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2020年7月5日 日曜日


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2020年7月5日 米空母2隻が南シナ海で軍事演習,中国軍も同海域で






印首相、中国対応に腐心 国境問題でバランス考慮





◆200705 米空母2隻が南シナ海で軍事演習-中国軍も同海域で演習
ブルームバーグ-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YYEfpT
米軍は「ロナルド・レーガン」と「ニミッツ」の空母2隻を軍事演習のため南シナ海に派遣した。南シナ海では中国も、1日から5日までの予定で軍事演習を行っている。 米海軍は電子メールで配布した声明で、演習は「自由で開かれたインド太平洋を支援するため、

◆200705 印首相、中国対応に腐心 国境問題でバランス考慮
時事通信-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eYTODG
インドでは今回の事件を受けて抗議行動が発生。中国製携帯電話の販売店の看板が破壊されたり、習近平国家主席の写真や中国製品が燃やされたりした。政府は ..

◆200705 中国各地で豪雨、121人死亡・行方不明 被災1900万人、損失 ...
時事通信-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gqb05q
そもそもダムの建設自体が共産党幹部の汚職の温床で、コストを抜くだけ抜いて作ったでたらめな代物だ。もし決壊すれば下流4億の人民に被害が及ぶと言われている。習近平や李克強以下政治局の連中は、海外に家族も資産も逃がしてあるから人民の命より .



◆200704 ドイツ 2038年までに石炭火力発電所すべて廃止の法案可決
NHK NEWS WEB-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VH5y63
ドイツで、すべての石炭火力発電所を2038年までに廃止する法案が議会で可決されました。すでに原子力発電所についても2022年までの廃止が決まっていて、ドイツ政府は再生可能エネルギーへの転換をさらに進めていく方針です。 続きを読む. ドイツの議会 ..

◆200704 古い方式の石炭火力発電 段階的削減に向け検討へ 経産相
NHK NEWS WEB-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NVQv4c
二酸化炭素の排出が多い古い石炭火力発電所について、梶山経済産業大臣は3日の記者会見で、発電量の段階的な削減に向け具体的な検討を始めるとともに、再生可能エネルギーの導入を加速するため、送電線の利用ルールを見直す方針を明らかにしま ...

◆200704 日本のLNG投資、コロナ禍の価格急落や温暖化で資産劣化も ...
大紀元-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZBSQqp
[東京 2日 ロイター] - グローバルエナジーモニター(GEM)の調査によると、日本の銀行や政府系機関は2017年以降、液化天然ガス(LNG)プロジェクトに250億ドル近くの資金を提供してきたが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を受けた価格急落や気候変動リスクの ...

◆200704 球磨川への緊急放流中止 雨ピーク過ぎダムへの流入量減る
NHK NEWS WEB-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZHfnm2
熊本県は、水上村にある市房ダムで午前9時半から予定していた、球磨川への緊急放流について雨がピークを過ぎて、ダムへの水の流入量が減ったことから緊急放流を中止する決定をしました。 注目のコンテンツ. ニュース特設 大雨情報 スペシャルコンテンツ.

◆200704 新型コロナ収束後の気候変動対策、9月上旬に各国閣僚らが ...
Yahoo!ニュース-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/38qYS17
流行収束後を見据えた経済支援策の中から、企業に温室効果ガスの削減を促す施策や再生可能エネルギーの導入補助制度など、各国の気候変動対策に関する情報を共有する。会議に合わせてインターネット上で各国の取り組みを紹介し、対策が遅れている国が ...



◆200705 アメリカ原子力空母が南シナ海で軍事演習 中国を強くけん制か
NHK NEWS WEB-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2C2UvNU
アメリカ海軍は、南シナ海で2隻の原子力空母が軍事演習を行っていることを明らかにしました。南シナ海では、主権を主張する中国も、今月5日までの予定で軍事演習を行っているとみられ、これを強くけん制するねらいがあるとみられます。 続きを読む. アメリカ .

◆200705 中国の三峡ダム決壊の危機も
ニフティニュース-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YWXQa5
【富を拡大するインテリジェンス2.0】 中国の重慶では80年に一度ともいわれる集中豪雨で洪水が発生しており、すでに村ごと水没しているところが、いくつもある状態です。「史上最大規模の洪水」といわれていま… Twitter. 記事全文 · アプリで読む.

◆200705 米軍も南シナ海で軍事演習へ、中国対抗を鮮明に
日本経済新聞-22 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2BDCK7R
【ワシントン=中村亮】米軍が原子力空母2隻を南シナ海に派遣し、大規模な軍事演習を近く実施することが3日、明らかになった。米軍当局者が日本経済新聞の取材に語った。中国も1日から南シナ海で軍事演習を行っ .

◆200705 インダス川に迫る危機 水源、ヒマラヤの氷河で何が
日本経済新聞-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/31FXs1A
インド、パキスタン、中国はそれぞれ膨大な人口を抱え、資源を確保したい理由もたくさんある。また、いずれも核保有国だ。気候変動は気づかないうちに少しずつ進行するものと思われているが、インダス川流域ではそれが紛争の引き金となり、一夜にして世界 ...


◆200704 Beginning of the end for megadam projects in China as solar ...
The Japan Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/31IbGip
About 170 kilometers (106 miles) downstream on the Jinsha River sits Baihetan, the last of its kind, scheduled to go into operation next year. ... the trade-off between the benefits of the renewable energy and flood prevention and the social and environmental costs. Now, China's hydro industry is downshifting toward smaller projects and pumped storage. Engineers have run out of the easiest locations to power massive sets of turbines and the falling costs of rival energy sources such ...

◆200704 India plans to halt $2.8 billion import of power equipment from ...
ThePrint-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2C18hk6
The South Asian nation has the capability to manufacture all kinds of electricity equipment, Singh said at a meeting with energy officials of states, encouraging them to promote local procurement. China accounted for 210 billion rupees ($2.8 ...

◆200704 China Is About to Run Out of Places to Store Crude Oil
Caixin Global-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/31FnSR3
As of Wednesday, China had used up 69% of its crude oil storage capacity with the 33.4 million tons it had stockpiled, up by 24% from the previous year, according to data from energy information provider Oilchem China. That's only 1 .

◆200704 Mongolia Securing an Energy Alliance with Russia and China
The Diplomat-2020/07/03 https://bit.ly/3dXrIrf
The cozying of Russia-China relations not only involves securing energy in northeast Asia, but also opening opportunities for Mongolia to join the energy club. ... And as for the instruction to explore the possibilities for transiting gas to China across Mongolia via Power of Siberia 2, I can ... Moreover, an important aspect of oil and gas cooperation within Russia-Mongolia-China trilateralism aims to expand ...

◆200704 China's Coal Projects Spur Call For Legal Limits – Analysis
Eurasia Review-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VMnPz1
As China presses ahead with coal-fired power projects outside its own borders, environmental critics are calling for legal ... adviser at the Danish nonprofit VedvarendeEnergi (Renewable Energy), and environmental lawyer Zhang Jingjing.



◆200702 インドネシアでコロナに加えてデング熱も流行、景気はさらに悪化か
みんかぶFX-23 分前 https://bit.ly/2NPnZRL
ニューズウィークの記事『激しい剣幕で閣僚に猛省促す大統領の意図は? 新型コロナ対策後手のインドネシア』が注目を集めている。ジョコ・ウィドド大統領が、新型コロナウイルス感染対策の効果が不十分であり、全員の危機感が欠如しているとして、居並ぶ全 ...

◆200702 インドネシアは中国支援の高速鉄道建設で日本に協力要請、詳細 ...
アセアンポータル-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VTpYJx

◆200702 日本、フィリピンに円借款500億円 新型コロナ対応支援
newsclip.be-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZsYgnJ
【フィリピン】日本政府は新型コロナウイルス危機対応のための緊急支援としてフィリピン政府に500億円の円借款を供与する。1日、マニラで羽田浩二駐フィリピン大使とフィリピンのテオドロ・ロクシン外相が交換公文に署名した。 フィリピンは新型コロナウイルス感染 ...

◆200702 フィリピン発電大手、米KKR系が12%出資
日本経済新聞-18 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2BXBeNP
【マニラ=遠藤淳】米投資ファンドのコールバーグ・クラビス・ロバーツ(KKR)はこのほど、傘下の投資会社がフィリピンの発電大手ファーストジェンに対して実施したTOB(株式公開買い付け)が終了し、約11 ...


◆200702 Indonesia coal miners association cut 2020 production target ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ghe5of
Indonesia had initially set an output target of 550 million tonnes this year. “Hopefully this production cut can prop up global coal prices by reaching a balance of supply and demand in the global seaborne market,” the statement said ..

◆200702 'It sends a negative message': Hydropower players lament ...
Jakarta Post-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dORMEY
'It sends a negative message': Hydropower players lament PLN power cap in Sumatra ... The 550-kilowatt facility draws power from the Sesaot River, bringing power to 520 customers, according to ... of state-owned PLN, their plants' offtaker, to place a cap on power production amid weak electricity demand in Sumatra, ... The regulation removes the compulsory Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) scheme long seen as a disincentive for renewable energy investment in Indonesia.

◆200702 Indonesian province declares state of emergency over forest ...
Reuters-15 時間前 https://reut.rs/2VCdm9n
Last year's fires were particularly damaging, with 1.6 million hectares of forest and peatland burned. Much of the country's palm oil is grown in forest-rich Kalimantan, also known as Indonesian Borneo as well as on ...

◆200702 [Photo] KEPCO approves coal power plant project in ...
The Hankyoreh-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2C2dkjZ
The state-run power company's board of directors approved an investment of US$3.46 billion to build two coal-fired power plants in Java, Indonesia, despite controversy over environmental concerns. Construction is expected to begin as early as ...

◆200702 PH needs 760-MW renewable energy projects annually until ...
pna.gov.ph-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BUdJFp
MANILA – Investors in the renewable energy sector are urged to look into opportunities in the Philippines as the ... of the Philippines (REAP) president Erel Nerida said the country needs at least 760 megawatts installed renewable energy ... a jump of 12 percent in 2016 as compared to coal averaging almost 17 percent annually for the last five years,” Nerida said. ... in renewable energy technology, excessive bureaucracy and transmission infrastructure are also some of the challenges ...

◆200702 KKR to pay USD192m for stake in Philippines power firm First ...
Asia First Financial Intelligence Limited-50 分前 https://bit.ly/3ePN0bC
The company primarily generates power through renewable energy and indigenous fuel sources such as natural gas, geothermal energy from steam, hydro-electric, wind, and solar power. KKR, the American private equity giant, is betting on .

◆200702 Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte has backflipped on his divorce ...
ABC News-4 時間前 https://ab.co/2NZO1Cd
Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte has backflipped on his divorce plans with the US military — why? ... Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has recently suspended a decision that was described by analysts as one of the ... an energy-rich body of water home to competing territorial claims from the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Taiwan, and China. ... "For China to harass Filipino frigates, harass the Malaysian West Capella [oil drilling] ship, drown a Vietnamese fishing ...

◆200702 Floating Solar to Generate 900% More Electricity Across ...
Saurenergy-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YOZn1S
Floating solar power can also balance out the peaks and troughs of consumer demand in complex electricity systems. ... while coal, gas, hydro generators take up to three years to build, and nuclear plants take much longer,” adds Hamdi. ... Vietnam has installed 47 MW of FPV, and most recently, India's largest power generation firm, National Thermal Power ... B Grimm Power Plc and Energy China was awarded a contract to build 45MW of FPV on the Sirindhorn Dam by EGAT.



◆200702 タイ)本日新規感染者は2人、全員帰国者 本日から全事業再開!
PJA NEWS-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/31yF4Yo
本日の2020年7月1日の朝、タイ政府のCCSA(コロナ対策担当:Covid-19 Coronavirus Situation Administration)は定例会見を実施し、武漢ウイルスの新たな感染確認者は、本日は昨日と同じく2人となった事を発表しました。 (NBT報道). 現状の概要をお伝え ..

◆200702 ベトナムのニントゥアン省に太陽光発電所(メガソーラー)を建設
All About NEWS-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/31A7dOF
シャープ約45MW-dcの大規模出力により、約40,500世帯分(※1)の電力に相当する約76,373MWh/年(※2)を発電 完成した太陽光発電所 シャープエネルギーソリューション株式会社(以下、SESJ)(※3)は、ベトナムの複合企業T&T Group Joint Stock ..

◆200702 シアヌークビルの発電所、22年までに完成へ
NNA ASIA-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/38iqjdH
カンボジア南部のシアヌークビル州政府は、中国華電集団傘下の華電シアヌークビル・パワー・ジェネレーションがカンボジア国際投資開発グループ(CIIDG)と建設する石炭火力発電所が間もなく着工し、2022年までに完成すると明らかにした。クメール・ ...

◆200702 ミャンマー総選挙、11月8日に実施 選管発表
日本経済新聞-11 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3dSV8qe
【ヤンゴン=新田裕一】ミャンマーの選挙管理委員会は1日、上下両院議員の任期満了に伴う5年ぶりの総選挙の投票を11月8日に実施すると発表した。2015年の前回総選挙では民主化運動指導者アウン・サン・ス ...

◆200702 日本が900億円を投じたミャンマー経済特区、12年たっても荒野の ...
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dRFRWS
民主化が始まったばかりの東南アジア・ミャンマーで、日本も参加しての経済特区開発が行われていることをご存じだろうか。 南東部のタニンダーリ管区に計画された「ダウェー経済特区」。ここに人口30万人の巨大工業都市を造ろうという ...

◆200702 環境省はタイとラオスの水環境改善事業を支援
アセアンポータル-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/38jNUdJ
2件目の案件は、主提案者が「株式会社那須クリエイト」、共同提案者が「日本テクノ株式会社、公益財団法人日本環境整備教育センター」、案件名が「ラオス国世界遺産都市における高度処理型浄化槽の導入による水環境改善事業」となり、この事業は「国際 ...


◆200704 Laos to embark on 1400MW Third Mekong Dam project
Construction Review-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/38ylFs8
The Laos government has given way for the construction of a dam along the Mekong river that will have a capacity of ... There is, however, a Mekong Treaty that dates back to 1995 that gives the neighbouring countries no power to veto any of ...

◆200704 Cambodia: Laos dam project raises concerns
The Star Online-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3dYURlZ
At a special joint committee session of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) on June 30, the three countries said they appreciated the Laos government's submission of the project for prior consultation. They praised Laos' cooperation in .

◆200704 China's hunger for others' land knows no limits. It's latest target ...
WION-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BD6wcL
In Thailand, China has been dredging on the Mekong river since 2001. Vietnam has stood its ground against China's territorial claims on several islands. In the East China sea, Beijing is engaged in a land dispute with Japan. The Senkaku ...

◆200704 Thai headline inflation rebounds slightly on energy ...
EconoTimes-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2D3kapX
The rebound in headline inflation was mainly due to the energy component, with energy deflation easing sharply from -27.38 percent year-on-year in May to 11.89 percent in June. Raw food deflation also weakened. Markedly, core inflation

◆200704 Vietnam's 7GW wind energy ambitions
Lexology-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BBCE0v
Dispatch 795 demonstrates the clear commitment of the Vietnamese government to promote wind energy projects and renewable energy development more generally. Vietnam is reported to face power shortages in the future due to an ...

◆200704 Myanmar LNG projects overcome pandemic and sceptics
Petroleum Economist-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/3goVAyf
A Chinese-backed LNG-to-power project that recently started generating electricity for the largest city in Myanmar underlines rising Chinese involvement in the Southeast Asian country's growing gas and power sectors. ... to 4GW in 2029 under the National Electrification Plan and the efforts of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy's to boost development of gas power plants. ... Nuclear · Renewables.

◆200704 Japan to provide 2.199 billion Japanese Yen in assistance
Mizzima News-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gjUjbI
... Rehabilitation of River Traffic Navigation Aids on the Yangon River. The assistance provided by Japan will promote socio-economic development of Myanmar and further strengthen bilateral ties between Myanmar and Japan, the report said.



◆200704 『モンスーン豪雨』でミャンマー翡翠鉱山が崩落、インドは大洪水
Yahoo!ニュース-2020/07/03 https://bit.ly/2NWgbho
事故が起きたカチン州はヒマラヤの東端に位置しています。標高5,881メートルのミャンマー最高峰である「カカボラジ山」がそびえ、高地が続いています。そのため過去にもたびたび土砂崩れが発生しているようです。たとえば2015年には、土砂崩れで翡翠の採掘 ...

◆200704 【ニュースの核心】中国の対外膨張路線が過激化…日本は尖閣 ...
ZAKZAK-41 分前 https://bit.ly/2Zyju3y
中国は6月16日、ヒマラヤ山脈の国境付近でインド軍と衝突し、少なくともインド側に20人の死者を出した。南シナ海でも、中国の武装公船がベトナムの漁船を追い回したうえで衝突し、沈没させる事件を起こした。 一連の展開は、中国の対外膨張路線がいよいよ ...

◆200704 印モディ首相、対中国境の前線を電撃訪問 衝突以降で初
MSN エンターテイメント-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eX9kjq
ヒマラヤ(Himalaya)地域に位置するラダック地方の国境地帯は中印の係争地となっており、ガルワン(Galwan)渓谷で6月15日に発生した衝突ではインド軍の20人が死亡した。両国の衝突で死者が出るのは45年ぶり。中国側にも死傷者が出ているとみられる ...

◆200704 インド、中国製電源装置・部品の輸入審査強化へ
ロイター-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/3e2EyEp
[チェンナイ 3日 ロイター] - インド政府は、国内企業による中国製電源供給装置および部品の輸入を許可制にする。インドと中国は、国境問題で対立し、両国軍が係争地で衝突し死者も出ている。

◆200704 新型コロナとバッタの大群..."ダブルパンチ"に苦しむインド
テレビ東京-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/3eYc0gF
インドの首都ニューデリー近郊に6月末、サバクトビバッタの大群が襲来しました。 1平方キロメートルあたりの群れに少なくとも4,000万匹がいて、1日に3万5,000人分の食糧を食べ尽くしてしまうともいわれているサバクトビバッタ。 FAO(国連食糧農業機関)は「 ...

◆200704 インドが「中国ボイコット」をやめた方がよい理由=「脱中国」はこれ ...
ニフティニュース-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZzLoMK
2020年7月2日、米華字メディア・多維新聞は、「中国ボイコット、なぜインド人は自らに向けて『発砲』するのか」と題する記事を掲載した。 記事は、インド政府がTikTokや微信など59種の中国アプリを禁止したほか、中国から購入するすべての電力設備 ...

◆200704 原子力抜きで電力改革?「国、腰引けてる」中西氏の真意
朝日新聞デジタル版-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/3e02o3G
私は『石炭火力を一番たくさん売った男』なんです。日立パワーヨーロッパ社(現三菱日立パワーシステムズヨーロッパ社)という会社をつくって、ドイツ、オランダ、ポーランド、あの辺で80万キロワットクラスの石炭火力発電所を十数基つくったし、南アフリカでもインド ...


◆200705 PM's Sindhu Pujan revived memory of India's natural ...
Daily Excelsior-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gqQCAZ
Maintaining that Sindhu river signifies thousands years old journey of Hindus of Vedic people and Aryans, who inhabited this area, Tarun Vijay reminded that India drives its name from Indus and its civilization as Indus civilization. “Modi ji has ...

◆200705 River inflows and outflows
The News International-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z1nElv
The position of the river inflows and outflows at Tarbela, Mangla and Chashma along with the reservoirs levels and the barrages Saturday is as under: Rivers: Indus at Tarbela: Inflows 160,800 cusecs and outflows 170,000 cusecs, Kabul at ...

◆200705 Is there any economic sense in banning Chinese products?
The Hans India-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VMDtu6
His surprise visit on Friday to the military base at a height of over 11,000 ft on the banks of the Indus River in Himalayas, and his eloquent address to soldiers there carried three distinct messages. Firstly, by saying that the age of expansionism ...

◆200705 The Escalating Crisis on the India-China Border | Achin Vanaik
Mainstream-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YXImTm
On June 15, however, in subzero temperatures, face-to-face fighting between both sides' patrol units broke out in the Galwan Valley, where the Galwan River (a tributary of the Indus River) flows. A 1996 agreement had prohibited the use of ...

◆200705 15 years of Indo-US nuclear deal: Benefits transcend nuclear
The Sunday Guardian-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZAKIGY
The nuclear dimension of the cooperation, however, monopolised the next three years as both sides worked hard and ... Basically of course, the Indo-US nuclear agreement was about enabling a rapid expansion of India's nuclear energy programme. ... electricity requirements and the need to fulfil them using environmentally friendly technologies made nuclear energy a ... This is because of many factors, such as, the blow dealt to public acceptance of nuclear power by the Fukushima ...

◆200705 Overseas participants on Indian power exchanges soon
Zee Business-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AuZ4zY
Indian power exchanges may soon host buyers and sellers from neighbouring countries as India looks to ... As per the plan, the country's largest power exchange, India Energy Exchange (IEX), will begin hosting buyers and sellers ... Such participation from overseas entities on Indian exchanges would not be direct but through any electricity trading licensee of India. ... India already has transmission links with Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh so power trading through exchanges could ...

◆200705 Gas Economy may remain a pipedream for India in near future
United News of India-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/3f0ofJD
According to India Gas Foundation (IGF), a research NGO, the sharp decline in demand and prices have sent the global ... average is 24 per cent ) to 15 per cent by 2022 in its energy-mix which is predominantly dominated by Coal and Oil.

◆200705 Pakistan producing 'surplus' electricity
The Express Tribune-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VIWvSg
The energy ministry on Saturday said the country was producing surplus electricity and the reason behind power outages was ... However, it dismissed KE's claim that there was a shortage of furnace oil in the market and attributed the power ...

◆200705 Sweltering heat adds to misery as power outages hit Karachi ...
The News International-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2NXhvjS
KARACHI/LAHORE: Power outages continued in Karachi with some areas of the city experiencing seven to 10 hours of ... KE is being provided with 800 megawatts of power from the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC). ... “KE is using less furnace oil to create electricity despite being provided with ample amount of gas and oil,” sources said, ... According to Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) sources, citizens have been facing unannounced power cuts for ...

◆200705 CPEC Project A 'Trillion-Dollar Blunder', Pakistan Calls It ...
EurAsian Times-2020/07/04 https://bit.ly/2ZJVmv8
Pakistan PM Imran Khan pledged that his government would complete the CPEC project (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) at any ... The China Pakistan Economic Corridor, according to some experts, could become a “trillion-dollar blunder. ... its economy by the construction of modern transportation networks, energy projects and special economic zones (SEZs). ... “China's consistent strategic support, including help with Pakistan's nuclear program, is often held out by Pakistan's ...

◆200705 China has no role in India-Nepal border issue: Senior Nepal ...
Times of India-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VN4duI
... which is currently in power, in an interview with Mohammad Anab regarding the stand-off between India and Nepal on ... Alleging that China has no role to play in Nepal's internal matters, Rijal said that the Nepal Communist Party and the ... He further said that Nepal was forced to redraw its map after India passed a map in November 2019 that showed ... One treaty, namely the Treaty of Sugauli of 1815 categorically describes the border between the two countries as the Kali River.

◆200705 Locals at risk while crossing river using suspension bridge in ...
Himalayan Times-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/31KUpFb
... pm On: Nepal. Prakash Singh. Share Now: BAJURA: Incessant rainfall in Bajura has raised the water level of Budhiganga River to touch Taprisera suspension bridge leaving commuters, who use the bridge to cross the river, at a great risk.

◆200705 GE T&D India commissions 33 AIS & GIS substations in FY20
Construction Week Online India-2020/07/04 https://bit.ly/38qxtwv
GE T&D India, a power transmission and distribution company has commissioned 33 AIS & GIS substations in FY20. The company has commissioned 14 bays of 400 kV gas insulated substation (GIS) and 11 bays 220 kV GIS along with two x 500 MVA, ... Thimpu, for Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC); 50 MW Solar Power project for Azure Power in Bhadla, Rajasthan; two x 234 MVA Single Phase High ...

◆200705 China Reads India as a Revanchist Power
Greater Kashmir-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VLuCcr
The Chinese security and strategic elite have always held the position that India is expansionist. It annexed Sikkim, dismembered Pakistan, controlled Bhutan, trampled Nepalese sovereignty, and abrogated Art 370. But all said and done these ..

◆200705 The Geo-strategic Importance Of Tibet: China's “Palm & Five ...
The Taiwan Times-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2W3BuSH
China considers Tibet as the palm and Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh as the five-fingers. ... Professor Dawa Norbu explicitly stated that “The crux of the Sino-Indian strategic rivalry is this: if the Chinese power elite ..

◆200705 China's role suspected, as Sri Lanka reviews role of India ...
Deccan Herald-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gppQJt
He had ignored the security interests of India and allowed China to develop strategic assets, like Hambantota Port, in the island. He had also allowed two nuclear submarines of the People Liberation Army Navy of China to dock at the Colombo ..




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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