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2020年7月1日 三峡ダムが自流放流開始,上流では烏東徳水力が稼動














◆200701 ニキビを潰すように「香港の自由」を殺した習近平氏 日本も民主派 ...
Yahoo!ニュース-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/3iibht2
ロンドン発]中国の国会に相当する全国人民代表大会(全人代)の常務委員会は30日、香港の民主化と独立運動を封殺する「香港国家安全維持法案」を可決しました。香港政府は香港返還記念日の7月1日にも施行、当日予定される大規模な抗議行動を ..

◆200701 安全法成立「遺憾」日本、中国を強くけん制も…習氏訪日へジレンマ
西日本新聞-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/38iIlfy
日本政府は30日、香港の統制を強化する香港国家安全維持法を可決した中国に対し、これまでの「深く憂慮」や先進7カ国(G7)外相声明の「重大な ... ウイルス感染の拡大などで延期されている習近平国家主席の国賓訪日も諦めておらず、中国を過度に刺激したくないとのジレンマも抱える。 ... 政府高官によると、首相は「北朝鮮に対し影響力を行使できる中国と良い関係を保っておかなければ、日本人拉致問題の解決はおぼつかない」 ..

◆200701 元イギリス外相「中国の外交は孤立の道」 国家安全法
日本経済新聞-8 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2VyCNc1
国際世論の圧力にもかかわらず、中国は国家安全法を可決した。今後、西側諸国はどう動くのか。 「これまでも人権問題や南シナ海への進出、新型コロナウイルスの初動など中国の問題は山積していた。国家安全法の導入 ...

◆200701 香港国家安全法「残念」 中国の評価に影響―EU首脳
時事通信-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gfMxQg



◆200701 電力契約で相次ぐトラブルは人ごとではない
東洋経済オンライン-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2D0mr5z
2016年の電力小売り自由化から4年が経過し、電力小売事業者の営業手法に対する当局の目が厳しくなっている。 消費者庁は6月17日、すべての小売電気事業者に対して法令等の順守について重点的に点検するよう要請を行った。17日の会見で伊藤明子 ..

◆200701 米シェール石油・ガス開発の先駆者、チェサピーク・エナジーが経営 ...
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VwpmZO
米国エネルギー情報局によれば、全米の原油生産量が6月19日までの一週間の平均日産量が1,100万バレル、ドライガスの3月生産量が2兆9,188億9,400万立方フィート(1日当たり石油換算で1,760万バレル)なので、同社の米国の生産は石油が約1%、天然 ...

◆200701 「気候変動踏まえ防災インフラ整備を」 環境相と防災相が声明
日本経済新聞-14 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/38dKuta
気候変動踏まえ防災インフラ整備を」 環境相と防災相が声明. 2020年6月30日 20:26. 共有する. 印刷する. 全て表示. 小泉進次郎環境相と武田良太防災相は30日、地球温暖化のリスクを踏まえた今後の防災 ..



◆200701 長江の三峡ダム、氾濫期に備え放流 中国
AFPBB News-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BWWfb7
... 湖北省宜昌の三峡ダムで行われた放流(2020年6. 【6月30日 AFP】中国湖北(Hubei)省中部宜昌(Yichang)の長江 (Yangtze)流域にある巨大水力発電ダム「三峡ダム(Three Gorges Dam)」で29日、雨季の大雨に備えて今年初めての放流が実施された。

◆200701 中国「三峡ダム」決壊危機! 記録的豪雨で被災者1200万人 一時 ...
ZAKZAK-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dUdxDq
長江流域の湖北省にある世界最大級の水力発電ダム「三峡ダム」の水位が一時、警戒水位を上回る事態となった。 PR. 中国の通信社「中国新聞社」などによると、28日までに広東省、湖南 ...

◆200701 中国、揚子江上流で大型の烏東徳水力発電所が稼動
Yahoo!ニュース-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/31vVHnu
烏東徳水力発電所は、雲南省と四川省の境界付近、長江の支流に位置する。国営の中国長江三峡集団有限公司が2015年末に着工、来年下半期までに完成する予定。 発電能力は10ギガワット超。ダム ...

◆200701 中国、レアアースの対米輸出制限か 米は「追加措置」検討
東亜日報-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gbRpFZ
この席で、民主党のジョー・マンチン議員(ウェストバージニア)は、「現在のレアアースは、1970年代の原油と似ている」とし、「当時、アラブ産油国が西側への原油輸出を食い止めたことで、米国が経済危機に見舞われた」と強調した。中東の石油のように、中国の ..


◆200701 A New Superpower Competition Between Beijing and ...
The New York Times-22 時間前 https://nyti.ms/3gr8ThV
A New Superpower Competition Between Beijing and Washington: China's Nuclear Buildup. The Trump administration is portraying the small but increasingly potent Chinese arsenal — still only one-fifth the size of the United States' or Russia's ..

◆200701 Stalled South China Sea code stokes fears of China power grab
Nikkei Asian Review-14 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2NWSky9
JAKARTA -- Negotiations for a South China Sea code of conduct have stalled during the coronavirus pandemic, raising concerns among some Southeast Asian nations that China will exploit the delay to consolidate its presence in disputed ..

◆200701 Xi's Hong Kong power play puts China ever more at odds with ...
The Japan Times-3 分前 https://bit.ly/2ZnjCmA
Minutes after reports broke that China passed a sweeping national security law for Hong Kong, Carrie Lam stood in front of a backdrop of the city's iconic skyline for a weekly press briefing. With legions of reporters clamoring to hear details of ...

◆200701 China discharges floodwater from one of the world's largest ...
ZME Science-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YOP7a8
Following viral videos on social media of flooding cities below the Three Gorges Dam and complaints by residents, the Chinese ... It spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping in the Yiling District in China. ... #XiJinping's lust for power has cost him the “Mandate of Heaven”, the goddess of the yellow river has unleashed her furry onto the heartland of the Hans. ... Chinese state media had previously claimed that the dam was making full efforts to “generate electricity.” However ..

◆200701 Russia, China Drive Africa's Plan for Nuclear Expansion
POWER magazine-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZqJSMH
Officials in South Africa and across the African continent continue to explore new nuclear power generation projects, ... South Africa's Department of Mineral Resources and Energy in May said it wants a plan to procure as much as 2.5 GW of ... We were first to deploy commercial fast neutron reactors and are likely to be first to deploy high temperature gas-cooled reactors. For each country we come up with a solution tailored to the features of the regional electricity market, including the ...

◆200701 Stamicarbon low-energy reactor ready to transport to China
World Fertilizer-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NJD6w3
Aside from bringing significant reductions in the operational costs of urea plants, this technology offers major environmental benefits, because it reduces both energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The Ultra-Low Energy Design is .

◆200701 India's TikTok ban threatens China's rise as a global tech power
Livemint-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YLc7qh
Now its own largest tech corporations from Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. to Tencent Holdings Ltd. are getting a taste of what a shutout feels like. India's unprecedented decision to ban 59 of China's largest apps is a warning to the country's tech ..

◆200701 China is the sole colonial power in southern Africa
New Europe-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VBLZvY
The coal supply to the power stations has been given to racially selected companies who are not efficient. Chinese loans could buy our sole supplier of electricity. Labour strategy. 75% or more of the work force in both mines and construction .



◆200627 南シナ海「最近の動向に懸念」と中国牽制 ASEAN首脳会議議長 ...
産経ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/31leyS9
中国の公船がフィリピン海軍艦艇にレーダーを照射したり、ベトナム漁船に衝突したりする事案も相次ぎ、ASEANの一部加盟国と対立が深まっている。こうした状況を受け、今回の議長声明は「複数の懸念に留意する」とした昨年11月の首脳会議の声明から表現 ...


◆200627 Ministry readies Rp1.4 trillion to construct dam in next capital city
ANTARA-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZgDRSG
The team has begun by conducting data collection and mapping and will later assess the prices of lands needed to be released by local owners. Related news: Indonesia's new capital city concept grabs global attention: Minister Related news: S ...

◆200627 Chinese companies urged to ramp up actions to decouple ...
WebWire (press release)-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZbqhQw
Chinese companies urged to ramp up actions to decouple deforestation risks across the palm oil value chains ... China is now the second-largest buyer of Indonesia palm oil and may soon overtake India as its domestic demand grows. ... CDP is an international non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, ... trillion, we leverage investor and buyer power to motivate companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts.

◆200627 Amid pandemic, ASEAN warn of 'alarming' South China Sea ...
The Japan Times-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VliL4E
Over the weekend, for example, the Philippines' Department of Energy said it is pushing to proceed with a joint exploration with China for resources in the disputed sea. But Southeast Asian leaders must also account for another major power on .



◆200627 南シナ海「無責任な行動」を批判 ベトナム、中国を念頭に
高知新聞-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BeIfcY
【ハノイ共同】ASEAN首脳会議が26日、オンライン形式で開かれた。議長国ベトナムは、新型コロナウイルス対策に各国が苦心する中でも南シナ海進出の動きを止めない中国を念頭に「無責任な行動が地域の安定に影響を与えている」と指摘。中国と比較的関係 ...

◆200627 ニュースが報じない気候危機と人種差別の関係。
VOGUE JAPAN-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YH3M7f
化石燃料産業といった気候変動の主な引き金を解体する試みは、白人至上主義を支える既存のシステムを壊さない限り成功しない。黒人や ... バングラデシュ、インド、カンボジアなどの縫製労働者は、製造の過程で有害な化学物質にさらされる可能性が高い。

◆200627 南シナ海「深刻な事案に懸念」 ASEAN首脳が声明
日本経済新聞-6 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3g3W8to
中国から支援を多く受けるカンボジアやラオスが中国寄りなのに対して、ベトナムは「反中」的な立場。声明内容は草案段階とほぼ変わらず、議長国として内容を主導できるベトナムの立場が反映された格好だ。 南シナ海 ...


◆200628 Bidding on Fifth Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge project scheduled ...
China.org.cn-18 時間前 https://on.china.cn/2BJxAa3
The bridge project, designed to link Thailand's Bueng Kan province with Laos' Bolikhamsai province across Mekong River, is estimated to cost 1.26 billion baht (about 40.88 million U.S. dollars), the spokeswoman said. Of that total cost, ..

◆200628 South China Sea developments an ASEAN concern
VnExpress International-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BkqCbN
China formed the so-called "Xisha" and "Nansha" districts on Vietnam's Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands, sunk Vietnamese fishing vessels off the Paracels, unilaterally issued a fishing ban and sent a ship to tag an oil and gas ..

◆200628 Bidding on Fifth Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge project scheduled ...
China.org.cn-18 時間前 https://on.china.cn/2NAFG7x
The bridge project, designed to link Thailand's Bueng Kan province with Laos' Bolikhamsai province across Mekong River, is estimated to cost 1.26 billion baht (about 40.88 million U.S. dollars), the spokeswoman said. Of that total cost, Thailand ...

◆200628 Mekong Under Great Threat
The ASEAN Post (press release)-5 分前 https://bit.ly/2Voh2vc
Home · Geopolitics · Spotlight · Energy · Markets · Technology · Environment · Opinion · Events ... Low rainfall, high temperatures and poor dam regulations are contributing to a historic low at the Mekong, affecting lives, ... Chinese dams control the flow of the 4,350-kilometre (km) river which originates in the Tibetan highlands before ... Due to reduced water levels, several ASEAN member states such as Lao, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia have ferociously battled severe drought.

◆200628 Myanmar: CPC leadership key to China's fast development
The Star Online-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/31q6obk
Lauding comprehensive anti-corruption efforts made by the CPC, Aung Shin said only with the leadership of the CPC can the anti-graft drive be carried out to trace down power abusers. As for China's foreign policy, he said, China remains on .



◆200630 投石と殴り合いで20人が死亡!中国とインドが国境地帯で時代 ...
エキサイトニュース-5 時間前 http://exci.to/2YOLMYF

◆200630 「知識ではなく体験」ナスD、標高3000メートル越えの絶景で「森林 ...
AbemaTIMES-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gbU1DG
首都・カトマンズで旅の準備を整えて、ドルポ地方行政の中心地・ドゥネイ村を出発、過酷な道のりを進む中帯同する山岳料理人の飯テロにたびたび感動しながら、エネルギーを補給してきた。 1歩1歩、着実に歩みながら撮影隊は5日目、ついに“ヒマラヤの青き ...

◆200630 インド政府がTikTokなど中国企業の59のアプリを禁止すると発表
TechCrunch Japan-6 時間前 https://tcrn.ch/2Bf1B1P
調査会社CounterpointのアナリストであるTarun Pathak(タルン・パサク)氏は、今回の禁止措置はインドのスマホユーザーのおおよそ3分の1に影響するだろうと話した。同社の分析によると、TikTokやClub Factory、UC Browser、その他のアプリの5月の月間 ...

◆200630 コロナ激震地となったインド、経済失速・通貨安・対中衝突の内憂外患
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/38fitRZ
インドが内憂外患に直面している。年初から鈍化傾向にあった景気は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で減速に拍車がかかっている。モディ政権は、経済活動正常化と感染封じ込めの両立を狙うが、感染収束の見通しは立たない。双子の赤字は依然解消 ...

◆200630 バッタ大群、インド首都郊外に 一段の大量発生も
日本経済新聞-22 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/31uovgg
インド政府は27日、バッタの群れがパキスタンと国境を接する西部ラジャスタン州から移動し、ニューデリー近郊のハリヤナ州に至ったと発表した。ハリヤナ州には農地が多いほか、デリーに近接する同州の都市グルグ ...

◆200630 石炭火力、コロナで対応が二分 気候変動の戦いの鍵を握る「アジア」
SankeiBiz-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/31uk0Cr

◆200630 パキスタン、新型コロナ感染急増 ぶれる首相、混乱に拍車
東奥日報-27 分前 https://bit.ly/2YIal9u
【イスラマバード共同】人口2億人超のパキスタンで新型コロナウイルス感染者が30日までに20万人を超えた。政府は5月上旬に公共の場の閉鎖措置を緩和して以降、強い規制を設けず、感染者が急増。カーン首相の説明もぶれが目立ち、混乱に拍車を掛けて ...

◆200630 パキスタン「中国企業、建設費水増し」
日本経済新聞-7 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Ag7OtL
パキスタン政府は、(同国で)中国企業が発電所の建設費を数十億ドル(数千億円)水増ししたと主張し、中国の広域経済圏構想「一帯一路」の債務返済を再交渉しようとしている。 パキスタン政府は同国と中国の電力会 ...

◆200630 中国の防疫モデル採用、スリランカが南アジア初の外出禁止令 ...
ニコニコニュース-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CR6eiN
記事によると、スリランカのゴタバヤ・ラジャパクサ大統領は28日、国内全土で2カ月連続で新型コロナウイルス感染症の市中感染例が確認されておらず、新規感染例はすべて隔離センターからのもので、同国の防疫は大きな勝利を獲得したとし、同日から夜間( ...


◆200630 Conflict zones as peace parks: The need for conservation ...
Economic Times-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Zm3OAn
The entire Himalayas should be declared and protected as a nature reserve, says environmental studies professor, Maharaj K ... The Himalayas touch seven countries, so a Himalayan River Commission to rescue the ecosystem here, would be of ... In addition, MAPS will keep an estimated 90 billion barrels of oil buried in the seabed, catalyzing the global shift off ... He has plans for India, to 'teach it a lesson' · Rethink China: It's time to realise Beijing is the new imperialist power in Asia ..

◆200630 Glacier studies in Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh flag stark ...
Hindustan Times-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/31t5I4Q
“This is mainly because of reduced winter snowfall in the arid Himalayan region. This must be also affecting water availability in villages in and around Stok and Indus river, which must be studied,” said JNU's Professor AL Ramanathan, the ...

◆200630 Using dams as weapons
Deccan Herald-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eMoFU2
This is obvious in the way they are building huge dams to block the flow of rivers including the Indus, Brahmaputra and the Mekong. ... The MoU for the Diamer-Bhasha dam was signed last month between the Chinese state-run firm China Power and the ... height of 272 metres, will be the highest roller-compacted concrete dam in the world and produce 4,500 megawatts of electricity. Next in line is the Bunji dam, also being built on the Indus river with an installed capacity of 7,100 mw.

◆200630 India Suspects China May Be Sending Power Equipment With ...
OilPrice.com-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NEAX4H
Both countries are nuclear powers, which has worried the UN, who has called on Beijing and New Delhi to “exercise maximum restraint”. By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com. More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: The Oil & Gas Stocks That Are Still ...

◆200630 COLUMN-Coal prices slammed on slumping India imports ...
Reuters-1 時間前 https://reut.rs/3dKQ2MT
India's imports of both coking and thermal coal in June are on track to be the lowest since Refinitiv started assessing vessel-tracking and port data in January ... India has imposed a series of lockdowns to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, which have cut electricity demand, with coal-fired generation taking the brunt of the hit as it struggles to compete with cheaper renewable energy supplies.

◆200630 China's pipeline dream in Pakistan
The Interpreter-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eKI0oF
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one of the flagship projects of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). ... A proposed oil pipeline is intended to avoid the dangers of a possible blockade at the Malacca Strait, a scenario ... the Chinese mainland, requiring heavy pumping equipment and significant power supply to keep the pipeline flowing. ... Moreover, Xinjiang province already has large networks of oil and gas pipelines and is the second-largest oil-producing region in the ...

◆200630 Pakistan Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025-Planned Power ...
Cole of Duty-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YKs8Np
It gives an in depth view of the market on the basis of manufacturers, capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological ...

◆200630 After India's Skirmish With China, Is Pakistan Next?
Foreign Policy-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YHAd5c
So what exactly does the dust-up with China have to do with Pakistan's relationship with India? ... new significance after U.S. President George W. Bush sought to enlist it as a strategic partner and approved the sale of U.S. nuclear technology to the country. ... Second, since coming to power in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has demonstrated both a willingness and a capability to deliver on ...

◆200630 No stakeholder takes responsibility for Karachi power woes
DAWN.com-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YIT2F5
ISLAMABAD: The power crisis in Karachi continues unabated amid the suffering of consumers in the scorching heat but no ... yet another inquiry committee to ascertain the reasons behind the ongoing electricity shortage and asked the law ministry ... He said some people appeared playing to the galleries and others shifting responsibility but the energy ministry had ... that the government had taken some steps but insisted the fuel supplies — both in terms of furnace oil and gas — were ...

◆200630 ADB approves $200m loan to improve power supply and ...
Devdiscourse-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZnfClR
Nepal has made significant progress in electricity supply after years of chronic power shortages. However, its power transmission and distribution systems need further strengthening to increase network capacity, improve quality and ... who can now benefit from electricity-based enterprises and focus on productive economic and social activities," said ADB Principal Energy Specialist Jiwan Acharya. ... New Indian Oil R&D campus would focus on deployment of technologies: Pradhan ..

◆200630 India Playing Double Game
Modern Diplomacy-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/38dSN89
And China is at the back of Nepal for all its actions against India. Bhutan has cut-off water entering ... Country is facing energy crisis constantly owing to shortage of water caused by improper management. Agriculture sector has devastated due ...

◆200630 India, Bhutan sign pact for first joint venture hydropower project
The Hindu-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BSXEiY
India and Bhutan took a major step forward for the construction of the 600 MW Kholongchhu project, their first hydropower joint ... “[The] hydro power sector has been the most visible symbol of the mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation between our two countries,” said ... Cross Border Trade of Electricity - CBTE), until the government amended its guidelines after negotiations with the Bhutan government.

◆200630 India, Bhutan ink concession agreement for Kholongchhu ...
Construction Week Online India-57 分前 https://bit.ly/2BVVvmD
A concession agreement for the 600 MW Kholongchhu Indo-Bhutan joint venture hydroelectric project was signed on 29 June 2020. The agreement for the project was inked between the Bhutanese government and the Kholongchhu Hydro Energy. ... underground powerhouse of four 150 MW turbines with water impounded by a concrete gravity dam of 95 mtr height. ... Hydro Energy, a joint venture company formed between Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC) of Bhutan and Satluj ...

◆200630 India, Bhutan sign pact for first JV hydropower project in Bhutan
United News of India-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NJhRui
The concession agreement for the project between the Bhutanese government and the Kholongchhu Hydro Energy Limited was signed in the virtual presence of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and his Bhutanese counterpart Tandi Dorji, ..

◆200630 Sri Lanka Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025-Planned ...
Cole of Duty-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AeF0Sf
Sri Lanka Hydropower Market Outlook to 2025-Planned Power Plants, Emerging Trends, Infrastructure, Investments, New Strategies and Competition. Post author By anita@orbisresearch.com ...

◆200630 Chinese technicians committed to keeping power supply ...
Lankaweb-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YIVfjR
Lyu is a high-pressure welder with China Machinery Engineering Corporation, the Chinese contractor of the Puttalam coal-fired power plant in Sri Lanka. The power plant generates more than 40 percent of the electricity needed by the country.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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