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2020年5月29日 金曜日


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2020年5月29日 香港問題,習近平主席が国内に,日本政府批判は控えよと







シンガポール在住の投資家ジム・ロジャーズ,「中国は必ず世界の覇権を握る」,アメリカ経済の好調を支えてきたのは、新興国など海外経済にお金を投資したリターンによるものだ,投資の上がりで食べていく国に成り下がってしまった,中国はますます豊かになる,国の体制、政治制度は関係ない」 https://bit.ly/3erfUOD




◆200529 中国、香港に「国家安全法」導入方針決定 全人代閉幕
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2AiJK98

◆200529 米中「新冷戦」の最前線で衝突リスクも-南シナ海で両国の行動 ...
ブルームバーグ-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yICumx
だが緊張が高まれば誤算が意図せぬ結果を招くことはあり得る。 中国とフィリピン、ベトナム、マレーシアが領有権を主張する海域を含む南シナ海 ..

◆200529 中国、批判覚悟で統制強化へ 香港関連議案採択
Yahoo!ニュース-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dcKo6R

◆200529 中国がカナダに追加報復も、ファーウェイCFOの主張退けた判決で
朝日新聞社-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ev1jl6
カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州の上位裁判所は27日、イラン制裁に絡む銀行詐欺などの罪で米国で起訴されて ... 習近平(中国国家主席)は強硬姿勢を印象付け、カナダに対抗措置を取っていると認識されることを望むだろう」と述べた。

◆200529 ジム・ロジャーズ「中国は必ず世界の覇権を握る」
東洋経済オンライン-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/3erfUOD
ジム・ロジャーズ「中国は必ず世界の覇権を握る」. 新型コロナでアメリカの凋落はもはや決定的. 次ページ » · 花輪 陽子 : ファイナンシャルプランナー



◆200529 中ロ、エネルギー協力加速 パイプライン2本目
日本経済新聞-7 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3gCxVLU
【モスクワ=ディミトリ・サイムズ】ロシアと中国のエネルギー協力が一段と進んでいる。2019年末にロシア産天然ガスを中国に運ぶパイプラインが稼働したのに続き、2本目の敷設計画が動き始めた。新型コロナウ ..

◆200529 中国、環境債発行の認定基準から「クリーンな石炭利用」を除外
ロイター-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XM7WZQ
[上海 29日 ロイター] - 中国人民銀行(中央銀行)は29日、環境に配慮した事業に資金使途を限る「グリーンボンド(環境債)」の認定基準の改定案を公表し、「石炭のクリーンな利用」を除外した。 中国がグリーンボンドの発行を認める事業のリストを前回公表したの

◆200529 経産省/4月の原油輸入量9.0%減、中東依存度90.6%
LNEWS-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2MasiXi
経済産業省が5月29日に発表した4月分の石油統計速報によると、原油輸入量は1317万kl(前年同月比9.0%減)だった。 輸入量の多い順に、サウジアラビア(478万kl、6.5%減)、アラブ首長国連邦(400万kl、16.8%増)、クウェート(152万kl、3.2%減)、 ...



◆200529 葛洲ハ、インドネシアの水力発電受注
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dgiqHd
湖北省武漢市に本拠を置くインフラ企業、中国葛洲ハ集団(ハ=つちへんに覇)は28日、インドネシアのIDHEIから、同国北カリマンタン州マリナウ県に水力発電所を建設する事業を受注したと発表した。契約額は暫定で16億4,500万米ドル(約1,773億5,000万 ..

◆200529 〔政治スポットライト〕中国、今度はLNG輸入削減を示唆
NNA.ASIA-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZOLt0O
中国政府は、オーストラリアからの液化天然ガス(LNG)輸入を削減する考えを示唆している。背景には、オーストラリア政府が新型コロナウイルスの発生源とパンデミック(世界的大流行)に関する独立調査を提案していることがあるとみられる。28日付ウエスト・ .

◆200529 渤海で1億トン超の大型油田発見
SankeiBiz-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zGi0LK
中国海洋石油集団(CNOOC)によると、中国自然資源省は先ごろ、「墾利6-1油田」の埋蔵量が1億トン超とした探査報告を承認 ... て以来の重大発見で、中国のエネルギー安全保障と東部油田生産量の安定、環渤海経済ベルトの発展に重要な意義を持つ。


◆200528 Coronavirus gives Russia-China gas pipeline plan a burst of ...
Nikkei Asian Review-21 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/36CpUlj
MOSCOW -- Russia's plans for a second gas pipeline to China are gaining momentum despite the coronavirus pandemic ... deliver up to 50 billion cu. meters of natural gas annually to China, the Russian state energy conglomerate revealed last week. ... This would be a sequel to the Power of Siberia-1 pipeline, launched in December. ... China-Russia alliance on horizon as nuclear arms treaties crumble.

◆200528 Russia pulls China closer with ties in space exploration and ...
Nikkei Asian Review-39 分前 https://s.nikkei.com/2X7zFVp
Russia pulls China closer with ties in space exploration and energy ... MOSCOW/BEIJING -- Russia is beefing up its strategic partnership with China by embarking on ambitious projects in areas such as ... Among the high-profile and high-cost projects include the construction of a moon base and a second pipeline to transport Russian natural gas to China. ... resources project to stoke economic growth, which has been hammered by cheaper oil and gas and the coronavirus pandemic.

◆200528 China coal hub Shanxi to halve coal-washing capacity by Sept ...
Reuters-2 時間前 https://reut.rs/3eoDgnY
BEIJING, May 28 (Reuters) - China's coal mining hub of Shanxi province aims to halve its coal-washing capacity to 1.8 billion tonnes a year and reduce the number of plants involved in the process to 1,200 by end-September, the area's energy administration said on ... The washing process removes sulphur and other impurities from coal with water and chemicals before it is burned in power plants.

◆200528 China expected to impose coal import restrictions
Financial Times-18 時間前 https://on.ft.com/36C9WYl
Companies Home · Energy · Financials · Health · Industrials · Media · Professional Services · Retail & Consumer · Tech Sector · Telecoms · Transport ... China is expected to promote the use of domestic coal by tightening import rules, ..

◆200528 Romania Cancels Deal With China to Build Nuclear Reactors
Balkan Insight-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3d85tzi
The Romanian government on Tuesday asked the state company Nuclearelectrica, which runs the nuclear power plant in Cernavoda, to terminate negotiations with its Chinese partner China General Nuclear Power Corporation, GCNPC, on the construction of nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at ... In May 2019, the Energy Ministry under the former Social Democratic Prime Minister Viorica Dancila signed another ..

◆200528 China must import more crude oil, expand storage amid low ...
ICIS-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3c9tFzN
ICIS principal energy analyst Li Li said that it is an opportune time to stockpile for China, whose crude storage at present is below target. Crude imports in the country are projected to grow at a slower rate of 7.6% in 2020 from a 9.5% pace .

◆200528 Hong Kong drops nearly 2% as US-China tensions heat up ...
CNBC-2 時間前 https://cnb.cx/2ZK5Eg4
Shares in Asia Pacific were mixed in Thursday afternoon trade. Developments on U.S.-China relations likely continued to be monitored by investors, as tensions between the two economic powerhouses mount. Oil prices were lower in the ..



◆200527 インドネシア、感染防止徹底へ数十万人規模の兵士や警官を動員
Yahoo!ニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XySKin
ジャカルタ 26日 ロイター] - インドネシア政府は26日、新型コロナウイルス感染抑制に向けたマスク着用や社会的距離の確保などを徹底するため、数十万人規模の兵士および警官に出動を命じた。 同国では、感染拡大に歯止めがかかっていないにも関わらず、

◆200527 ワクチン出るまで「フィリピンの登校始業はない」=ドゥテルテ大統領
ニフティニュース-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZGNNqE
フィリピンのロドリゴ・ドゥテルテ大統領が25日(現地時間)、新型コロナウイルス感染症のワクチンが出るまで登校始業をしないと述べた。 AFP通信によると、ドゥテルテ大統領はこの日、対国民演説で「このことが生徒たちを学業的に妨げたとしても(始業)リスクが ...


◆200527 Re-energising Indonesia's electricity policy during COVID-19
East Asia Forum-2 分前 https://bit.ly/2M3KKAy
Major disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic show how modern societies depend on access to electricity. ... Indonesia aims to achieve 23 per cent renewable energy in the national energy mix by 2025 in alignment with its commitment to mitigate climate change. ... These policies benefit fossil-fuelled power plants — especially coal — that receive significant subsidies from the government. This in ..

◆200527 Mako gas discovery offshore Indonesia gets resource boost
Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ejRRRF
According to partner Coro Energy, the results include a significant resource upgrade compared with the previous study, issued in January 2019. The 2C recoverable resource estimate has risen by 79% to 495 bcf, with 3C resources 108% higher.

◆200527 Indonesian offshore gas project moves towards sanction
Upstream Online-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3d7CIT4
By Amanda Battersby. in London. Conrad Petroleum is making progress at its Mako gas field on the Duyung block off Indonesia, moving towards a final investment decision that is now targeted for the fourth quarter of 2020. Indonesia's ..

◆200527 Pertamina opens up new oil and gas well despite weak oil ...
Jakarta Post-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zBjkiR
The company drilled 127 wells last year. Furthermore, as a national oil company (NOC), Pertamina is obligated to uphold Indonesia's upstream oil and gas industry in the name of domestic energy security ..

◆200527 Adoption of nuclear power need not be BNPP; Russia's small ...
GMA News-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3goash7
Last March, the Cabinet official presented to President Rodrigo Duterte and members of the Cabinet a proposal to include nuclear power in the country's energy mix as the Philippines is expected to have a rapid growth in electricity demand, in ..

◆200527 Olongapo folk protest high power bills
INQUIRER.net-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M1jIKf
OLONGAPO CITY, Zambales, Philippines — Electricity consumers here asked the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) to look into ... Consumers of Meralco, the country's biggest power retailer, have also been complaining about high electricity bills. ... Macapagal, who is a board director of the state-run Philippine National Oil Co., had told ERC Chair Agnes Devanadera that OEDC started sending out ...



◆200528 武漢ウイルス研究所の実態は? 「バットウーマン」輩出
朝日新聞社-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TJ7IRG
コウモリを求めて雲南省の洞窟などに通う姿から、「バットウーマン」とも呼ばれる著名研究者だ。 石氏は新型コロナウイルスについて、昨年12月30日に原因不明の肺炎患者の検体として初めて研究所に持ち込まれたとし、「遺伝子配列を調べ、我々が知っている ...

◆200528 タイ)非常事態宣言を6月末まで延長、内閣が承認 第三段階の規制 ...
PJA NEWS-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gu96kW
これは実質的な決定であり、詳細な手続きと決定としては、5月22日にCCSAに送られて承認を受け、その後は昨日の2020年5月26日にタイのプラユット内閣の決定を受けて正式な決定となりました。 ただし、非常事態宣言そのものを延長しなければ各種感染防止 ...

◆200528 FDI誘致の特別ワーキンググループを設置、首相が決定
VIETJOベトナムニュース-2020/05/26 https://bit.ly/2ZGhJ69
ベトナムは生産工場の移転先として有望と見られており、投資を誘致する多くのチャンスがあるため、先進技術やイノベーション、高付加価値、クリーンエネルギーなどの分野の企業を優先的に受け入れる必要がある。 専門家は、多国籍企業が望んでいることとして、 .

◆200528 呆れるほどの媚中ぶり、「台湾旗」禁じたフン・セン
Yahoo!ニュース-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zBWhEJ
カンボジアのフン・セン首相は、東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)加盟10カ国の中ではラオスと並んで極端な「親中国」の政策をとり続けている。中国の「一帯一路」政策による多額の経済支援も受けており、今回の台湾旗の全面的な掲揚禁止もこれまでのフン・セン ..

◆200528 ラオス初の民法典施行 日本政府が支援
newsclip.be-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M5bvET
【ラオス】日本の外務省は27日、ラオス初の民法典が施行されたことを歓迎し、ラオスの国家運営や経済社会開発を支えるルールとして市民の権利や利益の実現に寄与することを期待するとする外務報道官談話を出した。 談話によると、日本は1998年以降、技術 ...

◆200528 ラオス外務省が香港の立法で声明、『一つの中国』原則の支持表明
中国国際放送-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TLlvHM
26日、ラオス外務省は「ラオス政府は終始、『一つの中国』の原則を堅持しており、香港は『一つの中国』の下にある中国の特別行政区である。現在開催中の第13期全国人民代表大会第3回会議は『全国人民代表大会による香港特別行政区での国家安全を守る .


◆200528 Highway stretch collapses into Mekong river four days after ...
VnExpress International-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AfdmnQ
Highway stretch collapses into Mekong river four days after cracking. By Cuu Long May 28, 2020 | 07:31 am GMT+7. A 40-meter section of National Highway 91 fell into the Hau River, a branch of the Mekong, on Wednesday morning.

◆200528 Measures discussed to supply clean water for Mekong Delta
Nhan Dan Online-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cgvGul
The Mekong River Delta currently has about 13 million people living in rural areas, due to investment in recent years from the central and local budgets as well as effective support from international organisations and the active participation of ..

◆200528 Safeguarding the source of three of Asia's great rivers
Phys.Org-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZInmAF
... name suggests—protects the source of three of Asia's greatest rivers: the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang-Mekong rivers. ... effective management in Qinghai, which includes the most populated areas of the Three-River-Source National Park.

◆200528 EGAT promises “ZERO COVID” at all power plants to maintain ...
Bangkok Post-2020/05/26 https://bit.ly/3cgwrnb
Since establishment, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) always keeps its promise to ensure electricity security ... EGAT introduced special measures, “ZERO COVID” for working in power plants and dams to ensure the stability of the ... 5 at Rajjaprabha Dam, revealed that, “Each staff member has to stay in the separated safe zone in the dam where visitors ... Ministry of Energy and public health agencies across the country to distribute alcohol sanitising gel to the public.

◆200528 Across China: China's coal-rich province takes more active ...
Xinhua-56 分前 https://bit.ly/2AcWKNy
TAIYUAN, May 28 (Xinhua) -- When the Phu Yen Solar Power Plant finally started construction in Vietnam in January last ... It took the general contractor, Shanxi Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd. under the China Energy Engineering Group ..

◆200528 Dams on the Mekong are causing mayhem
Sustainability Times-41 分前 https://bit.ly/2M7DlAu
Low Carbon Energy · Environmental Protection · Sustainable Business · Green Consumerism · Clean Cities · Expert ... Fisheries Power Use Water Supply ... “Everywhere you look there are indications that this river, which has provided for so many, for so long, is at a breaking ... The Mekong, which originates in China and empties into the South China Sea in Vietnam, is losing much of its rich ... China and Laos are planning further dams to exploit the Mekong for electricity generation.

◆200528 Firm gets greenlight for Pursat hydro dam
The Phnom Penh Post-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZGkC6Z
Victor Jona, a spokesman for the Ministry of Mines and Energy told The Post that it had issued a licence to SPHP to conduct a ... “This is the first South Korean company that the ministry has allowed to invest in a hydro dam power generating project in Cambodia. ... The government also recently approved two coal-fired power plant projects and a transmission line worth nearly $1.7 billion. From 2006 to 2019, the government attracted more than $6 billion in electricity investment.

◆200528 India invites bid for One Sun One World One Grid to take on ...
Livemint-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZL5ogP
NEW DELHI : India has moved ahead with threading-the-needle for an ambitious global electricity grid, with the National ... The pre-bid meeting called on 5 June by ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE), comes at a time of the ... Thailand, Lao, Cambodia etc. and far West which would cover the Middle East and the Africa Region," the RFP added. ... “It's only a question of transmission," power and new and renewable energy minister Raj Kumar Singh had earlier told Mint.

◆200528 China Jostling For Power & Influence In Myanmar – Another ...
EurAsian Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3exeh21
Earlier this month, Pakistan awarded a contract to a Chinese state-run firm to construct Diamer-Bhasha dam in the contentious region of Pakistan administered Kashmir. As EurAsian Times reported, the project is located in Gilgit-Baltistan and .

◆200528 Myanmar receives approval to seek funds from IMF, JICA
Myanmar Times-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zFcQzv
Due to global constraints, cash remittances and foreign direct investments to Myanmar have also declined. Meanwhile, the country's revenue from the natural gas sector has fallen after global oil prices collapsed, U Maung Maung Win, Deputy ..

◆200528 Survivors of 2018 Dam Collapse in Laos Begin Receiving ...
Radio Free Asia-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ztd5xO
Nearly two years after the worst dam collapse in Laos in decades, survivors whose villages were washed away are finally being offered land in ... On July 23, 2018, water surged over a saddle dam in Attapeu province's Sanamxay district at the Xe Pian Xe Namnoy (PNPC) ... The Lao government is moved forward plans to build what would be the country's seventh large dam on the Mekong River, part of the ... A worker welds a liquefied natural gas (LNG) tank at a factory in Nantong



◆200529 ヒマラヤを飛ぶ「魔法の絨毯」 ネットを賑わせる
Sputnik 日本-2020/05/28 https://bit.ly/2zGcEA8
あるツイッターユーザーがヒマラヤの山道で人を運ぶトラックの動画を公開した。それを見た人々は「空飛ぶ絨毯だ」と興奮している。 ドローンで撮影された動画には移動中の車が映っているが、角度と魚眼レンズの効果で人を載せた車体が宙に浮いているように ...

◆200529 ある感染者の“奇跡の生還物語”~人工呼吸器とブータン国王と ...
courrier.jp-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BdwXW5

◆200529 中印が国境でにらみ合い、ラダック地方
NNA.ASIA-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M5KGR3
インドによる道路建設に中国が反発、両軍兵の小競り合いで負傷者も出たという。双方が5,000~6,000人を増強したとの報道もある。 インドメデ… 関連国・地域:

◆200529 バッタ繁殖 食糧危機懸念 パキスタン、経済さらなる悪化へ
SankeiBiz-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2XazoRC

◆200529 中国海軍の主力艦船のお値段は?―中国メディア
エキサイトニュース-14 時間前 http://exci.to/3cf84G6
また、パキスタンが購入した4隻の054AP型護衛艦は、先進レーダーを搭載するなど中国版よりも性能が強化されていることもあり、約3億5000万ドル(約380億円、約25億元)という価格がついたと紹介する一方、これはパキスタンとの「友情価格」であり、本来で ...

◆200529 地図紛争:インドは国境紛争を解決するためにネパールとの会談に ...
おもちゃ屋パーク-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Manxgo
外務省のスポークスマン、アヌラグシュリバスタバは、インドはネパールの現在の状況を監視していると述べました。ネパールは、領土内にリプレク、カラパニ、リンピアドゥーラを示す新しい地図をリリースしましたが、合法性を与えるための憲法修正 ...


◆200529 From disruption to resilience in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
Technology Times Pakistan (press release)-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cdLAp8
As Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) countries prepare to absorb and recover from the economic and social fallout of the ... and the livelihoods of 240 million people in the region and 1.65 billion people who live in the river valleys downstream. ... to Action support regional platforms like the Upper Indus Basin Network and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient ... Sediments Deep Below the Ocean Floor · Pakistan's Nuclear Program is helping meet National Security and 12 SDGs ...

◆200529 India, China go toe-to-toe in New Cold War
Asia Times-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZOMCoP
Then, India and China fought a bitter war over a still contested boundary which saw massive Chinese attacks stretching from Kashmir in the west to the eastern Himalaya. Those battles ended in a humiliating defeat for India that clearly .

◆200529 Brahmaputra river flowing near danger level in Guwahati ...
The Sentinel Assam-2020/05/28 https://bit.ly/2M7F5JI
Guwahati: With torrential rains continuing to lash several parts of Assam since the weakening of the destructive Cyclone Amphan, the Brahmaputra is flowing close to the danger level in the cities of Guwahati, Dibrugarh, and Tezpur.

◆200529 Water level of Brahmaputra river continues to rise
Yahoo India News-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZMVA61
Guwahati (Assam), May 28 (ANI): Water level in Brahmaputra river has reached near danger level due to torrential rainfall. Several districts in the state are facing flood-like situation. Water has entered low-lying areas. Spells of rain and ...

◆200529 Corporate renewable energy sourcing: the way to 100 ...
The Climate Group-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AfIIuK
Corporate renewable energy sourcing: the way to 100% renewable electricity in India ... March 2020, the country already stood at 24% (87GW) of renewable energy installed capacity (not including large hydro projects). ... Businesses are thus a major market force to drive the decarbonization of the power sector. ... In 2019, 50 Indian companies reported greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets.

◆200529 PM Modi makes case for each state to have at least one 'solar ...
Livemint-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Mapt8E
The call came in the course of a review of the work of the ministries of power and new and renewable energy, a government statement said. ... This ties in efforts by India to become an integral part of the global supply chains, as firms look to move production lines out of ... A cost reflective tariff structure is aimed at helping electricity distribution companies, or discoms, realize the actual cost of power generation. ... India steps on the gas to set up World Solar Bank, may take up 30% equity.

◆200529 Pakistan celebrates 22nd anniversary of nuclear tests
Anadolu Agency-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZLiFGe
Army Spokesman Major Gen. Babar Iftikhar said that Islamabad "restored balance of power in the region" by successfully establishing a "credible [and] minimum nuclear deterrence." "Armed Forces salute all those involved from .

◆200529 Pakistan's nuclear status, a generation's effort, not of Sharif ...
The Nation-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/36GaGM8
ISLAMABAD - Information Minister Senator Shibli Faraz asked Maryam Nawaz not to associate the hard work and efforts of a generation that made Pakistan a nuclear power with her family. In a tweet message, the minister said that the nation .

◆200529 Decoding the India-Nepal dispute
Hindustan Times-26 分前 https://bit.ly/2XbABYS
Oli obviously wants to negotiate with New Delhi from a position of strength. Nepal maintains that the 1816 Treaty of Sugauli, ratified by both sides, designates the (Maha)kali as the boundary river. It considers the treaty ..

◆200529 'One Sun One World One Grid': India initiates talks on West to ...
Financial Express-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/36QYsAF
The Union Ministry of New and Renewable energy (MNRE), through this initiative, plans to build global consensus ... The idea is to utilise solar power when the sun is not shining in other parts of the world by building a common transmission system. ... power grid which can be used to supply electricity to surrounding nations without adequate number of power plants. Apart from Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar and Bangladesh, which already take power from India, there are plans to connect ...




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