoaZq
ミャンマー気象庁が発表したものを7Day Dailyが伝えた。 「Amphan」は20日午後にインドの西ベンガル州からバングラデシュにかけての沿岸に上陸する予想。上陸前の勢力は最大風速が45~55m/s程度とみられ、これは日本の台風の強さのランクでは「非常に .

◆200520 世界保健総会での習主席の演説を国際社会が高く評価
中国国際放送-20 分前 https://bit.ly/2zXkogI
その中で、第72回WHO年次総会の議長である、ラオスのブンコン・シアボン保健相は、「習主席の演説は皆を励ましてくれた。中国は新型肺炎との戦いの中で成果を収め、社会の力を動員することで自国だけでなくグローバルな感染対策に自らの経験と援助を .

◆200520 第73回WHO総会で各国指導者が団結 感染症へ共同対応の基調
中国国際放送-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Xawk6U


◆200520 Dams upstream of the Mekong damage 70 million people
AsiaNews-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LFuEx3
Two years ago, in this area downstream of the Mekong River, the Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy dam collapsed on July 23, ... The Mekong River Rescue Alliance also asked local authorities to seek alternative energy solutions and implement ... still determined to pursue the hydroelectric power project of Luang Prabang, one of the lower reaches of the Mekong River. ... The electricity will mainly be sold in Thailand.

◆200520 Myanmar Power Plants Delayed by COVID-19 to Start ...
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zPnnYS
Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy (MOEE) U Khin Maung Win said three imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) power projects and a gas power project are still not operational because of COVID-19. Due to travel restrictions and .

◆200520 How will COVID-19 reshape Asia's energy future?
The Japan Times-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZjfRjp
For instance, while the future still remains unclear, one area to watch is how national oil companies will be affected by this context, including the extent to which some of these firms in China and Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and ..

◆200520 Democracy must not become the silent victim of the ...
Modern Diplomacy-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Tn1h6Q
The Southern Thailand Wind Power and Battery Energy Storage Project is the first private sector initiative in Thailand to ... more power than the grid is able to absorb, which will help ensure the stability and reliability of the renewable energy source. ... “This will enhance the resilience of the region's electricity grid, provide energy security for communities, and support ... “The latest disaster has rightly drawn parallels to the toxic gas leak that killed thousands in Bhopal, India, in 1984”, ...

◆200520 Vietnam has potential for '160GW of offshore wind'
reNEWS-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XfGYt4
GE bags Pakistan hydro deal ... The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and the Vietnamese Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority are working ... “Vietnam has a huge potential for offshore wind, which could play a key role in the green transition of the country.” DEA has been engaged by Vietnam to support the country's 10-year power development plan. ... These include resource mapping and site selection, LCOE estimation and transmission grid analysis, among others, and ...

◆200520 Vietnam chose Vestas for 2 wind projects
ScandAsia.com-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bNNeh9
Vestas will supply, transport, install and commission a total of 16 V150-4.2 MW wind turbines delivered in different power ratings to optimise the projects' energy output. The customised tower solution takes the turbines to 162m hub

◆200520 O Meanchey coal-fired plant 50% complete
The Phnom Penh Post-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Zm0y9G
Han Seng Coal Mine Co Ltd's (HSCMC's) 265MW coal-fired power station in Oddar Meanchey province's easternmost ... Ministry of Mines and Energy spokesman Victor Jona previously told The Post that Cambodia's electricity demand is .

◆200520 Myanmar launches 1 GW solar tender
pv magazine Australia-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/36gFuD4
The country's Ministry of Electricity and Energy is seeking proposals for 30 large-scale solar plants. The selected developers will be awarded 20-year power purchase agreements. ... According to the latest statistics from the International Renewable Energy Agency, Myanmar had cumulatively installed 88 MW of PV capacity ...

◆200520 Tigyit coal-fired power plant to continue operation
Mizzima News-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TD7wDR
Myanmar's government on Tuesday rejected a Shan state member of parliament's proposal to shutter a ... citing the concerns of his constituents, but was rebuffed by Deputy Minister of Electricity and Energy Khin Maung Win. ... Ltd., a Chinese energy company specializing in coal power, operates the plant in Tigyit village.

◆200520 Macau Legend shifts to Aug Laos expansion opening: exec
GGRAsia-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/3g5JCds
The Thakhet Club – a slot machine venue – is located at Thakhek, the capital of Laos' Khammouane province that shares a border with Thailand marked by the path of the Mekong River. “We plan to open Thakhek slot club first then Savannakhet ..



◆200521 中印が国境で小競り合い、米が中国を非難
AFPBB News-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/3g6sGUd
【5月21日 AFP】米国は20日、中国とインドの国境で発生した小規模な衝突について、現状変更に向けて利用しているとして中国を非難し、インドに抵抗を促した。 アリス・ウェルズ(Alice Wells)国務次官補代行(南・中央アジア担当)は、ヒマラヤ(Himalaya)地域 ...

◆200521 まだ5%しか目撃されていない「深海底巨大地形」はこうなっている
現代ビジネス-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ziboTt
ヒマラヤ山脈は6000〜8000m級の山々が2400kmほど連なる陸上最大の地形ですが、マリアナ海溝には、さきほどのチャレンジャー海淵をはじめ1万m級の溝が、延々と2550kmにもわたって続いています。 しかも、この海溝は北端で伊豆‐小笠原海溝、そして ..

◆200521 インド、国内線の運航再開を容認-新型コロナ感染者急増の中
ブルームバーグ-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XuyY7V
インド政府は週明けから航空会社の国内線の運航再開を認める。同国の新型コロナウイルス感染者数はアジアで最速のペースで増えているが、モディ首相は経済活動を段階的に再開させる方針だ。 プーリー民間航空相が20日、「全ての空港と航空会社に5 ...

◆200521 米空母、インド太平洋で航行再開 中国けん制へ
日本経済新聞-3 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2WNefg8
米空母、インド太平洋で航行再開 中国けん制へ. 投稿する エキスパートの視点. 2020年5月21日 11:32. 共有する. 印刷する. 全て表示. 【ワシントン=中村亮】米海軍は20日、空母セオドア・ルーズベルト .

◆200521 日印戦略的パートナーシップと「中国要因」:まだ定まらない「地域 ...
Nippon.com-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZlI3SU
一方インド側は米国の戦略を支持することが求められた(原子力協定はインドの対イラン政策の変更を前提としている)。インドが米国の主導する秩序において責任を果たす見返りに、米国は既存秩序におけるインドの地位の上昇(=台頭)を承認 ...

◆200521 バッタの大量繁殖で食糧危機も 感染広がるパキスタン
Yahoo!ニュース-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3g8Z6h6
【イスラマバード共同】新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が続くパキスタンで、バッタが大量に繁殖し食糧被害が懸念されている。国連は群れが今後、インド国境周辺に移動し、6月には東アフリカから別の群れが到達する恐れがあると予測。約3分の1の地区が既に ..

◆200521 「核開発の父」カーン博士の告白には日本も敏感に反応【消えた核 ...
ニフティニュース-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bRS5O4
パキスタンでは「核開発の父」と言われ国民的な英雄だったが、北朝鮮、リビア、イランに核兵器に使える技術や機器を流したことを04年の2月に告白した。 「核の闇市場」が存在する――。世界中に戦慄が走った。 国際原子力機関(IAEA) ...


◆200521 Sindh: WSC Condemns Pakistani Decision to Dam River Indus
UNPO (press release)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bQtRUy
WSC urged the Pakistani administration to scrap any mega-dams from plans and instead focus thoroughly on modern water management and electricity generation from solar, nuclear, and other renewable energy sources. According to reports, “

◆200521 GE to supply technology for Dasu Hydropower Plant
The Nation-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XaMDRe
LAHORE-GE Renewable Energy, in consortium with Powerchina Zhongnan Engineering Corporation Limited, ... by Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) to supply six Francis turbines and generators for Stage 1 of ... The plant will help generate clean electricity, ushering in a new era of socio-economic potential and development in remote areas. ... The first stage consists of installing a 2,160 MW hydropower plant on the Indus River, which could be expanded to

◆200521 'Funding for Diamer-Bhasha dam arranged'
The Express Tribune-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2z6buhb
Speaking at a joint press conference with Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) Chairman Lt-Gen (retd) Muzammil Hussain and ... “India's objections to Diamer-Bhasha dam are baseless,” he said, adding that Indus basin agreement had its own significance, but the ... He added that all the dams being built on the Indus river would be RCC dams. ... He said that in addition to economic development, the project would also help prevent floods and generate cheaper electricity.

◆200521 Rivers Flows And Reservoirs Level Report
UrduPoint News-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gj6tCG
LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2020 ) :The position of the river inflows and outflows at Tarbela, Mangla and Chashma along with the reservoirs levels and the barrages Wednesday is as under: Rivers: Indus at Tarbela: .

◆200521 Exploration beneath is no threat to Assam national park, says ...
The Hindu-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bNtlqb
Dibru-Saikhowa is an island bounded by the Brahmaputra, Lohit and Dibru rivers. “The advertisement appears to have led to concern, assuming that OIL will be operating inside the national park. We reassure everyone that our operations .

◆200521 India steps on the gas for coal mining
Livemint-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zgw3Yd
NEW DELHI: As part of India' strategy to revive economic activity, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Wednesday ... New Delhi's move comes at a time when the window for fossil fuels is rapidly closing, and the global energy landscape has been ... It allowed coal mining by any company present in sectors other than steel and power, and did away with the captive end-use criteria.

◆200521 Oil crisis looms in Pakistan
The Express Tribune-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cRZgqO
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan might have to face shortage of petroleum products if refineries opt to cut production due to cheaper ... This is also essential for maintaining energy security of the country and catering to defence energy needs indigenously. Now, they are facing another price crisis due to oil imports by PSO at cheaper rates during the first half of May that ... lines, low demand of fuel oil in power sector and weak international prices have been the major contributors to the financial ..

◆200521 ow, Pakistan digs up $680 million scam linked to China's ...
WION-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/3e6iFEW
A committee looking into the losses in Pakistan's power sector has dug out a $625 scam. ... way to China and it involves two Chinese power producers Huaneng Shandong Ruyi energy(HSR) and Port Qasim Electric Power Company Limited. ... In Karachi, residents are paying up to 17.69 Pakistan rupee per unit of electricity

◆200521 NESPAK-led JV wins Diamer Bhasha Dam's consultancy ...
Profit by Pakistan Today-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TnzoLK
Lahore: A National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK)-led joint venture has won the consultancy contract of Diamer Bhasha Dam Project through competitive bidding. ... Diamer Bhasha Dam is proposed to be constructed on the Indus River. ... The project comprises construction of 272 m high Roller Compacted Concrete Dam (RCC), spillway, power intake, waterway ... The powerhouse will generate 4500 megawatt (MW) of low-cost hydel electricity and help mitigate floods.

◆200521 'Funding for Diamer-Bhasha dam arranged'
The Express Tribune-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zXOvoi
Speaking at a joint press conference with Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) Chairman Lt-Gen (retd) Muzammil Hussain ... “Diamer-Bhasha dam is being built inside the Pakistani area and we will complete the dam section [of the project] in five years,” he said. ... He added that all the dams being built on the Indus river would be RCC dams. ... He said that in addition to economic development, the project would also help prevent floods and generate cheaper electricity.

◆200521 Protests in Gilgit Baltistan as Pakistan allows increased ...
The Statesman-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bNEhV2
The controversial dam, which is part of a major hydropower plant, will be built jointly by state-run firm China Power and Pakistan Army's commercial wing, Frontier Works Organisation (FWO). The Chinese have a 70% stake in the joint venture,

◆200521 Farmers oppose flow of water into Pakistan
The Tribune-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WOQ1Cp
Samiti spokesman Subhash Sehgal said in the past, Bhakra Dam had a storage capacity ranging from 1,462 to 1,690 feet, Pong Dam 1,260 to ... Due to poor management, thousands of cusecs of water was allowed to flow to Pakistan in May.

◆200521 Real targets of Nepal PM Oli's new political map are in ...
Hindustan Times-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bUcZMt
Nepal prime minister KP Sharma Oli's push to fast-track release of a new political map on Wednesday is linked to his ... Oli-led government, are seen to have played a lead role in the tug-of-war that played out in Nepal's power politics. ... Energy minister Barsaman Pun told the Kathmandu Post that the Cabinet scrapped the ordinance following what he described as “excessive criticism”. ...

◆200521 Exaggerated concerns
The Kathmandu Post-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gdjNZk
After the projects in question are completed, Nepal will have transmission lines that can be charged at 400kV. To achieve sustainable growth, benefit from Nepal's electricity potential, and to increase energy consumption while reducing the

◆200521 World Bank urged to invest in Upper Arun Hydro Project
https://www.nepal24hours.com (press release) (blog)-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zW0S4x
KATHMANDU:- The Ministry of Energy, Hydro Power and Irrigation has put forth a proposal before the World Bank to lead ... to take ahead the construction of Upper Arun Hydro Project through the Nepal Electricity Authority on company model.

◆200521 Energy Minister requests World Bank to invest in Upper Arun ...
myRepublica-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZqEIBY
KATHMANDU, May 20: Minister for Energy, Water Resources and irrigation Barshaman Pun has requested the World Bank to make ... The government has decided to construct the project in company model through the state-owned Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA). Arun Hydro Electric Company has been entrusted with the responsibility to develop the project. ... of Khandbari Municipality in Sankhuwasabha district through a 40-kilometer-long 400 KV double circuit transmission line.

◆200521 After 24 years, Mahakali irrigation project still doubtful
Himalayan Times-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LREuM5
BHIMDATTANAGAR: The Nepal-India Integrated Treaty on Mahakali River, which was signed 24 years ago by the then ... 1,200 metres long from Tanakpur dam up to Nepal's border to release water that Nepal is entitled to get from the dam.

◆200521 5 Things To Do in Thimphu, Bhutan
Femina-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3e4hjdF
Bhutan takes great pride in its natural heritage – with a national animal that's almost unique to its geographical location. ... Usually seen grazing in the Bhutan Takin Preserve close to the king's palace, these large animals tend to wander about, and the reserve is ... If your wallet does feel a bit heavy, check out the handicrafts market on the other side of the river, but stay away from the lovely antiques; their ...

◆200521 Another virus imperative for SL: Fix the energy problem
ft.lk-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XuD2Fd
Another demonstration we made subsequently was making use of waste to energy and for transportation​ ... There was the bold claim about the better service stability of the power system during the curfew period in Sri Lanka. ... The electricity demand it has been stated has come down by about 30%. Whatever ... Renewables and hydro rely on nature. Coal, oil and gas refer to the reliance on the outside.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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